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Stress analysis of complete

Do not base your design decisions solely on the data presented in this report. Use this information in
conjunction with experimental data and practical experience. Field testing is mandatory to validate your
final design. Simulation helps you reduce your time-to-market by reducing but not eliminating field tests.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................2
List of Figures......................................................................................................................2
Model Information...............................................................................................................3
Study Properties...................................................................................................................3
Material Properties...............................................................................................................3
Loads and Restraints............................................................................................................4
Connector Definitions..........................................................................................................4
Mesh Information................................................................................................................4
Sensor Results......................................................................................................................5
Reaction Forces...................................................................................................................5
Free-Body Forces.................................................................................................................5
Bolt Forces...........................................................................................................................5
Pin Forces............................................................................................................................5
Study Results.......................................................................................................................5

List of Figures
complete-Study 3-Stress-Stress1.........................................................................................6
complete-Study 3-Displacement-Displacement1................................................................6
complete-Study 3-Strain-Strain1.........................................................................................7
complete-Study 3-Factor of Safety-Factor of Safety1.........................................................7
Summarize the FEM analysis on complete


Model Information
Document Name Configuration Document Path Date Modified
complete Default D:\PB\complete.SLDPRT Tue Apr 26 16:47:03

Study Properties
Study name Study 3
Analysis type Static
Mesh Type: Solid Mesh
Solver type FFEPlus
Inplane Effect: Off
Soft Spring: Off
Inertial Relief: Off
Thermal Effect: Input Temperature
Zero strain temperature 298.000000
Units Kelvin
Include fluid pressure effects from SolidWorks Off
Flow Simulation
Friction: Off
Ignore clearance for surface contact Off
Use Adaptive Method: Off

Unit system: SI
Length/Displacement mm
Temperature Kelvin
Angular velocity rad/s
Stress/Pressure N/m^2

Material Properties
No. Body Name Material Mass Volume
1 SolidBody 13CrMo44 1984.37 kg 0.252786 m^3

Material name: 13CrMo44

Material Source:
Material Model Type: Linear Elastic Isotropic
Default Failure Criterion: Max von Mises Stress
Application Data:

Property Name Value Units Value Type

Elastic modulus 2.1e+011 N/m^2 Constant
Poisson's ratio 0.28 NA Constant
Shear modulus 7.9e+010 N/m^2 Constant
Mass density 7850 kg/m^3 Constant
Tensile strength 4.4059e+008 N/m^2 Constant
Yield strength 2.8029e+008 N/m^2 Constant
Thermal expansion 1.1e-005 /Kelvin Constant
Thermal conductivity 14 W/(m.K) Constant
Specific heat 440 J/(kg.K) Constant

Loads and Restraints

Restraint name Selection set Description
Fixed-1 <complete> on 3 Face(s) fixed.

Load name Selection set Loading type Description
Pressure-1 <complete> on 1 Face(s) with Sequential Loading
Pressure 7 N/mm^2
(MPa) along direction
normal to selected face
Pressure-2 <complete> on 3 Face(s) with Sequential Loading
Pressure 6 N/mm^2
(MPa) along direction
normal to selected face
Temperature-1 on 4 Face(s) with Sequential Loading
<complete> temperature 33 Celsius

Connector Definitions
No Connectors were defined

Contact state: Touching faces - Free

Mesh Information
Mesh Type: Solid Mesh
Mesher Used: Standard mesh
Automatic Transition: Off
Smooth Surface: On
Jacobian Check: 4 Points
Element Size: 106.16 mm
Tolerance: 5.308 mm
Quality: High
Number of elements: 8049
Number of nodes: 16100
Time to complete mesh(hh;mm;ss): 00:00:04
Computer name: UNSRI-71AB7E070

Sensor Results
No data available.

Reaction Forces
Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant
Entire Body N -36.1318 401045 -172157 436435

Free-Body Forces
Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant
Entire Body N 66.7432 11.5723 -102.583 122.93

Free-body Moments
Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant
Entire Body N-m 0 0 0 1e-033

Bolt Forces
No data available.

Pin Forces
No data available.

No data available.

Study Results

Default Results
Name Type Min Location Max Location
Stress1 VON: von 1.04948e+007 (-147.979 mm, 1.65314e+008 (-36.9678 mm,
Mises Stress N/m^2 1800.04 mm, N/m^2 1655.17 mm,
Node: 14352 -155.905 mm) Node: 15289 -219.435 mm)
Displacement1 URES: 0 mm (-127.955 mm, 0.889978 mm (217.939 mm,
Resultant Node: 301 3900 mm, Node: 6771 2261.21 mm,
Displacement -3073.87 mm) 126.63 mm)
Strain1 ESTRN: 5.15989e-005 (-146.6 mm, 0.000692206 (-12.2222 mm,
Equivalent Element: 6234 1787.43 mm, Element: 3771 1649.9 mm,
Strain -190.957 mm) -237.486 mm)

complete-Study 3-Stress-Stress1

complete-Study 3-Displacement-Displacement1
complete-Study 3-Strain-Strain1

complete-Study 3-Factor of Safety-Factor of Safety1

Faktor keamanan ini dapat dihitung menggunakan  von Mises dan  yield rata-rata material
yang digunakan dalam perhitungan sebagai berikut:
Material yang digunakan 13CrMo44
 yield rata-rata = 2.8029e+008 N/m 2

Factor of safety (FOS) =  yield rata-rata

 von Mises

= 2.8029e+008 N/m^2

1.65314e+008 N/m^2

= 1,7
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa konstruksi system pipa uap ( Main Steam Pipe) di

Mass properties of selected Solid Bodies:

Output coordinate System: -- default --

Density = 0.00 grams per cubic millimeter

Mass = 252786.35 grams

Volume = 252786349.47 cubic millimeters

Surface area = 28174989.65 millimeters^2

Center of mass: ( millimeters )

X = -0.10
Y = 2835.73
Z = -576.57

Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass.
Ix = (-0.00, 0.99, 0.17) Px = 294157134337.57
Iy = (0.00, -0.17, 0.99) Py = 652014191112.64
Iz = (1.00, 0.00, -0.00) Pz = 933709611000.46

Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )

Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system.
Lxx = 933709609751.72 Lxy = -27981848.82 Lxz = -1547295.96
Lyx = -27981848.82 Lyy = 304490401949.05 Lyz = 59925419431.77
Lzx = -1547295.96 Lzy = 59925419431.77 Lzz = 641680924749.89

Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )

Taken at the output coordinate system.
Ixx = 3050499235513.22 Ixy = -103103063.73 Ixz = 13726646.79
Iyx = -103103063.73 Iyy = 388525751162.75 Iyz = -353382226378.74
Izx = 13726646.79 Izy = -353382226378.74 Izz = 2674435206849.96

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