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Progress reading group—how to organise a book group—an easy 1, 2, 3

Get a group of Read pages Meet together and

 friends, members
of your CLP and/
or branch to agree
to read and review a
something new’ by
 consider the piece and
the questions below.
This could be part of
your CLP/branch meeting, or
monthly Progress feature. Graeme Cooke. take place just before.

This month:
‘Something blue, something new’
Graeme Cooke explores the relationship between blue Labour and New

Questions to discuss:
See pages 14-16, Progress, April 2011

Blue Labour
• What would it mean for the left to stand for 'family, faith and flag'?
• Was New Labour in office 'naive about capitalism and over-reliant on the state'?
• Does the party have to choose between 'New' and 'blue' Labour?
• Is blue Labour nostalgic about the past?

Blue Labour and the economy Blue La

• What would a more 'relational, democratic and productive capitalism' look special:
like? Read als
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• Was Thatcherism not 'nearly entrepreneurial enough'? tions fro
• What difference would a living wage make to our markets? Stephe m
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Blue Labour and public services Kellner le, Peter
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• Can you balance the needs of those who work in and those who pay Legrain ilippe
and the
for public services? interview
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• How should government intervene when services are failing? e Glasm
• Are trade unions ready to be the 'guardian of good work standards’?

Blue Labour and social policy

• Does blue Labour deal with the public's concerns about immigration?
• Can you show support for marriage and commitment without tax incentives?
• How should Labour respond to the notion of the 'big society'?

Why not invite someone from the Progress

Tell us what your reading group thought:
speaker list along to your meeting?

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