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Quotes from Readings/Class Tasks/ Activities Thoughts/Learning/Questions

Week 2

"students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on Not excited about doing a journal. However, I always like looking back
average, than those taking the same course through traditional face- at them, seeing what I have accomplished or learned for the week.
to-face instruction."(Barbara Means, Yukie Toyama, Robert Murphy, Marianne Bakia,
and Karla Jones, "Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis Having taught an online summer course for failing highschoolers, it is
and Review of Online Learning Studies," U.S. Department of Education, May 2009, at http:// (November 16, 2009). interesting to see they perform better online. I am sure they are better
able to concentrate online. They are not as distracted by peers or
I found it interesting that the Intentional Orientation Research Site (a site rambling teachers.
which researches the relationship between emotions and learning (http:/
/ subdivides elearners into three Patty McGinnis post. Assessing students risk levels can definitely help
teachers design learning opportunities so that students can take risks
Transforming Learners: those who like loosely structured environments and
problem solving (high risk learning situations) without feeling danger. Students can try new things but feel safe.
Performing Learners: those who prefer semi-structured environments and
projects (medium risk)
Conforming Learners: those who prefer simple structured environments (low

Dan Coldeway is a professor at South Dakota's Dakota State University. His

4-quadrant model:
1. Same time, Same place - synchronous learning
2. Different time, same place - asynchronous learning
3. Same time, different place - synchronous distance learning I am not a person of large vocabulary, I loved the post of Elisa Gopin
4. Different time, different place - asynchronous distance learning regarding learning.

In a traditional K-12 setting, one common type of online instruction is a

blended, synchronous, facilitator model. This might also be called a minimalist
model, lacking the benefits of a more robust online experience. This model
is especially common in traditional settings where administrators don’t fully
trust or understand online learning, or in situations where districts are simply Randall Damon’s post describes our school districts online teaching.
sharing an instructor. In this model, students attend classes as they would
We need to figure out ways to change this and incorporate better
any other course. The instructor teaches via a computer from a remote
location. The students have a a facilitator or supervisor on site (usually online learning opportunities for students, rather than use this archaic
required by law) who may or may not be certified, and may or may not have means of online teaching. I know, archaic and online aren’t usually
content-area knowledge. Students may or may not have their own computers in the same sentence, but there are online means that are going to
and might even be watching one common monitor. Often, the Internet is used become quickly outdated/archaic.
primarily as a vehicle for delivering the instructor’s image and audio to the
classroom, with little or no ancillary use. (Randall Damon post)

Correspondence or Independent Study courses - do not involve active

Hub and spoke or Video Teleconferenced courses - one central delivery
center or main classroom, and this is broadcast to other classrooms
Fully facilitated and interactive courses - instruction is conducted using the
Internet as the delivery mechanism. Delivery methods can be asynchronous
(delayed time), synchronous (real time), or both. Clarification of distance education. The problem with technology and online
Hybrid or blended models - brick and mortar school offers online courses or learning is the vast vocabulary that many people do not know, misunderstand,
an online school offers opportunities for students and teachers to meet face- or do not use. A dictionary needs to be created just for all the terms!
(Dr. Rice)

L - listen I am not a very good active listener. I find myself contributing to the
I - Inquire conversation, where my contribution probably isn’t wanted or needed, but
S - Summarize want to relate to the person.
T - Take notes
E - Encourage
N - Neutralize feelings (objectively interpret content rather than delivery)

