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Campaign Supplement

Ye Olde

© 2009 M. C. Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

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© 2009 Micheal C. Planck
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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

So many monsters…
only one engineer.

Christopher Sinclair goes out for a walk and never

comes back. A successful engineer transported to
a world of swords and sorcery, he’s not interested
in having adventures. He just wants to go home to
his wife. But before he can find a way home, he
has to survive in a world where the basis of power
is the consumption of other people’s souls.
Magic is real and wonderful—or terrifying,
depending on who is using it and what they’re
using it for. The feudal hierarchy is endowed with
supernatural powers that defy belief. And it needs
those powers. Because just over the border of
civilized lands is the Wild, where unthinkable
monsters lurk, ready to pounce on any sign of
Not that there aren’t enough monsters inside
the Kingdom of the Rock, where Good and Evil
live side by side in the King’s Court, and thugs
with the distinction of rank swagger and take what
they want. Christopher finds himself dependent
on the Church of the Bright Lady for shelter and
protection from a dangerous world he does not
Until a sword shows up. An ordinary sword, of
common metal, but it arrives as either an astounding coincidence or the will of the gods—no one is really
quite sure—in the nick of time. Christopher is surprised to find himself a swordsman in the defense of
pacifists, a warrior fighting for healers. He turns magic and skill to the task of making firearms, raises an
army of teenage peasants, and sets off to change the world.
But, of course, it’s never that simple…

Read the novel that inspired the World of Prime!

Sword of the Bright Lady

by M. C. Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Introduction ........................................................... 1 Tailor’s Shop ........................................................ 37

Crafting Rules ..................................................... 2 Common items ................................................. 37
Custom Items.................................................... 38
Weapon-smithy ..................................................... 3 Materials............................................................ 38
Primitive Weapons............................................. 5 Trimmings......................................................... 39
Wild Weapons .................................................... 7 Sewing Shop ..................................................... 39
Civilized Weapons ............................................. 9
Inns and Dens...................................................... 40
Armorer’s Shop.................................................... 10 Lodgings............................................................ 40
Armorer’s Shop.................................................... 11 Meals.................................................................. 40
Armor ................................................................ 12 Drinks ................................................................ 40
Shields................................................................ 12 Entertainment ................................................... 40

Stables ................................................................... 15 Temples................................................................. 41

Draft and Riding animals................................ 15 Ceremonies ....................................................... 41
Horses ................................................................ 15 Spell-casting ...................................................... 41
Exotic mounts ................................................... 16 Magic Shop........................................................... 44
Flying mounts................................................... 17 Alchemy ............................................................ 44
Tack and Services ............................................. 18 Spells .................................................................. 44
Items................................................................... 46
Mason’s Guild ..................................................... 19

Mason’s Guild ..................................................... 19 Poisons .................................................................. 47

Buildings ........................................................... 19 Lifestyles............................................................... 49
Roads ................................................................. 22
Land ................................................................... 22 Wages .................................................................... 52
Soldiers .............................................................. 52
Siege Engines....................................................... 23 Craftsmen .......................................................... 54
Cartwright’s Yard ................................................ 25 Businesses............................................................. 55
Shipyard................................................................ 26 Shops.................................................................. 55
Farms ................................................................. 55
General Store ....................................................... 29 Hotels................................................................. 56
Class Kits ........................................................... 29 Merchants.......................................................... 56
Camping Gear................................................... 29 Mines.................................................................. 56
Luggage ............................................................. 30
Illuminatiorium ................................................ 31 Bulk Goods........................................................... 58
Scriptorium ....................................................... 32 Food ................................................................... 58
Locksmith.......................................................... 32 Livestock ........................................................... 58
Hardware Store ................................................ 33 Metals................................................................. 59
Furniture Mart .................................................. 34 Stones ................................................................. 59
Pottery Kiln ....................................................... 35 Precious materials ............................................ 59
Music Shop........................................................ 36 Gems .................................................................. 59
Luxuries............................................................. 36 Cloth................................................................... 59

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1
A society is measured, in part, by its marketplaces. What you can and can’t buy says more than a dozen
dusty tomes on culture, politics and sociology. When customizing these lists of goods for your
adventures, feel free to declare any item unavailable at any price, for cultural or legal reasons. If you need
something not on the list, just pick the closest item, change the name, and fudge the price a bit.

For our purposes, technology basically means “metal-working.” Primitive societies have no metal
production; at best they use bits scavenged from meteorites or lucky finds. Wild societies can produce
iron and steel in limited quantities. Civilized societies produce so much metal that it is common and thus
used for everything.

Technology Examples
Primitive Israelites, Iroquois, Aztecs, Mayans
Wild Vikings, Athenian Greece, Tutankhamun’s Egypt
Civilized Imperial Rome, China’s Warring States, Charlemagne’s France, Saladin’s Arabia

Medieval technology stops before the Renaissance, after clockwork but before gunpowder.

Most goods can be purchased regardless of technology. They may be different in construction, using
wood or bone instead of metal, but they will serve the same purposes. Items that require a certain level of
technology will be noted. This chiefly means weapons and armor, which are presented in separate
sections for each technology. In general assume that a higher-level technology can and will produce any
item from a lower level.

Size and Weight

Most objects are designed for Medium-sized creatures (except where noted). To move up or down the
scale, double or half the weight and cost.

Size Weight Cost

Small x½ x½
Medium x1 x1
Large x2 x2
Huge x4 x4
Masterwork Quality
Superior quality (Masterwork) requires a Craft Grade of Master to produce. These items are made using
the secret techniques (or magical abilities) of the craftsman, such as a smith making fine steel out of iron
or a woodworker divining for knots or flaws in the wood. This is a labor intensive process, thus
accounting for long production times and hence high costs of these items.

Armor +150 gp -1 to Armor check Penalty, +2 to Bluff/Diplomacy

Weapon +300 gp +1 to hit
Other +50 gp or x5, +2 Circumstance bonus to appropriate skill use, or +4 to relevant DCs
whichever is greater

World of Prime  1  Ye Olde Shoppe

© 2009 M C Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Crafting Rules
To estimate how long it will take to manufacture an item, use the formulas below. These numbers are
designed to produce reasonable approximations of the wages for craftsmen. Thus, making a Masterwork
longsword costs 315 gp because it costs a Master smith 105 gps in materials and just over a year of labor.
This may seem like a long time, but once you watch pig iron being hammered into a steel katana by hand,
you’ll realize it’s not unreasonable at all.

Raw Materials
Raw Materials = Price / 3

Assume 1/3 of the final price of the product is in raw materials. For precious metals or other unusual raw
materials, you should modify this appropriately. In general try to imagine how much the item would cost
if made of dross, and use that to calculate the time and effort.

This cost includes more than just the materials delivered to the customer: there are also additional
materials used in the production process, such as fluxes, washes, acids, temporary supports or molds,
and wear and tear on tools.

Labor = Price – Raw Materials

The other 2/3 of the price is for labor. Note that not all laborers can produce all products. Masterwork
quality items require Master level craftsmen. Complex or unusual products such as Exotic weapons
require Experts. Ordinary items such as Martial weapons can be made by Journeymen. Only the simplest
items can be made by Apprentices.

Days = Labor / Daily Wage

To find out how long it takes to make something, divide the labor cost of the item by the daily wage of
the laborer. A longsword costs 15 gold; its labor component is 10 gold; a Master smith earns 5 silver a
day. So it takes him 20 days to make the weapon. A masterwork longsword costs 315 gold, so it requires
410 days for a Master smith to create it. Masterwork items are as much art as they are science.

If multiple workers cooperate on a single object, add their labor together. The final produce will have the
same quality as the overseer’s skill. Most craftsmen can oversee apprentices or associates equal to their
rank (1 at Journeyman, 2 at Expert, and 3 at Master). Construction crafts (Masons and Architects) can
oversee 10 times as many workers; Siege Engineers follow special rules (see Siege Weapons). Although
the assistants cost less, they also produce less, so the final price won’t change but the item will get done

Large objects (like castles) can have multiple groups working on them. Assume a work-group is possible
for every 10,000 gp value of the object. So building a castle could have 25 work-gangs; if each gang was
composed of a Master mason and 30 Journeymen workers, then it would take the 775 man workforce
over 1,000 days to build the castle.

Rome was not built in a day; nor were its legions armed in an afternoon. Time is a precious resource that
even the rich cannot buy. At least, not until Wizards with Fabricate spells are available.

World of Prime  2  Ye Olde Shoppe

© 2009 M C Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Every adventurer’s first stop is the weapon-smithy. Whether it’s a wise old shaman carefully selecting
stones, a powerfully built smith hammering deadly form out of a lump iron, or a clever craftsman
applying the secrets of metal-craft to make steel, the weapon-smith is always a prestigious figure. The
best defense is a good offense, after all.

Melee weapons use STR as a modifier to hit and for bonus damage. Some melee weapons have a range
increment, meaning they can be thrown. Thrown weapons use DEX as a modifier to hit and STR for
bonus damage.

Ranged weapons use DEX as a modifier to hit and do not allow a STR bonus to damage. Composite bows
can be built that require extra STR to use, thus allowing a STR Bonus to damage. However, they only
receive x1 STR bonus, not x1.5, even though they require two hands to use.

½ A light weapon that can be used while grappling or as an offhand weapon. Gains no damage bonus
from two-handed use.
1 Can be used normally in one hand. If used two-handed, apply x1.5 STR as bonus damage.
2 Requires two hands to use; grants x1.5 STR bonus to damage.
The base amount of damage the weapon does, for a Medium sized wielder. Weapons made for different
size characters move up or down this scale, one step for each size change:

 Smaller Larger 
1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 or 2d4 1d10 1d12 or 2d6 3d6 4d6 6d6 8d6
The type of damage: Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing. Slashing weapons can be used to cut ropes;
Bludgeoning weapons can be used to smash stone walls; Piercing weapons mostly make small holes in

Stabilizing: The type of damage also affects a victim’s chance to stabilize. Slashing weapons provide the
normal 10% per round chance to stabilize. Piercing weapons, which tend to cause deep internal injuries,
only allow a 5% chance per round. Bludgeoning weapons are much less likely to cause bleeding, and
allow a 25% chance to stabilize every round.

Poisoning: Piercing weapons are best for delivering poisons. Slashing weapons grant a +2 circumstance
bonus to any save vs. poison, due to their shallower application. Bludgeoning weapons cannot be
poisoned (except with Contact poisons).

The range increment for a weapon, usually for a missile weapon, although some melee weapons are also
designed to be thrown. Each range increment beyond the first imposes a -2 to hit.

Close (-): Most melee weapons are Close range (shown as a -). This means they can only attack adjacent
targets (5 ft away for a medium-sized creature using a medium-sized weapon: much larger creatures may
treat 10 or even 15 ft as Close range).

Reach (R): Reach weapons can attack a foe 10 ft away instead of merely adjacent (5 ft away). However,
they suffer a -4 to attack foes that are close to them. These weapons are usually used in Phalanx

World of Prime  3  Ye Olde Shoppe

© 2009 M C Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

formations, where careful training allows the second row of warriors to attack over the shoulders of the
first row. With the Phalanx feat, and in a Phalanx formation, the penalty for using a reach weapon at close
range is only -2.

With the Reach feat, a character can learn to use a reach weapon at 5 ft or 10 ft with no penalty. The Exotic
Weapon Proficiency that allows the Longspear to be used in one hand also includes the Reach feat for
that weapon.

Double Reach (RR): Double reach weapons are the same as reach weapons, except their optimal attack
range is 15 ft instead of 10 ft. At 10 ft or 5 ft they have a -4 to attack. These weapons are normally only
used in Phalanx formation, where three rows of soldiers can attack.

The skill required to use the weapon. Virtually everyone is familiar with Simple weapons; only trained
characters are familiar with Martial weapons. Exotic weapons require a specific feat to use.

@ See description for details.
E Exotic Proficiency allows this weapon to be used with one hand instead of two.
AC Against melee attacks, this weapon provides a +1 AC
T This weapon can be used to make trip attacks
D This weapon gains a +2 on disarm attacks and checks.
S This polearm can be Set with a ready action. Against charging foes it does double damage.
-4 Only intended to be thrown; applies a -4 to hit penalty when used in melee combat.
Special Qualities
Masterwork weapons are made by master smiths with secret techniques, superior materials, simple
magic, and plenty of old-fashioned hard work. They grant a +1 to hit (that does not stack with magic
enhancements) and cost an additional 300 gp. Owning one is often a sign of status as much as it is a
combat strategy.

Special Materials
Adamantium weapons bypass up to 20 points of hardness (Damage Reduction) and are equivalent to
Masterwork quality. They have hardness of 20 and 33% more hit points. The cost is 500 gp per lb. Any
kind of weapon can be made from adamantium except flexible weapons (bows, slings, nets, lassos and

Mithril weapons have hardness of 15 and 20% more hit points than regular weapons, and bypass any DR
that is bypassed with silver. They weigh half as much as normal, cost 500 gp per lb, and have all the
benefits of Masterwork quality.

Cold Iron weapons cost twice as much as ordinary metal weapons, but bypass the DR of some kinds of
creatures (such as Demons and Fey).

Silvered weapons are coated with silver to bypass some forms of DR (like lycanthropes). Slashing and
Piercing weapons suffer a -1 to damage rolls, but Bludgeoning weapons do not. The cost is 25 gp per

World of Prime  4  Ye Olde Shoppe

© 2009 M C Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Primitive Weapons
Primitive weapons are generally not as good as more technologically advanced weapons. However, they
are cheap, and all of them can be made without metal. Also, they are simple enough that almost anyone
can employ them effectively.

Melee Cost Weight Hands Damage Critical Type Range Proficiency Note
Fist - - ½ 1d2 x2 Bludg. - Simple
Rock 0 1 lb ½ 1d2 x2 Bludg. 15 ft Simple
Boulder 0 10 lb 2 1d4 x2 Bludg. 10 ft Simple -4
Baton 0 1 lb ½ 1d3 x2 Bludg. - Simple
Knife 1 gp 1 lb ½ 1d3 x2 Slash - Simple
Tomahawk 2 gp 2 lb ½ 1d4 x2 Slash 20 ft Simple
Javelin 1 gp 2 lb ½ 1d4 x2 Pierce 30 ft Simple -4
Stone Mace 3 gp 6 lb 1 1d6 x2 Bludg. - Simple
Club 0 3 lb 1 1d4 x2 Bludg. - Simple
Spear 3 gp 3 lb 1 1d6 x2 Pierce 20 ft Simple S, @
Maul 3 gp 20 lb 2 1d8 x2 Bludg. - Simple
Macuahuitl 15 gp 15 lb 2 1d8 x2 Slash - Martial E
Grain Flail 1 gp 3 lb ½ 1d6 x2 Bludg. - Exotic D

Ranged Cost Weight Hands Damage Critical Type Range Proficiency Note
Dart 1 sp 1 lb ½ 1d2 x2 Pierce 20 ft Simple
Blowgun 5 gp 2 lb 1 1d2 x3 Pierce 30 ft Simple
Sling 1 gp 1 lb 1 1d4 x2 Bludg 30 ft Simple
Atlatl 2 gp 2 lb 1 +1 - - +10 ft Martial @
Bolas 1 gp 2 lb 1 1d2 - - 20 ft Exotic T
Net 10 gp 6 lb 2 - - - 10 ft Exotic T, @

Fist Knife
A standard medium-sized person does this More of a tool than a fighting weapon. May be
much damage when punching someone. made of flint, obsidian, bronze, copper, iron, or
Rock, Boulder
These are normally thrown, although you could Tomahawk
beat someone with a rock if you really felt like it. A small hatchet, made of iron, bronze, or stone.
Clobbering with a boulder is much more Suitable for throwing, chopping wood, or
difficult unless the victim is prone or otherwise scalping fallen foes.
defenseless (Boulders used in melee impose a -4
to hit). Note that the Boulder receives x1.5 STR Javelin
bonus damage. May be tipped with lead, stone, or iron.
Intended to be thrown as an opening shock just
Baton, Club, Maul before melee combat, but also suitable for
The humble wooden stick, of varying sizes. Its delivering poison. If you have to use one as a
only attraction is its low, low cost. melee weapon, it imposes a -4 to hit due to its
poor design for that purpose.

World of Prime  5  Ye Olde Shoppe

© 2009 M C Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Stone Mace weapon fighting style.
A rock on the end of a stick, bound with leather
thongs. Crude but effective, this is the weapon
favored by stylish cave-men. A bit of feathered wood tipped with stone or
metal. Although it is thrown, it is so light it does
Spear not receive a STR bonus to damage. Is primary
The spear was the standard weapon of the purpose is to kill small game or deliver poison.
soldier for thousands of years because of its
incredible versatility. Used two-handed, it can
strike at Reach (10 ft) or Close (5 ft) for no A hollow tube that shoots darts, powered by the
penalty. Used one-handed, it only has Close user’s breath. Thus, it can’t be used by Undead
range but you can use a shield in the other hand. or constructs.
In a pinch, you can throw it.
This weapon could also represent a fire- A simple leather cord that launches rocks or
hardened spear, although such a primitive stones, the sling is not particularly easy to use.
weapon should do only 1d4 damage. However, it is so cheap and ubiquitous that
anyone who wants to use one can easily obtain
Macuahuitl and practice with it. Stones are free: lead bullets
A broad wooden paddle studded with bits of grant a +1 to damage, but cost 1 cp each.
obsidian as a cutting edge. Although it is fragile,
expensive and difficult to maintain, it can inflict Atlatl
surprising amounts of damage in the right Used to throw a spear, javelin, or dart. Adds +1
hands. With an Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat damage and +10 ft to the range increment.
it can be used in one hand.
Grain Flail Three or four weights joined by cords. Although
Also called the nunchaka, this is two lengths of this weapon does little damage, it does allow
wood joined by a piece of rope. Simple to make, ranged trip attacks.
hard to learn, but provides a very powerful
attack. Commonly used in each hand as a two- Net
A net is used to entangle enemies. When you
throw a net, make a ranged touch attack.
Entangled creatures take a -2 penalty on attack
rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity, can move at
only half speed, and cannot charge or run. Spell-
casting requires a DC 15 Concentration check.
For a full round action, a DC 20 Escape Artist
check can escape the net; a DC 25 Strength check
can burst it. The net can also be destroyed with
10 points of slashing damage. After it is thrown,
it takes two rounds to fold the net and make it
ready to throw again.

A net made of better material (such as silk or

metal-reinforced wire) requires Civilized
technology. The DCs increase to Concentration
20, Escape Artist 25 and Strength 30, but the
heavier, bulkier 10 lb net imposes a -2 to hit and
costs 20 gp.

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© 2009 M C Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Wild Weapons
These weapons require less metal and less metal-working skill to produce. However, they are not
necessarily less effective. Plenty of societies with the technology to produce Civilized weapons will still
employ these cheaper alternatives.

