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Legend of Langoti (Desi Underwear)

Hundreds of Kranthikaaris fought and brought the freedom but rats like Gandhi &
Nehru effortlessly hijacked the credit. The real patriots are sidelined without
any sign. If we asked describe the history of hind in a single word, I would sug
gest only one word “discredit”. It’s not only in1940’s but if we dig deeper in the darkn
ess of time there is another astonishing “unheard unknown” legacy of legendary Lango
ti which remain obliterated through out the time and it’s on the way of extinct do
dos (including those who wear).
Don’t be serious, here its funny myth...
Nakula was one of the five Pandava brothers according to the epic Mahābhārata. He wa
s one of the twin sons of Madri, who invoked Ashvins using a mantra shared by Ku
nti for a son. Nakula was a great astrologer, but he could say something about t
he future just once, after which he used to forget what he had said. Before the
epic Mahabharta War started, Duryodhana approached Nakula asking him who would w
in the war. Nakula replied that the army of the one could can hoist his flag on
the stone of a mountain would win the war. As soon as he said this to Duryodhana
, he forgot what he had said, but Bheema heard it. Duryodhana sent his army and
men to hoist a flag at a particular mountain. Bheema ran alone. Duryodhana s men
were able to reach the mountain before Bheema could. Bheema fought them and put
a few of them down, but he had forgotten to carry the flag of his side. He was
clad only in his underclothes (Langoti), which he hoisted as his side s flag. Th
is is how Pandava won the war.
It’s very unfortunate that Langoti failed to catch lime light, the partial credit
it deserved in the victory of Pandava brothers. Yes history repeats.

Last Bitz: Hence saint had sung in Kannada “Langoti Balu Olleyadanna Langoti Balu

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