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16546 Aprils

Lecture to kick off Academic Celebration Inside This Week

aims at Pointe
By Chris Wloch the Institute.of theiSisters of This will be an energetic, in- Blank? M
News Editor formed lecture which will help In order to make it easier to get
Mercy of the Americas.
the college community better ap- to see aa many different presenta-
In 1988, Burns was elected to a
This Sunday marks the begin- preciate our Mercy heritage. It's tions aa possible Mizia said mat a Pg2-More
three-year term as president of
good to have a presentation deal- special effort was made to avoid Items Stolen On
ning of the Second Annual Mer- the Leadership Conference of
ing with the founding inspiration scheduling too many events at the Campus
cyhurst College Academic Cel- Women Religious. Currently, she
behind Mercyhurst scheduled aa same time. "We tried not to over-
ebration which lastsfromApril is a member of the Mercy Health
the launching event for Academic lap as much aa last year. That's
28 to Ma y 1. The week-long event Services,';New Ways Ministry
Celebration,'' he said. why the majority of events are Pg9-Rites of
30 different presenta- Board and Unity Health System.
Senior Michelle Mizia, who baa spaced out over a period of four Initiation On
tions and artistic performances, According to Assistant Aca- Campus
served as the organizer of Aca- days, in hopes that every body will
most of which are being spon- demic Dean Sr. Patricia Whalen,
demic Celebration for the past be able to attend something."
sored and presented by members Burns has lectured extensively At the beginning of this year,
of the Mercy hurst community. on religious life, leadership and two years, expressed her satisfac- Pg6- Letters
Mizia started the preparations for
This year the inaugural event traditions ofthe Sisters of Mercy. tion with the overall quality ofthe Defend New
Academic Celebration. For sev- MSO President
will be the Second Annual Maura M
Sister Helen Marie is a very lineup this year as well as the h igh
eral months, she collected propo-
Smith Lecture on Sunday) April dynamic speaker with a great deal level of involvementfrommem-
sals, selected and coordinated the
27, at 6 p.m. in the Performing ofexperience at the national level. bers of the college community.
Arts Center. The guest lecturer u events, decided times and rooms, Pg 12 - Football
I've heard her speak before and I It is especially exciting because
and designed the bulletin. Mizia Seniors Will Be
this year is Sister Helen Marie appreciate the depth of vision a lot of the events are being pro- Missed
Burns, RSM speaking on "Lib- duced by., so many of our own also kept a dose connection with
she offers. Given the suffering of
era tion a nd the Works of Mercy." students and faculty. There are Bames and Noble bookstore and
the world today, I think it's im- g
Currently a doctoral student in more students involved than last s in promoting the
portant to deepen our understand-
the School of Religion at the year, and this reflects the whole Academic Celebration to mem- Brown said that he is optimistic
ing of how to live our lives from
University of Iowa, Burns has purpose ofAcademic Celebration, bers of the Erie community* mat the student who is named as
the perspective of liberation and the organizer of next year's Aca-
spent 17 yea rs in leadership posi- which is to provide an open venue Dr. Bud Brown, director of the
mercy," she said. Mercyhurst Honors Program said demic Celebration will work aa
tions such as regional counselor for them to express their artistic
and provincial administrator in Vice President of Academic and intellectual abilities." that this is the second year that hard aa Mizia has to ensure that
the Sisters of Mercy. She served Affairs, Dr. Joseph Gower said honors students have sponsored the event remains a success.
"But we need participants to "Hopefully we will get some-
as vice president of the Sisters of that Bums' lecture will be a re- help keep Academic Celebration Academic Celebration. Two years
consideration of the works of ago it was reestablished after a •:tnly with as much energy and
Mercy of the Union from 1984 alive so I strongly encourage ev-
until 1991 when the Union joined mercyfromthe point of view of hiatus of several vears. dedication as Michelle has given
erybody to attend at least one of
with other congrega tions to form liberation theology. the events," she said. - over the past two years," he said.

L i b r a r y i m p r o v e m e n t s p r o c e e d at; a m e a s u r e d pace
By Chris Wloch In the next couple of weeks, the
construction workers will begin
News Editor
putting the steel beams into place
toformthe new framework ofthe
For several weeks now, teams
of Hammermill Libraiy employ- building.
ees and students have been work- Additionally, a new, state-of-
ing in between the shelves, plac- the-art geothermal heating and
» i : %ding system is presently being
ing bar codes on the more than
100,000 books in the collection. installed in the area across the
At this point, about half of the driveway on the north side of the
& have had bar codes placed
• : • : •
library, Strausbaugh said.
on them in anticipation of the As soon aa students leave for
computer database which will ar- the summer, work crews will be-
rive sometime in June. gin the more heavy construction
According to Dean of Librar- work which involves knocking
ies, Dr. Roy Strausbaugh, *thc down walls and ripping out the
automation project is coming ol d ductwork for the current heat-
along at a measured pace. A lion's ing and cooling system..:
share of the books will be ready Even though most of the major
by the end of this year, he said. improvements should be com-
Strausbaugh said that work on pleted by the time students return
the building addition to the li- to classes in the tall, Strausbaugh
brary is also "right on schedule." said that any remaining work
As ofthis week, the concrete foun- will not interfere with business as
dations have been laid and the usual in the library.
shaft for the new hydraul ie el eva- "Even if the paint's not dry on
Work crew* Insull the Hemmermill Libieiy* new geolhermil Heeling end cooling system tor has been built In the outside the walls next Call we must open
area where the grotto used to be. the doors for students to study'.'
AVAVeV eVtVtVe ft ft *
PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD April 24,1997
*• m

M c A u l e y residents charged for roof damages

By Todd Zielinski would have to share the expenses
Merciad Writer of repairing the roof.
This decision was based upon
On February 21, a maintenance the Student Handbook which
request was turned in by the states on page 17 that "Damage to
McAuley staff regarding prob- common areas (lounges, stair-
lems with water on the floor of the wells, etc) is assessed to the larg-
est, most likely group possible
ma in lounge caused by numerous when it cannot be determined who
leaks in the ceiling. After mainte- caused the damage.... Minimum
nance .responded, all McAuley charge for damage is $5." *
residents received a letter notify-
Moore said that in most situa-
ing- them of a finet of $20 per
tions this policy has not been en-
person and the J reason* for the
forced, but in this case the lack of
charge—to cover die cost of re-
evidence provided no other solu-
pairing the roof.*
tion to the problem than to charge
1 According to Director of Resi-
all the residents for the damage.
dence Life Tyrone Moore, con-
"I strongly believe that the vast
tractors were immediately called
majority ofresidents in McAuley
to work on the roof in conjunction
Hall are good citizens who are
with maintenance personnel.
very respectful of the laws and
Moore said that there were nu-
policies that govern housing in
merous beer bottles which had
been thrown on top of the roof.
general," he said.
Several McAuley residents ex-
Security seeks information onstolen it
The impact from the bottles break- By Alissa Minner from Sullivan Hall and a bust of and the persons responsible are
ing against the roof had caused pressed their dissatisfaction over
Contributing Writer Michelangelo's David stolen from caught, then theft charges will be
the leaks; he sa id. m being charged such a high price the foyer outside Christ the King filed, he said. ^ ^
> Moore said that since the roof for the cost of repairs. "It's funny During the past week, die " Yield
how every time they need money Chapel. 4 To help prevent further thefts,
was fairly new, he checked to see to Pedestrians" signs in the park- Sidun said that the bust has been the security office is thinking
if the warranty would cover the for something new we get a fine. ing lots outside the little Theater
I wish I knew why the roof was so a part of the college for about 17- about installing cameras in the
repairs, so tha t the residents would were stolen. Head ofSecurity Ken 18 years. It was a gift to College halls of Old Main and in the
not have to be charged. However, weak that breaking a bottle on it
Sidun said that he would appreci- President Dr. William P. Carvey D'Angel o SchooJ ofMusic build-
the warranty did not cover the would cause that much damage,"
ate it if the signs were returned from Marv Daly, Vice President ing to serve as a safety measure
cost of the damage. said freshman Andrew Zloty.
because the area is hazardous for of External Affairs. It has a lot of for students and faculty.
The matter was then turned over "I think we are getting charged
students and faculty when cross- sentimental value and should be Sidun encouraged anyone with
to Bifl Kerbusch, director of facili- for something that isn't our fault," ing the road. returned, he sa id. information about these stolen
ties, who started an investigation saidfreshmanCurtis Walsh. "We More than a month ago, two According to Sidun, no disci- items to call him at ext 2104 of
I to find out who ha d been respon- are not even allowed to have beer other items were stolen which plinary action will be taken if the leave an anonymous tip under bis
sible. When no one came forward bottles in the dorms anyway so have yet to be returned. These persons who stole these items re- door, 209 Old Main. "Any infor-
with any information, it was de- how could it be us. It's a bad way include a $75 banner bearing the turn them to their rightful place.
to solve the problem." mation would be greatly appreci-
cided that all McAuley residents college emblem which was taken However, if they are not returned ated," he said , K