Week 3

There were some great questions regarding the personal interviews. Since I am not currently in the classroom, I interviewed a teacher and
ELL questions such as languages spoken. I really liked Jonathan’s her son who are in the process of doing an online education. Speaking
question, “What can I do to help you succeed?” I also liked questions with the student, who is a junior, likes fishing and video games. His
that referred to not just computer use, but internet access, such favorite topics are math because he doesn’t have to jump through
as Dustin’s “Do you have access to a computer with an Internet hoops to learn. Things he struggles with are doing assignments that
connection at home or elsewhere outside of school? and Do you have are busy work and taking classes that are not interesting. He is in the
a mobile phone? If so, what kind? What mobile data features, if any, Talented and Gifted program and wants to learn, but does not want
do you use?” to do hoop jumping to earn a grade. He has a desktop computer at
home that his parents have blocked everything on, except his online
Practice active listening. Give the participant time to talk, time to think, program. He has had problems with going to forbidden sites in the
and time to interpret. past. The only concern I have with this type of learning is if it is just
more hoops or actual interesting subjects. He’d really like to skip high
school and go straight to college, so if this doesn’t work he’s going to
“Foster the idea that parents are children's first teachers by making get his GED.
sure they know what their child is learning at school. Helping parents In talking with his mom, she says her son tested TAG in the 2nd grade,
find opportunities to "teach" at home will reinforce what you are and is in the 99%. He is extremely intelligent, but never has put forth
any effort. There family consists of her husband, herself (a teacher),
teaching their kids at school. Together, parents and teachers can
her son, and a daughter four years younger. The family vacations
communicate the same concepts and ideas so children will have together, attends the kids sports events, and fishes near their home.
even more opportunities to learn. Being a team will promote good After trying four years of jr and sr high school, working with teachers,
communication.” Read more: punishments, reward systems, higher classes, redoing classes, etc.
effective-strategies-for-improving-communication-with-parents-1570451.html#ixzz0zexR6D6G she is at wits end and would like to try this avenue. The main goal
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution is for her son to finish the required credits it takes to graduate from
I loved this quote. Many parents think it is the teachers sole high school. As her son stated, they have a desk top computer that
responsibility to educate students. has blocks so that he may only access what is necessary to complete
school. The concerns she has are that he will not put forth effort for
Look this program and run out of options. Sometimes it is so much easier to
Inquire teach other kids than your own.
Take notes

Week 4

Seven elements of community are: history, identity, mutuality, plurality, Online communities serve a specific purpose, however, if you are not
autonomy, participation, and integration. (Selznik, 1996) actively participating, they are not helpful. It is also hard to keep up
with online communities, remember which ones you belong to even, if
Virtual includes orientation of the future, technology, and learning. you do not frequent them often. I belong to some online communities
Community is a virtual location that students use to communicate, but have not seen the benefits they possess yet except for the social
cooperate, and collaborate. (Misanchuck & Anderson, 2001) piece. I have joined Facebook to keep in touch with old friends and
family. LinkedIN for professional, Classroom 2.0 for teaching.
I was reading an email this week and the bottom:!/?ref=home
“We cannot learn deeply and well until a community of learning is
created in the classroom ~Parker Palmer”
How appropriate for this weeks discussion; building online
Online community building strategies seems much easier to complete
communities. We must create a classroom community if we want our for middle and high school students rather than elementary students.
students to truly learn. Other quotes from Conrad and Donaldson
text supported this: Engaged learning=constructivism, “Peer-to-peer Online communities seem to cause many issues with districts for
discussion was more valuable than adult-to-child discussion” (p. 4) safety, bullying, and viruses. To use an online community setting in a
“Activities that require student interaction and encourage a sharing classroom setting a teacher must develop a private one for the class/
school and monitor it closely with a clear set of rules in place.
of ideas promote a deeper level of thought.” “In an engaged learning
environment, each learner’s actions contribute not only to individual So much of this week reminds me of team sports. If you don’t work as
knowledge but to overall community knowledge development as a team you will not do well. There is no i in team. Therefore building
well.”(p. 5) a community “team” in the classroom helps all students achieve a
deeper level of learning.

Week 5

Facilitated class chat - Ruby Netiquette group Our netiquette group decided to do a class chat using Adobe connect.
It worked out very well considering our geographical locations of Israel,
Topics were facilitated by different members - acronyms, grammar, E. Coast, Idaho, and Oregon.
emoticons, communication forums. I was at a different location so I had voice but not video. There was no
wireless network so I could not use my laptop. I cannot wait for the day
There was even some disagreement on communication forum when all of the nation runs on wireless.
protocols and it was exciting to come to a resolution regarding this via There was also problems in our group of a significant delay for one
a facilitated chat. participant, and sound issues for another. These were overcome with
the ability to type and use the discussion column.
Overall it was a success and I love using the Adobe Connect program.
I would like to expose myself to others in the future to see how those
measure up.

