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J. j !d3ct:I:d~:/.'., fs. 1 J is dx: h'!nmle~ttr ,of the ~ N~ ]~ al~t: ,~:t,:¥.fiJ:a.

:+1'-~'8J; ~

2.!11 or j i:l also, i.tIiI abbrevia100D fgr v .. I'OU.'l WOIJds, be~niing Mm, J '01' j. S!ud1 ail 'jou1!e ~ :md tjoomaP. m J :!!l .l 61i'm:nft.. fiij~ j01de :till jounW "HI".

j!ab /ldp:bHID,pb/ • .)am. jllibbjng. jabbed. 11 U YOU! jall! v+ Q" A romerlijng somewhe,fe, )"OD J'ilIsh ,l~ t:hc,te w~rh a ~.:: qukJ:..!iudden ID{)ve!lll.eOt and wUba k,[ (11.[ fOifce, il!!1 ~

., •• I' m .,. M ( )Ii; fi1 ). m She ja,bbed her knitting

fl~edtes into a ball of woo}.,. I! IH.a~ ft M1! - m if;

a··· He raised' his va~ce' ,1'l'uJ j'abbed his finge,r tN

me, fil •• Tlldl. "m.!IoJ til,. I .. esed as a ~Otl[l .. m .. N OO'IIJ!'O" -w 4;, p,1. 100 He 84 ~ i t (J s,Mrp jab. lI!Ia 1: Ii' ~ ~

JJJ ,.

:2 I~ infQTmail Driti8bFnglish ,3. jab is a!J] illj~rOO1IJ of N 001)l\IT W:md.hing i:nto yo~r Mood to prevent: illness. [~1ft Jif:f:l. .. ll'lpliowl EGo EIJer~ was ql«Ucing up lQSetker to ha"'*! the

jabs, *:i!- itil;Jfl;~tIr*V.

Ja,1) al. If 'joujabal semethlng .you bit it: repeat:eclJy ~~ ~,

w~th quick, :sharp s,~ US]irl,g YOlllF fing:e.r or so]lfile:~ It hi!

thing lO:i'ilg a.nd thiiiL.:ti II iii * :d! :il1l.EG She could hml'him jrlbNngl.'iciouslyat .rhe ke~ orthe lyperwriU'l'. ~R~~ •• M •••• n.m~ •.

Jab·kr /'dsrebil"1 'd~oo.(., j:llbbe,rs,. ja,bbtrbtg. JP,b= beM. Someone who bjabbedigg is rtai1ki.llg very qu:i(:k~y and excitedly I an i.nfwma] ward. [f6-J;Q iI:i!.iIij M·il:!ll ~'" ~G' There ~l't ab,(ud '''' d.ozen. oj them jahbering GHlay in tlukitehen ... M;:f;j; + Jt-t,)...;(£.,

!li!UI P1L![ lilt. III ijI\ it ... 'The chHtlrlln :tJe.,an. to jahber

among lhem~l~s. ,It i! Uliff' it IJ1( ~1!iI'. Jtll& ~


,.ck Id~tld3iC~/' JaW:, jladd..,.jaCbd~ 1 A jack ~!i

1. ? <1:. ~c-.b1!J1.icai dli'\I"1ct: t~at }'QUI UsetD Hi:ta heavy NOOtlNE object off the gta~n.d!. for ruca.tnp[t:a. car when you 11'.~ wallt !to ,change' a wh.eeL .& •• ~ of- Jf 11I ~ 11. 2'a, play-Nl'COVl'IT,

I~+ PR£'P'nmN' ing CllI!f1d tha( has. a of a young manou It. oj'

Thilt:["e,Ul!l feur ja.cb: in :iii paicl:.of cardls .. ,.and ~h~ r::ilGik =- t!

wn orderbetween il:b.e tenand the queen. C." If D!l )<

"J".d'bJt. ElB WhydUm't JoWI·plaYt~iack a/dubs?

,ftf: '-' ft4. ::t:tT.~~ ru

2 E~ :man jd. ~ e~ s~l~ p:nonl a.!t! old· fi[R,~ AS!!l. filsh~ ex~, [~D]A Ad, 1- A .. mit tMnM (!fI:O

:1._ • __ t. ./[.,_ 1._-"' •• 1 .~~

Q.a~ tnu.l fii'ery nltnt Iw.;rr;. oj "r.IC;ffi: ~. ,(.I cnmr.fW.· re~

cmd. 1J* .-IttJiHf+ AII·:f(m.ieii.

Sllf·)UtI ~ythat .~ w the Bttjtude (\If l'm ·1dI. riRbt. ~

J'ad!; '. you r:nean t, they aJ'IC ~f~ ,am:Jj do ~ 'Itai!:'e thal

ot~r ~ ace· !!!.dTerrng '01" i~ uwbl~J ;m ~r:!r~ ex·

p~" [tf]*.R. ,·ftR.Jlt.ClI.R« m a~.~.I!.AJE.

~ ~ll~ &":'''11 ".

.t, .iiI'JUl! Uniod Jaek~ bladjd.

jack lin. lfynu jiBdt in ~,thlng ~. as m .acti.vity or a job. you slPp ldoj~' ~t:J ~. in inr~ .itisb ~gJish, [ flJijj·" r it 1f..m ~ is simply RO' ~~. You ":ght lJ!S welt jade i.f l~ then ,{lMrhue. . . 11*.It •• • !~iIi.It.ilt!l.f-lre··· ~ol t~ daysl'mg()il!8 to

jack dd.J job in ,(1M sail rowuI she :"WtNld.,e. -" ~ ft .:M::::#Jt'1"'l:.ff':4ill.l.-m ft.~

Jadi; up. If )1Ol!iIjlKk wp3. hea.vy oqf(All: su.dh, as .. tat, yoo ~ '!!11,

f~~t·Gff ~~. ~ ~g ajad,. mTfi".'Uil~o 00, ;~:'~1d)1!I .~. sUt1't' ~. !JE!. got t.l¥r.ool~ TtiJdy beJ(!JU! )\?U jade.

.upthe Mr. :(EmTfi]jll!ft~~.8Zillf .7'""'f5!W:fe!.I.RM


jadI;·id 1!~k:tcl~\~IroJ/, JadWs. AJ:a,d.W is a, WliLd ,ow- NGOtINT

ima:i that kIQb ~ile a dog. bas blf!l kgll.i:I.IKl pnllta:'lcan., fI gni~

Ola11d ~lves !~ AfriCOl. and ~t~rn As~. (5!::m «"ff llfi ft"

~R!Jl)"., eo Now ,and'a,Fin the. ~$ howled" US::F


J •• au 1~d.3d:'a!\'h '~;Es/ .. J_u ts" A IE. a N~I voc

•. ,,_--iI '" 'iII:i~

stupid and fQOlish p:rsonl an oid- fashioned~. [IIEI I'll

Jill, .11. m Ht;~s Ike bi1#.f;r j~M haw e..w had m ~~. fII,::t:ftf19Hfa.ifI •• fI9-+ ..

jo·1!JooI: Ijdyd:I~! ~butl.j~" 1 ~... N ~~ art~i\I}'. long ·bIJots that rome up to 'the ~. ~y ~~g(.N

=)~=wiilt~=Bt~~~ t~ ,Q),vaillry. '(;N'

Z It ~~ .say tnat OiCDUD.U"y, poop. all: . .i:; IIIIdn- "jMk-I'HR~VSED.A.'O , bI!!Iot ·of ~ ~ all a d~ Qf nmi'@1i' naler. you r!c

meaI:I that it ismffimng (rom. ~ and~Ust ROveJ'ij'F .~,

V, URH .A. ,09 V+()


=y ....

~VB, \,<+·O+,""\" a~ "p!I!:t ill


mcru by tbemj M.I mfocmal ex~oo. ::(£·"OO •• T. fa Natimwl cuh~ MW' ~ umier t,M in~s jQck. boot. [i!:Ii.xlt:tefl •• '~' •.• "f.JJ.JI ..

jilKk.da,w id~,dOl"\~id3f .. J~" A jackdaw isa Nc.oIDn' 'Iili"g,e bJ!?lCIl~and-gl'c;y bm:I that kdb lliha' CI'OW. Jad!.~ 11 boo dla."oW Itve in .Europe ami kiil. c~.m;rtll\ltjll&r:O.M.

J~. et !"~h~~brV .jlk'hts. 1 A Jacket .. is a!il'lon N~

co:llil that hss .Iomg ~et:~ 0IInd ~ .~ at the fil'OOt.:ti ~. row!

J:~ 1.6~(:~no 00 He ~. a n~d ;sports j~lt of fj: gneni:Jh cmcur ... 1,&11 7 -,ifttJ.S ~r1tl ~~:iflIPR ••..

. F~ hi:$ iucbl pocJuu he look. aut 811'11«JI .SlC:I':eMtiri v~

e:r, .. ~".;tMUU.~ ~ ~:Ul! m * w - .R 1~\1i m··· Waiten jn

tWt;,r,e j(Kkeu (l1'.ri:'i¥d with drinks. ~. F-l @.§i.l:;tc, ~ Ii

* ~ fti * ? tt $t • ~ ~ ~ Iife-jadlet. dinoor' jRCbl~

,2 The jadmt ora. rooked polato B ~ts ili.1;!, {].!,ft.R!PI£~f'!ICOl.JNT

lEG ••• pol'ilIOl!S j,n their jartkets. ". . ... if Ii: '1 Ia '" ••.• ~ '~!!oJ

, - . jae/(etp::!tat(.le$; ... 'lif Ii ~ ag !itt.. ,

3 The: jaCket ·of a. 'book is the paper CO\"« dot, is used to N OOl,lJ:ff,

ptrot>oct the bock. I( -t: ~) tJ!I :N' ; ( -i ¥ ofS: ~ } til iii • mu.l SIJipp

-4 ~n American EI1,gHslt, a j~i is tbe sJec'Ve ·of a record: N~ C~ Jii!.~, [:t!]1W It ••

jad-io-lIIe-lim:. jack-ht-tt.e-bons. A J_-:m-rfle.1m: is a ~roLJNT . ch~~d's toy 'Ifuo!it ·~istsof a 00x wid! a doll ins.ide it ~ 'Of Whon YOLli open the lid. the dell SFiillgS QUlt ••. jfll!..lruJ

fi' M~ I!l ~fI •. ~.,I!I.

Jfdc:-lmiftl !,~IlLlJLa!lf~ ~~fruuf!, jad!.~knilfes.Jad~blj- V

fimS.jlKk~kiiir:_~ jlit:kE~ I :a!&l lilpeled without a by_ ~ bmd

ph,erL . .". ~r::r '" :if * ~ .J: __ kmw:s is Itbep1ma1 of:the

i:'IOiI1ll. ld-bl'Wj ::I!Jl! •• lEf Ol!Ilartkula.lli:cl ~ j_

IuIIres. k'lniiikr sw..mgs .~ am: .81. :SJw:p ::mgle ill iIhe

cab in an U[l~led 'way • the' nud is ~- { ••

*.) .J: :!t. • iii. EG 1Mflic KUS nop:pttii after ~ 10ft, jack~kmfed i~: heavy r.{lin. -"it.-F*H.~'fJ"rr.

:l2!8 m ftiftl ~

:2 Ajaca-kPlre is a ~ hUft: tJmt hasab1a.cle tlMt ean be NrotJIN'Il'

fOJ&d a'W3.y mID tbe bandit. .::X:11i JJ • ft .~

jadt or all m.dIes,. Jacks flI BlIIrIDs. ~ wOO ~ So N~, ~u J- .of. all t.-ada 1<1. abk to do a var.iety ,of dHTercmt Jobs. I umJ /IiiJ. c ofilem used to ~r ilt:latthcy are not ex~ atatly of =.~

the jobs. ft·'l.. .'.'. T tr!I A. ~ litiftl:if' .• tt!1'_A.. ~

jadl.. pol ! "dpkl'pD: ~ '~pntf. j.::kpob.11 A.ii ...... iii N·c::otmrr, tISU

illle ~l vaJuabJ[ prilr; HI a game .. Iiotttry. ~y Sl.NG


wWm ·tbe ~. involJ~ InCKaliIng t:ht: v.W1X: of t!be.

until~·~. it, (.~it ••• ,t!I)j. •• Bl The

jacJcpol noW .fia,.QS at £500 .• :U:~iI:'1r .50() jl:tI.

2 j[f yru .bit the jdpot. yotI .~ a !ot of~' or .ha'\llePHR, VB

. '!I>IFlE(.T.I;

apiea of great gocd J~.ol~ JliO mfornW~. [AU

.- *!!@:ft I.M.~.~.

,lac,,!)! bt.~8.D h.kibIail, ~ka"'bioo!, A hm1.dling. piece ~ cu.ssJP

n~ o.f fw-mtttre. (If' lWIfk orm that is: ~ w.t.'i bWiJl.(i'f

prOOoottI in ilie. iO'~'O:f the ~jod ~ .. 1'003 and

16Z!).. (IIrt. ,:i( •• !:if;,.).;ftT .... -'I!l!:ItJlI(16o'3.

1525)R.*~mI. m (J. JaooI:wm bou.1r. on.ll pMl

esl(l·~e. . .• Jt.!± 1iI..t. - M JIIi - tIt.ttl5Q". ®M T •

J:II.~·zi 1d@'l;u:'llj ~"l~/. JIIfIlZIis. A.Jl~ is a hi CQWff ~ft for a: ~ .~ bath ""fUdl ~ ntted' with a ~ ~ devio: that maUs the ·wata s'WirI ~. .. iI iiiJ .... .* t311I(WtiD.

.P* I~rcl.~ _ ~ a hmtIstonc, m.uaUy ~ in 001- Nll!l'iKDJNT

our. that u .u5c'd fDt ~ jtriNtIDIery .and ~t5. 1'I.~

Jif .a ... lEG ••• jewd~ made from jtuk.. saprlidm(Jna'

r.ltbies. . ... ~ .• B::i::U ftilf[ ~."liI.I!tJ.

Jad.te1 j 'dseubd; ~dsedtd/, If·you ~ Jaded I you hive nl) .~ QUAl.IT mili~m beame·)'OO .uelited of~g or btta.. !::

}IOU have Ilad lOO muclli ofcltc ~ illliJjog. ~'.~II,.fJ.

lEG, 1/ ~ don~t Willy.tlu!iHd. ~ risk thewJwlt 14mi.~

,ly ge1li1J/g .jalMwl:thi~ a Met... 1M!;." mit*x .. 'PI ,

;r;w-a NHt~~;t .. iif 11: ~tlJl • 0··· ... jaded ~-

wi~wha·d ,l:~ to try;JOmetkingaciling .•••• Q ••

ii'iHla~ .. ~. A-" •• fI'd9.iill':l.~.EJifJ.

Jaf.ra /'d¥f<J1 ~~~.~, JaJ'fIs. A,idfa. isabrge NOlJIllHI"

orange that is ~ especiaUy L~ kr.ael. k1 & J1 •• 11 ~ ~ ~

.~ - ,

JBI"P !!~dl,~d/, SGmcihi. ~1 i:l..~ ~ a, ...w. QI.OOjT

~. ~'Yt:n liibape '01' ~ loo of shup poiooi,. Ii!!! ~ =

~~..Ifagr.'W«ag- !.~.1";W~'. I~' ••• the fitpJ' 0141-

J~ne of t~ ,cmp... '.' II: !Ii 100 .. II fB' • ••• . .• ~l

pieoo of j~ m£~al . .. , .•• ,I!!)!!!!II:;f:.lf B9 •• .lj\,M: ••• . .• a


jaggtJd hole. " . .1f'4E.~ 11 •• (;J "" jif .•

l.·D .... 1~~lQt ~(,japan. A j~ is 3! large Mrimal with ~ 00 wu. bu.i. father llk a Jmpard. that Uves ~I:I 9!!)u:t:h and central America, JagtWS are members wtlle C8it .llmtHy .. j!~".

j;ai1/~1,~1! .pih. jaiting. Jailed, ~m~iI~~.ffF: .poI. ~I A.JiIU is a pJaa-w~ ~ are kept Wed 1IiP' ~iilitr becalli!ll': they ha.w been found gum]ty of ~ittitng a crime ,or beeause b::yare waiting~o be tried for a Q"imfl .•• I.q J8ii .00, . " . ~mm ~ speW )ltW.r.f ht jaiL .. ·+· .. ;ittt;.*.I~* Ab··· 1k ~~ l~ jojl lor da~(ULHlriwkg ,,,fila ft It II -* m T .e it .. · .1 ~r into t~ jaJJ. and vmtid hi~ .• ~.lI:IU •• fi.

21t sO.~ Is ,j:Uhd. they are put moo jali!' Mm •• ~ He l'OW jiriled Jot jiw ,.rs" •••• T 11 ~ 0

jail·bird P~I]/be.j ~]~b:t.dJ , JIdll:UdS~ ;M; ~I ~iiI'$1 ~ M~ ;pOIbbd., Ajllilhlrd isa ~ w110 15 in pl'1son Of woo I!IZIS ~I Wpruoolll am ~ faShionedl mforma1word. (lB.']~m ~mA ~1t!;it$fiIA.

jMl.brak ) "~illhrdkll ~~brt!kJ ,J~, A .!I.u~

bre* is an~: from jail.. ••

j!iill. er l'dsrl~1 ~1, Jaim., ;I: 11~· if JfI .... M ff; pdfT" A Jder is a [p'C('ll!l)n wOO is inchar~ of a jail .and ~ EV~rs: m !1h mil ald-(ashj~ word. [1~JjU;t .• q:'I. '*. t~, Tmy hQd ,fllmu1y .~Sl'lI2i1"Ched byt~poJ.r" and the jaUus, "'I1B ••• _.~fJlIu. 7 ..

jill-lop., ;~']optl~'lllp1j., jalopies. A jaliopy is a car, an infon:nal. rather ~mhiooed WOId'. [u:Jln~·*.

J~ h;l~ml~ .j!lllm. ~. jan'!ftltl!J. 'J~ ~ .!lI. .00000t1bait i!S ~ by ~ng {ruwt wid! a ~ amo:wIt or SugM" U~y you spttad jan} on blltad,. • S. 100 .. , pol.5" of ~pbeny and~urmnt fr,uKI;. .. • •• JL.*,. :filII •• =f _.... lby ~re hungry ,and 10' b~ and' jam.. 1E:tltl T • !t,g l'"If tl,:IlI •••

2: If yOlilJ Jam ~ .you puslful it there .~y.ll!iiiuga lot: offon::e .. JIll,. If.. m Then. .. he ja~ .hiJ: hill b!Jdc (:In •. , ttii •••• Xm.T.J: ""·Report,cJ'~ J(J'm~ micrQ~ in DID' f~. iI2.lf m ••• e~.;f4I!M.fJiIiii ••

3. lI:f'5iOmeth~m:g ~1!!dl. asa part or JI.omacliIine J- or if you jilin it. i~ becomes fmed ~J.l ~tron and is l!Illable to· 1tIm'c: f~y ~WQfk p!,QJlCrly. II ~ f M Q ~ $[. 8: ~ -F ft. Bl Grit hiJ3 j.~ t~ te~ am." .. e-.Ii tt ff" ~ 11; T •.. T~ ~im'$ jam.mea. andbtc~ IdQWI1. m _,,*11:"'.It: 7~ff.

4 ~f you Jam oometl:ting .In a pa:rticula:rpa'i~tioo. you fix it firmly In 1that. )'lQ'idon bywed.gingil; wid:! anodler object, <m .. ·)' •• !~ •• IEG, I j~ t~ window$Iu.I:L at! ~M •. ~ ••

5 .~f a road isjanllMedwitb vcltttides. it jll r:.Jled com~y with them ,.50 tihat tk U-OIffic ,~ movf;. 01115 ,. ••• <) j~., 00 .SOme sid& mads soon ,be.came ~. Jt.~II~,..tI. 7 .

6 If 3 lOt or p;ople jug into a pb.ce 'OJ' 1f ~.,iam :ac Jot ,of people ,Qf t.Mngs Iffltoa ,:_Iao:,. they .au .~ tightly togt.!,1:Jn' so that tbty Gn hardly~" CilH* 'I j (10 Ii ". lro, Fri~' wm nm work properly ~f }VU.jam in 30' much food that dt~:.oold air QUI"I ciroulatl!!. •. ~:8:.fJ: q!I;:*_ •• ilix.t!J*II,,*:5!~:f.ti!al •• * •• ~.j[

- ··-H. r.. .Mar:e t1r:tm. Sf'l.'Olti!!UI. ~L_ .. ,...~ .J"""", .. ~_ "' .. " 111 ~ fl' ~... ._.. ..... . '___·IU ~i""" lam

~J1k) lite gti!JdiumJm t&e.ptkll. 1.1 7ig;:A~A •• Ui .• .~..'['he o.tnen .t ~t'age.t1ze:T on theaofa. lt/ttJ\. ;f; ~ i[ tit.'a: ..1:.

'1 A jam 13 1. ~ OIl situation whewe tberce are·so llWly peoplte Of thin,p Nil,a .p]ao:: that it is inlpoos~h1c: :fof- ~. W maw. • •• Iffii' T&u~ 'J .$~ch II jaM ,,-,I pt,Opk in ,here., 1 didn~lt,.y 10 IV in, '-:.11. ill •• T A.· fifmJI.I1 ~. '1. 2:a:sitlJation where ·thtte· axe so nwl.y vehicles 00 ac .road that.1KIri!t of the.rn can move. (2 •• ,&$i} •• o EO 'I'hsz ~ t:ru,ffic j~. wu1pat~ce ,d«Jringprople aK6y ... 3til ••.••••• A.···· ... IMre.lul'i'jic jams hiJJJ a ~le iOflg. ... 1Ii!! .••• '* • !I Ii_ 1. 3 i< vay clti.ffioult sltl,li;i!llt'ln that ~ is, Wp ~ ~ .~~ JofQrdal. Er«~:is.IiI, [itiJ 1IilI:IJ, .... 100· He, fiNb himstlnn ~tly ,1m ~ jam as hfJ btrAhu ~ i-n t,m JW.I"$ .befOre. ... 11 ~ ali' [~MA 1" •• R.M-t.i8!J'Yf~~ IiJ~UiH.··· .•. 11 man MIho.&e: had haptd ,(Njil ,of a fi~Mi4l jam. ···'M •• "

••• t._~A. .. .

8 TojJam. a r~d~o., FadM. Of ele¢tfo~ni,cs:ip;d mealU~O prevent. it from 1x:illg roc'~:i.vcd or heard ch::'Mly,. 'HIis bappen5~ical,lS~ no.i&e (l(f othEr ~lgflab a~11: krng traln!llllitted QQtbfi $alllfi wa.wlength I I.$llaUy dclibcr~ ately, Tll;(:f;. 'I, .;1;5~). m The a~fkt;,ritia were able '0 jam t.&bwuvtlensth. ~tJ& •• ~tt:&a;milt~.

Nj~ ~ a.~

N '00Ul'fl'1 ~UNT = pr-

N o::lUl'f'li "-~


= .. ~

N,1lXN!JNT 1'I1ftI'dNI. = ;~


... ·0+"


'" nm

yt.o" " ~~

v~·o f bIao:;~

'y·UG+A. iI(l~

.. ~.,._


"~,lmJI Ira/fi~' ~ .ti ::::J:~

NCOl'!NT,~ ~l -.I 4/'~~' .. iN ~ Ii'roblIt K~


• bJociIi:


oj~~IliI' rt!e. lEG O~ {J/ its s,frong poinlS is its ,resistance .ro ,t:!:lecrronic j~mming. • it Jt. :;t. - :I: It;bt II T-rll:.

9 W!hten rnmii~ .IIR" jwmmiRl, they are p]ayimtg jazz (If rod: music inrormalily without pj!:lying parts tbat uve I!:.eetlwrilUen ,dowfl or ~ ia ad'VaItt ~ _ illfotrrLall ~. [m]BSI~Jtj!t!ljl' •• ±.$;(Jl'U'iU~). m ". whil~ "Qui. r~. and Ri.. jammed .on pf4oo. ..,ufar.

(ll4i .. ' ~'. dtamf!4KM.: ..•... ' budcd. ···W-MJl.Jiitt1:f1l1#:t'if"BM ".a·_·fn*liitl.IIUlI~M •• ±:J.

JJUD 00.. .~f you JIUU en iliE' ~es wh:il!e }'IlU art· drirviPg. you LM tkm. Midden.iy and WlW .. il 1oto{ :fottt SIll th!l the:

~:.;~* ~~i;r.kJIYI ow Wfbrnlal~OJ]. ri1J.w;.

J8,·_· cad J dJohnelkalh dp'mel;aoj, 1 JiQ!I*itan mtaIUI belGt1gllng orreJating wJ.amaka. or to Ii~ ~e" ~ JI; 111 at! df~ 1JI A ~[. ~ .... " .(J .IOJ'.1iqican howieM!e. . •. !f Y; m lil.iI,.t;Je.

.2 AI Jamdmn is a. ~ woo rntmS f;rom] am.aiOL ~~ !AlA.

.J.amh /dJzm~~. Jambs, Ajatnb is iiI,.p:IS'I: thatfat:ms t:he .~t; part' or up€lghtof II ~~ar window, fnlimC. n M:li!l·II .. SG .,.(1 btU 00 .ilMj(Nnboft~ dtJor. ···n1Q@;J:~9t .•

Jam.bD.1ft J f~' f'i:! "'mkh.iJ ., ja:mlJorao:l. AJiBm" bofwis a. party. ce1ebtiatim, or other .pthering where t~ f& ~ J3lI"w:mLunber ef ~~ _I lots of 'e.xciten'lltllt, run .:aNd1 eJ!J.joyrnent. ..tIill~.~ ct •• ~ J .. it ti& ill. Eel . .. an open-ail' jamlJoN,e tha,~ .tj.u:raet.ea .250,000' pro-

pte', .+''lI':l~ -, 25 )J)d~.·3i?:;:'dlS!.4t.

J~jar, J~j.m~ aJso ¥1eiI as two 'W(.If'(b, j)H'!W·~W 'illi1' ~,. Aj __ j. is a, .gIass jar which is ~ fat ~

jUt:! :10..... .

jam·.my Pd:3~]W j 'd~m~/, jall'lliDiu. jamm:k:lt, 1 Sorn.e:tlilu:g that' Is jllll:bllf ill, dwrty:aod ;sl~icky btt.a.U:Se .it ~s. covered! widl jiliID ~ ~mai.n]y in ;spoken Eng]~:lilh" X .. X e ~ ~ I!i" .. 'mJ. EG lk carefid Whe:rt Jit1U pul thQ<K jgm:my fingen, ,t; ~~ ¥ X ER a, ~~. iii • JJ iL, II iKiltr1I ~

2 ]f~. say tlI:at a person « rotootblliQg mar .3 pcncn dOEi!JJ 15 J81IUIIY. you ~ t1mt tiler mt:. VttY lucky bemlK SOille'thing good :ha.I ~ by chw1tt and they diid not have to til) ~I!lg ~ Q!" illtliQ,lJ!t 'W .~~ it ~o ~ an informaliuse, [§]ii:"'ttf~l; it'.tt!r. ro ¥()t.j: jl'lmmY ~(lnd~so If •• , '$ iiiI 1':$ ~ j,~! ••• H~~l1 F" a jammy ion some~ .• ~a~·~ il'tJJJ -m* *91J:[.'" ~ A. place that :is J~ l<o so fw~ of people 0:1 t.l:IihDgil ~t. ~u is 00 room. foc any more, i!I1 ifif..-D ~kfi. CmJff.IIII1M·,aifl.aOO. I~, The sireeu migh.t be j:am~pgdr,td ... 1i1:.1iiJlfM •• *tI;;r:; •... ~ d'mwers .~ all ~~ with ·CoId no.tes and lettt!:T.lS. :NlIJjll)til: •• l'lr.a;~.ii:tHlft.

lean. ~ 30 abbreviatka1 fur J 3in~" J 3ml~ ~ .••• j:m.-gle !'d~,,~/. jDWes, jBDgl.iDR. jaugled .. To

.......... . . - "':_!I .. - .., " . • . • .. _"-"

.}-..- meaH!l tOo ~ an unpJ~n1 r~ MIXi ~

fOr example of ~,b1 ~~ stFi~ agaimt: eou:h ,oilier, j{: ,if: 111. ~ _ JtlI.1! lIHt .. ~ m ... tnilm:d tnfIP and' 3Qua~ ~ch.~ in. ~.~. wind. .. .,.::a:Jt Ij:J ~ !Ii 1!J.~I"'jfJlrJ •• "f<fp •• aM ... [ tdri.MJ him uJr "fain. the keys jR . 'rnYfX'Ckets}:ike soI4" ft~ It.t.I:!* •• JL l'lDlllJ["~'T-&l.MIIT~fti:IIM. to _I as; a noun. JI~ ~ijJ~EG sm· ~ld .~ ~p :t'loW)I'

mo.' "nwI8.. ~, 10 the j(J.~~ of lhe Ilhmn clock.:Je j;;. ¥ 1: ,.

.._a ~.* ..

JaJI. i·tot !·d~n1ta'\d3Z[lOJtao/. J8.IlIIUWs. A Jrmimr its a ~B!}n WhOlre Job is to look after 41. blil~Miog! used e1i~ ~iaUy in ~Eng~iish, [*]nm~.nA. EG, He spent lou.,. :SUmJlWfJ being aj(J.nUor 1ft t,!, lat-It 1/:,re build'ins: .• ~ It!I+J: ~:ll;_ -,.~'i} jell. 1!!i rl

.Jan.g •• ·J' l'~ju;;.n!~\~t,!pl/ .1$ tk f~t ~lh .11).( ,tbe 'ye.JI!I' in the Westu'n .Co:d~. - ~ « ~0tJ24 Ji»'1lJarold left for O:nIst(JndM~e.. l:It\ •• 7' 1 ~ 24, a itB±:lilT ••

Jap .•• ~ I.~'ni:zl~~rti!. J..- is 00th me si~ and' me: plum] form of dE oowt. JiJ-f1;'~ ~~. ...... ~1 JII~ ~ bc:'l~ 01' rd.Wng to JapiUiI. l~ }X'QP1e. Ql" ~ I!an~, ~ **"'. a *A[t!I~,~ ii!~.

2 'J'h.e. I ....... a:re t~ ~ who ('t)!l'!C, [rom Japan. s * A., ~ A ~ of ,laPQ~:. dr~ hl bu:niVD suia ~nd· tits, ~ starfdJIIg by ,he door. - .... m. .... mM' B *At&'*n rl +

:3 Japmesc .is tbci~ that .is spoken' by ~ who live in Japa!fl , ail·.


01'1 lItifC()1JN:f . 1l illt.!lft_

~'\!'j" v+ O+!IDIV

.. ~Ci!I'iJ

N,QJO(llft 1'1 :pil!i!!

H'~ ftO)!l],~

.Am Qllil;.LlT ~~

AElI QuAllr ~. 1iJ.:,~

AJ)J,~ ft~

v.~ "~.ntllt:

to N SUoiC 'IIiII:m tiET. U'+~ ~o{ 1'1~.


N~ 1l'P"'-

N~ ~~


V, ~F'+fW".1' meN~

1'1 irritoiiDl'

" ~1iOO


il ~ 0 .. ~ ,0{ ~be ~lion 1,0 whk:.h ~j3.vdi!) .~$o "N!iINgr,~"'N tbllOWli. UItt;:·llJ'U31 }.Iii •• EG,.SIut ,ealtll'! .~in ~~ I~ jllw#n .•• .w; •• "1 .11~~

jaw Id~JdJal. jaws. J~. Jawed. 1 V:OW' jaw is mt!' N~ pam WyoUf fam- below yourmoutb., ItIOIVC'l

down, fl!J1l' example when you y.;tWfl. r" ~ F ~,. lea His

jaw ,d:roppt!d .rn surpri:;e. MIUiHl11;lf TW.

