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Vote For Your

Student Council President

Volume XXII, No. 5

ik MERCIAD Vote Fori Your
Student Council President


March 13, 1951

Canisius to Student Panel to Discuss

For Concert Proper Election Procedure
Election time is at hhand as the Student Council of Mercy-
A repeat performance, by pop- hurst College has voted a A unanimously
mm*2 M
-W..-lE--?^j adopt
a( J 0 p^ a n e w p r 0 .
| ular request, of the duo arrange- cedure
— — for the^coming elections. KJII
„..w » VU i. ti6 vtGkwuno. On march
March 14. 14, another stu-
ment ; of ^ "Rain and the River" dent-sponsored assembly will take place. The purpose of
will feature the Mercyhurst and this assembly will be to discuss election procedure, qualities
Canisius College annual spring necessary for a good leader, and the necessity of thinking
I concerts. On Sunday afternoon, before voting. I | f.
|! April 22, the two clubs will join Primaries forfthe top school office, that of president of
voices for a program in St. Mary's the Student CounciJ, will be held in the afternoon of March
Auditorium, while the Mary Seton 14, according to preferential ballot. This means that each
girl will place three selections on her primary ballot, and
Room of Klein han's Music Hall " "" * will
has been chosen as the site for
the secondS concert on iSunday, will
April 29.1 F \ I
Glee Club officers, Mary Ann Benetin, Frances Sullivan, Joan
Harrison, and Ceei Wert, rehearse with Mrs. Dolce in prepara- Following the Erie concert, the - -Major Elect ions Scheduled
tion for the Canisius Concert. glee club members will return to Other major elections willfbe conducted in order of im-
' Mercyhurst College for a -formal portance, this order being: the election of Sodality prefect
dinner and dance in the college on March 1ST the announcement of next year's Praeterita
Janus Chooses 'Dear Octopus' auditorium; the Buffalo group
has engaged the ballroom of the
staffs, the election of the new Merciad editor, and finally the
class elctions. Class elections will follow a definite plan:-the
For Annual Spring Production Park 'Lane Hotel for the? custo-
mary dinner-dance. j
emors an
president will be chosen first, then
the Student Council representa-
The Janus Club has chosen a heartwarming- tale of fam- A second joint ^number, "Let tives, followed by election of other
class officers.
ily life for their spring production. Rehearsals for the three-
act comedy "Dear Octopus" are in full swing, with thepxlay
All % the Nations Praise the Lord,"
will be under the 'baton of Mr. Bridge Tea Clubs will hold their elections
dates set for April 12 and 13 in the college auditorium. Miss Robert Schultz, director of the A social activity which Mercy- at the regularly assigned meetings,
Helen Kelly is directing the production. 1 | Canisius club. hurst Collegians are eagerly an- and will also'elect the Student
| Dodie Smith,£author of "Dear Octopus", bases her story ticipating is the Bridge Tea, slat- Council representatives immed-
on the life of a modern English family, the Randolphs, held Directed ^by Mrs. (Louise Dolce, iately after the club president.
the Mercyhurst choristers will ed for April f28. Sophomores are
together by family loyalties. The action takes place^during especially looking forward to this Each student in the college has
a weekend in late autumn in their present theseF selections: "Roll, the right to vote in the election
Chariot, Roll," "In the Still of the gala occasion, since the project
country home in North Essex. of school leaders. From this right
College Welcomes Night," "Espana," '^Praise Ye the was
not carried
Bridge Tea
by comes the responsibility to exer-
Cast Listed Name of the Lord," "Charlotte- the administration and the seniors' cise this power in the light of
[yCast in the leading role as Dora Bishop Gannon town," and "Laudamus Te." Miss with the cooperation of each stu- thoughtful consideration. Think
Randolph is Aline Karlak.j with Bernadette Metzner will be soloist dent. Hostesses will invite friends before you vote I
De Mara Hewitt of Gannon Col- in a modern arrangement of and relatives of the ^students as
lege cast as Charles Randolph. "Bishop's Day" has been set for
Thursday, April 5. Activities will "Listen to the Mocking Bird." f *«r # *

