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President Terms
Gro wth Essen tial
By Matthew 1 . Clark
The Brie Catholic Diocese, owner of St. The option of construction would in-
Mark's Seminary, has turned down Mer- volve an expansion of existing /structure
cy hurst's offer of $2 million for the, rather * than constructing an entirely new
building, leaving the college's Board o f building.* ^ **/ f
Trustees with some important decisions to "We would expand the cafeteria toward
make. § i <%. j ^ the Grotto, but not into the Grotto," stated
Among them are the possibility of stay- Dr.i Garvey. "We're, presently discussing
ing at St. Mark's or new construction on this with trustees,, faculty, and an architect,
campus. 1 i however, we do hope to maintain our
"The problem with staying at St. Mark's presence at St. Mark's for some time to
is that there's no room for expansion," said come," he added. i
Mercyhurst President Dr. William P. Just how long would that be?
Garvey. "The diocese needs more office "We'd like a minimum of a 10-year lease
space and they believe it (St. Mark's) could for the Music and MCI programs," ex-
be converted to serve that need,'* he said. plained Dr. Garvey. ** >
^ln order to serve the diocese's needs ef- He stated that the St. Mark's situation is
fectively, the Diocese claims they would also an emotional issue for the diocese.
have to occupy much of the building. "Many 1 diocesan priests have been
"They need 40 percent of the building educated there, it was Bishop Gannon's
for office space." said Dr. Garvey, in- great dream to build it, and all of these
dicating that this would not leave enough things make it an emotional issue. To give
space for Mercyhurst's future needs. fv up the seminary's presence there is to
"There's n o future space available; we perhaps admit that seminary formation is
have no room to grow, " he said. Jr in an irreversible decline .that it's never go-
Another option available t o Mercyhurst ing to come back, and they're not willing to
is building on campus. accept that,'' he suggested.(• **
''We're thinking o f moving the Hotel *\ Dr. Garvey indicated that a short term
Restaurant Management program back to resolution of? the situation would be
campus and leaving the Music Department unlikely. St. Mark's Seminary lv

and the Mercyhurst Career Institute there. "There appears to be no short term
We would continue to rent half the building resolvement at this time. If the diocese
and * would give up half the gym and doesn't change their mind before we break continued. "We're disappointed butj we Board of Trustees on a decision either to
cafeteria," he said. ground, then it's unlikely that we'll be able understand their position and we appreciate continue the status quo at St. Mark's or to
I "We have to protect the HRM program to afford tSt. Mark's for some time to their willingness to let us continue, there," build on campus.
because o f the number o f students involv- come," he said. ^ he said. ' 'We have to act on this by the first of the
ed," he added. :i r , .; "We appreciate what they've done," he Quick action will have to be taken by the year. The present laws are very favorable,
and interest rates are very attractive right
now," explained Dr. Garvey. \
Diocese Says No To Purchase Offer "We hope to resolve thisf by the
December Board Meeting," he concluded.
Construction, > if needed, would begin
By Janlne Adolphson facilitates 18 college age seminarians''while priesthood. during the next six to eight months.
fcSjIn 1983, Mercyhurst College expanded its 22 young men have moved t o major It wiU also make a fine facility for t h e
facilities to include the St. Mark's Seminary seminaries and seven have been ordained location of diocesan offices. The placement
Complex. This was made possible with a deacons. The building wilt also be utilized will be compatible and enhance the
five year lease agreement between Mer- to expand diocesan offices. Remaining Seminary Formation«Program at St.

cyhurst and the Diocese o f Erie. ^ space at St. Mark's will be offered to Mer- Mark's. f | •-?•

Now in the-fourth year o f its five year cyhurst for lease. This would probably be
less space than what the college currently Speice feels that the current problems of
lease, Mercyhurst must decide on renewing joint occupancy are an "assault o n the in-
the current lease or relocating its School of has available to it.
The college departments at St. Mark's tegrity of the Seminaryfc Foundation 5 Pro-
Music, Hotel-Restaurant Management gram. An incompatibility exists that needs
|are growing, therefore remaining at St.
Department and Mercyhurst Career In-
stitute since plans to purchase St. Mark's Mark's is not feasible and leaves Mer- to be
of the
the ter- Monte|Ca|lo
Seminary have fallen through. cyhurst }n the quandary of finding a facility
The Diocese, after much deliberation,
has decided not to accept Mercyhurst's pro-
for the School of Music, Hotel-Restaurant He also anticipates full cooperation from
Management' Department and the Mer- Mercyhurst, in solving these problems. Night. t..|gi|p^ 2
cyhurst Career Institute. Mercyhurst, according to Speice, to date,
posal o f $2 million for St. Mark's ,
Seminary. £ Father Larry Speice, director of Voca- has been wonderful but acknowledges that
tions and the Seminarian Formation Pro- the two parties need to find a resolution.
Election| 86. |. .|pg| 3
[ "Money was not the main consideration "The decline in religious vocations is one
gram, feds that "the Diocese has made a
in the negotiation,** said Frank Hakel, Ad-
ministrative Coordinator for the Diocese. wise decision." His points of concern are of the biggest issues felt by the Diocese," Personality
.Selling the building would mean having that the building has been a Seminary since continued Speice. o'Many seminaries are
to find and acquire alternative accomoda-
tions for the Seminary Formation
it was built in 1960. It carries a nostalgia to closed." he concluded. The diocese fully in-1
the priests in the diocese who studied there, tends to keep St. Mark's seminary opened, Profile £1 & & pg.7
and serves as .a facility for the spiritual leaving Mercyhurst to find alternatives to
Program. "^• *\ growth of' young men preparing for the this situation.
The seminary, built in I960, currently
PAGE 2 Stye fHcrcfai OCTOBER 24,1986

In Egan Speaker Series •I

Nee Discusses Coupon Fraud
' On Oct. 28, 1986, the Egan country, and that encouraged him Security Administration." *
Scholars' program will be presen- to write another paper. The seminar he has planned for
ting John Nee, who will be giving In large cities such as Detroit, the Mercyhurst community will
a seminar entitled "Coupon Chicago, Miami and New York, try to show the enormity of
Fraud: Who Gets Clipped? millions of dollars in coupon coupon fraud as well as who's in-
Nee teaches Criminal Justice fraud occur every year. Nee volved. Nee wishes to "expose to
here at Mercyhurst and originally believes t hat J the middle Eastern a very active criminal activity of
did a paper on commercial criminals are controlling the which few are aware." Currently,
counterfeiting which was publish- racket. Nee is working on a paper dealing
ed late last year. The paper with product diversion. His
,*v* - - ^ ^ W B W W W I W W P v

Coupon fraud has many faces.

discussed the counterfeit It can be anything from printing knowledge of the various types of The cards are shuffled for SAC's Monte Carlo Night

