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16546 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1987

Students And Alumni

Enjoy 87 Homecoming 9

By Alice Dixon weekend. 1

The evening entertainment at the
"Hail, Hail, the gang'sfell here" dinner dance was the Ken Hands
could be heard floating over the| band, an alumnus of the class of
Mercyhurst*campus this weekend 1987;'*alsojspinning discs was an
as the alumni gathered to enjoy a alumnus of the class of 1976, Joel
few days of festive activities. Miller, the mobile disc! jockey.
Welcomed to Mercy hurst were The coordinator of this year's
the honored alumni of the gradu- Homecoming, Mr. Tom Dore, Di-
ating classes as far back as;1929. rector of Alumni Relations, was
Featured classes at this year's very pleased with how well every-
function are 1937, which is cele- thing came together at his party.
brating its 50 year anniversary, "As a matter of fact," he said, "If
1962,,which is celebrating its 25 the tent (for the tailgate party)
year reunion and 1977, celebrat- hadn't blown away, everything
ing its 10 year reunion. * £ would have been perfect."
This, past weekend's schedule of fc Even though the weather was>a
^events included a tailgate party, a little gray, the clouds couldn't cast
ptftBall garrie, a;soccedr game and a shadow over the 500 alumni who
an alumni crew race. ^Trading gathered together this weekend to
stories about the good old days was rekindle old friendships and make
also a' popular event this past some new ones. *
Students show school spirit at last week's homecoming game. On the
sidelines, spirits were up as Lakers won handily. Photo: Liia McCiellan

Language Labi Opens

By Ann Johnson to aid the student in the pronun-
ciation and memorization of a
Students this year have the foreign language. The lab creates
advantage of using Mercyhurst's an* immediate ability to respond
new $25,000 high-tech language and allows the student to work at
lab, the most advanced lab in the his own pace.
Erie area. \ !| The lab is open mornings and
Located in room 21 of Egan, the evenings, and can be used by
equipment available allows upfto arrangement by anyone.,. English
14 students to study up to 5 differ- tapes are available for any foreign
ent languages. Barbara Moskwa, studentsjon campus who want to
director of the language lab, said improve ^their English skills.
"the addition of the lab provides Besides English tapes, there are
an enormous enhancement for also tapes available in French,
your teaching." j Spanish, Italian, German and Pol-
Moskwa calls the lab a compu- ish are ready for use |by Mer-
terized sophisticated opportunity cyhurst students.
past weekend?

Alcohol Awareness, P. 2 Student Drug Tests, P. 5 Lakers Roll, P. 7

Page 2 The Merciad OCTOBER! 8 r 1987

National Alcohol Awareness! W e e k To Test K n o w l e d g e of Youth

Campuses around the nation are preparing for the TheseIcommonisense college survival tips may also
fourth annual*National Cdllegiate*Alcohol Awareness save lives during the school year:
Week (October 19-25), making ready to test yqung people 1> Don't drive after your next tailgate party or happy
on their knowledge of alcohol. How responsible are hour - whether you've had beer, wine or distilled spirits.
college students about drinking? Passing the Equiva- One* American dies in an alcohol-relatedjtraffie acci-
lence ^Aptitude Testi(E.A.T.)?is a key measure of^how dent every 35 minutes? Better walk an extra^mile orjg
much students know about alcohol consumption. spend the night at a friend's than risk taking lives on
the road. \ i •
To pass the E.A.T. you must know this simple but 4
v Si
L * \

crucial formula: The most'common servings of beer (12 2 2> Eat something -- never drink on empty stomach.
ounces), wine (5s ounces)'arid dtsfriflelr spirits (1 1/4 Eat berore you go to party, eat while you are there. Solid
ounces) contain equal »aii|ouat%of alcohol. ^ J food likefcfi&ese caal slow flown .the absorption rate.ylf 61
you're throwing sHparty, $erve lots*of miinchies ancl^
Far too many accidents are caused by young people plenty of mixers. \ i- • -.-.*?,: k,
who get behind the wheel of!thinking "I'm fine.
I only had a few|beers." Such misinformation is all too 3> Don't be pushed into drinking more than you can
often deadly. Maybe that's why 50% of all driving handle and don't pressure your friends to keep up with
fatalities are caused by drunk drivers.* And why|two- you. Everyone has an individual tolerance. Let your
thirds of all those arrested for DWI "just had* a few friends pace themselves.
4> Keep a watchful eye: Cocktails should contain no
more than 11/4 ounces of distilled spirits. Wine is

Dont let your glasses blur commonly no more than a 5 ounce serving and a typical
serving of beer is 12 ounces. If you're mixing your own
drink use a shot glass to measure theliquor.

