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Volume SomaliCAN

III 700 Morse Road,

Edition Suite 101
4 Columbus, Ohio

April 2011 OUTREACH 43214

A monthly publication of the Somali Community Access Network (SomaliCAN)

In this issue! Qormooyinka!

New Membership: Ohio Developmental Xubinnimo Hor Leh: Ohio Developmental
Disabilities Council: …………………..……… 1 Disabilities Council: …………………..….... 1

Disaster Preparedness: Tsunamis:……….…2-3 U Diyaarsanaanta Musiibo: Sunaami……2-3

Presidential Proclamation for World Autism Bayaanka Madaxweynaha ee Maalinka Ka

Awareness Day 2011: ……………………….…4 Warqabka Qotomiska Dunida 2011:..………4
Xafladaha: ………………………….……….. 5
Events: ……………………………..………..….5
Adeegyada Jaaliyadda: …………………...…6
Community Resources: ……………..………….6
Fursadda Shaqo ee Bishan: ………………….7
Job Opportunity of the Month: ………………..7
Qorshaha ODDC ee Gobolka: …..…………..8
ODDC State Plan: ………………………………8

ODDC: New Memberships

ODD Council Seeks Applicants for Membership DD Council oo Raadinaya Araaji Xubinnimo
***Applications due by May 31, 2011*** ***Araajida waxaa la rabaa Maajo 31, 2011***

Forms must be completed and returned to the Foomamka waa in la buuxshaa oo xafiiska lagu soo
office by May 31, 2011. Applications may be ceshaa Maajo 31, 2011. Arjiyada waxaa lagu codsan
requested: karaa:

 By mail: ODDC, 899 East Broad Street,  Boostada: ODDC, 899 East Broad Street, Suite
Suite 203 , Columbus , Ohio 43205 203 , Columbus , Ohio 43205
 By phone: (614) 466-5205 or toll-free  Telefoon: (614) 466-5205 ama khad-bilaash
(800) 766-7426. If you are leaving a (800) 766-7426. Haddaad farriin dhaafaysid,
message, please spell out your name, and fadlan higgaadi magacaaga, bixina
give your address including zip code, and cinwaankaaga oo ku jiro sib koodhka iyo
phone number lambarka tilifoonka

By email contact: Email kula xiriir:

SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter Funded By: Published By: 1


Disaster Preparedness: U Diyaarsanaanta Musiibada:


Tsunamis are ocean waves that are produced by Sunaamiyada waa hirar badweynta ka yimaada oo ay
earthquakes or underwater landslides. The word abuuraan dhulgariirro ama dhulgo’yo ka dhaca dhulka
is Japanese and means “harbor wave,” because hoostiisa. Eraygu waa eray Jabbaan ka yimid oo
of the devastating effects that these waves have micnihiisu yahay “hir marseed/dekadeed” waxaana
sidaa loo yiri saamaynta kharribaadda ah ee ay hirarkani
had on low-lying Japanese coastal communities.
ku yeeshaan bulshooyinka xeebaha sheebaha ah
Tsunamis are often incorrectly referred to as tidal deggan ee reer Jabbaan. Sunaamiyada waxaa inta
waves. badan si khaldan loogu yeeraa hirkacyo.
Tsunamis, which pose the greatest risk to areas Sunaamiyada, oo khatarta ugu weyn ku ah aagagga ka
less than 25 feet above sea level and within one yar 25 fiit oo heerka badda ka hooseeya, oo kuna yaalla
mile of the shoreline, can cause: meel hal mayl u jirta hiriqa xeebta ayaa waxay sababi
 Flooding. karaan:
 Contamination of drinking water.  Daadad dhaca.
 Fires from ruptured tanks or gas lines.  Biyaha la cabbo oo sumooba.
 Loss of vital community infrastructure.  Dab ka dhasha haamaha iyo tuubbooyinka gaaska
Most deaths caused by tsunamis result from oo dillaaca.
drowning  Lumidda kaabe bulsho oo wax-ku-ool ah.
Since 1945, six tsunamis have killed more than Geerida ugu badan ee ay sababaan sunaamiyada
waxay ka imaadaan biyo ku bakhtiyid.
350 people and caused 500 million dollars worth
Ilaa iyo 1945, lix sunaami ayaa Hawaii, Alaska, iyo
of property damage in Hawaii, Alaska, and the Xeebta Galbeed ku diley in ka badan 350 qof oo
West Coast. Twenty-four tsunamis have caused sababayna lumidda hanti u dhiganta 500 oo milyan.
damage in the United States and its territories Afar iyo labaatan sunaami ayaa burbur ka geystay
during the past 224 years. Maraykanka iyo dhulalkiisa intii lagu jirey 224tii
Tsunamis can travel upstream in coastal sanadood oo ina dhaaftay.
estuaries and rivers, with damaging waves Sunaamiyada waxay farraqyo xeebeedyada iyo
extending farther inland than the immediate webiyada ugu socon karaan si lid-hireed (qulqulka ka
coast. A tsunami can occur during any season hor imanaya) ah iyagoo wata hirar wax burburiya oo ugu
of the year and at any time, day or night. sii fidaya dhinaca duurka si ka badan docaha xeebta.
The first wave of a tsunami is usually not the Sunaami waxay dhici kartaa xilli kasta oo sanadka ka
mid ah iyo waqti kasta, habeen ama maalin.
largest in a series of waves, nor is it the most
Hirka ugu horreeya ee sunaamidu inta badan maaha
significant. One coastal community may kan ugu ballaaran hirarka is-xigxiga mana aha kan ugu
experience no damaging waves, while another, saamayn badan. Hal bulsho oo xeeb deggen ayaanay
not far away, may experience destructive deadly hirarku wax u dhimi karayn, meesha ay mid kale oo aan
waves. Depending on a number of factors, sidaa uga fogeyn la kulmi karto hirar geeri iyo burburba
some low-lying areas could experience severe keenaan. Iyadoo ku xiran saameeyeyaal badan, qaar ka
inland inundation of water and debris of more mid ah meelaha ku yaal sheebaha ayaa la kulmi kara
than 1,000 feet. biyo badan oo berriga ku qarqiya iyo qashin uu
jooggoodu gaaro in ka badan 1,000 fiit.
Do the following to prepare for a tsunamis:
 Samee waxyaabaha soo socda si aad ugu diyaar-
 Know the risk for tsunamis in the area. Know garowdo sunaamida:
Ogow khatarta sunaami ee aagga. Ogow dhererka
the height of your street above sea level and
jidka aad degan tahay ee ka sarrayntiisa heerka
the distance of your street from the coast or badda iyo fogaanta uu jidkaasu u jiro xeebta iyo
other high-risk waters. Evacuation orders biyaha kale ee halista sare leh. Amarrada guuridda
may be based on these numbers. ayaa ku salaysnaan kara cabbirradaas.
Continued~Page 3. Eeg Bogga 3aad.
SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter Funded By: Published By: 2