Takej A Gamble On
duplicating of such popular and phony coupons yourself to the white collar crime is as diverse as
expensive items as Izod polo shirts store's own cashiers slipping his background in others forms of
and Gucci watches and bags. The coupons into their cash drawers crime. i
paper was presented to the
Academy of Criminal Justice.
After the paper's completion,
Nee discovered the enormity of
and keeping the money reimburs-
ed from the coupons.
Nee's coupon fraud paper will
be published in the December
All are welcome and invited to
the seminar which will be held in
the * faculty dining & room. The
presentation will begin at 4:30
Monte Carlo Night
by Kelly Moore" with fake money.
coupon fraud that occurred in this 1986 issue of the "Journal of p.m. Have you always wanted to go At the end of the night, when

Tickets Take Up Meeting

to Las Vegas and gamble all your all the games are stopped, prizes
money away? SAC is giving are auctioned off and you are able
everyone a chance tonight at 8:00 to pay with the fake money.
>• by Jennifer Singer when they host "Monte Carlo This year's chairperson, Tracy
given by the Student Government The two machines on campus now Night" in the Back Porch Cafe. Wasson, pointed out that it is just
On Oct. 19,1986 Michael Kelly, for the most helpful represen- are always selling out, especially
President of Mercyhurst College over the weekend when the There will be various games to a fun time for everyone. SAC has
tative has been renamed. It is now play such as blackjack, 21, and sponsored this event in the past,
Student Government, called'the called the Sally Schrader Award. bookstore is closed. Before ad-
weekly meeting to order. Follow- journing the meeting Kelly poker. The best part is that no one and every year it gets better.
It will still be given to the most loses any money. When you enter, So why not change your pace
ing roll call, SAC chairperson helpful and cooperativ e asserted that he would see what
Tracy Wasson, was introduced. could be done about this you are given fake money with and try your luck at blackjack or
representative. which to play the games. Each the big wheel. You don't have
She announced that Friday will be A major issue discussed at the situation. *5
Montej Carlo Night in; the time you win, you are awarded anything to lose.
meeting was parking. Kelly in-
Backporch Cafe. On Saturday, formed the representatives that 40
SAC is sponsoring a bus to Dus-
quene for the Laker football
game. The cost for the bus is $5.
new spaces were being made in
Weber parking lot; however,
many of the representatives did
Biology & Geology Students
The cafeteria is sponsoring an
rw»»«%K^*ij>ct riipn^r ^jjfrg end ftf
this month. If anyone 1
not feel that this would help very
much. Some feel that commuters Skip Lab & Go To The Site*
ideas about what foods should be parking lot even though they maqgrftve&^sandy beaches and reefs, in 'which the course of
By Betsy Lante 5
rocky shores/ she sail 'evolution has been preserve;
served contact one of the cafeteria should not park there. Many of
workers. the representatives also felt that When Columbus v discovered "The island ,\tself has an in- Much of; the fieldwork will in-
All of the Cleveland Brown they and others in the Mercyhurst Jamaica on May 5, 1494, his first credible array of geological volve snorkeling, and certified
football game tickets have been community were being given un- landfall was St* Ann's Bay, 'a features," Buyce added "Obser- SCUBA divers will have the op-
sold. Spring Break arrangements fair parking tickets. Kelly stated stunning white sandy shore on the ving living reefs offshore will help portunity to take a deeper look in-
are still being made. There was that he would look into the issue island's north coast, where, he us to understand those fossilized to things. The group will also visit
another informational meeting and get back to them next week. received a hostile welcome from and uplifted on the land." tourist attractions such as Drax
held on Wed. Oct. 22. The price is Another need mentioned at the Arawak Indians. "The ancient coral reefs are the Hall Beach (location for the film-
$329, not $369. * *% meeting was*for more machines This Dec. 5, as a group of Mer- accumulated remains of creatures ing Of "Return to Treasure
The Representative Award that sell washing machine tickets. cyhurst .science students also with carbonate skeletons that liv- Island"), the resort city Ocho
discover Jamaica, their reception ed millions of years ago," he con- Rios, the Botanical Gardens, and
at St. Ann's Bay will be more tinued. "They were lifted above Dunn's River Falls (a fresh water
hospitable. They will arrive at the sea level with the entire island of cascade descending 600 feet to the
Hofstra University Marine Jamaica as other nearby parts of open sea), Dudzinski said.

CUPP Laboratory, a hands-on learning
center devoted exclusively to the
needs of professors and students
from the U.S. and Canada.
These students will be earning
the earth's crust plunged
downward,, forming an ocean
trench several miles deep between
Jamaica and its northern
neighbor, Cuba."
Dudzinski, who has taken two
'groups of marine biology students
to Jamaica in the past two years,
has also studied marine biology at
Nassau in the Bahamas and at the
"the hardest credits they will ever "These carbonate rocks are im- Bermuda Biological Station. This
love to get,'* according to geology portant both* academically, * in will be a first visit to Jamaica for
professor Dr. Raymond Buyce, as developing an understanding of Buyce, although he instructed a
they spend ten days performing howjj the world formed, and geology course two years ago in

BREAKFAST lab and field exercises in the

Buyce, who will be instructing
economically, because similar
rocks in other parts of the world
supply much of our oil and gas,"
the Virgin Islands. Having studied
carbonate rock deposits
throughout much of the U.S. and
Modern and'Ancient Carbonate Buyce. concluded. Geology in the Red Sea, he is currently stu-
8:00 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Depositional Environments, will students will also examine dying references on Jamaican
$ share his professorial duties in the volcanic rock deposits, cave ter- geology. "I hope to become cer-
Breakfast Platter 1.75 Caribbean with biology professor
Dr. Diane Dudzinski, who will in-
rains and a local bauxite mine. tified for SCUBA diving before
Biology students, on the other the trip," Buyce added.
struct in the area of her specialty, hand, will focus on the ecology of
includes: 2 eggs Tropical Marine Biology. Both marine life^forms. In doing so, Students interested * in either
course must submit a $50 deposit
2 sausage three-credit courses are open to
Mercyhurst science majors, as
Dudzinski hopes "they will gain by Oct. 31. Dudzinski estimates
an appreciation for the diversity
with this coupon 3 bacon well as non-majors to be admitted of species in tropical regions, costs for all transportation, room
at the professors' discretion. and board, lab use and field trips
FREE Hash browns The Hofstra lab is an ideal loca-
where man's intrusion has greatly
at $870, with tuition an additional
t o a s t or e n accelerated the extinction rate."
7 ERAG E i 9 ^ muffin wm tion for the instruction of these Both,, professors feel their
with the 8 courses, Dudzinski commented, students will, benefit from san BuyceJ summarized the
purchase of an lie* because "St. Ann's Bay is pro-
tected by a natural bank-barrier
overlapping of the two courses. significance of the * upcoming
Geologists will study the distribu- adventure, "It's a chance for our
English Muffin ! * * *
reef aboundingk in diverse com- tion of biological organisms in students to live the science, to
•"expires 10/31/86* Danish munities of corals, tropical fish
and sunken ships. Other en-
order to understand ancient car-
bonate rock deposits. * In* turn/
become immersed in what it is like
to actually *do' what one has'
vironments to be explored include biologists will .join in the studied for years-on-end
lagoons, •'"••V srass beds. geological examination of fossil academically." JT T * t-
OCTOBER 24,1986
CHlie jRiTriab