1 your vision '4£*J*

%TW^ \ 1
5> Know yourself and your mood. If you rarely drink,
chugging a few beers will hit you harder than someone
who is accustomed to^drinkija^^Your mo^d^c^c^also

influence the way you react to a drink. .If yoirre

depressed over a test, drinking will depress you further.

Herefare some common and dangerous myths about
ii alcohol that should be dispelled:^

Myth #1. You can pace yourself by switching from

v**' liquor to beer or wine. Wrong. You consume the same
amount of alcohol and can^get just as drunk - from
<9 common servings of beer, wine and liquor. :
. r
Myth #2. ^Coffee can sober you up if you're drunk.
Wrong again. Coffee may wake you;up. but it won't
sober you up. If you drink one too many and then have
a cup of coffee and drive,|you are just a wide-awake

drunk behind the wheel. Also, taking a cold shower

won't do the trick either. That's only going ;o make you
>JL£&: I
• 4

Don't DrinklAnd|Drive:

A P u b l i c s e r v i c e Message
.'Whether a glass holds 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 'A ounces of spirits, the alcoi From The Merciad
content is the same. Its important to know this because the size and shape of the glass can give
people a distorted impressu >n of how much alcohol they're actually drinking.
So when you're out to share some cheer with friends, remember how mui h alcohol is in your
glass and that drinking sensibly lets you hold things in focus.

Always keep safe driving within your sight.

A public service message from Wffl Roge& Institute
• -•
OCTOBER 8, 198? The Merciad

By Margaret Coffey nary Board, which decides

if disciplinary cases
A representative ifrom should go to the Judicial X
"Let Us Make Your Day With The Cleanest
United Way spoke to MSG Board. T h e . students
on Sunday, asking?for a elected to the preliminary Car You've Ever Had By? washing it At:
financial donation. § Board were Scott Donolly
Donald Hoffman, rep-
resenting United Way,
explained that the United
and John Widecan. A
Four other students
were elected to the Judi-
The American
Ca r Was h

Way has one fundraiser a v,v.

year, in October and No-
cial Board. Rob Keiner,
Mike Kelly, jMary Ann m 1. * i

vember. Last year the Sullivan, and Mike Falk At 1634 East 38th street
administration gave the were each appointed their Across From The Laker Inn
United Wayi $5,000 and respective positions on the
this year^they are seeking Board. Paul Cefrick was
the support of MSG. MSG chosen as a replacement
reps voted to give $350 for Gary Raal in the Stu- ^H

from the government rela- dent Senate.

tionsf budget. If there is R The letters of intent for
any money in this fund at Freshman representatives
¥ m Engine cleaning
the end of the year, they are due Oct. 9. Voting will
v^v^ Whitewall cleaner
will donate that money take place next Monday in \
$1-$5 bill changers
also. This donation re- the cafeteria during X
*! J
Foam brush l
flects 100 percent student Lunch and Dinner and in Six high-powered vacuums
involvement^ since the Zurn Lobby from 1:30 - Simonize wax
money came from student 4:00 p.m. Drying areaf i
government fees.
MSG also elected two