MSG News: Elections

on 'Thursday .and Friday will take place this Thursday and
By Melissa Lang
MSG Secretary Friday, April 24 and 25. All stu-
dents are encouraged to partici-
On Monday, February 17 the pate.
Mercyhurst Student Government Treasurer Trisha Greathouse
held its weekly meeting in the submitted the.proposed budget
Union. for the 1997-98 school year. Af-
A motion was made to cancel ter a few suggested changes, the
next week's meeting due to the budget passed.
fact that the representatives will During the meeting a proposal
be having an Appreciation Din- was passed around for review
ner that evening.The motion was concerning free yearbooks for
passed* seniors. All underclassmen will
SAC Chairperson Brian be charged a fee for yearbooks,
Marshal] announced that letters although this fee can be taken off
of intent for SAC chair positions the student's bill ifthey wish. The
will be due in the SAC office by 5 proposal was approved by the
Freshman Jen Rosa (right) poses with two prospective Mcrcyhurst students during the Laker Live In p.m. on Friday, April 25. reps, and President Stacey
17th Annua I Laker Live Inn A Success; On April 10 and 11, Mercyhurst hosted 105 prospective Vice President Tom Bender re- Fitzpatrick will submit it to Mr.
freshmen. They were entertained on Thursday evening, stayed overnight with current freshmen and attended minded everyone present that William Kennedy, dean of stu-
classes alt day Friday. 64 of those who attended ha ve •committed to attend-in- the -fa Ut4p elections for class renrpcAn ta ti\i»e » * •
dent services sometime this week.
April 24,1997 THEMERCIAD PAGE 3

Cusack shoots from the hip in "Grosse Pointe Blank"

By James Hain That's the kicker in Grosse ing Debi (Minnie Driver), the girl- takes center stage. Driver is ef- in its surprisingly bloody finale.
Merciad A&E Editor Pointe Blank, the clever new com- friend he ditched at the prom. fective in the role, as she gently This is Pulp Fiction with heart,
edy from director George She's now a local deejay and de- tortures Martin, inclined to give Get Shorty with a bra in. As enter-
I don't know if anyone looks Armitage (Miami Blues). John lights in tormenting Martin on the him another chance, yet not will- tainment, Grosse Pointe Blank
forward to his or her Ugh school Cusack (who also co-wrote and air. Worse yet, his colleagues and ing to let him off the hook so hits the bullseye (come on, you
reunion. Well, aside from Bill co-produced) stars as Martin enemies are on his trail, and easily. But Grosse Pointe Blank knew it was coming), and the script
Gates, who can use the occasion Blank, a meticulous contract killer Grosse Pointe is crawling with is really a vehicle for John if clever enough that you wish
to rub his success in the faces of whose latest job happens to coin- shady characters who want to Cusack's considerable comicto1- Cusackwould get behind the type-
all the people who called him "the cide with his 10-year reunion. ensure that Martin isn't around ents (too often squandered in bad writer more often.
four-eyed dweeb with the com- Initially, Martin is reluctant to go, for the 20-year reunion, includ- 80s teen comedies). Though at
puters." But most people don't but his secretary (played by ing a pair ofcrooked feds, a trained first it's difficult to accept him as
have that luxury. Everyone who Cusack's{sister, Joan) and his assassin, and Martin's arch-rival a professional killer, he grows
went to high school will eventu- shrink (Al an Arkin) convince him Grocer (Dan Aykroyd), who is into the role as the Glm goes along,
ally get one of those letters invit- it will get him out of his current miffed that Martin refuses to join and his transformation from me-
ing them to reopen old wounds funk and in touch with his roots. a professional killer's union that thodical hitman to bumbling
and make fun of the football player So Martin decides to drop by he's organizing. good-guy is fun to watch.
whose girth has expanded as his his title hometown, an affluent The hitman stuff is pushed to In fed, all of Grosse Point t
hairline has receeded. Detroit suburb, where all his old the background as die relation- Blank is fun to watch. It feels like
Evcryoncle ven hitmen. classmates have gathered, includ ship between Martin and 5Debi a Jonathan Demme movie, even

Local movie premieres at the Warner

It couldn't have i m i i better The Turn was filmed in Erie The Turn tells the story of Joe, ests to bliltJ11 M ^ ^ a ^ H H
• H I u In thcmidstofTigerWiIIIK 1 last fell, using the Kahkwa Club a young man who will inherit a Tickets are $5.75 in advance,
mania, Erie native Will Knox and and other Erie locations, as well Urge estate ifhe marries within 72 $8 the day of the show, and can be
his partner, Jon Ulmer are pre- as more than 80 extras from the hours. The film takes place on a obtained by calling 452-4857.
miering their Erie-filmed golf Erie area. The film stars Frank golf course aa Joe plays with his
movie 77ie Turn at the Warner Cover, best known aa Tom Willis father and his father's best friend.
Theater on Friday, April 25 at 8 on The Jeffersons, and his daugh- A rain delay at "the turn" offers
p.m. ter, Susan. iS opportunities for the love inter-



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dent Organization are holding a
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HUM tries.
Food and refreshments will be
Bang available and ifthere are any ques-
Uve ylusW 28oz tions call 2940. students are a bo
reminded to turn in their nomina-
nasi 0 ; 3 o * • * • • T ; 0

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Disco We Have It You Get II $1 i
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H Call 1-800-592-2121 ext.398
PAGE 4 THE MERCIAD April 24,1997

The Piano Man

By Jody Washington many other awards including the Hall in New York, Jordan Hall in
Merciad Columnist Silver Medal ofthe Gina Bachauer Boston, and the Smithsonian In-
Throughout his musical career, International Piano Competition, stitute in Washington D.C., as
Jon Klibonoff has developed a First Prize in the Kosciuszko well as the Villa Medici in Rome
Chopin Competition and the and the Opera Comique in Paris.
reputation as orchestra soloist,
Pepsi-Cola Young Artists Com- Klibonoff is also a member of
recitalist and chamber musician,
petition, and a Solo Recitalist the Carnegie Chamber Players,
and will grace die stage of the
Fellowship from the National the Classic Apple Ensemble and
Taylor Little Theatre on Mon.,
Endowment for the Arts. the Meridian Arts Ensemble. He
April 28 at 8 p.m. as part of the
Visiting Artists i Series. He will In 1982, Klibonoff was cho- holds degrees from the Juilliard
then host a masterclass on Tues., sen to assist Glen Gould in a spe- School and the Manhattan School
April 29 at 2:30, also in the The- cial recording project as soloist of Music. Presendy he is on the
atre. Both events are free for the with the Hamilton Philharmonic
Mercyhurst community. in Ontario. Since,then, he has piano faculty of Hunter College,
performed as a soloist with sym- and resides in metropolitan New
In 1984, Klibonoff won first
phoniesfrommany cities such as York. g?
prize ofthe Concert Artists Guild
Baltimore, New Orleans, Syra- This event is listed in the Aca-
New York Competi tion a s a mem- demic Celebration Handbook as
cuse, and Denver.
ber ofthe Bowdoin Trio. Hejoined being on the PAC, but it is in the
the Guild's roster as a solo pianist As a recita 1 ist, he has appeared
at the Metropolitan Museum, TLT. For more information, call
in 1992 after winning die Wedeen die box office at 824-3000.
W c , U Rcc,tal Hal1 at
ManagemcntAward.Hehaswon Carnegie

Dance Dept. Performs for Academic Celebration

The dance is entitled "Innocence" Schaeffer, with contributions of
By Amanda Smith
which is an excerpt from "Sis- movement from students.
Merciad A&E Writer
ters" choreographed by dance Finally, the Mercyhurst danc-
faculty member Catherine ers will dose the 1997 Academic
The Mercyhurst Dance Depart- Schaeffer. The music,by Celebration and National Dance
ment will present several exhib- Constance Demby, is a contem- Week with a full length ballet to
its and performances throughout Pianist Jon Klibonoff will be performing at D'Angel o on April
porary orchestral piece which be performed in the Mary 29. :
the week of April 27-May 1 for supports the choreographic theme
Academic Celebration and Na- D'Angelo Performing Arts Cen-
of intimate relationships between
tional Dance Week. sisters-two as one. There will be ter oil Friday, Saturday, and ERIE B A L L E T T H E A T R E
The Erie School District Gifted Sunday. Coppelia: The Girl with
both duet and group dancers in- Sponsored by
Program will feature an exhibit Mercyhurst College Dance Department
volved in this natura 1 theatrically the Enamel Eyes ia a comedy
of original children's stories and
set performance. offering Disney-like delight in- Lake Erie Ballet
ba sed on th e performing arts. The
An additional site specific cluding practical jokes, dancing
tks are fully illustrated, ex-
• : • : • Tauna Hunter. Director
pressing the children's concepts dance will be performed by the dolls, and a whimsical love tri- Christina Maria. Associate Director
of dance. This-exhibit will be Jazz Dance class on Wednesday, angle with a quirky twist To re-
shown in the Zurn Aft Display April 30 at 4:15 p.m. on the front serve tickets call die PAC box
Area all week. lawn of Old Main. This dance, office at 824-3000. Please come
entitled "JAMM IT is a contem- and join us at the various perfor-
On Monday, April 28, the Mod- porary jazz dance performed to mance spaces throughout the week
ern Dance Class will perform a n
the music of Bjork. "JAMM II of Academic Celebration and
site specific dancework at the National Dance Week.
was also choreographed by
outside Grotto area at 4:30 p.m.

