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박데리아 없어요? – there are no bacteria?

박데리아 있지! 여기! - Of course there are bacteria. It’s here!

제가 남편이에요. – I’m your husband.

아이고 - Aigooo*sigh

왜 한숨을 - Why do you sigh?

제 첫인사은 어땠어요? – What was your first impression of me?

어떡해야 뒤지? - What should I do?

지금? - Right now?/Right now.

모르겠어요.. – I don’t know..

서현씨 피아노 잘 쳐요? - Is seohyun good at playing the piano?

네!잘 피세.. – yes she really is.

아니다 - Never mind..

나.. 뭐 잘놋한 가 있어? – did I do something wrong?

피아노 배운 적 있으세요? - Did you learn how to play piano?

어, 재웠어!. – Yeah I did.

재밌다 - This is fun..

불러 주세요! – Please sing

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