Presoak I
students t& the prelimi-i^ r


JJ*Ww/to Vendors
rg 3 - H

By Julie Medwig & answers, E.T., Alf and the vote. Bobby was next
Karen Sampson other. Alf got a whopping with 18%, followed by his
65% ("No problem!") and two sisters, Jan and Mar-
Hi! Our names are E.T got 22.5%. *This left cia, both |with 12.5%.
Karen and Julie. This past 12.5% for some very Cindy came in^next with
week we bugged and tor- strange answers,? ranging 10%, and Peter tied with
mented a hundred stu- from Fonzie to "My Fa- "none" with'7.5%. A few
dents around campus for vorite Martian." The most people rallied for Oliver,
the experimental Merciad bizzareganswer^was given but he only managed to
poll. This particular poll by Iciara Shaffrey, who pull in 2.5%. i * |
pertained ftof "Favorite insisted that leprechauns % c thought that the
Things." Here are the are aliens! question, "What is your
results of our wacky poll. "Who is your If a vorite favorite food in the cafe?"
When asked, "What is your Brady Bunch character?" would best be represented
favorite color?" There was proved the popularity of in a pie graph.
a three way tie between Alice, who pulled 22.5% of
blue (25%), red (25%), and
other (25%). Green came
in with 15%, and purple
with 10%. |
Our next question was,
"What's is your favorite
barnyard animal?" The
horse won the race with
40%, followed closely by
the pig with £0%. $ Other
animals, including rab-
bits, tlambs, kittens and
even an owl made the
"other" with|17.5%. Well,
mooing along, the cow
pulled in 15% and finally
the^chicken got 7.5%.
The question, "What is
your favorite alien?"
brought in fthree main
Page 4 ThesMerciad OCTOBER 8, 1987

Rough Day/Night At The Office Kovski Korner
By ChrisfKoYski^
and told me that she ran hanged is asked, "Hey, Since Matthew has de-
into some roadblocks and aren't you even worried?" cided to regale you with
couldn't get her assign- and he responds, "If I tales of the trials and tribu-
ment done for the week. worry, will it change the lations of The Merciad, .I've
I [thought
thoucht I was the future?"| .] v in decided to let youti in on
loneliest person in the So, I decided to stop some of the other aspects of
world. Then, Allan Car- worrying! about it. Life the job. I
penter, the news director goes on,; right? Well, I The major drawback is
at WMCY wandered in, knew my life wouldn't go the hours. We're here until
and began telling me on much past Thursday at ^^^^^ after midnight on Mondays,
about |his ^plight. He told 1:00 p.m. if I didn't get a and on Tuesdays, we're usually here until o' dark thirty
me how he was having paper out. I was convinced (very earlyi Wednesday morning).
trouble : getting stories that things couldn't get "My parents have completely forgotten that they have
By Matthew J. Clark turned that week for his any worse. So I chilled-out a 21-year-old son. My dog, who once frolicked around
nightly newscasts. and listened to Bing like a puppy when I came home, now growls menacingly
Last week was a rough •I said "Allan, come on99 Crosby's infamous version as I rush past him into my room, slamming the door shut
one for the staff here at in and join in the agony! of "Hey Jude," along with on his snapping jaw. .jl
The Merciad, andtWMCY Now I >had someone to other memorable cuts ?My cat doesn't know me any more - he spits and hisses
as well. It.was one of those share *my troubles I with. fromjhis "Hey Jude, Hey at me, then attempts to claw me^with his talonless paws.
weeks whensj everything Here was someone in the Bing" LP including "The I then re-invent the catapult. (One good strong arm
seemed to go wrongl a t same predicament as I. I Straight Life*" one?of my motion, andjkitty goes Air Wallbanger.)
once. People were calling had ££ paper to put to- personal favorites, "Little Matt's mother calls up to tell him what his family has
and telling us about * the gether,* and u p . t o that t
Green ---Apples*?'*&'T,h0se*|i for,;dinner, rubtyinfofp tj>e fact that everyonehjalse?*i«i
problems they were hav- point, no stories and he Were The Days," "It's All. having shrimp, while we're eating greasy Four-Star
ing with getting inter- had a newscast to put In The Game," and "Livin' Pizza. ($5.50 - Dinner for two with the coupon from The
views or just getting their together, and no stories. On Lovin'". 5 Merciad.) i
stories done. R? We talked briefly about After Bingl had me Now, to further aquaint you*with The Merciad, I
*It was getting late on the complexities of our worked into a state of bring you.... % I ||>f | \
Monday evening and there respective predicaments musical drunkenness, all I ROBIN LEACH, AND J I'M TALKING LOUDER
were no stories turned in. and both came to the con- could think about; was THAN ANY OTHER H U M A N I B E I N G . AND I DON'T
Just about'the time I was clusion that we should just grabbing myself a tall, KNOW WHY! I
beginning to sort*out t h e ! stop worrying about it. cold glass of Minute Maid Here we have Matthew Clark and Chris Kovski's
thoughts that were raging Yea! I thought, thinking orange juice. But then I preposterous pleasure Jpalace, a j veritable one-room
through my mind, another ^ ^back^ _ ^to^ _a ^1973
^ ^ ^episode
_ _ _ ^ ^of^ was brought back to real- repose in t the I underground chambers of beautiful
member of my staff cau- "Kung Fu" in which Kwai ity when a paint-spattered Baldwin Hall, the mold and mildew capital of the world.
tiously entered the office Chang, on his way to be figure^ happened into the >As I peruse the perpetually perplexing offerings of
office. It was my manag- The Merciad bulletimboard, I see here a treasure trove
The Merciad ^^ ing editor, and he'd just of useful information - everything from news bulletins
Matthew J. Clark, Editor returned from his part- to skewered snapshots of that androgynous?amuser of
Chris Kovski, Managing Editor time job of, what else, youn&children, MICHAEL JACKSON. We also see a
Ann Johnson, News Editor commercial painting. photograph of my favorite fat man, AL WAXMAN. As
Kelley :Moore, Business Manager I informed him of our Al and I were sitting around drinking and eating in his
Paula Bruno, Calendar Editor problems. He suggested bounteous bungalow, he said, "Mr. Leach, have you ever
Karen Sampson, Distribution Manager Bing, and I was in no state- felt that you were aptly named?" AND I DON'T KNOW
Connie Bisbe, Layout | of-mind to argue. "Pass WHY! ^ i
Julie Medwig, Layoutl the Minute Maid!" seei KQtneT* pg. 8