Melee Cost Weight Hands Damage Critical Type Range Proficiency Note
Dagger 2 gp 1 lb ½ 1d4 19-20/x2 Pierce 10 ft Simple
Shortsword 10 gp 3 lb ½ 1d6 19-20/x2 Slash - Simple
Light Mace 5 gp 6 lb ½ 1d6 x2 Bludg. - Simple
Quarterstaff 2 gp 4 lb 2 1d6 x2 Bludg. - Simple AC
Battleaxe 10 gp 6 lb 1 1d8 x3 Slash - Martial
Scimitar 15 gp 4 lb 1 1d6 18-20/x2 Slash - Martial
Greataxe 20 gp 15 lb 2 1d12 x3 Slash - Martial
Longspear 5 gp 9 lb 2 1d8 x3 Pierce R Martial S, E
Lance 10 gp 10 lb 2 1d8 x4 Pierce RR Martial @
Glaive 8 gp 10 lb 2 1d10 x3 Slash R Martial S
Pike 8 gp 15 lb 2 1d6 x2 Pierce RR Martial S
Whip 1 gp 1 lb 1 1d3 19-20/x2 Bludg. R/RR Exotic T, D, @

Ranged Cost Weight Hands Damage Critical Type Range Proficiency Note
Shortbow 10 gp 2 lb 2 1d6 x3 Pierce 60 ft Martial
Composite Shortbow 35 gp 3 lb 2 1d6 x3 Pierce 70 ft Exotic @
Longbow 15 gp 3 lb 2 1d6 x3 Pierce 100 ft Martial
Composite Longbow 50 gp 4 lb 2 1d8 x3 Pierce 110 ft Exotic @
Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 lb - - - - - -
Lasso 1 gp 6 lb 1 - - - 30 ft Exotic T, @

Dagger Battleaxe
A favorite of back-stabbers and poisoners, this A wider cutting edge with less mass and a haft
long, thin bladed weapon receives a +2 Sleight designed for one handed-use make this weapon
of Hand check when trying to hide it. very different from its humble cousin the wood
This category covers everything from extremely Scimitar
large knives to the wakazashi and the famous A wickedly curved sword, the scimitar is hard
gladius. Anyone that knows how to use a knife to use correctly, but can occasionally dish out
can use a shortsword. tremendous damage.

Light Mace Quarterstaff

A heavy weight on the end of a wooden handle. A favorite weapon of priests, wizards and
The most interesting aspect of the light mace is pacifists, the length and versatility of this
that it can be made out of almost any kind of weapon grants a +1 to AC when used in melee
material. Bronze, iron and steel are most combat.
common, but stone, silver, copper, mithril, cold
iron, or adamantium are all equally suitable. Greataxe
Silver maces are particularly popular in areas The massive double-bladed axe of legend.
infested with Undead or lycanthropes. Anyone with a STR less than 12 should not even
try to wield this weapon.

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© 2009 M C Planck

Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Longspear They cannot damage any target with +2 AC or
The weapon of the Greeks: the spear taken to its better armor (although they can still Trip or
greatest perfection. With an Exotic Proficiency Disarm).
feat, this weapon can be used 1-handed and at 5
Shortbow, Longbow
ft or 10 ft with no minus. Typically matched
with a large shield and used in Phalanx The ancient recurve bow and the more modern
formation. Like other polearms, it can be Set longbow. These weapons are cheap enough to
against a charge. However, it is not intended to equip whole armies with.
be thrown (apply a -4 penalty, just like throwing
Composite Shortbow, Composite Longbow
any other unsuitable weapon).
Made of bone and sinew to improve its strength.
Lance Heavier versions can be made that require more
Lances are only intended to be used from the STR and do more damage (but the to-hit bonus
back of a mount. Under any other condition they still comes from DEX).
impose a -4 to hit. If the mount is charging, the
Improved Composite Shortbow
lance inflicts double damage. Although the lance Damage Cost Weight Min STR
is listed as requiring two hands (and receives 1d6+1 75 gp 4 lb 12
x1.5 STR bonus to damage), you can use a shield 1d6+2 150 gp 5 lb 14
in the other hand with no penalty. The lance has 1d6+3 225 gp 6 lb 16
double-reach, meaning it strikes 15 ft away. 1d6+4 300 gp 7 lb 18
Unlike other reach weapons, it cannot be used
against targets that are closer.
Improved Composite Longbow
Glaive Damage Cost Weight Min STR
A shortsword on the end of long stick. Often the 1d8+1 100 gp 5 lb 12
blade is curved for better cutting power. The 1d8+2 200 gp 6 lb 14
glaive is a Reach weapon, and can be Set against 1d8+3 300 gp 7 lb 16
charging foes. 1d8+4 400 gp 8 lb 18

Both the Swiss and the Macedonians used this
weapon to deadly effect, although the Make a ranged touch attack to lasso a target.
Macedonians called it a sarissa. Normally it is With an opposed Strength check you can block
used in Phalanx format, allowing three ranks of the target’s movement away from you. If you
men to attack at once. The weapon has double fail the check, you can either pay out more rope
reach, meaning it strikes 15 ft away. At closer (up to the maximum of 30 ft), let go of the rope,
range it imposes a -4 to hit (the Reach feat can or follow them. The rope can be escaped the
remove this). It can be Set against charging same way a net can.

Whips are difficult to use, but allow both Trip
and Disarm attacks at 5, 10, or 15 ft. They can
be used at both ranges with no minus, but do
not threaten those areas.

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Civilized Weapons
Like much else of the civilized world, these weapons can be expensive, overly complex and difficult to
use. Properly employed, they can also be extremely effective.

Melee Cost Weight Hands Damage Critical Type Range Proficiency Note
Flanged Mace 12 gp 8 lb 1 1d8 x2 Bludg. - Simple
Warhammer 12 gp 8 lb 1 1d8 x2 Bludg. - Martial @
Morningstar 8 gp 6 lb 1 1d8 x2 Bludg. - Martial @
Longsword 15 gp 4 lb 1 1d8 19-20/x2 Slash - Martial
Rapier 20 gp 2 lb 1 1d6 18-20/x3 Pierce - Martial AC
Bastard sword 35 gp 10 lb 2 1d10 19-20/x2 Slash - Martial E
Dire Flail 15 gp 15 lb 2 1d10 x2 Bludg. - Martial T, D
Greatsword 50 gp 15 lb 2 2d6 19-20/x2 Slash - Martial
Halberd 10 gp 15 lb 2 1d10 x3 Any - Martial S, T
Sai (Fork) 5 gp 1 lb ½ 1d4 19-20/x2 Bludg. - Exotic D, AC

Ranged Cost Weight Hands Damage Critical Type Range Proficiency Note
Crossbow 35 gp 6 lb 2 1d8 19-20/x2 Pierce 80 ft Simple @
Arbalest 50 gp 9 lb 2 1d10 19-20/x2 Pierce 130 ft Martial @
Quarrels (10) 1 gp 1 lb - - - - - -

Flanged Mace Longsword

An improvement over the Stone mace, this The staple of heroic weaponry, the longsword is
weapon has several heavy flanges of iron or both effective and stylish. Most versions are
steel at the end of a short metal handle. It packs pointed and can be used to cause 1d6 piercing
the greatest wallop of any Simple weapon. damage instead of slashing if desired.

The Shrewsbury Mace is a +1 Ghost Touch Rapier

weapon with four flanges, designed to pass all A very thin blade primarily used for stabbing.
possible forms of Damage Reduction: one of Making this weapon requires even more
steel, one of Cold Iron, one of Alchemical Silver technical skill than making longswords.
and one of Adamantium. It costs 10,000 gp, but
knowing you can hurt anything is sometimes Bastard sword
worth the price. An extra-large longsword. With heroic training
(and an Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat) this
weapon can be used one-handed.
A heavy hammer with a spike on the back. This
weapon is specially designed to defeat heavily Dire Flail
armored foes, and gains a +1 to hit whenever it One to three spiked balls attached by chains to a
is used against a target wearing metal armor. metal haft. The Dire Flail gains a +2 bonus to
Disarm checks and can be used to make Trip
A spiked, steel ball on an iron chain. This
weapon gains a +1 to hit whenever it is used Greatsword
against a shield-bearing foe. A massive sword used in both hands, intended
to kill horses or break open shield walls.

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Halberd Improved Crossbow
A hammer, blade, spike and hook all on the end Damage Cost Weight Reload Time
of a pole. The halberd is particularly effective 1d8+1 70 gp 7 lb 1 round
against cavalry, as it can be used to Set against a 1d8+2 105 gp 8 lb 2 rounds
charge and then used to pull the rider from his 1d8+3 140 gp 9 lb 3 rounds
horse (a Trip attack). The halberd has a multi- 1d8+4 175 gp 10 lb 4 rounds
faceted head and can do any kind of damage: Arbalest
Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing.
A steel crossbow that requires a winch (and an
Sai entire round) to reload. It is so heavy and
dangerous to use that it requires military
This over-sized fork is designed to disarm and
training. Improved versions can be made that
defend. It provides a +1 AC when used in melee
cause additional damage (effectively the same as
combat. Using two Sai will grant a +2 to AC (but
a STR bonus). It can also use prodds as
still only a +2 to Disarm checks).
ammunition, doing 1d6 Bludgeoning damage.
Improved Arbalest
A wooden crossbow that can be reloaded by Damage Cost Weight Reload Time
hand in ½ a round (a Move action). Heaver 1d10+1 100 gp 10 lb 2 rounds
versions can be reloaded with a winch. The 1d10+2 150 gp 11 lb 3 rounds
simple point-and-click interface makes it 1d10+3 200 gp 12 lb 4 rounds
suitable for anyone to use. You can load any 1d10+4 250 gp 13 lb 5 rounds
crossbow with prodds (metal balls) to do 1d4
Bludgeoning damage instead of 1d8 Piercing.

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Armorer’s Shop
The next visit is always to the armorer’s shop. This may be a blacksmith, a leatherworker, or both, but the
proprietor will have only slightly less prestige than the weaponsmith.

Move Penalty
Heavy or medium armor (and/or a Tower shield) imposes a movement penalty of -20 ft for creatures that
move more than 40 ft per round, -10 ft for creatures that move normally move 30-40 ft per round, and -5
ft for creatures that normally move 20 ft per round. Also, when you run you only triple your normal
speed instead of quadrupling it.

Max DEX Bonus

This is the maximum DEX bonus to AC that the wearer can take advantage of. The Tower shield imposes
a limit of +2; use the worst modifier for shield or armor.

Skill Penalty
This penalty is applied to certain skills checks: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently,
Sleight of Hand and Tumble. The skill penalty for shields and armor stacks together.

The technology level needed to make this kind of armor. Higher technology societies will still use the
lower level armors, because they are cheaper.

The ability needed to be able to effectively wear the armor. A character who wears armor and/or uses a
shield with which he or she is not proficient takes the armor’s (and/or shield’s) armor check penalty on
attack rolls and on all Strength-based and Dexterity-based ability and skill checks.

Arcane Spell Failure

Casting arcane spells with somatic components in armor is likely to fail. There is a base 5% chance, plus
5% per point of Skill Penalty, that the spell will fail and be wasted. CHA-based casters (Bards and
Sorcerers) can ignore this for armors they have the Proficiency feat for. Shields inflict a failure chance of
5% times the AC bonus, and stacks with the failure chance of the armor you are wearing. CHA-based
casters cannot avoid the shield penalty (hiding behind a shield is not very charismatic).

DR, HPs (Shields)

Damage Reduction and Hit Points. Sundering the enemy’s shield is a valid tactic, especially against
highly armored targets.

Bash (Shields)
You can bash your foes with some shields. Make a touch attack and deal 1d3 Bludgeoning damage. If you
hit, make an opposed STR check to knock your foe back 5 ft. However, you lose the shield’s benefit to AC
for the round you attacked with it.

Special Qualities
Masterwork armor costs an extra 150 gp, but increases the Max DEX Bonus by 1, reduces the Skill Penalty
by 1 and the Arcane Spell failure by 5%, and adds a +2 Circumstance bonus to skill checks where looking
rich and important would matter (usually Bluff and Diplomacy). Masterwork shields cost an additional
50 gp, but their only benefit is to reduce the Skill Penalty by 1.

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Special Materials
Silk is half the weight of normal cloth, leather, hide, or studded armor. It is always Masterwork quality,
and Max DEX Bonus is increased by 2 and the Skill Penalty is lessened by up to 3. It has hardness 4 and
20% more hit points than ordinary. Silk armor costs 150 gp plus 25 gp per point of AC protection.

Adamantium armor grants DR 1/2/3 for Light/Medium/Heavy armors, has DR 20 and 33% more hit
points against sundering attacks, and is always Masterwork quality (with all associated benefits). The cost
is 2,000 gp per point of AC protection (or 1,000 gp per AC for a shield). Only metal armor and shields can
be made from adamantium.

Mithril armor is half the weight of normal metal armor. It is always Masterwork quality, and the Max
DEX Bonus is increased by 2 and the Skill Penalty is lessened by up to 3. It has hardness 15 and 20% more
hit points than normal armor. The cost is 1,000 gp per point of AC protection (or 500 gp per AC for a
shield). Only metal armor and shields can be made from mithril.

Dragon hide: if you were crazy enough to wear it, you could make any kind of armor out of dragon hide.
The cost is twice as much as a Masterwork suit of ordinary material, but that’s just for the labor – you
have to supply the dragon hide yourself (such a rare commodity can’t be bought). Dragon hide armor is
always Masterwork quality, and subtracts 1 from each die of damage done by the appropriate kind of
attack (acid, fire, electricity, or cold).

Armor Cost Weight AC Move Max DEX Skill Proficiency Tech
Penalty Bonus Penalty
Cloth 5 gp 10 lb +1 - 8 0 Light Primitive
Leather 10 gp 15 lb +2 - 6 0 Light Primitive
Hide 15 gp 30 lb +3 Y 4 -3 Medium Primitive
Studded Leather 25 gp 20 lb +3 - 5 -1 Light Wild
Scale mail 50 gp 30 lb +4 Y 3 -4 Medium Wild
Banded mail 250 gp 35 lb +6 Y 1 -6 Heavy Wild
Chainmail 100 gp 25 lb +4 - 4 -2 Light Civilized
Breastplate 200 gp 30 lb +5 Y 3 -4 Medium Civilized
Half-plate 600 gp 50 lb +7 Y 0 -7 Heavy Civilized
Full plate 1,500 gp 50 lb +8 Y 1 -6 Heavy Civilized

Shields Cost Weight AC DR HPs Skill Penalty Tech Note
Rattan 1 gp 3 lb +1 3 2 -1 Primitive
Round 3 gp 5 lb +2 5 3 -1 Primitive
Target 7 gp 10 lb +3 5 5 -2 Wild Bash
Tower 30 gp 30 lb +4 5 10 -10 Wild @
Buckler 7 gp 5 lb +1 10 0 0 Civilized @
Heater 9 gp 8 lb +2 10 2 -1 Civilized Bash
Kite 20 gp 15 lb +3 10 5 -2 Civilized Bash

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Cloth Banded mail
Cloth folded, sewn and stitched into armor, like The premiere armor for this level of technology,
Scottish kilts or the Greek linothorax. Not very this armor consists of strips and plates of metal.
good armor, but better than nothing. This also It corresponds to the Roman lorica segmentata. It
represents soft leather armor like jackets or includes a Bucket helmet, like scale mail. Small
coats. The head is protected by a good hat, the vambraces and greaves help protect the arms
more flamboyant the better. Heavy shoes and and legs.
light leather (or silk) gloves complete the outfit.
This kind of armor is often Masterwork simply Chainmail
for the style factor. Small loops of metal wire intermeshed together.
This armor is weighty but extremely flexible. A
Leather tunic covers the arms to the
Armor made from cured wrists and the legs down to
leather, often by boiling it in the knees. A separate coif
wax to make it hard. Comes covers the head and neck.
with a stylish leather hood, (Note: in some realms this
suitable for executioners or armor is referred to as a
fancy-dress parties. “Chain Shirt.”)
Includes thick boots and
heavy leather gloves (as Breastplate
does all armor until Half- A cuirass or chest-plate
Plate and Plate). made from a single piece of
metal, with greaves and
Hide vambraces for the legs and
Armor made from cured arms. Heavy, but excellent
animal hides. Bulky, clumsy protection. Includes a
and hot, it is the best armor Barbute helmet, like a
primitive societies can Bucket helmet but
make, and the best non- extending further down the
metal armor available. The back of the neck and with a
helmet is often a skinned longer nosebar.
and cured animal head,
complete with fangs and Half-plate
glass eyes. Not normally Plate armor, with the joints
found in non-primitive and gaps covered by
societies. chainmail, metal-plated
leather boots, a plated mitten gauntlet and a
Studded Leather heavy Sallet helmet with full face protection.
Disks or studs of metal sewn to a leather This armor does not allow a DEX bonus, which
backing. A Norman metal cap with a short nose- makes it inferior to many other forms of armor.
bar comes with it. The leather gloves might have However, Masterwork Half-plate only costs 750
studs sewn into the back of the hand for gp, and still allows a +1 DEX bonus, which is
decoration. good enough for most warriors.

Scale mail Full plate

Overlapping scales of metal mounted on a Armor plate so finely made it doesn’t require
leather backing. This armor is extremely heavy chainmail to seal the gaps. Includes a full
but can be manufactured by low skilled Bascinet helmet, individual articulated fingered
workers. The Bucket helmet is a Norman cap gauntlets and sabatons (metal boots). The extra
with cheek plates for more protection. 150 gp for Masterwork grade armor is applied

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after the armor is created, by resizing the armor buckler is that you can gain its protection and
to custom-fit the wearer. still use a two-handed weapon, although your
attacks will be at a -1 if you do so.
Rattan shield
Made of wicker-weave. Strong and light, it Heater shield
doesn’t hold up to abuse very long. A warrior A normal sized shield made of metal. Comes in
will need a new one for every battle. many shapes, such as square, round,
rectangular, oblong, or diamond. Sturdy and
Round shield strong, this is a warrior’s best friend.
Made of split-planks (wood that has been split
off the beam instead of sawn). Advanced Kite shield
versions will have a metal boss and rim to make A larger, heavier kite-shaped version of the
them last longer. Even so, Vikings were allowed Heater, originally designed for horsemen. The
up to three shields in a duel, because they came shield is sometimes asymmetrical, extending
apart so quickly under the weight of battleaxe down the left side to cover the leg (since the
blows. other leg is protected by the horse).

Target shield
A larger, sturdier wooden shield, often diamond
shaped. This wood has been hand-sawn and
carefully warped to maximize strength and

Tower shield
A moveable wooden wall, the tower shield
imposes a -2 to all attacks, imposes a move
penalty if you don’t already have one (just like
Heavy armor), cannot be used from a mount,
and does not allow more than a +2 DEX bonus
to AC. The shield can be used as Cover, but only
if you give up your attacks and cower behind it.
At that point striking the shield is as easy as
hitting a wall (AC 10, +4 for no DEX bonus).
Still, it may be worth something to force your
foes to demolish your shield before they
demolish you.

Buckler shield
A small metal plate originally worn as an
elaborate belt-buckle. The advantage to the

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Every upscale adventurer needs a fancy horse – or better. Many of these creatures are dangerous
combatants in their own right. Refer to the Monster section in the SRD for their abilities.

This is the Light load for the creature. Remember to add the weight of saddles, tack, any barding and the
rider, including all of his armor and gear.

Load Carry Max Skill Movement Medium characters usually weigh between 100
Weight DEX Penalty Penalty and 200 lb. Since individual mounts will differ
Bonus slightly in size and strength, and since larger
Light x1 - - - warriors will pick the larger mounts, you can
Medium x2 3 -3 -10 ft just assume an average of 150 lb.
Heavy* x3 1 -6 -20 ft
*Flying mounts cannot carry a Heavy load. Small characters average about 50 lb.

The cost per day to feed the animal, not including stabling fees. Some creatures have to be fed meat.