2: A pc~ti oc awimal>s. jaw ill aT!;o QOt; of the two banes N COlJIJofT ~~i:f .~ whiJ;:h t~i:r ~(h ~ aU4!~ W .• ~. i:ll ! ~ 1t ~ Eal tJ'bissesl' lNlh a.m' ,at the back of #~ upper

~w, 1::.)i;:ooJt,:I!.wW'lE..t .-00 ti 'II.

:3 A perSOlil's or anirml's,;,!tWSart' ~ir mouth and teeth, N KUJitAL

(m: A ill ~·tl·'1n }1JI::HIt!{ • e9 1"h£ pantht,r held a ~ ,in 11; I'I'I(!qtb,

its J;a-ws-; .• t!lm"~{tr-._··· He damped'his

jaws ::hut nlther~htln. be ffJf'Ced'Gl €a,. ·'fflllIi:h1 .... ~

~&:F1f'~. -

" The .!IaW$ of ,91. ~',QIj toooJsuclru ~,;t vire are me '~wo N niUR.'J... parts wruch ~ and dose and which ,CiJJiI .grip somethillig 'Ii" o;~J! tight~y ,ix:J:'Ween tkm. (;Ji =J ,1!f!lt~) ~~*i!!ii~8 ~ I m


6 U yOUI ~;;l!jk.aoo'lJ!t~ib(!' JIWl!i or some-lb,ing. you are re- N ru,;URAm.~ :v&u fICrring to the possible beg~!IInipi of a dallgerom or' WID. IN" N' 0/1- N

~ T'b • b~.~·b _ ~ tilM;:Ot,J~

p~eouanl simatien. I!j; .•• IEliG . ',je .lTQtJ',Qn :rna ~n • dIJ~ohe

snalchal (l'u,r of 011: jawsal ~1'.PI ~Jk &'t".tJHt q

~~Ilit 1" M: ~ .

e If people arejilliwmg. tbey are~ to cub ~~. of· .. OR.V+.'!!~t!i.} I fell f.or along time. wifhoot s.a~g <U'l.ytl"lIDg ~mportomh ~:

~ mlnf~ £ng.Iisb. [tit. J. X I ,AI ¥:. ss I am 'r .. '!'>ii~ SptM(J/J dayja~~ ~t:h jUr.t. aiiiJ ~.!I.;Ml. ~

... used d5 a nOutL mf1':g~,EG 1 NuJ a good j(Jw wUh ... NU)i/.Im Sal1y}'t.f.~tt,.da.y ,rzjlemt)()l1. at;;.~ ft •• fi If/. ~. T -1'" T .. rw~

¥. .

j.1I7W.~ 1!';\d.9'boo!. J~~, .we, .!lpdIro! NOi)UI'!i"r witb a hyphen.$iif mm:!¥'t. It J&~ is ~ lxme' if!

the iower jaw of a persoil or ani:!naiI.. '(II A:d::iIJ • ,till ) r.-

*. .

J-., IdJ!:I!dsr:!. ja,p . .A jQ" I~a bro~p:Wk bird W'ith 1'>1 OOUH'l'

hlee and blad wi_ngs, Jays ni¥e ~!l ~ a<md .hia. it!: i'i bm:tl

J!l1.q,. .• el!' /d~~rl;yo;rbf "'d3CJdOJo! ~ Jilywaliltn also NCOUflff

!I jxlIbtt.r.~ :speHcd w.idi: .abyphen. JIF, ilf M.ii:!j':~. A ,jaywd.n- i'S

a pE"roo!1 who crosses l1W1d& in <'I. careless and dlangf:~

way, :f' .• v~JI.Jll!im..~.~A. ,56 The trouble wUhdrhting in t.h~ city is fluli there are SD many Jaywalkers, ~M1fmll$+ )"~.IMI.iL"·4.~A

J!c;iJ. •

jay.,...q !~~I~.'d.'¥!/~'<Llso spel~ wid! a N ~ h~n. m>;*~ .• J~. w the.act of

a ~ Of walking m a ~ im a e;areless and dangt._

way_ ::F .. '" 51! iI •• '&t 1I1U!,o 00 .In ~oounlri£f

uv.· -n J~ a "P.~~ O .... r },,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n .. .:-- ~*IIiiI-,'~"'" ~ I 'I'll

.7""........ . !.>Ii' --< " ~ J"" ""J ..... 1;!;"'PiI = ,~ ...... ,., ...... nlli

1f1illll1 ~ ••• *.

jazz / d~z"d~z!. J~, JaqlQg. JHJed. "uzisaN ~! ,of fOiP~Jalf mwsic fha~ has ,an. exdUng rll'ythm. ~ ~ and' is, i.!15uaHy p.1~yed by groups. of fflus\iciam IiMlmg

drums, S3Xl1p,ho!Jes j t.rumpets. etc. II ± ~ ~ ,,± :(; 8; •

Ell 1 I,..ied 10 imernt them in ~tJing to a Jazz oCanarf

t.hal e:veni,rlg. .. .it lilt 1I1J ~ :ji; ... !!r ,. ".BIJ • ±

If Jf>of::; ••• TheyctlU IMlNeiHS The Oti.ghml Dhie-

.Iand Jax;; Band. • f] I1f • ;I: a i1Jl.t!;:ij 4 i!§ ~ • ± ~

~. .

2 In Y1:fy informail :spoken English. }l'01iI! can add • 8I!ddl ~HR that .:i~.' ~o fillgges1:th.\ttht~e at,!,,: wider a"pcru~, tht:

Wple or Mlpi!CS which 1f'IJU. have j~;t mtUtioPed" Wt tha'l y;ou 00 .tI!lt thi<nl tbait: it 1$ W'JFtb expiainlog dxm m deta:i~, I[ m] ~ 11:" • .tt~;. ~ 1 swppose you. _wVe",-

;mUles and 1M: Fiff~ Tower aDd all that ian .•. ft. t:: .m 7" j{.Jjt if'S .x ¥$ •• : t!:}.1 iltli it ~ .• tf 11!B ••• " " I p.r~thempy and all thiJt jazz. . .•• ~, :JJ1IlUr m A VI ilmJll:;~.

j~ up .• J~ up. J-''''' Jamd dp. If ytWlja:a: .~. VIi" ~thiog rop. you mah it )ooj: oc seem mott iEl['"e" y~ o·,.uw

l' or- ou;i<ting~ llJ.l':ll.tbu okJ.f~in. 1'i' uH~ forlll3l expres.1ion. [iB,.) if! 1i. :.l5I J fJ! ~, a ,. 8!~. iii .

m They:lw cerf~nly jazzal Om P(J(;t up . .1iii'lCe the Uw

titlU! J'~ liero. fUlftJ:~*3!Jl,~ti".i1.~e:l! Jt_1t~.'J! 1m ~ "tfllfJll ~

j~u.p. M!ilS.ic' that .il!:! J~uP .ha& been changed in .A'DJ QU.MlT

-.:I _.... d' m·... I. • 1l ~

On:oeJ' to m ..... .e U so"lll'n' ,more wl~e popULar miiSlC- or

jazz I a~ If.! use, [ti) ••. ;Il".II ± :f;; A.a ~ • .ell

, •• IJ jtlUM-UP Wf'S;M of ,Ojiko/ 1M. Bmndenhu'l, CcmcutQJ. • .• ~ II.titA li • ±~~. ~ ---r 'It ft ~ft. tb

.l1li .

..1.")' !'~j ~J. ja:der. Jm:dat.l' If ~ :;al thaI ~ ~ SOl'I:K:tbing .is ja:zity. )tJIJ nx:an th:a~ il. is lniomf~Of' ~ = ~fiutI)'

ern in~.ancr:. but thaJt yotlI O:lIl'lideF~t ba6 no ~lie or sty!~. tiE ifdi t'iI J • iJIj :;r.:: ~ m.. m'l"he. fiJi, Jazzy .steering wkeel 'KU$ ~wi;h. rm1 itidiW ..•••.••. .mIl·tr!iJl 1!4;t;ma*.w all!.

2 MU!lk~bt is j!1IIZ)' U j~ the :fity]e of jazz. • ± ¥. JiIII. AN ~ [&\}. ~G .• , thut l,arge U.J'!.fan .ordflmra pia ying jazzy

rhythm.s, ... it. 8' ± ~ '\5' • ~nt ~ Ji I~ *_"!t $.


Jd. is;;3, wnitten~tiarn fur··junctioo.r j ·lNd on 1:T!aps: and signs ill .rdN to J~ on ~''''Iway.;s • .d m.~J~~ ~ -t<S. WiW •• , 107 - jI'.iD; .tli·. Ii

liMI GDII /.1' ....... 1 ...... ~n!-I If. .. 1_......" 'I .• ' .l"~~.~

" .•.. __ ~""'_~";:I"'"l!iI!I..., you are".-. l fOil! Itx::~ ~ ~

t_t it is limfair mat oo~ else bas aclli~ some~ = ~,"-"1tJ\ll

thar!: 'YUill RtiWitN. CMi Wt tile)! haw: ~. Of QLDUl!ies:

t::ha.t: yw woulDd nke 00 bi!lV(; a:nd you r~d angam bitter-

nes!O. ~ 1hatpr:non.. *' g D1I ~ jJ "" 8! ~ ~ m .1 OJtlrll

Ids jealous ~ :&rid could '" aul when. he

~hed,. "ft .... t'i •••• m ~1iMHt~ ftifi'. m li: I: ijf

I;(:±I~ ••• T,~ms,JM j'eDl(JU$. ofymu~. ffbfliiij[ ·.~It.9!"s .... ustd .gfarti.:tlltb and ~v-

Lour. m ~ II ail; ~ It II fi" .~'. lEG .>, l~ jmw.w. ~n-

i~of roo. Moo· ,had nar laud so !;!ell. ····.~.&jl

~..t. i:t -is.,Q at!J A!fI,T. ~ji'ij Ii dU~JiI'IlI 'ill. 0 ~.". 0 AD\' wtm VB ,II. ~ ~ :It •• EO .1h., high up in tht: slaM. Jf'il.tOu:W)'

~tdij~ ,he sb,ers, 1* .•• Jt;~n:. '$ J: •• fUlrM:.

•• ('lfJA. .

:2 you fll;l!Ef than 'youJEillSt try W ~ 80~ you haw ADiI'·,OO,A!l.n p. fOr f:lCamplc a: ~lI' 0Ii <Ii ~. OOOiu:me you. ~ (runt SIlImild;o:fy c~ ~ I~ ~. away .trom}'W. ""

Ae<} ~ ••• IJ'''lI, Jlift~ i!t~. 00, She MW" a very iml~

Q.U$ ~I;, ••. ,..-t •. l:u."~:k A··' He Km j«Jl-

oW' of .hisMolifo 4"" st#pt!C~'ed her Qfad;ubr::ry. ;fib.;tij m

,899 Ifr, R' •• .l!j A iI.jIf ~ (> J~. .~ •• ~.4'-.{" ~ o .,wv wmf V'!! ~lI!!, ~ es They' ~peopie ~ft. j.J()f#Jygua.r-

d;ng~hew il~nce .. fl.m.)t-~$7 ~j;:.ooM~ ••

•• ifJ!. ~ a.e9.:tt.

J·w·.'OD!ii"w." J1A1-. ~it,.._. \..ii--. laft-1 .l.~ -- .......... ~--,- -- J ..... .._ ..... l' • .i!.~

,-- - or "'-.7'~~ ......,.,--'1 • ~. -.:I IS !J!l"'- !'i ~(

fiIM~mg of ·~tmenJt 3!IX!lIbi!l1erQeS.<; ~t you haw when 00l!I~

you ~ :!iO~ is t:ryinglD td!E .away ~thing that ~ ~ )'Oil fttl kl00g:s to you.. ~oc ~1'e a. ~r OJ:' a ~~

~~, ",il:I:P· •• ·ea. Hate. jeo.lowy, ,',h(dt,sillf' to

kill (Jl~ rase /J(') lite surfact ... tim ,.~ . .8 II ;fI;.~Ji •• iI!ij

• ~-m.*iliib7··· He~' ~ygood at talking me

out.qf f.· ,.m.tI*itm;.J and jt:a1ousj'tl£ awl SO< .on. :i!.

mltT • .JI· rt.-~.i1I.~ ••. ~",g..",.

2: .~ f.ed~mg }'Oil Dft whe.n 'you wim t1Imi: }!'OU coukIbave t!he qual~ti~ or ~ thlit .~ ha::ri, "Aj.~ ali . , .. ,he notionq/ sil1iing rill/(1l",,~ j(QJausyof ~ brothus ,and sist~. ···IIiili.;tIiJ~~t.~ RI M.;.~AI:,l1t1'!l R.» •. tilZlm 00 1i .tIl.s. . .

jams l~~ ~1lZ/ at'(;. 'ca!luaJ '!rU!llSCl's tlhat an: U!uaJty N PU.JIIJil...Al:SO made 011" :'JlI'm'!'D'. bh,IC dcmlrn. SoJnet~.~ ~. of oj> p:;!ir qfo N

-~ 1l~

nbl' cloth sucil as CQil'duroy or thick mttOfl: ate also Fe- '" ~

f~rred ttl! aI!; jl:i~" .!foil •• EG ~ ~ men ~

out. aU' ,n i'etlltS .. , ~.,.~ iHA;iE T ~ul. ·W". '* ff"

... It·~ in my jtam poCket. -gtfI.ft*'ff. [J." 0

jnp !dy.'p~d:;'pl.J.,.,. A j~ is a ~. row--wbeeiJ.ed ~COUHT

vcrucl!e !hal CP tralvcl 'ovell rotJgh grou__od and is oflM

~ b:y the Amclliic;w ann!I •• LmiI ...... a_if.

eG A J~P f/wJkd ,up 1.0 .rize Jump and .12 ma.ri~ jumptd

Old .. -.1t.*&."tl"~.~T ,·-:ti_~JilrM ~± ~1A*J:M"F •

jleet' fril5l::i"dstr/. Jes!Ii. Jeer:q:. Jeered. 1 If youJ- at 'I.i'oV+ 0i'jJ.m1l;.

~' ycM.I dIowtha1 )'1'J~t!hint mat tIhey art· Sll1U_pid ~ ~;,~

ouw,not W'Ortfuy of ~. brysayimg nxte .md mw.mtg t1M~torhcm. II .... Mi. 50· They ~ at him fM mmlyroddUng his little brollfi .... M.flilltltl·M1:1t1®

.. l,,,~j\··· OnlyOM.n1Q.n SC'QOd u.p Jar ~ and he KW'

jur~, ,Ci~' -1- A ~ fIt;fil. jlitft I: :lI T !II~. OJ<<dDg, O.AW a.NJSJiF •• lM.Il .. M' ~'. EG; •• , strangers wOO, ftllVD' glanewl at

th4 }eBiRl a~ .•.• hl~$f,"~,fitJ·A •• - .I~-~ ~

~ A .• 0 jeet'fnlly, III ~ til! I .. ~ •• '00, th· smiled jet!r- <> .~ Wnt'! \'J

ingiy. ....;we. T ~ ,

2J,een Me rude at" imWltrng thiJnp th:a!l yDlII shout in order ~l) show tmt yoo thnnl ~ .is stupid <t!ld ~wor" thy of r·esp:'ict. 1l1li ~ ! X. A ti9 ii. ro Theu ~. M m4RY j«n asc~ Q;t,he meeti"G. ~.l:.~]IJ.:R'" }fI-"~~

Je~bo.1'3b !d.SJI~j'd:J1"hovaj is .~ !lame given to 'God' N·.PROl'E1!.

~f! the ad Testa.mcnJt, l1li_.«( ~B!\i it~)!:J:I)I:jT _t'f &!I.

") ~ .

',e:llo'trab':s; WI~. J~':1il m~. AJ'eboYahf" N 0ZI\!Nf ~ is a. mc~r!Df a R:~ Qrpnizati~ wbich 11 I~ ac:ctpt3 Slfim.e i(!1n'.i.iJ:1im idttti and beUC!ve!t that the' WCW'kl is

1'l~1 ~ .~.~

" elL..,.

N o:JU!'rlT, lJS1UJ PL




.go~ toend ~ soon.1II;;fO~IDilZAt ... it-.ilfD'J" M .f,!,,:'.;r1l!.:""* BIjJ·:tf~Utril).

je,.j_ f~'~J (b!'~ I a rontla.l or ~.~" Am OO.w1"

Sometrung that. ~ jeJ __ is 11 COMidErtd ttl be wry si:rnp:k! = R4J1tfI

.and WlScph.istj~~, CJEit •• ]iIij .. tr!J,~".M.oo ....

a ~ju~ notioo that .''d ~ i~ .a·ll ..•. ~.~ •• J.] T

'8i::R - i1I[~ ~

2 dW~ Md boriQg, :;.V! ~~~. ~ver. 9OIl:lo!: J.OI.QQ.U.IT

pe.opf.e consideli !tlw this i.s the ~ ~ ~ ~ SIIld' ~

S(:m.t 1 is i~. EIB]:m.;fi.~I~"~.rJUWA1iJ.,

:h·.itSiJtl;ll •• ~. jJjf.~-t 5i:JJ • .:F •• ',!!i!l'}.

jd f~ .. ldFJ/, Jl gd~

Jeil.Ued 111dj;lrd.,~d/, Je1W food is ~ and eat- .Aal 'ClJ\liSlf, ell in a jcruly_ .:rli 1i!l', •• tt.M ~ m lfyou, dtm~t lib: ~ ~ O)'SJeJ!s. ~ probably ~'l Jib JdlktJ _. jo •• ~

WI«ti •• 11= !if .t!.~·!t .~. ~

Jell.,.,. / v'd3:I~I'~ .J .... JeUo is Mi. Anlerica:n!" N lJNOOiliIln'

mack rOll' jdy. -:t+. M. :rliiile''f.- "M~ ~ l'dJcb~ '~, jelIit:I. 1 lel)y is ~. 1 a chx food N ~ ~ rl!'6m~li~. 'lYtir;.hJ W(lbbl'~ w~YQg ~. it., b .~ di:M:11I isusual!ly s~.fla~ wl'1:b fl"ii!l!it jtlt'Ce'il. ·and cat-·

til as dessm1 .• ~*~ lEG Would JlOU Jw ~ idly1 W:.

1'~ '* - ~ !jl7 It? 1. 2: a. SliWEt food .~ by boiling N W&S f~t j uloe and :m,pr. which beoom.::s. fH'1li1 when it:gts It ~

cmd. aodwhicn }IU!!l. eliit like jarl'l. ., *.. m .. " rJjcu

of bre8d. ~ wi,1l butter lind jai,. . .. ~..t« ••

;Ii *_ Jt!l' - if Jt iil11!1. 1. 3 '" fUi"_ !'nt!b!i~ ~ fOrms N~1ifI"

W~[J thc-ju:ices from 0l0hd meat bewmc· .coM. N ... ~i ~.bM~

fltm't ~. t~ :oM" ,or you~IJ mix the fat ~lh lhe jel~

1y. ~JUII~:!fa •• li',IfI>.milll.1i,u, • .a*liIJ.

2 .~ f' yo~ ~ Olf' antl!i f«] lite.jeIJ. thIry< ~ vre.ry ~, tl ~ 'lJ:iiluoilly ,~~ 'YO~ are- ~ ·QI"a&aid., (IS!)UI"':a:m "i:Mt)'

~ III :!.IU!{.) jt ft ~ 00 fib· !'ep tumedtQ jeJ,ly. " ii~.

*81:'*'" ·ll~Si my •• my QTm.r - they tal like jn~

iy,~' ":I.MI~ •. ~. - t::frl •• y1t!P!l' ....

jeJ.Jy. tIs'I:! l[~~ AI ~ ~fdJ j ~ is .~I theSIrogui"NCi::)UNI'

lsr .omd die pJu:rali fbmi.. • •• fi1 0 A ~ is ... erea- ~ ~ wre that Uvetlin the ~ and! has a .body that kioJtj .Ilil:t!

d.eill" jemy, .Some je:1trruh C!Jt~tiJrug )O.~, 1ktiJ ~ •••

.JfIQ-my idSC'l'Tu)~~ •,' A jtDall,Y .is a heavy I'jCOl[N'f ~taJ W whicb ~ ~at 'm!Ie' em and wWth .i.9. used as! :!w OIl 't(:O] es,pecially bycriminah for fordn,g thimg:s opclll~

used m .~kjtidl Fnglish. [~]H'H!!f:m*.**'!IB'!j) •

>II ~ Ell Ml flU. cabiner wiU yhld lOa j~y <md ,~

bit of hntte /on:e. a~xf!to1ti.m •• ;bii-~ b.~n1F ~

joop. ani··. I \i3i~:j~daJzJ 'tl3Epa'4~ • J~IIe!i: •. ,teop..v+ '0

ardidng. ~,.#IH~~. If}rQYJ~ ~ !=. be 'you do ~methjn! tiOOt 'II'!ai)" .dcs~ it.

~ ~t. or cause' it w. be lost, •• ; 1!.Jt ~ it;tl: :rflt rt

••• [I:(; This j~t may jeopanliu his job .. " .i! til "'.m;fF·ok:ftJH.IlII.-f'I;:···· 1 dian:" KUnr W, jf!O.PtJ.l'dize

my ,ela~'i'Omhjp wUh my new J~. ~~ ••• f(~' It .JJ.I~Z[(ii]~~:J: ~

Jq. ani· Y / 1'd:3epadlt ~ 'c!I.5E<p3'dI(, ~f $Ot:!1I;;~ I)lf' ~me~ th~n" is ill J~)l. they aJle Ina dange.rotiS !i~tWl.lion. wheil'e they m,g~t fa~l. be ]Mt:. ~sttn'}1~ . n.:r[~:IA Z '*' ~ EG Tmi.r hasty l'l(:tioJ1 pub! the' plan into grave jr'Opardy ... IIllm;Jirt ••. fg

It T illJi' tt IJt f:;I ;l: .. •.. S~ Iwdpltt«dhersel! in

jeo·ptlrdy in .older &0 sa Wi' n:t,yIIJe. :til. it ~ l' :tUU!iI

•• T.fI*~:o'tM. .

jail 1~.d:5d:JI j,~. J~. J.w. 1 If you Jft v* o~ A

iOme·,,~...... liII'Hl n.~ it 8ld.t!m:vandi .~full'y •. · furoann- it pi:l\i!.

....-O;!!; / -- r~' "'l\Ult.

pLe tel' rel~ ~t ~. it g ~l, •• ~a _. ~ lit

~'he: boy 8it~/y UJ ...•••• ~,.[ij. Iltt M~*'" The· door· of the van MIS' j~bJd o~ ... ii.$,~nM·.·~n#··- I jNked 11M! jbhJlfg rod l:m:k

and ,bvt ,he fish .• Wta:ai8f.1., .:11. T. II- .~ as t' NOOUI!« 8: DJUl'J. 11 W.a ijjj..EG TM man: pulled tl#!girl bttck· "WRIK!l from tIM rood with a jerlc ......• A ... ma:turMAJ:

&Ji!i*'" He Plf!tM "001 (J migJu-,jek and pulkdil

f~, ftf!;!lJD-" •• :JB€&lIHt T •

2 When ~:tW!IM Ja"b or when 'you Jm ;l •. im moves a v:.~ short d~ very. s~Y ~ f'OJ'l%fuUy, (I! In. ~ .~ill. EG He j~. his .10ul ,ilMwnd 10 s.t~ji;e (f,f I~

n;,an •..••• :fftl:f;,;* ••• + ),,_ ... "IS ~ jerk«l

UP' to pwhhim .,~y. fB['" :ifili.Jdl. N 1:.- '1m." _*.

3~f yOU! jerk liD Oil parti.wlar diJiectioo Of ill1l <Ii particuJar "'"' UI.!'l,JH· 1!. wa"".· ~ you" '.' .iYJ:OVt' or 00 ~qir .. · ~th a WIV tuMen and 'It!DIin'C.

'~ I!!I - if 'I!I! . .Jt.Itf

quicil.l'I'!OVe'm::tlt. A •• ijb·,& ••• Eta ShejoJwJ. ''''lIIItJy

from him.. • Leaw 11i£ 4bte!' • SCf'Mmed ...••• ».. fd!,~ It.l.~ Jf ."IiJ 'If. ~ ... ~. iIl~ •••• Jerkittg sudlh1l:. ly 8~. ~ .Iay very s,~i1.l,11l1d lisl~. .. • ••• * I - fi:J ;f' iili •• ·lE:8 JiL I!If • ••• .fk jerlr.ittJ. ,and ct,fm out.

~.~N. NfA 1l~1 =·u~


'Who) thert?' tIi.~:M-. ~·~'Mi:* ~ .... t£.!1.?.... I.~"~ used as: aooun. m n:t, 1»]'. ~ He MJud .t ,~o join. him ~. ~

with a Juk of his hmd ....• e~.!I&-m.l~.lJfI!l'ot

J~*'" The lra:ffic n1O~ atnMtJ. in j'erlcs. *_ ••• -

•• £:... ~"O. .

.. A ~ is a pemon. who· )'Olill thimk is S'~upid m:d ~It~ N (l(J(J}(lI'I!'OC

. an off'emsive .wo.rrl .miWl informal ~b. [mr.A,~J. n ~ .m.~J...~ E6 ·,wtm. ~ .Jerk.; Br.ody _id. • A ooyalmil$lgot kiJkJ j~tnQw.' "00., 'l:lt-t.Jll. '".

:PM.." -1'" JJ •• :;t it- Jii!. 7 • /' .

Je.1I'ik. off. To Jed 011· ~ to mM'turbate, a rude ¢J:. "'~ VB,

plession. [t!IlJR"B'. v ... .mv

~ -.. Ifyou.Jft out a U!JIIajJ'kor COl'IlJl'le!iltl" ')'W say I~t JU a'~ a.~.a.nd HaVOU!ll.way. ~ •• m! •• Ji. t~}. 00 ~ 1 can t ,~wit.h: )iaU. .but ~ 'rll' wrong.' ~'jerktiJ ·(JUI ••• " •. N •• $.'iJ .m~ •• MJ·. ".;I.~ II .:ltil··· She jerked IHlen apology ... Mi~Ma:w..tII!.jIlJT

. ~. . . - ._

j;uo kiIiII 1·~k:IIl\d~n/. Jer:kIm. A jMda k .3. sJeevebN·c.otJ1'«" j~ckot ~ by ~. ~.WQ~., ~CWItY m for.mct' .~ .~i'iIIm! Ume'.i. ( ;It;fli .,II·n;;ttl n~·. .

je4.y 1~'~3dJF~!' J~.jertiest" ~ ~t .4JJl1QU.WT are J"", are very 5uddc:ri1 .allldahtupt ::md. 00 not.flow ~ ~ sltlClOthl.y" 4IIIljii lfMI ! :11. t!; 1f.I.~ Jf" .. II ® ~ •• Q\I ~ It.: a-!I'.

ea She· tu:« ciga~ll~ '!!\Iilh quick. juicy ~menls ...