VOL. 61 NO. 5
Steve Rush, Cartoonist .-;I
THURSDAY, OCT. 8, 1987
MISTER BOFFO by Joe Martin
OM.^OCE ...lf^ ALL RJM 7
AMP 6AM££ ft*? V00 &A£. * •

Reporters 1987-88 Y0O flDNYMAfe TO

Connie Blsbe Tracy Sir win var
Katie Brown Brcnda Lowe S&s
Allan Carpenter Jason McChesney /

Karen Cascio Kelley Moore

Jill Chiccarino Jennifer Montani /
Margaret Coffey Karen Sampson »&-s\

John Kuptetz, Faculty Adviser »-7

OCTOBER^ 1987 The Merclad
Page 5

C a m p u s e s Across U.S. Debate Bork! Nomination

The U.S. Senate Judici- such as "Liberal Scare tion received 182 signa- and the American Asso-
ary Committee room Tactics? Just Say No" and tures as of Sept. 14. A ciation of 'University
wasn't the^ only place "Stop Liberal McCarthy- petition opposing Bork's Women. .«
people debated President ism." The Yale College confirmation to the Su-
Reagan's nomination of Republicans is mounting preme Court seat received
RobertVBork f|to the U.S. its own letter writing 85. | |-:,| .
Supreme Court last week. campaign fin favor of "He's a staunch conser-
- On college campuses Bork's? nomina tion J vative," said Alabama
during the last two weeks, At the University of College Republican Presi-
students have rallied.and Colorado, 700 students dent ScottJVfiller. "I'm all
petitioned almost con- mailed anti-Bork post- for the court leaning to the
stantly. cards to Colorado senators right. I'd like to see the
About 250 people at- Tim Wirth and Bill Arm- court more conservative in
tended a rally at the Uni- strong. Liberal student its decisions."
versity of Iowa Sept. 14 to activists gathered about lAbout 200 University
voice opposition to Bork's 400 signatures on petitions of Illinois students at-
nomination. "This man is opposing Bork's 'nomina- tended an anti-Bork rally
against everything that tion. organized by the school's
guarantees the civil rights Conservative students Abortion Rights Coalition
of this country's citizens," at the University of Texas Sept. 16. "No one is safe,
UI Black Student Union I hailed Boik and called for no one's rights are guaran-
President Rodney Stur- the senate to confirm his teed by a judge who be-
geon said^ <>***«*'» ***** **** nStnitta^ftm at a ralfy c'dle- lieves* not enough thought
A newly .formed group, brating the U.S. was put into the
"Yale Students Against Constitution Sept. 17.*UT Constitution,'- Gay *and
Bork," boasts nearly 100 Democrats said the Lesbian Illini co-president
members and is embarking constitution {celebration Peg Phillips I told the
on a# petition and letter was an inappropriate fo- crowd.
writing campaign to per- rum for a pro-Bork rally. Bork's nomination also
suade the Senate to block Twice as many Univer- is opposed by national
Bork's appointment to the sity of Alabama students student and higher educa-
high court. Sixteen mem- favor Bork's nomination tion groups such as the
bers of Ithe Yale .College as oppose it, according to United I States Student STUDENTS WELCOME
Republicans protested the petitions circulated on Association, the National
group's first meeting, campus. A pro-Bork peti- Education Association We a t PLASMA • TEC, LTD.
holding signs with slogans
would like to make your
school year more rewarding
Will All Students Take Drug Tests? by offering an! opportunity
to earn up to $96 cash a
Two more colleges may Florida Community Col- related death of Univer-
force students outside lege in Ocala, Fl., has sity of Maryland fbasket- month while reading or
their athletic departments started making cheerlead- ball star Len Bias.
to take mandatory drug ers, music students and Athletic directors at \