Hurst Senior Does Research For D.O.E

by Julie Cherico
Stay was to study the cycling of but never with fish."
This past summer, Mercy hurst lipids in bluegill fish J DiFonzo had an advisor to
senior, Chris DiFonzo seized the Her assignment concentrated report to, but all of the research
opportunity to complete some mainly on Pond Sea, consisting 1. completed was her own.
work for the Student Research Of the land in S.C. on which the However, for her first week,
program which is federally spon- federal government took over for DiFonzo had a different advisor
sored by the U.S. Department of a testing site. The task for DiFon- in which she had to hatch 100
Energy's Office of Energy zo was to determine how blugills alligator eggs herself.
Research. survived in the pond when the DiFonzo was evaluated by her
DiFonzo, a biology major, nuclear reactor was operating. advisor and the results were sent
English-chemistry minor, applied After graduating, DiFonzo is DiFonzo talked of her ex-
The nuclear reactor increased the to Oak Ridge and Mercyhurst's planning to attend graduate perience and stated, "When you
to Oak Ridge Associated Univer- water temperature to 110 degrees Biology Dept. She was informed school. She is looking at the sit in a classroom, you don't do
sities, in Tennessee, and was one of her evaluations and her University of Minnesota, among things on your own." "But down
ot 74 students who got accepted. DiFonzo found that thefish hid research will be submitted in an Others. If she doesn't begin school t h e r e , " s h e c o n t i n u e d ,
She met the qualifications of com- in dark places and used their fat to Oak Ridge research paper. ^* until Sept., she hopes to reapply "everything was your own and I
pleting her junior year and sent survive because all its food was "Not everyone had results," next summer to continue resear- was able to find out exactly what
recommendations along with her terminated. Since the reactors she said, "but, I had results and ching. She doesn't feel that she'll science is." "I also liked hatching
transcript to be reviewed. 1 were shut down during her stay, enough of them to present," she have a problem getting accepted the alligators," she concluded.
There's a lot of applicants," DiFonzo, every week, caught continued. again.
DiFonzo stated. "You're lucky if some fish and through a grinding

Campaign '86 Continued

you can get in." i process, she tried to see a rate of
She worked for Oak Ridge fat build up in the fish. And, she
University at the Savannah River d i d . < •

Ecology Laboratory, a federal The research she did was In last week's Merciad we saw program, Pell Grants, vocational recession, such as Northwest
nuclear power site, in Aiken, S.C. something new and DiFonzo some of the qualifications of
DiPonzo's project for her 10 week education grants and increased Pennsylvania.
stated , "They did it with turtles, gubernatorial candidates Bob financial aid for higher education
Casey and William Scranton. This students. Edgar targets as some of his

Union Revamped^ week, due to the fact that slightly

less publicity has been given to the
senate race, we will focus on the
Specter is also a supporter of
the Superfund toxic waste cleanup
program and has taken a lead on
goals to improve Pennsylvania's
economic standing, develop better
relations between labor, manage-
Witty Video Room candidates in that competition.
This campaign pits the 56-year-
Pennsylvania environmental
issues, such as the problem of
ment, and government and to
rehabilitate the state's roads,
By Traci Bowman Costello for reservations. No old Republican incumbent Arlen leaks in underground storage bridges, tunnels and rails using
Let's go to the movies! It Siskel teaching will be permitted in the Specter against the Democratic tanks. These leaks threaten the Pennsylvania steel, thereby help-
& Ebert were here they would room. Student recreation is the entry of Bob Edgar, 43, a con- drinking supplies of many of our ing the ailing steel industry, while
have given rave reviews of the fall ! first priority in this room; if need gressman whom the party hopes state's communities. He also won at the same time improving the
season on "the hill." Due to the be, movies and programs can be will "Forge a new future." j passage of the Pennsylvania routes used to transport business
work of Lisa Costello, Patty viewed for completion of class Specter is running on the Wilderness Act, which protects materials.
Strickenberger, John Kinnaman, assignments. strength of his past record, mak- over 30,000 acres of state forest
Maureen Percy, and the funding Have a video you want to share ing very few new campaign pro- for recreation or preservation Edgar, while citing his support
of carpet and cable by Student With Others? Bring ' e m in. S t u d e n t mises. Some of the items Specter areas. >A« ->•»>> *~~ .AIM. - S ^ A . of higher education, makes no
jOovernment this summer, a new Activities also runs movies every claims which are relevent to the On the other side of the fence specific statements as to his ac-
video room was added to the Stu other Sunday. Admission is free. college vote: we find Edgar, an underog who tions to benefit education; he
dent Union. Grab your date! Upcoming Specter Introduced the Unfair has overcome odds before in his sums up his attitude toward Penn-
The Video Room has a large- movies are... Foreign Competition Act, which 1974 congressional upset of | sylvania education by stating
screen cable TV with V.H.S. Oct. 19 The World According would allow' American firms to Delaware County GOP represen- "One way for Pennsylvania to
hookup, (Just the kind you might. to Garp 7 p.m. ^ obtain court injunctions to stop il- tative Larry Williams. regain its competetive edge is to
watch Monday Night Football on), 31 The Shining 9 p..m. ^ legal imports, which harm vital
Edgar, during his congressional invest in the education of its
and the capacity to seat up to 30 Nov. 9 Vision Quest 7 p.m. J-. domestic industries. - * experience, wrote» the Edgar children. Give kids a solid educa-
people. Student Union and Video 16 Spies Like Us 7 p.m. . Specter has been a consistent Amendment to the 1983 Jobs Bill tion and they will get better jobs.
Room hours coincide. See 1 isa See y a t h e r e! | supporter of full funding for the to send federal money to those The result will be a revitalized
Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) areas hit hardest by the 1982-83 economy in our state."


Democrat Bob Edgar - U.S. Republican Senator Arlen Spector

Senatorial challenger - the incumbant

3030 Pine-Ave. Phase... Tues., Oct. 28,11 a.m.
Zurn 101, Gannon 1

Tues., Oct. 28,4 p.m.

