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i RESawe =~ \ ee PM LL age Pd + RESTRICTED Le uf FLOWN copy wo. 270 Pr UL eo EL dl rN rr RESFRICTED le . a ; This report covers OKT Bonber Command Uiasion Wo, 186, flom against the Yokehoma Urban Industrial brea on 29 Vay 1965, Misetone No, TAL ond TAR were mental s Kissions and the reports will receive special distribution, Uission No, 183, flow against the ce M8 Zokye Urban Sreay has already been published WW TeprsT a" SWSAL as a ssparate report, ‘aaistssv1030 Mision Ho, 182 wos speciel mission es and the report will receive special asetribution, RED TEES =a vas Table of Contents action Narrativ Annex A= Operations «eee see nee Part I» thvigition frack Ghart | Part IIT = Flight Engineering Charts, . Part = Ragor eve ee ae Port V- Gunnery, byt t 12 Part VI - agrasea Rosoie, © | | Port Vil Fighter Boor’ iiisel Be eetiaate eee rors Amex B= Wenther «2s ee see een e Port I~ Wonther Summarys. Part IT ~ Forecast Yoather vs Observed Weather. . « Fort III = Prognostic Sap . | Fort IV - Synoptic lop. . 1 dimex 0 ~ Gonnunieations. » ses. +e Port I = Radar Oounter Meagures Port IT + Radio s Annox D = Inteligonoos soe eee eee iS Part I= Gnomy Air Opposition» 1. . Part I1 = Bhony Antioiroratt, ©. ¢ : Port IIT ~ Damage assosanont, |. s : Annex B= Consolidated Statistical Summary... « domox F ~ XX Bomber Command Field Order and Lithodosato. . 2. + ss donex O ~ Distribution, 5. se0ceaeeseese 58 | Fropared By! AaB Section XX Bonber Command 15 July 1945, SUBJEDT: Roport of Attack on tho Yokohenn Urban Industrial ar 29 May 1945 0: Connanding Goneral, Twantioth Air Forces “ashington 25 D,0, 1, IDENNIEIGATION CF uasstow: ee Fictd Order Mambor 00, Headquarters XXE Doulos Oummusly Anted 29 May 1945, Airacted the Sath, 73rd, 313th and Sith Bombard- mont Wings to take pert in 2 coordinated daylight mximun-offort, high-altitude incondiary attcck on the city of Yokohena, with fighter escort to bo provided, in XXI Bonbor Conmand iliseion Number 165, >, Sores : (1) Primary Visual ond Radar Targets A12 é Wings wore assigned the Yekobage Urban Industrial area as primry visual and rndor target, (2) Wo socondary or leat resort targets wore specific’. 2, STRATEGY AND PLANS OP OPERATIONS: 2, Stratery ond Plan of ittcek: Bocnuss of the increased nunber of losses susteined by this Command in tho previous two low-level Incondiiry attacks, it vas decided that @ change in the plen of attcek would bo necoscary, A high-altitude formation attack was planned for this mission, Tho plan enlled for the groups to cress c tine control point on tho const of Japan at d-ninute intervals, allowing apprexi= rately Isainute intervals botwoon equadrons, ‘The mean points of ime Poet wore to he hit in rotation in on attompt £0 etws tho crews an opportunity to get ct least ono visual synchronous drop en exch point wefore the srcke should becone excessive, Sach Wing was assigned @ specific meen point of impact instoad of assigning a group fron osh Ming) as wes plannod in ¢ similar attack on North Nagoya, It was do~ cided thet the downwind moan point of inpact was to be attacked first, hn a dowmuind run, in order t take advantage of the provailing winds. %, Innortanos of Target: Tho tty of Yokohama, with a pop- aletion of 968,091 (1960 eonaus), 12 the fifth largest city of Japany fand ie 1%2 second largest port, Shipbailding and automotive industries foro anong the most important ctivities of tho city, although aircraft, Steel, rubber, radio, and tolephono plants are also lecated thero, The target arca for this mlccion included tho downtew commercial arc through which industrial installations are scattered, particularly to~ ward tho docks and tho wator