just relaxing.
tests. ^ members of ^theater and Duke and Stanford, as %

Last week, the Univer- dance groups -*as well as well as lawyers with the For more Information on
sity of Arizona's College athletes - take drug tests. American Civil Liberties
of Nursing if ormally be- CFCC ^President Bill Union, complained atjjthe becoming a plasma donor
gan debating a proposal Campion said the policy time that forcing athletes
that wouldfmake nursing will apply to any student
in a position to represent
to submit to the tests
would set a precedent al-
454-0070 or
students who exhibit
"inappropriate" behavior the;school. lowing schools to force all
take urinalyses to see if Scores of colleges students, regardless of stop in at 111 W. 9
they've taken any illicit adopted mandatory drug their athletic skills, to NOW EARN EVEN MOREjj MONEY}! 1
i i *Joln our new *
drugs. Students who test tests for their athletes prove they don't take Jl- " BRING fA BUDDY PLAN £•• j-
positive for illicit drugs during the 1986-87 school licit drugs, for each buddy you bring In to
could be expelled. year, largely in reaction to donate, you will earn an extra $ 1 .

Meanwhile. Central the June, 1986, cocaine-

Page 6 The Merciad OCTOBER 8,1987


tHurst Professor Elected Vice

President of Historical Society
lows the Society to also get
actively involved in ge-
nealogical research and
research on the history of
i -- wt */<
WmmmmErie buildings.