… Tsunamis…From Page 2 … Sunaamida… Ka yimid bog 2

If you are visiting an area at risk from Haddii aad booqanaysid carro ugu jirta halis
tsunamis, check with the hotel, motel, or sunaamida, weydii shaqaalaha huteelka, muteelka,
campground operators for evacuation iyo kaamka xogta daad-guraynta.
 Qorshee oo ku tababbaro wadiiqooyinka lagu
Plan and practice evacuation routes. If baxo. Hadday suuroggal tahay, dooro meel boqol
fiit am aka badan ka sarraysa heerka badda, ama
possible, pick an area 100 feet or more above
ugu yaraan laba mayl gudaha berriga oo ka fog
sea level, or go at least two miles inland, away hiriqa xeebta u bax. Waa in aad meesha aad ku
from the coastline. You should be able to reach bedbaadayso ku gaari kartid 15 daqiiqo oo lugayn
your safe location on foot within 15 minutes. Be ah. Awood u yeelo in aad qaadi kartid marinkaaga
able to follow your escape route at night and fakashada habeenkii iyo cimilo kacsan markii lagu
during inclement weather. jiraba.
 Discuss tsunamis with your family.
Discussing tsunamis ahead of time will help  Qoyskaaga kala sheekayso sunaamida. Kala
reduce fear and anxiety and let everyone sheekaysiga qoyskaaga sunaamiyada iyadoonay
know how to respond. Review flood safety dhicin waxay yarayn doontaa cabsida iyo
and preparedness measures with your walbahaarka waxaanu qof kasta awoodi doonaa in
uu sameeyo waxa ku habboon. La muraajicee
nabdoonaanta iyo u diyaarsanaanta daadadka
 Talk to your insurance agent. Homeowners’  La hadal wakiilkaaga caymiska. Caymiska
policies do not cover flooding from a Mulkiile-guri (Homeowners’ policies) ma daboolaan
tsunami. Ask your agent about the National daadadka sunaamida. Wax ka weydii wakiilkaaga
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). caymis Barnaamijka Caymiska Daadadka ee
Qaranka (National Flood Insurance Program:
Use a NOAA Weather Radio with a tone-alert NFIP).
feature to keep you informed of local watches
and warnings.  Isticmaal raadiyaha cimilada ee NOAA oo leh qayb
Ways to protect property: digta markay wax dhacaan si aad uga warhayso
dhawridda iyo digniinaha maxalliga ah.
 Avoid building or living in buildings within
 Dariiqooyinka lagu ilaashado hantida:
several hundred feet of the coastline. These
 Iska ilaali dhisashada ama ku noolaashada
areas are most likely to experience damage dhismayaasha dhawr boqol ee fiid u jira hiriqa
form tsunamis, strong winds, or coastal xeebta. Aagaggaasi waxay u badan yihiin in ay
storms. dumitaan kala kulmaan sunaamiyada, dabaylaha
xooggan, iyo duufaan xeebaadyada.
 Elevate coastal homes. Most tsunami
waves are less than 10 feet high.  Sare u qaad guryaha xeebta. Inta badan hirarka
sunaami way ka gaaban yihiin 10 fiit.
 Follow flood preparedness precautions.
Many of the precautions that are appropriate  Raac taxaddarrada diyaarsiga cuntada. In badan
for floods are also appropriate for tsunamis. oo ka mid ah taxaddarrada u habboon daadadka
ayaa iyagana u habboon sunaamiyada.
 Consult with a professional for advice about
 Kala tasho xirfadle oo ka hel talada dariiqooyinka
ways to make your home more resistant to aad gurigaaga uga dhigi karto mid biyaha iyo
tsunami and water. Also, there may be sunaamidaba iska caabbin kara. Waxaa kaloo jira
ways to divert waves away from your dariiqooyin gurigaaga looga weecin karo hirarka.
SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter Funded By: Published By: 3

Presidential Proclamation: Bayaan Madaxweyne

World Autism Awareness Day 20 Maalinta Ka WarhayntaQottomiska Dunida 2011



With autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) A PROCLAMATION

affecting nearly one percent of children in [BAYAAN]
the United States, autism is an urgent public
health issue with a profound impact on Iyadoo cudurka qotomiska ee “spectrum disorders (ASDs)” uu
millions of Americans. World Autism aafaynayo ku dhawaad boqolkiiba mid ka mid ah carruurta
Awareness Day is an opportunity to Maraykanka, qotomisku waa qaddiyad degdeg wax uga qabasho
recognize the contributions of individuals mudan oo caafimaad oo saamayn qoto dheer ku leh malaayiin
with ASDs and rededicate ourselves to the Maraykan ah. Maalinta Wargashanaanta Qotomiska ee Adduunku
cause of understanding and responding to waa fursad lagu aqoonsado waxtarkii ay shaqsiyaadka ADSs qaba ay
autism. la yimaadeen oo aannu dib ugu garab istaagno dedaalka loogu jiro
fahmidda iyo wax ka qabashada qotomiska
OBAMA, President of the United States of HAATAN, SIDAA DARTEED, ANIGA OO AH BARACK
America, by virtue of the authority vested OBAMA, oo ah Madaxweynaha Maraykanka oo isticmaalaya
in me by the Constitution and the laws of awoodda Qaanuunka iyo Sharciga Maraykanka oo la ii igmaday,
the United States, do hereby proclaim April ayaa waxaan bisha Abriil 2deeda ugu wanqalayaa Abriil 2deeda ee
2 of each year as World Autism Awareness sanad kasta in ay tahay Maalinta Wargashanaanta Qotomiska ee
Day. I call upon the people of the United Adduunka. Waxaan dadka Maraykanka oo dhan ugu yeerayaa in ay
States to learn more about autism and what wax badan ka bartaan qotomiska wixii ay awoodaanna ay ka qabtaan
they can do to support individuals on the si ay u caawiyaan shaqsiyaadka la il-daran jeegaanta qotomiska iyo
autism spectrum and their families. I qoysaskoodaba. Waxaan dadka Maraykanka ah oo dhan ku
encourage all Americans to visit dhiirriggelinayaa in ay booqdaan si ay uga for more helaan xog iyo khayraad ku saabsan ASDs.
information and resources on ASDs.
ANIGOO MARKAA KA MARAG AH, ayaan gacantayda ku
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sixiixayaa arrintaa maanta oo ay tahay Abriil maalinta ugu horraysa
set my hand this first day of April, in the ee sanadka labada kun iyo tobanka ee miilaaddiga ah xornimada
year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and Maraykankana ku ah sanadkii laba boqol iyo soddon iyo shanaad.
of the Independence of the United States of
America the two hundred and thirty-fifth. BARACK OBAMA


SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter

Wargeyska Ogaal ee SomaliCAN
SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter Funded By: Published By: 4
SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter: April 2011

April 14, 2011 - Legislative Advocacy Day - April 14, 2011 - Legislative Advocacy Day – Waxaa
Sponsored by the Ohio Developmental martiggeliyey Ohio Developmental Disabilities Network:
Disabilities Network: the Ohio Developmental Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council-ka, Ohio Legal
Disabilities Council, Ohio Legal Rights Service, Rights Service, iyo University Centers for Excellence ee
and the University Centers for Excellence in dhinaca Developmental Disabilities ee The Ohio State
Developmental Disabilities at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center iyo the University of
University Nisonger Center and at the University Cincinnati, ee ah Ohio Statehouse-ka. Munaasabadda
of Cincinnati, at the Ohio Statehouse. The event waxa ku jiri doona barnaamij kooban oo uu ku xigo
will include a brief program followed by ballamo sharci-dejiyayaasha lala leeyahay si loogala
appointments with legislators to discuss subjects hadlo mawduucyo muhiim u ah iyagaa horey u dhaqajin
of importance directly with those who can move karo illeene. Dadka isu ololeeya, qoysaska, iyo
those concerns and ideas forward. Self advocates, xirfadleyaasha bulshada naafannimada koritaaneed
families, and professionals in the developmental waxaa lagu dhiirriggelinayaa in ay isu yimaadaan lana
disabilities community are encouraged to come hadlaan sharci dejiyeyaasha. Diiwaanglinta waxaa
together and talk with legislators. Registration for laydinku boorrinayaa in aad u booqataan
the event is encouraged, at Mar haddii As ay tani tahay munaasabad la martiggeshay, ma leh
this is a sponsored event, there is no registration khidmadda diiwaangelinta. La xiriir Carmen Shelton,
fee. Contact Carmen Shelton, (740) 505-8337 or (740) 505-8337 ama email u dir
email for further si aad xog dheeraada uga
details. heshid.

April 26-28, 2011 - Solidarity 2011 - at the Hyatt April 26-28, 2011 - Solidarity 2011 - waa Hyatt
Regency Columbus, 350 North High Street . Regency Columbus, 350 North High Street . Agabkii is-
Registration materials are now available at diiwaangelintu haddaba wuxuu diyaar ku yahay The conference will include Shirweynaha waxaa qayb ka noqon
employment information, a job fair, a visit to the doona xog shaqo, awguul shaqo, booqasho aqalka
Statehouse, and more. A limited number of gobolla, iyo wax badan oo kale. Tiro kooban oo deeq
scholarships are available. Contact: Solidarity waxbarasho ah ayaa jirta. La xiriir: Solidarity 2011
2011 at (800) 863-0344; or email: DNOS@the- halkan (800) 863-0344; ama email: DNOS@the-

Somali Soccer Tournament and Youth Shirweyne Ciyaaraha Kubbadda Cagta ee

Conference: April 22, 2011 Soomaalida: Abriil 22, 2011
The Annual Spring Soccer Tournaments for Ciyaarihii sanadlaha ahaa ee Gu’ga ee Dhallinyarada
Somali youth in North America will be held in Soomaalida ah ee Waqooyiga Ameerika ayaa lagu qaban
Columbus, Ohio on April 22, 2011. Please contact doonaa Columbus, Ohio taariikhda markay tahay Abriil
Bashir at 614-260-8457 or Fatah at 614-622-4545 22, 2011. Fadlan la xiriir Bashir 614-260-8457 ama
for more information. Fatah at 614-6224545 si aad xog badan uga heshid

SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter Funded By: Published By: 5

SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter: April 2011

The Best Injury Lawyer in Town

Do you need an attorney for an accident, injury, or any other reason?
Contact: Russell N. Flickinger today. Somali language assistance is available.
4200 Regent St Ste 200a
Columbus, OH 43219 (Easton).