-;I iii! .aJII!L~JI 'f -a _ •... She SM!amWlilh tJre jer~

ky of iii begi1U1N', MiD =fl:1I tI:: .~. ft!:;ft! ~ 1!i .. JtltJi

__ 1j( .• OieI"kH)!·· Miibil& ~~-T- •• ~ 1If,IttP;UI~. ffi Now ¢ AJ:lV WLli'HVEI

~~~;to::l~tt:~'~~lttr.kj~d~~t::~ ~ ON~

j~. Mij/jI.· •• IU$~

jer. ry-ibuild / 'd:ym1bIldi, \d~/bIlW, JtlTJ'" v + 0' ibLdkBlII,· J1~bui.t, If ~OllS('8 or bl~of fJat$· aee j~ ~::' .. 1bN ~bdt. t~.ey h~v~ beeIl! 1m:ih very q~lclcly and cbeap~y.

'WItOOu.i'. Iru;lch care .. Ibr ~fc~y or quaUty. .. :( :I; M JtI!. *

iii, .*~ it JIB" X1i.m . +. the sPecu'ators wlw jury"

buUderty siumslliiit'noul light. road$,07 MiOtum~

ply. ···.¥IHI ••• x:t'j· •. x •.. &it*~!l!;M .i!1jt~

g ~!l!:m.fO. <> Jen1o-btIUl .• .J(M.tltl:.Ji!:ti!i' j Jill... ClAW C~!l'. 1I:i!i ~. m :E~)i ~ aul oJ loM'Xk tmd Ike Jur,. ..rJBtJil!

budt ~ .&ad b«n negle:cltd. jc It fl.;&::·it T, ii'ij. I = ~~. ~J~

MfrJ..:l:M$7'~ B ;l;A •••

jm. ~ I '~, '\~/. jerseJs .. 1 A Jft'WY is a pi.ecc of H 'WUNT

dothing !.I5l!1a!U>i!' worn ~!I' <II shlrt. or blouse 3lfid made of 11' (~

i' !IIl~~,~f19

lmiltm ·woOl. {:Wi i#I)" ~'I ~ ft.~. fa ~. "ukt1oo

~ sttiped jenzy and hLr Jeans. Miff. fIl .. If

2 Jeney is OJ. kP~tted wwili:n Cakjc used apeciaJ1y to N lffl'COlJN[ make· women's~. (;tmT.IiI*TIUI~').ttm. 1'1 ebh

•. . .

3 A J~is • a ,~ that is ligllrt br10wn iIIIi roJour amd N COUNif pHIdu~ ~ "luaW~ty milk. ~j!g"Ultf.(ft.,-@. .. ;~tt. it __

-t-:M). .

jest /dgest •• dSEStl. J:I!Sb, jaUiDl.·, Jested, 11 A Jest iii I'l ~ s(ln::ieth~n:li'. that 'll'Vl1l sav wb,iJch. is intended to be· amilis~ ~ joke

0, I - • " ~id!im

iog in a ra:tber clev,u ...... a:y. ~ lip. £til' t fi ~. EG His

Lordship Iwpttd dmt a jes.t would be et'cusea .• ,.

jcA $'. :.k • ;F § e, _ ~ :at N ,e,. ..1:.. ,_ I f you say· 1'.1£, USEiD .,oos somelful!llgoin jl~~. you do nO't mear! it serio:usly· .. , but AN A

." . "~iJ1t.lY

want ~Q ~·ilm~siJ!g. IU. 3f':{i ~ 11 it ~ii£UfJi! ~ .E'G Ai!1 of-

flddl' t.o.ld me this ,. ''-OJ' .q.~it'!l tIt j.~~ • .. -li.!lt ~ :If:

:il.~~?fi ,·::F2:i::&*fi~··· It ~s said half i~ jeSl. ~.~ 1if.K~M;~~'.

2 If you j~, ~u 'leHj~ (if':say <!Immlilg thi~!a fOfa VCR ""Ql:'OTE/

:IW.1 ~. [Iril::J 7f~ ~ ! il.~ ti I ilm !t.~. m ~ .lJV· mb,. ~Rr·CL

brts ear buns?' PhiUp jirStitd ~k1y. ":!k ~~. IJ'lIII iti i1 "jIB

1I1!l·?":U:'l.x.*·JIlqf~~~~ _

jest. ex' I"d¥s~ I 'd~ta-/i l~· AJes~:u!;s <I. ITWl in JOr- N'rnuJiT

m~r ~imt:$ w~ joo, it ~ t'Q antJt!Se dle' king Of' q." uetD;" 1'1 "i'! .. !!tI!~

r ~~

~or e.lLample iOy teUing jM~ or performing twi.cb. (tfrlli

*11 Jil1 ~ 3E .ffl1~J ) :i!l.fiFo ,t. .n ! !IF .e!. ro .. . the. medie.val Ccurt JeJter " ••• ~I tit tcl'8 g ~ mil:!:$. ~\ JI. .•

Jes·uoit ! Idae;ZjUlt~ \~ • J·estJibi. 1A Je5'I1it Ii5 a Ci:ltn·· NCO!I..INIr

oUe pri~ who bef~ tD the Sode~)' of J~. whid! dbes 1'1 :r~~ a lot of mm:looa:ry worl ood is especiaJ~y Joyal .~ tie

Pope. Ot": *4:; ±.

.2 ~irli 1nfOFmaI Iryoo aU ~ :ill .leswi1, you . NCOlI.N!T me.m tl'lat Ithey we de\!"e1" and ctmning argurncn'b to

prove that the, Olire' .~. in what tlle,.- say, U'led. '~show-

ing disapproval. Ltti ~!lfJ ••• I' iI! "lIft1i 1!1 A.

Jeso, 111~U!]tJ!.ld'l .. l~3Il'rlJW ~'ha",ioor is l.t'!I~ AWQUAIJT

tended to achieve a par1~ooarreswt by usiin8 'very clever = .~~ and. running ali'gumentsl usedshowiog disapprovaJ. [If]

11. RlJI ~ If. A!;I j. fI= 1$ ~. m ~emplwsis is ORa! mcrt! .

ftfR.A:.W.. VII:, V~JWV+Q..UH/ o

~ iiiii'

'" bb"!!lUI!



on Jes"UWralmet1:rQcb wl,hjn the ~~im#r;m, iIiiaii ~~ • .JIJ.l'.l:i!;W 7frH'.m~tk.

Jte':!lU!i l'~j. '~.J- (!If' Jesus ~ is 1 theN pjl~ n:tJTlE of d~ .rruo WMl Christians beJreve Wa!I the SI:a of

God. and whose aK thebasls oJ Christianit'l' .

llJ ••

.2 a wcro used ~o ~ ~rnpise. ~. ~- ~~ ~,de::. OIito¢~ wmt you ~·:Saying .. (Hi!ltl*

$. '* .• tt: •• e.D •• );It •.•

jet /d,J.':bd.]ett., Jm .. JettiaI. jetted. 11 A jet is 01. modern N'~.OR .amlJIlane wlrlch has jd emgincswmcb ,emhlC lit. to tTy iii,.· N

~. f.~t <!i.OObigh ~" .Ai[it1l.~ .• ~She ~ jw,t as ~. ~ [,he big je'll~ HangK~ 'oudted MlW'i .. " .DE.!'i j= HI:

* &!I;Ie II • ~ .• 1. " • iif 11M: Hl .1"" 'l'hey oould be

ltamponed J:wm,e~y jl!.t . .. iB ffiff m .. ~ it~ m~ a PI

I~"· Jet fighters fly (J~. I!II "(~.lJ. m;fE ~ .. .t "l

fi. • if1i;.~ Jutnp jd, jumbo •

.2 UYQu jet ~;I!:r~wbefe-. you U"aive! ~Il .11 modern ~ V "I' AI. f:r1ilm.·(me pbo:- ~~! ~ inftlrrn<!!1 UK .. ['fNJ*iI"'t :I}·II:II.",,'

A ~~

~"\tIl. ",.!T. ~n Pewuyl!JtiRic; tte~T ids regumrly

10' (J: thnJlst,rn F'rQnk{urt. QTn:tll'ny ••• -&-t,*!Jf1.;lti ~.M~~.~ ... ~~~m~.R~~~ .. * •• ~. ••• .."Q,l' lhe heads o/goveJ'nmuu jetliM in fm- the

l~$,~$ ~Jun;vr~r rn«l,i~ ... ~. -. --- ~. ft._ tt ...... fJ.'.~. tit *,. :IJIAlIi:" n 1tIJ~lrfllfirN;It; fjJl:f$: •• ~·t£ ~ ~

,3. .It jet is alSo 3. 1 a. hill!:: m.a pllta of equipment .sudl Oi!!, N ~

~l en~ne ~Of' ~. ~'d'uuugb w.lukh tlK: petrol 01'" gas is i!OOlt. tweed bef'Ofe it OOI'1llS. (1t~:f1iL«.~!tiI:rtr(l}.1J ~lI!IIft ~" .. IIlOUk EG The. e~t:Ie ju;s,~ htuJ a si~t: /Ugh veloc.J.~y jet" ,. .l3:

,~j .. Rfl' ~ !R II: iit;!iQ f:i ... ~ jets must be clogg«l ,up.

l.rypoli;i"'B tMm with a p1:;1:. _n1t~.t:l :~:~mff Mi -:II. 3.2 a ~:!m1. and f~ful lOtrrerun of wa~u. g<!5. etc. (-*, ~ :1!J ~I) .. ti •. m He fmnwrw;l his .mouth and ble~ jJ' jelo/ Mi'IlUT int,o the . .. lie w M~ *' lfl, fIl,lffii tc] ~ I~ _I!! T ~Ili 1;;. ,., fl'~1J beOOiU~ho' and the

·JW .... rit1', .. ~! be ..... a .SiCil." .laing ... je.~ ... ,e.~. :Mi1fa,w 111;1\· •• m *~*&~~:t.- !litU!: ~'

4 ~et is a Mrd bJact !U~ dut. iE poiiiibM! so that it iI<I' UJoICQtINf["1

sh.ines,.and is ~ for ~nt!; in je~l'_"'" R1i:.tS ~

(8)~. ~y ..

j:et-blaekl .~. ~U~M tW'Q words. $ iii M~ ff' M +- iij. ~00Ul!.!~.

Jd-bIatk m~ very. dark b'Jack 1<1 ,ooIoor·.lii" m ••• Q(J. EGo •• " ytllu'N e~ thul' Wsmall jtl-.bliKk ban l:r i"'8 L.'tf'ticaJCy in Iheir centrrs ... '··!ifr.ll/·. IE ~ i~J M III II ..•• HiS Mir MW' JeJ bl.adand MIl ~'~Taund t~ '""1"£. fI:*£illl- ,w •••.• miJi.

, •• ...-1-. ~et --'- A' .:a.: -..iI......, ..... .. ..".IIk~':L

.".. ~ ... _. ~I _'#"'"' ~I£ om ~ ~!n "o'I'lIIU!::IJ l'UXlUNT

loot ai .. andg.ues an, pushed ·Ol!Jit i1it ttr i~cl:. Je~ ¢n~ 11 ~~ au: mt:dI for ~ ~ ~" 11IJ!~.~~tIt .•

Jd+·_/'dst1j~~'d~1q!; .al~. ~ht.Il. N~

I'll ~. Jtl:iipe

,;jJ;:1f m .It q: !i!lf• J~ is a ~t j';o¢~ ,of OORCu<;iOt.! and

ti~ tbat prople ~rJeJl(lC aic!!" a !IoAgjou:mey in, ;D 3.eRi'pIa:ne-.. ·~peciaHy afle!" arriving in Oil p!3i1Je where ft

ti~ .is ~ murs dUlerelilll fl'ont the pliKle. Oar they

.Ien. ~~.1f.flll'f~_!l.Jio ~ Wifh jej~l0i8SJi#a ~

lem, J(Jlmos.~ fell .uleep d,m,flglhe m«d~. Eti· * B'lJ'1:l!

ft\* ~-*mJil·. a:BE1F4tr1i;Jr A.,.: •• T •

Jict-;propdI!ail An ~~ ~tis JeI~ .~ jet A!)J CL~!1f

~ ~o prov:itk ~ts powtt. .. ~ Mi!E m • . ~ .-crcd

.Jft'-/ldJetliami'l~ .is rubbish . .is .IDmting· lli.I N l.INC(M.INT the sea. 0]' that has been l!ef~ by IDe :~ ontih.e SJhme:.tG!

~. (.i!J:aJ'itii£If~J#·l:~) ~"'.,Ii ~.".

jet let I at<1,O spernied with Ii. byphen. # iiJffl Ii • .§} .• The Jd

set ace rieh ~ sl1~f uJ ~e~ ~pecially .yotmg peopk.. who Hve Wi a luu.riomwa:y. UtAI ~ Q 1m9 ) •• 1M" m. !:G ••• a satin! on t.~wMf,(! French and Italian jet kl .. " ... X>t[l + fjl: ,it ~ .. .*. f'lJ MI. m ~ f.I i!\Jj .... This

M.W .0IWe. a popular plaa fo.r je,t-.set j,,~vdl"s. it.1 i!; ~§JlI1i'.m.I.,MiIl!!.1i.

jet dci .• jel Skis ~ df.1Jf ~ .Jet""*'. Ajel sid ~. a smal] mlI- N WlJI'fT ohiioe .100: a illCIOO.rqo1e tha~ is ~red by a. jel en~

and ~ !WaveJ 00 the· surface' or m.1er. (1l:H:* ilii!l: fi 001) I~'*tlt.*m.

J<et.11 • .!IOIiI / !dymn •. ~; \~W. jetiiJoas. jdtlsouiag., v" 'I,)

j<et~. ']f youjtl~thon~~ sud. .. ~ an Jdea Or· 1) ~

'L._~ .l_" '~. lbu\dotil. i_

C':I<l[..(:e, you ~be.ratdy reject it Or <kcidlc nat in ~ it. .&~

( •• }:t&:Jf\U!;t._J = .... m .... ideas too mlu~

aWe. itOOSIJ'C_rtiJ. too .tlupiyb!lie·~ to ~t.istm . .. ".

+ 1}Sl: 11 •• M1 ~. ~ ... ~ It • lIilii 5f. ·fl.' l'If I~ ~ ft • t! ...

They ~. h!,jJling '0 jetliMJn. the ~tt.Ce of tQJI'.ning

£ jlt}. 000 ..••• fJ.:lJIl1Fiif.-Jlj';I;fI~M~··· ~ artml have jeuiwned,w m:u~ af lhe t~ gnd F{P;~

dee of cubism ..• ~"!;;f:;jt.1f. 7 .~$MJI.Jt# •• ~fJll

~.. ... -


]F + J'REJ' 1iH1liN" (J/

~.",~ = op:o,!~

!II SINO, 11'11:"~ N, mlU IIUQRE. ~ fI'~

.. h\i;Ii.~y

2' I f roo Jettbm 90lJIething dDt .¥OO 00 ]ongw nml. .)I(Ii!l throw it ,away. ·1n .... If. EG Ja/so t,hmight it MiUS d~ ~'() ~'ltismllhe blue O~I. fi;d!.U .. :.'-}:II:I'UtJtW

• .*.t\:{I'!IIMMT.

j,et.ty lid~h j Idptt/. j,dilts. A IN'ty is a wide scone . waJ]] or woockn- p]atfDr-m at the edge of the sea o:r a .:-1. veil". woher,1: boats. cap wait wlh~rne poop,le' get on and eff or while goods are loaded and unloaded. If" Iij

j; f ~M :?k. e.G Tm boat WU$ ae.d U,P aio,n,g.s,wl! (J

,cru,mbli lim.t;ftDM j.etor. It *' IE if II 1£ -1"". 8:

III fJ: Iili I!J ~ lI! • .

Jew IdSU:fd3~/ ~ J~" A Jew is a pem'ln who belie .... es 18 and pr-actises the reUgion of Judaism- JeY;'$. are ,000." !jWIt::red to IIx the d!esa::rtdaril~ of tbe anclient Htbatew pmopte. Many J eW$ n.orw Ii ve in brae]. K;:i:: A I ft.:t: 8: tiI!:.Bi Ht 'W(U' a jQU,rnsJi'st. abrlUiaru in.,tetlectUl,ll.

and _ }¢w. " ,,;I: 1'-. IiIiI i2.« .j - 1"';;t -ill. ilU!/ttJ .. iR 1tT'. i!~+It*A ., ..... AmeriCfil:n Jews ... ,.:M. ft:;t


jew. eI /ldy~1 \~/ '. ,tnreb- 1 AjeweJ is; 1:. 1 <I ~ !l~' such u a ~. or .nIDythat ~ used kJ d~corare vaJlJiIbk «~b 'Of otMr ~ objeol:S such. l'inp ornectlaO':li. ~.}i' .. ali She WIlS I'tI'Dring tiiwn more ,jew-

els t~n the ~ .Mother! ...•• ~I~:Q If_it=: H:;

:t: Jii iii jJ! ••• . .. fl jewel box .···1fIri:a •• ~.m. l'I'OWil J~., 11.2 a 'very s~l pr,~ &~one or .~ of specially rot gIlassthat :is urs.ed ~ part of the m3cbioery of at watch. (.,,tIq R<:I)~E'.~.e A

:2 If you ~y that ~ ,m somethirlg is a J~. roo mean that they iU1: .filOII"C: special, beautiful. ac lxi,tter ·dum the other things 01" people aroond them_ .. III i1'rtlt ~.A .• 1$

It M' *ft' • ~ JlIl • Ell ., . the great ,gaadyje.wd of lhe Gar* ~. tM' Albert ~iaJ ...••• p)1~ jjlMra:3:.-1j ~ju~a ))!jl- • Jt •. ~ ~ "PInt; .... . _ . flU! girl who, a~~ ~. brightly tha.t hu ~ is YI jt/Wd ...... '" ~.~ •• ~*.7~.~A*~*~.

jew~dkdl/"~ I"~ I J! 511 Jt 11 tJ;i l>:af·f1:1 Jeweled .. lewrdled itt::msand omaments ,are ~attd with precious ~. WI ~ i':i." ~. EG ••• it je~lltdbroach ...•. ~;u lilt-.

jew-d .• ,. !'~a, ~"'l. j~* !J! Ii:ft. rj) tJi .. . ft; j~. A J~ is a ~f'ii()Q. w.ho h;i¥S. sdls. and often ~jewdLery aad ~~. 2ii.~4JII*",,~1i t.!iiE.fII'.I1!: •.

j:ew·eI·ler~y I'd~: 'dsualnl J. ~. iB!fi ~. (If i'fi\'; jewdry •. .kwdIay is· ornan'll'mts :ruch. as rings. bracelets. or neCkh.o:s which aliI;: ofitn made of vaiI.uabie met:o'llsucll as gotd. owd which are so~ decm:ated whli. pn:ci.oos stmieS. 1t .',.~. m SIt.e. Owught .SOf7U! of hD Jewel-

If!TY Km' mI.ui"l. . . it IU ;li,lJIl[aB -.~ .... ~.1. T .... . .. a

j~Ey box" ··,·1tIJ*(!II2!C".

p·ars: Pd3UJlSJ~!' JNeDl'!!i. A J~ i>l a woman or girl who is Jewish. Many piXJp)e rorlSider dri5 to' [be:. all

o:rr~~ve ·wom. It *= *" A J It :1: M. (itj:. AiA.1il ft; til 't If

1\.) •

lew·WI /d3mtl ~ ~~J!. A pet900 Of'tbin,g that iJJewbb 1 belCillgS or re1ate!; 00 tbe rdii,gUm orj'udaism or to ·the pro--

• pte 'who, a.r~ am:!lroePrt1 ·to be the d~l'ldant8 or the ancient Hebrew JOlPh'i. It:t:elalihltj;;AIl. EG Jewirh sdwllm. .. 1t:i:.:If ... ... a bm;.U;fiJ J~~h '~" ,; ... ~+ •• ~.";;*= * A··· .. , (j JeWi$h 'ked~ di,.. ···It ;t •• n '.

2 has qualities at:" characteristi.cs typicall of someone (Il' ~'whichbeJ£mi8S to. the Jewiili .relig:ivo or- toJew· Igh people. _* It:::tlt M iiI.;tIl!I :1 Jt if It;t A'" ~ [99. E9 .I

fal mor;e.l~hin lrirm Ibn-too hoie: .• :~meJlllt

-l'!Ei! R..:I!>.IJ' •• + ItxA. .

,kow·ida·Dt!!IiS !,d~tljrusj ~fms/is iIhe ,qual!ity or statt of ~ aJewish penon.*. m ,~ or la,r. k!ir~d haw to ttilk. about my J~wishnus .• rliS. itfHta tut.:kAti A;.

IN'.I)' /1tf:5u;:!nj'd:Jlr1! isaH the people whi:l bel:icvc in and practJK: tb!: reHgioo ofJudai~ml Ii fOl'tllllllNOl:'d. [JE ;ri!"]~ l*fl;.t.A. ro ... il $1wok M"OI'Id Jewry to its dep#u. . ..

'S·t!t:M'*A*~... .

,jltl Id3JIb, dyb/ ,J •• JibWns.Jlbbed- If a ltoneor v

dmdcy jiIM, it Sl,op$ suddeJilily ali'ild n:ftMi5·:I)o ,oo!'lUnu~. ; ~~

(~, .p ., )itjl '" 11 0 m OJit(l'e again the' dcmkty

ji~ and wouJd n6t ptlss it. r::f X - Ita XI ~ .:"

'f' -M: .. itt t:: •

jib.. If roo jib, at ~thim1g. you au· Ul:twimllg 00 ,do I.t or to acttpt Ii new sirua.t1on, a rat:.ber ol~f~exprt:Won. t 11lI]Jf' ,_. t ~. II J Ii: M ,. r:G lh had ,btgun to j.ib a~ fW1}'ing out lM. ordus of his ntill',tus. fl :If:t& m ·!!tRfi".EA8.+~


\'+0 =~


;0 :i\rie:!-

N·OOUHl."" '~~

Ni'COVI'lf fl--· "'~


iUJJ~ t,~!


if~r f'i'~

N~ =~

~WI, V ~ l'BU'. MJioS· PASS

'" biIiJi: at



jibe Idgrub~dsmb/. Jibes:l#iPfl;: 81"be~ A.Jlbt, isa ~ (If NOOUN"I:

imultin,g remark about ~ dimt is mteOO-ed to ~f: ~ =

them. W foolish.. • .. il':I it ~ • ft .00, Freddit smiled

politely iit the jibe anti dared' his throm·. "'.'J!lIJi'T

it •• -," 1Ui.~ T '-!,~!lint T:.IJI T.

Jlfory !'dslfi~ 'd5tfli/. IoiiilfDmlal sp:>kn EngLh. if you !'HR, 1.VlI.~ say that yoo wiU do, something :LB .• Jift'y. you mmn ~t r ~

yclll1 will do, It qukiUy IIiIMII vtty. $X'iO. [§ ]-~ JL 1:t1r -II

1m. [Ea i'l'I be bade in III jiffy. a-~JL.IIiUI!!.

jjilg ! dzrg I di3IgJ. jigs., j~. jipJl. 1 AJIg is 1.1 ,il' .Iive* H COUNT

1y folk ~. pbpuJar in the past amo.tlg ~pc:opk. ~ 4t'l@'i ,

aed the mus.ic that <)l;lomipmiai it. ." fl., tiM: .. i' .

1. 2" pMticular sort of behaviour OJ' activity whk'h varies to C()UNf

aa::uroUitg ttl tlic ~tlliAtkm dlat ~~ is~ .• -11..11:00 ~ . ..m~

a~~miiJ ~ed .. m '1'1u! Pri~' MinisJe ~ dandng

yet aru)thet' jig. .";$ u...:....m d:. 1. 3 a dev.ior:: tm:! N coum

holdS ;1;O1~ m position aDd guides. a meclmJical 1:Ocli .~ ~

wlrichW(lJ"b ,00 mat ilhing, :9t:.~e· •• E:G You am, buy

a guide .•. Ol' jig , .. to help sel the. Q~. • iiif m ~ - • .!f

foil •• ~ -,III{:,R, *',. ".'lE ill' ••

:2 To Jlg rneou!S :2. 1 to dance. especially in die stylt: (]If' a v

lively folIk .~_ .a.·.;M,:9.ftIJ.~ 2.2 to fJ1QVt. in v. US'IJ+i!.. a.n tmevtn \Q.y .especiaUy bowx:ing up and down. J:: T !::::= fitii1J J .It.;ifliji). EO. ••• othen ~ to' jig a:nd stamp'

QM .3hul/le. . .. clt>6iA:1f Ii •• ,.'Utl fl.,W J! •

j~''''.TpOk·er.,y /1dy:tJfIfilp;lUbnf'd9.gaF.1\~ is be- N~

liaviour or .activitytl!!at mvoivcs mischief. triCkery. Of' =.1DiiIdIicf

'~,.and Is ofkn. dax: m ~I used. in 1ofonnai

Bri.tWl. Eqgfuh, [. it J ... ~ • ~.. EG ••• he lhoug}u

thue ~ .. poker)' going on in tlr~ stables ...... iA.

.~:tf AJE . IUll:",,".

jigogk /ldsrgJ: '<Wg]J. J~. j ..... jliggkd .. ~ If YIJI!l Vt 0 Jigale ~. you 1W\'e' it qu:i(tiy from side· to side. II ~. ~ 8fJlmfJ •• ~. all ••. if trotIctd inlemrJ;tWttly whm 1 j~

gkd the Si'dteh .•• ···_~'H~.'2:JJrf"Bt •• JiI TU'"

Ginny Jiggkd lhtt from Joar hmullt:. :tq.ijIJ"lN.

2 U' you J ... about. you ~VC:' up and dowD «:Hom. v

:iiick to side in ,iI oetvOllllS and jerky way, M-iII;;I.. '. II -

jig-saw li~~~ \~9Q/. ligeN, Aj ..... ot Jipft,w

pm;zk is, 1 a ~. especi;illy .b' dW:drcn. -in« a pic- N a:lUNI" rule on au-dlx:raf'd or wo:xf. that lw bml Qll. up ink) odd ~ = lllhape'l'. You bavc to ~ the plctJW"e <l;pip by :putting pieces tc; CQl!"r«rl.yagam. .11 .A I' e:m:5''' + £G

... 'Matching pi«uol a Jip", puzzkfit ifltn ~ awl

a .pktUl'~ mt£tfI. .. • •.•• - ••• III •• A •• $'!I" 116-.,.11. HI. T ... I still had a .pan-wmtrm:mJ

iipaw "Ii my M·N~ ...• ,c-r .1:0 •• -,. e .~.fIf T~-t;t1&,·,;· ... ,tryi"l to JUa togelhn JiM' a jigsaw

the Hfriousbiu of injarmatitm. . •. aft. If; t ~ Ii fit ®_

~ •• A* •• M •••• &*. ,

2: OJ. c;mnplimtcd siituaOOn. • II .: It ~' .. N.. m I..oatl N oot.iiIr" I"qll go~t MW' r~'~ ,bi UJ'l4 ,into a t!we t.w~~ j,ipw. " . iii.".", T 19'74 •• !I:;; - +:tr =: -t- .• lt • .HI :!i~.I'r!iJ!."' .. ' ... an in.Hglu that Ctm1d ~w -

complm' thU human ilPJW puzzk.···- ..... tt ... e .~.M~~A~~ .• $.~ •• £ ••

Ji·hId fdJI1haed_dsm'had/ .. ,AJIbld i!!! a wty ~ which lls~ '!oiSDlO''WWiH !am allows .MusIlms to 6gb.tapimt. thole wOO ~~ it! J:lm'

tcaclrings. <,..~.~)r •• ;.,~.. It-

Jrilt Id.\llt·.,dsdtl. JIbs, JIJUDi:. jilitfId. If you JUt ~ 11+ (I, who'you have promised ~ marry., ytI!U 'tr)d.~ ulatioo" ! ~ sl!I!ip with them ~y !in :iii way that~ aed Uip~

setJi 'them~ U!iCdsho~ disappr-ovaJ. UfJIU'(* •• }.

9G H~ Iud iill- .he l,o.marry,~ ~'i ...• M"

T .... T -1'- j( 1'11- ••.• • •• Q: SM;g a~l a girl who has

befm jilud. . .. - •. ~T -1'-.11. 1).Ii" 89'.. <> Jilt- O'JIDi <::I.AS.V. 00. • aJ#: MI. lEG •• , tlu! last few iwWJ hangi,.: on ·the Ml1IlB .

~. like· j'il.ted 10R1';S. •·• ••• If 6!itl A $I M. fA!;a;: iN

J::8!J.~ JLJtDtT ~

Jim. my /id;pmll 'dz1mI/. JUnmies. AJiDImy' ~ the SOUlltas !If C'OU1'iil' ajemmYi 3JiI.American vud. (#!J •• (!i jemmy JiI).

Jiin·1Ie II'~~ ~, jup. J ....... »JIIIed, 11 \l'.f.[Ui When ~jIDgIfs;« wbm)'(Rljinillt jt; it makes a ~ ~ ptle' ringing ~. Uh small. beUs~ (ft IUJ) .a lIi Iij" ~

,.. EQ •• " K"null her um:s in the tdr so tM.1. .Iter chtum bmctJ~t ... ,··a~ •• i;.I'I9".'Itlt@M •• A a9-¥.piJ ~~" •••. lJt;m"t jinsk .I'M' ,bunch~l keJ!.t ilj

J"W" ~! JiJ iUt; il .. JUg "JlH~ IIIILlIt tj P'f !!f ,. ~ <) ? Am.' ClA'WlI'

J~ ~ IlIJ :!'~I'Hl. ~ ~ ~ buckled his jingn 11 rilJ&!f!i

Ung $IMPS.,.·fD.. ..

2 A JlingIe is 2. 1 a gentle rmgiog wise. that sounds Hkc N SING WIllI s~] btLIs. 1II!!t jJI!: ~ EG I can -hear I~ jingle of .b,acekl~ 001'

co;mfig up' brmind me in, the. dark. «IlIliJU hUt .'ti.

IIrf~I**&ti •• !11.§j5.. 2.2 a short aad si'. tune, (Jf~ '~00lIm' ten wiili '~. used 10 ad~: a product OIl radio. t~~- 1l NiIC e'VW1.l'li!. Qf ina~" (a:.Il.~I8.:d:If!" • .pI1Ur~

liM. lEG, •• , a.ti~~,~~ jingk. • .• _ .. r-I'lilt.

.;m.,,, •• /J'dJi~~, \;~/~' .1lifwoism is en- ~ ~ tlliiSwtk .md, ~bl~~f lin, tile ~)ty of "'biPlY your' ~tty, ~]y w~ ~t .lnvWW£ ~' for a

WlU' a:gaJNt~r~. all~j(,~xi:1l(. leG, In

tM United SWln lher~ wa.:r ,{jI: rill bi!hWiJtn: j,ingoismam

caim lOOloIn5I!l'" ~:Ii, II .» ~ tJl X ~ s: m _ ~ ~. ~ ., tIJ. Ii

~M.Jlil ••••

Jin,~.·rs,· tic / ~~plrs~k J AY-."~!)jkl" OOIll!::iliilng that .-..w C~IF


is j~ smr~ ,eOID1!i:!ii:aslk mdI ~ble beHef i1I1I "b~1

the superiooit),of a particUIDar a:M!milri. ~Ly in sup-

port of a \Va a_pJn!l'l, ru~r o:nmtlry. Jt:J:ii ,ft~ II~II fJ,

IUt; g-:t .;E Jt t~L '~ " ., . jinpiic ,wnt), Ilag-iVrJ 'Oing.

and ,pztr,J('IJic Offl'rimu, •.• iI,:i'flit'~IlIl' ••• 00:., L1!.B: ,J:!j:.,~.lI.

jink /dgI~1 dlggj;!, jbdci. jlllnking., jinkMJ. 1 To jlnk '\1. A meaas t-o move forwwd qlc!jcl1y in an irregular way,iIZld "r.i,sa:1II oot~n a maigbt UI1lie',OO'UiI!Ily to avoidi king Mugbt (lf

shot atl om IllfOf'mai 'WOrd. ,[ if; J :I'tW.@. • :jh~ Jf. ro