By Jill Chiccarino ? Recently, April placed In addition, the Society

fifth out of thirty-three in sponsors exhibits and
What makes some people the Pitt-Bradford invita- other events to help edu-
so special?;: What makes tional. cate the community. To
them worthy of being a KSP continue in this pursuit,
part of the Merciad's Per- Training for the cross the Society is looking at a
sonality Profile? Well, in country team begins in joint project with the Erie
this casejt is a dedication. about mid August, with Historical Museum and
A total dedication for runners running a base of W1'
Planetarium. "By uniting
something one does to 50 miles per week. While the resources of these two
maintain an overall bal- the; season ends with the organizations, wet could
n ce
ance of| mind, body and Regionalstin Springfield, get a* very! * facility
soul. Mass. on* November 7th. Doctor Allan Belovarac built. Our resources and
\April Tompkins is a On?October 11, the cross By Chris Kovski factors of concern to the theirs complement each
Junior here at the 'Hurst. country team travels to college; he was the Regis- other very "well," stated
She has lived in theErie Philadelphia for another Dr./ Allan JBelovarac, trar from 1976-78, It heal Belovarac! <* I
area all of her lifcand in invitational. It is here and History Director o(* Mer-. became the .* Assistant *Di^
1985, she graduated ff toml at the Regionals that April cylruTsf'fCollege, has ref* riictdr^tt^ life* (^atfiidte* ^Otltt^U0&ject# iftidc^
Seneca High School. £ hopes to do her best run- cently been elected vice Program. Concurrently, he way right now are the
Another interesting ning of the season.! president of the Erie His- was teaching some classes aiding in reconstruction
fact about April is that she torical Society. < and coaching crew. InJ of the Niagara,) the ^com-
and her * long time boy- Cross country coaches Belovarac explained 1982, he became a full- mittee which is aiding in
friend, Todd Tompkins, Mike Fraley and Paul that-, the election process time teacher. an effort to save, a late
were married in August of Honan really push their involved no campaigning. 19th century park and one
1 9 8 6 . ]• i team to do their best and "There ^is a nominating This administrative of^ the last - cobblestone
I Todd, himself a college April considers them quite committee from the Board experience will undoubt- streets |in Erie - which
graduate, is very suppor- an asset to the Laker of Directors of the Society? edly help in his office Belovarac chairs, and the
tive of April in her studies coaching staff. that*selects candidates." with the Society. The Erie planning of an agricul-
and realizes the advan- When asked why he felt Historical Society is a tural museum in Girard.
tages of a college educa- fApril chose Mer- that he was selected, Belo- privates organization
tion. I cyhurst, not only because varac said with acchuckle, which was founded in the
April has always been she received aicross coun- "I don't know. Actually, FJ late 1890's tojpromote the \l ijf anyone is interested
interested in sports, espe- try scholarship, but also suspect it had something in joining the Society, the
cially running -^which is because she jjfeels Mer- to do with the position I'm study of local history, as process is simple - go to the
where the dedication cyhurst is a quality college in here at the College. well as preserve, maintain
» »
headquarters, fill out an
comes in. I i n the ninth with a lot to offer the % This position is a strong and protect historictsites, application, and pay a $10
grade April went out for students. one indeed. After graduat- buildings and objects. annual fee.This fee allows
her high school's cross ing? from Mercyhurst in access to programs of the
She also likes the close 1973 with a degree in his- The Society already has Society, the newsletter
country team. * a link with Mercyhurst
Today, April is the only student teacher relation- tory, Belovarac attended and the Journal of Erie
ships, "you know that you Case Western Reserve College. One publication Studies.
woman on Mercy hurst's of the Society, the Journal
are so much more than just University to attain his
cross country team, M.A. He then went on to of Erie Studies, usually
commented, "Hopefully, a number, as with some of
the other larger colleges. ' S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo for his contains some theses from
more (women) will try-out Ph.D. During that time, he students in the history
next year." also served in an adminis- department.
Mercy hurst runs mostly April also appreciated
thejfact that the school is trative capacity, part-time
in invitationals, which « •
Some other strong
consist of many teams, as close to home and she can and then full. One position
easily commute after the was that of Director of points of the Society! are
compared to duals meets the archives and library of
where there are only two long day she puts in here at Institutional Research, fa
"clearing house" for any local history located at the
teams competing one on the *Hurst headquarters on 4th and
one. studies that were to be
done concerning enroll- State, in the Cashier's
ment, attrition, and other House.!This attribute al-
OCTOBER 8, 1987
The Merciad
Page 7

Lakers Roll Over

Outmanned Bobcats

* * A.