front areas, This aFoa is also charactor= ined by @ high population donsity. SECRET Ea Seon AN SSHL OWN « Te ‘qataissv 199 . : i 1, Tho S8th Wing, which mas assigned moen St of tnpatl O5070, aan SeLEteaty oReraries or canta Aiory clusters, Howovor, duo to tho lack of surveillance on thos: Clusters, it become nocessary to changs tho load to clustors of ME9 bborbs, fuzed to open 5000 foot above the target, 2, The 13rd Wing wie cssigned 2 nesn points of impact with 2 groups schoduled to attack cach point, Of the 2 Broupe asslened to striko sean point of impact 129060, 2 group ma fo cary ANGUCTAD incendiory toube phile the other group was to carry Slustors af HES boats. The B groups schaduied ta strike mommipeingi E of impact 079053 nore’ originally designated a bosb load of 42 elus= fore but thie was ehangod to. elustors of Hé boabe because of the lock of surveiliance on the E00 type, The AN-¢7ha becbe wero fused tnrtgatanever nessihile the, cluctroy oF ee Saal a ea ae 5000 fect above the targets 3, The S13tH Ming was assigned mean point of inpact 077110 with one-half of the force scheduled to carry AN-MA7AZ incendiary bonbe fuzed instantaneous nose, and the other half to carry BOo-pound uiuuble clusters of NOS Lowbs Puzed te eyou S000 fect above the torgot, 4, The 314th Wing was assigned mean point of Ampact 069082 ond scheduled to carry the sane bomb lead, under the scm conditions, as the SlSth Wing, S, The combination of 127 inoondiary bosbs and elustere of M69 bends had boon cmplcyad wry successfully in previous attoce on mixed induetrial and urban areas, It was expected that ‘thie offort vould placo a ground density of 200 to 285 tons of bombs yor square mile on the target area, (>) Benbine Data: 1, The factors instruncntal in the decision Yo uso an axis of uttock of approxintely 84 dagroos were: a distin= pvishsble initial point ansily rocognizablo by loth bonbers and fighter oacort; a predicted aurfaco win that would koop the mean points of Inpact clear of smoke for all attacking formations; a small ancunt of @rift; and a minimum amount of antiaircrift osposition, 2, The § moan points of imact were selected 50 that the probable circular error of 4000 feat for cach would cover all of the important areas in tho city. 3. Tt wne oxpectod that the initial point ily identifiable and that it would be an (iount Pugi) would be fecal point for the rendezvous with the fighter escort, a 44, 1 was oxpocted that the perspective charts 4 for offset bonbings which wore to bo provided for all Wings, would help ‘ alleviate past difficulties of benbing through smoke 1f those conditions | should be encountered. o''Sea Pare 11, Annox Tapact, and Lithomosaie, nex Fy for Moan Pointe of arranged that ell groupe would bonb within 4 minutes: and ell squadrons within 1 pinsts of each othor, Tt mas « ‘that this timing would achieve maximur saturation of the e dofonece aa well os complote saturation of the firo-fighting defenses, Airoraft carrying tho MA7A2 boubs were to bo instructed to fly a flat formation in ordor to init the possibility of this type bomb striking other aircraft flying in the wing elenonts of the formation, 2, In an effort to 2lininato safe drope, arming wires were te be tied non all incendiary boubs and clusters, Q. Tho initial pointy altitude of attack, and anticipated drift wore to be the sano for all 4 Wings, Tao initial point was to bo Mount Fuji, while the eltitude of atecck and antic{- pated drift wero to be 16,000 feet and 3 dogrous right, rospoctivoly, The axes of attack and ground sped for all 4 Wings were planned as follow Mise ia of ittonle Ground Saad e seth 94 dogroca 395 niles per hour 73rd 84 dogroos 30 minatos 338 niles per hour S1Sth 