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Monroe’s Motivated


Adapted from:
Attention Step
 Gains attention/interest
 Favorably disposes audience to topic

 Methods
 Address occasion, audience, topic
 Startling stats
 Quotation
 Humor
 Illustration
Need Step
 Describes problem
 Makes audience uncomfortable with status

 Methods
 Claims/evidence
 Demonstrate ramifications
 Illustration
Satisfaction Step
 Presents solution to the described problem

 Methods
 Claims/evidence
 Explanation
 Demonstration
 Practical Experience
 Meet objections/counterarguments
 Intensifies audience desire to enact
proposed action
 Helps audience “see” results

 Methods
 Positive Method (“shows” result of action)
 Negative Method (“shows” result of inaction)
 Contrast Method (“shows” difference between
action vs. inaction)
Action Step
 Focuses thoughts of audience
 Leaves audience in appropriate mood to
 Provides sense of completion

 Methods
 Challenge
 Illustration
 Personal intention
 Inducement

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