The Randolph children [will be well as alumnae to enjoy a special

portrayed by Ceci Wert as Hilda, open in the early afternoon with afternoon at the College, i f*i 5 NRCCS Congrc
the formal reception of i the stu- Tables j will ^ be }set up in t the"
Claire Todd as Cynthia, and Anne dent body in the foyer. According lounge, Foyer, land? the f various Wilf Convene at
Boyd as Margery Harvey. Others to the respective classes, each
in the female cast include Judy Mercyhurst daughter is introduced Jtt iHemoriam parlors forjthe occasion. Tea will
afterwards belserved in the col-s Nazareth Colleg
Carlow, Doris jDickey, Rosemary to theiBishop. Fullfacademic at- The I faculty and student lege dining room. |^«W^^fv^r -
Lahr, Betsy Meehan, Barbara tire is worn. Afonusical program body of Mercyhurst College of- A specialff eature of the^|fter- i m .The annuallRegional Congress
Klein, ;Maryf Jo ftoyer, Rita Pan- wUl be rendered, after which the fer sincere sympathy to Berna- noon will be a fashion ^show,! at \ of '4 the j National I Federation of
ciera, and Arlene Murphy. Paul entire student body will proceed dette Metzner onfthe death of which time home economics stu- ^Catholic IcoUege i Students will
Gehring, Robert Baxter, Pat Cap- to the- Chapel of Christ the King, her father, to Christine Meyers dents will model attire of. varied ; imeet this Spring at Nazareth Coi-
pabianca, and Richard Schmieder Here His Excellency will address on the death of her father, and materials and colors made during ^lege, Rochester, New York. April
comprise the male cast. the student body before officiat- to Jean Slav in on the death of the yearpn their classesP^^JKlr £$tl will fcid Mercyhui'st participat-
Technical director for "Dear ing at Benediction.^! M. . her father. f^' ?• w
in^lwith|students from other cdl*
B As yet, no definite tea commit
Octopus" is Margaret McGuire, tee has been selected...w|^ i®«^Seges of*the LakelErie|region ui
Gloria Ruocco has been^ named The day's ceremonies will ?be ^discussing current student prob*
stage manager and Janet Sabella, climaxed with a formal dinner in
assistant stage manager. (Pat Mor- the State Dining Room. Bishop Heap Big Warriors' Learn ^iems a,nd duties. P ^ ^ R |
frj Mercyhurstj'will chairjan Inter-
an|is business manager and Bar- Gannon will be the guest of honor
bara Tonry is in charge of props. together with the members of the. To Lead the little People S^a tionaURelations Panel, the topic
off w,hlch will c^nterlaround the
Publicity and promotion will be Senior Class. ^ * 3 As the beat, beat, beat of the understanding of scouting prpc^pU "Catholic College Student and the
handled by Anita Santomenna and Bishop's Day is a tradition at "Zu Lu£ Warriors" Iwinds its ure. I K | }< | > Parish." The 1'^green land white"
Mary Joy Fallon. Mercyhurst. In fact, it is orie of haunting strains about the hearts I Instructors Guide Students £% ywill also be represented on other
the most memorable and most off all " Mercyhurstites," we find Stationed L at ' "headquarters" panels such as Mariology by^Mar-
dignified of all the college tradi- in a clubroom strewn with scis- are gMiss Marshall, Erie:; District ga'ret Phel&n; Family Life, Mar-
tions, This is the day the most sors, scraps of' paper and pa per- Girl s Scout i Leader,' anui" Mrs. garet 1 McGuire; |Press, Frances
Looking Ahead •Reverend John Mark Gannon
pays his annual visit to the
dollslthe "Apaches", "Penguins", Houster, a volunteer troop leader Sullivan; Overseas Program, Judy
and "Okysiopys" busily^ engaged from Cathedral Parish, who is also Carlow; and f Missiology, Betsy
March£ 14—IStudent Assembly "School on the JHill." It| is. the in their patrols pondering over a a volunteer instructor in leader- Meehan. -%tf/jf|B ,
day the colfegians honor him. not common ordinary, brown 'paper ship courses. {Both I are doing* a
- Primary^ for Student Council
President. only as the Bishop of Erie arid an bag. Let's look further, into the marvelous! job at theuf*first at- |f: CommissionsI To Be Evaluated
admirable militant Catholic,jbut bag, that is, where we see a con- tempt in offering the Girl Scout' ^ A n evaluation off commissions
March 15—Finals for Student training course "to college students.
*jCbuncil President. Election also as Chancellor of their Alma glomeration of, to mention a few wilU' take place to determine
Mater. It ist the day every Col- . articles, three safety pins, one tie, The girls are being taught the, ^whether changes fare needed in
of \ §odalJty Prefect, r
March"""Ijfih—Easter Vacation. legian, from the most nervous a washcloth, one newspaper, one "ins and outs" of giil scduting by the chairmanship of commissions.
Mareh|25—Easter Sunday. Freshman to the very poised bar,of soap, a balloon, two suck- "doing." They arej learning Just Astittstands now, Canisius,chairs
April 2-*ClasseV Resume. jpiec- Senior, has the great privilege of ers, one toy bus, an airplane (also how the mind of a Brownie works n Forensics; D'Youville, the Over-
being personally presented to this a toy), knitting needles, and some and differs from that of-the * ", seas Program; £LeMoyne, the Con-
tion of Merciad Editor. An-
nouncement* off Praeter&a prominent member of the Catholic yarn. No, no kitchen sink! Orders termedlate or Senior Scout? there- fraternity of ^Christian Doctrine;
hierarchy. | | ' by realizing the individuaffheeds.* Nazareth, ^Catholic Action; Ni-
Editors.' f from headquarters are to present and interests of each grbupffSSj
agra.f Student Government; St.
April 5—^Bishop's Day. H in ten minutes a skit, using?- all Troop government, .budgeting, . Bonaventure University, Press ; j |
April 12, 13—'Dear Octopus'. the articles. I- § disciplinary tactics! childl psy- and^Vllla Maria, Family Life. : |
April 14—NFOCS Congress at Brings back kindergarden? Well, chology, shadowcraft,fefsinging^
Nazareth. $ dancing are but aifew items on fef One fimportant feature of the
April; 18—Class Elections. The Merciad Staff despite all appearances, this is program willlbe the presentation 1
the course agenda, but jail ihave
truly an organized class, which is the singular purpose- of., training of the"iBishop•'Duffyfjnedal. This!
April 22—Mereyhurst-Canisius
Concert in Erie. v Wishes a Joyous of vital (nterest to its students, the "big people" to ably guide the year the award^will go to some-
April 28r-Bri<|&e Tea. twenty-five college women who "little people" to?-follow? whole- one from the Erie diocese who has 1
April 29-—j Mercyhurst-Canisus Easterlto All i are anxious to take back to their some lives worthy of America, and, shown an outstanding/interest in I
$ Concert IniBuffalo. home communities I a thorough above» allj of»their ^Creator. *bjj# youth. I f

