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"A Press Release, issued by NIAID contains a striking finding and conclusion: The 20 to 40
million deaths worldwide from the great 1918 Influenza (´Flu´) Pandemic were NOT due to
³flu´ or a virus, but to pneumonia caused by
massive bacterial infection." William Engdahl

(LONDON) - From Engdahl's work: Could the massive flu deaths of WWI have a
direct relationship to Gulf War Disease?
"One of the most terrifying images that has
been used by spokesmen for WHO, by the pharma industry and various beneficiaries of the
current ³swine flu´ panic is that of the 1918 ³Spanish Flu´ which is said to have resulted in more
deaths than all World War I. Was it really a flu? Broxmeyer is convinced as others that it

"Lawrence Broxmeyer believes that the 1918 pandemic was due to bacteria, particularly mutant
forms of flu-like fowl, swine, bovine, and human tuberculosis (TB) $ . ³These forms of
tuberculosis are often viral-like, mutate frequently and can ³skip´ from one species to another.
Moreover the antibodies from such viral TB forms react in the compliment fixation and later
³viral´ assays. They also grow on cultures which are supposed to grow only viruses,´ he notes.
[Emphasis added.]

The NIAID press release dovetails with first hand accounts - of many kinds of left over
(potentially spoiled) vaccines the pharmaceutical industry wanted to offload after WWI, being
forced on soldiers, as well as of aspirin use suppressing immunity and leading to pneumonias, as
detailed in Saying Goodbye to Fear of the 1918 Flu

"I heard that O     


 This was in an
army camp, so I wrote to the Government for verification. They sent me the report of U.S.
Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The report not only verified the report of the seven who
dropped dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war. That was
only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the soldiers. We can imagine the damage that all these shots
did to the men.

"All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic
say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had [seen]. Strong men, hale and hearty,
one day would be dead the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black death added to
typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been
vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Practically the entire population had been
injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases ² or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made
diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic."

Could such a conglomeration of 14-25 vaccines trigger what Broxmeyer suspects - "particularly
mutant forms of flu-like fowl, swine, bovine, and human tuberculosis (TB) bacteria"?

And if there were no virus that caused the 1918 "flu," then how could another pandemic - avian,
swine or otherwise - occur that is linked to the 1918 virus?

From an interview with German physician, Dr. Stephan Lanka, virologist:

"Dr Jeffery Taubenberger, from whom the allegation of a reconstruction of the 1918 pandemic
virus originates, works for the 'c ) and has worked for more than 10 years on
producing, on the basis of samples from different human corpses, short pieces of gene substance
by means of the biochemical multiplication technique PCR. Out of the multitude of produced
pieces he has selected those which came closest to the model of the genetic substance of the idea
of an influenza virus, and has published these.

"In no corpse however was a virus seen or isolated or was a piece of gene substance from a such
isolated. By means of the PCR technique there were produced out of nothing pieces of gene
substance whose earlier existence in the corpse could not be demonstrated.

"If viruses had been present, then these could have been isolated, and out of them their gene
substance could have been isolated too; there would have been no necessity for anyone to
produce laboriously, by means of PCR technique - with clearly a swindle intention - a patchwork
quilt of a model of the genetic substance of the idea of an influenza virus. ....

"In order to see through this swindle one only has to be able to add up the published length
pieces, in order to ascertain that the sum of the lengths of the individual pieces, which
supposedly makes up the entire viral gene substance of the purported influenza virus, does not
make up the length of the idea of the genome of the influenza virus model.

"Even simpler it is to ask in what publication you can find the electron microscope photo of this
supposedly reconstructed virus. There is no such publication."

In Is WHO covering up a tuberculosis epidemic with fake H1N1 panic?, William Engdahl

"Dr. Robert Donaldson, of the Pathological Society of Great Britain has concluded that there
wasn¶t ³the slightest shred of evidence´ that the 1918 disease was due to a ³virus´ or influenza.

"When questioned regarding the electron pictograph of H1N1 that the CDC recently came up
with on their website, ... German virologist Dr Stefan Lanka, an expert on the documentation of
viruses, attest[ed] to the fact that the H1N1 picture was bogus.
"The virologist wrote that he had ³written the CDC many times as to who made the H1N1
photo¶s and whether they where scientifically documented as to chemical characteristics and
other properties.´ There was never any reply.

"He concluded ³If CDC refuses to cite the source of the photos, they are fake.´ ... In conclusion,
without the isolation of the H1N1, there is no H1N1 infecting virus´ ...

³Even more bizarre is the admission by the US Government¶s Food and Drug Administration ...
that the µtest¶ approved for premature release to test for H1N1 is not even a proven test. "More to
the point ... there is no forensic evidence in any of the deaths reported to date that has been
presented that proves scientifically that any single death being attributed to H1N1 Swine Flu
virus was indeed caused by such a virus.´

The projection of a swine flu virus potentially killing millions world wide, rested on the 1918 flu
which was not caused by a flu (or virus). That was the terrorizing basis on which the WHO
urged new, untested H1N1 vaccines on the world.