Erie, Pa, 16504
455-4603 Vote KAPLAN
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Allegheny |
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PAGE 4 Qttje fHUrciaft OCTOBER 24,1986

St. Mark's - A Vital Part MSG Slates Series

Of The * Hurst In Many Ways Of 'Major' Lectures
by Brian Sheridan
Nothing could be more detrimental to Mercyhurst's recruitment than by* Micheal Kelley, MSG terested in how a person of Larry
not renewing our lease at St. Mark's. The reputation of the D'Angelo President i Linville* s stature comes to speak

Music School and the HRM program have lured many students from
far away places to enroll here. To replace the special, extensive facilities
will be costly to Mercy hurst and to the individual programs situated
Next Thursday, Oct. 30, a T.V.
star whom many of you will
recognize instantly will be appear-
at Mercyhurst College in Erie,
PA. This process began in July.
All summer and early into the fall
hr \

there. £ ing on the Mercyhurst Campus. my office was besieged by agents

There can be much foresight in hindsight and to say that the dioseses Larry Linvilie, former star of the letters and phone calls. After soi
would have eventually become upset with our needing so much space in T.V. series "MASH" and other ting though all of the endless gar-
the complex would be unfair. The time Mercyhurst has spent at St. shows like "Grandpa Goes to bage, we eventually decided upon
Mark's has helped those programs to grow and, in effect, helped cause Washington." will be speaking on presenting three or four lectures
the programs' outstripping the physical limits of the building. his days as "Majoi Frank Burns" and trying to provide some kind I mentioned balance before and
So now the college is faced with an sticky situation. If we are to con- and more. Linville is a guest of of balance. $ i and providing this balance in
tinue to compete with othei schools, we definitely need to expand. The Mercyhurst Student Government * This year I decided to obtain February will be Major Stan Lev-
time it would take to add on to existing strutures or build new buildings and will be appearing at Zurn Hall the services of a well known per- chenko, a former K.G.B. officer
might hurt the 'Hurst's recruitment of freshman in the coming years. at 8:30 p.m. sonality. Through an increased who has defected to the west and
Bringing some of the classes now held at St. Mark's back to the main This provides an excellent op- correspondance with an agent, a we are in the process of
campus might be beneficial to some though. How many of us had to portunity to ask some of the ques- date is eventually chosen upon negotiating for another lecture
orave Erie's bitter winter weather to walk up the hill to get to a class. I tions that you always wanted to and a contract is sig ned. All that is speaker for early April. We have
jhave heard many complaints over the past four years about having to ask concerning working with Alan need after this is to set up the hall, covered everything from "Major
travel to St. Mark's from students who didn't have transportation. Alda or Jack Albertson; much of the ride to the airport to pick up Burns" to Major Levchenko. £
Some students even have not taken advantage of the fine programs of- the evening will be spent answer- the guest, making sure that they
fered "on the bigger hill" for that reason. J 4 The best part of this whole deal
ing your questions. Last year, he are comfortable in their hotel is that no matter what happens
Also, there is the sense of identity. Being up on the hill at St. Mark's performed the same type of show room and then be sure that they you will get your money's worth -
has always seem to have separated those programs from others, like to SRO crowds at University of get to the lecture hall on time. there is no charge to the Mer-
they were better than others. Students who have taken mainly classes at Edinboro. After the lecture is over, we just cyhurst community for the any of
St. Mark's probably feel as if they are being alienated from the main Many of you might be in- reverse the process. the lectures.
campus. Everyone does their best to bridge that identity gap but the ac-
tual distance between the buildings cannot be always nullified. In this
case, as in so many others, physical distance shrivels compared to emo-
tional distance

An unfortuate result, however, of building anew building is that not
wil^frfagejy^nsive it will shrink the amount of natural hind'
Kovski by Chris Kovskl
scape oni ourTcampu's !' X^Tror'cnfvtzmtoir'tias been p — - n^i hmrr; After reading some of the latest cryogenic facilities. They now feel her life to God. The woman has
**"! ITTIltlll lln i I I H " 1 I I I I I — w | |_
been destroying the natural enviroment. One of the best things about ^ ^ ^touface the challeqftg of a also written a book entitled "Sex,
our campus is that we have an enviroment removed from the setting In dinary pieces of literature for en- cancer-, AIDS-, and Prank
which it exists. All around there is the concrete of the city but our camr quiring minds. I wondered what Sinatra-free existence. book destined for the Signet
pus, for the most part* has remained' untainted. We need to expand members of ^other* cultural An article to delight young and Classics. ,'
though and I'm sure if the decision to build does occur, it won't be done subgroups in the world would old, whatever their sex, party af-
at the expense of the beauty of our campus. J think if they perused the pages of filiation or, nationality, is one with ' . These articles and many more
I understand the Diocese's position for emotion and history are an some of these publication's ex- a page-wide banner stating "The ' - can be found in your local super-
important of every culture.'I, however, cannbt see why their needs pository journalism. £, > Cosmic, Call Girl: Prostitute has a „ markets. Remember, this is the in-
couldn't be met just as well in some other location. Having the entire St. . For example, how would the b i z a r r e e n c o u n t e r ' with formation that your little brothers
Mark's Center would benifit many students for many, many years to Russians react to a headline spacemen...(and) it changes her and sisters are absorbing as your
come. -t r- stating "Russkies* beware! Our life$" The gist of the article is that parents take them through the
postmen will be armedS"? In the a prostitute is abducted by a UFO checkout line. Reading is
course of the story,'the author and proceeds thereafter to devote fundamental.
Qttie iJHerctaJb reveals the importance of rocket
launcher training for high school

girls. What other displays of U.S. THE FAR SIDE I By GARY LARSON
Brian Sheridan, Editor militarism do they need?
Chris Kovskl, Managing Editor When the mountain men from
"Deliverance" read a story entitl-
Jennifer Con my. Sports Editor ed "Mummies* deadly plague
Tonl FlMt, Photography Editor could kill us all$", they might fed
Paula Bruno, Calendar Editor a slight twinge of anxiety until
they read further or had the story
H. L. Boozub, Business Manager read to them and discovered that
Tom Mulligan, Asst. Business Manager the "top doc" referred to in the
piece ;• is named, Anatoly Ver-
MaiIIlow J . Clark, Circulation Manager brazhensky. At this point in time
they realize that the "all" in the
^ K M
headlines must be a group of Rus-
VOL 60 NO. 4 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 24.1986 sians* because no American in his
right mind would consent to being
part of a group involving "them-
Reporters thar-Red-buggers," land their
small troubled minds are put to
Janlne Adolphson Chuck Fleet Mary Beth Manross rest.
Tracy Bowman Karen Fox Kelley Moore Those people who believe that
Julie Cherico .Wendy Kaufman Jennifer Singer professional wrestling is a sport of
skill and that Martians have
Hitler's brain alive in a laboratory
Angela Chlrillo, Photographer Bridget Presutrl in the body of a pithed frog would
t Ann Johnson, Typists have no trouble believing the story
Dennis McCarthy, Faculty Adviser about a French infantryman from
World War I**who was revived
The Merciad Is the student-edited newspaper of after being frozen for 69 years in a
Mercyhurst College, 501 East?38th Street, Erie, PA block of ice. Most of these in-
16546. Tho Merclad office is located in the base- dividuals would jump at a chance
ment of Baldwin Hall, phone 8254)376. to be frozen; in fact, they are pro-
bably lined up for blocks outside
Second to last of the Mohicans *i
OCTOBER 24,1986
2Hie ffflerciaa PAGES