FLU VACCINES '- on you. Please sign up in

Flu ^Vaccines lare avail- Campus ministry. ,
able now through the end
of November in the Health MODELING }
Services office, 101
Alii males and females
Preston. , j There^ is i no interested inemodeling ire 1
charge for^ne "vaccine. invited to attend a modei-?8
ing convention!! at the
QualityJPlaza HotellNov.
REMINDER!!! 13, 14, and 15. The con-
Just a reminder'that; the vention will provide the
parking lot.behind the opportunity for jlocal
Mercy^ Apartments* (old models to meet withfand
tennis courts) is available perform for many digni-
for parking. With its 180 taries of the modeling
parking spaces, it is the industry. | A competition
largest parking |lot on will also be a part of the
campus. Sophomore Rick Yarosz blasts a 31 yard field goal
weekend, jj Some of the | late in the first half. It was his first career kick. Photo: Lisa McCieiian
modeling agencies that! y ML C. Casey well in spurts.
DEBATE will be represented are I Yarosz blasted a 31-yard
The League of Women "Whenlthe game got out field goal with two sec-
FACES AGENCY, NYC; The Mercyhurst Lakers of hand, we let down. We'll onds remaining in the first
Voters of Erie County is BIG BEAUTIES/LITTLE celebrated their 'Home- have to shore thatnip," he
sponsoring a debate be- WOMEN, NYC: and A- coming with a 30-0 shell- said. . half, for a 23-0 advantage,
tween Erie--^County•>Dis- •* mercifully ^ ending the
PLUS TALENT AGENCY ing of the > outmanned H While the Lakers
trict Attorney candidates first half for the hapless
CORP., CHICAGO. The Frostburg State Bobcats. It thwarted the FSU rushing Bobcats.
Joseph Kownacki and convention is open to all wasjfthe first shutout for
William Cunningham on attack, junior fullback After a scoreless third
interested of any age. If the 'Hurst since they Louf Konyha had little quarter, Konyha again
Tues., Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m. you i are interested ! in pounded Duquesne 20-0 in trouble slicing through the
in.; Zurn 104 of Gannon mastered the Bobcat de-
showcasing your talent. 1985. t * feeble Bobcat rush-de- f e n s e s on a 37-yard run
University. please call the Great Lakes Despite the large margin
The public is encouraged fense, collecting^ 02 yards which capped a six play,
Modeling Convention at of victory, | Laker coach Ion just 15 carries., It 90-yard drive.
to attend and will be given 452-4561 for more infor- Tonyjj DeMeo ; wasn't
an opportunity to submit marked the third time in Leadings the excellent
mation. pleased with^ his club's five games that Konyha defensive attack was
questions to the candi- performance, as j they
dates. eclipsed the 100-yard Laker defensive-end Rick
BALLOON SALE j committed three turn- mark this season. Andrejchak, with 11 tack-
Alpha Phi Sigma, the overs, including two Konyha's one-yard les, while defensive end
FOOD^DRIVE National Criminal Justice ifumbles and incurred 10 plunge {late in the first
On Oct. 12 and 13, from Mark Sammartino fin-
Honor Society of Mer- penalties. DeMeo was dis- quarter capped off a 78-. ished with eight stops and
6:00 until 8:00 p.m., Cam- cyhurst College,-, will jbc couraged byjthe apparent yard, 13 play Laker drive
pus Ministry will hold its two QB sacks.
sponsoring a helium bal- "let down" byjthe Lakers and would;prove to be all
annual food drive. The loon sale for Sweetest Day once the game was,in the the scoring the 'Hurst Others enjoying good
success of this food drive on October 17th., The bag. jW I days offensively were
depends on the number of would need. ^backup quarterback Greg
balloon sale will be on The game was sloppily The Lakers tacked on
volunteers who would be October 16th in the ^Stu- f^Haski, who had 59 yards
played on both sides, with another seven early in the rushing on 10 carries.
willing to go house to dent; Union, and balloons Frostburg State commit- second quarter on another
house in a designated area will go on sale from 9:30 Darryl Lewis and Scott
ting eight turnovers on six one yard run, this time by$j Gorring each hauled
asking for cans of food.| a.m. to 3:30 p.m. We hope fumbles and two intercep- QB Brian Rostek. The play
Many hungry people count to see you there. * in four passes for 41 yards.
tions. was set up by the first of The Lakers look to make
A p*• *t*v* of f C ' * * * # r C# i*f The Laker defense two Mike Jenkinsifumble it two straight, when they
e turnedJn a sparkling per- recoveries at -the Bobcat face 0-4 Buffalo!State.
TH Rl FT DRUG * frperts< formance, however, hold- 16. t ; - I "Buffalo State is a young*:}
ing the Bobcats to 227 total Besides pommeling jjthe team§ with a good, youngg
Grandview Shopping Plaza yards and an unbelievable Bobcats, the Laker de- coach," DeMeo assessed.
825-2333 minus four yards rushing. fenses also got;in on the "They run the wishbone,
"It was our best defen- scoring when linebacker which makes this game a
JCPenney Catdog sive effort of the year," Greg Latimer picked off a little special. We like to
noted DeMeo. "The de- Dale Piper pass and think we have a! pretty
Order Inquiries Call fense is maturing andl rumbled 43 yards for the good idea how to run it. It
To order call: getting better each week.
1 -800.222-6161 825-2901 score. On his first career will be fun trying to de-
Offensively, we played kick, | sophomore Rick fense it."
Page 8 The Merciad OCTOBER 8, 1987