- i
Pag* Two THE M I R C I A D March 13, 1951

What Glory! CULTURE Thank You, Dr. DeKoninck

Why are we so sad when a baby dies before it can be 0 ! It was a warm and genuine welcome extended to Doctor
Charles DeKoninck when he ascended the lecture platform
baptized? Unbaptized babies go to Limbo; Limbo is not a
bad place. But it isn't;Heaven. Just think, such a baby can
R on February 26. But before then, on Sunday, he had been
busy with informal discussions with•• the Faculty, and with
never see God. That is why we dislike Limbo. We aren't sat-
isfied with it, when wejknow that there is a Heaven,-*For
N groups of the students, ; '
menfhave the desire to see the face of God. £ SeU&u Born in Flanders, Dr. DeKoninck received his degree at
Louvaine University in Belgium. For the last seventeen
years he has been on the Faculty of Laval University in Que-
Except for the greatest of all miracles, none of us ever
could seey the face of God. Our life would never be consum-
R bec, Canada. He is Dean of the School of Philosophy and
Theology, and holds the Chair of Philosophy of Nature.
mated! k supernatural happiness—never. Except for the Mariology, a course in Theology concerning the Blessed Vir-
Death of Christ, "the next world" would be Limbo, a little In the world of today there is a gin Mary,, is taught by him in Latin; the other courses he
less than perfect happiness. f -T H '1 I ' teaches in French. 1
• great stress upon getting things Speaks Four Languages

