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Dalam kelas ini dibahas konsep Sistem Informasi Manajemen Berbasis Komputer sebagai
suatu sistem yang berfungsi menyediakan informasi yang mendasari pengambilan keputusan
manajerial perusahaan. Bagaimana pengembangannya, penerapannya, manfaat dan kendala
yang dihadapi berikut solusi yang mungkin. Dibahas pula bagian-bagian yang menjadi
pendukung utama berfungsinya Sistem Informasi Manajemen Berbasis Komputer yang baik
& tepat sasaran.

Diharapkan mahasiswa memahami apa itu CBIS, peran dan manfaatnya bagi perkembangan
kemajuan perusahaan, bagian-bagian dari CBIS, hal-hal yang menjadi pendukung
berfungsinya CBIS, perangkat keras maupun lunaknya, konsep sistem secara umum,
pengembangan dan keamanannya, terkait pula perkembangan teknologi komputer dan
internet berikut aplikasi dan implikasinya.

1. Turban, McLean & Wetherbe, Information Technology for Management, Transforming
Organizations in the Digital Economy, 6 Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2008
2. Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon, Management Information Systems : Organization
and Technology, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall International, 1998
3. Raymond McLeod, Management Information System, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall
International, 2004 (RML)
4. James A. O’Brien, Management Information System, 6th edition, McGrawHill, 2004
5. Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley, Kevin C. Dittman, Systems Analysis and Design
Methods, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill International, 2000

Materi Perkuliahan
Sesi Pokok Bahasan Sub Pokok Bahasan Referensi
1 Kinerja Organisasional: 1 Doing Business in the Digital TLW1
Dukungan dan Aplikasi TI Economy.
2 Business Pressures, Organizational
Performance and  Responses, and
IT Support.
3 Information Systems and
Information Technology.
4 The Adaptive, Agile, Real-Time
5 Information Technology
Developments and Trends.
6 Why Should You Learn About
Information Technology?
2 Sistem Teknologi Informasi: 1 Information Systems: Concepts and TLW 2
Konsep dan Manajemen Definitions.
2 Classification and Types of
Information Systems.
3 How IT Supports People and
Organizational Activities.
4 How IT Supports Supply Chains
and Enterprise Systems.
5 Information Systems Infrastructure
and Architecture.
6 Emerging Computing
Environments: SaaS, SOA, and
7 Managerial Issues.
3 Manajemen Data 1 Data Management: A Critical
Success Factor.
2 File Management.
3 Databases and Database
Management Systems.
4 Creating Databases.
5 Data Warehousing.
6 Marketing Databases in Action.
7 Web-Based Data Management
8 Managerial Issues.
4 E-Commerce dan E-Bussiness 1 Overview of E-Business and E- TLW5
2 Major EC Mechanisms.
3 Business-to-Consumer
4 B2B Applications.
5 Major Models of E-Business: From
E-Government to C2C.
6 E-Commerce Support Services:
Advertising, Payment, and Order
7 Ethical and Legal Issues in E-
8 Managerial Issues.

5 IT Compliance: Aplikasi 1 Functional Information Systems. TLW7

Fungsional dan Pemrosesan 2 Transaction Processing Information
Transaksi Systems.
3 Managing Production/Operations
and Logistics.
4 Managing Marketing and Sales
5 Managing the Accounting and
Finance Systems.
6 Managing Human Resources
7 Integrating Functional Information
8 How IT Supports Compliance.
9 Managerial Issues.
6 Sistem Enterprise: Supply 1 Essentials of Enterprise Systems TLW8
Chain and Supply Chains.  
2 Supply Chain Challenges.
3 Supply Chain Opportunities.
4 Business Value of Enterprise
5 Enterprise Resource Planning
6 Business Process Management.
7 Product Life Cycle Management.
8 Customer Relationship
9 Managerial Issues.

7 Global & Interorganizational 1 Interorganizational Activities and TLW9

Information System Order Fulfillment.
2 Interorganizational Information
Systems and Virtual Corporations.
3 Global Information Systems.
4 Facilitating IOS and Global
Systems: From Demand-Driven
Networks to RFID.
5 Interorganizational Information
6 Partner Relationship Management
and Collaborative Commerce.
7 Managerial Issues.

9 Managing Knowledge 1 Introduction to Knowledge TLW10
2 Organizational Learning and
3 Knowledge Management Activities.
4 Approaches to Knowledge
5 Information Technology in
Knowledge Management.
6 Knowledge Management Systems
7 Roles of People in Knowledge
8 Ensuring Success of KM Efforts.
9 Managerial Issues.

10 Managerial Decision Making 1 Managers and Decision Making. TLW12

& IT Support System 2 Decision Support Systems: For
Individuals, Groups, and the
3 Intelligent Support Systems: The
4 Expert Systems.
5 Other Intelligent Systems.
6 Automated Decision Support
7 Managerial Issues.

11 IT: Strategic Objective & 1 IT Strategic Alignment. TLW13

Planning 2 Competitive Forces Model.
3 Value Chain Model.
4 Strategic Resources and
5 IT Planning.
6 Interorganizational and
International IT Planning.
7 Managing the IS Department.
8 Managerial Issues.

12 Aspek Ekonomi dalam 1 Financial and Economic Trends and TLW14

Teknologi Informasi the Productivity Paradox.
2 Evaluating IT Investment: Benefits,
Costs, and Issues.
3 Methods for Evaluating and
Justifying IT Investment.
4 IT Economics Strategies:
Chargeback and Outsourcing.
5 Economic Aspects of IT and Web-
Based Systems.
6 Managerial Issues.

13 IT Application Acquisition 1 The Landscape and Framework of TLW15

Option IT Application Acquisition.
2 Identifying, Justifying, and
Planning IT Systems Applications
(Step 1).
3 Acquiring IT Applications:
Available Options (Step 3).
4 Outsourcing, Application Service
Providers, and Utility Computing.
5 Selecting an Acquisition Approach
and Other Implementation Issues.
6 Connecting to Databases, Enterprise
Systems, and Business Partners:
Integration (Step 4).
7 Business Process Redesign.
8 Managerial Issues.

14 Establishing & Managing IT 1 Securing the Enterprise. TLW16

Governance 2 IS Vulnerabilities and Threats.
3 Fraud and Computer Crimes.
4 IT Security Management Practices.
5 Network Security.
6 Internal Control and Compliance
7 Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery Planning.
8 Implementing Security: Auditing
and Risk Management.
9 Computer Forensics.
10 Managerial Issues.

15 Impact of IT on individual, 1 Perspectives on IT Impacts. TLW17

organization & Society 2 IT Is Eliminating the Barriers of
Time, Space, and Distance.
3 Information Is Changing from a
Scarce Resource to an Abundant
4 Machines Are Performing
Functions Previously Performed by
5 Information Technology Urges
People to Reexamine Their Value
6 Conclusion.
7 Managerial Issues.

16 UAS

Metode Kuliah
Metode Perkuliahan di kelas Sistem Informasi Manajemen lebih diarahkan pada keaktifan
diskusi didalam kelas. Semua keaktifan dinilai sesuai kriteria penilaian.

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