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FORGOTTEN VOICES INTERNATIONAL Dramatic Adventure has teamed up with FV on this project in order to help further their goal of empowering orphans, many of which are victims of AIDS, You can learn more al www pie visit our website: ee Ne ee Y ern Seco ee Theatre phone: +1 917 9524714 get involved! MISSION STATEMENT Dramatic Adventure Theatre provides the opportunity for artists to perform around the world, to explore the unknown and the familiar and to become intimately involved with distant communities in order to build a platform where ideas, talent and original works can be shared. HOW DOES THAT TRANSLATE? Dramatic Adventure Theatre (DAT) will bring professional actors, di- rectors, and writers to develop short theatrical pieces with children all across the country of Zimbabwe. The DAT team will perform for the children as the pieces develop. DAT will also engage the local ‘community in tangible ways by participating in service projects, hiring local artists and taking the time to get to know individuals. In this way, the DAT team will present much more than a show..they will be ambassadors of hope! The team of artists will empower theses “Yoices from Zimbabwe” by stitching together the short pieces into a play which will be performed for the home audience in the US. WHY ZIMBABWE? DAT found itself in a position to make a difference in the lives of chil- dren in Zimbabwe and decided to capitalize on that. The situation in ‘Limbabwe is not good, currently; inflation is over 1700%, the effects of AIDS is seen everywhere, the country is in political turmoil, many employees are on strike and a drought looms. People are dying. Children need, now more than ever, to see a future. Dramatic Adven- ture Theatre will make a contribution towards that end. PFUE Wy rc Altes GET INVOLVED! You have the opportunity to be a part of this dramatic ad- venture. Please consider donating your time, energy, talent ‘or money to this noble cause, You really can make a differ- ence. Together we will empower these young playwrights in ‘imbabwe and touch the lives of many more. The message of peace and hope will be taken everywhere DRAMATIC ADVENTURE goes. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that? Please consider making a donation. You could be: (up to $500) ‘$50: Feed over thirty locals at a “brie” (ie, a BBQ) $100: Transport the DAT team from region to region (up to $1,500) $750: Lodge the team for a week in Zimbabwe $1,500: Cover one traveler's plane ticket (up to $10,000) $3,000: Completely sponsor one traveler's expenses ‘$6,000: transport and lodge the team for the entire trip $9,000: Take care of all six plane tickets (the sky's the limit) $15,000: Cover half ofthis project’s expenses $30,000: Cover all expenses forthe cost ofthis project Contribution Form Me Ms_ Mrs I would like tobe put onthe email ist LastName aminterested in becoming traveling ats wih DAT FirstName ____ My company is interested in becoming a corporate sponsor. eee I woud ike to make a contbuon inthe amount of Eero eoreeereer Please make checks payable to "The Field" and write "Dramatic Advent Theatre" on th MEMO line. Thankyou. “etter mc epee en ne penne cipereremey prairie near trie Telephone Teh ee ero Ts 246 IDS eee ett ode S's ies edt lene ones, fn Email Nowe AF HT Theale fn te fiche ty Gene | please return completed form to the ales blow

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