Candidates Mudslinging Shouldn't Cloud Issues

by Dr. David Allen
In "campaign-ese," an assault the American ideal is a concerned This refers to an individual's of the moderate and weak par- safeguarding the environment.
I upon the character of your oppo- and aware citizen who makes an psychological attachment to a tisan identifiers. Hence, if any of the candidates
nent is called "going negative." informed decision based on a political party. The attachment The second component of the are going to pull ahead of their
At least three Pennsylvania cam- careful evaluation of the issue varies in intensity from individual American voting model, short respective opponents the only
paigns have already "gone positions advanced by competing to individual. As such, it is possi- term forces, accounts for the item left to concentrate on is per
candidates. 5 ble to have a strong Democrat or voting choice of those individuals sonal attributes. As such, you are
negative" - the Scranton-Casey
race for governor, the Specter- who do not qualify as strong par- now witnessing all three sets of
Edgar race for U.S. Senate, and tisan identifiers. Short term forces candidates "going negative".
the Wachob-Clinger race for the consist of the voter's evaluation The six candidates referred to in
U.S. House of Representatives. of issues and the candidates per- this article are involved in close
The use of the * 'negative'' is not sonal attributes. Issues are issues, races. As they approach the
new, although the advent of i.e., candidates are either for or voting deadline they are attemp-
television campaign commercials against some idea of how to ting to obtain a margin of victory
| has made it a very effective vote manage society. Strangely by convincing you that they are
getting tool. Indeed, one time- enough, few citizens seem to be the guy in the white hat while their
honored saying of American familiar with all the issues in any opponent wears a black hat.
politics seems ideally suited to this campaign ~ most likely because So, what can you do as a con-
activity- "If you can't stand the all the issues do not interest all the cerned and aware voter? First,
heat, stay out of the kitchen." For people. you do have a personal choice. Se-
our purposes this quote means if Candidate attributes are per- cond, to excercise that choice find
you are going into politics, either sonal characteristics which voters out what each candidates stands
have a thick skin, oi develop one. either like or dislike. What a voter for. You can do this by a quick
Your opponent may not like you likes about a specific candidate is trip to the various campaign head-
and therefore may say nasty called a "positive" - voter quarters here in town. Campaign
things about you in public. *$ £ dislikes are called a "negative". staffs will be more than happy to
Most candidates £ fori high office bury you under handouts Which
While "negative**^ campaigns
make use of political pollsters explain what their candidates
do tell us something about the Dr. David Allen who carry out surveys to establish want to do once they are in office.
emotional and psychological
voter preferences. These surveys Third, read and study this
wherewithal of candidates, they Needless to say, there is a Republican or an individual who provide information about a can- material. Fourth, choose the can-
really do not tell us much about substantial gap between the ideal is only weakly attached to either
the simple a d of voting. For ex- and the real— few if any citizens party. Under these conditions it is d i d a t e s ' " p o s i t i v e s " or didate who you feel most closely
ample, television commercials are are aware of and concerned about also possible to have an individual "negatives" and about the same. approximates your vision of how
characteristics for his opponent - government should operate. ..
expensive to produce and more all the issues. Indeed, the com- who is attached to neither party,
Smart candidates stress their There is sufficient time before
expensive to air." Thus, the use of "ponents of the simple act* of i.e., a political independent. Can- the election for you to become a
"positive" i attributes and the
the "negative" must have some voting hav* been* know.n to didates stress-r their party iden- concerned and aware citizen who
"negative", attributes of their
purpose other than simply trying political scientists and practicing tification in order to obtain the is capable of participating wisely
to upset the opposition. Further, politicians for at least 25 years. votes of those individuals who The question is: how does this in the governing of the nation.
while most citizens recognize that Voting in American elections is have a strong partisan identifica- Why not try this activity? You will
combination of long and short
"negatives" have been part of the determined by a combination of tion. However, not all votes fall beat the pollsters, mate an in-
term forces explain the Penn-
campaign arsenal for years, The t long and short term*forces.'Long into this category. Candidates sylvania contests for Governor, formed, choice and exercise the
average voter still feels uncomfor- | term forces consist of an in- therefore must stress other sub- U . S . ' S e n a t o r 'an d U . S . rights which accrued to you on
table in their presence. After all. l dividual's partisan identification. jects in order to garner the votes your eighteenth birthday. In
First, all the candidates have short, you will be* doing

AICPAj gotten as much mileage out of

partisan identification as they are
going to get. Second, the issues in
something that is legal, moral and
non-fattening. There are not that
many activities these days which

Scholarship this set of races seem blurred - all

candidates are talking about dif-
have those three characteristics.
Dr. Allen* teaches, political
science here at Mercyhurst Co4-
ferent schemes or creating more
Toni Myers, a senior accoun- jobs, improving the economy, and I e g e
ting major at Mercyhurst College,
has been awarded a $500 scholar-

ship for the 1985-86 school year

by the American Institute of Cer-
tified Public Accountants (AIC-
& O Gala Opening D'Angelo Concert and Re
PA). Myers was one of 405 j I GENUINE | *
undergraduate students to receive
cital Series — The Kalichstein-Laredo-Robinson
Trio, 2:30 p.m., St. Marks this honor. Myers is an "Erie
native, and aM983 graduate of
MONDAY * Mercyhurst Prep. Hours: Tues., Wed., d
27 Liturgy — 4:30 p.m.. Campus Ministry The scholarships awarded by Thurs., Sun. 5-11:00 p.m.;
AICPA are distributed in order to ' Fri, Sat. 5-1 a.m.
281 Raps on Religion — 10:30 a.m., Campus encourage minority students who
have chosen to pursue a degree in FREE DELIVERY
Ministry accounting by making accounting
£%M Film for Discussion — TUrtle Diary, 7:15
education accessible to as many
students as qualify.*Since its in-
p.m.. Zum Recital Hall ception in 1970, AICPA has M
awarded over $2.9 million in aid *it SAVE»2 f *g
to over 3200 students nation-wide.
OX) Larry Lindville - Star of M.A.S.H., 8:30 The AICPA is the national pro-
p.m., Recital Hall fessional organization'of CPAs iii WUh 2 extra items of your choice
Q-i FRIDAY , %| * with a membership of 240,000. or I I i
O A Movie — The Shining, 9 p.m. showing, The organization sets audit stan- LARGE CALZ0NE2
Student Union dards,* enforces the code of pro-
With 4 Items Of Your Choice «f
Sign-up begins — for Family Feud Teams, details
in the Student Union
fessional ethics, provides continu-
ing professional education and
i- wscoo
**J each*
" » *
Last Day to Withdraw/Declare Pass-Fail prepares and grades the U niform'
CPA Examination; z? *$~?*M,, ' ISfc Expires 10/31/86
She DWcrctati OCTOBER 24,1986