Tickling the Ivorie&at the Hurst

to expression, sensitivity to en- a recital a
By Jody Washington semble and remarkable tech* chamber
Merciad Columnist
tuque," and as "playing pieces played with the Guarneri, Tokyo,
The hill will be alive with the with staggering power, lightness and Cleveland quartets.
sound of one of today's foremost
pianists, Horacio Gutierrez, play-
and insouciant case." this pianist
seems poised to test the acoustics
To purchase tickets, or Coppelia
to receive. a copy of the
ing a program featuring Joseph
Haydn, Robert Schumanmand
of this new Performing Arts Cen-
spring schedule, call the Box The Girl with the Enamel Eyes
tal; ' Mary D'Angelo Performing Arts Center
Franz UsztattheMary D'Angelo Gutierrez is a frequent solo- Office at the Mary D'Angelo
Friday, May 2,1997 at 8:00 p.m.
Performing Arts Center of ist at Lincoln Center's MosUy Performing Arts Center at Saturday, May 3.1997 at 8:00 p.m.
Mercyhurst College on Sun.f April Mozart Festival and has appeared 824-3000. Sunday, May 4, 1997 at 2:30 p.m.
27,1997 at 2:30 p.m. aspart ofthe on Its season-opening "Live from
1996-97 Cultural Series. Lincoln Center" telecast He has Tickets $8, $10, $12.50. $15
Mercyhurst College Student Tickets $3
Described by critics as having a also performed numerous times Call 824-3000 for information.
*:t it detely thoughtful approach
at Avery Fisher Hall and Carnegie
April 24,1^97 THE MERCIAD PAGE 5

Perspectives On Counseling Services

By Em illo Colaiacovo the appropriate application. look into whether increasing the
Merciad Columnist Once talking with Mr. Hohwald, budget ofthe counseling center is
By John Murphy I became aware that our college a good investment
Editor in Chief While I campaigned for does provide "direct contact" 24 Third, and probably most im*
Mercy hurst Student Government hours a day to our students. Resi- portant, students and faculty need
Question: Why the hell are we in college? After four years here I still Secretary, I went to each apart- dent Assistants, for example, are to become advocates ofadditional
don * t know the answer to this seemingly simple query. Of course I have ment and dormitory, talking with short term programs. Instead of
Instructed on bow to deal with
heard several idealistic and diched responses such as, "We are here to students about what needed to be certain situations. Yet, in my opin- being reactive to the problems on
learn, to grow, to enhance our knowledge and academic abilities." done here on campus. Many stu- ion, this "direct contact" is insuf- this campus, we need to • 1 1 1

Sounds nice, doesn't it, but could someone tell me how this image dents said the Weight*Room
ficient However, providing long proactive. To prevent roommate
equates/With the several copies of the program for the upcoming needed to be Improved while oth-
term care for students, as some problems, eating disorders, or
Academic Celebration found filling up trash bins around campus? ers pointed to the:fact that the
expect, is afinancialImpossibil- other personal predicaments, this
The fact is, the image of the neglected programs equates with the truer cafeteria needed to extend its hours ity. Mercyhurst College adminis- campus needs to build our educa-
image of thetypicalMercyhurst student - one fox whom academics and to accommodate sports teams. trators must provide a "happy tional help programs accordingly*
intellectual pursuits are secondary to being part of a sports team, or However, one of the consistent medium" in regards to our coun-
meeting 'hot* chics or guys, (whichever the preference may be), or concerns students told me about In doing ao, we need to bring
seling staff. awareness to out difficulties on
basically having a good time while doing as little as possible, revolved around the apparent lack
Alter talking in great length with this campus, and then we, as a
I apologize if I sound like your advisor here, but ask anyone who is of counseling services here at Mr. Hohwald, I contemplated on whole, would have a responsibil-
about to graduate with me and they will tell you the same thing. At this Mercyhurst -B f what exactly needa to be done to ity to make certain these prob-
final stage in our college careers, all the lectures and advice we so According to my philosophy, help reform our counseling ser- lems are dealt with and averted.
.Mill lortably ignored in freshman, sophomore and junior years is now elected officials have a responsi-
vices. First, our students must Again, awareness is the key.
coming ba ck to haunt us. We shoul d have 1 is tened to and heeded what our bility to their constituency to see notify the proper staff members The reorganization of the coun-
advisors told us about being serious about our studies. that all of their concerns are ad-
ofpotential problems. What g< • : • •
seling services, which would
Because they are right, no matter how many goals and points we score, dressed. In adhering to that phi- will an increase in our counseling sibly include new facilities, more
no matter how many dates we go on or beers we chug, they ain't going losophy, I sat down and talked to services do if students will not staf£ and an increased budget,
to do anything to change the mind of the interviewer sitting accross the one of our counselors, Warren care enough to let those who can will mean absolutely nothing with
table who is thinking, "Does this person seriously think I will hire b im?" Hohwald. provide assistance know that a out the participation and concern
(Of course, the latter scenario is dependent upon whether or not you get Since I was aware that both the
particularfriendmay be experi- of our students. Though we must*
called for an interview in the Hist placed Senate and Student Government encing a personal problem? be persistent in our efforts to draw
•For a lot ofus eej its who are about to leave here, the realization of what were dealing with the situation, I
Awareness of conflict is a para- attention to the problems that ma y |
we are really aupposed to be doing here has come too late. The rest ofyou felt I needed to become better ac- mount priority for our students to exist around our counseling ser-
still have time to salvage your academic faiths, wake up tomorrow and qua in ted with the problem. Our realize* vices, we must be ever vigilant to
act like the college students you are supposed to be, act like attaining a college campus is no different than Secondly, to deal with current help in our own right This cam-
higher education is your main goal here. Examine the program of events any other college in this nation. caseloads and the magnitude of pus, whether we wish to admit
scheduled for next week's celebration and deliberately attend those that Our students, like all students en- problems our counseling center th is or not, has qua 1 ifiedpeople to
are on at the same time as "Days of Our Lives," or "Melrose Place,* and counter roommate difficulties, currently deals with, we need to help with personal problems. And
whatever other rubbish shows that dominate your lives, this will test your family problems (including home- hire full time counselors to help if anything good can I'llbout of
determination to become a serious student sickness or death of a loved one),
meet the needs of our students. thisfrenzy,it would be that stu-
Freshmen, sophomores and juniors, do yourselves a favor, draw up a and romantic conflicts. Since our Along with this, the counseling dents would know where to go
rough resum e at the end of this year. Examine it and imagine if you were parents, whom Ifeelto be the best center needa their budgetary al- with their problems. This school
that person doing the hiring. Would you hire yourself? If most of you counselors, are too far away to lotment Increased. Currently, a community holds as much as we
were honest, the answer would be no. * ' directly deal with our problems,private therapist earns twice as wish to put into it Therefore, it is
Do this and you will thank meformy words of inspiration, and oh yeah, each college/university must pro- much per individual than the coun- incumbent upon us all to do as
ifanyone wants to send me royalties for supplying you with this wisdom, vide direct, short term counseling sel ing service spends on each stu- much as possible to see that each
just address itto the unemployed Irish guy who thought he was a wise ass to meet.the needs of students.
dent To remedy the needs of our and every student on this campus
Knowing this, I felt It was my duty

writing for The MerciadL students, which is entirely ben- is heard and helped.
to inquire Into why our counsel ing
eficial to the health of this college
services were apparently lacking community, this • vi t:i 1 needs to
After reaming off the above I almost feel like a responsible editor,
thankfully this week's letters demonstrate that I have several fins who
are always willing to rented me of my ineptitude. I am honored that
among my admirers U Mcrcyhurst's own, self-appointed litem*'. The MERCIAD Wants You! undbreaking is to Ill
Now I know that literary types ate supposed to be above the everyday is week for Munson Plaza.
events that effect us lesser mortals, but I would have thought even they Applications are being accepted for students interested in serving 4-foot high pillars
consider stories about lack*of counselling and sexual harassment as News Editor, Sports Editor, Features Editor, A&E Editor, Copy ted at the entrance will
• : • » ;

important newsworthy material. Editor and Graphics Editorfornext year. ntain black granite plaques
Oh well, I am probably incapable of understanding the minds of these
enlightened individuals.Theirworfc is sodistmcting that It prevents them
Scholarships are available for each of these positions. g the names of seniors
ho donated $25 or more.
from rea lizing that an Arts and Entertaimcnt section has existed in this The Merciad also offers ten workstudy positions available
to reporters, columnists, photographers and typists. eniors who wish to be part
newspaper for the past number of years.
f this tribute must have
A few comments to our other enlightened -researched" letter, the Deadlines ]For Letters Of Applica- ontributions into Ega\ 46
editor does not need permission every time he needs to use it This tions Are -Wednesday, April 28 Any
uestions contact Vanessa
-falsifies tiottj
I hutltwouldn^chaiigeanything,lnstcad,
pin our staff for 1997-1998 and help us, appalardo ext 2993.
^____ kedom Zone before "Tell the truth and raise hell." (Mother jono)
receive till