81 degroes 39 minutes 382 miles per hour slat 88 degrees $87 alos per bor (2) Yavizathéns- MM aiveratt wore to we the following | route: ni | ya gl Bouts Ronson for Chotos BES Beso to Aasoobiy 11 iantsnat Doctrine aba = a 343630N-1381000E Landfall. ‘This point would be easily recognized sitar edoualy cc by oat © 2seon-asen08 Tite peice tape oo to tal tattle e Se nea ia ace ee arene 5 ‘3522N-13840E Initial Point (Mount Puji), Easily distinguish able both visually and by Fadar, This point alee would provide a good downwind ran, es Yokohasta to seuaN-140228 Lana's ena, to Two Jima te Base Tactical Doctrine, (3) Elsent Soeinesring: (a) Fao. reserve data indicated that aireraft of the SOthy Téré, and siSth Winge would carry ful) wing wad center wing take 4 for 4 total fuel lead of 6750 gallons, It was indicated that sone of < ‘tho aireraft of the S14th Wing would requirs, in addition to full wing SEGHED and center wing tanks, a partiolly filled bond bay tank for an average fuel load of approxiastely $850 gallone, om () No naximun or minimin hon 1ssd wae specified, Tt was eetinated thot the S8th, 73rd, and 315th Wings could corry a Bonb load of approxinately 14,000 pounds and the S14th Wing a load of approximately 11,000 poundey (0) Tho ommunition loca for cll ¢ “ings was esti- mated at 1800 pounds por airercft, (4) Ragan: (a) Tt was oxpocted thet rador navigation en route ‘to landfall would be excellent, since ths coursc would run parallel to | the Tau Shichito Islunds, Tt was plunisd thal Unowe islands would be used as the eocond assombly area, (>) Landfaii point (343630 - 13810008) would excellent for making a radar wind since it is a sharp distinctive Point on the coast, Mount Puji, the initial soint, ms considered to bo the Best radar chock point 1n tho aoe and Gould be repognized from «€ ‘the lanifall point. (c)_ Yokohana was considered to be an excellent radar target duc to its distinctive projection into Tokyo Bay, It ms ex- pocted that a11 5 moan points of impact could bs bombed By the eymchro= nous rodar-bonbsight technique and if visual conditions should exist, radar could be uscd to set up course and rango for the bombardicr, (s) BOM Ge) Bacouae af the notieostle ampravenont in the ‘Tokyo defenses on recent missions, it was docided to embark innodiately upon a full cele, full time offensive in RO on both doy and night missions, (2) Tt wae planned to fy 25 ROM cbservers on this e mission in order te barrage jam th frequondy band from 190 to 210 mogatyeles and te spot jam the 160 to 190 and 210 to 220 megacycle ponds, Either an APT-1 or 4PQ-2 ms to bo installed in cach aircraft and a spread of 2 to 3 megocycles was to be used if gufficient jamors woro available, At tho tino of planning there were no electronic Jammors on hand for uso in tho 75 magacyel rein but it was planned Zo conlinus Lie employment of rupoy (c) Tt ms plonned to continuo general search and to D/F corly-warning ond gunsLaying radar, (6) AreSen Rosoug: (See Part VI, Annex A, for dotatis). he Navy woe furniohed with detaile of the méceien and the following facilities wore provided: 4 submarines, 6 Duabos, and S surface craft, In addition to these facilities, tho Navy asciened crash bonts and @ Danbos in the imaediato vicinity of the Conmand bases to carry out aire gen roscuo work during tho critical periods of take-off and landing, ‘This Command aseigned $ Supor-Duabos (B=20"s) to orbit the subsarins positions. (7) Bightor Bgcort: Fighter oscort was requested a1 wae 0 te provided by the VHT Fighter Command, SESRET cis I calles snc aie a qauaissv7940 heet of any Pightor contr wick breakaway £1 ae we @ quick bre y from | area to 1 8 Tipiies bow aise Leia teeiney a Phen ee ; (2) Boom