Whoopi Outjumps "JacksFlash *J

by Brian Sheridan
a patch quilt on which many peo- Flash,"or walking down a New O Oft
G o W^£m
Many people are wondering why ple have sewn on patches. York street under the influence of
Woopi Goldberg would take the Goldberg plays a computer truth serum create the most satis-
lead role in a movie as cliched and operator at a large New York fying laughs. Up against the
predictable as JUMPIN JACK bank and communicates with peo- scenes that are nothing more than
FLASH, after making an im- ple all over the world, exchanging sen tick, you wonder why they just
pressive screen debut in THE recipes and advice. At the end of didn't let Goldberg ad-lib the en-
COLOR PURPLE, and a guest one work day, she receives a tire film. * *•
s p o t o n *T . V . ' s transmission from "Jumpin Jack Other problems confounded the
MOONLIGHTING. After all, a Flash" who is a British agent trap- making of FLASH. Goldberg's
film that reeks of "Televisionitis" ped in Eastern Europe. He needs part was originally meant for a
as badly as FLASH does can kill Goldberg's help in getting a con- man and then the director had to
the career of a rising star. The as- tact so he can come home. A dou- be replaced. That gave Penny
tounding Goldberg surpasses her ble agent working inside the Marshall, best known as
material and makes FLASH British Consulate would rather see "Laverne" from the T.V. series
entertaining though it's fai from Goldberg dead than see the return "Laverne and Shirley" a chance
being a great movie. \ of "Jumpin Jack Flash." to make her debut as a director of
Beware of any film that has The scriptwriters then put feature films.
more names on the screen play Goldberg through a variety of Marshall handles the slapstick
than you'd see at the bottom of scrapes that any second-rate T.V. sequences quite well. She tries to
the Declaration of Independence. comedienne could have handled. sustain a fast-pace throughout, at-
It usually means the script was Assassins try to kill her by dragg- tempting to cover up the gaping
written by one team of writers and ing a phone booth she's in down holes in the script's logic. Other
not accepted so it was passed to the street with a tow truck. Later times she knows enough just to
more writers who added their con- her dress gets stuck in a paper turn the camera on and let
tributions. In the end you have a shredder. These are just some of Goldberg do her thing.
mish-mash of styles and concepts. familiar faces make the jump to has become irritating.. $
the several laughs FLASH tries As for the suspense elements, the big screen. On hand in parts
FLASH has two teams, David H. Goldberg deserves better than
for that are beneath Goldberg's Marshall won't be confused with that just pad out the film are Jim
Franzoni and J.W. Melville, and this. JUMPIN JACK FLASH will
talents. Brian DePalma. Though the plot Belushi, Jon Lovitz, Carol Kane,
Patricia Irving with Christopher amuse and delight, but not
The real laughs come when she of FLASH contains overtones of Anne Potts, Tracy Ullman and because of it's story. Mick and the
yna^pson, but still couldn't interjects her own eccentric style Hitchcock's NORTH BY NOR- Michael McKean. Of that group, Rolling Stones weren't totally cor-
>p«rsoi*"ti*|taniflij|hr gggnj j le doesn't botheimmM
to it's Kane who plays another dippy rect, for it's Woopi Goldberg, not
remotely comes close to being as make it work. Simple ideas like paroay tne masters sty IK™'' UTtyntfC" tfmt -needs—to -find-some JUMPIN JACK JLASri'lthat'g
funny as Goldberg. Goldberg trying to decipher Mick Along with Marshall, other other character because this one
The film has the appearance of the "gas, gas, gas. ^
J agger's lyrics to "Jumpin Jack

Erie Theater Now Sports A Bit

iThe Green.. .And 'Hurst Blue
By Mary Beth Manross
• £
^Mercyhurst College has five forming Arts Division at the I just want to be in the show,"

representatives in the Erie 'Hurst. i states Alessi. Alessi has a part as a
» •
tt * . & •« Playhouse production of Tinian's Barry McAndrew, Associate sharecropper and as a member of
Rainbow.' These representatives Professor of English, chose the ; the chorus. 4 I
include Paul Urbanowicz, alumni role of Finian to make his debut Alessi has sung and danced in
and administration; Barry McAn- with the Erie Playhouse. He productions since he was in the
drew, faculty; Chris Alessi, stu- states, "The reason I chose that seventh grade.
dent; John Burton, alumni; and' role is because I had so much fun " I think it (performing) helped
* V >•*'
v; Tammy Gandolfo, alumni. when 1 did the role here at Mer- me a lot as a communications ma-
Urbanowicz chose to audition cyhurst back in 1982."

jor because it allows me to be in

* *
for the part of. Og, the "The play is just a delightful front of people," indicates Alessi.
I leprechaun, because he had not j play, because the songs are" so John Burton auditioned for a
played a character part in a long beautiful," states McAndrew. part in the chorus and wound up
time. "1 studied voice with Joseph The character of Finian is im- with the parts of a gospleer and a
Chiarelli, here at Mercy hurst, for portant to McAndrew. "Finian is butler. Burton graduated from
m ;<
• J f t
>V - ^ 5
•"» «
K Wm *

* '

approximately one year and I I a creative, imaginative, sprightly Mercyhurst n 1980 with a B.A. in
spent a year studying in New York kind of guy. It is a delight to Theater. Currently he is the Youth
Just ask when ordering! at the American Academy of watch his machinations^ with the Theater Director at the Erie
Now's the time to try that Dramatic Arts," states Ur- various characters that he comes