The WHO and media suggested that the avian flu was a new deadly virus that, like the 1918 flu,
threatened a worldwide pandemic with millions of deaths. Professor Albert Osterhaus at the
WHO, nicknamed "Dr. Flu," the central figure internationally in promoting the idea of
pandemics that would kill millions, was exposed by Dutch media as having financial interests in
vaccine development.

From WHO µMr Flu¶ under investigation for gross conflict of interest by William Engdahl

"More careful investigation into the Osterhaus Affair suggests that the world-renowned Dutch
Virologist may be at the very center of a multi-billion Euro pandemic fraud which has used
human beings in effect as human guinea pigs with untested vaccines and in cases now emerging
resulting in deaths or severe bodily paralysis or injury." «."

In the following two sentences, Osterhaus builds to the idea of a deadly pandemic using one non-
fact after another and goes on from there to project its spread to Europe. In suggesting a deadly
threat to the entire world, he uses no facts. He does, though, include the words "indeed" and

« ifthe virus manages indeed to, to mutate itself (Indeed: "

in fact; in reality; in truth; truly (used for emphasis, toconfirm and amplify a previous stat
ement, to indicate aconcession or admission, or, interrogatively, to obtain confirmation.)

in such a way that it can transmit from human to human,

then we have a completely different situation, we might be at the start of the pandemic.´

" ... there is a  chance that this virus could be trafficked by the birds

all the way to Europe.

There is a  risk, ["Risk": " possibility of suffering harm or loss; uncertain danger"]

butnobody can estimate the risk at this moment,

because we haven't done the experiments.´ ....

Engdahl again:

"Osterhaus claimed that bird feces were the source, via air bombardment or droppings,
onto populations and birds below, of the spread of the deadly new Asian strain of H5N1.
There was only one problem with the now voluminous frozen samples of diverse bird
excrement he and his associated had collected and frozen at his institute. There was not
one single confirmed example of H5N1 virus found in any of his samples.


"Not only was Osterhaus in a key position to advocate the panic-inducing WHO
³Pandemic emergency´ declaration. He was also chairman of the leading private
European Scientific Working group on Influenza, which describes itself as a
³multidisciplinary group of key opinion leaders in influenza [that] aims to combat the
impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza.´ Osterhaus¶ ESWI is the vital link as they
themselves describe it ³between the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, the
Robert Koch Institute in Berlin and the University of Connecticut, USA.´

"What is more significant about the ESWI is that its work is entirely financed by the
same pharma mafia companies that make billions on the pandemic emergency as
governments around the world are compelled to buy and stockpile vaccines on
declaration of a WHO Pandemic. The funders of ESWI include H1N1 vaccine maker
Novartis, Tamiflu distributor, Hofmann-La Roche, Baxter Vaccines, MedImmune,
GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Pasteur and others.

"There were no mass deaths from Avian flu, but Roche and GSK made fortunes from sale
of anti-viral drugs.

Continuing from the interview with Dr. Lanka:

"The politicians and the media are taking it upon themselves to delude us into believing
everything, for instance, delude us into believing that migratory birds in Asia have been
infected with an extremely dangerous, deadly virus.

"These mortally diseased birds then keep flying for weeks on end. They fly thousands of
kilometres, and then in Rumania, in Turkey, Greece and elsewhere infect hens, geese or
other poultry, with which they have had no contact, and which within a very short time
get diseased and die.
"....Anyone who believes this will believe too that babies are brought by the stork. In fact
the larger part of people in Germany do believe in a danger from bird flu, don't they[?].

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"Since the late 19th centrury, diseases of poultry in mass animal farming have been
observed: Bluecolouring of the crest, decrease in egglaying performance, sagging of the
feathers, and sometimes these animals die too. These diseases were called bird pest.

"In present-day mass poultry farming, in particular when hens are being raised in cages,
many animals die each day as a result of species-alien animal farming. Later, these
consequences of the mass animal farming were no longer called bird pest, but bird flu.
Since decades back, we are experiencing that a transferable virus is being maintained as
the cause of this,   & &  . [Emphasis added.]

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"No! If one hen lies fewer eggs or gets a blue crest and that hen is tested H5N1-positive
too, then all the other hens are gassed. That is how there got to be those 100 million
apparently H5N1-killed hens.

The "bird flu" generated billions in profit to the pharmaceutical industry, while on the
animal side, it made and makes huge profits for agribusiness. (A true distinction between
these industries doesn't really exist since the pharmaceutical industry supplies animal
vaccines and drugs, GE-hormones, and antibiotics added to animal feed derived from
GMOs and pesticides they are involved in producing.