antairerstts ae (a) In the Yokohama-Kawassi:i defense rea 1 wre 107 heavy guns that could bo effective ogainst aircraft in torget aroa, In addition to th ‘there were the following ad= Jatet defended arsas: Zana (wet of Yekohana) = 18 hoay guna Hirateuka (southwest of Yokohana) = 62 heavy guns; Kisaraza (east of Yokohama) = 16 heavy guns, Tho Zora and Kizaragu defenses would not ‘be avoided on the planned routo but tho Hirsteuka defenses would boy () Te was docided that the faran wid attante fron the wost, muking landfall wost of Gnac-Saki and avoiding the Shizuoka and Shimizu defenses on route to the inftial point, This attack from the west would tako the aircraft dowmind, thersby materi= ally reducing antiaircraft offoctivenses bocauss ef the inereassd ground speed of the aircraft, This axie of attcck would ales onable Lie airerart to avoid the Toyo defensce (to the north) and the Hiratsuke and Yokosuka defenses (to the south), end woul Bring the aircraft andor fire for the shortest possible tine fron the sualleat number of guns, (c) 4 breakaway te the southeast was recomnsnded, ‘This would bring Une elreraft within range of the Kigaraza defenses ut would avoid the lergor defenses at Kawaeakd and Yokosuka, ~ 5, EXSCUTEON oF THE wIsszon, a, Tokoaorf+ Take-off was accomplished as follows Atrerore First Atrorett Lact airoratt soth 132 spisscz seieisz ora eae parro7 mises sistn os se17012, ap1e0ur sith us Bisioz 2aus07g TE B.t.totel 810" saisioi anes 1%, Route Outs Long range navigation wae accomplished by airoreft proceeding individually to the Wing assembly Zones, seem Glues wore occonplishod without asfticulty except fer 1 group that Med eight troublo in forming, Thie group Loft the assembly area 8 minutos late, '# he above total doos not inoludo 4 Super-Dunbos and 3 Navigational escorts for Fighters, ‘qanaissv1930, hundred and five aircraft beabed vieually and 149 boned. radar or by visual sighting on roforence or offast point, (2) Targets of Ovortmnity: (Geo Consolidated Statie- tioal Suunary, Aniex £, for Uroakdows of targets and types of bonbs dropped) Twenty-two airerafty ono of whioh alas bosbed the pri ‘targoty bonted 11 targets of opportunity dropping 120,7 tone of Sine condiary bonbe and elustor (3) Remainder of Zerce: Thirty-five aireraft were non effective, 4, Renta Ranke Tha aman ainta wma PTnim oe hetae nine B-29"S landed at Ivo Jina, There 0, landing: Airereft londed nt bascs under good weather con= Aitions a follows: ing: Binet lauding ast lending sath 006202, eo1oaiz, Tora 2906133, 2008082 sisth zevezen 2e0s03t sutth 2egrioz, gouissz XAT B.C Totel 2906132, 2911582 . Ugesee: Seven B20! wore lost duc to the following ronsons: Sneny aircraft - 1; eneny antiairoraft - 3; enemy aircraft and antiatroraft - 1 (thie aircraft ditched); unknown - 2 (both air- erat aitonea), eSports . (2) Maxiention: (Soo Annex iy Part Ty for track chart). (2) Boobings (a) ‘The eroatest aifficulty encountered over the ergot vas from snoke cauced ty boubs dropped by earlier Formations. we Formations from ono of tho Wings failed to bond the primary tar— gets Ono of those formations migced the initial point while the lead Ginno of the other Ind an inoperative radar set and fatled to rolin~ Gulch the lead position, Gencrally, the firet formstions into tho Zargst area had good vigual runs and bonbed clear tergots, The lator Tommetiong, because of extreno smcku condiLlonsy wore coapoiiod to luge offset reference points for their bonbing, "Some forsntions al~ Grea course from the bricfod axis of attack Deoauso of interference fron other formations flying a collision course, ‘cats eas perienced swore fow otha vs (c) Mount Puji, the initial point, was vory