Draft and Riding animals

Animal Cost Feed Size HPs Move Carry
Sled dog 5 gp 1 cp Medium 1d8+2 40 ft 35 lb
Donkey 25 gp 2 cp Medium 2d8+2 40 ft 50 lb
Mule 50 gp 3 cp Large 3d8+9 40 ft 250 lb
Ox 50 gp 4 cp Large 6d8+6 20 ft 500 lb

Sled dog Mule

Normally used for pulling dog sleds, but you A cross between a donkey and a horse. Strong
can put pack saddles on them too (the pack costs but not so fast, and not noted for its loyalty or
and weighs ½ as much, due to being for a obedience.
Medium creature instead of for a Large one).
Donkey Immensely strong, but very slow. Also good
Includes llamas. Cheap, effective labor, and you eating. One ox can feast 500 men.
can eat them if you have to.

Horses are valuable tools and status symbols. The last three in the table are trained for war.

Horses Cost Feed Size HPs Move Carry

Pony 50 gp 2 cp Medium 2d8+2 40 ft 75 lb
Palfrey 75 gp 3 cp Large 3d8+6 60 ft 150 lb
Draft horse 100 gp 4 cp Large 4d8+6 50 ft 200 lb
Warpony 100 gp 3 cp Medium 2d8+4 40 ft 100 lb
Courser 150 gp 5 cp Large 3d8+9 60 ft 225 lb
Destrier 400 gp 8 cp Large 4d8+12 50 ft 300 lb

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Pony mobility on the march and the battlefield can be
A small horse, usually ridden by halflings or worth the price.
Palfrey The Arabian hot-blooded racing horse, trained
Traditionally a woman’s riding horse, or a good for war.
working horse like the American Quarter-horse.
Draft horse The legendary warhorse. Huge, strong and
A huge, heavy Clydesdale, suitable for pulling willing to fight, medieval warhorses were
plows or wagons full of ale. valued at the lives of three grooms – because
that’s how many they would kill during their
Warpony training.
Tougher and sturdier than an ordinary pony,
these animals are suitable for hobliars: men who
ride to battle but dismount to fight. The extra

Exotic mounts
Some of these mounts can only be found in certain geographical climates. All of these creatures are
trained for battle, and thus their ownership might require legal permission or social status.

Exotics Cost Feed Size HPs Move Carry

Boar 200 gp 1 cp Medium 3d8+9 40 ft 100 lb
Wolf 150 gp 2 cp Medium 2d8+4 50 ft 75 lb
Dire Wolf 3,000 gp 10 cp Large 6d8+18 50 ft 250 lb
Dire Boar 4,000 gp 10 cp Large 7d8+21 40 ft 400 lb
Deinonychus 3,000 gp 100 cp Large 4D10+12 60 ft 200 lb
Rhinoceros 4,000 gp 100 cp Large 8d8+40 30 ft 700 lb
Elephant 7,000 gp 200 cp Huge 11d8+55 40 ft 1,000 lb
Triceratops 9,000 gp 500 cp Huge 16d10+112 30 ft 1,500 lb

Boar eat meat if they can get it, but they can survive
off bread and scraps.
These animals make good war mounts because
they like attacking things. Unfortunately no one Dire Wolf, Dire Boar
has figured out how to train a herd of boar to
Like their smaller cousins, only larger and
just be attack animals: they need to be ridden
meaner. It is unlikely that any civilized society
and guided by Small riders. At least they are
would employ these creatures, as they tend to be
cheap to feed – they’ll eat anything. They don’t
uncontrollably violent.
make good eating, however; the meat is as
tough as old shoe-leather. Deinonychus
Wolf The only really suitable riding dinosaur. Fast
and vicious, it makes an excellent mount.
Includes large war-trained dogs like German
Convincing one not to eat you, however, could
Shepards, Ridgebacks and Newfoundlands.
be problematic. One solution is the Animal
These creatures can be trained to fight as a pack,
Friendship spell.
or can be ridden by Small characters. Dogs will

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Rhinoceros to perform considerable manual labor, dragging
Large enough to carry ogres or hill giants. Short- and lifting logs with their powerful trunks.
tempered, with bad sight and terrible hygiene, These animals are exceptionally intelligent and
they tend to charge at the drop of a hat. will remember and resent ill treatment.

Elephant Triceratops
Bowmen in the howdah will defend the creature You can practically build a castle on the back of
from spearmen, while the driver directs it to these (or a double-sized howdah). Also suitable
trample anything in the way. Can also be used for large giants to ride.

Flying mounts
These even more exotic war mounts are not necessarily available in any given area, no matter how much
money you have to spend. Even if they are, their ownership is likely to be restricted to certain social
groups by law or tradition.

Flying Cost Feed Size HPs Move Carry

Giant Hawk 2,000 gp 10 cp Medium 2d8+2 60 ft 75 lb
Giant Eagle 5,000 gp 25 cp Large 4d10+4 80 ft 200 lb
Hippogriff 4,000 gp 50 cp Large 3d10+9 100 ft 250 lb
Pegasus 4,000 gp 25 cp Large 4d10+12 120 ft 300 lb
Griffon 8,500 gp 200 cp Large 7d10+21 80 ft 200 lb

Giant Hawk at will, so they will only be found in Good

societies. The cost associated with them is not so
Suitable for Small characters. This creature
much a purchase price (Good societies don’t buy
fights like a Hawk, but its HPs are higher, its AC
and sell sentient beings) as an expression of how
is one lower (16), and its talons do 1d4 damage.
much effort it requires to raise one to maturity,
Giant Eagle partly due to their Chaotic nature. Although
These creatures are intelligent, so using them as they only eat as much as a horse, they demand
mounts is either voluntary on their part, or an much finer fare – no Pegasus will settle for one
act of enslavement. There are societies that apple when he could easily fly up to the orchard
control the birds with special blindfolds that and eat a bushel.
snap shut when not operated by a rider. Because Some evil societies may use constant mind-
the birds lack hands, they cannot undo these control effects to maintain their own enslaved
avian bridles; and since they cannot fly blind, herd of Pegasi.
they are effectively chained.
A cross between a lion and a bird of prey,
A bizarre cross between horse and bird, these griffons are powerful combatants in their own
aggressive creatures make excellent war right. Griffons will only eat meat, and lots of it.
mounts, if you can get them to stop eating your If their riders are incapacitated in combat, the
grooms. griffon will likely continue to attack on its own,
Pegasus rather than fly to some place of safety where its
rider might be healed. This is due to careful
The legendary winged horses are the most training; studies show that griffons that leave
prized of all aerial cavalry, because they are the
the battlefield with unconscious riders tend to
fastest and strongest flying mount possible. become bored and eat them.
They are also intelligent, and able to detect Evil

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Tack and Services
Tack Cost Weight Description
Bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb Riding checks are -4 unless the mount is intelligent.
Riding Saddle 10 gp 25 lb Riding checks are -4 without a saddle of some kind.
Military Saddle 20 gp 30 lb Grants a +2 Circumstance bonus to Ride checks.
Yoke 3 gp 50 lb Necessary to allow the animal to pull a wagon, sleigh, or plough.
Blinding bridle 2 gp 1 lb Rather than a bit in the mouth, these are blindfolds over the eyes. If the
rider is not actively manipulating the reins, the blindfolds snap shut,
causing almost any creature to stop moving.
Flying Saddle 50 gp 20 lb You can be tied into the saddle so you can’t fall off. On the other hand,
you can’t dismount without spending 2 rounds untying yourself.
Saddle bags 4 gp 8 lb Allows the mount to carry up to ½ its Light load in equipment and
gear, but still leave room for a rider.
Pack Saddle 5 gp 15 lb Allows the mount to carry its full Heavy load in cargo. There is no
place for a rider to sit.
Stabling 4 gp - This is the price per year to lease or maintain a stable for a horse.
Shoeing 4 gp - Necessary once a year for horses or other hoofed animals being ridden
on packed, paved, or otherwise civilized roads.
Howdah 200 gp 500 lb Provides cover for 4 Medium or 8 Small characters (Huge mount only).
Barding varies varies Be sure to protect that valuable addition to your stables. Barding comes
in all the same forms as armor. No mount can use a shield, and Flying
mounts can’t wear Medium or Heavy barding.

The weight and cost is given for a Large animal, so for Medium ones, reduce the cost/weight by ½.
Exception: the howdah is already weighted and priced for a Huge, exotic animal like an elephant or

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Mason’s Guild

Eventually you’ll want to settle down and buy a place of your own. The mason’s guild is the place to go
for buildings, roads, fortifications and other improvements.

This is the number of people who can live comfortably in the building. In times of war or emergency, up
to x4 as many soldiers or refugees can occupy the building for weeks at a time.

Maintenance on a building is approximately 1% per year. Rent is typically 5%.

AC Bonus
This is the amount of military defense the structure adds. While individuals can use any wall as cover or
concealment, entire military units can gain this AC bonus when fighting other armies.

All Religious buildings grant a +2 Morale to defenders of the appropriate faith or creed, as well.

Lodgings Cost Occupancy Dimensions AC Bonus Tech Material

Barn 50 gp 40 40 x 60 ft, 1 story +1 Primitive Wood
Cottage 100 gp 5 30 x 40 ft, 1 story +1 Primitive Wood
House 400 gp 10 50 x 50 ft, 1 story +1 Wild Wood
Apartment 10 gp/year 5 20 x 20 ft, 1 room +0 Civilized Wood
Manor 1,000 gp 20 50 x 50 ft, 2 stories +2 Civilized Wood
Mansion 5,000 gp 50 50 x 80 ft, 3 stories +3 Civilized Wood
Palace 100,000 gp 500 500 x 500 ft, 3 stories +3 Civilized Wood

Fortifications Cost Occupancy Dimensions AC Bonus Tech Material

Cave 100,000 gp 100 150 x 200 ft, 1 story +6 Primitive Stone
Cavern 500,000 gp 500 250 x 500 ft, 1 story +8 Primitive Stone
Barracks 1,000 gp 50 50 x 80 ft, 1 story +2 Primitive Wood
Bailey 5,000 gp 50 100 x 100 ft, 1 story +4 Primitive Wood
Gatehouse 10,000 gp 10 20 x 20 ft, 2 stories +6 Wild Stone
Tower 15,000 gp 15 20 x 20 ft, 4 stories +6 Wild Stone
Keep 100,000 gp 100 150 x 150 ft, 2 stories +5 Wild Stone
Castle 250,000 gp 250 200 x 200 ft, 3 stories +6 Civilized Stone
Citadel 500,000 gp 500 350 x 350 ft, 3 stories +7 Civilized Stone
Fortress 1,000,000 gp 1,000 500 x 500 ft, 3 stories +8 Civilized Stone
Wooden wall 4,000 gp (Village) 15 ft tall x 4,000 ft +3 Primitive Wood
Stone wall 50,000 gp (Town) 20 ft tall x 10,000 ft +4 Wild Stone
Great wall 200,000 gp (City) 30 ft tall x 20,000 ft +5 Civilized Stone
Legendary wall 400,000 gp (Empire) 40 ft tall x 20,000 ft +6 Civilized Stone
Moat 1,000 gp (Castle) 10 ft deep x 1,000 ft +1 Wild -

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Religious Cost Occupancy Dimensions AC Bonus Tech Material
Shrine 1,000 gp 5 20 x 40 ft, 1 story +0 Primitive Wood
Sacred Grove - 30 100 x 100 ft, trees +1 Primitive Wood
Sept 5,000 gp 15 50 x 80 ft, 1 story +2 Primitive Wood
Chapel 50,000 gp 15 50 x 80 ft, 1 story +4 Wild Stone
Temple 200,000 gp 50 250 x 250 ft, 1 story +5 Wild Stone
Church 50,000 gp 50 150 x 200 ft, 2 stories +3 Civilized Wood
Cathedral 500,000 gp 125 200 x 250 ft, 3 stories +6 Civilized Stone

Businesses Cost Occupancy Dimensions AC Bonus Tech Material

Tavern 1,000 gp 15 50 x 70 ft, 1 story +1 Wild Wood
Inn 2,000 gp 30 50 x 70 ft, 2 stories +2 Civilized Wood
Shop 200 gp 5 40 x 50 ft, 1 story +1 Wild Wood
Large Shop 500 gp 10 80 x 100 ft, 2 stories +1 Wild Wood
Warehouse 300 gp - 50 x 80 ft, 2 stories +1 Wild Wood
Academy 5,000 gp 50 200 x 200 ft, 2 stories +1 Civilized Wood
University 50,000 gp 500 350 x 350 ft, 3 stories +2 Civilized Wood

Barn Palace
A barn houses 40 Medium, 10 Large, or 2 Huge Luxurious accommodations for nobles and their
animals. servants.

Cottage Tavern, Inn

A two-room hovel, possibly with a loft. House Simple rooms for 10 guests and the tavern
construction varies according to the technology keeper’s family. Another 20 people can sleep in
and civilization. Walls are made from the common room in front of the fire. Inns have
everything to logs, dirt, adobe, sawed planks, larger rooms of higher quality.
wattle and daub, or brick; roofs vary from
thatch, sod, beams, slate, shingles and tiles.
A natural cave complex. The price reflects its
Apartment value; you can’t actually build a cave. Unless
Renting a room in a Manor house. you can employ dwarves or magic.

House Cavern
A basic house, with three to five rooms. Huge caverns with many artificial tunnels and
Obviously houses vary considerably in value, additions.
depending on quality, size, and location
Manor Quarters and furnishings fit only for soldiers.
A two-story building with three to five rooms
per floor.
A wooden fort surrounded by a 10 ft tall log
Mansion wall.
Three stories, with extravagances such as
ballrooms, wine cellars, separate kitchens,
usually on a large estate. The gatehouse is built around and over a large
wooden double-wide gate as a fortified
entrance. The gate is thick wood strengthened
by iron bands. Murder-holes allow the

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defenders to attack from above, and the stone Legendary wall
overhang helps protect the gate from siege Imperial cities are defended by miles of these
weapons. The gatehouse is usually staffed by up 40 ft tall, 15 ft thick stone walls.
to 40 soldiers during a battle.
For an extra 1,000 gp, the thick wooden gate is
A 10 ft wide and deep moat around your castle.
faced with stone; for 2,000 it is covered by a
Men in armor and siege engines will find it
layer of iron. For 5,000 gp you get an iron
difficult to pass. A moat increases the effect
portcullis. A drawbridge over your moat is only
defense of any structure by +1.
1,000 gp.
Sacred Grove
Gatehouses are normally incorporated into
larger fortifications; however, they can be built A natural cove of trees, made sacred by years of
in narrow passes or on bridges. ceremony.

Tower Sept
A four-room stone tower with an interior A main hall for worship and several apartments
winding staircase, and battlements on the top. suitable for acolytes to live in.
Often attached to a castle or wall, but can also be Chapel
a free-standing structure.
A stone hall, with apartments for the staff.
A strong stone keep with 15 to 25 rooms,
A large stone hall, usually adorned with statues.
including storage space and a private well
There are apartments for the priests in the back.
whenever possible.
A larger chapel with separate apartments and
A larger, stronger keep, surrounded by a 15 ft
extra rooms like libraries and scriptoriums.
wall with battlements, with four towers and a
gatehouse. Cathedral
Citadel A massive structure built to impress and awe.
The finest touches the society can afford will be
A massive castle, with a 20 ft outer wall linking
used: marble floors, stained glass, gigantic spires
six to eight towers and two gatehouses.
and often a bell tower or two.
Shop, Large Shop
Two layers of walls, each 30 ft tall, with multiple
A small shop such as a tailor’s or bakery. A large
towers and gatehouses.
shop serves as a general store or factory.
Wooden wall
A wall of upright logs, 15 ft tall and 3 ft thick. It
Apartments, classrooms, libraries and a kitchen.
includes a simple wooden gate.
Stone wall
Lecture halls, professor's housing, student
A stone wall 20 ft tall and 5 ft thick. It includes a
dorms and perhaps a few shady groves for
simple wooden gate.
holding debates.
Great wall
The capitals of nations are defended behind
these 30 ft tall, 10 ft thick stone walls. A city of a
square mile will fit in this amount of wall.

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Track Cost Description
Trail 1 gp/mile Single-file foot or horse traffic; no wagons. Because it is so primitive, bad
weather has little impact on its effectiveness.
Road 10 gp/mile A double-wide column of troops, or a single wagon, with enough space to
pull over and let oncoming traffic pass. The road is clear and level, but un-
surfaced; in bad weather it can become impassable.
Highway 100 gp/mile Two wagons side-by-side, or a wagon in each direction at the same time. The
surface is “metaled;” that is, paved with stones and mortar. Bad weather has
little effect on highways.
Wooden Bridge 100 gp A simple beam design, strong and wide enough for only one wagon at a time.
Stone Bridge 1,000 gp A sturdy arched bridge. Strong and wide enough for 2 heavy wagons side-
by-side, or one in each direction.
Canal 100 gp/mile Allows a barge to be pulled or poled along.
Canal Lock 1,000 gp This is how canals deal with hills. Also, locks are where traffic in different
directions can pass each other.
Dam 10,000 gp This is a 100 ft wide dam. Larger dams may be beyond the skill of ordinary
Tolls 1 cp Highways and bridges may charge a toll of a cp per person, animal, or wagon

Land Price per acre Mountains are rocky, hilly land that is usually
Mountain ½ gp only suitable for mining. Plateaus or mesas will
Forest 1 gp be valued as flat land of the appropriate type.
Pasturage 2 gp
Farmland 5 gp Forests contain lots of trees which must be
Swamp ½ gp cleared before the land can be effectively
Village 10 gp farmed. Every city needs a forest close at hand
Town 100 gp to supply firewood and building materials, so
City 1,000 gp even civilized realms will still contain many
Desert Free forests.
Coastline x2
Pasturage is flat, clear land not really suitable
for farming, either because the soil is poor or
The first three rules of real estate are location, there is little irrigation or rainfall.
location, location. Land in prime locations may
Farmland is developed land, plowed, tilled,
cost much more than the listed price, especially
fenced and properly watered. It is also within an
in cities. In many societies land will not be for
hour’s walk of a fortified place that can protect
sale to non-nobles. A square mile of fully
the farmers; otherwise, it’s just pasturage.
developed prime farmland would cost 3,200 gp,
Nobody is going to labor in the fields unless
not counting any buildings or improvements.
they feel safe.
Compare this to the price of a magic sword.
Swampland is worth something, as it is possible
Wild, uncivilized land is free to claim, but no
to eke a living out of it. However, its productive
one will buy it until it has been shown to be safe
value in either crops or lumber is small,
to live in. Traditionally a 9th level individual
traveling is difficult, and the weather is
must build and inhabit a castle before people
generally wretched.
will consider the area “safe.”

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Siege Engines
Siege engines are often constructed as needed, at the place of the siege. A Siege Engineer can employ
1,000 unskilled men at this task, meaning a Ram can be built in day by an entire army; but it will still cost
you 66 gp of materials (tools, nails, rope, etc.) in addition to the soldier’s wages for the day.