We mustn's think lightly of this. The Crucifixion was
not a formality. To buy back eternal happiness for us, Christ
done In the Quickest possible way.
To aid you in reading, publishers COLLEGE A linguist of no small order, Dr.
DeKoninck fluently speaks Eng-
lish, French. Latin, and his native
i f
endured everything that could cause Him sorrow, that could
pain Him physically and^mentally, to the very limit of His
have condensed everything as far versus Dutch tongue. Then add that he
as possible so that you can read reads five or six other languages,
endurance, at which point He died.
"What price glory/* they say. Do you think Christ paid
about all the world events in a
half hour.
DRAFT among them Greek, German, and
Spanish. Us explained that Euro-
enough for it?.,Wnat glory did He^.win? It was He who open- Now that the world is engaged pean culture demands that educa-
r This idea of condensation has tion include the learning of more
ed the gates of Heaven—so that we might be with Him for- in what has been described as a
ever. I *| *M| f carried over even? into the field than just one language. His in-
"warm" war, many urgent prob- terest in the Philosophy cf Science
of books. You can now read a di- lems have arisen and demand an-
gested book in a few hours. Yet concerns particularly Mathematics
"What thou sawest, Mary, say, swers. One of these problems con- and Physics. The subject of his
As thou wen test on the way. does this reading accomplish any- cerns the position of education doctorate thesis is truly an intel-
thing? And if a person does take during war time. There has been lectual one. as it concerns the
I saw the tomb wherein .the living one had lain; much discussion about this ques- '"Philosophical Implications of the
the time to read a complete book, tion by many prominent men;
I saw His glory as He rose again; what kind of book does he choose? Theory of Relativity."
Napkin and linen cloths and angels twain . . . " each has his own idea; however,
Sequence of the Easter Mass f It is usually a book that does not your inquiring reporter decided "The Tyranny of Sight" was the
have any real literary value. This that the \ best way \to get an an- topic of the morning lecture. In
choice of books can be seen by swer to this question would be by this Dr. DeKoninck showed the
asking the opinion of those most overemphasis which is placed on
'Spirit' Unites College the lists of most of the best sell-
closely concerned, students them-
selves. These are the answers of
a good cross section: Claire
the visual, on the sense of sight.
A very important point he stress-
ed was that without Faith there
Ernest Dimnet has said, "The
Initiated by the organization of a student-faculty com- real purpose hidden under the Aglista: "Except in the cases of is no proper knowledge J In the
hundreds of young men who are afternoon he explained the philo-
mittee and augmentedfby a special assembly program and gregarious act of reading is not called from college to serve? on sophy behind the newly defined
various club panels, the question of student rights and re- tojthink." » ! battlefields, education should con- Dogma! of the Assumption?: of
sponsibilities has been much in the limelight at Mercyhurst. tinue as usual and, if possible, Mary. Hei emphasized that the
Even the least interested student has been awakened by i the There are, however, people in with greater fervor. We must Church was never uncertain about
lively discussion as to the proper status of^ the student in the world who still read to think, strengthen ourselves not only the':authenticity of this belief, but
and their number is being % in- physically 2but mentally to meet found it necessary at this time to
college government. There has been discussion of rights and proclaim the absolute certainty of
duties as pertaining to both students and faculty-members; creased by students,who have be- and subdue the onrushing enemy/'
it. - ajBwMr I
the student body ihasfrequested increased student participa- come interested in good reading Mary Jo Babowicz: "During war,
As the father of eleven children,
tion in government; and, as a result, an emphasis has been while at school. Not all the good education should play a very im- Dr. DeKoninck is well qualified
books belong in the classification portant *jpart since its job will be
placed on school spirit % %'• ' to teach the students of America to speak on Marriage, and this hs
of classics, although in the classics did at the Family Class on Mon-
the benefits of living in a demo- day afternoon. Proof of the in-
School spirit in a college such as ours is a far cry from is found the source of our modern cracy as compared with living
the rah-rah pep rallies of high school or the racoon coat and good|reading. Many good books under communism. It has (often what he was saying was
shown by the J disregard for bell
flapper era of our parents;'rather it is anfintense loyalty to are being written in our own time. been said that a people fight bet- at the end of class time. Questions
our alma-mater and a desire to seelit become the best school ter when they know why they are
Graham Greene is one of the fighting. It is education that has and answers continued|until five
ever. A person ;loyal to any cause is'one who considers the! best fiction writers of today. He to instill in Americans a love of o'clock when we realized that he
good of that cause above his own individual good, who will is probably best known to us those things for whichjthey are certainly deserved a rest, because
sacrifice his personal desires for the well-being offthe whole. through the picture "The Third fighting." H he had been busy every minute
T& it
II ESS since his arrival.
Man" which is!taken from one of Barbara <Haner: "I believe that
However, no one can develop such loyalty, no one can
love his school unless he knows it. And the best way to know his novels. Another one of his the importance of education is by Assembly (Panel
books is The Heart of the Matter ho means decreased by war. How-
Mercyhurst is to attend all its functions and to actively par- ever, I one thing which I think Lauds Aquinas ||
ticipate, in them. In order to prove its readiness to accept ad- which is the story of a man's
should be carefully watched is''the K i n tribute to the memory of St.
struggle with his own sense of
ditional responsibility, <the istudent body must demonstrate duty and honor told in a power- drafting of younj? men fin college. Thomas Aquinas, theologian and
its improved school spirit* |' I To win a war a country must hav ? philosopher, students of the col-
ful manner. not only a good military force but lege conducted a discussion of his
Inithe field of auto-biography also good industrial leaders. If Vtorks in a special}assembly pro-
When your roommate mentions the basketball game or nearly all the young men in col-
the culture? forum or! the Janus play, let your answer be, there are found two extremely gram March 7. Dr. John A. Dona-
popular books. One of these| is lege are taken into the armed telli, head of|the department of
"Yes, I'm going, Aren't you?" When ^discussion arises con- The Story of the Trapp Family forces, this country";will find it- Philosophy, directed the presen*
cerning the proposed election week, realize that the cam- toy Maria Augusta Trapp. In it self lacking in engineers, chem- tation. fe-^a
paign is designed for the good of the entire school, that with Baroness Trapp recounts her fam- think? some provision should jbe biologists, and the? like. I
Betty Russell introduced the
such a plan the student body will be united in a sincere ef- ily's experiences in becoming ac- made \ for these men to complete panel with a paper entitled, "He
fort to give the important offices to the best qualified stu- quainted with the United States their studies." is Likened to the Sun", followed
dents. I ' f and in I trying to make a living by Mary Lou Payne's topic, "The
here. The other book is Out of Judy Carlow: "If ever the Unit- Quiet Light." The second part of
this World by Lowell Thomas, Jr. ed States is counting on education the discussion, "A Turning Away
We all want student rights—let's prove our capability in which Mr. Thomas tells of his it is today. Whether it is realized
from God for Some 5 Mutable
to accept them by intellvgentlhandling oflthose we already trip withfhis famous father into or not, one of the most vital fac- Good," was concerned with a
possess. P mill i • H the;unknown land of Tibet. tors in the strength of our nation treatise on sin, its nature, causes,
" '
it , m
is the education of its citizens. and motives, as found* in St.
In a lighter vein is found I Re- For the physical protection of our
proachfully Yours by Lucille Has- country, laws are being passed de- Thomas' tract on Vices and Vir-
Mercyhurst College, Erie, )fa.r Member of Associated Collegiate Press ley. Mrs. Hasley describes in a manding military training for all
Editor '. l
M ,—.l™.~ —*. Peggy Jetter comic fashion her adventures as boys between the ages of eighteen Speakers for the second por-
Assistant Editors , •? Barbara Hempel, Frances" Sullivan a convert to the Catholic Church to twenty-five, included in this tion of the program were: Marilyn
Associate Editor -~.» P .^ .——. — Fat Moran and her own domestic troubles. age bracket are {many boys who Martina, Lucreta Pavlov, Jane
Business Manager ^ i j p ^ ^ . ^ &L - Edith Harris These are a few of the better "are completing or embarking up- Breyley, Margaret Schulenberg,
Writing Staff—Laura J «n Bly, CoUeen>'McManon, Margaret Mc- books which are available to those on their higher education. If the Dorothy Roth, Dorothy Zuzula,
| Guire, Mary Jo Royer, Ceci Wert, Florence Cherry, Norma Jean who-want to take advantage.'of lawmakers fail to make provisions Jo Ann Weaver, and Geraldine
Scott, Margaret Bn>derick,:DorU, Moore, Theda BiSft, Mary Jo them. We here at Mercyhurst are for educational and cultural Kingston. Members of the program
Babowicz, Mary Lou Dwyer, loan Harrison, Jay Gould. very fortunate for these and many training as well as military train- committee were: Rita Panciera.
Business Staff—Mary Adelaide Witt,* Rosemary Lahr, Dolores ing of our young citizens, they are Mary Lou Benek, Ann Mohr, Jean
Wally, Corrine Pnenatt, Dorothy Rotb» Claire Todd, Querela other ^interesting books may ibe Broscoe, Virginia Nowak, and
found in our own library. Let's robbing our country of its strength
Pavlov, Anita Sontomenna. f in the future." Josephine Tavalario.
> *
make use of them!
March 13,1951
v i * f wii

