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Eighty three (83) types of law are, “1. Absolute law, 2. Adjective law, 3. Administrative
law, 4. Admiralty law, 5. law of Arms, 6. Antitrust laws, 7. Bankruptcy Act, 8. Blue law,
9. Blue-sky law, 10. Canon law, 11. Case law, 12. Civil law, 13. Commercial law, 14.
Common Law, 15. Conclusion of law, 16. Constitutional law, 17. Consuetudinary law,
18. Conventional law, 19. Criminal law, 20. Customary law, 21. Divine law, 22. Decree-
law, 23. Ecclesiastical law, 24. Edict, 25. Enabling statute, 26. Enacted law, 27.
Environmental Law, 28. Equity law, 29. Federal law, 30. Forest law, 31. Fundamental
law, 32. General law, 33. Higher law, 34. Imperative law, 35. Internal law, 36.
International law, 37. Judicial decree, 38. Judicial opinion, 39. Law arbitrary, 40. law of
Citations, 41. law of Evidence, 42. law of Marque, 43. Law merchant, 44. Law of
Môsheh (Moses)-Torah, 45. laws of Oleron, 46. law of the Road, 47. Local law, 48.
Maritime law, 49. Martial law, 50. Mercantile law, 51. Military law, 52. Moral law, 53.
Municipal law, 54. Natural law, 55. Napoleonic law (in Louisiana), 56. Ordinance, 57.
Organic law, 58. Parliamentary law, 59. Penal law, 60. Permanent law, 61. Positive law,
62. Private law, 63. Probate, 64. Procedural law, 65. Prospective law, 66. Public law, 67.
Remedial law, 68. Retrospective law, 69. Revenue law, 70. Roman law, 71. Securities
law, 72. Special law, 73. law of the Staple, 74. State law, 75. Statute law, 76. Substantive
law, 77. Sumptuary law, 78. Tacit law, 79. Tax Law, 80. United States law, 81. Unwritten
law, 82. Usury laws, or 83. Written law. Each one would require a different approach
when addressing the issues. The words in bold are false conveyance of language (a noun
precedes another noun making the first noun a modifier or adjective) and when used by
the corporate government to take property, rights or imprison a natural person it is a
felony under the common law (fraud) and under the anti-law known as statutes (Title 18
Code of the United States §1001, “Statements or entries generally”). There are probably
more types of law and as I find them I add them to the list.

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