1'hey scampered /OfwtinJ to the jinJdng from

side' to side m1 they Kmt,. "*00 Ii ft' it W l". ,*, - Iii,. -liL~ IiiU!ii ~ •

2 ~ hip limb.

jim !~!jJbjd3l1l_1b/ • jinxe5. A jim: Is bad IJuci::. OIl' ~'" NOOl1NT,USIJ

SING t1llng ot' someone thlit is thoug,ht to bring 'bad ]ud... .Ji:e, ~oon;c

~WIJA~,.I~IM. ,00, •.• Muck Hall: t~ farm MIlt

t~ ji;u:, 'IW th: t~ '*nd 'ri ndnalid de.f-t . .. ,·,·.It

• ~ : 81. m: ill ,fIf t(.:x :n~. ft'M'!XI $cfj··· ~ 's a

iffi;C on i~. "[4,* my ~. i$l11if •• :!! -PI'. iQIJ g;; W ~.

Jlibumdl !dlP~t.~ll. Srnne(h:ing mat is JULwdis ('O!)~ '.:UU~

'&RiIi k. l~-""_ . . I = ~

Sill' • ,,' " to I"", un :~,y or W br'jn" bad,llIa... tt!11 :liM

Q:tJ I ~'ftf*~ii~M' + ' j'idJ:!~~ '\dj;I~. Ute ..lifters are feeJi:ogll of ~~ N.PW.R.M., usu ~ net~ tbalr 'YOU Ft j~tbd'Qf\e roo @vt: 'k! do ~~..:!...,.

~thing :im~t OI'when yOU ,a:nte~ng i!TlpO!i'" =ooiI.,."

tant ~~Jm inform;cl, e~. [M]t •• +~! ••.

0010, tap hn' Jrom .t#.nt tm j,iUm, 1 pr~r~' to'

know 'Mi\hat I KQS doing. , ,; 7 ~.~ .... ~:'f\ ~ • ft .. lit fa

iI:JI!i,lEilftz",. , " ._, ,

jtt.~.)' !~d.J!tan~ \~/. Someone who isjitlerJ fee'l:$; AlW ~

... _.,~ ~ tings' or • .., . ~ ~

!l"J:H'VOIlS, OI':orJ!i7W:l! wee, -- ,,', , (l~ ~C!ilS.1 <liPi1iI!IOmta,l._

'" ...... p(j'

wom. [om) 'I B:)f; R ~, ! '" ~itt.~. m • You ',re putt,)!'

jitW:y, 1 Boyum; lBidVtuwy.'f()1'Q Q,t'Uh! IClIIU. lr~ ,ordy.a~. J 4!1t-1T'" • .lH~IMngIA*~.I:*.I:-r ,"

"fi'~~_ •• ~iI .. "'E Jt~,-*U~." .. lused of HttJatioM t . .m:IQUMH

, '~L __ 1.._ '-_i =' ,~,~

wttiu~ u-.: yo~ fCcJ. JJa"VIJIllS or'dOCT.iaLI. m r3ilUt. ~'I: .

A.,*~1C!t9: •• ~ m It ,wtlS/Jf'Oba'bly al IJUs jillery

$,r,~ of h~ lift. 1,/;uJ,f heaiflrted gumbl'ing, ••. 1iJ.":I! a-~~tt~.5~.OO.a~ ••• ~~

.iiI •• I~'h ~v/. Jfi"", J~. JiN'ed.1IThe' J'w i!; a )!I~INCh ~ dil:lOC'¢wbich ~ .~ .m HE 19ltOs ·and 195OS, a1) f~ fir5'1. pEFforl:'lEdl to j:azz tnlllSic and. l!actttw rook. and roll

InilISl£. :tI •• ( .. aT 20 1lItftl. 40 ~,'It fII 50 4 it I :If tit!ri

• ±~.~ ••• ~8,.). - .. . .. . ...

2 To .,}i¥e means to d.ance' 'the ji vc. • •• ". 1m ~C!\U \I don,~t h~ to k~w ,lInw 10 t'~il and ji~. .~ ~~~. ~ ~ ~ iiI;t; q" Ii ijb. 7- • .:t·~.M... .

Jnr 1s oj writ~ ~tkm for 'jUlll.oc" J U5led: especialJy h;. American Eogli.m. af~cr $QI:IXQQC'S ~to ~ libll:lJ:l fr.Oll'l! an .older ~mber of ~ .falltlily ~. ha$. the ~ name- [::t~]/J~Uwrlor ~ •• ,mTtl-t,~t~IKJt TJIl.j!:.~~*,~.&). Ee ... l7mA. Hardeylnr. ·'·1]-..~ •• ' A· .*ftI.

jl1lb, /clyIblcl6ob! • Jobs. 1 AJob is 1. 11 ·lM wort tMt'a p::r~ N~ SQ!l does.wtguJarb in ~ oo.·earn ~y. aA J(Rtf[. m !~~ Oladp /iNJUy g~ ,(.lI ~ 100 Il:;ta 5eCrf'mry ... ~,n. ~.T,tU;ln· ~.1H® O:f 'Utt •.• He oonsldeud .fNmMlf

ide4l1y suiu:d f'(Jt' the Jotiof p"ime Minister.,. t'a ~ IU "'.m5:.WI'ilJ1, •• A.71 .. ·· ... Jem;mllg jobs ••••••• =IS

Vl,.!It ••• . ... an u~...m'ly good j.oo offer, ... T • 'iii. iIW'

-.Jl"m.~. 1.2~·I"'i ...... that Ul\'iil. do a!i ..... rlof. -,C'_

.. ~ ., __ "'1II..lIIfi If.-- r-~ your re-g N~

.. dar work wmch rnaycoosi.M of many s:malltt Wll. (1Iii; ! ~M 1')I"",! Uti itt!P )-tt::!D:. fro We ~ ,fa .{iniah th

entire jobih ,W/U!JO tmu monl,Iid ... ftflittR~ ;;;1.1"' ij R;;!i!!d!;T::t:IJX$'" ~ ma.n who did the .tkJlgnjob

had t~ .)ltOrs' tmini,. behind him, -f-ititii!UI1'" A:u It+'lf:.~~tlli. 1.3a part~ ~ mat·you _ve 10 NC(lil.1Nl

~" ~pe~ly .~q tMt )'Q!J d.owitb ~ lwlm Q!I! ~ ~

1W'ilt.b sp:ciallto'i:lh:. ( - ff ) :.r: M:, U.! Ii.JL J • ti. m

Drete are ,alloKJ)'$ pltlllY of .Jobs'" ~ ~ ~

~., .. it ~ llfi ;f:.p X.:'. ... . + • a repair job. .. • ••



.Bli!ilSit· .. J .,'him. he did a gnat jOb oJ'~k. _ill

"- .. T~liwe.· 1Jl1\!, oddtJob. 1.4 ~I.y in.~ ~COt!W, m ~isb. an dj~ or a fumlJed pieccol work that is UliU"Stm"

of .gaXI.qwdity and that h3'1 'been m.adr: or ,done w~fllny

_ QU't'fully. [tJ .IrA .• ! (;It tit A!It}'r la. ~, Today. a

job like tMi ~ld crut £ 3'0... :On 4- .•• iff ~ * 6·fliI''' Call) ~.,..... ".nwrn IJOl!d ptlirtt job,' he m~!'JU,t

loud .. Hmn ••• »tl 7 r·.j;;jIr'ilil ~L 5~ciaI~ in No:)ID,\'T,mtI iIlforma] spoken &Igliih. aJII aotim oradw'Vi!ty tbu Is ldis. ~+ 1'4 ~t.W'lfair.or U!lplmsu.t, UlitJ(tI::m J.> 1J ~ 'F~

JE.®. ; .. A:f:.li8 •• ea l~, ,il K&f(j. pgt~J4'jub.

~f le'olU ,(hue ~. ane., " ft;;I: iI ' ~ •• 1 'I # it , ... tIJI

a .•• ;1; -1-'" The ~ did ahtchet job .~hhI1"

11# f!. 'M r til. M J.f( 1ti. ~. 6 .in mf~ &.g~, N ~

lish,. a ,mme. especiaIIly a burglary- [1I)m.ft1.l(jt,. 11 ""~

• W). ro 'l'hey muchl him alter IImJ jdJ ilJ~ llTixlim.

.2 'IlK job of aparti:cWiU" mmg or .I:timl. of ~ is 2. ~ :!Ii duty. rt:SplIl!iiMity. or funoi:km d13Jt they ha~or.~' roti:lidCf.'Odto halve _ ~ 1ft ~'fl::JiI. mIl ~s the job .vI journal,ism ,t,o renmj'n df!tacW .. ' _».+ II ~.;II! Ii I'III.I·W ao:J Q Jr"" .. - cmnplex mmr:le.f ·whme $ol,e j() is

t(.! ~. f',:Xpt~rion.j. • •• _al" - !~rH'r.: .t -& f+ ~ II t~

68 ~ :I: ~ M EI;i. 2. ,2 the kind or work and duti.6 ~t NOOUNT I u:ru

they do 00" aeeexpected ttl do.. (i.Ji1t ag )8111. IEG,.sM l:RJS ~~ rN $~NG

cr~dciza:L /Or doiJW"~ man's job'. .. fa." ..J!. A 100 " ..


3; ~f yo~ say thiit. ~. had a d:iffi.filh job. a IJa:r,d job. ,etc" N siNG, VlU

to do ~ng. you. art el.ll~~ bow diffio2lt dl3,t sitJUation or attivity was" .'. tBlJi I ~ ;I it,~ t! :h GII!i • , •. E!l I hmJQ .dilficuJJjob.~ng 000 the ~'and'dull1- my filt.hy clOlhes; ... ftJl •• 5r.N.·~IR·.·ijJ4I' ;l:ft-3S M., ••• It hW· going If) be' a bit of a job .fO find' Grorge. !J! ,R.iUf itt ••. ~ :lIJJL.

4 ~, W<It'd JI!iib is also U5ed in. the r~~~

rcbting 'to work. if.F;JlTtJ!J1f~IIfj;8!;I!liiil •• 4.1 j[f fmt, W yw say ~t sotmOm·dW Of .lIIIldea ..... or bMI,JM of a l~ partirnhu 'UiSl, you art:. deslri'bing how wtiIll .: Qt. badly tihey.

have daneic iF' illittil. ~. :EG, lJtuJdy th:olilBhlM"d

1'NPh' Q W!ry ,good' job (Jf'~bathroom .. ,.iI. i-l~a,tl

I~Jm ~~J~ Tft.,~ e··· HI! had done ilIn ~~~-

Me job oj prestdiffg OWl' the ~ribwwl. it. j:: *. JJ tli:8

x.~iIl. ·1.2 If yoo $a)!' ~t ~~.~ .... ~ job, you .1TIC'm1 that thc;y are· dW!:!,g drcir~k well .;;meI

.iU"t ~ OUt ::ill the duties ~. of them.. ,r ••

J(i. 4 •. 31 'JlIe jQb. In I!aDd ~ tile p.eo:·of ~k whicl.I you 1l'9R,1Jm) AS Qf

are oon,g at tE, ~ 'tl.Jne. ¥:!k etJiI fFd!fi1Ijf:1I11.I ~ 'I' ~

ai· u,'sget M with t,~ jdb in 1uJNJ. it.if] •• .,..~It!l'

I. ft'. 4.4 If ~ .i!, 0IIi 1bejob. t~y :ow::~ly do.. 1'1:Dt,1JW) AS AI ingaparticular pirte O'fwork. 1fI$~*tt •• lEG, FiNl ~~

out how' ll'iiI'imy 1i"tOO. ,Jun witl be: on t_ job. iII.-"f

:tf ".~ ~ A-FIIlIJi! i ~ .4.5 If ycv refer to work as jobI fmI.

[01" ... hoyt. ~I ~. tha~ilt·.is DOlt ~ and bas ~ ta.'RlW'.1$ilI

bet:upru ... ilk:d by ~ Fa- their ~ or ~t

lIied. tin [kitisbll<' ..... P" [-]- 4.1III:o±;;..r:, >"iii:; ~ .•. IH"M ,*:d"'.,

--, .''-' ~!I""n •. ~(""J!O;iI,o;",)!IO;"""', l-I"'!Q;1T¥ .

_tOO)~. tI«I:. EG The ~e fI'Oitrt~j' ,~ry . le:s J,v.,U jam fi(Rfht, boys. it.-t-:9i m l!1\,~.'1r':i .JR. ~7~.~~.AI!7 .

5 .If}i'iOlli SS!y ii's It iIPId job :!!Qll1oEmIDg 15 .U1JeQJ' Jw hap~ rkR" ~lt pelXd. you me:an .~ t!'W'Jlt or slrtuallon. .yt;N are de- ~~I)r sa-ibing 'was a .good thiqg' for ~ and has beJ~

tbe.m,in ~ waYi ,aa itnforD'lal ~. [m].'., *:it. ~

Ell> It's a~' jab ~bmu'Rht }1tJUT broJly,. ,its sJlJ1'I.,

i~ ~o mill .• -'OJ''. 1'41: .;pftitFMJTT •

6, In .~ken Eng]j~.b, ~fYOIl sa, ~:t:~ is Pffll. USJIDASC

jlld 'Cbc: job, YOU,.1'1OeM tbam: it j!, ~I.y what you waIOtoo it :iilil:.iIti~

or ~ ~t thot .Il~~" [::I:iiJiE::I! •• M'*D .. EO.

Tlw.nk ~ - ,r:1tQ.t ., ju.u the job .• •• - ~ jf. ft"


'lIn iDfnrmal:&1g~isb. if something ·dors die ,job, tit soc", MR, VB ~ in adliCWlg the: .re:!>u]t that was d£sired.. [~] (Ii!l1Jo lh~ ~ltl:li'''' ~..It ~ i:lllt: t~ M. m I dan'~ .cIUe., ~ 1l ~ icm-, ,as lrmg ,_ ,it ,~ 1M: jab ..• ;f.':t.tlft!.MHt~.Jl


:8 If you lIIde·tbe best ., .. hlMijob. you accept an mR, VB

unsatisfactory J.U'tmitWlilth3.t fO'.IJ! ,.::annal changeliliild JNi~ do the: best that yQ:U, can .in tht: cilroCumst31il'[5" .. ':h;lt

,. ,m •. 11 iii ~,Bgi •• »I~ ~.H 11 R. EGi T1u:y DMy as

Kl'eU make ,au: bu,~ 01 ,ii,. ~d jo,'b + fiI n ~ u;r. tt9t1 a.

~ &.1.i 'fi'" ~ • .

9 If YO\!! stw ~ or !j:mltti'lmg lip 85 il! bai!t JoII',,)'OO. 1'HFi" VB decide tIlat you an 00 ~r- ~ having an~to ~ dcwitlh tIlrn!L ~ }Ol will R;)t btalbk 10 .~ Of im~lherr.L X\fi (j;;A •• ")=t'wHnf ••• Ea l~Pe


I mle "-h!~i!i!ocl

'I • 1'd(I;!"" ~ + • ~ w.1!N'Th' {t~


it ~V ffS ,~ bwJ Jobin tM end. !'t. fa R.~. ,.::F N_, fl-~".1'. . .. ._

J .... /cl~,4JQb/, 1 If ym!l ~y that oom.eo:w:e has the iMt,IJmlAS.O ~ e".... you mean tlhat they are extltcfnel'l 1'1 ~ p.iI't~lmtj a rather (J~d-f:ashio1!L'ed expres.sID!1, [n.n ••


2' U you ca~f ~ a ifob~!'li CQ~rter,. you meaD . .mit. that l:lJey maG ~ne who i,s tmhappyor in trouble

evel:! ~ lIIgba:pp'y by t;dk~Qg aIboy~ hils orher ttotl·

bJb. ..!11:&' ••• if: •• ,& I!~ AISt!:i, l®J:: ....

Jtb.~ lr~~~" A ~ ''WOI'k:er ~ IlIJt ADJc:u.§Ot, 'Wilf'1i: fot ~ 00. a. .31 ~, but does: parti;aular ~

w- wI:w;n .,h-. 3Ib:d . . 1'1 ~IQQII

..r-"""'" ' ..... ·':':'<;;1 aFt:. . ..•. to" •• ffl® .~lI:fflt!l. EG •••

.' a ~ Wilder. • •••• ttU!I •• IA . ..

job-. / d~JKI 'd3nbhsi/. Someone who, IS Jobless AnI ~[F

dOes DOt. MYf: ajoo. ·ewn though. dteywolllld.1ikiCQM. ., ~

~ ..'I:t!i, '" ~ .ll"rlng t~ depnssii(!)JiI, mmion,s ~rl! job-

leu tuwl MI:PW,Ia.r. ~l'Ii." Jr:t I:! T W ]i A ~ . ._, :it a iiJ

ft. iii> The jIlMes!i is; IIIRd to ufe.t to' people who are •. N !l'LlDRAL, jobb. ftI C(:It~ ".A. Iml We havet'D d:o more for ~:~ tM p«»' :and t~, jOOZtsS. ..iIi1~,,1:I W A tI ~ !'It,.:t

. -~ •.

... lei. Job .... A Jftb Wi Ii!i a [I_wnbcr of ,c.lxap ~ of N~ low quali.ty w:hi:ffi . .att: sOikl ~dacr, .rOt- example iinauc-a ~ tiarE: gr ~bmd shops.

III }- ••••.. ~ Nmri,,-.8'(J' y«li'3 ago ~ ~l hi:J font

job,lm !fJl/ $o.~ fQr ;£ 3. t!t.I20 .fF&l1m a;l;Mi1J,; T!I

-.~* .. *.,

J-h dr ... is ijJe~tUi by whldt t'itII'Q p::opJe wock N ",f~

pa:rt~rune am, tIE same~. £Of' t:;~. ODeP=r'SOIl 'WOik;. 1'I!t~~1

mg iD. die ~ ,and .~. othtt run ~·alenoon. -I~

.eM Hili A?f'. ='tI I fj: • tsI~, A "i!. T •. ~ - A l' If

=f} 0 EG We iIIIIUSf _" to look seriously at tht:w'Iwl~

qUUl,ion. eJjrJb"''V. ft {(]~~:1fM,~ ••• "n.+

-·I~ •• I~.. _

jr«IIl.,1!y I~~, '~. j~. jdeyiog, Jodceyed,

1 A~ .ts .~. who lI" a borse in. a .~. Mm, H,OOUl'«'

_.,_...;":n,, ... wbon tbis b the.iir ;;...,lI. 'm. III; ,_ n .. _ - 1't rim

~!Iu.I..IIOI..I, L .' ..lI~~ JV\.;It" ~., _I"'" ~ 001 .j, - ~

~ ~~ his ~ as ,a jochty .. " ····~T1ift~ 11,,1: • ~ til • ilUB it £ J:I ft .. at *,... I ~hink Iw.. MUS Champitm JockLy M .'fOmething (l1Ul' YM'J" ~. MI.', lM'J3'~~t he? ••• 1' ~;1-. ~ ~:a _ :q. • ttlJ 't:II~ .it! ff-:t. .ii~, .fI.Il.?

2 If !j,Omoonc f5, joet.t')iD1!I fOf'lI'OSltlon, they Me tl!lJng flm, VB wbat~VfTmfi~hod5 they can ~n order to try and. gttt in- ~ to!'!. bE,ttN pt8id(li!li rtlJan dlelr rivaJ" :iE III ~ ~ . .,... 11 ~ &. £G ~y mwl ,kvote ,jl pr,ftciQUS amour;r;t of en-

"rg.v &imply 10' jockflying fo., positiq/1 .. , .fl~.:tE

.'X_ ~ ftm:fl ;b A;f:' 3::t • ". T ill lit flI Q... . .. r~'l1tll

t~~ ,g,uOJta.rgtlll~:wtianS' oontinuou.&'Jy jockey j()t'

positiOft,. • •• ~11i:l;" 00 .L ~ !tun:ll .... .,. • Wi ...


.f«ky ..... is •. o1 ~mar:-k foe rn::n's Ulttkrpar.uIs t1:rat .are III PUJltI!.t,.,w;o ~ ~ .. I:tae ~ 'WI;lnl (Ot pbying sports •• ;md ~ <!I_',r!lf N

. the tt!p pan of the lihigtas" ('" All);W" fillii.:& )." I' ~~

jiocSosanp l'~~~ '~~/, ~. Ajd-' MCOlIWi di'ap ~ a p.iGa: of~"~ by SpxWneD under tilde 1l,~ ~. or ~~ll' lit:rppon tlx!ir genitah, (.R:Ii ~ :Ii.11 ~'}rl:.jJ~·M~

jf.~ Id:5iil'kaBld:9l'.hti/ mt;8R; . .-.usill1g 0( h~1 AD!fOO/lUt; .010 ,ohf:..~wocdI. [lEi ]~.I~h •• Iag. eo He $(lid mu ATl'MI ifhM in a,..,. oJj'ocDse ~Uuy, ,ftc( •• IIIJffjltJ em

T :l!:Ul.O ~,II.JlI •• Jt.. 00 , .. tffter hve,u'Y Q AOYwrIlI: 'VII ~IM oj coI4 ltJbmu •. (U OM,q t~ j~.Jy [JUJ U. ···<iE:m.n'~'-1"An.JlilM .§M:T 20 1-.!J:IM·~ ••

1I@ _ ..

1«-1I'.Jar /!ldJmtj*, \~J~J~J. 1 So,mf!'Q.n..: Ji!Dl' ,~ j~ is ~rfu~ and o.Fttn mak~ jok~ or trlie$ to ~ :-::. ma~e peop~e Liugh..;Wfi.1it ~ ... ~. ~Gi Tht. re.'-

semblallt(¥i had O.i!ICe bel'!'n noted by ~e jocular'

M~IUh .miUJr .. J;t "' 11M: ~ M:: _.)I .' ". "f'.1F ~ ~

M JUl •• tr.JI ..

2 ~ ~ b .joadu' b; mteoded 'to ~ ~c .foDI ~

!laugh. n. ill I :iI,g;; •• w ' , T ~. }ocukit .tM'IlUk. ". . •. ;JT '" ~

~~M fS···10id'y mmtmnm it .in PwsJ"'8. .in a jocu-

lar I~. ftR:'Ml~n •. 8~Jji'it •• ' •• T1:::. <> joo·... 0 .~

lifo· "'V I~u~mmt A:pkj~'~:I. ...!.it., EG ~+SWi'

Ht: did'" 't !'l.l'Pftdatt.· tht' j~ri.ty of t~ It:IUT>f I ·fI ::t'''~:l!:.e~itMi •.• t:lI •• O~, ••• t.. <) .!I.Jjt{ lvm! VI! JI. ,ro, ~We'llt;nJbably all die *th ~,' &hJie mid

}OClI1fN:ly. ~ftfril '!if •• it Jj' if: - J.;l! J~ Jt ~I, "_:Im H."

lA. - ...

jG6I •. pUn: 11~p:il.I'~~Z/ .uc· trowlen; dw.I .. ~. ~ ~I"WI:M.,JUO

WM }'OU .a:f!l;: riwog .a hon.t. JOOhpun ,v:t ~ [~the ill j»r.r of't N

ili~gh ttl the 'kM!o.: and ~igm ~low *' mee, 15.. :fr ~



jO@! !~~ d30g! • j •• jogging: •. J~. l To Jog rnoeam

11. Ito l!!U\ sl.owly.. JI!. 00 .H~ Irwa' OU~' to see 'KI'Iwt: VOl II

KW happening" 1I! .•• itIJ ~ •• J!!t 7 ff~ •. .,. wed as .. oN SJNO a: noun. JfJff;flili!t. lEG 1 ~~ ~p'Il)1 a Jog and moved

,wp life ~. briskly. ft 111" fiT.!::¥:. II T 8* • .&tII::II

- .11iJ 8.1. :2 eo run doW~y foo- ;I period of WirH: Wi. a v fOrm Qf e1rel"cise..fla (. ~ .• M. fI ). 'Ell •.•• peopltt

k'hQ 1'08(# pkJ}/ ~, ···1I •••• n:!lU'~A fJ. to .. NI SliNG •

'used &.<> a nOWL M fllf;, ij). 00, CoIni.lara Jti8?' •••

In <>~, .. lI.w .. , the curntJt tnl!m.riosJ:n lor () .Pi lJNC'O!JNT joggi'W: .••• If..t"'F m •• Ufi.

:2 If ')!'lml jog ~thi~. 'you plSb or bwnp it s1~htJy and V.Q

~1,I.'l(; it to ~. '0[ !nJ\I'e., ti. ~ &-.' ',~ - .• ,e".. !W 1uJd., ~ ~

.~ 'I!IiJ:'" ,_ = ~

joggm. her cup(}f~le, Mil! u. TMiI .• ;F~ ~j3

ttM~ .

3 If something <if' ~ jop. ~ ~. they re- PI'IR, VB mmd~. of~ .• B,i:ltz~ ro HfI had 4t.mon- ~ smu~ t~~ tojf>gmymemmy. flI:W.i!f!I!Jfl ••

~ IW .,1;1. lAM. ft ~iiB tl..

J ...... I~~, '~l ........ A jUgf!r .~ .:;1. pe~ NO)i.Il«' woo runs SiJowly .;iii a fonn ,of,t:mtase. tlM.' •••

j,..ogtt /,,~;\W1, j~. j ... ,j~." Ifyoo VTO ~ !iOi)fMtmog. you ~ at;!dJab ~t ~dy and. ~t- ,,~ ,edJy, especiaUy :up Dddown,. 9& ••• m. ~

IhI! oobyon .h6arm. **!!.JL.i!Efttf m:@~ ••••

j;.gk de: Yii~WC!J 1~~,!vi~J ~\'viv:r/ _ .U;. a fmJi:ng of N iIi~ fufppinas.wOOI ,mjoylmnt of lire I a Li.teFary ~.

[B]~ #- Z~ I tlJi ~.m;lf.. 8i31 Ii- II *~. lEG ~y mw

filled . ',:h '.oil! J., '1i\. .1lI.JM..!Io' ...... <Ii- ~"'" d:.' •

..... wu .. 1--- ~ w.n. _ltJn;."", .~f!;lo~"" .. :.

join ld~!l ~ dpo{ .j~ .• JomJag. jobied. 1 If:~ Of' 'if~. ()

~tIring Join'i:~. dJcy·I' tb.n Ik two ~ ~ ..

pk IX funp ~ ~. in ~. ~p1ace., for' ,exarn.. = ~

pt.e SO tlJa,t both ef them am. do sametlhlng togethd·. Il· .. • ft.I!j· .. ~ii.~.IKI.~~···.~ .. 156 Hf!- wt'nt.lm Q

walk befbr,i! j<1i,v,ng iWJ bro.rher fOT lea. .. ..5ti * It :i!t .,

~ffl\~ •• I1HlB. -B.~··· ~. flew ~~' U~ join him

on· f1u! fi~t anril!Jbk ~' .•.• ~M.J~iil.~.lIj!·~ ff"lm~!jll~a-··· 'Tht MJiCOpJi€I" Ml$ quid(~y pMd

by a ~mi > .= •• ~.:fI:.IPJ •• ~~·T •

:2 .1 f you A_a queue. ')"OI!! stand .at tbeem of it 80 tMl v'" (]I yw are part: of ~t :till A ([;I., 1i). Ell They went olf ,to jom ~ ~oo "he q~JQT coff«··"· ft.fJ*tfP..~.1!f T~·····1nt;·mn

fr;i~ tJv roW of CW8 •••• W:zM$:1JIA 7 ~.tI(.$'.'

They joined a naa~~ liRe OfmMckl's. II; til; 111 AT.

0. n:ill. 6CJ ~ ffi. '.

3 If you Jam a dub, ii()(;u;iIIy. or orgOU'lii:zati.Q[l; you berome V'OI: V+!D., lmJ

41 member o,f ,It or stw1: 'Yrnf.k as an . .....,. .... ~'"'lJM> - of lit.;f.o,l y+ 0

... ".'It"' ~~ ;!AI "" '" C:r!~

(41mtIIJ .il:m •. m~~) 1,J1i;:1l···m-~,I.:m. ali We·bzli!k ioinedr'he .lAbour .Ptzrly, •. • • .,.:00 1" I :I: ••• I joined t.he bank a,$' I1gmdw;l~~ tf:ai~jl1 19'1,6 .• , ft'T 1976 :q::ff''j;J·~·$J.§:'~:iI.fiI.··· lh)~ ale a'"

my. 1l.~T .

4 .If·yo1.!! join an acci.rity that ~f' ~ ·are doing. you Y+ 0 '

take .part. iiIlI iJ!! otlx~ in.vo1VGd ·with it... (jI'j")~ ,~ ~ ill

00, They ~ bttoitm tQ join .he f~fin& .. ,fill.'."

.m ~~ ... Aft« a littl~whil~ she joined t~ dancing.

~ S - ~)[, Ii m ~ ;;l;:i(-:ti; .• " 7" ~ .. t.Q ~rOlVr:!l1, . .1..


$ If tW£I nm.M .o.r' 1',[ !o't:B Job!. m ~f oae toad rn- ri \rei!' joins another',. the two, .m~t or ~nm!l!toge,the.r' at a p<Ut~cu]arpolinL ~. il'[~ ~Irli. E.G Thu rotUJ· Joins the mQf(!l'tWU)"t'f1 junction 16 .. " .li*JI:U:. 18 ~Xl:ll U:!!j.$.~1t... 1'hi!.~' joilU Im~ppi ,II~

Sr Latltf. W;;S.!ljli!«~ ••• ~lfa!lItNl:it.

6 If yotlI .10m 'I.'WO' thinp. '')roIIl ~. li:x. 'Qf' put them 'k}~. iUI,.it. EG Cu.tlhem doMon the middle and i~in .fIM ~~ outride ,~ U.I~, ..• 'Efl1'K'iP~M ~ .«t6 !lM-iii~ ••• tl8 •..• ~ ~·atlr.ial~

.Iy Iwocmt~jolnMt:o,p;,htt .•• 8J T·~~ J::!: m ..

(iJ/:t>. :il1l&* ~. .

7 IDJ ~thi~ ~~ .asa liJQe. a.pailb. ora bfi~ jotm two otber~. II ~ orl:i!rtb them rogetkr. (ti. M.Ii"Ht • ., fG Dr;aw " stTtZigh. U~ jo1m,., lheSe 1M4? points •. , • - .;1: Jt. ft • .1i ~ Ai .ifll &. .. ....~

High Slr:ed' .is joj~ to ~t Stt~1 by .dll ~' .••

.. .I: '* " £Ill - :I: It • I:j • ·rtJ .,"·it·,·· 'l"Iu cilia Q."

joi_ by d~ ~d~tKw liw. :I;II;,m 1i.1ft.

J2t ••. ~ "iiU"Il1(,tlfil.- S.

a A join is .ap~ when: two things aFt: fa&troed Of f'~d

~. if.ti ~.J; ~ •• " mThe repair ~ ckme 50 well. )04 eQUid hardly ~ i,~ joi,,* .• 4ItI.J1. JL •• 4'fil •••

9 ~ll ,;m :iTIIlIy _ battk, it ~ roo fight ~ .iii. funnaJ

\l0le. CiBt](.tl)7f.~".

VOl v+ 0; RB;;lP

1'1 IlIIlU

'''1.,. G,. lJI'SUI'" A ~f~


\l'i>Qj,UilJl't.".,. " ~,IiD~

jOOI i£L If youjo.iD; iD an activity. you. t1ke pan in .~t.or f'HRNW. VB, berome in.~ved in .h. .111 (tl 3!1.) ~ .. ~ ~ fG H~ look ;::::~":" hi$ ~~' oR amJ. join«l ~n. t~ ~,.. fE,.~M-.-;B

.:;f TiS * ··,·/brents should join: in .these diJ;c~ . " •

j!,* m ·it • 11111:: ,~ };if ~ n. 1Wmmotlw .,mesf}re

pffJ.,yed ... _' .. ' .. he ..... ,rria' to f<Jin in. §;KM • .(tfiiiB~·iJ;f tilf!iit,.,

·.mj£~~ .

join..,.. 1 If OO<~ J~ pP, tOOy. ~~'()H'~ ~ ~~!f Qf .I'f!RAML VJI, tbe a:rmy.thcnavy. Of'tllt ait f~[t:, wed in Bri;ti:;h ~ ~~::'I\f lish. EJ.!J.~ I Atfi.

2 If you Jom lIP li:wO ~.~. you r~ll. fix. or Plilit!ik:tli1 l'l~Vlh t~thtt.:i!:fl. EG l,!ded t'O joi.n ,loll" aU his IXlpef dips V, O-f .AD'V in a 10000c!rr«iR, «it~"*ft.1ii'«-* ~:fa:5J~

$, -

] If 'G.I1e ptfSOO or tbiqg pm: :up wjdi: anott:Jer 0( jf tlWO peopk'OO' things jam up. tlq ioovt' so ~hat they come to· gether [111 the ~e place. • itt- Ai i « fcl" fi: *'. Q:; The two {amil.ies jrJina a:pJor lhe rut oJ the holiday. .. It ~, ~"If't ~itAH.fjl.ri'~~Jji]m.t£-ii:··· T~y an' nwvi~

~I $-() joi~ up ..viI h thehendq,m1I'htrs. ttldl1 1l. W ~ ~ ~


jmh.<a" P~oo~ \~/. joiners. I~ Btitidl ~Ih, a N OOUNF