PAGE 6 THE MERCIAD April 24,1997

In Defense Of The New MSG President

Dear Editor, it, John? All ofthe above are made for the Freedom Zone camewhen I Dear Editor-in-chief, JB receives $2500 for publication use
worse by mediocre photos with I published s • IIIie material in it only. This is the same amount as
After list week's (April 9) edi- misplaced captions, a vapid lay- during my Freshman year, a year This letter is to clarify a few last year. Kevin gets none of this
toria 1,1 must rely on a good deal of out, rand a general lack of text before Kevin Segedi was Editor. points published in an article for himself. As fur as the high-
restraint and the laws of polite consistency (both in terms ofwrit- When I saw the poems in the called "On The Ditch" in the April tech scanner, the Art Department
discourse that keep mefromtell- ing style and the physical text it- text of the Freedom Zone I
•ill l j>'10th issue. The subject ."matter donated (as infree)a used black
ing you precisely what I feel. While self). Quitefrankly,your lack of realized that they were of a dif- concerned Kevin Segedi and his and white scanner to student gov-
you have the right (indeed, I en- quality control has made a menace ferent nature and that this venue so-called incapabilities for his ernment Th is is only a leaner a nd
courage you) to express your opin- of your paper. It is a joke among was not appropriatefortheir pre- newly-elected position as MSG will be returned to the Art Dept at
ion about campus politics, your Mercy hurst's literate population. sentation. In my opinion, Kevin President The Freedom Zone the conclusion of spring term.
attack on (MSG President-Elect) Where do youfindthe audacity to is doing the best that he can given should not be the main source of Student government also has sole
Kevin Segedi was unrestrained criticize-Kevin's performance his small staff and the relatively information you look upon as a possession ofthe newl y <• purchased
hypocrisy, given your own short- with the Freedom Zone? low amount of high-quality ma- reflection of Kevin's qualifica- computer. Kevin, being editor-
comings. I hope that the mistake As you know, I do not write terial (i.e., poems, prose, art and tions as a candidate. Yes, it was a in-chief of The Freedom Zone,
was one of ignorance rather than these things without the benefit short fiction) with which he is disappointment that there h as not uses the scanner and the Mill
self-righteousness* provided. Perhaps my unwilling- been as many issues as expected. puter on a permission basis only.
of experience. You have told me
Your publication, while it is pub- that you consider my writing very ness to submit more material to Calling it "an economical repl a ce- He does not receive a scholar-
lished more regular I y than Kevin's help him makes me a hypocrite, ment for toilet paper will not ship. His only motivation off
good. In case you don't remem-
(i.e., The Freedom Zone), is too (in which case Pm doubly a bring us more issues. Speaking to his volunteer services is his inter-
ber, you told me this when you;
sea reel y of higher quality. While asked me to write an article cov- hypocrite for writing this). Kevin and being an active mem- est in the subject ofpublications.
the Merciad 's covera ge of the cam- ering my trip to the National Col- * Finally, John, I concur with your ber of MSG, I have collected sev- I suppose it is easy to point your
pus athletic scene is beyond ad- "popularity contest" assessment eral pieces ofresearched facts that finger since you get a scholarship
legia te Honors Conference in San F
equa te and its columns (when not Francisco last October. I did as proves your article to be untruth- of $5000, not to mention a total of
of the MSG elections. In fact, in
completely misguided) are some- ful and unfair. $12,000 in The Merciad staff
you asked, carefully drafting an protest I refused to vote. Did you
what stimulating, your general fait vote, John? I suspect that you did. First of all, Kevin never "prom- scholarships.
article that I knew to be too long
ure to deal with real campus news but trusting you to tailor it com- I suspect that your literary assault ised" an issue every month as you Kevin's staff consists of an av-
is remarkable. Aside from your on Kevin Segedi comes in the accused. However, he had stated erage number of four members.
petently. Imagine my disgust
fall housing expose, you simply wake of your candidate's loss. his intended goal was to hope- There are currently 26* writers/
when I opened the Merciad and
haven't covered the important sto- found my technically clean ar- Whatever the circumstance, I fully produce an articl e per month. editors on your stafL No wonder
ries or you have glossed over them ticle begging to be edited. After I refuse to join in your condemna- Kev in did not reach his goal. Not there is a significant difference in
so quickly that their significance tion of our President-Elect, In obtaining a goal and breaking a quality and consistency. The ma-
butchered your version with a red
has been lost The addition of an spite of his performance (whether promise are two entirely two dif- terial published in the The Free-
pen, I came to the realization that
entertainment section and a huge acceptable or not) as Freedom ferent things. ; dom Zone is submitted by
you had made me look like a
number of"Look at Me" columns complete illiterate. (Truthfully, I Zone Editor. As an RA, an Am- Secondly, I would like to ad- Mercy hurst students. If the sub-
has done nothing to remedy this expect that your treatment of this bassador and afriend,Kevin has dress the topic of the technology h missions are lacking, which they
lack of relevant information. document will be no better.) demonstrated the exemplary lead- that is used for the The Freedom| have been, what do you suppose
When your publication deals When you honor your writers with ership and interpersonal skills Zone. Quoting your article you he should do? He ca n not produce
with actual news, it rarely does so respect of this nature, ft is not at required by someone in the office said, "He got extra funding, new | a literary publication without lit-
in a flawless (or even relatively all surprising that you cannot find of MSG President I congratulate equipment including a computer erature. Kevin Segedi is an ex-
flawless) manner. The Editor-in- enough to produce a good paper. Kevin with Tom, Emilio, and and a high-tech scanner." This is tremely dedicated, determined,
Chiefs position exists to ensure In all honesty John, I sha re your Ryan on their appointments and not accurate. If you would have and enthusiastic individual. I sup-
thattypographicaland syntactical opinion of the Freedom Zone. It wish them the best of luck. done some research iinstead of port him in every way as a presi-
errors as well as errors of fact do is, for the most part, dull,juvenile Thank you for your, time and printing falsifications you would dent because I know him as a
not slip past the copy editor and and trite (though no more so than consideration of this matter. have learned there was no "extra person as well as a colleague.
make it into print Do you even the Merciad). We differ, how- funding*. The MSG budget As a dosing note, you contra-
look at the paper before you print ever, in thefretthat my distaste Bill Meyer. clearly shows The Freedom Zone dicted yourself about the elec-
tions. You boldly stated the elec-
MSG Positions Need Reform tions ofpresidency is a popularity
'fJL'DI itest, defying the reason Emilio

Dear Editor-in-chief • doing. -^|jj|fc-jp what it means to be MSG presi- Colaiacovo would not have won.
opinion, I base It on thefeetthat I am not writing this letter to dent I am a defeated candidate against
I am writing to respond to your the majority of the student body, annoy people but to call for re- Yours Sincerely, Emilio and very strongly believe
article On the Ditch" dated April \%\¥fluding myself, went practically form. I invite our new president to l_ "ft Stephen Nolan. he will do a superb job. My point
10,1997. Although I do not share uninformed about the goings on inform us, after all I believe you is that Emilio tallied more votes
the same energetic opinion about of MSG around campus. Some are here to cater to our needs. or Summer than any other candidate in all
our new MSG president, I must people may say that it is up to the Maybe Mr. Segedi you?should
say that I do share some of the students to get involved and find break out your pen and paper and
yment At other positions except vice presi-
dent because Tom Bender victo-
concerns voiced by you. Next year out what is going on around them. write a weekly article in The Mercyh riously ran unopposed. However,
Mr. Segedi, along with his new But why should it be up to us to Merciad to tell us if you are really cations how do you come to the conclu-
colleagues, will take over the make the effort when the MSG doing anything to benefit us on sion the elections were a contest
MSG office and basically ait officers are getting paid a lot of campus, Of by some other me- Main _

of popularity? X St I
around and do nothing. But at money to do their job. I believe dium that can reach the students. Deadlines For Appli- Respectfully,
least they will leave off where the president gets around $5,000 But perhaps you cannotfindtime
this year's executive board left •year to hidefromus and release in your busy schedule to really cations Is May 1, Jodie D. Polk
{MSG Class Representative
off. S I ft 1 no information on what they alt give a damn about the students or
April 24,1997 THE MERCIAD PAGE 7