Siege Engine Cost Damage Range Technology Crew Reload Notes

Ram 200 gp 6d6 Touch Primitive 20 ½ Large, 40 hps, DR 5
Ballista 500 gp 3d6 100 ft Civilized 2 (E) 3 Large, 20 hps, DR 5
Catapult 300 gp 8d6 150 ft Wild 20 (E) 50 Huge, 30 hps, DR 5
Trebuchet 500 gp 10d6 200 ft Civilized 20 (E) 50 Huge, 30 hps, DR 5
Siege Tower 1,000 gp – - Wild 100+ – Garg., 100 hps, DR 5
Tunnel - – 50 ft Primitive 100 (E) –
Sapping - 100 Touch Primitive 100 (E) –

Ram walls. With a full crew they can fire every 4th
Rams can be operated by ordinary solders. They
can attack once per round. The crew is protected Catapult, Trebuchet
with Full Cover (+8 AC) by the roof and walls of
Catapults and trebuchets are all but useless
the ram. Only an immobile target can be
against anything smaller than Huge, or anything
attacked by a ram; the target can negate all
that moves. To attack a mobile target requires a
damage with a DC 5 Reflex save.
Ranged Touch attack (the same as with a
Warships come equipped with rams, which do Ballista), but the target can negate all damage by
not require crews and do damage based on the making a Reflex saving throw at DC 5. Hitting
size of the ship. smaller than Huge targets requires a natural 20,
and the target still gets a Reflex save unless it’s
Ballista inanimate.
A ballista makes Ranged Touch attacks against
It requires an engineer and a crew of 20 men five
targets; however, it does not receive any
minutes (50 rounds) to reload. They can only
bonuses from the operator’s BAB or DEX.
shoot 45° to either side of where they are
(Optional rule: the operator can add his or her
pointing; to turn the weapon to a new heading
Siege Engineering skill).
requires 10 rounds. Normally catapults do not
Well-equipped engineers can use a special move, but they can be dragged 5 ft per round if
bundle of arrows to deliver an area attack (no necessary. These siege engines are Huge and
roll to hit, 10x10 ft area, 1d6 arrows strike each require a lot of space, so only one or two can be
target for 1d6 damage, DC 15 Reflex save for mounted on large ships. If used against a ship,
half damage, costs 5 gp). Poisoned or spell- the ship’s captain should make a Sailing skill
trapped javelins are also a possibility. For check opposed by the Siege Engineer’s skill
attacking fortifications, however, heavy stones check instead of the DC 5 Reflex save to avoid
are used. damage.

Ballistas can be mounted on a wheeled carriage Siege Tower

and moved by hand up to 20 ft a round (as a A Gargantuan mobile fortification, it grants
full-round action). More commonly they are Cover (+4 AC) to the 20 attackers inside it. It
mounted on a swivel that allows a 45° arc of fire. also grants a height advantage, and allows
These weapons are popular on ships and castle

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soldiers to climb the ladders inside to the edge Fortification values
of the enemy walls. Siege towers are 40 ft tall. Inflicting the listed hit point damage to structure
creates a breach, allowing entry with no more
Pushing one 10 ft per round requires at least 80
difficulty than crossing rough ground. These hit
medium-sized creatures. Pushing it faster makes
points are normally per 10 x 10 ft section, so
it fall over.
destroying a large structure requires immense
If built into a ship, it gives a height advantage amounts of damage.
and its AC to the soldiers inside when attacking
Masterwork buildings have DR +2 and 25%
other ships (or defending their own). The extra
more hit points. Wooden building’s DR is
deck space also allows more soldiers to fight on
normally bypassed by fire.
your ship. However, it inflicts a -2 to all Sailing
checks. Fortification DR HP Walls
Forest – – None
Tunnels, Sapping
Wooden building 5 60 None
Digging a tunnel is free, if you have men and Fortified camp 5 120 None
shovels. A hundred men can dig 50 ft of tunnel a Bailey 5 500 None
day. More men can’t dig faster, but they can dig Stone building 8 90 None
other tunnels (or protect the diggers from Siege tower 5 100 40 ft
attacks). Tower 8 500 40 ft
Keep 8 750 10 ft
Once you reach the enemy walls, you can either
Castle 8 1,000 15 ft
tunnel up into their courtyard, or you can try to
Citadel 8 1,500 20 ft
undermine their walls. A Sapping attack
Fortress 8 2,000 30 ft
requires 1 day of work by the digging crew and
Wooden gate 5 80 10 ft
does 100 pts of damage to a wall. You can build Stone-faced gate 8 120 15 ft
up multiple sapping attacks before triggering Iron-bound gate 10 160 20 ft
them all at once, but the enemy may detect your Iron portcullis 10 180 20 ft
efforts and take counter-measures. Wooden wall 5 300 15 ft
Tunnels and Sapping attacks require an Stone wall 8 450 20 ft
engineer to oversee their execution. Great wall 8 720 30 ft
Legendary wall 8 1,200 40 ft

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Cartwright’s Yard
When you have so much loot you can’t carry it all, you know it’s time to visit the cartwright’s yard and
buy a wagon. Or a surrey with a fringe on top.

This is the multiplier for the creature in the harness. Thus, a Pack Saddle allows a Draft horse to carry
200 lb as a Light load and 600 lb as a Heavy load. A Wagon would allow the same horse to pull 1,000 lb as
a Light load and 3,000 lb as a Heavy load (but the wagon itself already weighs 1,000 lb).

In general vehicles can carry a maximum of three times their own weight, so a 1,000 lb wagon can carry
an additional 3,000 lb of cargo. With two draft horses this would only be a Medium load.

Vehicles Cost Weight Carry Tech Sleigh

Wheel- 10 gp 20 lb 200 lb Wild The popular one-horse open sleigh. Suitable for
barrow going to Grandmother’s house, but only on
Travios 1 gp 20 lb x1 Primitive snowy days.
Dog sled 10 gp 50 lb x2 Primitive
Sleigh 20 gp 400 lb x2 Primitive Cart
Pack 5 gp 15 lb x1 Wild A small two-wheeled cart, with a harness for
Saddle one creature. Trying to Run with a cart imposes
Cart 15 gp 200 lb x2 Wild a -4 skill check penalty.
Chariot 50 gp 400 lb x2 Wild
Wagon 35 gp 1,000 lb x5 Civilized Chariot
Large 50 gp 2,000 lb x5 Civilized Either a fancy surrey with a fringe on top, or an
Wagon open-faced spiked-wheel war machine. One or
Carriage 100 gp 2,000 lb x5 Civilized two horses are normal; up to four horses can be
Wheel-barrow attached for maximum speed. Four Coursers
A one-wheeled cart with handles. You can push would allow up to 900 lb as a light load; that
it at 20 ft per round, but you can’t run with it. equals the weight of the chariot plus two
warriors in full battle gear, traveling at top
Travios speed.
Two poles that drag on the ground from the
Wagon, Large Wagon
animal’s back. The animal cannot Run or double
move without destroying the travois. The most efficient pulling mechanism possible.
From one to four horses can be attached to a
Sled wagon; a Large wagon can have up to eight
A dog sled, designed to be pulled by two to horses. However, trying to Run with a wagon
eight dogs. Only works over snow. This is the imposes a -4 penalty to any Riding checks.
only vehicle priced for Medium-sized animals;
all other vehicles assume Large animals.
An enclosed cab, with a superior suspension
designed for comfort and speed, with anywhere
from one to eight horses in front.

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Watercraft are divided into two categories: boats and ships. Boats are anything small enough to be carried
on a shi; ships cannot usually go up rivers. Only the late medieval period is listed: the magnificent
creations of the Age of Sail (Galleons and Man-O’-Wars) represent a significant advance in technology.

Sailing checks are used to control watercraft. The captain’s skill is the most important, although he can
gain a +2 from an exceptional crew or a -4 from an inept/inadequate crew. Some ship designs impose
additional penalties; Masterwork ships would grant a +2 if you could afford them.

Weathering a storm is a DC 10 to 30 check, depending on the severity of the storm. Failing by 5 or less
inflicts 10–80% damage to the ship; failing by more causes the ship to sink.

The length of the vessel. Most ships are ¼ as wide as they are long (rafts and barges are exceptions, often
being completely square). The number of siege weapons that can be mounted based on ship length.

Crew, Max
The minimum number of crew necessary to avoid a -4 penalty to Sailing checks.

This is the maximum number of passengers possible, given deck space and carrying capacity.

This is the maximum movement per turn or per hour. Watercraft cannot Double-Move, Run, or Charge.
Oar-powered vessels can only travel at top speed for an hour, plus an hour per point of CON bonus of
the crew.

How much weight the vessel can carry. Remember to count the weight of any passengers (but not the
crew, which is already calculated in). Each medium-sized passenger is the equivalent of 200 tons of cargo.

The number of hit points of damage the vessel can take before sinking. Note this is not the complete
destruction of the ship but merely compromising its ability to float. The vessel could conceivably be
repaired by magic or crew action before it actually goes under water. However, inflicting x3 this much
damage results in effectively complete destruction, beyond any chance of repair. Almost all vessels have
a DR of 5 due to their wooden construction.

Siege Weapons
The usual mode of combat with ships is ramming or closing for boarding with marines. Boarding planks
and grappling hooks are included with the price of warships. Archers can occupy the deck, at two per
5 ft. Ships can be equipped with siege engines at the expense of useable deck space. Longships, due to
their narrow construction, can only have half as many siege weapons installed.

Rams do vastly more damage when powered by a ship. A ram attack does 1 pt of damage for every hit
point of the attacking ship; this means a Trireme will cut a Galley in half with a single deadly lunge.
Normally the ship doing the ramming does not suffer any damage, as they are built to do this. Make an
opposed Sailing check to ram a foe (although you must be approaching them from the side), inflicting an

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additional 10 pts of damage per point you beat the enemy captain’s roll by, and a DC 15 Sailing check to
not inflict half as much damage to your own ship in the process. Rams ignore DR of 5 or less.

Siege Weapon Length of ship occupied

Ram 20 ft
Ballista 10 ft
Catapult 20 ft
Trebuchet 30 ft
Siege Tower 40 ft
If you wind up using this vessel as a fighting platform, this is how much its defenses are worth to you. It
also applies to any siege weapon attacks against the vessel (even those that use Ranged Touch attacks,
since it reflects the vessel’s ability to absorb damage).

Maintenance is typically 10% of the purchase price per year.

Boats Cost Length Crew Passengers Move Carry HPs Tech AC

Raft 5 gp 20 ft 1 10 10 ft / 1 mph 2 tons 50 Primitive +0
Canoe 10 gp 10 ft 1 3 20 ft / 2 mph ½ ton 5 Primitive +0
Rowboat 50 gp 8 ft 1 4 15 ft / 1½ mph 1 ton 10 Wild +0
Fishing boat 100 gp 15 ft 1 5 20 ft / 2 mph 1½ tons 15 Wild +0
Launch 100 gp 12 ft 2 8 15 ft / 1½ mph 2 tons 20 Civilized +0
Pinnace 500 gp 20 ft 2 10 30 ft / 3 mph 3 tons 30 Civilized +0

Ships Cost Length Crew Passengers Move Carry HPs Tech AC

Barge 1,000 gp 40 ft 10 200 10 ft / 1 mph 50 tons 150 Primitive +0
Keelboat 3,000 gp 50 ft 15 100 10 ft / 1 mph 40 tons 50 Wild +0
Longship 10,000 gp 75 ft 50 120 30 ft / 3 mph 50 tons 75 Wild +1
Galley 10,000 gp 60 ft 100 100 20 ft / 2 mph 50 tons 100 Wild +2
Bireme 20,000 gp 90 ft 150 150 30 ft / 3 mph 100 tons 200 Civilized +3
Trireme 30,000 gp 120 ft 200 250 40 ft / 4 mph 150 tons 300 Civilized +4
Sloop 5,000 gp 60 ft 10 50 30 ft / 3 mph 50 tons 75 Civilized +1
Carrack 15,000 gp 80 ft 20 200 20 ft / 2 mph 150 tons 100 Civilized +0
Warship 25,000 gp 100 ft 80 160 25 ft / 2½ mph 100 tons 250 Civilized +3

Raft (-8 Sailing checks) Rowboat (-2 Sailing checks)

As simple as a bunch of logs tied together. A rowboat or skiff, powered by oars, a simple
Powered by a sail, oars, or long poles used to sail, or both. -2 to all Sailing checks.
push against the river bottom. Inflicts a -8 to any
Sailing checks. Fishing boat
Big enough to spend all day at sea. Includes a
Canoe large fishing net.
If it’s made out of leather, it only has DR 1 but it
weighs so little one man can pick it up and walk Pinnace
with it. If it’s made out of wood, it has DR 5 but A light, fast sailboat. Sometimes used as a ship-
weighs at least 500 lb. Powered by oars. tender (a shuttle servicing a larger ship).

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Barge (-4 Sailing checks) Bireme
Heavy and durable, but also slow and A larger galley, with two decks of oars instead
unmanageable. May be powered by poles, oars, of one. When being sailed instead of rowed, it
or sails, but not particularly sea-worthy (-4 to only moves at 20 ft.
Sailing checks). Barges have shallow drafts and
can travel up wide rivers. Trireme
The pinnacle of the ship-building craft, this
Keelboat (-2 Sailing checks) monster galley has three decks of oars. Its rapid
A small, flat-bottomed ship powered by sails. 40 ft movement only applies during combat,.
Mostly used for shipping cargo. The Keelboat Under sail power it moves at 20 ft.
inflicts a -2 penalty to sailing checks, but it can
go up rivers as well as out to sea. Sloop
A fine, light sailing ship, with an advanced
Longship designed for deep ocean travel rather coast
The famous Viking raiding craft. Can travel up hugging, small seas, or lakes. Powered only by
rivers, or be dragged onto the beach by its crew, sails.
so it doesn’t need a loading dock. Powered by
sails and oars. Carrack (-4 Sailing checks)
The classic cargo craft of the late medieval age,
Galley (-2 Sailing checks) fat, ungainly and slow (-4 to all Sailing checks).
An open-decked warship. Not particularly fast Still, it is sturdy enough to cross oceans in.
or maneuverable (-2 to Sailing checks), but Powered only by sails.
sturdy and carries plenty of soldiers. Powered
by a sail for travel and oars for combat. Galleys Warship
might be able to navigate particularly deep A sturdier version of the carrack, designed for
rivers. speed and combat durability rather than cargo
capacity. Powered only by sails.

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General Store

Class Kits
Class kits contain everything a character needs to perform that class’s function. Adventurers planning to
spend a lot of time outdoors may wish to invest in a Ranger’s kit.

Class Cost Weight Contents Effect

Wizard 30 gp 10 lb Spellbook, several bottles of ink, quill pens, Spell usage
mountebank’s purse, various spell
Ranger 10 gp 15 lb Pup tent, backpack, bed-roll, flint and steel, +2 to Wilderness Lore
knife, hatchet, 50 ft twine, fish hooks, mess
kit, waterskin
Cleric 50 gp 10 lb Holy symbol, Holy book, healing kit: +2 to Healing
bandages, lotions, herbal medicines. 25%
chance of having any given antidote.
Rogue 30 gp 5 lb Lockpicks, loaded dice, marked cards, +2 to Hide, Move Silently,
magnifying glass, small steel mirror, elbow Pick Locks, Appraise and
and knee pads, 50 ft of silk rope and soft Gambling
cloths to wrap your boots in.
Fighter 5 gp 30 lb Crowbar, sledgehammer, wedge, 5 torches, 5 +2 to Smashing and Looting
large sacks, 10 ft pole.
Alchemy 100 gp 40 lb Bottles, beakers, reagents, retorts, mortar +2 to Alchemy
lab and pestle, a fine scale, an hour glass and a
small metal stove.
Cosmetics 50 gp 8 lb Wigs, makeup, false teeth, hair and skin dye. +2 to Disguise
Artisan’s 5 gp 10 lb A collection of tools a tradesman needs to Employment
tools perform his job.

Camping Gear
Everything an adventurer needs to live in the wild.

Item Cost Weight Description

Pup Tent 2 gp 5 lb Protects 1 Medium person. If you don’t have shelter and the weather
turns bad, suffer a -2 to your Wilderness Lore checks.
Tent 10 gp 20 lb Houses up to 6 Medium characters.
Pavilion Tent 100 gp 200 lb A huge tent; houses up to 20 ordinary people or 1 rich noble.
Teepee 20 gp 100 lb Holds up to 12 Medium characters in tight quarters. A Teepee is much
more durable than a tent, and can last a lifetime when properly cared for.
Bear trap 10 gp 20 lb Reflex DC 20, 1d6 bludgeoning, and a STR 30 check to break free. Can
also be lock-picked open at a DC 15. Imposes a -4 to Hide checks due to
its large size.
(Ordinary snares and pits can be made with rope, twine, a shovel and a
Wilderness Lore check.)
Flint and Steel 1 sp ¼ lb Lighting a fire with flint and steel takes 1d6 full rounds. It also requires
tinder, low wind, concentration, and provokes AoOs.
Mess Kit 5 sp 1 lb A tin bowl and plate, suitable for eating and cooking on.

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Trail rations 5 sp 1 lb So you don’t have to move at half speed while traveling through the
(1 day) wild.
Waterskin 1 gp 4 lb Holds 1 gallon
Bed-roll 1 sp 5 lb If the weather turns cold and you are sleeping outside without a bedroll,
suffer a -2 to Wilderness Lore checks.
Fish hook 1 sp - Grants a +2 to Wilderness Lore checks near streams or water.

Every adventurer needs something to carry or store his loot in.

Crates (boxes, trunks and chests) often have locks attached to them. See the Locksmith section for details.
They may also be chained in place, or built into the walls/floors of a building or ship.

Masterwork crates cost an extra 50 gp, and have DR+2. Steel crates can be made out of sturdier materials
such as mithril or adamantium, gaining the appropriate DR (15 or 20) and extra HPs (20% or 33%), and
costing an extra 250 gp per lb (but remember, mithril objects weigh half as much). This can result in boxes
very hard to break into, but it can also result in boxes that are worth more than anything they could
possibly contain.

Crates Cost Weight Carry DR HP

Basket 4 cp ½ lb 10 lb / 2 cu ft - -
Box 2 sp 5 lb 20 lb / 2 cu ft 5 5
Trunk 1 gp 10 lb 50 lb / 3 cu ft 5 10
Chest 2 gp 25 lb 100 lb / 4 cu ft 5 15
Stone Box 5 gp 50 lb 50 lb / 2 cu ft 8 10
Stone Trunk 10 gp 100 lb 150 lb / 3 cu ft 8 15
Stone Chest 20 gp 250 lb 250 lb / 4 cu ft 8 20
Steel Box 10 gp 15 lb 100 lb / 2 cu ft 10 5
Steel Trunk 20 gp 30 lb 300 lb / 3 cu ft 10 15
Steel Chest 40 gp 60 lb 500 lb / 4 cu ft 10 30

Sacks Cost Weight Carry

Burlap bag 3 cp ½ lb 20 lb / 2 cu ft
Burlap sack 5 cp 1 lb 50 lb / 3 cu ft
Leather sack 5 sp 2 lb 100 lb / 3 cu ft
Leather sack 2 gp 5 lb 150 lb / 3 cu ft
Backpack 2 gp 2 lb - / 4 cu ft
Saddle bags 4 gp 8 lb - / 10 cu ft
Mountebank’s purse (many pockets, 5 gp - 2 lb
ideal for storing spell components)
Linen pouch with brass clasp 1.5 sp - 5 lb
Woolen pocket purse, silver clasp 10 sp - 5 lb
Silk purse with gold clasp 15 gp - 5 lb

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Liquids Cost Weight Carry Description
Vial 1 gp 1/10 lb 1 oz. Made of metal and extremely durable; holds one dose of a potion.
Flask 3 sp 1½ lb 1 pint Not quite as durable or well-made, but holds more.
Bottle 2 gp ½ lb ½ gal. Glass, with a stopper.
Jug 3 cp 9 lb 1 gal. Clay, with a stopper. Reasonably fragile.
Bucket 5 sp 2 lb 5 gal. Open-faced wooden bucket.
Amphora 1 gp 30 lb 7 gal. A huge clay jug designed for shipping liquids.
Keg 3 gp 20 lb 10 gal. A wooden keg.
Barrel 12 gp 100 lb 50 gal. A wooden barrel, reinforced with iron bands.
Wineskin 1 gp 4 lb 1 gal. Comfortable to wear and not likely to break.