Coach cc
Quality" Players Soccer
Currently, Fleet assists By Connie Bisbe
By Karen Cascio • preferably ffour years of phy, which asks that all
in leading the Women's high school playing expe- players, especially fresh- Coach Roth was finally
Who is a 1987 Mer- team through*? six fto six rience, but also self-confi- men, keep good? grades, rewarded with a victory in
cy hurst graduate with a and a half hours|of prac- dence. For the second emphasizes that, "The the initial varsity season
Bachelor's in Communica- tice per week. This may straight season, a walk-on kids must understand that for the women's soccer
tions, a minor in Coach- not? seeml like much, Jbut with skill andjconfidence they are student athletes, team, it may have taken a
ing, and is currently work- the team plays every Tues- has tried out and ended up not athlete students;-. . . . couple of weeks, but the
ing on a Master's in Crimi- day, Thursday, and Satur- starting. Academics come first; teams hard work has paid
nal Justice? The answer: day, traveling for thirty- ^ ^
Skill and! confidence athletics come first. Eve- off. ?
Assistant Women's Volley- six of forty | games this must be mixed with other rything else comes last." The 'Hurst Lady hoot-
ball fCoach, Charles season. f ^ qualities. In the future, Fleet stresses, though, that ers scored a|4-2 win over
"Chuckie" Fleet. Fleet, who shares the Fleet sees the team grow- players mustf learn | to Bethany, with Jennifer
Fleet has fbeen offi- responsibility off recruit- ing. He foresees growth manage their time effec- Hart scoring a pair of
cially coaching the sport ing new team members, from ten players to|four- tively, for no garnet or goals along*with an assist.
of volleyball for the past looks for players who can teenfor sixteen. He also practice should be missed Tammie Ferguson and
four years, but his experi- sees growth in height, to study for a test, since Joanne* Connely each
handle pressure, under- added goals to help aidfin
ence goes back to his high stand the game, are will- from the present low of the players are being paid
school career when he H the win overfBethany.
ing to give their all to the 5'4 , to a whopping |5'10". to play. I l pThe Lady Lakers liked
coached a parochial team. sport, and are willing to Currently, some recruits Taking all of these
During thisfperiod, Fleet the winning feeling, so
learn. He stated, "I cannot being considered are over qualities into considera- much they went out and
has had the opportunity to stand an athlete who six feet tall. The height is tion, iFleetl stated that
observe the * Men's •, and thinks he or she tknows knocked off IUP^ 8-0 on
needed to compete against hopefully within the next Saturday. Hartjagain led
Women's Olympic Volley- everything. I| don't know taller opposing teams. two years, combining the
ball teamsrplay in person, everything . . . I continu- the way with three goals
Perhaps the mosr^im- current team and new and one? assist. Renee
listen to the* 1984 Men's ally try to learn and I want portant quality for team recruits, Mercyhurst
Olympic coach Doug Beil Dahlkemper added three
my team to continually try members is good academic Women's I Volleyball will goals, Charise Moore scor-
talk on the sport, and take to learn." standing. Under NCAA have earned an NCAA
part in conversations with ing twice, Sarah Marchini
IFleet believes in qual- standards, all that is re- championship. "That's and Stephanie Proukou
coaches from Penn State ity players. The players quired for|play*is,a 1.75 how confident I am of my
and East Strausburg. combined a goal {for the
not* only need skill, and GPA. But Fleet's philoso- kids," said Fleet.
Korner from pg. 41
Athlete Of |As we approach the
The Week layout table, we see on the
left the musical ministra-
tions pouring out of the
bodacious BFR, turning
out such favorites as Bing
Crosby, Spinal Tap, and
one of my all time favor-
Moving around^, the
office, we observe a treat
for the| orbs - a RAMBO
Puzzle Solution BOP BAG. A • tenacious
(LastfWeek) tribute to a fine actor and
Jennifer Hart, a fresh- a gentleman - a mandibu-
man forward for the lar madman. •>
women's soccer team, was Turning slowly, we
named Mercyhurst's "Ath- then notice a jcolorful
lete of the Week" for Sep- caricature |of fRONALD
tember 28 fto October 5. REAGAN, Bonzo's buddy
Hart contributed to the 4- and mentor. He is even
2 victory over ^Bethany, marked with a Captain B.
scoring two (goals and an Careful orange X, signify-
assist. OnceSagain, on ing! danger and destruc-
Saturday Hart led the way tion) for the civilized
with three goals and one world. He's flying a Ku-
Laker spikers attempting a kill against Gannon. assist. 'The final Laker waiti flag...AND I DON'T
! Photo: Lisa McCUllan seore over IUP was 8-0. KNOWb WHY! 1 I

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