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NEAN is the youngest country in the world as western civilisation only discovered
it 14 years ago. In that time the population has lived through a violent civil war and
has risen from 2 million to 13 million.

NEAN is an acronym: N=Nexus, E=Energem, A=Allandia, N=Necropolis. These

names represent each of the four tribes.

Our tribes are: Nexus, the extremely large jungle going tribe that are expert
craftsmen and consider themselves assassins, Energem, the hardy tribe that lives in
the northern mountains, and the most mysterious tribe, Necropolis, the warlike
tribe that is rumoured to live in a huge underground complex in the desert

Allandia is the last province, a huge metropolis to the north of the Nexus territory.
It is 975 km squared and nearly 85% urban and 13% suburban. This is considered
the country’s capital and is home to 11 million people.

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