Week 6

Guy Kawasaki - 10-20-30 for presentations There are so many websites to view. My favorites are overloaded for
10 slides enjoyment reading someday.
20 minutes long
30 pt. font I am in the process of creating a Netiquette, classroom expectations
presentation using Adobe Connect presenter.
Disagreements still are occuring regarding chat forums and messages. I have created the scavenger hunt with links to supporting websites.
Many feel it is ok for students to use emoticons in emails to teachers
or formal forums. Some also feel it is ok for students to use acronyms,
such as those used in texting, for forums. I only feel these should be
used in informal chat sessions and never in formal emails to teachers.
The English language is always evolving, but I do not think it should be
in the form of degrading our language.

Week 7

All Others: You will be publishing your presentations to Thank goodness I waited until Professor emailed a free driver for
the Department of Educational Technology Adobe Connect adobe connect for powerpoint. Just made sure I save the powerpoint
account. Be aware that this has the potential to pose many as earlier file.
Creating the audio was fun, but frustrating. It would have been better
problems (we'll all be using the same login for example), so
if I would have written notes and just read them, much like I do for
don't be too concerned if it doesn't work the first time. Also, AlertNow for our school. But I addlibbed and had to reread a bunch of
please be aware that you will have the capability to delete timies. It would also be nice (and maybe I just don’t know how yet) to
files developed by your classmates - so be very careful about edit the audio as you’re creating it. I messed up and had to start over
moving, copying, and deleting. Make sure that you clearly too many times to count.
delineate your files with appropriate titles and file names. After creating the audio I wanted to try and edit it. I found out it was
The best way to do this is to include your last name in both the very easy to edit, should have played with that button sooner.
Uploading to Adobe Connect was pretty easy - thank you for the
title and the filename.
guidelines and instructions. I uploaded it to the wrong folder, actually
no folder, and deleting is not easy, because I wanted to delete my file
EDTECH Adobe Connect server URL: https:// and couldn’t figure out how to do it. Finally figured out how to at least move it.
After successfully uploading, I realized a slide was horribly wrong and
Login =
I had to go all the way back to square one, fix the slide, redo all the
Password = password audio, then reupload. Only through mistakes do we really learn. After
I rerecorded everything for the one slide, I found an edit button I could
have put in the ‘clicks’ I had missed. I really liked the program, much
I have included a folder designated as Fall 2010 for you to use for your
easier than I anticipated.
files this semester. Feel free to create individual folders within this Of course, one more
folder if you like.
error was making it private password protected, back to fix it.

Scavenger hunt -


Week 8
“The teacher has the prerequisite technology skills to teach Some of these standards seem so self-explanatory. If a teacher
online.” is teaching online they should definitely know how to use word-
processing, Internet, email, and other tools. I think ALL types of
teachers should have this prerequisite.
Most of the standards apply to all teachers, from planning, to
modeling, feedback, interaction, participation, and expectations.

“The teacher has experienced online learning from the This standard does not apply to a regular classroom. Many teachers
perspective of a student.” have never taken a class online, and sadly many teachers do not have
much technology experience at all.

“Student’s problem-solving power increases enormously when they Collaboration, when done with structure can benefit all types of
are asked to work collaboratively in an area where they share interests students.
and experiences.” (p. 85)
“...some of the best lessons are learned from failure and subsequent Young students learn just like adults do from failures. I continually
reflection.” (P. 85) make mistakes learning technology, but I learn so much for it. I must
remember not to be so quick to prevent mistakes with students. I am
only preventing them from truly learning.