Light is a preoccupation of workers and adventurers. Illumination allows fine work, reading, or any other
activities – such as fighting - without a penalty. Shadowy illumination generally imposes a 20% miss
chance and allows people to hide without needing cover. Light sources create shadowy illumination in
twice the radius they create full illumination.

Item Cost Weight Effect

Candle 1 cp 1/10 lb A candle illuminates a 5 ft radius and burns for 1 hour.
Candelabra 5 sp 5 lb Holds five candles; illuminates a 15 ft radius for 1 hour.
Chandelier 5 gp 50 lb Holds fifty candles; illuminates a 30 ft radius for 1 hour.
Torch 2 cp 1 lb Illuminates a 20 ft radius for 1 hour.
Lamp 1 sp 1 lb Illuminates a 15 ft radius, burns a pint of oil in 6 hours.
Lantern 1 gp 2 lb Illuminates a 30 ft radius, burns a pint of oil in 3 hours.
Storm 5 gp 3 lb Illuminates 30 ft cone, burns a pint of oil in 3 hours. Will not go out in
Lantern strong winds.
Everburning 80 gp ½ lb Illuminates a 20 ft radius forever. This is perhaps the most common
Torch magical item in the entire world. Price varies from 50 to 100 gp,
depending on the magic abilities of the local populace.
Oil, pint 1 sp 1 lb Can cover 5x5 ft and burns for 2 rounds; or will fuel a lamp for 6 hours.
Flint and 1 sp ¼ lb Lighting a fire with flint and steel takes 1d6 full rounds. It also requires
Steel tinder, low wind, concentration, and provokes AoOs.
Mirror, steel 1 gp ½ lb Useful for peering around corners or shaving (but imposes a -2 to spot
Mirror, 10 gp ½ lb Silver backing on a clear glass plate. Much cleaner image than a steel
silvered mirror, but also much more fragile.
Mirror, large 100 gp 10 lb Too delicate to carry on an adventure, but makes an impressive
statement in your main hall.
Glass 1 gp per 5 lb Colored glass is the same price; in fact, it’s clear glass that’s hardest to
windows 1 ft pane make. Stained glass windows are also the same price, as making small
pieces of glass is easier than making single, unbroken plates.
Magnifying 5 gp 1 lb Grants a +2 to Appraise checks. A masterwork glass grants a +4.

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The book-seller’s, which in many places is also the local magic shop or monastery.

Item Cost Weight Description

Ink 1 gp ½ lb Black ink; colored inks are twice the price. This is enough ink for
100 pages.
Quill 1 cp - A goose quill, cut to the right length.
Paper 4 sp - A single sheet of paper, prepared by a secret process known only
to mages.
Parchment 2 sp - A sheet of scraped lambs-hide. More robust than paper, but
heavier and more difficult to write on.
Sealing wax 1 sp 1 lb For twice the price you can get colors other than dull yellow.
Stamp 1 sp - Let everyone know who sealed this letter. Nobles will often use
their signet rings.
Chalk 1 cp - Plain white chalk. Colored chalks are twice as expensive. Useful
for making magic circles on stone floors.
Spell book, 15 gp 3 lb 100 blank parchment pages (50 sheets), bound in leather. A book
parchment like this can be tied or buckled shut to the point of being water-
Spell book, 25 gp 1 lb 100 blank paper pages (50 sheets), bound in leather. For the fashion
paper (and weight) conscious wizard. You can double the number of
pages for +10 gp and +1 lb, or triple it for +20 gp and +2 lb.
Book, library or 10 - 50 gp 1-5 lb Price varies depending on number of pages, quality and color of
holy illustrations, and popularity of the manuscript. The bindings are
rarely as sturdy as spell-books, often being merely stiff leather.
If you are lucky enough to find a masterwork tome (for 50-250 gp),
it will provide a +2 to a specific Knowledge skill check.
Map 1 - 5 gp ½ lb A map is a double or quarto-sized piece of parchment. The price
depends on rarity and quality. A treasure map sells for whatever
price the market will bear.
Scribing 1 cp - Per page, not including the price of the materials.
Scribing a spell 5 gp - Writing the magic formula for a spell requires using magical inks.
This price is per page, and each spell requires 1 page per level.
Scroll case 1 gp ½ lb Protect your valuable scrolls from wear, tear and water. Holds up
to 7 single loose sheets, or one really long sheet rolled up tightly.
Made from wood and treated leather.
Library 5,000 gp 2,000 lb A collection of at least 500 books. Grants a +2 on all Knowledge
checks. A Masterwork library is x5 as large and grants a +4.

Traps or Alarms can be keyed to locks, so that forcing the lock triggers the trap. Magical traps and
symbols can also be keyed to a lock mechanism, so that correctly opening the lock does not trigger the

Doors are the most obvious place to put locks, but chests and trunks are good choices too. A steel trunk
with a good lock can foil amateur thieves, who may not be able to pick it or break into it without making
a huge ruckus. Also, breaking into a locked chest is a good way to ruin the contents.

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Lock Cost Weight Description
Basic 5 sp 1 lb DC 15; reflects any mechanism that requires a special key or tool to operate.
Simple lock 1 gp 1 lb DC 20
Average lock 2 gp 2 lb DC 25
Good lock 5 gp 3 lb DC 30
Superior lock 25 gp 4 lb DC 40 (This is a Masterwork item)
Bell alarm 1 gp 5 lb Reflex DC is the same as the lock; if roll is failed, makes a loud noise
Silent alarm 10 gp 5 lb Reflex DC is the same as the lock; makes a noise up to 50 ft away
Blade trap 7 gp 7 lb Reflex DC is 5 lower than the lock. Inflicts 1d4 Slashing damage. If a 4 is
rolled for damage, the victim must make another Reflex save at DC 15 or
suffer a permanent loss of 1 DEX (due to losing fingers).
Catch trap 5 gp 10 lb Reflex DC 20, 1d4 bludgeoning and a STR 20 check to break free. Can also
be lock-picked open at a DC 15.
Needle trap 20 gp 1 lb Reflex DC is 5 lower than the lock. Inflicts no damage, but may inject a
Key 1 sp - Keys are custom-made for a given lock.
Manacles 5 gp 2 lb Suitable for medium creatures. DC 26 STR to break, DC 30 Escape artist to
slip out of, and DC 25 to pick. Masterwork manacles cost 55 gp and are
+2/+5/+15 to the DCs. If you’re really worried about people breaking
them, use mithril(+9 DC to break) or adamantium (+14 DC to break).
Lockpicks 5 gp - Bits of metal suitable for picking locks. Masterwork tools grant a +2
Circumstance bonus and cost 55 gp. Most of the cost is in finding a
blacksmith who will make them without asking too many questions.

Hardware Store
All tools grant a +2 circumstance bonus when used as part of an appropriate ability check (for instance,
using a crowbar to force open a door or chest). Masterwork tools cost +50 gp and grant an additional +2.
Many tasks, such as digging a ditch or making firewood, are effectively impossible without a suitable
tool. The function listed below is from the adventurer’s perspective: ordinary tradesmen will use the tool
as part of their craft.

Most tools can be used as an improvised weapon, doing 1d4 of an appropriate type of damage and
inflicting a -4 to-hit penalty. Large, two-handed tools will do 1d6 damage.

Tool Cost Weight Function

Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb Prying treasure chests and doors open.
Shovel 2 gp 8 lb Digging for treasure.
Spade 2 gp 8 lb Digging for treasure in hard soil.
Pick 3 gp 10 lb Tunneling; picks do 2d4 damage, but halve the DR of stone.
Awl or Wedge 1 gp 1 lb Prying open small boxes.
File 1 gp 1 lb Cutting through hard metal… slowly.
Axe 5 gp 6 lb Chopping down doors.
Hammer 5 sp 2 lb Hammering nails or pitons.
Tongs 1 gp 3 lb Handling things too dangerous to touch.
Sledgehammer 2 gp 10 lb Smashing anything. Used against an immobile object, a sledge can do
2d6 damage, enough to eventually crack even steel chests.
Saw 5 gp 5 lb Cutting wood to build a siege engine.
Hack saw 10 gp 2 lb Cutting soft metal.
Hand drill 15 gp 3 lb Drilling out locks that are too hard to pick. Also for making air holes.
Nail 1 cp - Nailing shut coffins, doors and windows.

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Vise 5 gp 10 lb Crushing small objects or holding them in place while you saw at
them. Useful for cracking open small boxes under controlled
Anvil 20 gp 100 lb A huge lump of cheap pig iron. Smiths use them as a platform for
hammering and shaping metal; adventurers will mostly drop them
on people.
Bellows 10 gp 10 lb Turn a roaring fire into an inferno.
Pump 50 gp 50 lb Empty your boat, ship, or mine of water. Requires 2 men to operate.
20 ft ladder 3 gp 30 lb For people who can’t climb ropes. Folds up to only 10 ft long.
10 ft pole 1 sp 2 lb Do you need to ask?

Ropes and Chains Cost Weight Description

Wire, 10 ft 5 gp ¼ lb Useful for setting trip wires, stringing lutes, or enslaving pixies.
Hardness 8, hit points 1, DC 16 to break (Masterwork is DC 20).
Chain, 10 ft 15 gp 2 lb Chain has a hardness of 10 and 5 hit points. It can be burst with a
Strength check DC 26 (Masterwork chain is DC 30).
Giant chain, 10 ft 150 gp 200 lb Useful for blocking rivers, dragging ships, or enslaving giants.
Hardness 10, hit points 30, DC 50 to break (Masterwork is DC 54).
Twine, 50 ft 1 sp 1 lb 1 hit point; DC 11 to break. Can only support 20 lb, but useful for
tying up parcels, shoes, or catching fish.
Rope, hemp, 50 ft 1 gp 10 lb 2 hit points; it can be burst with a DC 23 Strength check.
Rope, silk, 50 ft 10 gp 5 lb 4 hit points; it can be burst with a DC 24 Strength check. Effectively
Masterwork, this rope grants a +2 on all rope-related skill checks.
Piton 1 sp ½ lb A piton every 5 ft grants a +2 to Climbing checks and allows
climbing surfaces (like walls) that can’t normally be climbed.
However, hamming pitons takes 1d6 rounds and makes noise.
Grappling hook 1 gp 4 lb Lets you climb any wall you can throw something over. Remember
to attach a rope before throwing.

Furniture Mart
Furniture prices are for a typical piece. Some examples are: beds, wardrobes, chests of drawers, tables,
stools, chairs, benches, couches, cupboards, bookshelves, wine closets, hat-, coat-, or weapon-racks.
Exquisite works of art or antiques can cost much, much more.

Item Cost Weight Description

Hourglass 25 gp 1 lb Primitive technology; has to be turned once an hour.
Societies that can’t make glass use conch shells, gourds, or
carved stone.
Water clock 100 gp 200 lb Wild technology; needs to be filled twice a day.
Mechanical clock 500 gp 25 lb Civilized technology; puts on a performance of ringing bells
each hour. Needs to be wound once a day.
Furniture, rough wood 5 gp 150 lb Held together by ropes.
Furniture, polished wood 10 gp 200 lb Made with pins, nails and glue.
Furniture, wrought iron 50 gp 150 lb With satin or leather coverings.
Furniture, carved stone 15 gp 500 lb Inexpensive and durable but nigh-immobile.
Chamberpot 1 gp 2 lb Rarely made out of exotic materials, even in wealthy houses.
Glass windows 1 gp 5 lb Colored glass is the same price; in fact, it’s clear glass that’s
per 1 ft hardest to make. Stained glass windows are also the same
pane price, as making small pieces of glass is easier than making
single, unbroken plates.

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Pottery Kiln
Adventurers are always smashing crockery, so occasionally it’s useful to know how much it costs.

Tableware Cost Weight Description

None - - Poor or primitive people eat with their hands.
Knife 10 sp 1 lb Medieval diners brought their own silverware, which almost always
meant a good knife.
Table-knife 10 gp ½ lb Rich people will have a fancy knife that is useless for anything but
eating. Usually made out of silver.
Trencher 1 cp 1 lb A thick, square plate made of wood.
Mazer 2 cp 1 lb A wide-lipped wooden bowl. Spoons are not normally used; instead,
one drinks soup straight from the bowl.
Mug 2 cp 1 lb A wooden cup, without a handle.
Platter 1 sp 1 lb A pottery plate.
Basin 2 sp 1 lb A large bowl, made out of pottery.
Tankard 2 sp 1 lb A large mug, with a handle and possibly a lid. Made out of pottery,
horn, pewter (silver mixed with lead), or glass.
Plate 1 gp 1 lb A porcelain plate.
Bowl 1 gp 1 lb A porcelain bowl.
Wine glass 3 gp ¼ lb A crystal champagne flute, brandy snifter, or wine glass.
Salt cellar 100 gp 2 lb Stores salt, pepper, or other spices. Salt cellars were items of status, so
they were elaborately carved and often gilded.
Serving tray 50 gp 5 lb A large silver tray with a domed cover.
Serving ladle or 10 gp 1 lb Made of silver. Gold ones cost 10x as much.

Cookery Cost Weight Description

Mixing bowl 1 sp 2 lb A large wooden bowl.
Fireplace spit 1 sp 2 lb Used for roasting over an open fire or in a fireplace.
Stewpot 5 gp 10 lb A large iron pot.
Griddle 2 gp 10 lb A flat frying iron to put over a stove or fire.
Fire pit 1 gp - Vikings had a hole in the middle of their dirt floor to hold their fire.
The smoke went up and through the thatched roof. While this meant
the house was always smoky, it also helped protect the thatching from
insect damage.
Fireplace 25 gp 1,000 lb Well-to-do peasants have a stone fireplace in their house, which serves
as kitchen, heater and gathering place.
Brick oven 100 gp 1,000 lb Suitable for baking bread. Poor people either dig a hole in the ground
and fill it with coals, or live without baking.

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Music Shop
Mostly of interest to bards, but ordinary folk can enjoy a bit of music, too.

Instrument Cost Weight Tech Description

Whistle 1 cp ¼ lb Primitive The simplest of wooden flutes, it only produces one note.
Fife 1 sp 1 lb Primitive A simple wooden flute with finger-holes.
Drum 5 sp 5 lb Primitive Leather stretched over a wooden barrel or box.
Cymbal 1 gp 1 lb Primitive A small metal disk, gong, or bell that rings when struck.
Lyre 5 gp 3 lb Wild A stringed instrument that is strummed.
Harp 25 gp 50 lb Wild A large, stringed instrument that is plucked. Often gold-plated
or otherwise ostentatiously decorated.
Horn 2 gp 4 lb Wild A brass horn, in a variety of shapes.
Gong 100 gp 100 lb Wild A huge brass gong that can be heard a mile away.
Mandolin 5 gp 3 lb Civilized A fancy stringed instrument, strummed or plucked, in a
variety of shapes and musical keys. Can also represent violins.
Flute 3 gp 1 lb Civilized A flute with mechanical keys.
Bell 300 gp 300 lb Civilized A church bell, audible several miles away.
Harpsichord 500 gp 1,000 lb Civilized A huge, delicate mechanism that plucks strings (rather than
hammering them like a modern piano).
Sheet music 5 sp - Civilized Price is per page; a concert requires 100 pages.

Everything an adventurer needs to live in style.

Luxury Cost Weight Description

Soap 5 sp 1 lb A pound of soft soap. Harder soaps, carved into amusing shapes, haven’t
been invented yet. The use of soap is restricted to semi-annual occasions.
Make-up 1 gp - A small pot of powder, dye, lotion, or rouge.
Wig 20 gp - Already done up in an elaborate arrangement.
Perfume 10 gp - A vial of an exotic scent. Women and men use perfume regularly, mostly
because they don’t use soap regularly.
Razor 2 gp - A folding knife with a delicate but extremely sharp blade.
Pipe 7 sp ¼ lb Clay with a wood stem.
Dice 1 sp - Who doesn’t need a fistful of these?
Dice, 1 gp - +2 to Gambling checks.
Deck of 5 gp ¼ lb Useful for losing or telling fortunes.
Deck of 5 gp ¼ lb +2 to Gambling checks.
Throne 1,000 gp 1,000 lb +2 to Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimidate checks.

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Tailor’s Shop
Outfit Cost Description
Slave 1 cp Rags tied up with rope.
Serf 1 sp Burlap tunic and leggings with wood buttons; burlap-strip sandals.
Freeman 1 gp Canvas tunic and leggings with fired-clay buttons; light leather shoes.
Artisan 5 gp Linen tunic and leggings with brass buttons; light leather boots; belt with a brass
buckle; linen pouch, gloves and a floppy hat.
Noble 75 gp Wool doublet and jacket with silver buttons; woolen trousers; a woolen cloak trimmed
in fox fur; suede purse with silver clasps; heavy leather belt and suede boots with silver
buckles; lace gloves; a velvet hat trimmed in fox fur, with silver studs and a peacock
feather. You’ll also need jewelry; at least a signet ring.
Peer 200 gp Silk doublet and jacket with gold buttons; silk trousers; a lion or bear fur cloak; silk
purse with gold clasps; silk sash and long silk slippers with gold studs; silk gloves
trimmed in lace; a huge brocade hat. Gems and jewelry are extra, as is the crown.
Adventurer 10 gp Sturdy leather coat with many pockets and brass buttons; linen tunic with fired-clay
buttons; canvas trousers; heavy leather belt with a brass buckle; wide-brimmed leather
hat; stout leather boots trimmed in squirrel fur. Magic rings not included.

