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Alyssa Dekany

Reading Log 10

Caulkins Ch. 3&4

Using Supplies Independently
• During early minilessons we are teaching children how to act during this important time
• Make sure children value their writing tools that they are using
• Managing their supplies teaches children to take on the identity of being a writer as well
as preparing them for the tools of the trade that they will use later in life
• Efficiency is key for using time during the writing workshop
• Establish a writing workshop routine (p. 24)
• Connect student’s drawings with stories that the students will be writing in the writing
• Students should envision some kind of picture in their heads before they go off and write
• Teacher should confer with the student about their writing as well as having the students
turn and discuss with a partner
• Model difficulties that some children may face in the writing workshop
o Have the students give you advice on what to do to make the process easier
• It is important to prep the students for the share because it can be an important teaching
moment for the while class
• Do a follow up lesson on the same topic for the children who need more time drawing
complicated ideas

Connections: My cooperative teacher sticks to the same routine every time the class does a
writers workshop. They always draw a small story and then write next to the drawing what it is
about. She then talks to the students about their drawings and writing and then gives them time
to share with the class. She follows exactly what these chapters state to do.

How often should teachers do follow up lessons on the same topic? How long should writers
workshop last?

Chen Ch. 8
Writing Workshop

• During writing workshop, we create an environment where children are immersed in
beautiful literature and various genres that help them envision what they themselves
could do as writers (p. 115)
• Children need tools, time and expectations to practice their writing
• Writing development is a way of expressing meaning on paper
• Read alouds expose children to the English language and all levels of it
• Process model of writing: emphasis on teaching & learning involved as children create
piece of writing
o Includes the development of ideas, drafting, revising, editing, & publishing then
into the product
• *HUGE misconception about English language learners: if they haven’t developed
enough oral language they cannot write*
• Children should have a choice in what they want to write
• They should write for a variety of purposes & audiences
• Different genres of writing should be model for students so they can experience writing
in these different genres

• Writing workshop:
o Minilesson 5-12 mins
o Independent writing & conferring 20-30 mins
o Partner talk 5-10 mins
o Whole-group share 5 mins
• Pg. 130 figure 8-10 Possible minilessons for emergent & early writers
• Rules students should follow for a large-group share:
1. Look at the person who’s talking
2. Keep your hands still
3. Be very quiet
4. Listen carefully
5. Think of any questions you have

Connections: The students in my cooperative class are always given the choice of what to write
about. They are also given many examples to chose from in case they can not think of a topic on
their own. They write many varities of topics, such as “how to” or even just a story that has
happened to them.

Wonderings: When students are not cooperating in large group share, is it a good idea to split
the group into two and do two smaller large group shares? Sometimes classes can be too large
and students get too distracted or are not given enough chances to participate. When is it better to
do a group share than partner talk?

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