I love the virtual fieldtrips and Webquests. They are fun and engaging
for students. Exploration learning provides many benefits for students.
I have found numerous sites for students related to my grant writing
class regarding FLIP cameras, but still very relevant to online
exploration learning. My favorites are
digvideo.htm, My favorite I bookmarked
this week for this class is a site to use technologies supporting diverse

Week 9

It is hard to transition from teacher-centered to student-centered.

However, we focused heavily on this in my undergrad program and
Teacher-Centered Student-Centered some teachers I work with are very good at this. The students benefit
and learn so much more from student-centered. I ask myself, “are you
the teaching or facilitating”? If I’m facilitating it’s student-centered.
Students are in a passive role. Students are active in the
learning process. As for learning styles, this summer in my Instructional Design class
Often referred to as "direct with Doctor Perkins, we discussed the myths of learning styles and
instruction" and related to Student construct knowledge that actually each student possesses all styles depending on the
theories of behaviorism. through inquiry, communication, learning environment. Here are some articles referencing this.
critical thinking and problem 1. “eSchool_News_Learning_Styles_Article.pdf,”
Transmission of information solving. n.d.,
model. eSchool_News_Learning_Styles_Article.pdf.
Teacher's role is to guide, coach 2. “learning_styles_concepts-and-evidence.pdf,” n.d., http://
Uses asynchronous and and facilitate learning.
synchronous technologies to evidence.pdf.
deliver content. Includes opportunities for 3. “learning-styles02.pdf,” n.d.,
negotiated learning outcomes 156/learning-styles02.pdf.
Content and learning objectives and processes.
are pre-determined. As for my learning style per
Uses asynchronous and learningstyle.html I am an auditory learner. I never would have thought
this. I would have classified myself as a visual learner. I do not like to
May use multimedia to liven up synchronous technologies to
listen to people ramble on for lectures, I like to get to the point. But I
lessons. support the learning process. am sound sensitive and do talk to myself to fully grasp a concept.
For my learning style four technologies/strategies are:
Instructional delivery modes Discussion boards, chat, 1. video with audio lessons, such as TED episodes
include posting online lecture collaborative tools, and live 2. a question assignment where the learner can think about an
notes and assigning independent lessons are used to promote a answer for a response, such as journals, or essay questions.
projects. collaborative and participatory 3. providing the option of audio books rather than written books.
4. audio overviews of weekly lessons
Visual learning style four technologies/strategies are:
1. PowerPoint presentations where they can see the concept
2. Interactive software such as Kindle books that allows the
learner to underline, highlight, chart, or graph information.
3. Illustrations incorporated in writing to convey information.
4. Provide written instructions that learners can refer back to.
Tactile/Kinesthetic learning style four technologies/strategies are:
1. Provide instructions for the learner to incorporate physical
items, such as math manipulatives
2. Provide project based learning opportunities.
3. Assign interactive assignments or online games
4. Create video presentations of themselves, role-play, create
how-to projects.
Although my learning styles may show I am auditory, I think kinesthetic
learning is the most fun, memorable, and provides the most retention
for students.

Week 10, 11

In researching assessments and rubrics. I found this great pdf about Link to lesson: http://
formative assessments. edtech.na5.acrobat.comchrissyjarviscapitalizationlesson Content -
Formative%20Assessment%20Strategies.pdf The lesson clearly states the title, staff info, objectives, introduction of
the lesson, assignments and relative links.
Adding a quiz to adobe connect is a versatile way to add assessment
data. Can be a little tedious to create. Learning Styles -
The lesson will address auditory learners with audio added, visual
In watching the Adobe tutorials, it would be nice if they had cost learners with large print slides, not overwhelming amounts of
effective ways or other open sites to use this type of meeting room. information on each slide, interactive games, and typing during the
quiz for kinesethic learners. I do need to add some more visuals,
Evaluating student work graphics, or transitions.
Engagement -
Type 1 - teacher does all the talking There are quizzes, self checks, assignments, interactive games, clear,
Type 2 - teacher starts dialogue, student then comments. easy to read slides that do not overwhelm the learner. The lesson is
Type 3 - all students comment on each print not too long in length, so the learner does stay engaged. I need to add
a forum or live chat capability for students if needed.
The problem with Rubrics
It would be very interesting to have students create the rubric for a Adaptive/assistive technologies -
major project. They are usually harder on themselves and it may allow My quiz maybe should have addressed learners who are not able to
them to think deeper, more creatively, and more confidence. type on the keyboard, although a screen reader would be accessible, I
tried to use colors that color blind students would recognize, larger font
for visually impaired, and simple format for over-attention challenged
students. Adding better answers to the quizzes will also help all
students with learning and validation of the material.