By Michael J. opperman
Strange World
nization. In the spirit of the coun- food to make it repugnant $9.95
box of expensive cigars. He went
to an insurance company and had
diem insured againstfirefor sev-
eral thousand dollars. Then, he
ance companyforthe settlement
The state court awarded him the
money, contending that, because
die insurance company gave him
Merciad Columnist try, I share the following infor- Amount Burt Reynolds owes threw a party and smoked them. the policy initially, they were ob-
mation. his toupee maker: $121,796.62 Taking the remains of the cigars ligatedtohonor it The insurance
Spring is here. Well, it is sup- These statistics were taken from Afriendof mine sent me an e- to the insurance company, he de- company then had the man ar-
posed to be here. Since my col- a reliable source. mail several days ago. Included manded that they honor the policy restedforarson.
umns are usually so earnest and . Percentage change since 1980 in his message was the following and give him several thousand It is a strange country that we
serious, I decided this week to in the number of college fresh- true story. I found it hardtobe- dollars. Thev refused, citing the live in. Enjoy die sun that has not
relay some statistics and tell a men who say they'feel "over- lieve too. fret that cigars are intendedtobe yet come. -
story. The United States is a na- A North Carolina man bought a smoked. The man sued the insur-
whelmed": -1-100 ,_ i
tion that loves statistics. Founded
upon the logical conception of
Qfder as expressed by such En-
Ratio of decibels emitted by
airplane jet engine to those emit- ATTE N Tl O NT
lightenment thinkers as Locke and
Rousseau (the college would hope
ted by "the Trap," a new car alarm:
Chance that a human being alive
that you would take information
like this from your liberal arts
today has never made a telephone
call: 2 in 3 I ff
education), die United States is Price of a packet of Diet Dirt,
obsessed with numbers and orga- sterilized soil to be sprinkled over
Who has been t h e most e f f e c t i v e
It's All In The Books i n s t r u c t o r t h i s past year at]
By ALE. Pike •Mercyhurst College?'
Merciad Columnist

As I wandered weak and weary down many an aisle of ancient lore in

our library (it took all of five minutes), I justified my earlier conviction
Your opinion is valuable to; us as we prepare to
that research in that place is pointless. No, I correct myself-ridiculous. {select the faculty member to receive the 1996-97
As anyone who chanced to pick up a library book here at Mercyhurst
(or anyone who just happened to peek inside the door) has learned, our
Teaching Excellence Award.
library is in dire need of some serious help. It is not the workers. The
library staff is always as helpful and considerate as they are able, but Please write a nomination letter
rather the problem rests with the buil ding's content The library is terribly and send tit to
small for one. Too small to house too many books, and the books that are
housed there arefrequentlyoutdated. •.
Dr. Gower's Office
I paged through a few books on religion,forexample, that haven't been (Old Main 104), by May 2, 1997. a
checked out since 1978. Some date bade even further than that In the
basement, you canfindout what was happening in the scientific world in
1995. Now, that is all well and good for those researching the history of
The Merciad
science, buttwery ears is too wide a time gap in the realm of science to help VOL. 70 NO. 21 April 24,1997
much on anything else. Merciad Editors
So, what is the school's answer to this? For the past three years that I A&E Editor
John Murphy Editor-in-Chief James Hain
have been here, there wis no answer, no attempt made to solve this Scott Vance Sports Editor Jason Giffen Advertising
scholastic nightma re. Then, in recent times, the school decided to tear out Chris Wloch News Editor Copy Editor
Michelle MLria
a lovely little side garden to add some room to the build ing. However, the Brad Rybczynskl Features Editor Aaron Council Graphics
area involved is quite small, and I wonder if it is Worth the effort DanHllflker Senior Writer Jerry Trainbley Advisor
Hien, the school is pondering whethertouproot the dancers and re-
convert their studio into a reading room or not This will entail the Merciad Staff
construction of anothc* dance studio, adding, no doubt, s lew more Jimz Porzio Jessica Russell Maureen McMabon
thousand to the ever increasing tuition bill. Perhaps they think we wont Michael J Opperman Stephen Nolan * Emilio Colaiacovo
mind the increases, as there isn't much we can do about it anyway. Joe Wong Carrie Tappe BID Melville i
The tuition has risen by a grand or so since Ifirstgot here. Well, Briggs Mindi McDowell Jody Washington
needed new heat, or the music majors needed s new concert hall. Never Todd Zielinaki MaryPike *
mind the fact that the school raised money for the concert hall, they still Amanda Smith Steve Totrieio
hiked up our tuition and told us to pay to see anything really intcrtating
that they have there. I say if we payed for H, we should be sble to see The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College, Box 161,
whatever we want whenever we wantforfree. 501 E. 38th St, Erie, Pa., 16546. Phone 824-2376. , ~
Why is the school building anyway? Why not just invest that money
into some updated resources? It seems to me thst the cost would behalf
as much and then the Inition wouldn't Jump up so high. Iforone, am
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor.
already loaned to the fullest capacity just to be here^and so are many si en ed. but the nam e will be wlthh
others MomandDadJustdonHhandmescheckforll^OOOsBd
don't need i f I cant afford too many more H ^ ^ ^ f * * *
education. What is it we are paying for anyway? The privilege of being
here? The Merciad's editorial opinion is determined by the Editorial Boardwitb the Editor-in-Chief
can»t be thefoodin the cafe. As much aa they try, there are not too
holdingfinalresponsibility. The opinions expressed in The Merciad are not necessarily those of
manr^rco^chlcken and lunch meat It isnt the «m££ The Merciad, its staff or Mercyhurst College.
« - ^ • • •
PAGE 8 THE MERCIAD April 24,1997

Helmet's A Grown Guy 'ork in maintenance, housing, the dining hall or various adminis-
rative offices and get paid $4.75 - $5.00/hr. Students who work 30
By Dan Hilflker record enrollment attests to that, and I am proud to ours a week on campus for at least six weeks of the summer will
Senior Writer say that I have been a part of the Mercyhurst com- cerve a 50% reduction in their summer apartment rate.
munity for the past four years. I just hope I gave mis applications can be picked up in Main 101 from Marion Nies.
communitv as much as it has riven me.i dline For Applications Is May 1,1997.
This trimester is fast coming to an end. For many 1
of us it will be the last trimester mat we spend here
at MercyhursL There have been many highs, mere
have been many lows, but for the most part I have
Final Exam Question
enjoyed my life here at Mercyhurst, but I am still
rather happy I am leaving college and getting out of
the classroom. *
-The Collect Call
I I really owe a great deal to this place. Mercyhurst
has strengthened my personal character, heightened
my awareness of the world around me, and opened
my eyes to a great many different ideas and cultures
that I otherwise would not have had the opportunity
to experience.
What's the only number to use for all your
Over the past four years I have grown stronger and
wiserJust as Mercyhurst has. I have seen the comple-
collect calls that could instantly win you
tion ofthe often-criticized parking ramp, the equally
often-criticized Duval and Warde Townhouses, and
the D'Angelo Performing Arts Center. Our campus
cool stuff (Hire classy Ray-Bar sunglasses
has been completely transformed from a small,
rather quiet campus consisting primarily of Old I \ and Oxygen in-line skates)
Main and a row of apartments along Briggs Avenue,
to what we know as the Hurst today. Before Ions
there Will be even greater changes to this campus as
every hour, every day?
it continues to grow beyond its previous limits.
This Spring is bringing a great deal of life and
growth back into the lives of many Mercyhurst
s tudents a nd tha t growth is evident with many ofthe
structural enhancements and improvements' that
the college has begun working on. *
It pleases me to see the outpouring of support that
the Senior class has*given to their class project in
a)nope ,
developing Munson Plaza. This year's class has
donated more than any previous class, and I think bhope
this is a testament to the type of student that this
college is attracting. It pleases me even more to see
that the college la wasting no time completing this
c)nope 1
project Work on the plaza should be completed in
time for commencement, allowing our parents to
see the changes that have taken place since Parents
d) 1800 CALL ATT
Weekend, in the Fall term.
The coll ege also hasfinallybegun work on the e) goback one
new addition to the library, which truly has been a
long time in coming. I wit always a critic of the
meager resources of our library, just as I am
leaving this campus, there will be improvements.
Future generations of Mercyhurst students will
have more adequate study facilities, and opportuni-
tiesforacademic excellence. N
This college is headed in the right direction. Their
Books cotd.frompg 7 AT&T
Showers in Egan Hall have been sorely missing hot
water forabout two weeks now. And apparently it isn't
the educatior, 20t with the resources we have to work
with here.
All I am saying is this. For three years I've heard
promises wit'i little result but more tuition hikes, I The one number to know
think it is every student's right to know where the
money they pour like water Into this school is going.
for all your collect calk.
If it isn't for better food, better lodging or better
resources, what is it for - thtjChem lawn? Maybe No purchase necessary. Must be a legal US resident age 13 or older. Calls will be accepted and 136 winners will be selected randomly between 4/14/97 (noon EST)
someone ought to check the books and find out - I'd and 4/28/97 (noon EST). Only completed domestic calls are eligible. Prize values: Skates S199/Sunglasses $169. Odds of winning depend on number of entries, for
official rules and free entry instructions, call 1 800 787-5193. Void where prohibited Ray-Ban is a registered trademark of Bausch fit Lomb Inc.
sure like to know. i
©1997 AT&T
April 24,1997