Hurst Students
Personality Portraits Aid Erie Doctor Mercyhurst Girls
I n C ancer Work
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be
able to J visit your physician and
Are Talking About
Mercyhurst Girls Are Talking About . | . "Upon this Rock . . . the
be injected with a serum which compelling movie-story of Our Lord . . . so appropriate for Lent . .
would immunize you from cancer?! the featured showing of "Our Lady of Fatima" . . . Father Peterson's
Well, perhaps you can, if experi- inspiring retreat |£ . a fitting climax to these six weeks of prayer and
ments • now being |carried on in sacrifice.
Erie by Dr. Brown-—and some Mercyhurst Girls Are Talking About . . . to paraphrase Dr. D—Dr.
Mercyhurst collegians—are i suc-: DeKonick's "touching" lecture . . . the timely discussion of the As-
cessful. •'^rfJS sumption . . . his informal talk with the sociology students . . . Dr.
Nyardi's startling revelations about the politboro . . . an eyewitness
Henry Brown, M. D., a local account of Communist Russia . . . the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo at
physician, has shown a very keen | Shea's Theater . . . the delicate interpretation of "Swan Lake"
Interest in cancer, a particularly in our own ballet expert, Mary Lou Dwyer . j | . Billie Dawn in "Born? Yes-.*;
its causes. Because of his interest fc terday" . . . peninsula—a new medicine, f •
and his capability, the * govern- S | | Mercyhurst Girls Are Talking About . . .fthe return of the home-
ment has appropriated him a sum 1 ecers . .1. how we all miss baby Jeanie . .$. Eileen Joyce's midterm
of money so that he may carry on I graduation after a course inI"practical"!physics . . . no more broken
experiments on this disease lin a I irons or plugged drains . . . the flu epidemic which :
greatly decreased
laboratory set up at Gannon Col- 1 our population . . . ^ ^ H H ^ B R H ^ ^ ^ ^ B '^ I I
lege. Dr. Brown attended the Uni- I Mercyhurst Girls Are Talking About . . . the sensational expose of
Mary Lou Dwyer shows her new hat to Joanne Travers, as versity of Michigan and -received I thsibasketball "fix" in New York . . . our own varsity team . . . no
Pat Gerace adjusts Marlene DeMattia's. his M. D. from the University of B "shady deals" here—an honest victory every time . . . the 22nd con-
Pennsylvania. Besides working on | stitutional amendment .|. . no more third term presidents . . . the
this research, hells a member of § outbreak of Girl Scouting . .|. Joy Fallon and Janle Sharp's rendition
Despite the March winds that have been howling around theIstaff [at St. Vincent's Hos-1 of "Hi, Little Lassie" . . . Polly Sollda's "Brownie Smile" , . . Mac
the towers of Mercyhurst, spring—at least spring fashions— pital. | | B M S m t e ^ | | p [ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ reading her scout manual at switchboard. ' S B I S W S B B ^ M H P W ^
is in the air, Saturday afternoon jaunts to the city acquaint I Mercyhurst Girls Are Talking About . . . "Greetings from the Presi-
us with displays of the "latest" in coats, suits, colors, hem- Mercyhurst Girls Invited To Help | dent" in last months Merciad . . . not too fantastic . . . the excellent
lines, and of course, Easter bonnets. .Navy blue is still a KDr. I Brown t recently | invited $ Janus presentations . . . congratulations to both actresses and direc-
mainstay in the line ofl colore with perhaps an added touch Mercyhurst students to help him || tors . . , prolonged rehearsals of "Dear Octopus" . . . male voices from
of white pique or the new mimosa yellow. Hatsfare small in |his jlaboratoryj experiments.! the auditorium . . . the timely IRC broadcast . . . the Glee Club's pre-
and head-hugging to flatter the short-cropped hair that still Dorothy Szawszik, Therese Strobel. « paration for the forth coming Canisius concerts ; :
. . . our newest addi-
predominates on college campuses. | I pill Mary Ann Hawa, Donna Mae Or-1 tion—the tape recorder in room 15. ^'• V' :t-A^ ^I^^<^^^^H Ira I
Mercyhurst Early Birds |||j ton, and Julie Tech, I all | science | Mercyhurst Girls Are Talking About . . . Betty Russell and Dot tie
Here we see some "early bird" shoppers Ifrom Mercy- majors, gladly volunteered ?their ?'; Klein's version of the Canislus-Niagara game . . . tihe Aquinas assem-
hurst who are comparing notes about their new purchases. services. Their work in his lab is- bly . . .|the Holy Year Pilgrimage . . . the OEdinboro game . . . IRC
I Mary Lou Dwyer, a sophomore from Rochester, N- Y., varied and intensely * interesting. * workshop . . . Seniors'. Job Dilemma . . . the Junior Anti-Oripe cam-
is showing herfnavy blue hat with white!pique trimIto They make hemoglobin which is!/
Joanne Travers, a junior day student. A major in Sociology, necessary for the actual expert-f :-'Y\ Mercyhurst Girls Are Talking About .5. . Caster vacation . . . two
Mary Lou is a member of thesSociology Seminar and the ments performed ^by Dr. Brown [ carefree weeks . . . new fashions in lavender . . .fthe dawn of Easter
