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nahi EET EET ENGINEERING SOCIETIES MONOGRAPHS Tasos H, Pasus, Coming Bir BUCKLING STRENGTH OF METAL STRUCTURES ‘ENGINEERING SOCIETIES MONOGRAPHS Bakhmetstt: Hydreutics of Open Channels Bleich: Buckling Strongth of etal Structures Crandall: Engincoring Analysis Elevators: Hydroule Energy Dissipetors Leontovich: Pranes and Arches Nadi: Pheory of Flow and Fracture of Slide Mmosbenko and Gere: Theory of Haste tablty omoshenko and Goodier: Theory of Elastin ‘Pochenko and Woinowsy-KErieger: Theory of Plate ond Selle Esa pte tte ame end Sey Sf atnite Metallarsea aad Sekhar ae Of Chet Bogner, tue ‘Behe, aay ot Mechanic Pagina faethe sin id the American Ihatitate of ent wilh ae aigwmsit bat ca Coe ihe roses See 7h prone hy 2 et ‘Sireric noe saat ek inten Siar fanaa eo ‘Bebo te nue emery ewan fe SR Ter seicacrtcgey mete es she i tM grate ae nt ae sBenaspc Pst compete Yo eipre on ah ae ae Ri Pree oes -NGINESHING SocrETiBS MONOGRAPHS coMMTERE ALE 5.38, Cava 8 onan aymone adi ALEE Alou, © BUCKLING STRENGTH | OF METAL STRUCTURES By FRIEDRICH BLEICH ate Conling agi With the Collaboration of Commender Lyle B. Romsey, USN Bait by Hons H. Bleich Ania Profs of Cit Begining, Counbia Uniserty MGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. 182 ime 2 AOC - - ote 287 /e5, BUCKLING STRENGTH OF METAL STRUCTURES ‘Conrihs, 1962 bythe Unto Reginwing Tree, Ise ge Trou ne Print iathe Bale iio Amelie rene Toy opt her, erode in any form witout pation of he pubs, ‘racy of Congress Catalog Card Naber: 81-19586 ol FOREWORD a ‘For many years naval architeots and engineers, who have worked on ship design, have urgently needed dependable date on the behavior of fabricated steel strucbure under eompression loading. To obtain perti- peat information and assemble it in s sige publication, the Buren of ‘Ships, through the David Taylor Model Basin and Frankland and Lien- hard, Consulting Engineers of New York, hes sponsored this excellent twork by Dr. Friedrich Bleich, Dr. Bleich, with the cooperation of the Column Research Council, has assembled all available data on this Subject, hes appraised it and selected the moet wteful and applioable ‘methods of analysis for inclusion inthis book, and has supplemented this trork by gestions and recommendations of membors ofthe staff ofthe David Taylor Model Besin and the Bureau of Ships to provide this up- fovdate treatise on the bucking strength of metal structures. To make this work available to all who may have need for it, the Bureau of Ships tf the Navy Department releases this work fr publication in cooperation ‘vith the Engineering Foundation, the Column Research Council, and the Engineering Societies Monographe Committe. €.0. Kun ‘Roar Admiral, USN Commanding Officer and Diostor David Taylor Model Basin

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