Rites o f MtiationjPeiformed at Mercyhurst

By Brad Rybczynsld program entailed outside reading
Features Editor * * *
and discussions once a week for
an hour to an hour and a half.
This past Sunday marked a new During their meetings the can-
beginning in the lives of two didates discussed aspects ofwhat
Mercyhurst college students. it means to be Catholic. These
They were fully infri«*H into the topics include the sacraments,
Roman Catholic Church during a morality, the Church and Jesus.
service at the Christ'the King Fr. Steve said, "It is not so much
Chapel. information that we are giving,
One of the students Sarah Beth but formation. We try to instill in
Douthit, a Junior Social work them what it means to be a part of
major, was initiated into the Ro- a community of believers."
man Catholic faith by receiving Fr. Steve got high praise from
the rites of Baptism, first Com- both candidates. "He was very
munion and Confirmation. realistic and understanding and I
The other, Lucas Lorenzana, a enjoyed spending the time with
freshman ommunications ma* him that I did. He is a very nice
jor, completed his initiation into guy," Douthit said. Lorenzana
the church by being confirmed. echoed the sentiment expressed
Traditionally these rites would by her and said, l i e was I, he • » _ • : •

have been performed on Holy made everything a lot easier.**

Saturday, the day before Easter. Another part of the program
Due to the Easter recess Father was a trip to St Peter's Cathedral
Steve Anderson, college chap- at the beginning of Lent Douthit Sarah Douthit receives a blessingfromFr. Steve Anderson
lain, delayed the ceremony so that and Lorenzana attended the Elec-
th e Mercyhurst community could tion Ceremony along with the but it was their own desire that doing this kind of work here on whelming support ~rom the
take part in and witness the monu- other converts in the Erie Diocese brought them to a his door. campus," Mercyhurst Community and from
mental .achievement of the stu- and were met and welcomed into Douthit said, "It brings me more Lorenzana explained by saying, friends and family at home.
dents involved. the community by the Bishop of into touch with who I am and to "I was ready for it, it was some- Lorenzana, a native of Edinburg,
Both Douthit and Lorenzana are the Erie Diocese, Donald the fact that someone is watching thing I wanted to get done." Texas, was Joined by his family
a pa rt of a nine year tradition that Trautman. n
out for me. Lorenzano added, "It Fr. Steve expressed great satis- who flew in for the event and by
began when Fr. Steve came to Douthit said of the program, "It made me realize all the stuff that faction and pleasure about the par- his brother, Marco, who was also
M crcy hurst In the previous years was a lot ofreflecting on yourself I had missed, I feel more like I ti cipation and completion of
students went to St Lukes ion his sponsor from Rochester, N. Y.
and the way you think about things in have reached another level of Douthit's and Lorenzana *& quest
38th Street to partake in the Rites Douthit had family and friends
general, like birth and marriage spirituality. for initiation into the Church, he
of Initiation. join her from her hometown of
and how those things affect your Fr. Steve said of the program said, "By the end it was very Olean, N.Y. Her godfather was
The program mat Douthit and daily life." I v obvioustome that they were ready
and the involvement of the her bestfriend'sfather, Ed Bush
Lorenzana participated in in- Douthit and Lorenzana came to be confirmed and to come into
Mercyhurst Community that; "I and her sponsor was her cousin
volves seven months of study Into the program through their the Church."
think It is good for Mercyhurst to Michelle Lucyszyn.
beginning in October and ending own initiative. Fr. Steve put up know that there is a witnessing Both candidates had over-
during the Easter season. The signs as he has done in the past, going on here and that the Lord is

Scottish Festival
By Mindi McDowell
SAC News show the remake of Disney's* 101 Union desk. Cash prizes will be4
By BTad Rybczynsld
Features Editor -
a.m. Reservations can be made
by calling 814-732-2672? or 1-
800-526-0121. ,.
Merciad Writer Dal matians."Th is event is open awarded. Break out your kilts, it is time Activities will also be held on
not only to Mercyhurst students, Tuesday evening, Coffeehouse for the Fifth Annual Spring High- the Edinboro campus on Friday.
SAC begins the events this but also faculty and administra- will introduce Gloss, a trio of lands Festival sponsored:by A Volleyball Tournament will
week with a psychic hypnotist on tion, as well as their fa milies. The Mercyhurst students. Members of Edinboro University on Ma/ 2 begin at 4 p.m. A feast will be
Friday night For anyone who has movie will be held at 7 p.m. in the the band include Bill Desko, Burt and 3. ' offered a 15 p. m. a t the University
always wanted to be hypnotized, Great Room of the Union. Every- Mamula, and Tim Sul. Coffee- This year's event is bigger than Center followed by a Celtic Con-
here is your opportunity. Friday one should bring blankets and house begins at 8:30 p.m. ever and claims participants from cert featuring what organizers say
night at 8:30 pjn. in the Taylor pillows to prepare seats on the On Wednesday night the movie the tri-state area and Canada. Rain is a perfect blend of contempo-
Little Theatre, the hypnotist, floor. A raffle will be held for 'Fargo" will be playing In the or shine, the games go on. rary and traditional Celtic music
Raven, will explore the world of "101 Dalmatians' items, includ-^j Union Great Room. Nominated On opening day, May 2, a golf at 8 p.m. *
the subconscious. Raven is also ing posters, videos, and stuffed for multiple Academy Awards, tournament will be the Inaugural On the following day a variety
psychic Whether you believe in animals. this dark comedy deals with the event* The tournament Is open to of Scottish activities and events
On Tuesday night a Punt, Pass, odd events of a small town in the anyone, but is limitedto15 teams will be available on campus for
psychic powers or not, you will
and Kick Tourney at 5:45 p.m. will midwest The movie will begin at of four. The-«ost is $40 per player all ages to enjoy. Some of the
be amazed as Raven reads your
be held en the practice field. 9:00 p.m. and includes 18 holes, cart, food,
mind. beverages and prizes. The contest highlighted events and competi-
On Saturday night SAC will Sign up at the
will be at Culbertson Hills Coun- tions are dan and family gather-
try Club and tee times begin at 11
Coat p. 10
* * *

0 • « # « » • • • * • • * # •
* *jr* * - *>* #4"** - » . • • \ a t "« a • . #* • A