Playhouse. $
extra topping you've been banowicz. InJl981 he graduated in contact with and his ability to Tammy; G a n d o l f o , Ad-
thinking about - tie FREE from Mercyhurst College with a outwit them."J
when you order two or ministrative Assistant at the Arts
B.A. in Business Administration. He feels that his theatre Council of Erie, portrays Sharon.
more toppings. Gr»at pizza
gets even better: Domino's He has 12 years experience in background has had a positive ef- She earned a B.A. in Music Per-
theatre. However, he feels that his fect on his teaching. "I think they formance in; 1976 from the
Pizza Delivers® quality
pizza in less than 30
DOMINO'S work with the Erie Playhouse has feed off one another. My English 'Hurst.
minutes! Just call! PIZZA helped his business career. background, which is my primary The extensive experience and
Not valid with any other DELIVERS "Number one f is the exposure, background, has lead me to read a training of these five shows in an
offer. Offer ends 11/9/86 having your name out there." He \ lot of drama and in order to outstanding performance ,/ront
goes on to state "It has given me understand them I have to really all. It makes the production a tru-
Open for lunch the opportunity to meet a lot of see them as real characters.'*' He
11am-1am Sun-Thurs. ly enjoyable experience. jti
11 am-2am Fri & Sat people. Obviously, the Erie adds "When I teach, I try to bring g Finian's Rainbow will be
Playhouse is very active in the { them as alive as I possible can in presented tonight and tomorrow
community^ not only with people the classroom." V
453-6938 3EN in the arts but in the business and Chris Alessi, a senior com-
night at 8 p.m. and again on Sun-
day at 3 p.m. Tickets are $5 for
442 W.-ieth S t * v v "A political realm as well." * mmunications major, never audi-
Downtown Erie QQ. students and $9 for adults* Reser-
Ow dnv*«B cany l « » lhan $20 00 lwnil#d 0»i.yry m C*90t> Oomtoo's P'ij*. in*.
' 'Currently' Urbanowicz';is* Ad- tions with a specific role in mind. vations may be made by calling.
missions Coordinator for the Per- "I audition, with the thought that- 454-2851W* f*$. i I 'i % i, * * ,
OCTOBER 24,1986 QJbe Mtttiab PAGE 7

Personality Profile;
Diane Franklin
By Wendy Kaufmann tional Champion for Whitewater
There's a young lady on cam- Kayaking two years in a row. "I
pus that you should meet. She probably still would be, too, but I
F EjL L O W S H I P S Business Administration, and Computer Applications in Ac- stands about 5*5 1!4", has sandy left to come here.'
AVAILABLE Marketing majors will be here Oc- counting. All papers should be brown hair and a distinct accent. Franklin does not have any
The National Research Council tober 29 to interview for Manage- i 1500-2000 words, accompanied by She is now in her second year here family here in the states. She does
will administer the FORD FOUN- ment Trainee positions and Root, a 50-75 word abstract. Awards at Mercyhurst as a graduate stu- have a concern about the situation
DATION DOCTORAL Spitznas & Smiley, Inc. will be (with matching grants for the dent. Dianne Franklin is foreign in her homeland and for the well-
FELLOWSHIPS FOR here October 30 to interview ac- departments of the winners) are student from South Africa. being of her family. "It is not a
MINORITIES for beginning counting majors for the position $1000, $600, and $400 respective- Speaking with Frankln, you pleasant place right now, but I do
graduate students and J- those of Staff Acountant. ly. The first place entry will also soon find her to be very pleasant agree with the sanctions." She
students within one year of com- be published in the PENN- and her opinions very intriguing. said that the sanctions made are
pleting their dissertation. FLU SHOTS SYLVANIA CPA rJOURNAl She began her education in South hard on the blacks, but they are
Fellowships will be awarded in the Flu vaccines will be given this and all entrants will receive a one- Africa at the University of Stellen- dying anyway because police are
behavioral and social sciences, month in the Student Health Ser- year subscription to the journal. bosch, "A very good school, one killing them. i
humanities, engineering, vices office, 101 preston, daily The deadline for entries is of the best," she said. "1 was Also she felt that the sanctions
mathematics, physical sciences, 9:00-12:00 noon and 1:00-4:00. January 31, 1987. For more infor- there for 6 years for my B.A. in show the blacks that the
and biological * sciences. The There is no cost for the service. mation, write to The Penn- Law and my Law degree. Americans care, because they are
deadline is November 14. For sylvania Institute of CPA's, 1608 How in the world does one get trying to do at least something to
more information write to Ford ALLERGY SHOTS Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, from South Africa to Erie, Penn- throw off the South African
Foundation Doctoral All allergy shots will be given in 19103 or call 215-735-2635. sylvania?, Mercyhurst to be more government. Unfortunately,
Fellowships, The Fellowship Of- specific? "Well my mother started ' Franklin feels that her govern-
the Student Health Services office
fice, National Research Council, PUMPKIN SALE writing to a lot of different ment, given the way they are will
2101 Constitution t Avenue, during regular office hours every schools and getting information retaliate rather than consent to
Thursday and'Friday. Alpha Phi Sigma, the National
Washington, D.C., 20418. * Criminal Justice Honor Society, is about the criminal justice pro- change. i
having a pumpkin sale for Hallo- grams for me. The letters that I One unpleasant topic, briefly
ACCOUNTING MAJORS received from Mercyhurst from mentioned as if it was truely horri-
The Pennsylvania CPA Journal ween. The pumpkins will be Frank Hogan and Sr. Elizabeth fying, was that of the torture that
The following recruiters will be is s p o n s o r i n g a s t u d e n t available for pick-up on Wednes-
on campus this week: Limited Ex- were enthusiastic. The other occured in the prisons. Franklin
manuscript competition for ac- day. Place your order now with schools were very business like could not be specific but simply
press for Fashion Merchandising, counting majors. The topic is any Alpha Phi Sigma member or
at the Criminal Justice Graduate and not personal like Mer- stated, "It would make you ill in
Office, located in Preston 111. cyhurst." J- - your stomach if I told you about
Her home land is somewhat dif- it." i jf & #f
ferent from the states, however, it What is a South African
is very modernized. "It is a woman going to do once she com-
beautiful city, and at the bottom pletes her graduate school here in
with special discounts for of the continent are oceans on the states? "I would like to go
students. Call 455-137S for more both*sides of it$" The tone in back to my country and be a pro-
MOVIES For information on this THEATRE The Erie Playhouse information. voice became upbeat as she secutor, however, in several mon-
w e e k ' s m o v i e s , Jc a l l presents Finian's Rainbow Oct. started talking about the oceans, ths I probably would be detained,
868-5 15 1-Millcreek M a l l 24-25 at 8:00 and Oct 26 at 3:00. "Because I love to surf and so my mother wants me to stay in
BUS TRIP There will be a bus kayak." In fact, she was the Na- the states for now$"
Cinemas; 454-2881-Cinema Tickets are $9.00 for adults and available for students to go to the
World; 899-4U5-Eastway. Plaza $5.00 for students thru college. Duquesne game. The cost is $5.00
Theater; and 455-0050-Plaza Box office hours are Mon.-Fri. and-students can sign up in Lisa
Theater. ™ 10:00-4:30 and Sat. 10:00-2:00. Costello's* office WITH their The party begins.
Call 454-28S1 for more money by 12:00 noon on Fri.,
CONCERT K104 presents Alice information. Oct. 24. I ; ?
Cooper with special guest Vinnie %y *£&«. dAi«^ adL^tyJ&^JL .
Vincent in concert Nov. 9 at the MUSIC The Erie Philharmonic MONTE CARLO NITE Monte 2 drinks later.
Civic Center. Tickets are $13.75 in presents an Orchestra Showcase Carlo Nite is Friday at 8 p.m. in
advance and $14.75 the day of the the Back Porch Cafe. Everyone is
show and are on sale at the box
office and all Ticketrons or charge
Sat., Oct.25, 8 p.m. The program
includes Mozart, Frackenpohl,
Doppler, and Brahms. Tickets are
invited. ^4*^.4^ j ^ ^ c
by phone-452-4857. $ After 4 drinks.
$15.75, $12.25, $10.25, and $8.25 HALLOWEEN DANCE Fri.
Oct. 3) from 9-2, The Association
of Black Colligate will be sponsor-
ing a Halloween dance in the Mer-
cyhurst Blue J Room. Tickets are
$1.00 with a costume and $2.00 After 5 drinks.
without one. Thej tickets* are
available at the door.

