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DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys

Rabbi Cooper

10th Grade Halacha

Review of ‫ צובע‬- ‫גוזז – מלבן – מנפץ‬

 Order of Making Curtains- - ‫דבגדים סידורא‬

I) ‫ – גוזז‬shearing – when was it done in the mishkan?
A) When is it ‫ אסור דאורייתא‬or ‫?דרבנן‬
(1) Pulling out hair with your hands – ‫ – אסור מדרבן‬why? ‫שינוי‬
B) Tearing fur off a coat
C) Hair maintenance on Shabbos – how?
(1) Brush vs. Comb
(2) R’ Moshe Feinstein – 3 Conditions for Haircare
(a) Can you use your hands?
(3) Can you remove a bandaid from your arm? Your hand? My hand?
(a) How should I?
(4) Is biting nails on Shabbos ok? Why?
(5) Is biting the skin on my lips ok? Why?
(6) Is picking my noise while removing hair ok? Why?
(7) Is picking a scab on shabbos ok (if you won’t bleed)? Why?
(8) Is pulling feathers off a live chicken ok?
(9) Is pulling feathers off a cooked chicken ok? Why? What’s the difference?
(10) Can I remove gum from my hair?
(11) How can I remove splinters? (Assuming I won’t draw blood)
(12) Dandruff
II) ‫ – מלבן‬literally bleaching – when was it done in the mishkan? Why?
A) ‫ – תולדה – כיבוס‬definition - laundering – which is ‫אסור דאורייתא‬
B) Definition of ‫ – כיבוס‬removing dirt somewhat absorbed (embedded) in fabric
a) Which materials are exempt from violating ‫?מלבן‬
(1) Why is it ok to wash dishes (in the permissible way –‫ שבת‬sponges) on
C) 4 Types of “dirt” and chosen methods of cleaning will determine whether you are
allowed to do the act on shabbos or not {see notes}
D) Clarification – There are three different methods of laundering that are each
individually prohibited ‫מדאורייתא‬. They are: ‫ שפשוף‬,‫שרייה‬, and ‫סחיטה‬.
a) ‫ – שרייה‬Soaking
(1) Which materials are exempt from the prohibition of ‫?שרייה‬
(a) Can you pour water to clean your rubber soles of your shoes? What if
they are leather soles? What if there is threads stitching on the sole?
(b) What about paper towels? (‫)אגר"מ‬
(c) What about soaking in dirty liquid? (‫)דרך לכלוך‬
(d) Can I dry my hands on a towel? Why or why not? Does everyone
agree? {‫}מחבר‬
DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys
Rabbi Cooper

10th Grade Halacha

(e) What problem(s) may one incur if they are drying dishes? What if
they are drying wine glasses?
(f) Can you wipe your hands if there is minimal liquid? Tablecloth?
(g) Someone who urinated on a pair of your pants – so you cannot bentch
– what can you do?
(h) Should I use a white cloth napkin to wipe up a wine spill? Why or
why not?
(i) Can I use clothing to wipe a water spill? Can I use a towel? Why or
why not?
(j) How do I clean up a spill? Order of operations – size of spill –
colored liquid or not – mop – towel – paper towel - # of towels
b) ‫ – שפשוף‬Scrubbing
(1) How can you treat leather that got a stain? Can you scrub it? What if you
wet it?
c) ‫ – סחיטה‬Wringing/squeezing
(1) How wet does something have to be to be a problem of ‫?סחיטה‬
(2) What is the difference between the prohibition of ‫ סחיטה‬of ‫ דש‬and ‫מלבן‬
(a) Know them well
(b) Sucking shirt for juice and cleaning is a violation of…
E) Removing dust from garments
a) NOTE THE DIFFERENCE: Washing fabric with water is forbidden even if
the fabric is only slightly dirty (even clean fabric one should not soak) By
contrast dusting is only forbidden if the garment is significantly dirty (‫)מקפיד‬.
Your general attitude “would I wear this dusty clothing on a weekday”
determines whether you are allowed to remove it or not
b) Even when it is permissible to dust (slightly dusty) you cannot use a brush,
shake it vigorously, or rub it. You can brush it lightly with your hand, dry
cloth, or shake the clothing lightly.
F) Removing dirt if it will leave a stain
a) Moist vs. Dry – ‫ טוחן‬vs. ‫מלבן‬
b) Can I use water to remove a stain? Seltzer?
c) Removing a stain (ex. mud) without water?
d) What if it is still partially dirty and I didn’t totally clean the stain?
(1) Note: If moist and will still leave a stain then you are permitted to remove
the dirt (cake etc) as long as you use one of the following methods
(a) Scrape dirt with fingernail
(b) Scrape it off with the back of a knife or spoon
(c) Wiping it off gently with a dry cloth
(d) Rubbing the reverse side of a garment until the dirt falls off
(2) Note: If the dirt dried up (but will still leave a stain) then the problem is
no longer one of ‫ מלבן‬rather is a problem of ‫טוחן‬
DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys
Rabbi Cooper

10th Grade Halacha

(a) Can I scrape mashed potatoes off my suit?