•< » • • e f ma • a
PAGE 10 THE M ERCIAD April 24,1997

Honors Program's jLoss

Brad Rybczynski By BiD Melville
Features Editor Merciad Writer

I am a drug addict With graduation in May,

Now, let me explain. I do not shoot heroin, snort coke or do the other Mercy hurst College will lose
drugs that tear a part families and ruin lives. I do not drive down to ghettos Michelle Mizia, one of the
infested with pimps, pushers or prostitutes.>I have never seen a spent college's most active participants
syringe or a crack pipe. in the College Honors Program
I get my drug at supermarkets, convenience stores and gas stations. and other organizations. Mizia
That may give yon the hint that I am not an alcoholic came to Mercyhurst four years
I am not addicted to prescription medication either. \ ago from Carlynton High School
You may be asking what else there is to be addicted to* To others in Pittsburgh, PA. She originally
sufferingfromthe same addiction, yon may already know. intended to major in Special Edu-
I am addicted to chewing tobacco, or more accurately, snuff. I do not cation, but soon switched to Com-
say nicotine because I despise cigarettes. puter Science. Although she
I have been "chewing" for close to seven years. That means I was about thought about switching from
14 years old when I popped myfirstchew in. computers, she says, The qual-
At the time I thought it was so cool. I was an athlete, a baseball player. ity of the instructors kept me in
I used to take a huge pinch of Redman and shove it in the corner of my the program."
month. I remember picking up the bottom of my catcher's mask to spit Mizia said her involvement
a stream of dark brown saliva out of my mouth. with die Mercyhurst College Hon-
I must have looked so foolish with this Lenny Dy kstra-sized chew in my ors Program is what she is most
mouth. Maybe foolish is not even the right word. Ridiculous or ludicrous proud ofin her time at Mercyhurst
seems to lit better. A member of the program since
I thought I was cool though. her freshman year, Mizia became
* I remember waking up in the morning of my senior year, almost three a member of the Honors Council
years after I begin Co slowly develop my habit andfeelingthe skin on the as a sophomore, and this year
inside of my mouth peeling off. I would take myfingerand scrape out became the Senior Representa-
the layers. tive/President of the Council. She
The most vivid memory I have of chewing was at the dentist's office. considers die Honors Program to
The hygienist commented on my low gum line and I told her about my have been her niche a t Mercyburst
habit (I say habit because I was too naive to think I was addicted), i She also compliments Dr. Ludlow
She promptly went for the dentist He looked me over and told me I had Brown, the faculty advisor of the
1 ukopl a cia, the precursor to month cancer. program, as being her mentor in
That was probably over three orfouryears ago now and I have been told die MCHP. The increased in- Michelle Mizia
that since. Every time I vow to quit volvement of other students \ in
I do too. I quit for a couple of a weeks, maybe even a month. For some the program, especially the in- Which she ! been involved with areas.
reason or another I always start again. creased number of students at* since her freshman year. She also Immediately after graduation,
I justify my chewing by telling myself that I need it to deal with stress. tending Honors meetings, has serves as a peer tutor for both Mizia plans to go to work as a
This justification maybe valid, but It does not match the stress that this made Mizia glad to be involved computer and philosophy software engineer for a company
vile addiction puts me under. Imagine the thought of dying while your herself courses. Recently, Mizia was a in Syracuse, N. Y. In the fall, she'11
face rots off. Mizia'a involvement in the member of the Women's History begin taking classes for her Mas*
I do all of the time. I lie awake at night thinking about it Honors Program has involved her Month Committee. ters Degree at Syracuse Univer-
Recently my life has taken a great turn for the better. I have become in many facets of campus life. M izia has also received many sity. While she attends classes,
engaged. Ifyon ca nnot believe it, imagine my surprise. There is a person The one undertaking she is most honors in her four years at she'll continue to work full time.
out there, a woman I truly lovewhowants to spend thereat of her life with proud of is her involvement in the Mercyhurst, including making the Mizia looks back on her years
me. Or will it be the rest of my life. annual Academic Celebration. Dean's List each year. Her more at Mercyhurst as both productive
] am faced with the possibility of leaving behind a very young widow She was an integral part of Its recent accomplishments include and filled with good times. She
because of an addiction born out of looking Of being "cool." reinstatement last year and is ex- a nomination for the Carpe Diem looks back on her senior year with
I do not know if I fully realized this prospect until someone had the heart tremely pleased with its success. award and being recognized by a special happiness, because, aa
to say to me "You're going to leave that charming fiancee of yours a Mizia hopes that this years Aca- Who's Who of College Students, she says, This was the year I
widow." demic Celebration will spur the an organization which acknowl- final ly got to know people in my
I barely knew this person, but his blunt statement made an impact on program to grow even more. edges the accomplishments of own class."
me. I do not think he knew how much that statement hit me. When asked in what way she college students in a variety of
I may not ca re too much for my sel f, but I love this angel who has come made the most difference at
Cont from p. 9;
into my life. She ha s put up with a lot from me and I definitely do notwa nt Mercyhurst, Mizia responds, "It
to put her through the agony of watching me die a slow and pa infill death was definitely through my in- tngs, Highland Dance Competi- Tickets are limited. For reserva-
while we should be starting our lives together. volvement with the Honors Pro-, tions, Scottish Heavy athetotics, tions call the above listed num-
I am not sure how I will go about quitting. ^1 have tried Nicorette gum gram. It's good to have people see historical reenactments and sheep bers.
twice, I tried alowiy weaning myself off and I have quit cold turkey you aa a figure they can come to herding exhibitions just to na me a The cost of the festival is $4 for
countless times. and ask advice o£" few. r I adults, for kids and seniors, $3,
With an eye on the future, a lot of gum and sunflower sceda and God's Mizia's other activities on Following the days festivities and children under 5 are admitted
help maybe I can quit for good this time. campus include copy editor for will be a Ceil idh (kay-lec), which free. Advance reservations of
Alllcan think of is why? Why did I start? Why did I not quit when I The Merciad, a nd serving as Vice- is a traditional Scottish feast The groups of 10 or more get $1 off
was younger, when it would have been easier? Why did I not listen? President of the honors society [ ^ feast
^ will be held at the
^ Ramada
^ the ticket price. All tickets the day
If you chew and I ask you for a dip, say no. i Phi Eta Sigma, an organization f Edinboro for a fee of $20. of the events will be $5.
• l -
* • • i
# % * *4#
April 24,1997

Baseball Team Lose

By: Shawn Kroener State became the first two colle-
AG a m e To
doubles, two home runs, and seven
Merciad Sports Writer giate teams to play at Jerry Uht RBIs. Cutshall also had the game
Park, Erie's minor league stadium, tying winning RBI in both games
Mercy hurst remains sixth in the home of the Brie Seawolves. Sunday against Grand Valley
baseball polls, a position that Mercyhurst exploded with 31 hits State. Paul Taylor had the first
Mercy hurst has held for the past just in Saturday's Doubleheader. Laker shut-out on the mound hi
four weeks. However, the Lakers That was a two game high for the ten games. Bob Balazentis col-
suffered a setback as they dropped Lakers this season. Ten hits in lected his sixth straight win after
a game to Gannon (2-11). I one game is impossible for most losing his debut Five of his last
Now 29-3 on the season, the teams, but the Lakers, its walk in six games have been I complete
Lakers went 4-0 last week with the park, last weekend marked game; performances. Big Cat
two doubleheader, sweeps of the 12th time this season that the Mamourieh crushed a solid grand
Grand Valley State. The Lakers Lakers have compiled that Stat slam in Saturday's opener to start
are first in the GLIAQ two games Senior Shortstop Pat Cutshall had a Great weekend for the Lakers
ahead of second place Oakland. I an amazing weekend. Cutshall Baseball team..
Mercyhnrst and Grand Valley batted .538, 7 for 13 with four A Hurst player dives for first base during Wednesdays game
By: Todd Zielinski
erciad Writer Softball Team Continues lb Struggle By Kelly Gillig
Hockey Titrable
Merciad Sports Writer

The Lady Lakers continue their hot hitting defeating several conference oppoaents on their way to the GLIAC
.Many people have been reflecting on what was a rollercoaster of
conference tournament On April 8 the team splittiletwo-game set with Gannon, but more imprtant senior
v a hockey season. One low point that has sparked significant criti-
Dawn DelBiancofracturedher arm and j this week she had surgery "* 0± $
cism and reflection by the hockey coaching staff and the administra-
This last week the (earn played Fredonia University winning both games 1-0-1 and 11 -3. They then traveled
tion was the infamous fight with Hobart University. Recently,
to Ashland University where they faced a tougher opponent losing thefirstgame 10-2 and acextra 'inning
heartbreaker 5-4. * '*• # * officialsfromHobart provided Mercyhurst with a home video of the
Clarion University and the lady Lakers split their two games, wim Mercyhurst sustaining a 4-3 loss in the first
game, but coming back to score six runs and defeat Clarion in the second game. Thelakers last opponent for Upon reviewing the film, Mercyhurst President Dr. William
P.Garvey and others decided that thefightwent "beyond the norm."
the week, Slippery Rock University ended up being a breeze in the first game winning 6 ^ behind thefivehit
Garvey said that "we expectfights"but considering that all players
shutout by sophomore pitcher Karen Bender and two home runsfromsophomore Kim Hodgkiss-Lilly putting
are representatives of the school as much as ambassadors are, die
her team leading total to 6 on the season. The second game however was a suprise has Slippery Rock University
players actions were "below the level that we expect" Perhaps the
proved to be a worthy opponent coming back to beat the Lakers 7-6. J
strongest case against the Mercyhurst team waa the fact that
Oth er pi a yer standouts include Junior Emma Pastrick who went 3-4 aga inst Fredonia, 3-4 against Ashl and, Mercyhurst players charged back into the fight after it had already
6-8 against Clarion, and 5-8 against Slippery Rock. In this stretch of games she hit 5 triples and had 8 games been broken up by officials. The problem, argued Garvey, was that
with multiple hits. Other notable players include senior Heather Lemley whose average baa climbed to 371, Mercyhurst players "too enthusiastically entered the fight" This to
junior Stack Bortz whose average has also climbed to 345 and sophomore Kristy Bidinger both a pitcher and me administration, warranted punishment " '
a player with an average of .308. ' Rumors have been circulating through campus regarding the
According to head coach Amy Weaver, the team ha s lost 17 games by two runs or less, "That's how you can severity of the punishment served by the administration. One such
tell that the team is improving." rumor was that Dr. Garvey was considering suspending the hockey
By: KeUy Gillig I
Merciad Sports Writer Tennis Team Destroys Gannon program altogether. Dr. Garvey has refuted all rumors. What has
since happened is that several players have been called in to the
offices of the administration and chastised for their "unacceptable
This past Saturday ended the men's tennis team's regular season. They finished the year against the school behavior. Officially, many players have been punished through
rival Cannon University. Although billed as a home match, the crowd was noticeably biased in favor ofGannon. forced community service. The team a s a whole will be participating
The crowd therefore provided an extra obstacle for the men to overcome. in the Bluff dean up effort this weekend in order to satisfy the
Despite the distraction, the men started out quickly, winning two of the three doubles matches. Scott Vance administration's punishment
and Scott Robson, the men's one doubles team, made quick work of Cannon's top team. Robson and Vance's Head coach Rick Gotkin was unavailable for comment, but
volleying skill along, with their player experience, together all helped as they steamrolled their opposition in assistant coach Mike Sisti spoke on behalf of the coaching staff. |
two straight sets. Coach Sisti said that "we don't condone this type of behavior" and
In the singles matches, the men only lost one match. The six wins were marked by senior captain Ron that it was an "isolated incident" He went on to say that "things have
Rambally's last home match. Rambally *s match was the last to finish and he won in a conclusive third set He been dealt with properly" and that "we agree with the decision."
walked off his home courts for the la st time amid the cheersfromhis teammates and other Mercyhurst students. Senior captain Greg Snetzinger speaking on behalf of the team,
echoed coach's sentiments saying that "we understand that it waa
unacceptable'and we regret the incident" Snetzinger feels that
although the issue was atfirsthotly contested by players and the
By: Kelly Gillig
erciad Sports Writer Solid First Season For V-Ball administration, "cooler heads prevailed" and that the Bluffcleanup
"brings acceptable closure to the incident" *
_[ The Mercyhurst men's volleyball team ended their first season this week as they competed in their One seemingly unstressed point was that perhaps the team ]
conference championships. The men met Lewis University, ranked second in the conference and tenth wasn't deserving of punishment on any level. One cannot expect a
tionally,in the first round of the playoffs. Coach Greg Davie said that the team was "confident that we could hockey team not to defend themselves on the ice. It wouldn't reflect
jve them a good match*" f very well on the team or on the school if the team refused to fight in
The men lost three stra ight games and were on their way back home. The coach thought that the main reason a sport where fighting is the norm. Prospective hockey players
or the loss wis that "the team's youth showed through." Being an inaugural season this is to be expected and wouldn't want to play for a team that didn't preserve their dignity on
ntributcd heavily to most of the losses this season. Out of 12 starters 10 are freshmen on the new team. the ice. Furthermore, fighting is regulsted snd is seen as unaccept-
Coach Davie believes that the season "met our expectations" and that the ;j able by the conference in which the hockey team now plays. There
jam "beat the schools we should havc"The young team played talented and established programs in just their are game suspensions for the maj or participants in anyfight,and the
irst season ofpi ay havingto play such storied teams as Ohio State and Ball State. The team won't be graduating Mercyhurst players faithfully obeyed the suspension rules snd
ny seniors, meaning that recruitment for next year is limited to only the elite players. # 1 1 ! received their punishment before the tape ever arrived on cam
PAGE 12 THE MERCIAP April 24,1997