joiian is a persoo. w~o W(OC)ljell wi:MIbw n·ames, Il «al:t:5mIlI

doot f,~,arJd doors~#:t2 ,cupmter. [I&JtPf;IA.

jI1Mn·croy /I(ft~:n.arll ~l/ is the skin and W'CItl:: of a tHINI)Dl.fN"t i(li:rte:l'.,~ *.l: -f:t ~

jOint I d~!rIm, ~nV •. jobrts. 11 JOOlI me:m.<> ~ by 0Ii bd.ongi~ ttl llo\i'O ·O'fIDo!."(!peopte, 1'fi:.fii 00 ~ A* tlIllJ IrE A *' f1t~. ES We ha l!e .optmed ,~ j(Jint ~nlt althe baM ... af1l~ HII.fHfY .... 1"-~ 1iiI.~"· 11Je presen.f,ati-on 1'mS a jtR~Ie,fJ01'I. Ilm:JilJ:"* M: m .• 0 jointly. 0 . .mv W.FnJ \'11 ~:flil1i.,~.JtB. 100, 1,' MVJ buib jo,i:n~ly by Fmnc:e a,q:

Gennany .. , ~.Pl'.U~·flI.III·lht •• ~··· They.flad

'W~:r~itfj~t~¥ Jo;:ly ownmoor .. ~T.

2 .A Jolld is2.1 a piUll of ~ bod.}!' ,'mail as 'your ~~bo-wor NOOUNl' .bee when:; tlW) ~: meet and. aa- able ,M f.IlOli'ie ~m~ ~~iIm er , ~ "'. E6 H"'eca~ feel' the rlleumalm. in his

joints, . .M Ml: Il: lQ ib Q ~ ~m II¥J ~.Mi ... ,.. r~ i(lf.'-f.f.S

0/ t~ fing.ers.. . .. tJij';l(:1f .2.:2 the' pl.iu;r where t'O\i'Oth!:ogs N COl.(Nf

_~.;I '" .:..01:1

.<l!f-C fa!iiWu<;Q or [i~ed ~oget!ht:r,:iI #! It: j «-it ~ ~ B: ~ .~B: ....

•• ~ ~ ap~ ~u tM joinu be.,~ tIM new

pla.r~er .and the old. .. t£ Ii [~jC. fa. iJ!l' #: ~!a: It • T ••

... ~ ,he pi:pt3llJf' l'mh at lhe • •••• .~.ftjJ.I •. 2.3 a 'way or jol:ning ~"NO'pl«rcs of wood NCCiU>IT together" (* * Itr!I ) II .. "li.:it t .a !l7i'.it.. m .,. a ~i

d'OW'l.arl jo1m ... ·.1rI~~ ••• ilk., 2.4' a; faiJriy WgtN C'.OUHT

.pl~ of Il'Ieilit whiiCh,1s suiitabt.e foc roasdQg. ( :J:i T::Iit!·"* ~ ..

dfj)::tl!lt!: t:!t. I;ll , •. 1'1 joinJ oj '(JtlS~ btef .. " ····-xfl: • .1Jt.

J!ll···· The: jvlt;u 'MI\U' o~. jg ~ fM ~ OtJ IJ;f ~I * ilk.

.2. Sa SWD.aIl pm of a dh:ic:~ QIti oWew bird wbi.cb has· NCQ1.lII1['

~~, Oil up:so that }'QUean rook WEa.t: ~L Jjv •• <itX 11 I~iitft ~,t«.) .. ro Thb iSaUce gM' J+'eUMt.h ~ ~I't:ak..'j OI'clii-cURjoinls. it:M.M:fBIt'f •••• tt- 311"'* ..

.2, S a oof]mll8' or pl1ace .especiaI~)" :§ml'~"W:h«ew~ reo- ~ 'COUJ!rr ple go .For :!lOiJle fonn W elltefitai~nt.j f:oF example a 1'1 buiikllll" gamJJJffig dub, 3i m,p' dub .OJ' a 'OIft, ~ ill m!lOmW

Engiliish. [·m J. ~ .. If (~ 1II11.~ •. lla ~ ,1!l11If tv

!~n. EG Ik W!W' empkJ,yed J:na poky .little jrJU j-f.'lim iii

San- .l7iMcisro.. &J!":(£ IW :&1111- •• ,J, ~IIII±*. ~ ..

If'. 2',1 a qpmil:e whim con~ mrumbisl an.!m'Ifw- N~ ~ krm. [m];':M •••

3 If you p1IJ!\. a par!!: of yowbddy such. 3!; 'y.our ,e[!Jow 0[' PHiR, ~ 1iI!l. A ~·..-01 joln.:or if j:t is 001 0( JoltIt,.it is iqji~ <B.ldl c.

clx bones .<lIft;: .~ til! their OOJ'f'ectpm.ition. .. 61: all ~ Ja 8

I'!I. 00 He '$ put h& Mouida OUt of pm. _'"·AIi ...


-4 If yOIl put or ihrowSOl'J1etmng out Q{ j.oint. you dis1'ur' PIiA, '\Iii

I~ ar up!>f!l:i~. so tihat !Jt Q:liii no Jomgtr operate nlttmlYI an "1IJ!'d

i!1l(Oi'ma] ~. [RiJ:Ii:::I&. ooU·i.f pruNibJe 'to throw thoe

OOm:pult? ~m our of jo1mb, .. in,~m'l!!'.

:t! I.,t'1I * If tliA ttl: in.:fi iiJ. • me J¥ •

5 If ~th~ug puts ~'s D08e OiIf of Joint. it..~ !l'HR. ~~ m:w' tR~ {>eel ~tbeeailL"le they Me :mo longer mrJvrn,g as INf'[Hl'cr

m!dt. at(,/!lIlllar] OJ' iJavillg as ,rm.reh .~ .as theY'd!d in 1l IIpM1!

~ pash ~ in imJifor n:raru &.gJqih. [m](II.)...u •• 1. ~ fl¥A** (fl;511:"hf'fil...Aagtt". EG I ,hhtJr. it '"'t'

; wiatn *~ ~ltd. ft •.• ~1

JoiU·ed l'd~ll:Iud~ "'dpntJd/. 1 Somt:l!h~1l8 that. ~$ , JIIb:I~f j;lliDted has jolntsth3iil: mnve. ~ 1l' il!i iJ jJ ~ EO TAt. ~.~ doU hatl Jm'u~ I,. OM arm.s. ilti.tnr~15'IU8~

I~.fg" •. ,

;2 A Q[' atlt¢rbird ~t i5~. ~ ~ cu'!; ink! Am ClASSIr

pietQ.:50 ~t h is rtadylO~" ( •• '.).mJ1U"~ruJ. IN!

!,u._~__L. '\11), ", ... I'DV, OFt V'I:M)Vi'M~tII), RECJlP'

Am ClAS.'lUO, ~ .~

_. el!mlalncd


joimt--siock ~, .JtiDt'ostOOl CI~ Aj;oiJd-5IOdt N COUNT'

, ~.-' L._ ' ~·....."the • ~

00IlIPIIDIY .IS a ~1IleS!i, !OODlL.;paDytL~~ ~ "'.0_ - :., ..,:i . .._peQ-

pie woo mve ~t ~ in Wat ~, a ~C<!LI

tum in business. r.J."'tl-il.

JliUt I~~d.,pstl, jolSti, A.iI_:is a long ~ piell:! 'oflliCOlJJ;n' \<oOOCiI. ~t.oli', or ~re tfia'l is: ,used .m OOiJdtrWor oth- ~ RIJI'POO


or struttUfte§., ,~ciaJ]yto S1Ippru1 it floor oc ~IIDg.1i


j(!lil! / d~ ~ ~/. Jokal~ JotiDa. jlted., ~ Aloke is

11.1 SGrncd!lli~gthat is .Wd Cic' doIi!t to ~e 'you mup. for N mum ¢~p!.e a funnyitOt)'.~ii!h.~. ~Gru)U!:j; hBtP the .. Pi joke aoofd' thegirolfewilb a ~ Ihrooi? .• -f:t;IJJiW.11 ~~~jli.Ift~.tlSl~ii~? .... 1"hey ~(JU shouting

at ,he tops of their mi,res ~nd ,('nllCkilW jokes and sc~~~ Mth f~ugIUer., ... ft;tJ~etf,*ifliJ' .• Ji!Il~II. Ji(tlJf.1fSi.~:ti~,.*~· .. M:en tskestOt:Jd up, ihefa~

tIM, mode his PSlmI joo ... jd;!Miim* MlmM, .. 1I.:.i\t M

lJ!IltJFi!:. T Ii; ~ ..• I lried to t.eU ~bodytM~ joke

atid they drdn'tge',l it, «i(llIll!.+~ii!aliUjAit:ifi.~·

flBflll.'f' f!JI ~.'ft fit A. w- ~ Mo'" If j"(:!Il sa')' that 9iIlmooi:le • il'HP:, VB

(2ID't !laht. Ii,joke. yoo mean that they do not lau_gb wJx-Wili ~

)!Ioupllaya tri,d, 00 mem, but mread become I~l or .iIiH:~

gwy. em).) H ::t:i\ili.~.. L:2: ~ wltnle~t yollN'~ tell aJ'Iothe,r pe.J'Sil'H1 in cnIef· ro- amuse yooJ'!5df IQf" thm:I,. ft; "put:

~AIJ!J':ti;~j .• WJM •. lroShe'ipmed ~l1resaUi. Ob.

wortSly it wa.udQ!re. . .. .::F II .• M itt fi9i!. B ~.:I ill ~

-4;.~ .

2 If you. job. 2, t yotlte'..ll (.my sto.ries or my <lmU!l~1'lg v, iF? PW:W E<i~Y lre~' jchJdl'J~t ~ jn frf)lf.j ~ ~hoflli

of .~h;t. childr;m ... ilint£Jl..ilij81k.:f: .~-1f ~fI; ~.

•.. They were in the pnseTW! of ad!u,rJul mm:pmim:l

who joked with lhem. Mfl1;fjj=mtl!l* •. ~tllll,mR

~ji~A$:W. 2.2 'fl'1lIi kll~· ~tb~!i..g that is!JOt v

~. 'So'O tMl! yotI. 1!31 ~gh •. eitha" becartlSt they ha~ k~ 3.-;c

i'ie:"Ved }'-'lti. QI:' b~" when you ~c]iJ tbcm iI:ht tMtn.. 1Iffi

~. m Dt;m 'tMln'y. 1 ~ qnJ.y J.Qii'Vj' .. , :!lJ M"" ,-II,.:R

;@.~;if.ii~'" She SIM'tM to Iftl '!iW)"'dft;8ty" before she

NlJ'!.i2M .he wm' joking, .*:tir*!t •. ~! •• :;,j

tI •• :lf.~~.

3, If ~ :say il:Wt ~ or ~tWng is a joB. you N SlNG,",;, M .~ that they .. Im' ridticWous and ~. ~y of respO: I" ~

!u.d i~ ~llromwJ Eaglis!h. [mJIil.iiJ~MA<.*.). EG

His co1.'eo.,guef .~1Unt fU (ljoke ... Idlil i!MI. Bill:!

==:==.::m~7: lite ,dection WQ$ a .ioU·,

4 If yunll .1DIIke a _ 01 ~~.yoolaQglID at j( even nm,'YiB tmogb it is in. £actr;tiber sqlO\lS or sad. .. ..• 3f:i: ~o m ~~. Davis mtUle ttjoke (Ij.hi$,QH!n lUlafU:holy .•• Jf.I~ "" ~a a rH:t6:Jffi~. -

5 If yotJia". llUta s:i~ is Pol (!IIi ~.~ ~'a F$,WiI Joilw. you mean duat it 'b;u. be~ or ~ b:romilllrat~ ~~ armo~"oo wmry1ing. (:lJ") ( B )< .~. 3M).. I{ :JJ _.·Mi

;k", ImTh whole shi. ~ ge,uins beyonil d jQke, .1'" .M~.tA.~ ••• *~ .

6. If you say ~ tIIe.jd[e b ,ooapani~ JI!f:~. ~ 1;' .. , VB mean thatth.ey have been madie to JocK wry' foolish.a!l~ :~ tbcmgh ~hey .~ve been trying to ~ ~ ¢be lbolt roo]iIlh~an infQnml.] e~ion. [.JMil1fiI'lfla.W.~A

~' a. ,EG The joke Wf')S onlw. M'«. ~,& Q". ill a .

'1 u~ say· is mjob. y<Illl mean tha'l:W :lsPlD., lJIIm'A;SC wry diiK~Jt .aF!d Wl,:leas.<ml ~ an lIilfOJ.'tl13i1 ~l. :"1: ~lIJ [m]~;I!IJ.&;fI(j~iiili;.f;fi •• m 1,'$ .w' jdr.e .mnmng

up ~wUJ'iH:ai~ at tile .~. off()1'ty six !. .. ::&: 46 J!:it +.

elil • .J: Ih iiJ;J> &.~. ~ ... .M}lPMru::ia' :ritU!lti,(m is .I'M'

j.! ft ~8: ~.t2 .• ::t: *" t

8 Yoo say ,J~ apiIri. w~ yailhavc beei!!J Ja~ or i\C"( ~

jok~n,galOOut someilhing .;uK!. ~w ~~~~( to list:c:p "~'I'

sa.iGU!iJyto wb.iit\ng tQ sa:y. W~~ft-t • .iEJi-

t¥J. EG Aftef' M ~ ,~ anolMt iHlIILsky, she saw,

~ Joki~aptJr.~. ~ ~,drinki", too much.,; aXil T

-fFIl± .~ZJfi •• iR.I,~ • .'iE~R!1 ,·t:""A$ T ."

!9 y·CIlii :sa,y ~re ~. w~.m you .~ve j~ ~ rold ~

~lwng that ~ :!j(I, ~ tMt }'I!XII ftlld ~t djfl'i.wlm: t'O = )IQl.I'fl: ~i4diIII

bdi.eY~" (;F·Iil:fl;l;.lJIJiIIHt:- ~_&t£fffi~re. iG ThIJ

5ile~ 1iitU brdfen eliWiluaUy by 1;wii1 > ~ You tft jDk-

i •• ' ;she said. j,n ~ h«riJ"ud' ¥wee .•••••• n.

71fC. ~ ... 'r-" ~;l:tE R ~ j@:'I!! f "Mm ~.fif!'." '*' iJllJI ·iI.

:iI. .. -

",0 You sa lJ., ......... -- ..... ..b.. ~._. __ 11..- ~.-~ . '.' ••

I'..J ~!,II<,>I. ~ 'f'~ ",_. 01' __ .

.. got to .. jOIdaf;;~ 10. 1 ~n you think tiwwhat tbatCQtNElOtOO .penon .bas said Is rIdic;ui(u;.. 'II cnmplMdy mttfiuE. -:fir

:t!;E:I ••• lEG • He':S W!1Y IlQOd IiIf .msjob. isl'1', Iu-?J-

• YOh mwt ~ jDldng! He~"QbmluUllUlill!\';U ~·"·M I.

~ •• lffiIre ,~.,q?"- "it.-ll:l!.III\I! if*MM:oI:+,i:;

m.t.! .. ~DT.:2 to saytmm: ~are oot .goingto do ~ ,~


JOII£S" 'e. ll~~ '~I at: ... J ..... If ytlllsay P~, ·that .!iOlinOODe U: ~ '1Ip with 1Cbi!!' ~., you meatl. v ~ Ithat they . .1Ire 00ing sa:netbing in ord::irto ~" 'lIlIal they.

haw; asl'I:lUd.l '1lUIq as otbci .~. ~ dwl. ~ they~y wan!: to .c;b it. ~ ~ 41! ~ .. it ... --.:, .ro~y

people ~ ~ dw-m. t/we job.t j!Ut 10 keep up with

till! J~ .W.AISJII!iM;=9I':f1HUi~"rljI!JAlt"~~

J~.dI.. plom .ld:P:~dl!mlan'j ~\~,J""'iam..1 AIl!'~ J~ 1:rII.'l3iI~ .~ orrdating loJonbn. or to its ~k~1"!!OO d!!iRAOO .•

2 A JurdBaiMn is; a 'peIS'OO. who ~ from Jonmfil:. .t!I Q N 00Uiff

AI ..

jlO6."!l dck I'~ ~ \d~td! • J-:sIds. A jo!is .Iitid..i!i N! (X.'!oUN'!' a thlo s,tick ~ wirlh a !l!ld:f;:~ ~t .~ very .~ ~~

slowly .~ fills the air with a pa'flllilD:d :smell. .Ii ..

jaI.1!k I J'dgml ~ 'dp,1(.jas1h •. JmtIIng. ~" If you

~ otMl' p;ople (iI:t J(IIIQe. t ~I bwnp ~l:lhEm. w 'Ii. '0 OR v push tmli'll In ;II way' that ~ km.~ usaUy beca~ -~ hap. ymul .an: ina crowd! md you are tryiiDg to g!!t past them .

• , It jll. ~ P«iat.rians· Jastledt1u!m on. -thep:lW~

mem ... AfiJJ.t:fi •••• ··· R~ oj

s~p ~-lkd !Dd b1~I~i" tlu!, .street. *" 1Ilt.:I1; m·.


2 yulJ.t 'oompdc with other people in a seWfHn way for VORVH;l

. Ol!1!:t~ntio:~ or (or a reward'- :I: ~ ~ .,. •. Ell &!,.b.!rs, ~ ~ phol;o:grapker$. m:odeJs, Qn.d$'~'rsaU jostled lor ul:t:_Jame. JJ ••••••. , .•• JL tUl It if. .1£

jd (d3JliI~tj. job:.jotting •. ~. llf'yoq jot ~- V"O""A driD" somewkre', you write i'~ do\iffl m t~ fix"m of.a :~ =~ short jnID.r~1 00i't'. I:m!l!lIJy'!JO 'W,u )Uti wiJJ DDt· f~t

amuL it. -= .li!T I·;tgtg ia"""f. ~ J jm odd nD'1l!S ,i,n t~

b:u.::k aftlu: dUJr)!" ftm •• M.iC~·IB;iC*~.JaJtJ[

1: .•

2 A jot is a !!'try ,sm;aU .ilOl{llll:I\JjL - A: )~ l: ~... ffi His N SlNGoII.-+J'l.

L. i". 1. .. _ L.I· 1._ ,I;; r. • USU WlllI

Yympatr:l!lI )or caUl'i!'S' haJ/. ~llU~R nalt· ~MiU ,dm ~ ~.NEG

jOlw,as emUy roused... • •• :i1:tf tiOO II ~ • dl:. {I ~. am!!iiJIl

walt &ft. titr ili1l tW • •.• I" t.1u .kUlg rilL'" i t d~ not = I;I!.!'

tIlaUf'r a: 10-1 rhtJt Dolores btl bun .tkpri'fed .of Ire,. childhood" ]A ~ iii·1I •. Il" • ~ ,.. IUi;lf .$ § it • .£f: .~l:Il·Jlfj~

jot dOwn. If YOt:! jot SQ.meth:i~..g ~. YOIl write it down DrteRy in the form of a.dlort i!!lfonna~ note. I. la~ 00 R.eruhaw jo,u~ dQMt a few~rti,~J41l' in notebook. .. m J!"j1;$ it iG.;;$: 1:. tJ 111 i21" - ~!E 'fj ••• I ~d )'t'lU fQ' jot aown ,a lew ideas WMU I MJif

,"fit· last time, a 1: lk: .• it m R1 If *,.~ l' - ... It.


Jot.tH' f~dsUla~\~t.,./. JoU«s. A jiotte.r u. a.pad or NOOUNT flOfeiJool thaty,ou write titlJnp. mUla))y m t,~ formol '" - pad shert ~n:formaL DOtes.;. used in Irhi3h English" «,. .. f

11 .... 100, 11t;H)'k~ up 11 i5c,rillbled !iUTmuJIl .1 Md .in

a }otU.r. It •• ""[ MIE ••• .t .•• ;e 'f ~'~ -t- ~


j~._ !r~~~. jeCtJDp. A.jot1iD;g iis .iI. brief NCOUNT, Un!!

PL oote that you :mab: ~t~. Mila, ••• m For


the PUlJJOg, of ~li'ns my .:f.tlll~~. I ldtd up

~. oJd jr.dr'1tflS. .:k T~:. M,.IJJ ••• '" TM: ~.ilttI ~ ~.ij!.

j"/~1 ~u!,~,~, A~!sa unit ,of Mer~ N~ gy C6: wotkj a~ca1 ~ im1 phy&ia. [lr.J.IJ:.<.

itm~.{ln. -

j1il1il1" •. DBl !,d~l;\dvplt, jo~, It j:1)U.fD8J1 ~i!!. la N~" AUG' magazine wbich is publ:i5hed I!1Cgularh;' and w[h~ch is iN ~ devoted w a.pan~l:~la:t profcssiw:l,trOJde or ~lJbj!(;ll;:t" 1'1 ~~ ThE: word jOltlJrnal ~!i Qfil;ln used in the dllc of t:be mag-

;;u.ine. "~.·.fJ 00, l' pit:kM u.p a jaurnal lrom the

s#u!lf· , .• hl.:r 1:5 T -*.~ ... -I so't 0: ,m~

iUN of,~ tmd~ jo.urnaLft.-JI T -til' t£ - j!: If •• flJ

••• B!lIf1;.

2,.. dai ly or weekly Mw.:lipaJl'!r, The word j(l!).lJ'liJ;aJ. is t'ol 'oo:J'l'IIT. AlSO

Oi[krl i~d in tbe fiam~ or the pllFr- U:M:," •• EO IN ~.~

The W4!ll StMt'J ]QurlUil Mrrw.i a ,1('"8 rotpqrl, ~ .~ ~f

the situat;:on, .. ,( $l t:. EI II: )fl. "1 -. '" ~~. "I(HI

if.~:iI: ... . .. lin 8li!en,ing lournalmmemman. • •.

-.go( .. it '9!1 •• ~ ••

3, an aC<:Q~ntwbidl: roo Wril-e of}!'Ooc daHl" <!.Cll:l vitia., J!'Ii' C(ilU1!i]' a iCl a ~ ~ EO, Fo., Marly thru mDldM h~ .h4ake.n ". keeping a jcu.tQ41 Qf his .tropel·s arQUm.i Eurape + *"

Mi ~~JJ *. fII,:I!:_tz f3 i2. mJllI •• ~ iMl'W.fJIU~T* ..

jow·lW·_ hdp:n1IruC2;. ~\izI ma styJI!: of 'Writing N~

"'_L . '" 1'1 • .,.t.

w'Ji.o:~ :is ofieJ'Ji m. lV!~rs 01" '~and U. ...~ ....

clIaraacrLsed by the frequent US!"!. of cli~, !lJSUialily in or ..

~[" io ~ tiH:: seri.ousnessO:l" imporunce of ~ ~-Iil~j:fi:~

:~.'!I:BII ...~. 0' APV i! . ....rt>r ",.~.~


joor' nal- ism IId:9:n.lJzoml ~ '~IJ]z.altl!/is 1 lite job of col- 1\1 UNOOUNl' lect1ng. wrl~jng aIXiI pubrishil'lg ntW8 In ocwsp.apetS and ~ prol~i:I~ ma:gazines and ,Gil tde~i.on8nd radio_ :ti Pi).'ft ~ tIi ,iIiJ I W •

~(;l" I haw a/rceady mt!:tl.#omui jaurWJlism a$ a ooJleer ... ~e~,HJJmlT~If1;;".m.'ilt···HaVf}t)'4 e~r {,hought of

goitlg ifil.W jOtf!WilUsm f it. I:: ,~ I' §: ~ it ~ M .. ;#Jj i1I1I I


2' the ifii'Ih;cial which .is pub~:ished ~11 newspapers and mag~ N ~.r~l>iJ'T lUines, iW f'I f!t .it. lEG 1"Jt£ article ~ or;! t.Xtimjile of = lllJ!Qfllll! jourlUlli.:fm alils bes,t. .!It .. X. JiI!:.if ~ Itll 00. ~.m .

jOllJi.nslobt /1d,s3:n[]st.!~JSl!. jOUJ"l1al:ists" AjmutnaUs1: N COON]"

is a pe'1'SIJ1:l! who tvOfp 00 a ne~pe.l" or lOO~ MD ~ ~JlI!!~~

writes ,an,ir:i!t5, for it. ,M! ~ T *. i -llI: M iC.#1 m A ~m. M: II!

• ,J,.. lEG Sheworkeda:f a jaltl'Mlisl on- The Times. 9!!

~ MU'1Ili f:~)~#r -ia.t.

jour·mI~k·tic /.~Ilffi,t!"!, .-d~!l1I\l.$t~kj. J'~mk: A!l)J CJ.A,S.51~,

Ilileam relating to t~ work of a jOli1!f,naJiiM. i'iiJIjJjt ia9 ~ if ~ ATI'RI1I:I •


I it; { ~ } ~" lEG I had' no jou.nw.l,islicex,periena in.

BTiI;ai~ .. , ,ft,.~tE~ Whl$. IiilImm~~fi-··', , .~' or brJd jowi71cniist.ic pmc.ticu. ' .•• it ,~~ I» If 11' I it ~';jl; ~.

jou.IX", rd~~ '~/. A~. joomeying, jnur""

Dey«!. 1 A jOCJ:rbq i8 11. 1 tihe act OF proc:ess of trn\l'tJ~ing N OOmIT from one plarelOomot~r. :l!fi~fi8!. EG He Mm:t on a = trip journey to London ... t'Eiife!tMf17"1'" She'll lottlJ:IOt

iter supper JUtligh:ta~y after thaI l'cmg joorMY, ~hl

• ,. ~ •• fi zii:tl!. ~ ~;E.:lt ilL I!Il tlii,. ~ .If}'aJ bn!ak • pp:m, VB· your joont:!, somewkff, YOU~l~mt-.n': for a :!loon rime ~f!oIIt~

~ L. - ~.~

so Mat YOt! can JI~liYl': a. rest. IPP' II tin ~ •• r ~ .. fG Ht-'

is staying ~n Sinsapou. whe~ hef's breaJdng &is: jowr~

~y home .10 .AUif,r'~ia. II Ji iE H:Jf:tnli fIr.·fU! I!: H 00 • :X

'I.n a 8<J ,. '$' T' 1i':II: :fiT ii.;·Il!l! ~'.. 1.2 ,iIDI expem'j~tlce or III 'lDJ1VrtS1H'1" cklnging or developing fll"fillll om: smite of KJ:i.od to aootb~ ~ ,~pulncr;

er ~ a literary use. t. ](,(, ... jV Eli ft. 00 ",. pecple w'!w

are on the brInk 01 a spiritual journey. ,., a~:mdi~- 11

,M ff'~.ft: t!IJ An • '

:2: 10 Journey mea. to. travel smrl!ewhellil:~'" f(lrma~ V+ A

wwd_ [.if~J:ttn. "I'l H~ landed on the ~~ CMS.t :n~

ami jounu:yed f()l'~el'erol weeks o'ver rou.,gh

roads . .. 111 i± N •• r" " ~ Jti t£ .,!Itt;r ... ~ :31 • J:. ~

T )l.MM tiliiIMfi-·· Th' nfghls beazm,e oolder as,the,

journ£'yed Mrth .•• 'fll'fflt±..;ltJtfi. a lit ~iI.*J!] itT ~

JOOl'·lWJ~1DIW JIdp;mll"'JVli1~~ffiiIIli'!. j~. A N01XJJ\IT jiOillr!iM!yg;IliIis aworkor has fmis.he.d karmng a tr,a& ,;.~ but who is eMp~d by :sotneIJIDe ~ihe r~t.bw1ww.kmg

on his. or her DWrII a r.adler dId- rasidOl'lffi ex.pre:!>l!ia:J .•

[1113]1 fit " .~ .~ ::r.. EQ ThepritUing ~·mtpl:cyed a

sn:raU rnt~,. f).f jC*r'M~n tlJ1t!i ,~pp"wicn. 19: fIJ '"

r 871l-'"tl'B •• *I!J:,:fID:f:1I.

jOll5t !~l d;y..ft. d9IJQSt/ .,jwsb,.J~. joumd. v "INhen two knights 00 ~cl: jOilst'alI lr.l mm:lfe.....aJ 2 ~rl times, *l' f~h~aga:inst. eacll othcl" ,1l8~ng l~- ,(~. m!EM:t)lfE;,mlf.;:fH;4 •

Jove (~~dJpvJ. IIf.l~ is ~ 00· e~ze dlat }'OllIHElAIof are ~~ j. 8irathelf old- fmonai in:for~ uprcs:;:ioo,

[11 .. Iru< tN1iid8:") 1M. 1m By ./~. he's pi Ii lalen.r:. lM,fM.;~~ ••

JiO·..,s·8i1 11,~a.] ~ 'd:JI~~. So~ woo ~ J£MaJ seems ADJIQUIM..I'l" hrappy and bebves in aJ dhurful way .•. Il ~m brJ ~ft. ! ~

ttl. ~ .und~ Duff ·HW· quite jco!:!ial .:Jt tea lhat e1't'~

rUng, .. ~ *:41 if ... J,t, * It~ 't>1I + 7t. .... He. .k'Qs. a

. Wg. , he#¥},. jovial mon" (I. ;I; i'" !f ,tt • *. Ii .tt l) tl1; ni:

A. <> A~Yi·a.Ioi.-ily h~tamti:~Jd~\Z']ooJ •. mMdt 0 Ntr~

tIil:. ~ She wdOO:mor.d me M4,h unchar:1lCler~tie jo~U _ = IlICIriImDt

ty. it -li. *~. + :5tM1kJIU'+;;i!S ft o· <) jV'rirdJy. itt i! iii; f iii .;) ADV W1'l:H VB

,~Jtk. 100 • ,("mneou.t her, any ti~ ~ !'ikf. ' ;said Ow 'l'I !hJi~1

man jaPloliy.. "'M'iI {t~,1Ii -*J.t J~flIfi , ".A .. ~:!& i,q


jow~ l~ll~l)IDIi j~. Yourjowb.att 1lhe IDWI:I·~ NroUilll, usu

PL of cheeks, C'.I:WCfing y.t:Ut ja~, IF •• Hi ... a~

old ~n With heavy j:(lwl;$ a~ $: double chin. .,. if

.<_jeT Inti ~ If' e ~;t- J;'I A. • (bed;. by J;ow~ meiiW • ffiR, U8m N!>

w:ry d~ ~~~ ,. 1t:3 • ~ ~~ .. m~. 100, For #m::;i. AN."-

~n ~ liwd cheek b~.J.ow.1,Mm. i~P~*ft1i1l-!i ~.~fI1 ~lJllM:"" .jf,~_

J:o)' /d3'l!1 ~/ • Joys, 1 J~ iE. 1. 1 ::ill. fcding ·of ~thappi. III lJNCiOUNT

- - ~ .• m-

nelS and oont:ontmt'm, ltM ~ .. ~ ~ .. tit. EGi She hateO.all "d!il9jhl

SttbjU:fS ,and sMut~ M~h, jay. when 1 tlMd hu* wm

j'u .... :ildt~MmB~.:j: ,~~.iI**P]"IU~T .Ii.

~1I!I~ T B*··· T_y find joyi~ ~p'Ay.tmd '.1 his~

ttJr'l... it m 1'£. 11 iftl8i :i; ~ ~ J!J -, ~ •••• You ,could

jump /()I" jr>:Y' orbrMk your hmr,t. .. ft: iif.1U 1Il;W: M. ~

'* u; milg I~ ..t',If'" k soon as Judy Sllid tmz. httr look



o{Joy gaw one ,a/misery. *:i!~~~~ •. MOO~

tlfff u.t ffl iU~.'t.!£. 1. 2' m jnfo.rl11il~ British tng~.ish. S~ N $l1'rlG Wfrn or tuck ill iu::rlliev]ng wt~! you a.rec:ryjiigOO' db, [~mJ$; ~~ ..

~ ; :$ i~L EG' YQU »-'On't get any joy QUt of thas, The

bat lety s completely dwd ' , .. "~* n !$ fA :;:f': .~ fl ~ $I

~I'tll. Et!l~ji;:4:m!l! T ..... • AnyjllyallheJob Qture?'

~ • No, usuaJ story>. .. t£ • .!Ik ''P ,t, ~ ill .ft ~ -til ~ ~~?M-_~12~ ,~:tt-T".

:2 A joy is oometlri.,.g tht ItIakc you. feel :happy ,00 gives, Nttllifm'-t SIJN'

j'Q!,.i. gtea! pkasCAlfe. M! A ~ )If M .. ~ ffi • J .~ •• ffi She· llpl~>liiII,m'

diS(J'(J'vere4 t1:te joy of Wil"l~ing .," tIi.t~ li 1"'.~ If· ftt1 !h •• , •.

His onejoyir piayingsqUdSk, .. , ~B'\l~ •• ~-.l:n.1lJ

..• Her sheer prO(e.ssionaIM.:' In. made. _ ". her I!I joy to l\.Uui!: .

•• ~-~~.~B~Ift~.~A*~ .

joy- rll1. ! '~Jf;ul ; \d]mf<ll/ ,1 Sometlling tktt is Jioyful '(3;~ Am Q'U!IWr]' es ha ...... irn:ss and p' leasure. 00 A iii p. ~.. 00 Tlul total ~ F~