Glee Club, and is a pledge for both Janus Club and A. A. himself. They also make titration; morn . . . new hope for peace in the risen C h r i s t . . . all these things
Her navy blue gabardine suit is a good basic outfit for the curves for}the amino acids that; and more—Mercyhurst girls are talking about, k l u i ^ m i M
busy college girl, i | J I . are found through the experiment,
jj; i Joanne, wearing a menswear grey wool is majoring in comparing them with the known
:art here at Mercyhurst. A member of thejArtlClub, Joanne amino acids. ^ ^ 8 B S S ^ ^ ^ £
is quite naturally interested in style and color. This :
junior £p^$?A Very Important Project
is often seen among the models at the Boston Store. m B H g
Pat Gerace Choses Navy Suit It^This project is more important
Giving that "just right" slant!to an attractive bonnet than most people think it to be.
is Pat Gerace, a senior from Batavia,<N. Y,.|This Home Ec. If the cause of cancer can be de-
major also chooses alnavy gabardine suit to step into spring. termined, then it may be checked
Pat is president of the A.A, secretary of the Home Econ- more • easily. The Mercyhurst
omics Club, and is a participant in the Great Books Discus- group feels very privileged to con-
sion Club. | . \ mt. I tribute in any way, no matter how
B A small hat with added interest at the sides, is worn small, to the success of Dr. Brown
here by Marlene UeMattia, also from Rochester, N. Y. Mar- in finding the cause of this dread-
ine's interest is color, and here she wears a bright red wool ed "Killer"!
suit This freshman is a member of her major club, the Socio-
logy?Seminar, the Glee Club, and is also a pledge for Janus
Club and A. A. Evidence of her interest in fashion is shown Art Department
by the modeling Marlene did last summer in Rochester. WBk
Plans Exhibition
'That Couldn't Be My Voice fj The4 Erie Public Museum on
This statement has resounded many times throughout West 6th Street has extended an
classroom 15 during the past month. The cause of this as- invitatipn to the art department
tonishing revelation is a new tape recorder. If you wish an of Mercyhurst College to display
hour of relaxation, sit down infRoom 15. Listen to some ot the students'£ work of the past
the tape recordings and at the same time receive a liberal year. This is the third consecu-
education. J I i . , . ! , - . j •*> B„u.x tive year that an exhibit has been
Our list of celebrities begins with* Mrs. Bryan, who, held. For one month, beginning
though far removed from! the home economics department, Monday, April 1, oil paintings,
will help any future homemaker with the correct table ap- water colors, j figure drawings,
pointments. An unusual amount of culture, acquired the easy head j drawing and Jail types of
Way is available by the kindness of the French classes, given fashion\illustrations will be,on In Chicago, Illinois, there is always
to£>u gratis "II a fui cette ville oM Now for some World display forf the |public. Th* ex- a friendly gathering |of DePaul
Affairs^the success of the IRC forum on February 24 is hibit will give the people of I Erie
^ i ? w c 2 d i £ to the "dress rehearsal" when the program an opportunityfto appreciate the University students ifi Wangler
was perfected on tape. On the p *are recognized and therefore easily art courses offered by Mercyhurst Hall on the campus. And, as in
tape you will also hear Sr. Philippa remedied. The recorder has a College. It will be a cross-section universities everywhere, V ice-cold
as she makes her "recording d3- practical as well as entertaining of the students' work as planned
but." The Immortal words of Joan value. w 9 ^ ^ H & ^ ^ R f § l H R f i ^ by SisterlMary Angelica,Ihead of Coca-Cola helps make these get-to-
of Arc are relived as Miss Kelly the Art Department. Among those gethers something to remember. As
does a scene! from the play. A I whose work will be presented are a pause from the study grind, or
.sneak preview of Sr. Eymard's ad- Nancy Hamilton, Becky Ganther,
dress on ecology at Duquesne Uni- DARLING 1 Mary Lou Scalise, ftoxanna Down- on a Saturday night date—Coko
iversity on March 3 isjneard. The ing. Joan Travers* and Mareanne belongs* :-.•
^speech classes provide you with Florists i cole. i t ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ a t e ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ B H
^information on sponges, or direc- Ask for it either way . . . both
itions on how to paint a house, or Flowers by Wiie I trade-marks mean the same thing.
IpThe Rights of Women."
Every student of speech or 103 W. Tenth Street 3sth and Pine Aye. \
language realizes the personal 108 W. Seventh Street Pfaone UVVU-Jfi ERIE COCA-COLA BOTTLING]COMPANY
good that will come to each one Erie, fa* "* \*3%'J © 1W1, Tht C^ca^WoComjajjy
Erie, Pa. Phone 43792
who makes use of the recorder; I
•speech defects and peculiarities
' • g t Fow^
March 13^1951