Scott Vance
Football Seniors Will Be Hard To Replace
for the Lakers; Brian Hamlin, who came into the locker room show- cause he was always straight for* heart reserved for these players,
Merciad Sports writer ' has started for the Hurst at full-. ing some .alumni around. Coach ward and he told it the way it was oecause they were thefirstset of
back for the last two and a half Armstrong was watching Benzel and I respected him for that," said players that he recruited in 1993.
Next year will be a trying one years; Shawn Hamlin, one of the dancing for about thirty seconds Wilds. 1 had fun coaching diem. They
for the Mercyhurst football team fastest and best athletes who has and he eventually said "Scott, are "I think that the coaching staff are the kind ofkids that go to class
as they have to replace the 10 worn a!Laker uniform; and fi- you okay there bud?" treated us like a family. Ifwe ever and get it done, socially they have
seniors that they will be losing nally Mike Uhler who Will be The look on Benzel's face was had a problem we could go to a good time and whOe they were out
this year. These 10 men have returning for the Hurst next year. the funniest thing that I have seen them. It wasn't just football to there they gave me everything
endured spring camps, summer When a person spends four years in four years," said Ash. them. They loved their players," that they've got What more can
camps, and road trips together of his/her life in one place sur- However, these men have also said Ash. $ you askfor,really? If they were
while 40 other men were unable rounded by the same people, he/she endured some difficult times Mercyhurst Head Coach Joe all 1 ike tha t group, we would be in
to show the commitment, deter- gis bound to have some lasting throughout their four year stay at Kimball also has a place in his good shape," said Joe Kimball.
mination and the inner drive to memories. I had the pleasure of die Hurst
make it through a tough and gru- meeting up with these athletes "I regret missing the ECAC bowl 1l
eling four years. and discussing their four years at last year and not making the post
The team included Jeff Andres, Mercyworld. "My^ fondest season more often," said Shawn
who started a few games his fresh- memories would have to be the Hamlin.
man year as a wide receiver; Matt football games. My parents went "I regret die fact that we went
Golga, who led the Lakers at quar- to every game I had and I enjoyed out our senior year with a losing
terback for three years, Brie* Ash, die fact that they enjoyed seeing season and there isn't anything
an extremely hardworking and me play and making diem proud. more to regret than that," said
determined player who always 1*11 remember the time when I Brian Hamlin.
gave 100 percent; Scott Benzel was late for the Albany game and "I regret not taking my academ-
and Jason Dausey who had to I had to sit with Coach Kimball in ics seriously (sa id with a snicker).
wait almost three years before 0
diefrontseat, said Benzel I wish I worked as hard as I did
they; secured their spots as the "I'll always remember the my senior year earlier in my col-
Lakers safeties, Bill Davis, an All friendships that I made especially lege career," said Wilds.
American offensive lineman, Paul with the 10 guys that I stuck it out The one aspect of their college
Maleski, who exemplifies persis- with. I have a tremendous amount lives that seems to be consistent
tence as he was out for his first of respect for diem. I also re- among the players is their assess-
two years due J to injuries but member when Scott Benzel was ment ofthe football coaching staff
fought his way back onto the team; strip dancing in front of Jeff: at Mercyhurst row, left-right: Shawn Hamlin, Brian Ash and Matt Wilds
Scott Mills, a consistent performer Andres and coach Armstrong "I respect coach Kimball be* W , left-right: Brian Hamlin andScottBenzel

Men's Lacrosse Continue Consistent Season E l m i r a Title F o r Golfers

By: Maureen McMahon die next six goals in the game. team," said Ginneger. By: Mike Pattison the 19 team field.
This game was almost perfect Bruce Alexander was the top \Merciad Sports Writer "The course (Brooksidc Golf
Merciad Sports Writer for us. We set the tone of the scorer for the Lakers with three Course) played long because the
game right from the start and we goals and one assist Jeff Roland This past week the Laker golf- wind was blowing hard both days.
The men's lacrosse team went played physical,"said Ginneager. also had a good day with one goal is spent a lmost as much time on The course was in good shape but
It was a victory against a good and four assists. Justin Bouche the road traveling as they did play- the wind was a little tricky. Obvi-
1-1 this past weekend as they
Division I team and this win is a had a strong defensive game with ing in tournaments. They played ously our result is disappointing
played against Canisus and Drex el
University. The Lakers have an benchmark for the Hurst iThe 14 saves on goal. "We learn more four tournament days including but we get to play'Elmira on
overall record of 7-5. Hurst outplayed Canisus alto- about ourselves and our playing, Ashland, Ohio, Elmira, N.Y., and Monday and we won there last
The Hurst defeated Canisus 18- gether. "As we progress, we will even after a loss. We like to try Slippery Rock. j fall, so hopefully we will repeat
10 and "this was a game we won win more ofthese types ofgames," and pull out the positives even in Last Tuesday the Lakers played (as champions)," said TonJ
that we were not expected to win," said Ginneager." a loss and use them to our advan- the i Slippery Rock Invitational Greidanus.
said Head Coach Pete Ginn eager. The weekend game against tage for the next game," said Tournament at the short, par 70 However, things improved for
In thefirstquarter, the Lakers DrexcJ University was a downer Ginneger. ARMCO Golf Course and fin- die Lakers as they successfully
were up 11-4. Canisus opened for the Lakers as they were de- The Lakers play Saturday at ished a disappointing eighth plac defended their tide at the Elmira
die scoring with a penalty goal feated 19-7. "We did not execute home against V.M.I, at 1 p.m. out of the 12 competing teams. Spring Invitational Tournament,
early in the game and that wasjust our game, and in turn we were The Lakers were led by Curry winning by eight shots over their
what the Hurst needed to ignite outplayed by a very compj « . t

Huskes' 77 and Chad Hoisek's nearest competitor. It was Huskes

their offense. The Lakers scored 83. The course wasn't too tough, who once again pled the Laker
but we just aren't playing well scoring with a 74, five strokes
right now. Curry played'well better than the next low score.
A Mercyhurst player again, but we all need to get it "It was nice to win and to do it
is closely watched by going," said junior Brandon byfivestrokes is nicer. I've been
the opposition as he Stevenson. t playing solid all spring so it's
tries to get into a On Friday and Saturday the nice to finally puU one out We've
good attacking Laker golfers traveled to Ashland, struggled a little, as a team, so to
position for the Hurst Ohio, to play in that school's an- win one (tournament) builds up
nual golf tournament The two- your confidence for the next
day event left the Lakers stagger- event," said Huskes.
t t
ing home in 14th position out of

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