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Browser Testing

- Ganesa Raman
 Introduction
 User Interface
 Method of Testing
 Browser & OS Statistics
 Miscellaneous
 Q&A
 Definition of Browser
• A program that lets to surf the web

 Definition of Browser testing

• Browser testing is the process of testing a web site not only in different web browsers
such as Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer, but also in different versions of each
browser and on different operating systems.
• For example, a web site viewed in Internet Explorer 6 running on Windows XP may
behave differently to a web site running on Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP or
Windows Vista.
• The aim of the testing is to ensure the web site looks and behaves as expected
• Navigation
– Does all links work as expected
• Form filling
– Forms are the text boxes, list boxes, and other fields for entering and selecting
information on the web page.
– Are the form fields positioned properly?
– Are the fields the correct size?
– Do they accept correct data?
– Do they reject bad data?
– Are optional fields really optional?
• Browser back button
• Logging in to secure areas
• Sessions or cookies
• Bookmarking (i.e. when content is bookmarked, does it return
to the same content exactly without requiring any further
• Typeface
– Verify for font, size
• Compatability
– Cross Browser Testing (IE , FireFox)
• Security
– As more and more vital data is stored in web applications and the number of
transactions on the web increases, proper security testing of web applications
is becoming very important. Security testing is the process that determines
that confidential data stays confidential (i.e. it is not exposed to individuals/
entities for which it is not meant) and users can perform only those tasks that
they are authorized to perform
• Browser setting
• More on cookies
– What is Cookie?
• Cookie is small information stored in text file on user’s hard drive by web
server. This information is later used by web browser to retrieve
information from that machine. Generally cookie contains personalized
user data or information that is used to communicate between different
web pages.
– Why Cookies are used?
• Cookies are nothing but the user’s identity and used to track where the
user navigated throughout the web site pages.
• More on Browser Settings
– Browser setting are the option for customizing your browser.
– This also includes how the user wants to receive the information from
the web
• Ex:
– Do you want your browser to open the tabs you had open the last time you
were on the Internet.
– Where do you want your downloads to be saved to when downloading files
off the Internet.
– Do You want to load pages automatically?
– Do you wish to block pop-up windows?
Method of Testing

• Manual Testing
• Automated Testing – if Silk supports different browsers
Browser & OS Statistics
• Overall averaging of stats from multiple sources show these
global usage shares:
– IE - 44%
– Firefox - 30%
– Chrome - 14%
– Safari - 6%
– Opera - 3%
– Other Mobile Browser - 4%
• Primarily IE & Firefox are the common browsers used all over
the world and Windows XP and Windows 7 are the most
common OS used.
Widely used Browsers
Widely used OS
• Some of the features may not be supported in all browser
compatibility. For Ex. Feature ‘A’ might support in FireFox but
not in IE
• Issues during browser testing includes – network
disconnection, crash, etc…

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