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A term to describe especially bright people (aka: savants) with a slow

development of speech. These people are initially categorised as

autistic children. However, it was only after much later that they are

actually geniuses.

These people some commonalities like:

Family Pattern

Close relatives in analytical occupation (engineer, scientist,

mathematician) * (accounting and pharmacy)

Close relatives who are musicians, sometimes professionally

Close Relatives Who talked late (unknown)

Parents have high education level (59% four years of college)* (one)

Individual Pattern

Majority are boys*

High IQ*

High analytical and/or musical abilities*

Extremely good memory (to photographic)*

Unusual concentration and absorption in what they are doing*

Highly selective interests with achievement in some areas and

ineptness in others*
Precocious ability to read and/or use numbers and/or use computers*

Late in socializing with their peers*

Delayed Speech Development (Two years and up for full sentences)


27 % of boys dislike meeting new people*

Late in being toilet trained (unknown)

Fascinated with mechanical things*

Like building things*

Like putting puzzles together*


An example will be fellow savant Kim Peek.

Some interesting facts about him:

 Able to memorize at age of 16-20

 He can remember almost everything that he had just read in an hour

 Able to read very fast

 Able to calculate very fast

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