Common items
Clothing Cost Headgear Cost Cold-weather gear Cost
Serf’s burlap tunic 6 cp Straw hat 1 cp Heavy doubled 2½ sp
Burlap leggings 3 cp Leather wide- 2 sp burlap poncho
Canvas blouse with 3 sp brimmed hat Sheep-skin coat with 12 sp
leather laces Woolen cap, with 15 sp brass buttons
Denim trousers with 6 sp rabbit-fur ear flaps Rabbit-fur cloak lined 6 gp
brass buttons Velvet chapeau, 3 gp with linen
Fine linen tunic with 25 sp silvered and Wool coat w/silver 16 gp
brass buttons feathered buttons and fox fur
Cheap woolen 25 sp Brocade head-piece, 20 gp Lion-fur cloak with 60 gp
leggings gold and pearl inlay gold buttons
Fancy linen blouse 2 gp Footwear Cost and a gold brooch
Wool jacket and 25 gp Burlap sandals 1 cp clasp
trousers, gold buttons Leather shoes 2 sp Heavy leather coat, 4 gp
Silk doublet, gold 50 gp Soft leather boots 10 sp brass buttons,
buttons, lace collar lined with rabbit fur rabbit fur trim
Silk tights 10 gp Suede boots, fox-fur 5 gp Accessories Cost
Blouse and skirt, 7 sp Silk slippers w/ mink 15 gp Canvas belt with 5 cp
demin, clay buttons High, stout boots 2½ gp wooden buckle
Burlap peasant dress 1 sp trimmed in rabbit fur Leather belt with a 1 sp
Fancy demin dress 10 sp Gloves Cost brass buckle
Linen dress, lace trim 40 sp Burlap work gloves 1 cp Fancy suede belt with 1 gp
Evening gown, silk, 50 gp Canvas work gloves 5 cp a silver buckle
lace trim and pearls Leather gloves 2 sp Silk sash with a gold 10 gp
Ceremonial Robes, 100 gp Long lace gloves 2 gp and pearl clasp
brocade and studded Silk opera gloves, 15 gp
with valuable stones with gilded lace
Wool mittens 1 gp

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Custom Items
Item Fabric/yards Description
Blouse 1 An ordinary shirt, possibly with buttons.
Tunic 2 A long shirt that hangs beneath the waist.
Doublet 4 A fancy, lined tunic.
Vest 1 Often made of fur to show its value.
Leggings 1 Leg-warmers and wrappings.
Trousers 2 Pants, possibly with a pocket or two.
Smock 2 Generally leather; worn in the front to protect your clothes while working.
Skirt 1 A short skirt, worn with a blouse or tunic.
Dress 3 An ordinary dress.
Gown 5-15 A gown suitable for fancy dress parties. May be trimmed with furs, silks, or velvet.
Extremely fancy gowns use two or three times as much cloth, and have jewels sewn
into the fabric.
Robe 4 Long robes suitable for priests, wizards, or other academics.
Jacket 2 Waist-length coat, for cold weather, protection, or fancy dress parties depending on
the material.
Coat 3 A winter garment
Cloak 4 A more primitive and exotic winter garment. May also be a poncho (a blanket with
a hole cut in it).
Belt 1/5 Good for holding things, like pants, pouches and scabbards.
Sash ½ Used for decoration or as a baldric to hold a scabbard.
Pouch 1/10 Small enough to hide under your other clothes.
Purse 1 A handbag or pouch worn on its own strap.
Sandals ¼ Leather or cloth straps wrapped around the foot (and sometimes a wooden sole).
Shoes ½ Leather shoes with wooden soles.
Boots 2 High leather boots. May be soft-soled (like moccasins), hard-soled with wood, or
even steel-toed for greater protection.
Slippers 1 Elegant, soft, impractical footwear. Worn by men and women, although the styles
are different.
Hat ½ Hats range from the practical to the absurd. Kingly head-pieces can consume two to
five times as much fabric, and be studded with rare furs, feathers, or gems.
Gloves ¼ Anything from leather work gloves to silk opera gloves.

This is the price per yard for bulk materials, which can be used as materials for tailoring or treasure. An
ell of silk (25 yards) is worth more than a master craftsman makes in a year.

Materials Cost Lbs. Yard Description

Burlap 1 cp ½ 1 Cheap, rough cloth made from jute or vegetable fibers.
Canvas 2.5 sp 1 1 A heavy duty cloth, usually made from cotton. Often called denim
when made soft enough for clothing. Depending on the locale, it may
also be made from the poorest quality of wool (that cannot even be
dyed to a different color) or other fibers.
Linen 1 gp ½ 1 Linen is made from the flax plant, and is soft enough to make bed-
sheets out of. This might also represent a high-grade cotton or
medium-grade wool.
Velvet 2.5 gp 1½ 1 A difficult and expensive weave, usually made from cotton or wool.
Wool 5 gp 1 1 Sheep’s hair, the best quality, finely woven for fancy clothes.

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Lace 7.5 gp ½ 1 The finest possible use of linen or cotton. Handmade with complex
patterns and exacting detail.
Silk 10 gp ¼ 1 The most prized of all cloths. Soft, strong and comfortable in heat or
Brocade 30 gp 1 1 Silk intricately woven with patterns of silver and gold threads.
Light 3 sp 1 1 A thin, light leather such as calfskin or sheepskin. There is about ½ a
leather sq. yard on a sheep, goat, or calf.
Heavy 12 sp 3 1 Thicker, stronger leather such as bull-hide. A cow will produce 2 sq.
leather yards; a bull will produce 3.
Suede 2 gp 1 1 Smooth, fine leather, specially grown and treated.
Rabbit fur 5 cp ¼ 1/10 The fur of one small domestic creature such as a rabbit or squirrel.
Fox fur 5 sp ½ 1/10 A wild fur, harder to obtain.
Mink fur 5 gp ½ 1/10 A rare and exotic fur.
Bear or 50 gp 12 4 The complete fur from a large animal such as bear or lion. Prices will
Lion hide vary wildly depending on local availability.

Do not include Trimmings as part of the price for calculating creation times; the tailor normally buys
these items from other suppliers and merely adds them to the outfit.

Trimmings Cost Sufficient for one item or for 1 yard

Decorative x2-x5 labor Patterns and designs stitched into the cloth; double or more the ordinary
stitching labor cost for the item.
Lace 1 gp Enough trim for a lace collar or neckline. However, you can always add more.
Swan 1 sp Feathers from ordinary birds.
Peacock 1 gp Feathers from rare and exotic birds.
Rabbit fur 5 cp The fur of one small domestic creature such as a rabbit or squirrel.
Fox fur 5 sp A wild fur, harder to obtain.
Mink fur 5 gp A rare and exotic fur.
Wood - Buttons and clasps made from wood.
Clay 1 cp Buttons and clasps made from fired clay or carved stone.
Brass 5 cp Buttons and clasps made from brass.
Silver 5 sp Buttons and clasps made from silver.
Gold 5 gp Buttons and clasps made from gold.
Jewels As much as you Buttons and clasps made from gold or silver and set with jewels.
care to spend

Sewing Shop
Adventurers will probably resort to magic to repair their clothes. But in case they don’t, here are some
prices for objects they’ll never use.

Item Cost Weight Description

Scissors 4 sp ¼ lb Small metal scissors.
Thimble 1 sp - A thimble of metal, wood, or ceramic.
Needle 5 sp - Normally a steel needle; in primitive societies, it will be made of bone.
Spool of thread 1 sp 1/10 lb Silver or gold thread is 1 gp to 10 gp a spool.
Skein of yarn 2 cp 1/10 lb Fine wool yarn will cost 1 sp per skein.
Spinning wheel 10 gp 20 lb Used for turning fibers into thread.
Loom 20 gp 50 lb Used for turning thread into cloth.

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Inns and Dens
Most adventurers will spend most of their time on the road. Dining in stray inns and odd taverns is often
an adventure in itself.

Poor travelers can expect to spend 1 sp a day. Normal adventurers will spend about 1 gp per day. Rich
vagabonds can live in high style for 5 gp a day.

Description Cost
Entertainment Cost
A spot in the common room 1 cp
Chewing tobacco 1 sp
Small private room 2 sp
Smoking tobacco 2 sp
Large private room with bath 5 sp
Narrowleaf 5 sp
Hotel suite with fireplace 2 gp
Flower of the Poppy 1 gp
Stable and Feed 1 sp
Puppet show, if you like it 1 cp
Stable and Feed, warhorse 2 sp
Mummer’s farce, 1 seat 2 cp
Stable and Feed, Exotic mount 1 gp
Tavern bard, 1 song of your choice 1 sp
Bard, private performance 1 gp
Musical troupe, 1 evening 2 gp
Description Cost Private circus, 1 evening 10 gp
A bowl of porridge flavored with peas 2 cp Tavern wench, 1 night 1 sp
A bowl of stew with a slice of bread 4 cp Courtesan, 1 evening 1 gp
Bread, chicken or mutton and cheese 7 cp Penny-pitching game 1d10-4 cp
Pork platter, with a side of vegetables 1 sp Dice game 1d10-4 sp
A slab of steak or roast, with pastries 2 sp Card game 1d10-4 gp
Roast capon, goose liver pate, prime rib 1 gp Cockroach races 1d20-8 cp
12-course gourmand’s feast 10 gp Dog races 1d20-8 sp
Horse races 1d20-8 gp
Drinks Fist-fighting Free
Description Cost
Water -
Note: any of these entertainments may be
Tea, all you can drink 1 cp
unavailable or illegal, depending on local rules.
Beer, stein 3 cp
Illegal entertainments are twice as expensive,
Ale, mug 5 cp
and carry the risk of being arrested during a
Wine, glass 1 sp
police raid.
Brandy, goblet 1 gp
Champagne, flute 2 gp

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Priests play a huge role in society. Not only are they wise, they can heal, cure, predict the future, raise the
dead, and tell when you’re lying. Rulers everywhere will seek the support of the local clergy, except in
those places where the rulers are the local clergy. Equally often, the local rulers are stretched to the limit
maintaining peace between competing faiths.

Most villages will have a Shrine, with at least one first-level priest in attendance. Towns will almost
always have a Church and a caster who can Remove Disease. Cities or Royal courts will strive to have a
Cathedral, with the incredible benefits a 9th level priest brings (like Raise Dead). Imperial cities or
metropolises might have several Cathedrals of different faiths. However, casters over 9th level are
exceedingly rare; obtaining their services is always a personal favor, never a transaction in gold.

Priests often officiate at ceremonies, acting as a witness for the community, the rulers and the gods.
Having a Bless cast over your wedding is considered as de rigeur as a white dress and a fancy cake. The
priest will perform the ceremony for free, as long as he’s invited to the banquet (and paid for his spell).
Invariably he will take the opportunity to preach his faith to a captive audience.

Weddings and funerals are the most common ceremonies. Few faiths practice baptism, and in any case
they usually wait until the child reaches adulthood to claim them for the faith. Launching a ship, starting
a new business, or building a house are also frequent requests for a blessing.

Another standard ceremony is the weekly casting of a divination, attempting to foresee and prepare for
any catastrophes in the next week. It is exceedingly difficult to invade a city by surprise when the High
Priest is regularly casting Divination with the question, “Are we going to be invaded this week?” This is
equally valuable for earthquakes, tidal waves, tornadoes, blizzards and plagues.

Pricing spells at a temple is problematic. If you are of the same faith, then the price will be adjusted
according to your need and your ability to pay. Even Evil priests will only fleece their flocks for what
they can afford. Life-saving spells will be subsidized (except for the material component) even to
peasants. A dead peasant can’t work, and a sick one might make others sick.

On the other hand, if you are a member of an opposed religion, then even Good churches might refuse to
help you at any price. Some communities of mixed faiths will legally compel priests to treat all comers, at
government established rates, while others will let the temples freely compete for the public’s approval.

The prices below assume you are a stranger, without a good or bad reputation, and of the same basic
alignment (Good or Evil). The prices also assume the priest can cast the spell any time in the next 24
hours, and doesn’t have to leave his temple to do so. Double the price for house calls or quick service.

Obtaining other spells will require a Diplomacy or Bluff check, and the price will be high enough to make
sure you don’t waste the priest’s time with frivolities (10 gp times the spell’s level, plus any material
components). Keep in mind that the priest already has a full-time job healing and curing his flock, and
will generally put them ahead of you in line for his spells. Priests will charge lower prices for spells that
advance their religious cause – such as Detect Alignment and Atonement. Conversely, they charge more for
spells that don’t obviously advance their cause.

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Shrine (1st level)
Hospital care 1 sp Plain food, water and bed rest, for those too cheap to pay for magical healing. Often
per prescribed for chronic conditions such as over-eating or partying too hard. The local
day priest may also refuse to heal trouble-makers or violent folk, hoping that having to
heal naturally will force them to rethink their life choices. Having a trained nurse on
call and the advice of a physician allows you to heal x2 your level per day.
Cure Minor 2 sp Only 1 point of healing, but it stops all bleeding. Particularly invaluable for ordinary
Wounds accidents or work-related injuries. A handful of Novices means that women no
longer die in childbirth. Hiring a priest to oversee your duels and make sure no one
bleeds out is the responsible thing to do.
Bless 1 gp Usually cast at ceremonies like weddings or baptisms. Simple folk believe the effect
lasts longer than a few rounds.
Mending 1 gp It’s hard to imagine what you need mended for this price that can’t be fixed cheaper
by a tradesman or craftsman.
Detect Magic 1 gp Be prepared for a Good priest to report the presence of any really powerful and
scary auras to his superiors; be prepared for an Evil priest to try and cheat you out
of rare magic items.
Detect Poison 1 gp Usually cast on an object such as a bottle of wine. It may require a Diplomacy/Bluff
check to get the priest to stop asking why you think you might be the target of a
Cure Light 1 gp For those who can’t wait for natural healing. Repeat castings of this spell are the
Wounds cheapest way to heal.
Comprehend 5 gp Why bother translating texts when the priest can do it easily and perfectly? Keep in
Languages mind, however, that a priest is going to be reading your secret treasure map/ancient
historical prophecy/vampire porn.
Endure 1 gp Generally only available in extreme climates like deserts, volcanic islands, or arctic
Elements ice shelves. However, the ability to ignore the effects of weather for an entire day
could be important during blizzard season.
Detect 1 sp Includes an hour of analysis and counseling. Useful for people who feel they may be
Alignment straying from the path.
Holy/Unholy 25 gp Usually priests will have a little of this on hand, just in case. If you have a good
Water per reason, they’ll sell it to you for the cost to make it. Obviously you can only get this at
pint the appropriate temple. Not so obviously, Evil priests still want Holy water: they
have Undead problems, too. Holy water does 2d4 damage to undead and outsiders
(Unholy water heals undead and outsiders)
Holy Symbol 1 sp Made of wood, cheap metal, or local materials. Usually hand-made by the local
priest; artistic quality of workmanship will vary considerably.

Chapel (3rd level)

Gentle Repose 2 gp per Particularly valuable when you’re waiting for the High Priest to get around to
day raising your friend.
Lesser 5 gp Restoring ability damage that will probably go away on its own, if you wait
Restoration long enough.
Make Whole 10 gp If you really want to put your mother’s favorite vase back together.
Undetectable 20 gp It will require a Diplomacy/Bluff check at -10 to get a priest to cast this spell
Alignment without asking a lot of very uncomfortable questions.
Zone of Truth 5 gp To settle private disputes or seal contracts. Be careful what you talk about, or
the priest may have to file a report with his superiors or the local ruler.
Potion of Cure 25 gp Priests don’t usually like to make potions; they consider it a waste of magic.
Light Wounds +25 gp Also, it takes all day, meaning they can’t cast any other spells. However, for
adventurers they like, they’re willing to make an exception.

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Church (5th level)
Remove 5 gp It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then it’s an expensive trip to
Blind/Deaf the local priest.
Remove Disease 5 gp You can probably get a hefty discount on this spell if you can convince the
priest that you’re a) poor, and b) contagious.
Obscure Object 25 gp Good luck explaining why you need to hide an object from Scrying for 8 hours.
Speak with 25 gp Remember that the priest is going to hear your questions and answers, too. In
Dead some places this spell is standard practice at funerals.
Dispel Magic 10 gp If you need the attention of a higher-ranked priest, expect to pay a lot more.
Glyph of 25 gp Shopkeepers have a legitimate right to protect their premises. However, expect
Warding +200 gp Good priests to put non-lethal spells into their glyphs. And if you let a child set
it off, expect to pay a stiff fine.
Locate Object 25 gp Usually only used by law enforcement to search for stolen goods. However, the
spectacle of the priest parading around town tends to give thieves a chance to
smuggle the goods out of range. There is a high price on this spell to stop you
from asking the priest to find trivialities like your keys.
Continual 30 gp This is the same price as an Everburning torch; but if you buy the spell from the
Flame +50 gp priest, you can have it cast on whatever object you want. The color of the light
will be tinted towards the priest’s alignment. For custom colors, see a Wizard.
Magic weapons Varies This is the level at which priests can begin making magic weapons and armor.
and armor However, don’t expect them to sell items to members of different faiths. Why
would they want to arm the competition?

Cathedral (9th level)

Divination 50 gp Works for events up to a week distance. If the spell fails, the priest will probably
+25 gp take that as an omen that he shouldn’t be trying to foresee that particular future.
In some places, it is illegal to buy private divinations.
Restoration 25 gp Fix almost any ability damage and negative level drains. Expect a lecture on the
+100 gp foolishness of playing with Undead.
Sending 25 gp Not as useful as you’d think. Chances are the priest isn’t familiar with anyone you
want to talk to.
Neutralize 25 gp Most priests have several copies of this on a scroll, for emergencies. Expect to pay
Poison for the scroll if you are in a hurry.
Tongues 25 gp The advantage to this spell is that it can be cast on you, so you can read your
ancient documents without letting the priest read them too.
Atonement 0 gp Don’t even bother with the Bluff check. The priest is going to know what you did.
+500 gp He may choose to impose an additional penance as a condition of the atonement.
Break 50 gp It may take several attempts to free you from that cursed item (chances of finding
Enchantment a priest over 9th level are slim). You’ll have to pay for all of them.
Commune 1,000 gp The priest is not going to bother his patron for anything less than the safety of the
+500 gp community, his church, or himself. Certainly not for you. Diplomacy/Bluff check
at -20 to convince the priest your petty questions are worth his god’s time.
Raise Dead 500 gp Priests often waive their part of the fee for those who have died in the service of
+500 gp the faith, cause, state, or defense of the community. You still have to come up
with the material component, though.
Scrying 100 gp Diplomacy/Bluff check to explain why you need to spy on someone. The priest
will not spy on people who scare him, like his rulers, superiors, or wizards.
Mark of 50 gp In many cities, being convicted of a crime will require you to pay for your own
Justice Mark of Justice to ensure you don’t commit the crime again.
Plane Shift 500 gp Just remember – he’s not coming with you, so you need to make your own
arrangements for the return trip.

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Magic Shop
Wizards rarely affect the lives of ordinary people. They cater to the wealthy and the powerful: merchants,
artisans, nobles and adventurers. Only low-rank wizards will sell to commoners, and they will mostly
deal in alchemy: charms, herbal potions and other scams.

Higher rank wizards (5th and up) will tend to earn their keep making magic items. The market for such
items is small, being restricted to really rich people, so the wizard will probably only make a few a year.
However, the profit margin is such that he can spend the rest of his time studying, investigating and
practicing his arcane arts.

The craft of alchemy is a favorite pastime of wizards. Many of them are convinced that there is a formula
to transform lead or other base metals into gold. Who knows – they might be right!

Formulation Cost Description

Lucky 1 cp – 1 gp A rare and exotic feather, a bit of colored stone, a rabbit’s foot, or some other
charm object imbued by magic with supernatural influence. Superstitious folk believe
these objects are like Luckstones, only not as reliable. Wizards encourage this
kind of nonsense, and will often be found selling specialty charms claimed to
ward off specific diseases or misfortunes.
Herbal 1 cp – 1 gp Like lucky charms, these potions have as much effect as the user expects them to
potion have. The most common potion is a “love” potion, intended to arouse desire in
the target. Other popular formulations are against minor but chronic complaints
such as arthritis (the sorts of things priests – who are healing actual injuries –
can’t be bothered with). Some of these potions may have a noticeable effect, but
only because they tend to be heavily alcoholic.
Acid 1 gp per Useful for opening locks, if you have a drill bit and plenty of time. You can also
flask throw it as a weapon, making a ranged touch attack with at 10 ft range increment
for 1d6 acid damage (and everyone within 5 ft takes 1 point of splash damage).
Greek fire 1 gp per A thick, sticky liquid that burns hot, Greek fire is extremely hard to put out, so
flask this substance is the choice of discriminating arsonists everywhere. It can also be
used as a ranged touch attack (10 ft increment) for 1d4 fire damage (and everyone
within 5 ft takes 1 point of splash damage). The target must then spend a full-
round action to extinguish the flames (either by rolling on the ground or tearing
off the affected clothing) or suffer an additional 1d4 damage.
Antitoxin 1 gp per Grants a +5 bonus on Fortitude saving throws against a specific poison. The effect
dose lasts for up to an hour, so if you know in advance what poison you are likely to
suffer, you can take it beforehand.
Mundane 1 gp per Low-rank wizards will often manufacture and sell supplies to higher rank
Material spell wizards who can’t be bothered. Collecting and preparing these components is an
components apprentice’s job. Buying spell components costs 1 gp per spell, but you can cast
the spell dozens of times before needing new components.

