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Name: _______________________________

Glogster Rubric

Component Excellent Good Fair Total Comments

Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates Does not
Glogster exceptional a good under- appear to
understanding of standing of have learned
Glogster and Glogster. much about
how to use it. Glogster.
Backgrounds Wall choice is Good wall Wall choices
excellent; choice, mostly make it
improves readable. difficult to
readability. read info.
Titles Titles are large Most titles Many errors
enough to be are error- and missing
read from afar free. titles.
and are on a
single line.
Elements All of the Most of the Required
required required elements &
elements & elements & information
information are information are missing
included. are included. throughout.
Images Required Most graphics Graphics are
graphics are are included, missing, too
included, relevant & are small,
relevant & are not distorted. irrelevant, or
not distorted. distorted.
Organization Elements are Elements are No clear or
well organized, mostly logical
clearly titled, organized, organization
and grouped. titled, of elements.
Attractiveness Good design and Fairly Poorly
color choices, attractive designed,
very neat. design, colors, distracting
and neat. colors,
Grammar No grammatical Few Grammatical
errors. grammatical errors are
errors. present
Spelling & No spelling, Few spelling & Spelling &
Mechanics capitalization, or mechanical mechanical
punctuation errors. errors are
errors. present

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