(pPORT 'Hurst Clubs

Plan Meetings ime W a s
o>COOPS Before Easter
when the little piano was new . . /' Yes, at one time I was
new. I can recall the day they painted me a beautiful cream
color—just to match the surroundings into which I was to
be placed. Needless t o say, the day they
March 13 is the date set for Mercyhurst Lounge my keys tinkled with delight You should placed me into the
Take a deep breath?'in front of the ball are Kay Kelly, Rae Beav-
those open windows! Smell that er, Colleen McMahon, Joy Fallon, the next ENGLISH CLUB meet- have seen the cheerful faces of the girls who first entered
air. Ah yes, spring is here! It may Barb Tonry, and! many other ing. President Colleen McMahon their new play, room." They sang school songs to my ac-
not be March 21 yet, but by tak- seniors and juniors. 'Everyone has engaged a guest speaker for companiment, and when they played cards, I kibitzed a little
ing a walk one knows spring is knows this sport is a game for all the evening. Senior members will (silently of course). >
unofficially here. It is "everyone's" ages. No matter how old one is, lead a discussion f on Dante's life
and mainr work, The ' Divine Then there came the day that the novelty of the lounge
spring, so all sports' enthusiasts she can always go out on a golf
will^have their chance to get the course and play a few holes. It is Comedy. The club's constitution wore off—I was pushed-into a corner ^to be a resting place
will be read and interpreted for for feet and books. Occasionally someone would plunk a tune
winter's kinks out of their bodies. the sport everyone should learn the group to determine any nec- here andsthere, but I could see that I was no longer part of
Have any of you been down to to play. Who knows—after a few essary revision. j the school spirit. As the classes grew larger, the girls that
watch the ladder tournament in ytears of practice you may win a | I J •H • V frequented my room forgot all about me. By this time my
Iping pong? Arlene Murphy, Mari- Women's $10,000 Openisome day. pretty color had faded and my
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS with age. My spirits dropped lower and lower with every ivory keys were yellowing
lyn Kelley, Mary Lou Benek, Jean Start early and learn one of the club recently sponsored a radio
Drouhard, Joan Bremmer, and most profitable sports. new chip. The thing that topped it all off happened during
program, "Pacts About American
Jane Zuercher are causing that Even though the smell of spring initiation one year-—do
Foreign Policy" on station WERC. that those sophomores ordered the you know
suspicious soundf— "Click-click,
click-dick, click-dick." The
is in the air the varsity is still
indoors and playing some exciting
This was the first Jo? a series of freshmen fto crawl all over me? Writer Scans
programs planned by IRC. The Imagine ! ! ! Believe me, my maker
champions are yet|undetermined. games. In fact, they are undefeat-
The chop and the tail spinjjshot ed so far. On February 16 they
broadcasts will be continued after didn't intend me for that purpose.!!
Easter vacation. Congratulations
Exchange Files
have keptfmany in the running. easily beat the General Electric PROM THE AKRON BUCK-
go to the club members for the But don't take me I wrong, I'm LELITE: UNIVERSITY OP AK-
Since the f?wind would spoil the A. A. bylthe score of 38-31. Mar- successful I R C workshop which no I pessimist! I love to have you RON.|
garet Broderick and Judy Eller- * t
flight of the ball, this is the only was held at the college on March wonderful women around. Why I love the paper, I think it's swell
spring sport which is played in- meysr were high scorers for our 3.
team with 19 points and 9 respec- don't you pull out some of that In the morning I run pell mell
doors, j music, dust me off and sing once To get my copy and read each line
Fifteen, Thirty, Forty-five, Game tively. The following Friday an- HOME ECONOMICS C CL U B in a while? You, Jo Young, and The stories and columns I think
As soon as the tennis courts dry; other victory was chalked up, but members were given pointers in you, Mary Ann Fahey—I like it are fine,
Jane Sharp, Betsy Peters, Joanl this game with the Pennsylvania Home Planning by Mr. C. P. Knoll when you practice those pretty I laugh at the jokes; I read all
Young, Mary Lou Dwyer, andfj Telephone A. A. wasn't as easily of the Boston Store Home Econo- tunes, t You'd toe$ surprised Ihow the ads;
Margaret Broderick will be swish-% won. In fact it was anyone's game . #