(i) ‫אין טוחן אחר טוחן‬
(b) Can I scrape off chulent off my suit?
(c) Can I scrape up eggs off my suit?
(i) ‫אין טוחן אלא בגידולי קרקע‬
(3) Not on test: Case of necessity one can ask a non-Jew to remove any dirt as
long as it will still leave a stain
G) Cleaning Carpets
a) Removing dirt or dust from a carpet
(1) Crumbs or food – not embedded – what can you do?
(2) Small amount of dust or dirt – can you sweep it out? Or does it depend?
On what?
(3) Can you prevent a stain from setting by pouring some liquid on the carpet?
b) Moist Food or Dirt
(1) What if the dirt will leave a stain after you scratch off the cake?
(2) Can you ever rub the carpet vigorously? Why or why not?
(3) What if it is mashed potatoes stuck to your carpet? Can you scrape it off?
c) Carpet Sweeper – manual
(1) 3 potential issues – ‫ עובדא דחול‬,‫ קורע‬,‫ – מלבן‬explain.
(2) Can you ask a non- Jew to use the sweeper?
H) What if your clothing got wet in a rainstorm/snow storm?
a) Can I wring out my wet socks? Can I shake out my coat? Can I shake off the
snow from my hat?
b) Where can you hang it up? Where can’t I?
c) Is wet clothing muktzah? Yes, but you can continue to wear it – you can even
continue to wear it provided that you have no suitable replacement. But if you
have other pairs of socks you shouldn’t keep moving them around after you
take them off put them somewhere and leave them there.
d) Am I allowed to continue walking in my wet socks? Why or why not?
{Similar Q – walking on wet carpet after carpet cleaner came}
(1) Can I put my wet clothing near the heater, oven, urn to help get rid of the
water? If the water can get to 110 – ‫ יד סולדת בו‬degrees then you are
violating ‫ בישול‬as well as ‫ – מלבן‬since heat helps the cleaning process.
e) Hanging Clothing in Laundry Room or Bathroom
(1) ‫ – מערת עין‬looks like you are did the laundry (if the place your clothing was
hanged is where you normally hang up your drying laundry)
(2) Exceptions – dry clean old clothing – adult rain coat vs kids coats? Is
there a difference where I can hang them up?
(a) Walking on the side of a swimming pool where there is danger of you
falling in is a problem because of potential ‫ – שרייה – רמ"א‬walking
along creek to shul – ‫ערוך השולחן‬
DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys
Rabbi Cooper

10th Grade Halacha

I) Can you make a wet compress? If so how?

a) 3 Options – possible 4rth?
J) Can you fold clothing on the creases?
a) ‫טלית‬
b) Pants
c) Blanket
III) ‫ – מנפץ‬Combing
A) Possible Applications –
a) Combing a shaitel – (many poskim say it is ‫)מותר‬
b) Unraveling ‫ציצית‬
IV) ‫ צובע‬- dyeing
A) When was it used in the mishkan?
B) 3 Levels
a) ‫ מתקיים‬- Permanent – ‫אסור דאורייתא‬
b) ‫ אינו מתקיים‬- Temporary – ‫אסור דרבנן‬
c) Very Brief – ‫מותר‬
(1) Painting a house - ‫אסור דאורייתא‬
(2) Children’s spoon that changes color in food & makeup - ‫אסור דרבנן‬
(3) Photo-gray lenses – ‫מותר‬
(a) Other reasons why these lenses are permissible
(i) Regular function – similar to door not called Boneh
(ii) Not called coloring since the color is continuously dependent on
the exposure to the sun.
(iii) It is indirect coloring by the sun/going indoors
(iv)The purpose of the lense is to darken the shade of the glass not to
color it.
1.  - Also says it is ‫ – מותר‬some of the
reasons overlap
a.  -  +  = 
b. Not like the 
c. Not 
d) There is no ‫ אסור‬of ‫ צובע‬of removing color
e) Coloring food
(1) ‫ – אין צובע באוכלין‬foods are exempt from the prohibition of ‫ צובע‬as food is
essentially meant for eating for aesthetic value. However, if something is
being added exclusively to enhance the color (food coloring) but not also
for flavor then the act is ‫ אסור‬as it is called ‫צובע‬. If it is also enhancing the
flavor (coffee, tea, chocolate syrup) as well as changing the color it is
DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys
Rabbi Cooper

10th Grade Halacha

(2) ‫ יש צובע באוכלין – שער ציון‬brings the strict opinion brought in the Poskim –
(it is not brought in the Rishonim at all) suggest first put in chocolate
powder or tea essence not to color the liquid
f) Makeup – is it ever permissible?
(1)  - Even if it is colored powder can be- . (Unless it
is oil based b/c then it will stick to the skin).
(a)  - “Shain Dee Cosmetics” -  to use with four
(i) Face must be dry
(ii) Must have the powder already “scraped” before 
(iii) Only with a brush
(iv)Can not mix the colors
(b)  - Argues with R’ Moshe, since she is
intending for coloring her face - even though it is brief - it can not be
(c) Conclusion
(i)  - Apply 24 hour makeup from before 
(ii)  - May be room to be ‫ מקיל‬with this special makeup
and special conditions (will not help for lipstick and most other
non-powder forms of makeup) and not everyone does this.
V) ‫ – טווה‬Spinning – fibers into threads
A) Practical application –
a) Spinning tzitzis strings that unraveled
b) Taking a cotton ball and making it into a wick

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