.,--r ~ h ... I1PY

.effect is so i~Mnsely joyful thtlt it ~ (llcros-s like

dance lherapy ... m'1"ti!J~). 111. ill T • £~). -ft. 1I:.m~fj'm mlllit: .• , .I still Jelt ~ e'lJen after }Vu'd (JlUwunced the j.o;d~l #liings '"' ~ ~.ilE -$.iIIlii T •• ~lI. zEi.a;uHuSlllmfj,t,., .. ·· I s/dnk sire h4s WJ'I rome-

rhirl8 &;'J'iaws as well as i'OYitJ.. i w, (J;ff~r people. a,

Q~mfiR~A.~xmF.M~.~' .~A.

,2 Someooe who is .!I...,.riJill is t:xltre:m.dy bappy. (mAH'~ Aru 00 I~ 'I! '* !'ttl. 00 ·ne joyful parents named him U;ring~ ",~i,;>I! to~ . .. 11 tlf && 1'!'!1 Jl.: m '* it it J1k t; J.r.1r. * ... ,. A de.

ii.rlowl;y j()yf~l int<J the wlla:gc. -1-

Ji:I:-I- ~ ft If!<] Jlli:iII II tt e:. ,0 jll):full~. __ ~ 11k ~ ~ flJlf! • 0 iillVwrm w lEO Then ewryone 'a;t!ne$ on and .ri~ jqyfuJ1 y, ,. ~ l5 Il h~I.)' 1\:*II.!B-@l~.*~.III\~iililt*··· Their own C'ril~d-

on .01 ~ is the abHity 10 work j{) Q;!lldtoli ~

pos~ti'Vely. ""fl s I~ m][lm~i't;lin •• tI!~I -& .,Jlll:


joy.les!!: / ·dpl'~.1 'Idphs!, oom.etluiitlg or SOm.oooe that ~ ~ ,QUiM.1T

j.oyJess produces 01' ~xperi.el1~ 00 p!ezl!lt'(;. ::F_~ rJ fOC "

~ ;E .. M. ~ .. , .. JlMrsand yearS! of jc¢~ mijrriLd

life - ". ···!E.~.J.I~!'Uj lI!:~fJ .• JlHt11ll··· J ho~ 1.I'U!Wlr

~ ·as joyless .(1.';. IMY haw .~, :a*m ft*Jii::f: ~·~m.1&fi~Rm.wMl8*" •

joy~OU'J j'.d;PI;lI;~ ~I ~ c'X~ly Imppy mxI en- AOO ~rr

·ili~.t-iCj a. ~it~ word_ [.: J 1{ .~ '1 !tl!:" ~ i't!l' ~ Ea.l ~ = spread my arms wid~ and feU j~U$ aM. ,tDlud and

~. ..• '* 1r¥ •... jlJ it!!! A, J(;: il iIIl I3J Irb m tE .. , What

~e S'W'plus. there KUS waul.d be oon.mmtd' with joy-

ow db:m4M. -'F •• l'j:;j)iiB~.~lI:11U!::'It" 0 joy- 0ADVwm1W ~y, 'Ri ~~~ .. ~ .11 :I@ ~ laG He p'ung back. the ,cr.ufaim 1t f;~

. _ .:I . ,. i!ltili!'

joyousl)! .a-.i ie,' the- sunlight pt)Ur tn .. ,f,i Ii ~ .. ~ 7F

-.~ .• i.tJ~I£,i!ftfJ:ilE*··' H~ stXk our j(J'yousiy .•• ~ l"UU!~iI.

Joy .. ride: ! 'd; j\d3~traildJ; .l(l~·, JO!T.klilll.

joyrode. joyrr.&d.deDf an info.r~WO'JId, 1 A joyride is NCOlJt.IT

tne aCitivilty of driving around (Qr plf.ll!Ol!.l!rC i~ a C<l!r fi m'fe

thlOll yelL! have lust stoJ.1m. [mJ(mml.*M$).*~'

JiiL • 'G That jopid:e. 1 g,r'¥i!nt fO'" I WQIJ a ;.riEl)!

s/unt. ' .• ".t:--:$ ~.~IIt!l, m !lJ-ff-.~. ~1l~ fi ..

• 00 ff 1:1 •• • . ""0 bum:hoj kids OiU t fora joyride. , ..

~.n- i!.:$ !B.R,Mltlf.-

2If~oon.e ~,~. t~1' d"i",e amuod for ¢eas- v Q:fe,in a Cf.U"lhat they ba,\!'e j wtstCi:leIi.. 01.* m $}.:$: ~. ~ ~Jli!lI.

JiOY. mlki. / l'd~tliII: ~ '~Jstl:k/ • J~dcs, 'The, JDpti4 is a N COUNiT

.Ielll'~r in. an aerop~ whiich lhe pjibt uses· in 0i'Cb" to ~. 1'1 ~

trol. the dilr~Rm or hei~t of the atFOp~'. ,( 16,tn89') •

:11.1!. n: ~ II fit ~" GGi /!MiJ,tg t.~ jo)lt.tid; -bmJc • brought

,he. plar.e in t,o lam, .1111. '!tIE ill ~fC It! If •• "l. tn. r".~.,

JP !td¥1'pi:!\~\pi/, ,JPs. A 11" is a JlX:.iJ~'r.Ile In NlWUNT

Britam ~ an aibh~tioo far' 'JU!!tio:! of the ~~.. .~.~.

'if {"JI,J$Uce of tbePua:'" gg ... III ). m .Al first tJ~ new

IP attends oourras an o.bse:rt.!tT. fi JJi .!l: &:JIl: iff ~. ffl

~W~~.M •••• 4. '

Jr 1'0 all .Amer:I,can a~tian for 'JunlCI':I ~ .~ ~pedajl~ N m ~. 1y after a !i'tIIm' S IifIfI'If": when be b:ou ~ :same ~ as ms ~R ~ f<dlther .. /j\('-'!: ~~.'P"JuniDf"II._ !.A~ rt« ~ J(1l:

"*:fa 1'iilI1I'1i.=r:t!::g JiSi ). 00 .... Alfred P... Sloan ir ,. , .. !~\

::t:lJ;;~ ••• P., ~ •• ••! 'dg.ubl.alilll[/ ~ feel:ing exJIKmc~y A[lJQU~

haipt:rf and $l,l;co!:wld. ~.Iit!Xl' I· ,;: ~ W~ tB.. 00, He Io'oW • IJbflll

jubilam. '" iII1.w9:N J'Iii ••••• ,til: j,ubilanl Labour R(l/'tY Qm.fenttt;«. • •• ;It lI!!ut ~""'(<< ~ J:1t~~ •

ju·ibii·b!~lio!iii II~b~kt:fan! ,A3ub1~fOO/ is .", f~llii~ ·of 1'oiI.~

".'" lob great ~pine54l and 5~" ~.I'*.~~ EO I p,l" il1JQl. ju.-

bitaUon 'but Md~ lfNtM family. ,. a:h It - iRA iii J1Jd::i:J:ii'ii:F:l:~fIt··· 1'Mn KW' ,Il ~llJirof jubUtJ.-

tion. -)t It'',t!I~ ••


:N C'OlLIlIni, UIU pi!..

.. fI(I~. rrdel'i!c


If'''' PO.IU!P 'iItIi!lN ~I fo<r-! M·

~_; • .,.,..;lIJllDt

Vt·o .. ,c.·oo 'I/·t -o.t- .kir INI' ft~

= ;h;,


v OR 'lI '+01.1\(; I li'U'io l ,[I>" IPIIIEP nlfj;l~' 1l!tri~

I'll o:JIlJNT, IF"I'ntEPnmN ~fl 9/1"": ifop'fliro

" ....did


*~. o:~ •. ~

fim., VitI ]NFlJi!C'ft,.

.1!Jl "" PREP 'l"HW'l ~~/."",

B __ Dt'

f'HR. ViiI ~.

w" ner T'HI:3N ~,


nm,VII lNFI..JlCnI;, W+.Mm'nmN wI it..- 1'Ij,.


Glf:tQmet.hlng is ...... yew bdier· j~ or If ~ do SlJmCthing apbt. your beIIe:r ji~ •• roo bdieve that .it would be Jllr;II%~blc 'Dr beue:r not to do it.IJJI." ~iU.**~[!J.II.:.r:;J~I."i!.c.-_. EG, It's "Pinsi m)' b.rt~ ,to' J~t. &UtrU let J'OU. 80· ft:t1fU: _* . .¥ 'W. .c'.!I1JI EJ.iI .... Jt.~jf.

l' A A...,'- ~ • ~. 'WlpkasaJn;l: ~r ~ :00 yoo Wld that .is ~ tOo be a p~t from (k;d fot ~lhlug )'DU ha~ dbocwroo,g .. ~till • .It. ea War is (l j~1ll on US ,Qll fqr our sins. M":I!Jta f11 Ni:fli A t\J •• 'HIIJil.

Ju.dl~oCllIl' IdyI':"dq~f' dSIl\"J~f~1j means 1 relafillg to· j udgtmmt iIi a oourt of law. ill fi. Btl ~.14 (_t) 9\'i I, Ii: 8:ti1. m The two htuJ' differing poWical. i~dJ,ci,(ll. and edu,cational systems." it Wi 1" Jt IX ~ ft:+ pt. M • $ , iJ ,. • e. till' .~. Lo"d[knntng was appointed to ccnduct (J, Judicial inquJl"y. . . ft 'T" .. ~ .. it! ;!;o .il! fi' - JI jij~ ·R. ... JwouJd like togo I hr.o~~. proper judidtd .prlXWiur:es. ... it jE!\t M jij tt .... h ••

;2 showing o:-rulling judgeme'pt: ~" ddQik.iog about ~'omething', 11 ~ ,Iii n' ~ , f} .IE IJJ iff ~ • >t JIM \f ~. EG· Lodge ~R his j udj.c'i,d .n.-: mm ,in,. "1'.. "":1f :.Ht II If ir!l ,e, ~~ 0 jiudildlll,. ilF ~.I IJli M_~ % JE iItI!. leG· He shows considerable talent.' replie,d Sh.eUa lv . '"f'tJlm ,t£l4:.Ii§;:;fft .... tik:if~@Jt @#~.

ju:dJ.d.ary 1dJu;I~l..,..i.~ 1dJJdr"l~d5'H\dlzJJ/m/. The Judil- cl.,. is d1e branoh ,ofauthority im a ~ wbich is eon,o::rncdl with j·U5ti.oe and. ~. le~ Syste.I':[II1I a, fa[l[laJ word. [iE~.]iij ~ •• lEG ' •• ~.f of'the judiciary .••• iil f!

$.M. -

Ju.di:.~ !d3ll!"dtf"'~ d3lil'd_flasl. An a:d!ioo .I;R" d~on that is JudickNs, slxtws gtnII j~ement <l!Jld semel. a forma! ~. [lEi!:;] 1ft'. j'fil I ~ t! iii .. II ttll, ... R.. ~. eG, Tht:y ~. judidio,tU ,U$eoI8O'w~r iiittiilh,t~s. .. fI1l1" 1;)<il1I.*lJlT .•• tt ~1Jr. <> judkloady - ~ jff._ ~ •••• ,m Yea ~,t your auemmtiu4id~y. (ti.¥.J" fU'fI.~.Ii"~

jlb,o. /d3,UlrlaJl 'dJSudo! is a spon m. which. two people-

fight each ~r .and. eacl1 tries to th.ruw or force the oilier one to the ~. ~:ill &~. m Courses an: ,(Jffored in unarmed com/xu. mfQJ#! f t.UJd judo. 1fillt ¥1I4.~ -JiillU ~ .. iI,.,

jug /dJAgil 'd3Ag! I' jlllP· A Jug ilia C'fl~ aHltmOlrr with a, bamUe ar.d a, ilp OJ' ~t. U$tld for lOOldil'l@: and pourqli'qulch'l used in British EngiIi$h. [. J ( .. -M fl. !Hi) •• 00 ... {j big white jug full ,oj' beer < •• •• • •• "If t!i - .R 8 !,-};;..!If ••.• Hept.)ured milk .inw' (j j~ front a

carton. ft.m*~a.. ."".A •. to ~ ~ refer to the Uquid inside a jug or tk am::lUilt. of Jiquid that ajug 0Jn-

Itai:J:m. .lI(;lm IE • til. U;: !£ -. Itt.. EG -_ .• nrrg ,a ;,ugoj "'~ + • •• •• #. - •• ·.11 •.• SlaM lh Jlmie;s

inluill tJ jug of ~ttr. mttftH*"_*'tI.

JII!Gtd ~ j'd3J"gill'hca!: "d~"hul .is a. s:t.ew of han!. iXIOkd in a: ,casscroJll: .• 1.1Uf't:.ttl!.,

AQg~rcn-·uaut /~~n:m!: "d~/not/. J~, A .J~ut i.!:;. a very large lony ;·I!IS!C-d!in Briftish E~, [:J£ J.'U\,' * ,0 m ... Q million Clher .mo'lot vehicles, from motorcycles to '''lOOJ} tUA •. fti ~ fia m1t$f$.n_.tfL~*Ii.

jug.gte /~I ~/. J:~., J.iog. juagkd. 11 &;mltOfi'e who lI!f JwlJiq; .is tbrow~!Ilg Ib.alh oOf ,other things Ilpinto theak, repeabxlly catdnog eacll one .~ tQrt'jlW~ . ing it lip again stJ that there are severall of them il!l the air 01,1. the ~c time'. Juggling is lIDIaUy done as, a furro of ,el1~IlL (.m .. .,) ~ '1k " t ~ ~ ih. rroThey .learn to juggl,tuum 10' Ktl'k the tig#tH''., M.f]~.'qm:~nl!iil] ~.~.

t If you j..,t.e thirtg!i: ,~i;tcl:t Ail ~ or id~., ,or Jua1t wUh them" you cbqe .or rearrange them repeatedly in orner to make them fit the pattern that ymtwant thf:m to fit - :I: If m '* lit~ n ( ~ if! I!j: '*). 00: Bo·th 0<1 tiwtz, juggl,e ,riteir wvrlCing hnun to &e. widi: the chUdren ...• Mm; ~. I ftftji,J ia • !;j it T 'frl·t£ - £... He '1mS sliJ.l jut. gli", with figures and jKljSibiJ,iJi~s. Ii m- _ tE • p,lJm a. It¥ fIl *'lni:nfU~ •

], 1 f yo~ J bait wit Ii somethi!ilJg or if YOll j~:e it. you Inl'w. it aoo,u with :Wort ~ ~metI.ts.J.i~ I • If; • ~. ro He iugglai 'Kith: iJie ,controls. ~.~.

jug. Iller 11'dJ4g1;;,.~ 'd,p,gJa-/, J"'~. .A is srunrone whojUSgies. in order to en~ef'tam people. ~ :lk::!I og. A I lIJf :do a I'i'!l A ~ EG I had wauJMd a Ju.ggJ,er prdlC'~' lib ,dd. .11 Wit ~ -to a /II!. • f1 A.:~ J] ., i!I9 -.8:.

1':I!m, USGI:!' NJ, C./ A

N ClOtPlI\IT 11'~~

~~, I!'r'I1UB '~kpr

Aill Cl.AS$1f'1 Iil"ntIS

N£INO, iM t N 1'1 .... ~

A!'lJ 0IiJAU'II' t~!iSil*

o MlVwrm Wi llii!illliibly

I'I~ ~~

1iI·(;.'()UNt ~.~


N~ il-


fI Ion;'

v .. 0.. .oR v~ Ai ( ~/iI) 1l~

v"'o. OR V+ A ( "'Ill>


- 1MtiI~




,jug.w.bQo !l~ulao~ \dMOJIao/. jupJ8n. VaurJlopr. ~ ~ j~ ~ Is: a .~ important \'e'iu in your ned tbQtomlllS 'bJood from }'OW" bead had: to }'OIlI' Mart- M It \8. eG 1 felt lite sliding my poiJUed nail file i1UQ her jut,lll(Jil' vein ..••• r..,.I!:9i!"~' IIHlIitllJ ~'.It &t. '" If}'Oll say that ~ .... for. jillplar. )'I1U .rnean Ilhat dxy nn:hOOsdy anaa: ~ person's ~t poin:t!i. fur example a ~D:r ,~ror iIf~ .~ argument « il 5u~ect that they' feel very ashamed of or em~ a~ bout, IlSed in inf.Ql"I1la] EngilWl. [mJ K il; lt1I ag It., ~ ~ ~ 1t J.!t m :g: 1nt! •• :8 •

j_ I~I d3us/. J~, lJ_ is, 1. 1ladrink rl:aarr is .made from the liqwdpan of a fruit .• ff t.t;: 1M! lEG He can&l!bock wUh two tall gl~ of piiU!ilpple j.wa. + • lfB;f,fII!l*i'l::k,ff..t'tt ... She ~ slaJUi:ifl'g. ~y dTe re-

jrigemtar with a j.ui~' carr'on in her Mna. .. -=. - .. __ tI"' til tI;:. ~ :ill i}:j ill. .~. 2' rre liquki fhat can be~ed

.&om a fI1mt or a p~nt. (.*":« •• 1(1«]) it iii. I~ 1>:y ~~ ali ul« ltJn.On j.wce and ,~rtk into .it'. fl !IUlf - ~ fi'. tt ftI ;t .• lit iit ti • .

2 n.e juices of a joim of meait are the JIJqttjdl that comes out of it wb!:'n you CQQ_k ir, ~,it. E.G •• , Jpoon~ i71,!l' the juices owr tke top ,a/ ate:B of l'a,mb. ···mlll ~ # tE * III Jt ilif I!t!J Pill tt • • t,O ~ 10 yoor '0'Wlii Jui(t::

Ji!.. stew,.

3 -1"be j~ .ill your 5~Qmadl'Me t-he fluids that help'YOjj todigtst food .••• ,EG They photographed big arlma and l~ and ~callt analyzed aJllijs jrl-kn ... ~fl m •• ®~B~ •• MTR~ .•• ~.~.M8TR~ ~ ~... ..., d~tlve ju.ices. "'M itll .

" In im(Qrmal .EngJis~h. jlllice a I'W' means 4. 1 petrol, [fftJ"Ni; .{flt". lEG If we",e not c,a1'e!u.I .~Ite,g to 1'141'1 OIlU oJ juia. :tl1 • .ft;n~~·C-.~I!i,~:M! .II ~ In. 4.:2 e]ertrkity- lUI H!. '. lEG Jut I,urn ,on I he

itJice. and ~~ll see ff it workJ. JlJHI1:". aHlJ.


jlme-,. j1dSlCSt• \11,3i~/. J".I', JtLidat. SQmetbilig that lisjUJl;ey 1 has iii lot of juice in it and is ,,'eryenj;QYable to eat. ~ tt 8. IEG, He had a. ,loABjnl [(p' ~ juicy,red-ripre rmnal,(!ii!'!I. *,*,_ .ftl1~Jit+tr·.'$tt 00 IU:r~.

2 is "'try int~ and rull of goodt~.~ ,all infOf1l!1&1 use, [1§J***fJ·li.MJI. EO The titre' pan of "he play ;S' the.) ·uidest for an actor. :lt14*iiili: •• #:1iUtm. A •• h ..

:3 l&scribes or ~tf;: ~.wU beha\l'imlJr in a way ~ the ~cr OJ' writer ,~ ~obe p1~imgo:tc:J[ciUqg. alItoo!lgh other poople might c;onsi.der k to be ofrcmivc. a \ref)' informal use. (fiJ<:fElI J;Uff~p lIi). =f'.ati; .trJ. lEG He·tksr:ribes ~'Juicy :seeMS ,in the 'Prie:st of Low'~. ~1£'f:l!rJ!I.±)~~jW~{! •• llJ 1'-~tla:t' :IJj lilt

jluojlil Jld3D:dsu:~~ ~ iii khd of'mag1(;, ~ ~r ciaily in'parts Qf West Afr~ .,in 'Which pEOpk 'LK diann.;; and fdbtiC$ fR ortIcr m try to harm o!:hel!- peopJe. (n~pl

f!Ul" " rtg"8I1J •

jiUkt,·oox 1~d.~lbnksl "d~"Ix:iks/ • J~:F .a.ko spelloo

with ... b~ and as, one !NOf'd- alliiJmB $~iiilm~fi; -1-W. Aj~ is a ~ r1X!Ol'd piai)'ef in ca{es.. ban, dC. which yoU! put Olios mm and press buttons to ctilGOiC die rc~ ¥Oil w;u1t to hear, (1i~if ill IJrtllitIWIfiJtM> 8 ~ !\Ill. tJlL. '00, • T' #~ noise of ~ irUd:j:c: Jram t.he

jukebox. .. . .. .&lIS ~'I m Mit ::.!t*·Ia«l 11 ~ if ~ ]ttl' +0. TM ea/dtri,Q had ihe ,beai jukebox in. Malaysia" it it B III • tIl:fR::ff ~*B j!.lf~ S, ~.m.

Jut .is, 'UI' abbrevhl:tioo for July. ~1:1 (July MI •• ). J1dep. .m DIlhtt Jukp.

JIiI·~1 !~II;u. [~.d3u--I~~] m. k seventh .m:onm of the year jp the West«n cakndar. 1::; JJ • EG em i~'ving school ilt July 1942., Ton r rery ~h BUrned to' join theRAF. *1'i:llf HH241 JJ'!f!;;j'.fflm.i1JJ'.aa. ~¥~

jW!l' tile I'[d~bi~ ~~/. JUPlIlIei., j~. Jumbh::d. 1 A JWD'IllIe ns 1. 1 ili. Jot of dHTerwt things 'dIa!I. are found ill the ;saffiC plan: but loot very untidy or have not Jxen Deady .~. tA A, .IJIJ· - *_ EG, ••.• the j,llmble which awm- t~ mr!ace oj my tUsk" .. ···JllMft=K A~' -*JUL"~ A.M*II·"· .. + a ~l,ic jumble' of ffWbJl' l"ehieks of elO!eT)!' duCritn'Wn. n. 8. II ~- & I~. "' .. *' EI!i'UIJ~t:. .1.2 a .group. or things. fur ~ered~ Of'sensationil. thou sttiIn to be conf~ aud ~ .. so dla£. it is ~d to ~ta.ndtb::tn .• 4&A.I~ •• I(. ..... :st i$). Ea •• " a bl~c jwnbl~' of colours Il'M puterns 1l!1d' .~ trnd smell&:·. • •• 'It. S M- .. , II:! 8. ~.t)' ,111* , •• iI~ ••

.NO'JVNIT .~ ",l:!!

·PHK. q ~ :I.~

NOOUJi,~1 ~ 1t [iquid

N .rLl..IRAl. ft~

N .lINClOiJJ';1T ~~


~ QlIIIJj'f .~

.wJQlIALTf ~,~iik

N~ mQic


~ .. ~

N:m-ro wrm OCf,IJISU+ <if ..".,p =.~

101 PUT = lAdilil

j omlfle safe

.2: nfyou JIII'IlbI2, thiElgs. or j....... mem I!IP. you mix dl!enl togethew 80rhat they are !l!IIl.:ly Of DOt in the oorrect order, Itt *a.·til! • &. w The mfS and pia;es ~ ium,bl~ up with q kH: oJ stull thai IiKlUtd .-vel" ·be ~M ~in, .. =F.Iijl:}t~;f:", •• ~iIF$:4;:'5i!1t1E --8'·' If a ~~' is jumbied.a child ,ml1 M ~ la' (J1'ru~ itOOl1'ecl~'y. 11] Mil: - 'Il ~T ~"'8I.. T • i!f ~ II~ - 1'-mTmE ••• ~

jumble sale. jDJQble saIel. A Jumble sale Yi. ,W] ev£[jJ! that: is ~ld to tr,~ mon::y. ~-ly f<:lf ;I.. ,~ity. Peopl~ brilIlg old rhlingstiut diJ:t dO .rK)f; w.atU my .ioo_gt'r. .:md athN peopll;: DUlY ~.b;m for small <m!OUDts of money. II r.ElI/j!·lI .it~;J: (:;Itra !J..1.l.)~ ~ ... furniture acquired Jwm

j,1mk and jumN~ sa'l~. '··:!AIEI •• T ~'iIII8 ~'flE

XI: i~ jJ;ii:A.

Jwu',_bo J!~~r \d~!, j~:. 1 ,jJImibo llil.eans vety Large ~ '-=d cspecialilly mad:w;r"Ii5i~. • '* ( ~) ~ ,i§ !I'~(:tmT-r·&$). EG .•• (J j,umbo ~t ,oJ ¥f(1P

po .... r . ···tt*ii~.. .

2: A jumbo w ,a jUllil&ojet IS a vay I':atge jet a.c-ropil:ane

t~.t cow 'cam-y •. Me. YUal mwm~. '~rs..(iIl.Jt N ti • W j(] > I~ 1I."f.:t; 'Un. , It ~ m.

j~ ld~~ ~pJ •. J1IJIQiIIi .• J.....,. j,wmprd. l~f yoojmnp. ~. 1 you nlO'l,!<e ql.l!id1y mdsllddsl1dy up irntll'O tilt, .aW ,. tlSUug 'y;otiJ" {i'Ml! ~!!Jgitl:L .. ~ R ~ ,Ill 1(;. Mil He ju_~ down from. (,he tur:are." ft!!,})".!IB i1 .tlft"f' ••• ne ~J'$e jumps OM!r ~ small ;fi~ .. , l;t1t.j[-*

,MiiJ'" ., . a flUg Ilia' is obk to j.ump IhRe meues.. . .. It. 3*"~" .... -=d asa~, .l'fHfl·flim. m .It ~,fJ ~pectacu.lrJr jW1J1J. jg;;l!.AfI!!~l( ... 1fiJit!btP

j wop. Img jrump,llriple jl". 1,.2: ~ ~ qwilly .n suddenly - ~.lIi:il!f& I: ~·.;fi:ijo '00, Ralph jumptrd to his jut. . . ntJf; ,R-l' T t.!i 1":Ii* ... He jumped up alild ~m .~ .to t~ l~rse' .~. " fi,IiU!~* rIiJ!III FIx .j ., ~ 'h: ... ~~'&Ipm,tographtN'S jw..mpe4 ~j (If INt'~" m..~ •• :w~.m.·jij:M. T.~ *.l.:3·you s~lkn1y move ~ }iULr have jtiSt beebl'.latlly fz-jgh'lt. ened or ~Mprif.ed bysomethjug, U!ll§:ti!§t.."iliJHI.B~ • ,~.-,". leG A sudden ~, mtJck· Brody jUmp. ~ m: DtJ ~ IlIA if ifiW JiI ill M T B:* • .. to jDDlP ... t or your *in: j!, skill.

2 If ~ J~ fJT'Vm 0lX SlJibjOrt to .aBOtOO • they lOnddtnl ... '.. A ........ ·the ..... 10;.:. 'oct of a d~Of Q:)i![versa-

1- ","",-I..a.I..IIfi.1I:i ~Ii.I.UJI . , , .... ., , .

tMt a:m:i Mll!r~ ~king ab!)utS() e~.. ~ tt tf,. (. ~ ). EG What a~ nu: is the MTY)'O·W iu:mped lrom~ one trnng to anothu, .~.ti" * Ji9I!.'i;9.i1 n-. III W.~ "f1J ~ ii!Sl1lt .... USiCd. ~ a notm, )I'D ff gill. m ... sud .. den wn:~SQ:t,iwud ju~ ineUher d,',",don .. .. (i;J: XlJL

.d_ )l~ ~ ~ Iii' ,M • it. .·to JiOOlP to- CJ.lIId~: R. ~lIikn.

3 If 'you Jumpsomedung such :;I!: a fenfi'!. YOU. imOVoe ~llIIickly up and through the aiir over 01' .attn!'.is. it .. I,jUI~M: :it. m 'flt4! hllrs'B Qre on. it,~ ra.c:,e ~il:se awl ~he f~nq is thee:so :tlUY~l~ SOl 10 jump it, iI'f;!1;!:l! 1£.;).1: ,. iI!i" m.W.~, Iii~. 'efJ;~~III.:i:lt E.

4 If 3iij oo}eajUltl(l'li, ~t mo~ s~y. especiaUy wOOn yGll.:I did POt expect it lJi). db so and cannot prevtruit ();f' a)a\ ·lIJ· , n ~. 00 Tluy Iw/.dapmcil 4f t,f it: miglJ jump etu of t~r hand ... fBfl .... ~ .Ji'.I1I • .g,hI;. it.fn~.p.:jtJmt!l··· Ht! body jWftpedand ,rwirched .. ff!

OOkff::n~Mi".. .

5, I f an OI1tlOillit or level J .... ! it, ~uddenlJy ~ oc

rises by a: .Iarge amootJt ma :man ri~. <It.,:« lI.) !!Ii! "." • M; ~ : ••• EG TMPJ~lad(m lumptd to nearly 10. 00.0. ,. A]:]:.:tiI II • ii - Jj •.• Tht mt>i!o/ prla in .. · cr:ease throughout til£WQton 'i1rIQrJd' jumped dmiTm1k.,

ally. &1'"1il1mM-ff:lllfft Jt.~*~.!i .. 1t ... ~.d. ~a 1lOWl. _m~4t ~.m .. "a .~~. Jump "lexpetld,u~'n . • ,. ;WXfiIJ ;':III.II.:J:I.

16 If you Jump w,1ll!:tbmg such ~,a question o.r a 5itep J]1I an arguMent, you miss il OlUlt, eith-~r ddiberarely or acci.d~lilt3:]ly, Ii·"li:: j: Mi, .:ill. EG 0"- SiOr'ry' , haw f jumpul.wrncq'lOlQdOliJi? ill. ~.::t' Ai. •• ,.::;f':;11 M:i1: 1" - ~ ~ M? • w jgIJ-P' ~il; Jll bail. • lQjmnp die gug.~~ gun.

'1 If yoo jump a.ql.E~, )'Oil ItW::I\!'f'l DeMer to the (ron,t of it so that you reach . the front before it Is your rut.!] ~ll do i'lOj IUed showing disapproval]~ !Sed. in Brita3h ~~, [Ji.ft.] {if ~ A ( III. {j[) I • < f,.). EO; I thought YOUMT.e good ,at ;umping qw.~" l!.iA.~'t;;4i! §Ii~ •

S If SmneQfLej~ yoY. tM-y oUlad yo~nddetl~YI ~. in ii:lF~~ .~Jls.h. ffttJ •• n ~ ~ * ~.~. «i Ik jumped me in t~5tMtt',.. ,tlu'UQ!:)fUt. ~ ft:tHl··· The Cl,tme Squad SIl~ lOW' ,guys j,umper1 ~. m." tl

J1]11- A~«t.~7 f9i:.

V+Q,I!)R V +O+A ( IlIp) .• U'SUI'AS8 .~ ifi.t

.. 1JlIIdd1~

N'OO'Ji'f[ ~. 118k.

=. NIfimIIIJe

ADJ CILA.'lSlF. A1TItm Ili~


N t:OUJ:l\!rt

.~ ~lV.i?liM

'V ,l.lS1II.· .A. !C" mom "ap

....... ~A

~. !I!iI,p. '!Pri0l

V "'''l!!~

." .. A V ....... ·/ rn~


'= m'!!l!l

~ MOOVNt 1l"~

v .. o i mffi'I::. = do:u

V, jJ$1Ii"" A a-

= spriq:

v 1l.~


JIo N COi»IT, I.!$U + :ruPJ'

Vf(l O·oriI ..

v+o I'r~'

'V+(I ftam.~~


91 A jmnp is ah;o 9'. ~ a Snld'dItA tacg;e ~. ,~pecia:H'Y' one whi.i!ilii improves the qual11t)' of 1JOnEtiwug. it J;:.:ii.:1l; {jttillfi.'i!tl!H;R~IM:W;~ ~ -', what a mipty jump fOl'~rl1. ... . .. , $.4, * ~.lf:I:'" .€~n~~lly howewr, a furrber h~ jwnp .~. mode. ~J! •• :ii&~ ~ 7 .a-