mics Department. Newest patterns, much better 1 the girls play cards I note all the news; I take up the
ingjj'the ball over the net or elsel until the last two minutes when designs and decorations for in- when they hafe some background Si fads.
chasing it out Mn the field. O h | the varsity sunk two baskets to terior decorating were demon- music J Inspiration, /, you >! know! When I praise the paper, I scorn
well, it is only a game! By the bring the final score to 3-5-32. strated. The next club meeting Come on now, don't forget me— • those who laugh
way, those interested in losing Again the high scorers were will be planned by the Freshman you know ifs me, the old piano— I'm really most loyal—I'm on
weight should try tennis—it? is a "Georgia" with 20 points and Judy members. 'A & the staff. I
guaranteed "reducer." with 7 points. I Place of Residence Are our staff members that loyal?
The ideal playing game,? bad- With the arrival of spring, all Mercyhurst Lounge
minton, will soon t be taken out- collegians will be well able to use On the agenda for the SOCIO- SPEAKING QF NEWSPAPERS:
doors. No real skill, just practice, their excess energy in pursuing LOGY | SEMINAR'S meeting;on The BONA VENTURE invites
is required I for this game; there- the various new and fun-filled March 7 was a forum on prejudice. letters I (from I students, faculty
fore, anyone can play as hard or sports, -jr | p Marilyn Garden, Barbara Hempel, IRC Workshop members,! and others associated
as gently as he likes and still ob- Marlene DeMattia, Joan Mccor- with the college. Criticisms should
Jpin plerityr of exercise and fun. | Juniors Oust mick, and Laura Jean Sly con- Stages Panel wj be of a constructive nature.
^Speaking of | getting plenty of ducted the forum j which was fol- Might well apply to the Merelad!
lowed by group discussion. {A On March 3 an I R c ; Work- 3J T "J •" * •
exfjpeise, softball |is one spring
spprt which: brings a great deal
College Gripes special committee will evaluate shop underfthe direction of Sally A UNIVERSAL'PROBLEM!
of r^njoyment to 'Hurstites. Just In lieu of the customary court- and revise the club's constitution. Carlow was held? at | Mercyhurst The Student Council of MT. ST.
College. The j| realization of i the SCHOLASTICA COLLEGE enact-
a ball and a bat can be the start esy campaign, this year's junior * *i * need for i stronger Catholic in- ed a skit on typical telephone use
of sliding into base, catching those class sponsored an anti-gripe pro- At a recent meeting of the fluence $ in i international affairs showing that a little consideration
long,|long flys, and much joking gram. In so doing, they hoped .to O. G. A. the Program Committee was?the integrating force of the on the part of all concerning the
or arguing. Get? some girls to- overcome the unrest caused by previewed Father Keller's movie, workshop.* Mercyhurst, ? which use of the telephone is 'really
gether and see the ->tyn that you constant complaining among stu- "You Can Change the World." His holds the I R C Commission for needed. ^ g B K S |
can have on the diamond. dents. Unique posters displayed in idea of the Christopher! Move- the Lake $ Erie * Region of -' the
Mercyhurst's Robin' Hoodsr> college hall advocated such prac- ment was more I specifically pre- NPCCS, invited all*, the other col- WORDS OF WISDOM from the
"And he was clad in cote \ and tices as observance of seniority sented* to the group by means of leges in this region to Jneet here SAN FRANCISCO FOGHORN!
hood of grene; '-> . ;| rights, interested attendance at a Forum, indicating how OGAites for the purpose of ^promoting in- The greatest undeveloped terri-
His arwes drouped noght with! assembly programs, and other may be Christophers here and now terest £in internaMonal Prelations. tory! in the!world is under your
^fetheres lowe, marks of good citizenship. as students, and how later as
And in his hand he bar a mighty •During the last week before alumnae,^they may continue this {Delegates jf- from Mercyhurst,
bowe." Easter i vacation, Ithe Juniors role in the fields' of education, Gannon, fvijla Maria, and .Naza- SIDELINE CHEERS
.Helen Eisert, Barbara Klein and climaxed their campaign, jj Each business, and ggovernment. The reth CollegeWeported ori the ac- The Bona ^Venture rebukes stu-
Clara Agliata.^may not be clad in evening before dinner, they pre- seniors who participated I were tivities of IRC on-their campus. dents for loud cheers of abuse to
green, but\ they should "bar a sented a short skit which demon- Edith Harris, Chairman, Rose- Sophia Ms&zionytep ajnd Vija visiting basketball teams.
mighty bowe." These Robin Hoods strated that "Gripers" can be mary^ Lahr, Pauline Speno.Jand Odeiko spoke on the importance THE 1 MERCIAD I commends
of giving more If oreigij students l
will soon be taking bow and arrow eliminated from a college campus. Ann Deckop. At the conclusion of of
those Mercyhurst students who
to the fields for a try at hitting Arlene Murphy served as general the program, the Christopher the opportunity an education have enough spirit to attend our
the bull's eye.
# *

| f £ chairman of ^ the drive. prayer was adopted as the official in this courifry^A paper* by Helen games and kencourage our team
1 "Oh, I'm stiff today! I don't one to be recited?at future OGA Eisert explained |'tne structure of with their .cheers. S
have apy desire fto sit£ down." 0
0 meetings. A souvenir Christopher the IRC Commission ; under
pamphlet, * "Late—But Not Too NFCCS. The |resrjonsifouitg^of In-
, t i 1 1
0 . i . i i i M M « M * m i p " " ' * * ' " " •

You're stiff! My legs seem to want 0 0

to bend sideways." Although these
0 Compliments of 0 Late!" was distributed to^ the ternational ' Relation Clu)?s ^was
and similar remarks have $ been
;;£ f
m * *
discussed by a panel (under the
chairmanship J of Betsy t Meehan.
3 Colonialf Bakery
echoing through four halls every 0 **ND PASTRY SHOPPE
Sunday, still \ Pat fCrace, Mary
0 A copy of the BUSINESS LEAF, Membersi of the panel were Ro-
Q'Donnell, Rose Andio, Rita Pan r
the annual publication of the bert. Crock of Gannon who spoke
Business Education Department, on the responsibility of the mem- Known for Outstanding
ciera, Jay GajjilaY Jean Broscoe,' 0 0 bers of IRC, Helen Fogarty, who | Quality
and Catherinfef Kibe are. going 0 0 edited and mimeographed by the
0 0
Sophomores, was presented to considered the job of the club of- Pine at ?8th St., Spencer Pi.
horseback ridlftg:every Saturday, j
They say those trails through the
0 each member. ficers, and Mary)) Ann Callahan, j PHONE 01-9287
0 0 who * discussed the E function » of Ll3* ; Erie, Pa.
Peninsula are j very picturesque. 0 0
* • •

club • moderators. IK^WSK^^^'

Despite the j stiffness some con- 0 The ^Junior OGAites are pre-
paring^ the program for next SiKSfffiinSBS^SUaHSHSSSEHnSiaiHnHiiSU^
tract, the girls.have found,horse-
back riding exciting and full of month. Rumor | has it that they
0 0
0 0 plan to give a summary of inter-
fun. « ••%&• • • «gf 0 0 views made this year with local
1 Hole-In-One % 0 Compliments of 0
0 0 business men and women. At this
"Pore! Keep your eye on the 0 0
0 time, too, the Seniors will be hon-
ball. Keep your head down." Col-
legians will soon hear Miss Fer-
Rita 0
ored in a special manner.
guson shouting these warnings on 0 0
0 0
Compliments of
the green. 'Because of many re- 0
0 Wingerter's 0
quests, golf will be offered to the
upperclassmen for the first time
at Mercyhurst. Those who will be 0 GIFT SHOP 0

seen driving, putting, trying to

overcome slicing, concentrating on * I


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