PARTY Billy's, in the Erie 7 drinks in all

Hilton, will be holding a non-
entire campus ministry alcohol party on Sunday from 8
p.m. to 12 to celebrate Alcohol
staff wants toithank all those Awarness Week. The party is free
o f c hh a T g e
generously donated] The more you drink, the more coordination you lose.
their time ancr efforts for the | Correction That's a fact, plain and simple. 5 %
It's also a fact that 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine and
food drive. This year's col lee-J rectTheanMerciad would like to cor-
error in last week's Stu-
l'/i ounces ol spirits all have the same alcohol content. And
consumed in excess, all can affect you. Still, people drink too
much and then go out and expect to handle a car. *&
was the* largest ever in dent Government article. The
price for their spring break trip to
When you drink too much, you can't handle a car.
You can't even handle a pen.
year history of Mer- quoted
Daytona Beach was incorrectly
as $369. The price MSG
_ ^ Food Drives. You] Thathas set for the trip is only $329.
price still includes transpor- c
A public service message from WllI Ro£er§ Institute
col lected 16081 bs. of food. tation and hotel fees. We are
for any inconvenience that the er-
• » • * * » • • • • - ; «
\ v I * v » f
ror might have caused. T fj

w f
. . * - * •
v%** ;vv.-:/-/:.^^
PAGE 8 QHp Hcrctafc OCTOBER 24,1986

Record At 4-3

Flyers Get Revenge, Defeat Lakers

by Chuck Fleet l show the Lakers why they*are Dayton scored again on a one yards including 88 yards rushing. who started in place Scott Gorr-
Last season the Mercyhurst ranked number one in Division yard touchdown run after travell- The Flyers had only given up 16 ing, who was serving a one game
Lakers returned to Erie blaring III, as they returned the opening ing 70 yards in 12 plays making rushing yards in their first six suspension for disciplinary
their bus horns, letting the kick-off 52 yards to the Laker 30 the score 10-0. The Flyers scored games. reasons, totalled 111 yards on
students know that they had just yard line* The Laker defense again after a Laker defender
stunned the perennial Division III showed they^were going to play roughed the kicker giving Dayton V *A

power house Dayton-Flyers with a the chance to score on a 12 yard

< #
I I Mr •
19-6 victory. The Flyers had their
tough when they held Dayton to
just a 22 yard field goal. That touchdown pass to Tony Petrucci.
revenge this year as they defeated turned out to be the only bright The PA1 failed leaving the Flyers
the Lakers 30-7 in the Parents' spot for the defense as Dayton ahead 16-0. ;
Weekend matchup. went on to score on three of its f The * Hursts offense finally got
The Flyers didn't take long to first four possesions. in the action when Junior Brian * I

Rostek took the ball in from one

yard out. The touchdown came
Intramural Standings about after Rostek hit Tim
Wilkins on a 76 yard pass, the

Football WLT Volleyball WL longest pass in Mercyhurst

history. Unfortunately for the %

Diamond Men....2 1 0 Alabama Slamers...4 0 Lakers that would be the only


Batches Nuts 1 11 TakeOff ....,2 1 score as the Flyers recovered a

'Hurst fumble on their own one
Who Knows.,....1 0 1 Y The Need 22 yard line to end an impressive
Undertakers 0 10 Who Knows... 12 Laker drive. ** J Sophomore Lou Konyha carries the ball past the Dayton defenders.
Dayton had control of the ball
Mosey In 0 10 Sadima...„*...• 04 for a total of 38 minutes gaining Rostek completed 10 of 24 four receptions. Rostek lead the
389 yards in total offense. The passes for a total of 190 yards | Laker rushers garnering 66 yards
just Try ^,..0 2 0 Lakers gained an impressive 278 with two interceptions. Wilkins on 20 carries. A

Booters Ride 12 Game iWinning

By Jennifer Con my Dallas Kieser turned in two. The 'Hurst's next home game field. their season record to 5-3 with a
The Mercyhurst Laker soccer In the Laker's 8-0 victory over will be Wed., Oct 29 against Penn The Lakers travel to Duquesne win over the Dukes who have
team is riding a 12 game winning Pitt-Bradford, Melody recorded State-Behr end. It is not yet known for a night game on Saturday at managed just 178 yards in
streak after wins over Pitt- his fifth' shutout of the season. where the game will be played due South High Stadium at 7 p.m The offense.
Bradford and District of The Lakers outshot the Panthers to the condition, of St. Mark's 'Hurst will be looking to increase
Columbia. $ 23-2. Goal scorers were Blair
In the District of Columbia Thomson wilth two goals and an
match coach" Rick Burns gave assist, Shaffrey and Mohr each
equal playing time to goalkeepers had one goal and two assists*
John Melody (first half) and Joe while Bernie Valento had one goal
Behr (second half), as the Lakers and one assist. % «
a posted 9-0 win.'; Assistant coach Brian Matijasic
Melody went on to score two stated he has been £
goals in the second half while the mid -field play, where the
playing out of the goal. Dave Lakers have been dominating.
Delzell'and Chris Mohr each He added that this season, the
scored two goals and one assist. Lakers have been able J to score
Other goal scorers were Bobby more goals per shot.
Bergfolk, Tom Mulligan and The Lakers have only given up
Derry Kelly. Donnough Shaffrey five goals in the past 12 wins while
had three assists in the game while scoring a phenomenal 69 goals.

Football Volleyball We innovate while We provide fast $9
Mercyhurst 7 Mercyhurst others imitate dependable service
Dayton 30 Canisius
Mercyhurst 7 12 Locations:
Penn State 2428 Prospect Street 5035 Peach Street
Behrend 15 15
Soccer Ashtabula, Ohio 44004 Summit Paza
Mercyhurst 8 Mercyhurst (216) 992-6444 I P Erie, Pa. 16509
Pitt-Johnstown 0 Geneva 864-7017
6 10 Mon.-Sat. 10a.m.-9p.m.,Sun. 12 a.m.-5 p.m.
Mercyhursi 9 Mercyhurst
District of Columbia 0 W&ynesburg 15 15

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