ffi~ m * ~ 1f. 9.2 one (If a series of eventsm' adJeras H~ ~t ~ to be ~ i1n OIi'Ikr ttI,aChieve ~iliing. ~ .. ~ ~:: ~ 61:. m ¥:ou aFt' .rmJy ~ jump ,~MIIl!y f'(Im )O.UI'

gocll ' .. $" lEI e D<JI M .; {J, =-" :Ie.t£t z jI···Her ne«i KUs.'

~'& ju~p o.ltad f)f·her oppt::JRen'l ~~n:wws. .. ~

:9ij·M.iJ rt t£::q ¥ z 1111- tt> •

10 If·)'OO !M'ly that SOfl"leOfIlt' .JQmp!!i (GIl'" ,Ia,'. you ~ .: th<lt PHIR .e VB

~bey Me .very pleased or happy about.w~ng .• ::l*M ~ ItB*~a.l(.

T 1 Ifyot:! <lire jl~ up. and: -.. )'(IU <Y'fC·~ving i~ .f1iiR. VB


away that shows iliat ~ .an:. verye~ciu:d. ~. w "'"""' .....

II I...." .....

angry aboutsometb_ing. ~~ •• iJ * Iit.~.:~ *$: ••. fG II jtm .MIl. ~Jd .~. jwnpjng up .!Ufd·down wHiz

i1ldi~",i~. "" wJll!tt;.J:. fti:~~., ••••••• I felt ~y C,1tBTy. ju~ up amd doKm: ,in, my f(Jr.)In •. and ye1.tru.-. ·.·.a~ .at,'_fWU.' ' .• ~, a,.. '-l fU_ ~ 'ill ·,·,illl1il i:Hit lfm !It"':

* ••. *~ilJUi:frd(:lA. .

12 ~f you j .... ·1iIowD ~~Si 'Ibnm. ~ ~ attd, PI-Ill, VB

~y :md ~.ijly to them, used in u~f~ EpgIi$h. ~

[m]~.~ ••• 1itC~tJd'iiltii~ ,~, ~, MU no· n«d t'O

jump dawn his throat lib 1I:uu.I5tW,0 •• 4tIi •• n


13 If you ~y that ~. j1.m1pS out.1I1i you, ~ ~ P.lf)l, VI! thal it is "'''',"", .. ' obvi:cius or e$y.' 00 1:ICI!cim: ~l!.G' i(1s dif- ~

"" ]' = hi!)OI.

fer-Emil: in :;;omewaYF an infl'.lrtna3. ~i.oJi. [~]m:;:;g

.'0. it 11 ~I ~ , .. * ijt a ii'ii • J@. • 1~,lbiwe ,jJ an}" ~'it~:~:npiy jumpsal }GU. JHA~Ht1.1Ht·.·$.:tI:

14 VOlt say • J..., to it'J to tdl ~ ~ ad: quickly, ~,~ ummrtliatt:ty. 31Ild efficiently I .usttl! in ~ English to !~.wu

• -1..-- r I~

.~ woo you ~ m UJiUi-gE cC [m]'&.T.*~~Ji..

jlllmpltt. If you jllldlp at ~ such as: iilI. Qff~ or op~liil1!ity. you <i:oeq:rt it as 'SQ)n as i.t Jiw. ba:n ·off~ to fOli' J9:".:l:dll'~,2l:~ •• ~. ffi .Isugge:#ed !l to him, tmd he jumped at ~hc Jlka ...• ~fS.S:l Tf-;Ee,·"t~m;.~7··· We ~ te turn it OWl" to the Argtts (';I.prm:y. wkidt j,ltmped at lht! chali:()!!.

.m •• ~~.2~.~.~~e~~.fl~W •• QT

iit -1'" ~JL~ • jllDlp' in. U' you. jmnp W. 'yousmldewy .loom. ~n a o:xlversatjOO(lif" d~io:I1. Ul;u.a.Uy by intl:m:.lpUrJg tiltJ'lCr p::opJe Dli sayil'lg somrlhilDg tMit tbey do, fiotwant yffilI to say. !fE ~. ij5 ~ fftITIfAdgJji·. EG Nlfil jUmped in to oon.trad~ct me, J2.$~f.U.~lill.~

J-.' ~ If 'fOU jl .... , OP ~~ (If ~. you ~:i.cklycrjriciu thm.l jf they do ~ llblt .)'00. 00 00'1. appr!l)~ of. 11 JfF ,.". EOI lal'MUJIS' jump om. .this sort of thing ~. hard'. ltMi,tl+.aJl:,-:sa·!i.

j'~IIp.. J~iIIp pe.ople ronsidcrtbemsdves to he itJl'J QUI\UT, nl(Iijje irnpornwt Ilwl. t~~y r-taUy OlIte~. an lnfonnaJ. ~~ ~~ siOOI iF.a !Bri~ BngJish. Witrl. ~~~, [~ttti,

If] fiI *~I ~ ~ '"' T ~ g fj' .. m ... a jwnpea- rtp a/free

boy_ ·'·~I~.*"':lIJ.*:I!"~Dli.

J lID1(!I·er ! I~~ ~I ,j:umpen:, A jlllllplr is 1 in iN 0l0U1'tf

Bnti&.b£.ogllisb. a ¢.ece of dotlUn.g. .ualy made 'Of ,,~,


wedl. tbail. ~ ·lite u~ f'U"l of}!'Ol!U" body <md yotJF

<ilfm!! and t1w. d~ not Of!!C!n at ·the frilnt, [.J( '£iil.). ~.

:2: an American word fllrapimaf~. [~]~M:Il;&. { ." INCDUm ptnafQl1e) •

3 a pcBlil!li oc .aniou!] lhatis good at jllill1pIDg ori:hat N 00lJ1'IT, jwnptl in a parti~hvw;ay. • •• rtf ~ •• ilfJ .... EG T'IUs 'f' + !ltJPP

~ti(;ular .~ .is J~ mom magnifiunl jllmptF ,of ,~

~ .• fi~~~.~.~W •• ~ •• ~« ••.

j~~.AJ~poUd,Q["aJ~ l'1~ pIik:e. i!c a siitua.t:ion, ~. orp]aoewhich yw use ~ .. spri~

lllKt $tMMg ~t fOf" ~Ihlng ~wallid ~It. S

Ai j.m ~ JJ.. 00 This COfdd be ~ j,umpj'W"C'jf pmnt /'01'

nD~l aM air (Jp!ml~OR$ e1Jewhs:~. H iiI tilt '1iJ :J;: ;It ft 1il1rjln.1:.~ ~~.fti1~~tC.

jump, jet,. jl .... Jds. AJ ...... jet is a jet . .aivaaft tholit,~ N~ • Qtff .~. Jomd vorti~y. .11£" .'~ it 1i. B'L. w • . . 1'I!!.1_n;lnoll the Hilmer. B7Uain~3 ~u.ri~ry j~m:p' j~'I., ··,.It "'t.~.Jt tg til ~f+ •.• 'ft ~ •• S jIf 1I~it; ~tn..

jump k'.ad8: are lwot!lri'* 'wirc:s tlii.Ial can roe used wbel1!l car NfUJiRAI,.

- - +. - i!iI.'~

w[l] OOl s.tart bomu:se ns ibanery does nm ha'io\e ~gb

p;rweL nt· jWl1:p !eadIlatc ~ to ~ the battery 1:0

till: IOO:tte:ry of~~ Ciii!"' 'ro gi~' ~m [IM~r 00 ,'jiW;:

tbe ,emgjoe, <m.fIll.I"". Eli 'Ml.ll,R ~ ~* R¢J ) •• 11.


!l'~'W. ,.. .. PIi.!l'l'.ffiiIS PM§:


= ielIJ!' t~

.~VJlII V"'IIJ[lI\i" ".~~

,. luU imo

~\!'l!:t 'Ii'.~ P1lEP ,iI:AS p~


JlIPlpropt, jUDlp ~ A jUJJlf ~ is a pjeo:: of rope. ~~ rilISua!I]y wiilh .odLes at·each end, You C'xtrcise with i'liby

tmn..iag it .MOOd and ~I Jmnpin,g over Wt. .: ••

jump ,!>t8rI, J,ump:R.a:rtl. jump sIardDg. JIIltnpR&rted. 1 VUlIl

10 jump lSitBt1avebi~whi.cb hall a flat battery me.\ID!l ~o

~ 'l:he ~ :start bygcttiln_g power. ffiXl1 the battery

of aootKf vehicle, ~ing special a,ba calLed Jump ~

!I'.~~~ (>Jmnp start. is also if,~, .WJam~. ¢NQCHJttr

2; 10 J'imip storti!. S)'lltt:m ,or ~ that h;J.i; s~d ~ wnrking;OJ"progreW~g means ttl 00 :.o.mefWng lfuLt wi,l~ 'if 1:1.

1'I'l3~ :i~ sb.r~ wrn-.king qiUicl:!yo.reUttdve~.y. tlil~1 ~!§

J11t ~. ,~, 1Ue eu is t.rying to jump wart the pmre

~. M:.'in iDE itt IBI til. ~ tllf i!t 'lo OJdPlP :s~ is o N 'CDUNT I also a ~JJWl, t'k: i!l $ ii; .. :h 11 if.I. m .. , allonp.t.J to USIJ SiNG gj~' 1M itrdusity ,R jump stan, .,. ~ jJ 1I:iI B; fi ft B: "

lij~ilit. .

J!IInP :suit. Jump :sgl.Js ~ aOOspeUed witb OJ. hyphm _ ~. iaI iii UOUN'r

ffl ~¥:~. A Jwnp mir ls a pieo:of clothing .in t~ form '" fl~~ $itlJ ora top .1Ui1d. trousersln one ronrinOOU!lI piece. f:t~) iit:l

•• m She· h4d ,W;~ hnir Qnd ~ a ~, Jump

5~it. -all! '~;fj" ~.& ~ ~ ,. It,,. @.m:l1~' ••

JlID'II.)' I·~mpi. 'd~l\JnpV" J~f. j~. If ymli i\lIlI ~

are j~. you.aJte Jlm'VOI..lS·or wonied! about Sili~th~~ - ... ~. ~

an ipfo<~ word.. [ .. ]» ~ B!l' j • II ~. m .She .SUmM

very jU/np" !D!tfl:n!!·l""#mll"'JE.

Jun, :i.san abbre_ion fOf'" • ju.I:!'e" or ~JlJj)to.r'. June .iiI!:

Junior i'fJ.~,.

JIImC.1on j II~J~ !'~ffanJ.jlllld:loms- A jlJlll'tin;n is a place wheT-e f~ or !!'~W<ily I~~ joi]il, (2' D:« •• 9g) ~ it ~ ~ ~.:I c. ~We up tit the i,~ion ,oj Alll MIlU 1111ld St Jansu'$ StlYel, .. .'fll~ fS $' P! $ fII.1i ... ~ iii fig ~XD ~. iif T •.• .. + tht:amNlON1d bJli.lding

at a roan junctwn jlws" tooth of ,~he r~.,. . .. 'fIlii

± ~.jf MUtl. t;J' ft IKF •• flJ' ~'::k. '.. Lw:vt rhe Ms ar

junclioh I.", t£:.f!1I.~1 [J Il' •. 5"' •• ~"··· Jr'! netl" Clapham Junct,ic.n. 'e.:l& Jt :m:.~X 0 .

jUIK.iUR !~~f"l ~tf""'(. JIIDI:t_, Ata pereicu- fHR, USED AS :Iarr j1lDC1:ure ~ ai apail1l~ pofult in. ttiKtte. e£pe<:~- r ~t

Iyw~ it i~ a "'e.ry im.pon-t tll1le in ;l .~ or s,ell":ie!'l ,. rl_

pf events- H ·· .. at. ~* ... !l.§k,:n: .,. ~ Irl. e(il ·The ihud~

ow ca.binet ikcJdea ,'.0 su,ppol't &n.n at a crwci~l jUHI;&

ture ;'11 lhe efiti~ ttOf'Y •.•• T~.~.-t-.n:Mf~.w m~::l;(**'" Sh£ ki'\lt'w eha/any moWM h:er pt1!'t at

,rhis jumt.",,;e would be intet~~f'd ~ ,Il: sign ofweak~

~. "~Iiljj*it~ It=a~. ~ ffOOfifiJ IU'.JJ __ ~.

~~a~~ .

JImf 1~lj 'd;Jun/ ~ tbe siiLlCthmorath of the )l'e-af in ~ 1'>1. UNC!OUNT Wesl~ ~e!ldal-, y\:}J. ~ .Labour .J.MlS. defMtedin .t~

C~(1J EJection of 19 JUN! 19?(). I ft;(l. 1970 • 6 .M

1'3< l=il~*.~.~~." !'~J~d3Nllt~1 .j~. A j'llDgk! is' at f~ ina W. .cou.nlry wboretbue !i5 3i .~ ._ge!1llmlbcr @f ta~ fl1~.and otm.w plMts ~~TYdo,o.e~y~ogetller. A •• M ,M, # I 1:.:1:. m The veg.elali:CHr. lhickens~nio' jungle l'oi'O\!m ~pt1'5 atilt iVl~ ...• ****1iI

ftIl,!;j- •••• fCr.* •• ;3!;m.-----ili:~~,M#··· " ..

~lib tribt:f frorn life Amaz.on j.rmglt. .. . .•. * ~ .!IE ~

:ti£~ ~:lf .,B.··· . ' . a soldier l'uutding ,by ktmselfin

~ ~JJiu:n:gie dtantm'., ...•• ~ .. Ni 1££1*:. -Jj>·tli


2 a pllao:: tl1U oftblnpthat art!. elooet~lkr ami Wl~idiJI1 N Will WitH arr_ged. so tbal~ ~f ill .. ham to' ~ t&roo;g~ them to ~~~~

YOllwant to~, ~ -t; A ••... * N d9' III noW She = {~

t.urned (l~ .. mode !hqIl,\UY fhro~ lite iWl!8le of ttlfllts

W'lWrtU i!btl Mck 01 ,he room. , •. _ ~:I. !I M ~a JtUI

S::.;I T lHliil1.1J 1iiH~1 MJ ti fi;;li l; •

3 a. si:tuatiol'! where· It is ~ baild. to ~t 'What 'fW ",,!'.ul~, 1'01 SlNG wrm

lbe. C9t!Se evtrythi. 'lI'Ig:is ttrv o:Jom .... J. iaa:te'd and then are ;iii .klo!: ~ + SlUW

- r 1'"" ~ I5ilmtiioo.

of ot.her people w:OO .~ alSo tryipg to get wh·.a:t ~

wa:nL .$IUN ~ .8h III art, .. t ~.:Ii" EO Hue.'. f~

insla~, UJsa jUnglfl in ~h: tin! ~l go to' the'

:wo.U, .• MltJ j]j;)J!. ••• "".I.ft.:;;1Un~ •• CMJft!1i···

He'd not!/' have gm,. a"~e in. lhe irmgl~olrea1 pal~

ilia. ita .. .ii[ ~ •. DIt i'h -"1. r;pft;: •• m.","

juakir I'd' '. ~, ... ' t. J ...... _ l' .::!-'". .. : .. ~ •.

- ." - - - .~~0l!1 "W-~r,. _,~, <dI'!.I!:r~ W~Il.." j_s,

J1m.ior holds a 1',tliliti\rdy W!I:i!il~ po!!!Ltkln ill 3lr:l ,or~

~z.ltm or pRlf~on, .11:(<< .'.}. (i MJ ~ .: •• a iW). m SJu"s Il jrmior m.fniffw a" ,he Homt.. DfJice ... • JE~u:.~ ..... It •• fUIM:J:::I2"· AlI,irat li~ I KW

~ of the mas,r junior ~j oJ I~.~ sto.ff, ..

.~.·I!~tll! •. "X ••• U~'f.I-1"·'· We oouid gfW

.~he job l~ ~y mtR'll junior •. " ittJifLMJe:tt:r.ft!

~til!lI: ft fi.1i .k*·1t ... Ht/s ~11. ,gi.~ .... .,. COR;Jtlny

ca.r .t!.¥fi liumgh, h~$ jwthw ;to me· . .I. M •• &: It ft •.

:t>I 'ro~.Il';:r·, ALSO ~~ AFmR.iN fI_~~

NOOUl'iT1 ~ ~ kr.=t =~iil~

NJi1 ~.u..rr, i!F+~~ ~



junk. mall

-II!fJ ~ rfJJ-,.ttHi.,m Qtl'f} t1J.jIIf,:$ •

2 A jmUriw is: 2. J .~ wOO holdS a 1'daliwly l'ow 01" III alI1N'ir

"......rt".."... • t.itm fi . • ..... ""~~

UIlIlnr--,_.t po!IlUoa If! an ~, _ __I Of p'C~'eIl$fOQ. _

molt •• Hl~1l1Ui' ,ff. 1f·@tt·W. m Pm~ officers later

cmded thei,. juniors for nos spouingrhe.fe .••

I'FJ ~* tt * It fl ~TA*. tt:IJit ~ ~«~ ;.1 .gm .Britisb I'4.COtI1'IT

blglish, a. child woo goes tna jW1loe scbedL [~]}'~~ .. '!t I .~ p.rpil

~ •• ~ -11te jUNW'; ha~ (J difJ'ennl u,uJ"orm from

the inJttnts . .1"q-~ IllIJtllll !JtIi!Jt~;r;~ .•

3, [f you are O!I .~l.cui:a:rBt.m'I:l:u of years SO!:'l1OOi1e·s jlllr- N£I~.PO!i'S-f ~ kit. you are tlUlt rnmd~r ofy.ean y~r thn thl:y act.

~ ~iJ:\I ~ j ~ 1'" ;Ii. E:G She wasmarrlM. at t.fie age fiJI

;yg'Vtmt . .v-sewn to il I'l!O"n se~tam yea~ her Ju,d.or, Ii:

17 j!1i'[j;.~7 -+ltiA~~ 17 ~I~:I.A,.

4JWJior .mt:ans you.I'lI,gU~ used a:fi!:::r a ~l'SGn;s name til AIl:I !:N N~ rder too the yoongao{ two ~ein a family. espttiia1ly ~il ;t\I

a father aJ~ will. wno borh: ~~ '* SIlIme!l~. IJ"

(. T~$ ~ ;t£ ~ **,~ M tt~ Wii A +tr!i·ft. t.~H! '.00

.Do you mean Dauglf.lS Fail'~nb~~ Ql' lJc4W(lS

FQjrbal1ks luniM r D:m ~:Ii 1Blill Q Wi'· It ~ .• :tl. Ii j£

;lJ]-.m.:nLJn • J!~JlR~?

jumor MgbJWIIioc~. m~ me Uni~ St<l!ta,. J~.bigb N 00lJJrIT is tm: schoo.l that ~II:W' .. · ............... Icatte.nd bc:il.weeJI the .""~. ,of 1&5!1 Ro&fuiIa"

'---.:0 t"'"'''''Y' ~~ ;;4 H ,(1!

tJ .o:r 1.2 OIlI1d ~3 OF Hi. (:l¥~M')ff.I.~~.

J~ ~. junilir ~ A junior sd:Jool ~fiEngJood N~! «Wales b, a !i>cltoo] fOr ,clilldfflil botwecn ~~ ~ lof WOOUNf[

-&- {I ;sC..IIooJ

Olibcut teve!l aad deven, or the pan of a pr.i:mam;y scboo.l

thait teaches !(:hildren of this age. (~lI!I 7 ~ n ~ )L,.J:.

'!# F1!i ) -1~. ~ ~ EG WMnwilT me bfgoif18 w ju,uOT'

~?, .. , tatt~n • .1:1~q;?···My ptJl"ents .~. i\ll~

WfJ}'S nwving aru:l J ~( {(J ~iVM dif/i:t:en, junJO!'

schools" :ft I~ 1i''Ilj!l: a* _:j; ', =Ill: :it1f:;fi::F~ .jJI4'-i't ..

JU·!Iii·pa- 1,,~:ymuJl3I'~!' jumpers, AjiUlli~ i.<:1m, N~!

e\i\C!gf'tt'!.i1I bu:!l&TI. witb purple w~th ~ he used! in UN!OC.IUNT

cool1:ng .~ mEdici~ .•••• ,.ttm. ~ ~

jm f~.; d~.~ it l'aidy~fWmaI' ~. ·1 JIIiIl i~

11. 1 a ~p .or dungs .~ that yotl tmnl are old er IN"~r ~l~. [-m ] •. ~ ,tll. ~ ~.m;tll' ~ lEG ~ Look .~:t t~! ,,~ jrmk 011 t~ l#bJ'f!. wilJ~!'",. "III. .e.J:: 11--t A.

!1!J '*WM. ·Hi.Jf mr! -~ ••• Ht fttJtd .up lhal ~M1y

wi,rh $0 IliJlch j,unk that nobody ca.M get; ••

iJilM::iltll T i!i..-t; A • Ill' :t: ~ .• "~.:R ~ ~. i!l f£ ~ ·1. 20M NI ~ Ii

and &lI!:o::md-, ~~-.1 ..........,j:" .b_t . L-.:~ .. ' ~..: ..... '-II..'"-..J' . In.~

- . - - - _ .... ~~!Y ~"""""" I.l_. Me ",,",Ll.g ~. YJ:IWiI.t"'lI'- ]:;I.m ji

.. :# ~ 116 *i!f ~81 [1$ ~ iff •. 00 We gol.n:ltMl orimr f~,m. ture ft~ junk. shops ,and Jumble .Ml~ . ,. am,:k. II * 2: ·It j!- ». ._ Ii '1]11 ~ :IJ. n~) ~ 11 _st ~ ~. Jt* !9 ••• ~ .

. Jookal Ute lire wif~~l tMl~1 i_denier, .•• LfE .~ ~~.l& ffif •• ".r. .

2 A jim !Is liI Chioeseiaiiin.g bnat that has a flatOOttrJm N ~

and sql!JaJ)f'; sai.k, -¥ Ii::it .M'. :Q- bI

jumk bond. jltmk boiJd5. If a company ·iM~ ,jllllil '1lImIb. it !II cowrr bHt.QWs ~y (rom m'lI'!t'::stQ.f!!i.. 'L!SmJm)'at a high talie of

inte:rest. i.llO!'der .!:O fi~ OlIpa:nilmlllu" dtaJ. .fOr ~-

,_J'" ~settmo,g ruLpor' tR of.a romn3:n-'u, ::Ii!::5

~. r-,

Jog. Ike; i~t~\~tl,j.ntds. 1 Ajunli.d ~.a ~ N~

:il' Oil or visit ~ by an official or a .PNP of ofllcials and

paid for w.i~ fWkllk lJilQPt':y~ W'I«1. in i.Mhrm:d FJl,gIish ~ d!ls.a:pp,rovaJ, em. If] (1k.lIffia • ,&I; ) a- " • m:.

EGo Ir 's o~t, £ ~ fm f~'f(!$ ()NJ lodging • but

acmnpr,abk . trJ Ha'lmli COl',fr ,anly £ 38tJ" 1Iij. A

a$:$: JUu ~ ilUt~ S~(} ;i:JUt. iIiIi ~ it( II ~.: •• Mr ~ "

.» fl!!lS!!9 J!;.. . .

2Jillllkd isa sWttt ~11 food .. ~ wid~ miilk md r<:n- .N ~/

net. ,,"*m.~.:R*Ii., ~ Iv,d~tq)~ \~not lsente.~: M' N li~

~ Cor vl'illtirqg official ... <iDd ~Iy .paid' fQl:'"w:lth .. I':aoo

pu:Mk ~y J I.EiEd in informal ~ showilug cfuap-

~aIJ" [m.1O 1&JtIUI"

j:dr ... Jmtoods. JlIDkrllllJd is food! ttw is 00'1: V«y 1'1 UNC.'OUNTI good fnr}'OtlI" bealtbt ~t which YOO' ca~ ~ j~ is ,easy a:)IIJ:N:f

rul!d qwd~o'~, (1f.~"% ••• iI,~HN •• ar • f~ 1i. « a.. + 00, Whaf their uta~,frru yearn lor iSi .real

jl-lM jf.JOd, 1\ fl, ~ :II".lJ:. tfl.ll ;li[~ aIJi~.* II •

junk· Je I'I~ r ~ • J!IIJIiIUm. AJ'" is a I"IIPl'SOn Nroutff

._,A.._~' • . T" "I'I:lddie!

JoYu!.!'UlJt7C'f:5 OJ .drug. ~r bucRP .:into .~ bodiy bc~ '" d~ adIliitl!

l:atw:! they ~ OOdidcd .tQ !~; a very mf~ 'I!I'U£d. [tiE]

it".,B ~ A~::i' •••. EG Of course J"m WOITitd .

You',e lW'wngin~Q iii junk'e! !It !!Ii •• m ,~>. ..till: e_


j1o. IlIIIlD .15 advertisWga.od publicity ffialiErds mat·you r!iI ~ r=ve t~ the pOOl:. evct.·~·~"" - ... ' .. , . have iMIIt asked n mIiI.I!

"''''''''5'-' r-'~ ~ ~Iti:!,

for tmlll! ,~ sh;iwin,g ~ova.t [1f],..r-frll'W

8., lEG, - •• the d~l. O'J newspdpterS, 17f.~IRS, m"


pmu .ktteIS. junk.;mzIi/ and brd~/inS' 1Iw.t hilS US' daily ..... ~ IliJJI!f1~.M * M".~ ~~.-ii. S14. 11& .r 'lill«i Ia.~ Jl~ Ii. if ~

jug •• II~. 'I~I \i:]MI~! • jwias, Ajuata, 15 a, ~~ j,tary ,gnvN.~ri: -that ~. taken .~ by Joco::;" and l.lQt

thJ,rnrg'helerti'OWl~ USUlltl1y ~. ' drisapprow.l. [If] iti4'"ilfJlJ1:t •••. MatlllJ .a 1M.

Jg;.riI,·,dic'·tIion !,d~'mkJao~~'mkfaw is dhc· pow~

Ill.' that a court of law or an (!1mcialpe~ ~. ttl, 'carry out lCpl jl~irWmts Of enforce bwsl aJ. formal. W'Ofd- LiE ;;t] fti··M:; til. I. ~I.~. ~ :It,.J·fl ~ '. " tII:. EG ~. Qo~mor rum' no jurisdiction ~~ity pricu .... ".*';;{;U'; Mil. fI' ... TheM: ollMlhrs hallll'!' l;wn 1iM'W~ al,fogether from tM j,urisi:iic~j<mof .the juvenile COWEll":Ii: ~~~~Ae~.a~.~.~ ••• M •• ~~~

jll1.·rk·..".·diente 11~1p1'u:dn.s1 ,d]lJn5\p'~ is th!! stliJdy of law and the principles on 'Whlch La'f!l5.aJfe ~~ a liOrlnru: W'Of\d. C.iE it]!!: * ,,*I!::lf: •

ju. riI;t 11~lSt I '~. JiEists- A J...-id ~ a pE~ who ils iW eKpeTt 00 law. Ul.i!:fi'1:W,**-. 100, 1'ht:irlk-

f~:.H~rg ~.~~;k~;:~,z:ung jurists .. "

j •. 1"Or !'td~, ~I • jPrOnil. AJ~ is a memb:r (If a jury, fI'iff M • B::i She i~ .5>M1ftiI. in. along with. ,de~n f)thw j~~s. i:iIt ~.fIi. 1] it •• lit - & itt .... ~

ju. ry ! !~I \~, JIIII'Hs- A J~ is1 a group OIfpoopl~ lin a: eeure (If JawWloo .ha~ boon OOost:t'I! eo mter:l W ,the r~ about a ,~.i:me;m,d w. decide whether the ~ accused ~ gui Ity or not. I._II. ~ A jury WClllld nflVU OOIit~ct OIl that .t~ .. ; •• m'~;rr;~J1i.if.~W! ... '" the twelve people ,on dlle jlury +.. • •• M* m t!fjU 1'ib:.I)j;j\ ••• DemaMs thBl the rigit "0 trod by jMl'Y be ,aboiislwd ~I' ~~ pratff/ltS· •••• .,mag." flAtJIJl~~!~ TiI!tMa,«.

2a gr'Otap of ~k ~fDJ by the poopk. ~ing 01 OONlIpdifion ¢Q decide who tbewinner is. <jt •• a<J)W:J\II !I.I . .fi. 00 We'd Uketo lUI .theopj·mon of' 0lU j,wry in BrwJ.(asdng House, am.~.- "FfI;r;.~ jij: 8'!iWA 'LM .g;. 00. tit:.

jury boI. J~ ~ A Jury box ls tbt place in a .00UJ1 wbcr,e ~ jm)' silibo ..If (m ) •.

just Jdy..sI:.,d;:s.ut/, l' If }'OiI.I ~r ·that ~~ ~ JlH h:a~:, yw mean 'tba!t it ~ a wry ~t d~ •. In this sense, jiM ~auiliUy mM. wiih ~ in ~. reet ttilsc':i. HCl~. it i,.; aOO posSible in iofor.mru Eng. ]Ish to me just in this wa.y Wii~ verbs in the simpllt past tErnt_ 1I;if ~;t;:t (:.I:t ~:J1l! 1t Iff· ~ ~ .~. i1! .II. m. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ *:iliT ~ _::« it ~ If @ OOil,m ) ~ Ri: J"w: iust scIJ my car... It HI .*:. ** ft, R9 'ft. :$ .... She h&i Oldy JUS.f .m.o~ i·n, .. tit: !u. m; * . .. Yes. I iu.rt hear;d jlCfS£i"~ dQ.f,". ..~," ~ ;J€ ;t. ~ Jtj. ••• 1 t~r4lhtof ].f)U j~1 (1; .$dOOnd aSl'. :ft; II * iffl!;;. ~ ~

2' If you s.aytMt YOll arc' J:ust doimg somethling or you are JUid going to do it> yotJ lI'JeaJ:t that you' win :fi.nis.b d0- ing it Ol;' thai youwiU do· ii: ina ....e:ry siOOtn time :'lJfu the time orspeaiking.. In this ~nse, Justis ·wed witlli1. v«bs: in OOt'ltitl~ ~~ and with dw eJ:pECSSlom "about ;w~ .aod • ~ngtot. ::jj:fiG ~ IJI. II! IF (l~;;i!; fi at il.HlI'JiliiiJ IU JJ: ,abQu~ ~O, going to ~itm). 00 I'm just ~~ •. " a.*· .. I ~m jt#1 njtiJ(i'4 us· ~·(;I)Ua. Ckri.l... ~. iiE If.Kli ft ·ffHltl. ..... 3tJl :a .... '('hey ~u jwtabout to te.aWl when rheu ~W' Iii .block on the door. f&, m ••• :Jf , III!IJ 8T.H ••

3 YOU·Qm ~ !M.j~ to~y ~ ~mr;:tb~ng is ~P;pEning a~ exactly the ml':lDent 'Of speakrngor at exarnJy ~ ~. ~t· tIlIat you: ate· t~ about 1E ~ It. 00 [ don't IU.J.I'U you U~ ask. any q~£i~ jusf l)J ,1M mtI'I'f1.tJ'U. JDtH1Jt~ •. ", ••• e{ii1~fii'iJ.. .. TIle: ex~onJIIIII • 18 Eed to say t_t Ofi't' :!ihin:g happened at exactly t~ ~ t:imf;0l$ srnmtlhlng !::lise • .iE ~ ... fI;fj. IEG, The ~elepl:u,-me mlJ!8j,~t (U I ·H.USabmd to .1tiTW!· up tN: din;ner. ,. ]£ ~ a lUI, J: \i • lit, 4! ~*~'T ... Just 1M' •. took i,t. Soames Ipo#i!d Ire,. .• liIn.~*~ .•••• .w.Jj.7 ~

., jliIISt ~. means 4. 1 avery sOOfit time ago" 11·:;f I - ~ Jtm!lil'. :!;,iG; She ~ here j,U$1 now ....• ul!l#m.tEiS:Jl. .. ·· J apo1ogJ~ 1M my ·Cfluhr.u juS't1'Ww. ." MC* Mil" ~:jJI:e}ft. :1:.. 4. 2: at t~ prese1ll time. II i'E: ~ 1111: r. ~ ., . nastyweatke K't'~re'_~ng jlat now .... ···.-;ram ~)L~x"'.:l:!tT ...• 's illil- ~ Jm:t now_ •• ~ :a:*M.

5 'llm e~onsl JI_': II _~. ;.rt :II ~. or J'"

IiIi secIIId 3rt iI..~ m ~nEngI:is.b [ ~] 5.1 to .m. ~. aoe~Q walJt foc 3: soon tmme. if •• - "f • EQ. ~ rm lodr.:. ilW for Mr Hoopu~ ~.I _ •.• JIa't ",minute. ~ tIf~ Hooper ~ ah. ht:reills. Nwnber 357. ~ "'aft'tlJ!l;1e

H 001!JNT

~ ~11l

~.~ ~ p:l'WCf =~l

NUNODlJI'il' " 1J.w

No:;uff 1'1 QPCI1I

p,iI.COTJl>IT ~~

N 00tJI0iT. HI ; .• VB CAN iQl SDlCiOR Pl .• ORlIJ~N 1i'~

