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Generally, family system in every country will vary depending upon their culture and style of

living. If you are dearly interested to know the family system in Pakistan, then continue reading
to know the crispy information! Here, people conceive the traditional and cultural family values
and they give good respect considering them as divinity and sacredness. Urban family system
has been developed as nuclear family system, due to the socioeconomic confinements inflicted
by the customary joint family system.

In Pakistan, the joint family system is quite usually found. Joint family usually comprises father,
mother, children, grand father and mother, and they live together with their people in the same
family unit. Moreover, the governing male of the house will play a significant role with respect
to the well-being of his family unit. Also, they give a good care and take the responsibility to
guard their grandparents. Above all, they respect their folks and grandparents! People in Pakistan
dearly follow the joint family system and live their life along with their folks.

Conversely in the recent years, urbanization has directed to the alterations and amendments in
the existing family system, in larger cities. Moreover, the realism of urbanization will make the
social units living together to get less exerted and large nuclear group. This method of practice
will commonly be practiced and determined in developing countries. As known well that Karachi
is the biggest city in Pakistan, the city has observed and on-looked the most avid impingement of
urbanization. Also, people can clearly get to know and study the comparable variations in the
family system.

When considering the elder people in Pakistan, they usually stick with their offspring or
grandchildren to get a complete support and care. They rely and depend on their people to get
their assistance and support in all aspects such as physical, social and financial wellbeing. Giving
physical and emotional support is quite usual in joint family system! It has been declared that
urbanization will probably dilapidate and crumble the family care to their elder people.
Moreover, urbanization will also drop-off the care of the growing children with their elders.

The situation will become really troublesome for the elder people living in a nuclear family.
Elder people can live without any troubles or risk, when they reside in a joint family. Individuals
who closely stick in joint family will respect their elders and give them support in all possible
ways. Joint family is absolutely good as living separate without your people will bring quite
several difficulties. Urbanization and its growth tend to promote the growth of the nuclear family
and moreover it abates the care and support to the elder people in the family.

People in Pakistan are greatly trilingual and most of the people living here are Muslims. They
give much respect to their customs and traditions and they closely follow the worth-taking family
values. You could see most people living as joint family group along with their people and folks,
whereas some other group of people lives as nuclear family. People living as nuclear family will
take care of their spouse and offspring.

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