Central Ohio Community

Police: Resources
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergency: 614-645-4545 Somali Interpretation &
Health Communication and Literacy:
Sheriff: 614-462-3333 Translation:
 Patient education
Mental Health Crisis:  Prescription access
Do you require highly qualified
Netcare Access: 614-276-2273  Cultural competency
interpreters and translators?
 Information & Referral
Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 Please contact a SomaliCAN
Immigration Services: specialist today Somali
Columbus Health Department  Green card applications interpretation and translation in
Free Clinic: 614-240-7430  Citizenship applications social services, medical, legal,
 Citizenship education academic and financial settings.
Legal Matters:
Legal Aid Society: 614-241-2001 Community Crime Prevention &
Child Abuse and Neglect:
Education: SomaliCAN
 Youth engagement
FCCS: 614-229-7000
 Services in Schools
700 Morse Road, 101
Housing:  Advocacy and Support Columbus, OH 43214
CMHA: 614-421-6000  Presentations Phone. (614)781-1414
 Mediation Fax: (614) 448-4395
Information and Referral:  Disaster Preparedness
HandsOn: 614-221-2555 or 211 E-mail:
SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter:
Somali Services
 Monthly bilingual newsletter
SomaliCAN 614-781-1414  Advertisements To advertise a product or
Somali Women & Children’s Alliance: 614-  Articles service, contact us today:
 Cultural Competency
Somali Community Association of Ohio:
614-262-4068  Research
Somali Global Services 614-895-1144  Legislation
Inna Simakovsky (Immigration Attorney)
 Developmental Disabilities
SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter Funded By: Published By: 6
SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter: April 2011

Job Opportunity of the Month

Become a Firefighter
Open Application Period Extended Until April 10, 2011
Apply Online at,gov

SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter Funded By: Published By: 7

SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter: April 2011

ODDC State Plan

The Ohio Developmental Disabilities Naafannimada Koritaaneed ee Ohio
Next 2012- 2016 State Plan [The Ohio Developmental Disabilities]
According to [Section 124(d)(1)] of the Qorshaha Gobolka ee Soo Socda 2012- 2016
DD Act it requires public input and
review of the Council’s State Plan. On Mar ka eego [Section 124(d)(1)] ee Sharciga DD Ac,
April 11, 2011, through June 10, 2011, waxay u baahan tahay in bulshadu wax ku kordhiso
ODDC will unveil the projects they will deristana Qorshaha Gobolka ee Golaha. Abriil 11, 2011,
fund that were generated from input from ilaa iyo June 10, 2011, ODDC waxay dah aka rogi doontaa
people with disabilities, families, mashaariicda ay maalgelin doonto oo laga keenay fikirrada
providers and stakeholders from around dadka qaba naafannimada, qoysaskooda, deeq bixiyeyaasha
the state received during 2009 & 2010. In iyo dadka wax ka ah ee gobolka oo dhan ka yimid oo la soo
addition, the ODDC is making it gudbiyey, waa aaraa’dee, 2009 & 2010
convenient for those individuals that
would like to provide input early. The Intaa ka sakow, ODDC ayaa mid sahlan uga dhigaysa
State Plan will be made available during dadka doonaya in ay la soo hormaraan aaraa’dooda.
the Legislative Day Event between the Qorshaha Gobolka waxaa la soo bandhigayaa inta lagu jiro
hours of 11:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. You Maalinta Dhacdada Sharci-dejinta inta u dhexaysa
may review the plan at The Ohio saacadaha 11:00 a.m. ilaa 2:30 p.m. Waxaad ku dersi kartaa
Building Authority Executive qorshaha The Ohio Building Authority Executive
Conference & Training Center, 77 South Conference & Training Center, 77 South High St. ( Riffe
High St. ( Riffe Center ), 31st Floor, East Center ), 31st Floor, East B Conference Room.
B Conference Room. Check Council’s
website after April11, 2011 at: Eeg websaytka Golaha inta ka dambeysa April11, 2011 at: to review the State si aadf Qorshaha Gobolka oo dhan u
Plan in its entirety. If you have questions deristid.
or need the State Plan in an accessible
format, please contact Fatica Ayers at Haddii aad su’aalo qabtid ama aad ku doonaysid Qorshaha
(614) 644-5543 or email: Gobolka qaab aad galaangal u leedahay, fadlan la xiriir . Fatica Ayers at (614) 644-5543 ama email:

SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter

700 Morse Road, Suite 101
Columbus, OH 43214
Phone: (614) 489-9226
Fax: (614) 448-4395

SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter Funded By: Published By: 8

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