The most common spell sold by wizards is Prestidigitation. The many uses of this spell allow beginning
wizards to make a living off of their magic. The only difficulty is the short duration of the color/flavor
effect, but some wizards will double this by the use of the Extend Spell metamagic feat.

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Assuming you need other spells, the base rate is 10 gp times the wizard’s level. Wizards don’t get to sell
spells very often (unlike priests), so they have to sell them for a lot to make ends meet. Also, they don’t
like surprises, unusual requests, or unpredictable adventurers, so they charge a stiff fee to keep these
things at bay.

Cantrip Cost Description

Dry- 1 cp per item (Prestidigitation) Up to 30 items (or 15 pieces of armor) per spell. Guaranteed not
cleaning to damage delicate fabrics.
Teeth 5 cp (Prestidigitation) The wizard can treat up to six patients per spell. Few wizards
polishing can stomach staring into people’s mouths, however.
Brewing 1 sp (Prestidigitation) Turn 2 gallons of wine into 1 gallon of brandy by removing
unwanted water.
Flavoring 1 sp (Prestidigitation) Add any imaginable flavor to 1 lb of flour and sprinkle it over a
meal. Must be used within the hour, so just before mealtime the house-boys will
be running from the wizard’s shop to their master’s kitchens. Sometimes the very
rich will have a private wizard cook.
Coloring 1 gp per (Prestidigitation) Completely change the color of an outfit of clothes – while you
engagement are wearing them. Add color to your cheeks, dye your hair and darken and
thicken eyelashes. Court ladies will hire a wizard to decorate them for the formal
ball; they will retire every hour or two for a few minutes, and return in a
completely different color scheme. The Dowager Empress was once said to have
worn 30 outfits in a single night, each with its own (fake) set of gemstones.
Mending 1 sp Wizards are more willing than priests to fix objects, since they can’t use their
magic to fix people.
Detect 1 sp per item The wizard will check a whole sack of items for you – but he’ll charge you for
Magic each one. He’s not charging you for the spell; he’s charging you because he has to
waste his time talking to you.
Detect 1 sp per item A wizard will ask a lot less questions than a priest, because he just doesn’t care.

Spell Cost Description

Comprehend 1 gp Wizards are happy to translate ancient texts or incomprehensible messages.
Languages They’ll memorize the contents and add the knowledge to their own library after
(1st) you leave.
Hypnotism 1 gp Having trouble stopping smoking? Wizards will implant an auto-hypnotic
(1st) suggestion for a small fee. Effectiveness will vary depending on how much you
actually want to quit smoking, drinking, gambling, whoring, snoring, or
whatever vice drove you the desperate straights of asking a wizard for help.
Identify 100 gp Wizards will charge a hefty fee for this spell. They have a monopoly on the
(1st) + 100 gp service, the value of information it returns is phenomenal, and handling
unknown magic items can be fatal. Not only cursed items are dangerous –
accidentally discharging a Wand of Fireballs in your work-room is likely to ruin
your day. At least the wizard will do his very best to answer your questions,
and for this much money, you can usually count on his discretion – he won’t be
tattle-telling to others what your nifty new toy can do.
Phantom Trap 50 gp It is very common for wizards to have this cast on their spell-books. Merchants
(2nd) + 50 gp will also find it cheaper and almost as effective as real traps. Again, you’re
paying for discretion – a fake trap is no use if the wizard goes around blabbing
about it.
Dispel Magic 50–90 gp A high-rank wizard might be able to disable that cursed item for a few rounds,
(3rd) so you can take it off. Unfortunately, finding a wizard over 9th level who will
even talk to you is unlikely – and probably just as well.

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Nondetection 30 gp This is a lot of money to pay for a few hours of protection – unless you’re a thief
(3rd) + 50 gp hiding from a Locate Object spell.
Break 90 gp At least the wizard won’t give you a lecture while he’s trying to extricate you
Enchantment from that cursed item (or more likely, reverse a Curse/Flesh to Stone/Geas spell).
Contact Other 500 gp The hard part is convincing the wizard to take the risk of being reduced to a
Planes (Astral) drooling idiot for a few weeks. Since this would expose him to his enemies, you
(5th) 5,000 gp first have to convince him you’re not one of them. However, the friendship only
(Deity) goes one way: the wizard doesn’t really care if the information you receive is
true or false. It’s strictly caveat emptor; you pays your money and you takes your
Transmute 50 gp One of the few socially useful things a wizard can do is make walls, roads and
Mud to Rock bridges. Simply turn good solid rock to mud, pour it into wooden molds, and
(5th) then turn it back into rock. Wizards like showing off, and this spell is not
dangerous, so they’ll be happy to make a living off of fortifying your city.

Item Cost Description
Scrolls Unlikely Why would a wizard sell you a scroll? You could just copy it into your own
(1st) spell book and then what would you need him for? Scrolls are made for the
wizard’s own personal use, or manufactured at the command of their master.
Buying them on the open market is unlikely except in the most magic-rich
Continual 30 gp This is the price for having the spell cast on an item of your selection, in your
Flame +50 gp choice of color. Some cities will hire junior wizards on a long-term contract to
(2nd) make street lighting, typically paying them a flat fee (1,200 gp a year) for 300
castings (the city still has to provide the material component). In those places
Everburning Torches will sell for as little as 55 gp.
Potions Varies Many wizards will make potions to order. It’s a safe and profitable business.
(3rd) The only problem is that there are few customers: usually only adventurers
want to turn pounds of gold into momentary combat advantages.
Wondrous Varies This is the bread and butter of the wizard trade. Making wondrous items is
Items safe, fun, and unlikely to lead to any recriminations, so wizards will make them
(3rd) whenever they can.
Magic weapons Varies Wizards are not really that keen on making weapons for their perhaps least
and armor favorite group of people - fighters. However, huge sacks of cash can
(5th) occasionally convince them to set aside their prejudices.
Wands Unlikely Wizards are even less keen on sharing their unique abilities with non-wizards.
(5th) Usually they only make wands for their own defense. However, some advanced
magocratic societies will manufacture wands for military use.
Rings No It is an oft-forgotten fact that the ability to make rings does not come until the
(12th) 12th level. This means there are extremely few wizards who can make rings, and
none of them is going to waste their time begging gold pieces from adventurers.
Rings are occasionally found, looted, or won; but almost never bought.

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Poisons vary wildly from area to area, depending on the materials, technology and skills available. The
one constant is that they are almost always illegal (at least, for private use). Primitive tribes will equip
their soldiers with poison, to make up for their lack of metal weaponry, but even in those tribes it is
probably illegal to use poison on a fellow tribesman.

Manufacturing poisons is part of the Alchemy skill (the skill check to make a poison is the same as its
Save DC). Masterwork poisons cost x5 as much and have a save DC that is 2 higher. Ingesting the
appropriate antidote before making the save grants a +5 (or +7 for a Masterwork antidote). Any alchemist
who can make a poison can also make the antidote (at the same difficulty level) – unless for some reason
the materials simply aren’t available.

Sneaking Ingested poisons into someone’s food or drink requires the Sleight of Hand skill, and is
relatively safe. These poisons are selected because they have no strong flavor or smell.

Using Injected or Contact poisons on weapons or items is purely a matter of dexterity and caution. A
natural fumble on an attack roll requires a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid poisoning oneself (or a nearby
ally). Only a single dose can be applied to a weapon at a time. After the first successful hit, the poison is
expended. Exposure to water, extended sunlight, or other environmental effects will also ruin the poison.
Piercing attacks are best for delivering Injected poisons; Slashing attacks grant a +2 on the save, and
Bludgeoning weapons cannot use Injected poisons.

Poisons inflict their primary damage immediately and their secondary damage 10 rounds (1 minute)
later. Ability damage is temporary (it returns at the rate of 1 per day), unless the saving throw was
critically fumbled (a natural 1), in which case it is permanent. Exposure to multiple doses of a poison
inflicts multiple saves and damage rolls.

Poison Cost Type Fort DC Primary Secondary

Ivy paste 10 gp Contact 14 1d4 DEX 1d4 DEX
Mercury's Curse 50 gp Contact 20 1 CON Daily
Mage-slayer oil 30 gp Contact 16 1d6 CON 2d12 HPs
Alcohol 3 cp Ingested 11 1 WIS -
Arsenic 12 gp Ingested 13 1d4 CON 2d4 CON
Crumbs of a Lich 100 gp Ingested 15 1d10 HPs Death
Ergot 10 gp Ingested 14 1d8 INT 1d10 CON
Night-watch 9 gp Ingested 20 1d2 STR Sleep
Narrowleaf 5 sp Inhaled 11 1 INT -
Flower of the Poppy 1 gp Inhaled 11 2 WIS +2 CON
Dreamer's smoke 20 gp Inhaled 16 1d4 CHA 2d4 CHA
Ragedust 150 gp Inhaled 18 1d4 WIS 2d4 WIS
Venom, Centipede 1 gp Injected 11 1d2 DEX -
Venom, Snake 2 gp Injected 12 1d2 STR 1d4 HPs
Venom, Spider 5 gp Injected 14 1d4 STR 1d4 CON
Venom, Scorpion 20 gp Injected 18 1d6 STR 1d6 STR
Venom, Wasp 21 gp Injected 18 1d6 DEX 1d6 DEX
Venom, Worm 70 gp Injected 24 1d6 STR 1d6 STR
Venom, Wyvern 300 gp Injected 17 2d6 CON 2d6 CON
Antitoxin 1 gp Ingested +5 - -

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

Ivy paste Narrowleaf
Concentrated past of everyone's least favorite A narrow green leaf smoked like tobacco. It is
ivy. Leaves tell-tale painful red blotches for pleasantly narcotic, mildly addictive, stimulates
days. appetite, and makes the user extremely boring.

Mercury's Curse Flower of the Poppy

Made from the liquid metal, this poison requires Smoking this substance increases CON, in the
a save once a day. The first successful save ends sense that it makes one almost immune to pain.
the curse. While under the effect of this poison, However, the substance is highly addictive; each
you do not heal through non-magical means. time you use it, make a DC 15 Will save to avoid
This also means you do not recover temporary becoming addicted. An addict must smoke
ability damage without magical help. Poppy at least once a day or suffer 1d10 CON
damage. If the damage doesn’t kill him, he’s free
Mage-slayer oil – until he starts smoking again.
So-named because mages have few HPs.
Ironically, it was probably invented by a mage.
A 5 ft sq cloud of powder that madly enrages its
Alcohol victims.
Unlike other poisons, all temporary damage
Venom, Centipede
from this substance is recovered 24 hours later.
However, the effects of the stupid things you Cheap but not terribly effective. Does not inflict
did while you were drunk may have permanent secondary damage.
Venom, Snake
Arsenic You don't even have to kill the snake to make
Can be administered in small, hard to detect this poison.
doses over a period of time. Once a
Venom, Spider
concentration has built up the victim must
suddenly make his saving throw. With a little It probably won't kill you, but it will make you
planning, you can be across town establishing easier to kill.
your alibi when they collapse. Venom, Scorpion/Wasp/Worm
Crumbs of a Lich Harvested from giant-sized insects. Worm
Crumbling liches is probably more fatal than poison is made from brightly colored giant man-
eating them. At least they’re tasteless. eating worms, not ordinary earthworms.

Ergot Venom, Wyvern

Made from improperly stored grain; brings on One of the most fatal poisons known. Has a
hallucinations and sometimes death. This poison distinctive, acrid smell, so it can't be turned into
can occur on its own. an Ingested poison. Good lucking finding a
Wyvern to milk.
Used as a sleep-inducing medicine;
unconsciousness lasts for 8 hours. The potion Grants a +5 bonus on Fortitude saving throws
has a very subtle onset; the victim probably against a specific poison. The effect lasts for up
won't realize he's been affected until too late. to an hour, so if you know in advance what
poison you are likely to suffer, you can take it
Dreamer's smoke beforehand. Multiple doses of the same
A 10 ft radius of stupefying smoke that reduces antitoxin do not stack, although you can take
victims to torpidity and placidness. several different ones.

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Patric Mitchell (order #2310125) 1

An approximation of the various qualities of life that people can expect. This is useful for putting the
wildly extravagant life-style of the typical adventurer into context.

The Artisan class represents upper-level craftsmen such as Experts or above, and various academics or
businessmen like bankers and importers. The Noble class is the 1st rank of nobility; higher ranks will be
expected to live and entertain more lavishly. The figures for the Peer class represents the minimum
amount a head of state would spend; there is, of course, no maximum.

How much it costs per year to maintain this lifestyle. Double this expense if you are maintaining an
ordinary-sized family.

A representative example of what you could find on their dinner table. Slaves are so poor they eat
porridge twice a day and nothing else; while peasants eat porridge for breakfast and lunch, they can
usually afford something else for dinner.

The kind of cloth normally associated with this station in life. In some areas this may be a legal restriction.

For furniture, clothes, dishes and general house-wares. Only Peers can normally afford to decorate their
clothes with gold buttons and buckles. Slaves, on the other hand, use bits of wood as buttons.

Jewelry is usually a step up: even Freemen can often afford a tiny bit of gold for a ring or pendant, and
Serfs may well have family heirlooms of silver.

The effect this lifestyle has on the average lifespan of an individual.

Style Expense Food Cloth Fittings Lodgings Lifespan

Slave 10 gp Porridge Rags None Barracks ½
Serf 20 gp Bread Burlap Wood Cottage ¾
Freeman 30 gp Chicken Canvas Clay House 1
Artisan 60 gp Mutton Linen Brass Manor 1
Noble 200 gp Pork Wool Silver Mansion 1
Peer 2,000 gp Beef Silk Gold Castle 1¼
Adventurer 400 gp Beef Leather Brass Inns 1

Slaves are wretches whose lives are misery and degradation. Serfs are poor and oppressed; Freemen are
merely poor. Artisans are successful craftsmen or businessmen who enjoy the best life a working man can
hope for. Nobles are ranked individuals, with salaries or land holdings; Peers are major nobles and heads
of state. Adventurers, of course, are footloose wanderers living in inns when they’re not sleeping in the
woods or camping in dungeons. They eat well and wear first-rate equipment, but their life span is often
cut short by the nature of the work they do.

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Slave 10 gp
Food Bare survival; porridge twice a day, and you’re lucky to get it. A scrap of bread or cheese is worth
fighting for; a piece of meat is worth killing for.
Clothing Rags, cast-offs and scraps. Shoes are just more rags wrapped around the feet. Odds and ends of rope
or string serves for belts and ties.
Quarters Tightly packed, filthy Barracks for the lucky ones; ruined hovels, damp caves, or leaky huts for the
Family Children are a burden on families this poor. After age six or so they will be expected to work for a
living. Only the fact that the slave-owner stands to profit from them keeps them alive.
Fun Story-telling around the fire, but only once a week. Wood is too valuable to waste.
Effects Life-expectancy is only 32 years. People living in these conditions suffer a penalty of -2 to all

Serf 20 gp
Food Porridge three times a day, but with cheese or bread for dinner. Chicken or fowl once a week, pork
and beef on holidays and special occasions. Tea is served at meals, at least for the adults.
Clothing Tunics of burlap or other coarse fibers. Winter wear may be a blanket with a hole in it. Footwear is
limited to sandals made of burlap straps; in cold weather, the feet are wrapped in rags before
putting the sandals on. Buttons and clasps are made of wood.
Quarters A Cottage for the family, usually shared with chickens or other farm animals.
Family Children are well-fed, if not well-clothed. Chores abound for everyone, and parents may be harsh,
but normal family relationships are possible.
Fun Crude wooden toys for the children, bone dice for the grownups. An occasional trip to town to see
the mummers or bards. Ale in the tavern once a week or so for the more well-to-do.
Effects Life-expectancy is 48 years, due to work and war. This is a hard life of constant labor, leaving little
time for self-improvement (characters cannot learn new skills while working as a serf).

Freeman 30 gp
Food Porridge is still served for breakfast and lunch, but flavored with vegetables. Dinner is often bread
and chicken. Beer is served with dinner once a week or so.
Clothing Canvas tunics with fired-clay buttons. Soft shoes made of leather.
Quarters An ordinary House, either of clapboard, stone, or clay, with a well-thatched roof. Animals are
normally kept in the barn.
Family Children are prized and generally given some kind of education until early adolescence.
Fun Ale in the tavern on weekends for the men; sewing and knitting circles for the women. Children
may have well-made toys of wood, or musical instruments to practice on.
Effects Life-expectancy is 64 years. There is time and energy left over to think about improving one’s lot in
life though education or investment.

Artisan 60 gp
Food Porridge is served only for breakfast. Dinner and sometimes lunch is bread and mutton, possibly
with beer. Ale is served with dinner.
Clothing Linen with shiny brass buttons. Soft boots with gloves, hats and purses.
Quarters A Manor house with rooms for servants as well as family.
Family Children are often put to work in the family business, but only for their education, not for any
expectation of profit. If possible, they will be sent to institutions of higher learning.
Fun Dances and dinner parties on regular occasions. Children may have pets such as ponies or cute little
dogs. Guildmasters and such are expected to feast their lesser workers several times a year.
Effects Life-expectancy is 64 years. Hobbies such as philosophy and art can be a part of enjoying life.

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Nobility 200 gp
Food Nobles don’t eat porridge. Bread and meat are served at every meal, usually pork. Wine is served
with dinner, and baked or sweet desserts are common. In other words, Nobles eat like Americans.
Clothing Wool with silver accoutrements. Each outfit consists of many items, such as dress jackets and
Quarters A Mansion with rooms for family, servants and entertainment such as ballrooms or music rooms.

Family Children are expected to carry on the family legacy. They will be educated in their chosen
Fun Dinner parties at other noble’s houses almost every week. Bards and other entertainers will be
brought in for special occasions.
Effects Life-expectancy is 64 years. The study of literature or politics is often a required activity.

Peer 2,000 gp
Food Every meal is a gourmet event. Meat is always available, such as fine roasts, capons cooked inside
turkeys, exotic fish, or pork wrapped in bacon and served on ham. Bread is often white, not just
brown. Wine is served with every meal. Imported wines are served at special occasions.
Clothing Silk and fur. Slippers made of impractical materials. Gold buttons, buckles and threads are used
liberally; jewels may be incorporated into clothing as well as jewelry.
Quarters A Castle. The expense includes the minimum necessary servants to maintain this kind of lifestyle
(usually two or three per family member), but it does not include the army that should be living in
your castle if you intend to remain a Peer for very long.
Family Children are valued assets of the State.
Fun Hunting, hawking, dancing and partying every night. Only the pressures of war interrupt the
peerage’s pursuit of pleasure.
Effects Life-expectancy is 80 years, ignoring events such as assassination, war, or monster attacks. Peers
hire other people to study literature and politics for them.