"If you look at this more closely, then you see behind it a several-decades-long strategy:
In the West, the big enterprises are cleaning ... up with this, because those animals which
have died "from the contagious disease" are being compensated for at the expense of the
general public, at the highest market price, while in Asia and everywhere where poultry
are being farmed successfully, the poultry market there is being destroyed maliciously
and on purpose under the leadership of the UN organization FAO.

"All big Western polutry farming enterprises, ... if the market price for poultry sinks, they
get an infectious disease diagnosed, so that they can get their animals sold at a higher
price than would be possible with normal farming, "taken care of" at the governmentally
guaranteed maximum price, and all the animals in one single batch too.

"To bring it to the common denominator: It's modern subvention ["grant of financial aid
as from a government ..."] scamming combined with paralysing scaremongering, which
as a secondary effect guarantees that nobody asks for proof.

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"There is only very little in the way of publicly available reports, describing what were
the symptoms and how these persons were then treated. These cases clearly point in one
direction: Persons with symptoms of a cold, who then had the bad luck to fall into the
hands of H5N1 hunters, were killed with enormous amounts of chemotherapy supposed
to restrain the phantom virus. Isolated in plastic tents, surrounded by madmen in space
suits, they died, in panicky fear, from multiple organ failures.

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"No! ....

"If you ask the picture agencies or a news agency such as the dpa from where they are
getting these photos of theirs, then they will refer you to the American contagious-disease
authority the CDC of the Pentagon. From this CDC it is that the only photo of the
purported H5N1 originates too."

The WHO and CDC are still urging H1N1 vaccines and flu vaccines (which contain the
H1N1 vaccine), based on fear it could kill as the 1918 virus did, and on the avian flu as
proof of deadly viruses leaping from animals to humans, able to strike at any
moment, potentially killing many millions - as the 1918 virus was supposed to have

But there is no evidence for a virus in any of those cases:

no evidence for a 1918 virus,

no evidence of a H5N1 virus bolstered by spurious photos from the CDC, and

no evidence of an H1N1 virus but fake photos and wildly false data from the

Based on almost a century of falsely believing the 1918 catastrophe was caused
by a virus when it was not, the world has been terrorized into believing it could
come back.

The bird and mammalian species took hold on the earth approximately 65 million
years ago, i.e. the same time as the dinosaurs went extinct. So did the flu and
other viruses of all the surviving species. Since then, all those viruses have been
mating and mutating among themselves without the sky caving in due to any
infection. Therefore, any talk of a bird or swine flu pandemic with the probability
to kill millions of people is either a purposeful or hallucinogenic nonsense to
make profit on the backs of the innocent following.

Shiv Chopra
microbiologist, veterinarian, Health Canada food safety and vaccine expert

Projected fear of the return of a non-existent 1918 virus, or on similar to it,

provided the ground for a pandemic emergency used to push the H1N1
vaccines globally.

Most people in the US avoided the H1N1 vaccines out of wariness, uncomfortable
that the pandemic felt suspicious (it was proved false by CBS News), that the
vaccines were untested yet the government, that WHO and CDC were ceaselessly
pushing of them and letting undemocratic, dangerous mandates for them go
through, that though the CDC admitted the vaccines would maim or kill 30,000
people the FDA was threatening health stores and sites that dared to mention any
alternative to vaccines.

Suspicion of the H1N1 vaccines proves to be well founded. There is conclusive

proof they contain a "preferred ingredient" chosen to achieve a specific harm.
The patent below exposes a formula for damaging the fertility of anyone taking
them and with the patent itself, an intent to do so. Millions and potentially
billions of people were slated to take this vaccine for a virus that rests on no
scientific proof and a pandemic that rests on extremely false data.

On the World Intellectual Property Organization, Ô Ô ÔÔ

 Ô  The University of Georgia Research
Foundation is listed as the patent applicant

In      of the patent application, Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80) is

listed as a preferred ingredient:

þIn a preferred embodiment the vaccine comprises oil, preferably a

biodegradable oil such as squalene oil, in an amount of about 2  to
about 1 , preferably about 8 to about 12 In preparing the vaccine
it is advantageous to combine a concentrated oily adjuvant composition
with an aqueous solution of the antigen, pZP glycoprotein Typically, the
vaccine is prepared using an adjuvant concentrate which contains lecithin
(about  to about 1  wt/vol, preferably about 12 wt/vol) and
STDCM (preferably about 2 mg/mL to about  mg/mL) in squalene oil
The term  wt/vol means grams per 1 mL of liquid The aqueous
solution containing the isolated pZP glycoprotein is typically a phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS) solution, and additionally preferably contains Tween
8 (about 2 vol/vol to about 8 vol/vol, preferably about 

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