Assessment -
formative through the games and assignment. Summative through the

Week 12

Asynchronous lesson design and delivery must take into account the Create a list of lesson ideas or strategies for synchronous lesson
following elements: delivery.
1. Appropriate tools for your intended audience. Think about this shift and what it means in terms of your own teaching.
2. Influence of learning styles and teaching styles on the Create a list of lesson ideas or strategies that might be especially
design. suitable for live meetings using synchronous delivery tools. Post this in
your reflection journal.
3. Considerations for learners with special needs.
4. Protective measures to ensure that students will use the Synchronous Lesson Ideas
Internet in a responsible and safe manner. ● Math lessons that clear, intricate examples are needed
5. Assessment methods that both inform instruction and ● Web resources where Internet searches, Netiquette information
provide important information about student learning. or reliability are being taught
● Group writing projects
In regards to the traditional teaching video ( ● Quizzes or tests
watch?v=C-S54bbX6eA&feature=player_embedded )
it is a wonder any students learned using this method. I also think the
early days of online learning were similar to this method.
I often talk a lot and have found that conducting small group circles or
one-on-one conferences help alleviate this. Creating group projects
also help students learn from each other.

Also from last weeks readings:

“Studies have shown that too much attention on quality of one’s
performance is associated with superficial thinking, less interest, and
less perseverance.” ( )
Week 13/14

“I am afraid that we are not multitasking, but dumming it down.” In watching the Frontline video (
(Frontline video) wgbh/pages/frontline/digitalnation/?
I both agree and disagree with this statement. First, we are able to plink ) I was amazed at how some people think we should push pause
work faster and complete more work by multitasking. I can update my or that we are all in different worlds.
calendar on my iphone, sync it with my work computers, upload files My inlaws are older, yet still own and regularly use a computer, even
to Dropbox for use out of the home, watch necessary youtube videos, for social networking. However, they are very possessive and will not
connect with school, read a book on my iphone kindle app, all due to let people use their computer. They never share sensitive information
multitasking. over the internet and would never purchase anything with a credit
I agree with this statement in that we are working faster, but we are card. They are extremely weary of getting virus’, being hacked, and
not necessarily working as deeply. We are often onto another project identity theft.
without giving the current project our necessary, undivided attention, I think opposite. If I download different programs, I have the ability
thus possibly commiting more errors. to communicate across the world, join classes that would never be
imagined, and make purchases while doing other important tasks. I
I was in a medication meeting for work today and it was extremely think they are possessive only because they are uneducated regarding
hard not to pick up my iphone and do other projects. The nurse was computers and do not know the extent of its capabilities. For a mere
teaching from a powerpoint that could just have easily been taught in $350 I can go buy a new computer if it gets a virus, hacked, and most
an asynchronous setting. We have to have the training bylaw every big businesses I feel are pretty secure as their name rides on safety on
year given by a nurse, however I have not seen anything that states the internet just as it does in ‘person’.
it must be in person. (Maybe policies will become more specific with
this information). Anyways, I could have seen this ½ hour presentation I have communicated with people in Egypt, created lessons for
in 10-15 minutes from my desk or on my couch. So, in essence, not students across the nation, collaborated live with classmates, created
multitasking can also be costly. training material, written a grant, constructed a webpage - all because
Maybe multitasking comes with age, or maturity, I do not agree that of the Internet and computer.
young college students can multitask well. They have just found ‘other’
means to talk in class without using words.

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