Adventurer 400 gp
Food Adventurers eat 5,000 calories a day. This means meat at every meal: bacon for breakfast, half a
chicken for lunch, and a slab of steak for dinner. Also, as every adventurer knows, alcohol is a
good source of calories too, and in many places, you can’t trust the water.
Clothing Well-made, sturdy clothes of durable materials. High boots made for walking. Stray odds and
ends may be found in their heavy-duty packs, like a formal academic robe or a fantastic hat.
Quarters Living on the road, in taverns and inns. Adventurers generally buy private rooms or suites for
their party. Mixing with the commoners exposes you to infiltration, diminishes your mystique,
and only frightens the locals.
Family Adventurers don’t have families; they have parties, who are fiercely loyal to each other. A
popular saying is, “Blood may be thicker than water, but XP is thicker than blood.” To share
experience from a battle is a sacred ritual far more binding than sharing bread with a stranger or
wine with a guest.
Fun Courtesans, musicians, gambling and drinking, every night. Adventurers are notoriously
restless and easily bored.
Effects The only advantage of this lifestyle is that it leaves all of your time free for adventuring. Life-
expectancy is nominally 64 years. Good luck with that.

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The average wage of a worker is equal to the cost maintaining a family and his taxes. Most workers
cannot get ahead on their own, no matter how hard they try. Gaining an advancement in grade is usually
a gift from a rich patron such as a noble or guild-master. This is the basis of the feudal system: everyone
owes their position to their patron, which keeps the workers in line and the patrons in charge.

Traditionally, the employer can deduct ¼ of the worker’s pay by providing his tools. This usually does
not apply to craftsmen, who prefer to own and maintain their own tools, but it quite often applies to
soldiers, especially if the lord wants them better armed than their own meager resources can provide.

The employer may also deduct ¼ of the worker’s pay for room and board. Again, this usually only
applies to military men, who are expected to occupy fortifications as part of their duties.

Finally, the employer may deduct ¼ of the wage if he provides for their advancement. Craftsmen almost
never accept this arrangement, as they do not trust their employers to place the same value on their
personal advancement as they do. Also, craftsmen usually prefer to spend that money on luxuries like
clothing and food. Soldiers, however, will freely accept this deal, expecting that a share of the booty after
a battle will greatly exceed any salary they could hope to draw. In addition, they do trust their lord to
advance them, if they fight well enough, because they know their lord depends on them.

This means that although the capital outlay of maintaining a body of men, including arms, quarters and
supplies, can be quite high, the actual amount of gold distributed to the soldiers can be quite low. This
explains why soldiers rarely support families. Well, and the fact that they tend to die a lot.

The yearly wages include the expected bonuses for long-term employment, such as holidays and gifts.
Workers who work for a daily wage will tend to be poorer than those with regular jobs.

The quality of soldier you receive depends on the amount of money you are willing to pay. Guards are
little more amateurs, hired to stand around more than to fight. Privates form the backbone of most
armies; Corporals and Sergeants provide basic leadership. Lancers are good enough to equip with horses
or other exotic, expensive equipment; Squires are warriors almost equal to Knights.

Skill Points
These are the number of skill points the soldier can be expected to apply to the fighting profession.
Everyone starts with one Simple weapon proficiency; additional proficiency feats costs 1 skill point. Thus,
a Guard could use a simple weapon, Light Armor and Shields.

Apprentice grade soldiers get their class proficiencies for free (usually Fighter, Warrior, or Barbarian),
meaning they can spend their skill points on useful skills like Wilderness Lore, Spot, Hide, or Move
Silently. If you are not using Apprentice grades, you can still use these tables to reflect common soldiers
of different quality.

The table shows skills and feats for humans; non-humans receive 2/4/6/8 skill points and a maximum of
1 feat. However, they may have racial proficiencies or skill bonuses.

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Normal attributes are 10 each. Soldiers who have invested in training and practice are sturdier fighters,
and can have a few attributes that are higher. These are almost always STR, DEX, or CON. However, if
you are hiring spell-casters or spies, these stats can also be INT, WIS, or even CHA.

The daily and yearly pay for each soldier does not include reductions for providing equipment, room and
board, or advancement. Thus, you could potentially pay a soldier as little as 10 gp a year, although it will
still cost you close to 40 gp a year to maintain him.

The one advantage soldiers have is that they do not pay taxes. They receive their money directly from the
tax collector, after all. Giving soldiers a booty bonus after a battle and then trying to tax it is asking for an

Title Apprentice Skill Attributes Daily Yearly

Grade Points Pay Pay
(Bonus HPs)
Guard 0 2 All 10’s 1 sp 40 gp
Private 0 3, Feat 12, 12 1.5 sp 60 gp
Corporal 1 3, 2x Feats 14, 12 2 sp 80 gp
Sergeant 2 6, 2x Feats 14, 14 3 sp 120 gp
Lancer 3 9, 2x Feats 16, 14 4 sp 160 gp
Squire 4 12, 2xFeats 16, 14,12 5 sp 200 gp

The cost for employing ranked warriors is much, much higher. All of these individuals have a full class
rank, so they have the proficiencies of their class and the attributes suitable for a hero. You can reduce
their pay by providing the necessities for them, but do not think this means you can stint on the cost.
Maintaining their loyalty is always necessary, and this requires treating them well.

Employing nobility over the third rank is unlikely. Viscounts and Marquis expect to be second in
command and possibly heir to the land. Men and women of Peerage rank (6th or higher) are not usually
employed; instead, one gives them land to manage and accepts their fealty in return. The rates below
represent how much it costs just to feed, house, and entertain high-rank nobility for a year; equipment
and advancement will be extra, as will the costs for their personal retinues.

Title Rank Yearly pay

Knight 1 400 gp
Banner 2 800 gp
Baronet 3 1,200 gp
Viscount 4 1,600 gp
Marquis 5 2,000 gp
Baron 6 2,400 gp
Count 7 2,800 gp
Duke 8 3,200 gp
Earl 9 3,600 gp
Prince 10 4,000 gp

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Workers and Craftsmen come in different grades, depending on their station in life.

Skill Level
This is the final skill level of the worker, counting all of his bonuses.

Skill Points
These are the number of skill points the worker has spent on his chosen profession. Only Expert level
workers and above are expected to have mastered the Skill Focus feat for their craft. Master craftsmen
have such a wide-ranging grasp of their subject that they enjoy a Synergy bonus to their skill checks.

Attribute Bonus
This is the bonus to skill the worker receives for having either a 12, 14, or 16 in the appropriate attribute.
Usually this is DEX, but it may be INT, WIS, CHA, or STR. Workers are not as motivated to master their
professions as soldiers are (since failure is not so obviously linked to dying). Also, craft techniques don’t
lend themselves to as straight-forward improvement as making a soldier faster, stronger, or tougher.

The daily pay is provided in case you want to hire a worker by the day. However, if your period of
employment stretches over any holy days or traditional celebrations, you’ll have to pay him for those
days as well. The yearly cost already assumes all of those days, and other traditional gifts and bonuses.

Slaves don’t receive pay; rather, this number represents how much it costs to keep a slave and his family
alive. If your slaves don’t have families, then you can spend half as much and reap twice as much profit.
However, that means you need to find new slaves when these wear out, as you aren’t raising your next
generation yourself.

The profit a lord can collect from the workers that live under his protection. Farmers tend to pay 1/3 of
their income in taxes, while townsmen manage to sneak by with 1/4, usually levied as fees on services
like grain milling or imports. The type of workers that make up the bulk of the workforce is determined
by the government and economic model. Poor societies will have mostly Apprentice level workers;
advanced civilizations will have greater and greater percentages of higher-grade craftsmen, resulting in a
larger tax base and superior equipment for their armies.

If your society has regular access to the Plant Growth spell, then your farmers will benefit greatly. Serfs
and Freemen will make 1/3 more gp a year, pay 1/3 more gp in taxes, and move up one step on the
lifestyle table.

Title Skill Craft Skill Attribute Daily Yearly Taxes

Level Grade Points Bonus Pay Pay
Slave 0 0 0 0 .75 sp 30 gp 10 gp
Serf 2 0 2 0 1.5 sp 60 gp 20 gp
Freeman 4 0 2 +2 3 sp 120 gp 40 gp
Laborer 0 0 0 0 1 sp 40 gp 10 gp
Novice 1 0 0 +1 1.5 sp 60 gp 15 gp
Apprentice 2 1 1 +1 2 sp 80 gp 20 gp
Journeyman 4 2 2 +2 3 sp 120 gp 30 gp
Expert 8 3 3, Feat +3 4 sp 160 gp 40 gp
Master 13 4 4, Feat, Synergy, MW tools +3 5 sp 200 gp 50 gp

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Owning or investing in a business may require the permission of the local nobles, city fathers, or both.
Expect to pay special fees and taxes when the local rulers notice you are making a profit.

Individual crafts such as smiths, potters, carpenters, and so on make wages or profits according to their
skill and station. Usually they sell the goods they produce directly from their work-rooms: buying a
sword from a smith while standing in his smithy gives you a sense of the quality of his work. Even if
these men or women work in another’s shop, they will expect the guild standard rate of pay. Since most
workers provide their own tools, there is little reason for them to give you a cut of their paycheck.

Profiting from the labor of others is a modern concept: medieval barons made their money from owning
things or having rights. Selling or leasing a license to provide a good or service is a common practice (such
as the exclusive right to mill grain, sell wine, or buy wool). If you can purchase an exclusive right, then
you can run a shop for a profit because you can sell goods for more than it costs to make them.

The heart of any medieval economy is food production. Typically 75% of a medieval population is
engaged in agriculture. The listed revenue is only the taxable income; farms will also produce vegetables,
chickens and other raw materials for their own consumption. Farmers are assumed to have free access to
at least 1 acre of forest for fuel and building materials.

A farm with the Plant Growth spell will produce 33% more crops, meaning a typical wheat farm will make
4 tons of wheat instead of 3, which doubles its profitability (from 1 ton to 2 tons per year of wheat above
the 2 tons the farmer and his family eat to survive). This will increase both tax revenues and quality of life
for the peasantry.

Business Capital Operations Revenue

Fishing boat 200 gp 40 gp / year 60 gp / year
Cottage (100 gp) Serf family (40 gp) 1,500 lb of fish
Fishing boat (100 gp)
Farm 420 gp 40 gp / year 60 gp / year
Cottage (100 gp) Serf family (40 gp) 3 tons of wheat
40 acres of good farmland (200 gp)
draft horse (100 gp)
bit and bridle (2 gp), yoke (3 gp), plow (5 gp)
seed (10 gp)
Farm 420 gp 40 gp / year 80 gp / year
(Plant Growth) Cottage (100 gp) Serf family (40 gp) 4 tons of wheat
40 acres of good farmland (200 gp)
draft horse (100 gp)
bit and bridle (2 gp), yoke (3 gp), plow (5 gp)
seed (10 gp)
Sheep Ranch 420 gp 40 gp / year 60 gp / year
Cottage (100 gp) Serf family (40 gp) 800 lb of mutton
80 acres of pasture (160 gp) 400 lb of fleece
Herd of 80 sheep (160 gp)

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Cattle Ranch 1,100 gp 80 gp / year 120 gp / year
House (400 gp) Freeman family (80 gp) 1,000 lb of beef
Barn (50 gp) 4 sq. yds of leather
200 acres of pasture (400 gp) 1,200 gallons of milk
Herd of 10 cattle (250 gp)
Mill 1,000 gp 400 gp / year 900 gp / year
Large shop (500 gp) Master miller (200 gp) 45 tons of flour
Mill (500 gp) 5 Apprentices (200 gp) (30 farms’ worth)

The revenue listed is only an average value. An inn at a crossroads will do very well; the same inn on a
dank moor will barely survive. Liquor or gaming licenses may be required, at varying expense.

Establishment Capital Operations Revenue

Tavern 1,000 gp 200 gp / year 400 gp / year
Tavern (1,000 gp) Freeman family (200 gp)
License (?)
Inn 2,000 gp 400 gp / year 800 gp / year
Inn (2,000 gp) Freeman family (200 gp)
License (?) 5 servants (200 gp)

The buying and selling of goods – as opposed to producing and selling goods – is an unusual business. It
will probably require a license, cause undue suspicion, be subject to special taxes or forfeitures, and
occasionally be robbed.

Establishment Capital Operations Revenue

Market Stall 200 gp 120 gp / year 50 - 200 gp / year
Market Stall (100 gp) Journeyman merchant (120 gp)
Inventory (100 gp)
General Store 400 gp 160 gp / year 300 gp / year
Shop (200 gp) Expert merchant (200 gp)
Inventory (200 gp)
Importer 1,000 gp 400 gp / year 1,000 gp / year
Large Shop (500 gp) Master merchant (200 gp)
Inventory (500 gp) 5 Guards (200 gp)
Access to rare goods
Money-lender 110,000 gp 1,000 gp / year 5,000 gp / year
Gatehouse (10,000 gp) Master merchant (200 gp)
Capital (100,000 gp) 15 Guards (600 gp)
Squire (200 gp)

Mines are unique in that the profit they generate depends less on the labor expended than on the quality
of the mining site.

Using medieval technology, a good miner can produce up to 600 lb of ore a day. The value of this ore
depends on its quality, what kind of ore it is, and how much it costs to refine it.

A vein of high-quality iron ore such as hematite can produce as much as 400 lb of iron from 600 lb of ore.
Although this quality of ore is rare, iron as a whole is not. Bog ore will still produce 6–12 lb of iron per

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600 lb of ore. The Romans mined ore in English bogs, despite the poor quality of ore, because it was still
cheaper and easier than shipping metal all the way from Rome. Viking farmers often mined and smelted
their own ore.

A rich vein of silver produces 1/3 lb of silver out of those 600 lb of raw ore (after extensive refining). Gold
and platinum can be mined at similar rates, but veins of these precious metals are much rarer.

In all cases, mining the ore is the easy part. Refining the ore requires at least four times as much labor and
consumes whole forests.

Good miners are hard to come by: they have to be strong, tough and brave. Slave mines are only
profitable if the slaves are cheap (such as criminals from the state or prisoners of war).

Mine Capital Operations Revenue

Iron, poor 2,250 gp 1,500 gp / year 2,000 gp / year
10 acres of bog (5 gp) 50 slaves (1,000 gp) 10 tons of iron
100 acres of forest (100 gp) 5 guards (200 gp)
50 picks, shovels and wheelbarrows (75 gp) Overseer (200 gp)
10 axes (50 gp) 10 replacement slaves (?)
50 slaves (?) Tool maintenance (100 gp)
50 manacles (250 gp)
500 ft of chain (750 gp)
A supply of whips (20 gp)
Barracks (1,000 gp)
Iron, average 350 gp 3,120 gp / year 4,000 gp / year
1 acre of mining rights (?) 50 serfs (3,000 gp) 20 tons of iron
200 acres of forest (200 gp) Engineer (120 gp)
50 picks, shovels and wheelbarrows (75 gp)
15 axes (75 gp)
Iron, rich 750 gp 6,200 gp / year 12,000 gp / year
1 acre of mining rights (?) 50 freemen (6,000 gp) 60 tons of iron
600 acres of forest (600 gp) Engineer (200 gp)
50 picks, shovels and wheelbarrows (75 gp)
15 axes (75 gp)
Silver 350 gp 3,400 gp / year 4,500 gp / year
1 acre of mining rights (?) 50 serfs (3,000 gp) 900 lb of silver
200 acres of forest (200 gp) 5 Guards (200 gp)
50 picks, shovels and wheelbarrows (75 gp) Engineer (200 gp)
15 axes (75 gp)
Gold 350 gp 7,000 gp / year 45,000 gp / year
1 acre of mining rights (?) 50 freemen (6,000 gp) 900 lb of gold
200 acres of forest (200 gp) 15 Guards (600 gp)
50 picks, shovels and wheelbarrows (75 gp) Squire (200 gp)
15 axes (75 gp) Engineer (200 gp)

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Bulk Goods

Hay is cheap, but animals require 2% of their weight per day. Barley is more expensive, but animals only
require 1% of their weight per day. Warhorses and such are often fed barley because it is easier to carry
and more nutritious.

Humans and other medium-sized humanoids require at least 2 lb of oats, rice, or wheat per day. This is a
miserable subsistence diet, and people will do almost anything to augment it.

Note that you must provide your own containers for these goods (except for bottled drinks).

Raw Food Cost Lbs. Intoxicants Cost Lbs.

Hay 1 cp 10 Tea (10 gal) 2 sp 1
Barley 1 cp 4 Beer (1 gal) 1 sp 8
Oats 1 cp 1 Ale (1 gal) 2 sp 8
Wheat 1 cp 1 Wine (1 gal) 4 sp 8
Rice 1 cp 1 Brandy (1 bottle) 1 gp 2
Flour 2 cp 1 Champagne (1 bottle) 10 gp 2
Vegetables 2 cp 1 Chewing tobacco 1 sp 1 oz
Fruits 5 cp 1 Smoking tobacco 2 sp 1 oz
Nuts 1 sp 1 Narrowleaf 5 sp 1 oz
Sugar 1 gp 1 Flower of the Poppy 1 gp 1 oz
Salt 1.5 gp 1
Cinnamon 5 gp 1
Cloves 10 gp 1 Livestock Cost Weight Meat
Pepper 15 gp 1 Chicken 5 cp 3 lb 2 lb
Milk (1 gal.) 2 cp 8 Rabbit 1 sp 2 lb 1 lb
Eggs (12) 2 cp 2 Goose 1 gp 15 lb 10 lb
Chicken 2 cp 1 Goat 2 gp 50 lb 30 lb
Goose 8 cp 1 Sheep 2 gp 150 lb 50 lb
Goat 3 cp 1 Pig 5 gp 250 lb 150 lb
Mutton 4 cp 1 Cow 25 gp 1,000 lb 500 lb
Pork 6 cp 1 Ox 50 gp 2,000 lb 1,000 lb
Beef 10 cp 1
Venison 12 cp 1
Fish 4 cp 1

Prepared Food Cost Lbs.

Sausage 4 cp 1
Honey 1 sp 1
Butter 2 cp 1
Cheese 4 cp 1
Bread 4 cp 1
Pastry 1 sp 0.1
Trail rations (1 day) 5 sp 1

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Metals Gems
Metal Cost per lb Coin Gem Color Cost per carat
Iron 0.1 gp 0.002 gp Jacinth Orange 10 gp
Lead 0.2 gp 0.004 gp Onyx Black 25 gp
Tin 0.3 gp 0.006 gp Ruby Red 500 gp
Brass or bronze 0.4 gp 0.008 gp Topaz Yellow 50 gp
Copper 0.5 gp 0.01 gp Emerald Green 750 gp
Silver 5 gp 0.1 gp Sapphire Blue 250 gp
Gold 50 gp 1 gp Pearl White 1 gp
Platinum 100 gp 2 gp Amethyst Purple 100 gp
Mithril 250 gp 5 gp Diamond Clear 1,000 gp
Adamantium 250 gp 5 gp
Materials Cost per yard Lbs.
Stone Color Cost per lb Burlap 1 cp ½
Carnelian Orange 10 gp Canvas 2.5 sp 1
Obsidian Black 1 gp Linen 1 gp ½
Sardonyx Red 5 gp Velvet 2.5 gp 1½
Amber Yellow 20 gp Fleece (raw wool) 5 sp 5
Jade Green 10 gp Wool 5 gp 1
Turquoise Blue 25 gp Lace 7.5 gp ½
Moonstone White 2 gp Silk 10 gp ¼
Garnet Purple 50 gp Brocade 30 gp 1
Quartz Clear 1 sp Light leather 3 sp 1
Heavy leather 12 sp 3
Precious materials Suede 2 gp 1
Rabbit fur 50 cp 2¼
Material Cost per lb
Fox fur 50 sp 4½
Marble 1 gp
Mink fur 50 gp 4½
Coral 10 gp
Bear or Lion hide 12.5 gp 12
Ivory 100 gp

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