N~,W stNc. VIi, CN\I. OOSIN!:), QR n. ._, 1JUIC'l.


i't .ooortrOOllll

.ADV R~~"

APV 'W:I.lH 'io'ii 1'1 M!mI "d~

• rntoilI· ~,

!'HR, ll!ml) AS AiNII

PJIiQ., iU:5CP 1!IIl. .ANA



~I'I9Mra]~"~· ~·ilMI. _."f. -III·, Nll.*i - 1M, ttlU T. .3 57 1i} $11i]. " 5. 2" teO mrumk ~t. you wan~ to iIn~errupt .~,OO£ ,examplC in ardor to ~ wim. *m,ex~ p]am sometlq. QIi c.dn dlem dolVlit. Jl. ~ -,Jft I ,,T • ~. ~ YQ,~'re ~t~ng >,,14\1' time., , -' Now, JlUt ,Il minute, sir. '. .. "''I: 1::,. • \t: $ll.Iij. ii/., ". - .. .li {II: .. 7C::'!t. , ifllJii-a il ...... Just a~t I .HoM U ,rishlrhen '~. , . 'M~ - T! !lJlf IIf; { 18. fi!}! .•• Now, Ju:.s,t " ""flUte. L:nt~ . What S #t£! ma.ftel'? jog'''. II M .~. l!fI ft 1\ _ T"!

6 JIIm tileD me.amal .;"!. pa.rti~ ti~ ~Il the ~'I.. iti'E~ ~. iCG ./udy.dtdn'l like to t~J1' him jusJ: 1:1u"n. .. _ ~IIit"* :W;::f: .. W jf,f iE··· iw, t~. Ellen Iward' foot.Jups on the S,'fQirs" .~.Ift .. ~iJil!J l' ••. J::MJII~"'.

7 Y 00 aLso me_ ,. ]1 W iOOU:a:!e d~Ja~ 5C.I1letUlg 1'1 no

nwre mmponant. mrteresting. dHucuit. etc. than yous.ay it I!i. You lISe jrtBt in tJhi!I. 'WIa)" when. you want ru u.xud. a. 'WI'Qllg' Jd~ that ~ may get Of fw .akead1yg'Ql. :R :l-dR«. !fuji II'S just a $'0"'. Otte IJwt w mtStle up ... JS:.lQ!i:.f- •• - w. *~ ••... Is ildtril!'t!d from (ilJ;$lienlicti4ta .()f is .II ius" tJJfOliw liuary?, '. 15

;IHIl.i].IOOIUlilW~·.ii:l:'(lHi.X- •• i'~<r .•. It is ~J jU$~ (l. ~hUdr;en ~ fiJ.m." . - &~ R.-. Jt. •• J%' ••• l·j"",.tMlm some in/rJrmtllion on ~ ~ .. ,. ~. S, ft fL. 7 • - T fUI'.I~HI i'2'" Iwit rJ.d OOUi.M~ fer. ,. f!,.ro.*.iU~7"· It's Just thal ifs~ an" .... R.J!l!n'a99f,lliLtA··· Hi! thirty. .t~ Uiings jlM,~ by ttJJcin& ~ pulse .... &R.II~lt!Ia " II • ilI.':Il, 3Z ~tI ~... SlOP. feeling obl~ 10 tkJ lkiqt jWit brxause alnos &p&:.tthsn from }tw. .~. i2tlll:'l);lC·H!.A;JtUi!!£tt; •• ~ •••• 4~itl'jjJ •. 7 • .2 llJ· ~I:ldka:tc tbwt you. Me taJti:ng about.a s.maill povt or sampk, ool the wboJe' arm amot:mt. &« III (-If iii:: nfl'.~" .;tiii'lll~.~.). :00, Thne are J.rm (J few ,q/lhe ·tn~

quiries 'which: may oomt!:in ... ii:~««.P.TIIl~l'IiJafll • m ~ It filJ Jti ,!'I'ri R. .1" ••• That s .Jus, OM' a;sptJC~' c!/ my KWk. 'Ii R.ftIf1::tIfJ-l'1JlI. 7.3 to dFaw .aM~ntiQn W oow !!l M!.amouflt is or bowsb«t 8. length of titnc is. Jl;l:C m *. it~. 7dllltlli ji). ,00 1'hey~r:C'jius't thirty wrds a~y. '. ,tl.fl «if. 30 m ~,&- ••• hndt ~ Just ,dgkr~n ~ Mtiu' C4t:11l! topo~r ... .. •• .t .B'* f'l: 11Ft. ttl ~ "" .:R;j( IS ~. ••• ll.r:miy J could .!IN it m,a - jus" once. ~ •••• fill'E'-IXIS$ - JHI-~~ 7. ~ 00 Ina dli~te thaI what YOUI .ate :saying is tM hill. ooly by a very!!inWi' dc~ Of ~t. ttY !,;I:-~ •. ~.m It is jusl'pas;ribie •.. !itil'f:n-,~l:i;iiffC'" The heat ~ just twrQble, . .~ii· :iii :It .. iT £ 3f... fh rottEd Mly jUS:l

heaT' them" .. I*H.U1UI~ft{i;'In&jf .. · Welte j.U9i in timt" .. ..fn~ - A! j8 ~ •••. .. a .~.r ptop.r ,oj ju.rJ over as%.... "'!WIII ii: 23 % (f.P,;flJ ••• It .sJnu:krm· justa .. bow IN! elbow . "€ tI t:il·it 1M Itl: 11ii·~ A ~ ~ Jlli1i ~ '1. 5 with 'm:ipt. '·'may,~· and ~~ •• wben you nleaIl. twU ~hc[t: is a ~L chance of ~ Mppenmg. ~pitt: the Caa that [l Is. [KJ~ very ~Iy - m iIiF;If - #i. Ii liT ill < .!!i rrui___gM. H1<l!Y .ifII ~ .ifJID~ m It m.igh~ j~t hdp .. , ~ ~ i'f~::W 11 ..• Jtm:oy just .00 thd" 11m PF:JI·.tatl. 1.6; togi~ ~mpJ~is w. wMr .. you .ate. sa~. 'The ~ [0.1 •. lowing' j l!k';t? ~. us.ulJy~. ..;. fill! ~.1l (m 1"l1J~ !l.iia-""t)"' I~ lh wn·llu·'-M·I .He just lI,.On,j/! .. " fiJf\ lllJii! II!, 1t:8:.:f' Ifi! .... Thru's just 00' rea.t()tf. fw himw belwe. .. fl~ • .a;. ii if ~ 11: m fi lE Ja:. )1..... .1 jus~ klww 1.1w:e'" ~lhing .~." .. ..1DiI fl" 2-.* 1; Ii; f;,;Ii r •.• 1 just ,mit 'f nm:embe".. ft .. i! iG ;r;.i8 * 7 .,. We~l'e' jUSl glYl to' ~l ..• ~1I1R •• "··· Tm· ideaa.f

a woman genem~ is juslabslm1. * •• arJ.~m][~jf

I. '" .. ;r...,... 1m ........ c ~ . J1Bt..., 'WIiU' ~ Ill'

~ .. • h J- _ -~;,o;. -~ • . -- ... - . ~ .,."to

W!dI.~ 7, J to ~ an imperative'. esptcialb wm:n )'Q"lW ~t 8.!I'fJOtbtt pe~ to s~ an exweriwcewidl you or wbem: yol!l are gi~ad"'kre .Qt an order ~ UIitd· .mainly in spo.Ull Engl~.. r Q J<m ~ fi if! 4i] • moo. 11 ~) .Ei. ~. ! .IIi if ~i:iI:; •• 00 lwl li31e~ to lM! ~, ,. ,1;< f!1 )11!fii.1i> if··· Aiberi!' Jwt look at the time !. .. jtfQ,,! ill -W - rlJ:J'~!I ···Iudy·, jutllmnk. what ~.oppornmity~ *:iI. ~e - r , 1j: ~ Jf.~ Ii'!Im e-! 1.8 to .say that. ytm ague oompemlyw:ith wtnal~~ penon bas ~Jd ~ med. iin ~tive ql.tef;; in ~JiI FmgliSh- [I:IJ(m-Tli'~ IijJ;o .. Iriij"; .. ;t ~ ~ 1i;. !!:Go I think ~ all look very SmMl.' -'.ll:m',we j.w~!' .... "ftilJ..".fl:::tiil • .t t:: 6li.tI!i." - "~;fi\.IIIJ!'"'···· • He~s a gt'JOd lalku', .Im·',r he?' ~ 'lsn~t .he just .. ~ o!M..1lI:4c:il •• ,,?IO - ".:a:ml 11. .• "7.9 to say that S()fl'IOthjr.g whKib has ahady ~ I'eletfro ttl Of is !mown. ~ is ex.actly what yOI!ll waDt to talk aoout now. :liE" ~MHIt. 0 lEG We, iJ!Ieireprepared f'()!,j,~!d thiSf;Wluuality ... R f1 • It '" M :il fit !Ii


.~JO!oI it willi

,. bo~1)ft

Ii'lm., ~~ . . ANlA

.1'1 tl!lm,


= l!W:~y. (l!!~)


'" bYt.~,.


'" "'_ft. ~Iy

AElV, AiLS(} .rW,· .. M:foi

= .~

I!!DY, HOI).M,. + "'!)V

~v =~-"

ADV., VB (iMmW ~M:.N

Ab ...

"- l!!fIad

AD\!' .~.pi(i[jjj,j~

I"Hi @fllldlrlat}··· I'v« been lM(1it ll1g for jus.t such an (JC. caston, ,. ~~][ .. M B<J :Bit 2. - 1" lilt .~I"· That's just wha~ I wanted to ~T. jJ:!jE4fi:mllNiI~,.

8~f }'01li!1 say that yoo ,,an Jillft, do something sueh as see or AD", <!JlLRt hear sorn~t!h.ill_g. you .mean that jl is easy for you eo .!mag~,:,~~....ov ine or hearingi,!, II! lE ~ .. ~ .. ¥!I iil,iJ}j1 J] •• 001

Ah yes, I <CaN JUS! set! him 0$0 dentist, ., ~", if!( ••

.. m 11 W III ~ W :P •.• lWhata ~rfui cltsa'~ption + I

mn. just smelllhe Sid air .. , j;. ~fllY1tI. A ~ Mlit Iff. ft

M:f~,11111ilJ ¥il1/j ~ ~ ~ T ••• Oh. 1 ~11. jusl tast« thm

s,or8«'U3 c~" •• .ft; ~:sp:. ~·.iIJ.1t '* I~J fj!IIT '.

9 Youalso we ,j.m in English to be po~ite when ADV, MODJiU./ you so.moone. 'oat AUX. t ADV dia.ng1ing the s.ubjea_ [r-llliil., UJ W <fl:' lft!.. Pfl.~ .. , n

II ~ A 00 iii$ ~ ~ " gil). EUIi 1 wonder if we can just

turn our aUerUiM to something .)':lll meruio.1U!d.e.arli-

er .•. .~;'el JIlt ti1 ml i'f re it :a iI ft IIoiJ ~~~. !I'! f.'i rnu ~

• ttl J:: * ... Can 1 just use' your I~gh!er. 1'W! r.u:n out 0/

matches .. , ~iiffiM:m'" ~ fT * m, ft:}( ~m ~ T ... 1/

you ca,~ jus.~ ,dgn t~re plCQ~(!. lifJ~ Jj!:~ ~ 41 •

'11@1 ¥ usc' jefl to indicate ~t you Watlt to be precise or

end. 1rO. 1 with words :H1l«: ~ what '. j, why r-. or • how I • .ADV ~ 'Mij! when you \Iii'aI1t p"erue informatioo,{~ what,. ..~~ why it how if! m ) ~ EG, it is KWth knowi,.g ju:sr why

this. is .so. " .1'1 ••• M 1":8 ~ "f "ft ~ ~ £.ii.lJ .•• The'

,;tal ~batf: is about how· much .~y }IOU shtJutd

spend., .'re m:tllii (i); •• -$:111 ~!I;.Iil!. t£ ~ P ft~ 1(11.2 ADV+.NG

1.'0 indicate that" partiwl~tb~!lg is exactly what £S needJ.

sci, .iin! O!li •• e-!P. St.i. J ben~~ my 5l::!'m kerf: ~/d

be ju,r:;,r the. ~rSOliJ !I, •• ft.ffl mft.~ )f~ P •. iE.M:{:tJl 11119

Ali! ... Ik knew just the place., 1t;!klUJUEt1.JIlIEi!ll!

Jf. 110.3 ttl gpedfy ~. I!ltImber 00" .it..nllClo~~u~ctly. (ttii'. ¥ ~ Ii. ) .ill if ~ 't1t tit. ~ Tha;t wUJ be just lotty f1OW'U1s'. • ~~h'jf n- ·4(l \I .1'1)." when you specify cxa>OtJy ·wrnt place 1M, mCHI].. (m.:am 1f )- IE !I. :tt.ffi .lk SIru:K t,~ k.nif~ ripr i~. joust heN. .. lI;,te JJ T EW m:* .ltiE~JL.

••• ... just opposite Sl Geor;gF's Square. ···.~~1fi:flitr-

jj d{JIl'J iii •

H ~i~. such as Just 'Ibr; :5I.DIe. just lib • .and. just AIDV+~j'as .. _ as, .are w.edoo the s~rruilarirry bet~ Um -, ~

- =~lIIIJtr.'~

thi~gs or two propJe .. ~1t-ctf;~~ .•• %1t~"'. 00 Rat-

tl~b- i$ jus-t like ch~cke~. omy .t:ougher. ,.. I!fIJi til !iii

.fI!lI_:il-:fiYi .• ,RJiiil-lii.··· I've recri~ just.rhe sa~

OI'dier.s IU you. M~. .. ·ft iii JUT l4lI~. ~ ~ liIi I~ dfl4t •...

She· Ktij. jwtas Jat fJS he 'MUS and jus~' ,~ ~llmc;l'i w .

iI!J m" ~ AtJlf- .~# .•• ' ~

12 Just 011 is 1.I5! informal Engl~b. ~~ .spcci(y an 'ex~PHR '!" h'fllM, act number ot amount. [~R .•. ']-.iE""'__a. ~lS; It .~ i,~t (JR. tmm AU,N A

m;q:-;o;E /I '" oil~.'

se~ ~ he..~ 1.1u!far~.+. 'fBJJJS~l£tI:

~ ru. ~~.jt _ _Jko.... . 'T't. - oltk:sf and .~.,. ~u_. nw. .....

'"1;;,j,~~_~q-~I!",.i~~n A~,~ ',", _ ... __ ' ~~ ,I' ..... __ '!'Q._~ r-'-~e.

In the vUJ~. jwu on 6 ,century of MiJ.dnm. have $(II in tht:.s.t dtsks" ff ffi!! ~ fa.;;:: ® tI~ 2 .,D"- filj' ... if: T Ri (.ilE t1.t1iJl ~ 1"Htta) GtE itt ~ ~ _:ft&.M:.

13 JIId about :is m:ed 13. ~ to 8llIy tbi: so:~dU~ i$ .~ close .~ a parncub.rt ~~ Of state thM. it eM b::rcgardtd as havUlg rea.ched ~t. !I: ~ ~! jL ljt. EG SJu· '1-M2J' just arout his alt.· ..• 4'MJ!iM.:I1:"",£··· Everything isjun aoow naay, -W6e.;f:~II:*IUI~ 13.200 say mat PHR,usmAS so~thI~ is ~[1 fact possible ,. .a]tOOt!gih I! is very near]y ..y,1 A

~t par.r;.iblle, Dm., ~ -1!i.1'; ~. EGo It is .1 supprlSl! j,u.Jl '" ~

aool.j:~ .pr»rJbI.e. ... ft ••• iI,iiI.· .. ~ Can. !t'e the

. ajrport i~ an hor.u?~ .~ "Jut" QIKmI. ~ olft(r]fI:&: ~;:t>!It ~f!]itmli~?" - "B •• Ie."

14 If yous.ay iliat a p:i~oc of cllothiiQg.a MyJe. ora ,ooIour I'l-lIhU5mAS C is.Just SCI:llel:We', you mean · it !!U!i.tslkm ~rfectlYI =!Qlty

used . itilinfQf.~~. .i!pokll Ero_g] [rJl. f!i. J:iEil .'!}. I~

llm'tyow Ihi'S hin is j,wi mrJ:? •• t:.~:'it:fti.!1J Mlf~,Jt1fii~ii!}? ••• That cOlour is just ~. IlMh!


~5 ,llil$ so 15. ~ is ~ W exp~a,greem.eU1'tr """jIb or sup. pen f01 a s~mellt di!lOl!t hu been m:me! used m~ilidyin spoken Emg~is~. [IQ ]MIt TI lIE. lU.'$P.Ji' i\tISilJ. Ell' You are a nta:thenilltician.. a~ '1 yo,u ? - 'IWi! .so. 1M tI:I!: r.::l.j;!:

*. M ~?" - ".:IE;I- ~ ;>15,.2 m.eallS afrangOOvery neady :so that ec~rything ~ in h:s p.ropcf' platt, tflll'BI~M:~*.~ 11 *~ •. 00. Whenf~ Japa,teM. nUlXe tea. ~re.rythin8 Ms to be just so, .. B *AffVJi at. -W1JfI*~ 11'~,

-~ ~ ~ .••• He laid out his .d(')/~, jusl so. by the

fire" it. re ft.1~} ~ 1(" .:If ~ 1tI!1I ::k ~:PI :Jf 0

16 You :say that ~rn.eth_i!Jg is J- your Iud!; when you ha'IJelea:rned iliat :scmcdILng unpl~t .is goi~ to mp~ pen to you. ~o :!OUgge:5t ~t !>Ucll bad luck i.!ii lypj~ rOT

~. iii ~ . .A.;i;,t n::tf;. ro; ~ So ;ffieWU.ght you then?' -

• Yes, it ~s Just my'luck that she dec,rd~d toO come

ADV+NUM = il.:w5lh .A;!),VT 1'1

T rW'Il

!'!rn. \!SID' AS AIlII A


" ~ili

~ iIly~

- iini!l!xd


l"HR., !l!J&ru usrn ASC


back, j "iJf~it.;njIliJif~. ro. T f~?~ - .. Jl ~,.'It 1tJ1f l! 1;. ilil ••. ~1!ta'l~1E 1!iI* T ."

~ 7 A pmilOiiI or org<Ui:ization that is Just is completeJ y fair " (jQAlUT and im~ial ]ntme way thait they treat people = a fairly = fBir forma! word, [iEitJ1}iEl~h~·~ a<Ji. 100 Let us be cau~

tioo;s. in our actions, cautiO(.lS bu,t just .. ,' ft m .f.I 11 .iijIJ

~iI •• ~M m ~ IE •••. ," an omwiy, ju.rt, ami clw·

U:seasoci.ety. "'l!l;W-*~ .':;:; IE iIiJ XX ~ ~;lt4!. () just- o I'lIJV \'VIm Vb .Iy_ * iiEit11lj 1!:-lff ~. ~ I believe that lka~ acted just-= f~i(J,.

~-ft~m~ti~_~*E~. .

UI: An arguln!:Rt, ~. or a.ctlori that is jlpSit ls rc~k A!!).IOOAl.rr

and ,morally jU!Otiftalbk in theciroumS)Ir.apces~ a tau-Iy fo.r- fi ~w;oIllilB1X:

mal ward. [iiE ~]=A" 1t ,,,. ~ • 00 ~ •• It! ~J ! .iE Jl. Ij)I;J; iE II

00. EO ., • t he differenre bet ~Iia iust and on u~j,Qt

cause.,. ···IE Jt • !it :lI ~~ jif 3( • jtZ raJ ~. g ;!IJJI .,' - •• ,a

just ~m:r., ..• liE X 1H-l.Hii <tit.. o justly ,W J! rfi :ltl!l1lf Je :& Jl( o I\DV WJ1lH "'"!

!iJ.t!!.; m So!.Jdl:. EQI Elvis Presley can jusdy be culle.drh.e ~ ~~f

King (}j Rock and RaJr. Jj.$;.Ji- • .mlli*J.~'titffillh.ll

it jg: ff Mm.ii Z.:E •

19 A ~!I1ltro.r reward tbEit is JIM is reasooabLit and A!ll ~) .. t:uUy deserved by the person .~. has received ~t. (:t~. .~,b,,~

flU ~ :ff Ii'!l' '. ~. I lHilQUld be .~ rrwrt.. satisfactory ~I

new id~ Ho'ere 11K just reward for hard work and per-

s'€stent effon - - - J1lI:J::lQ 11 ~ . .r; ~ :fa lI:·tt ~ .. ~ g .n :ii. it

~,~ 1'" !t:li Jf. • i'l9'. -fi1: , .•• ~"'t A." •• /!J ••• t» jI}U

thJnJ;, thol imprisonmem repnse:rus a just or d1ilUnjusl

pmuslunent '! ~llll·m:.ft*=~~1IIi!19m; :&!-1f'li!.N- ~

~llJ? () 1I.a,y. iI~i8 ft lIEJ fiil fI~. ss .. , . rids justly 0 ADV f.JOptttar $itcJw .•... jUt _,~ ~ il.l1.t i!I!. ,1l!fJ I{ it. .~ to .gt~ ll~fiWi)' one's just cIi:::sefts, l\i!, de$efl.

jus. ice Ilcl(YlS'1::I&I~Ui/.11 J~' ~ L ! fa~ in !ilJJoiCO'!JN'[ 'yom' lll;hi1!vlGW or m ~ wav dla( ~"" Me treated. * = f~

J ~ ;e iill\iUslia

~! ~'JEi iiEJ!.. lEG The ~ of juslicer:s vetybwlc in

hl<imml tlwught" , .liEJt OO.~;I!A~'.,UH!tp,fl;l;* M •. :$ ••• 'Jam; lim a :S.trang ~ of Jusliu . .. Iii lit 1i.·.:IE j'J. • ••• They./O'n'fflId .r~lle .i.n.ta tratl,e ttniQn3rQ achiere ~c j,lUtiCf" fin mfim~ T* 1- I ~ Vl •

JlJ~: m 1:: ng * ]f. 1. 2~ cllc· quaillity of being reaoonabkand N lJIJ'froUNiT justifiabJe ~~of'daim:i .• ;wgumcnth ca~. ete, {m:Ci "lcp~ .« .. ]t ~ ".J.!lhb !J B!H JE :lIUi d~r;f!l! ~ ; ~ t= ff 0 100 They be·

Ue~ i~tlf.t. juMj,reo/ the,,. Cdilol&e ••• "'rl·II-1ifBfl~.

!ti::@:.!E5ti9 ... Do~. fool tMt there is jusda'in tlu

.Brilrsh eJaJm? .. -li::I;.":Ii III ·trlJ • " '*' • q~' ···.We

.~ lite only tloKl'thi!r;e' who, mightwilh any j,r,aliae be

r:all~woTk~ns-d(;W . if.m III a a fJi@lji.AiU ~. ti .:;tt ~ illtIUiJ:.1.r.:rA M':!I. L3 t:he s'}!'sitm. tllataooWiltry or oth~ N I~ er .~ of peq*: use:;. m omeF to ~ SLlNl ~t. ~Ie ~ ~(l~ b~ ;mcl tktt ~nti.s gi vcn. to t:hasc people

who bRa.k tht: bw. ii]:lIit •• fi •. EG The oouris are ·Qwry

lmtJlnt 'n J tlUI" n..,;:.~~r. -I .. - -"··t<, M..iI!I<:

pt:)I" -- .1»-. - ",?'- -- p.I".J.J.lN s}G' em.()lJ JWlCl! .•• JZO-'

I!;ftfi~mii'JIll!Il!I.~+.;K •• I~.~··· " .. the ad~

mini9tfflt~ of jus.rice, •. , tit f!;.. 1. 4punistll:l'iMt t~t NI ~ someone ""'!! for OOinlJ' somethilfli.tli' .... bad. estlf'l.·. cia1~" when 'It ~III

o~ ~ "-0. ~"'!!j r-; = ,O£t!ii~

liti!lis is re~ as, bcing f:dy~. ],!I. MJlJlmSn •

ffi ,JUJt'iceMU,oom,e ..... ··r my. Jml :ma.r:k my mm-ds. (4; M ·t,!J,f" • t: ~!: Jdb tlIill ~I ~ •

2 If a ctimJna] is ~ tojlRift •. he or ~. is punished !'I'I'R,VlI fOr a aime by beW,g 3irTtS~ed and ·tried .ina 00Ul1 of Jaw" ~~. .JS~·~lf'JIJ,. lEG '1'he ~nF

time lw! Mo.ughl t£l' jw:t.ift ..• )l~I'f-iG·!Ji!..:r~J!Jt!.~

·aa .

S ~r ~. ooJ~ ~ ~ 0[' sotmthing. 3,. 1 you &. scribe Of: repJi'Odlare them ina way t:Mt shows. faitrily how ~ 0[' valuaMe they liR. *, ••• )!, -2-. JE '" W,.., EO T/ul. md~o ,~:n'l .dtJ· }Iwtke to tbe fi.dl q.rmiity of .~


JiIl;t1l M .16'. 3.:2: you deal wit~. 'them p:ropr~yand !'HR, VB

IN~ ~elcly,. Jt~ffl'~l& ~.JI, ~.P'·J! dMt .. ft .•. D'!i ft

ii... lEG TIuly did Justice. lofhe huge pUlles. QI focd tka,r

lhe)'~d been servt'ld. , . fUlj!f!:"·* •• ~ "'f"_J;*~*4

::k:aMJ •• ·",· Jam .rlM onJyman in Europe ,ClJptJlile oJ

dmRg it Justice, (Jf ~IW a ptrrfu't job of It .• 1Ift

•• -.~ ••• ~ •••• ~ •• «.~I.mA.

4(( yDUl do yourself' jlus~. you do SOfl1Cltbin:gas we~1 as Pml, VB you are ~fule (,lir d9tng ~t. .lC?f':l~. Ell B B!JIlIJ:jJ I J!.. EI e I~ .j;;:Ml·lIh. 100 Shedtdn/tdo jrmia: 10 h£~lf in the

exam. M.*fit*;f ~ * it:.

5 In Ametitafi .English. ajmti« js 3. j~~. [~J ~ 11'. m '!II COtmT

.. "a Supreme Court jw'tia... . .,.:It iii l* Rf!: ~ • " ~F

6 Justice :W;; used lin BTitish Eng~i.sih as pall of the tide of a 111 UNO(JUNr, jud~, [1fJtk'W(lIl.I=f~ldi'~'). EaThe C,otlort!UJj Apptal ~~'['J11.E'> .I'lpheld the decision of lhe Lord ,Ch'q Jusli(;£ • '. .1:. Vi:

·m~ .• ~ _·!!J·lt:R.:i: ifi all *' i!r!i~]t#; ..•• Mr DU-

PHIR, VII ~ 1)~ ;;;~

JIE&e of the Pmee

Jon gave hu j~~ th£ ~ before. mlntjt.~:!. m'-"Jli.W7"~.

J.!Sk)e of tiM ~ •. .J~ (If'~ ~. Ini8citain ancI

el~w~. O!! J~ of tl!@ .~ is a pelfSOl1ll who is l1IO'I: a laWjl'~ oot woo is, au~ittd ttl act asa jud:gl! in a Jocal law oourt. AJ~tlo::: of the Pact: em deal with ks,o;, serioes crimes, but~t pass eases in,vutlyjng mere fieIiuuscrimes

~ ~ .. ~gm:r~, f&:R~li. .

jU$·:tj·n·.·bk /~jfa.t~[, ~~f fatabV A staternenrt. QPiMon, er [au t~t is jP.tUflab'Ie is one tMt )'01!ii tbti:rd: Ui: IK:ttptahle or ~ ~you areable (:0 ~ a gttd :reason foc d. (j!I!llI_) i!iJi liE'iJI )IjJ ,JE. !'I1i!l ! Ilf m _ !f ,S(JI jj~jiJ[$W~,fI:Jjl1lJ.ljl'rg .. ES llwpe ,~his .u: (j justi/Wbtc' ,tnt~,..prdatton ... It. I!! j! '.1'- PJ • ~ 'fj .. "'... I ,coukintt eLlen: (;aU it a justjf4jble W~j Lib atd-

tude. It. ~ ;;F lUlU:: .$ :lLtl :t-.:ttl jfi:ij1} JK:t teJ * ll. o j~-.if,~_. Xo"~~~~~EG, The Go~ltm(ln~ isrmdent~y.if ,no~' jusli[U2bly. uH~la' - Jt W "'. J..J(. •• ilI."" •• x ~ ~~ ~ "@ ~I:I' ii] 1!lll.M IfJ •

• ~ ~ '. "~ ~"'II~ ~t ... ...._ JlI!i1lilhm1 ho-

J .. .. .. _. ~-- -_ ....... ~ _ .. - _. !Iil:

midde is; an aet of kiUillg ~ w\illchis mfl6idered !O be excusabl~ or lawfw. FOr 'e:x:mnple if you Ic.i]! ~ lin, ~~f-d~re.m;:~; a legal term, [~.J liE ~~)d ~ ~I.IE ~ I~ ]!iIi~A). 00 Tlteydlli~ tlist !~ killing' ()fO~FY Clark ~ a ! ,homicide. r ·ft!tIlJl!i'.A\Jt •• :itS • ~.D-l£;I!".1E~~A ".

j .4i· o· CIi· tion hdJAmnlkel;_'I~f;,)\kflJii!I:I/ , justln~

wti~. ,11 A.jl~ fora pwDrubr act~.' '~. ot' 9<j'h~L!S! all. ,a~!!; :~ '0£ fixplanaibon Ifw ]L ,j[ ~.riiI ~ m .0 ; mil.: m What is the. SOCi'td jw!ifica~ titmoj Uttivenily Edlm!l!lion~·. .. ::'=!J:." .iE. ~ :~J tl ~. II rn -1:1- 4.? •.. WelJl.1 MW .s:tJUlld jw.rijimJ:i0n8 for' wMt~d&. " . ., fJ 1>: II!: '* it·-2. •• ;fj 1f; ~'IiI9. m .. ' .. There ~ noj,tlSlJ/ialdcn.. JOt hi~ inton/ rtlt~ ... 'Ie'J*iIi."Il.i:iAm M ... It ~ld be mid, with ~ j,rLSliji«4icn ~·INU the choice hM flhe#dybeel1- ~. ~-·~M!I~1iij tl lit, :iI.ike. ~ tb." Iho~thing is saidl m.jultifkati,oQot a pmricubu .idea OJ'" action, it is, &aid .i:NJ. order to ROOw that !!he 1.deaoraction is, » ......

2. Jmtific:af1lOO. iis ·thearr~ment of pages or prw Of :50 ~I:\at bxh the kn.h1md awl right.ha:OO ~ am *aighit~ a tedmjcal lenn inpcj!J!ting. [ilIl1il}1rf:fI ~.!tti. ~, They wt~ haw .. terrible pt<iIJIem5! with thehyJWmalton andJU$tfficatkm. 1t.m$Rmi!~ftfP:Jf:rr1i

i1fillilJ Tflx~ •• 0

j1l!'.li .• :fW /'~~!Ifatd,.~,\r:ram;" 1: U you tbIDk that someont ~JUIlltk:d in doiQg' 5Omciliimg,yoUi lhillk dl..<i:t ~heir :~ faJ" doing i:t are· good. and. valid. ~.IE ~ J.!I!. HI .~" roo.l think. IU! ~ quile jlf.#iPed ,in ·~fusillgto Itdp ~.ft~~~m~ ••• ~~~~E~~~~~.

:2 An action that is j~ is reouooable and aoceptable" (:IIi fi ~).if !li .a9 ,~ iii]":M:~ 11llJ. m In t,~' cllrcutnMa~, ~.VI!! inaUstrial action is jusmi ~ry, ~ .*.R~.* •• ~Iafi.~ *~~ •• ~. _

3 A :page' of prj~t or 'Of typing dun is JlustIr .. i~ .ar,lOl!llp so that both lht:. left fm'Id and ripl kvIdI .~ 3il"e suaID.gbh3. tedmica~ rterm ~[1 printing. [~.]lFfil!gldiiiil .lIil~·~ EG·Qu.r hltest model aJlm a facJJity lor iusti:-

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