satisfactory and was casily identified cecording to all Wings, The exis of attack we considered highly sat Causo ef tho numcrous Ghockpoints along the cours, Tho avore reported was 4 degrecs left, 11 formations wore over the within « period of 68 minutes, (5) Biden Enginserines (Seo Amox A) Pert 111, for chartey and Consolidated Statieticel Summary, Annex B, for aotasie), (a) Marpative of the Mission 9s Plows dh lish anf Oreise to Jazent Snttyidead afr craft ssvondod to the cruising sltitoas of S000 fest ant naimenines thet al iishad tor Einar h| SPAN Se an Eroup caseublice were accomplished, third elinby in foraetion, Sloveseé the forsee to the oabing altitude of 164000 feet, 2, Gruise to the Tareett Tho bonbing run ws vonducted without difficulty in colunns ef squadrons, Roturn to Bass: Tho bost return ms mado by an eirereft cruising at 15,000 feet until « 100 foot per minute ct dom could bs made. (b) Gonments on the Missions Bonb loads were approxinately 1000 pounds ese than anticipated, By Most of tho S1éth and a fow of the Sth Wing aircraft carried a Domb boy tank, Aircraft of the 7Srd and 313th Wiage did not carry bom bay tanks, (a) Radart (Soe Annox a, Part IV) for radar report), (5) Summery: (Sco Annox a» Part Vs for dotaile). (6) ASp-Sen Rocoust (See Annex iy Part VI) for chart) hore wore 5 know ditohings on this mission, Ono afroraft from the Both Ung ditched on route to tho target with 9 aon of a orew of 18 boing rescued, Two aircraft fron the S14th Ting ditehed on the route back with 3 men fron one aircraft end 7 nan from the othor bow ding rexeuod, Each aireraft oarricd a crew of 12 nom, (7) Bignter Escorts (Soo Annex 25 Part VIZ, for VIT Fighter Command Wecion Roport), 4 total of 101 P-Sl'a of the VIZ Pichver Command wae airborne and accompanied B-f9 formations over ‘eho sarget area, There wore 3 P-SI's and 2 pilots missing on thie iseion while efeny losses elained os a rosult of FSI attasks wore Be costroyed, 9 yrubilly destroyeds and $3 denaged, h, eather: (Sco annex Bs for detatis), Weather conditions yore approxinately ae predicted, Clear condition oxteted nt the the: (2) ROW (Soo Annox C, Part Is for dotatle). five ROM observers participated on this mii ployed jamaing tactics on oneny radar, Twonty= ion and effectively on (2) Radior (Soo innsx C, Part 11, for dotaile), Thore wero numerous instances of heavy interference, both enemy and locals fon tha 11 megeayela Proqueney. Other Praquaneian reeatond only « fw Inetanooe of sntorferoneo, Thore were no violations of security and not discipline wae fair for the aost part, % 2 2 (2) aon his Ooncekitons (See conte Be Part 20tee details), Sotwaen 160 and 200 Japancss Cightors intercepted tho B-20"e and theif P-51 escorts on this mission, The B-20"s enoountorad 55 to 60 Pightors that mado epzroxinatoly 110 attacks on tho B~29 formations, One B29 was lost whon it wae roamed by an onay fgnton over tho tar got and 48-29" vero damaged ao a result of attacks by enoay aireratt, Sosa singe Viulind @ ously ulbUrers Gaeuelyely © geome Cea € and 9 denagsd, (2) Enemy antiaiveraft: (See damex Dy Part II, for details), In gencral, the antiaircraft over the target ero was in= tensoy accurate, and of heavy caliber, Continiously pointod and prow Aicted concentration typer of fire control wsro tho most froquently re— ported, although a sizablo nunbor of barrages wore observed, (3) Danago gsseesnonti (See Annex Dy Fart 11, for vb = 3 doteite), es (a) Donage to Yokohana city a5 a result of this 26 ¥ niosion totale 6,9 square milce (arproxinataly 34 por cont of the 3 entire city). i (») Iraustrial damage includes 20 munbered targots danaged or destroyed, e (c) Total damage to Yokohana 1 now 8,9 square ailes or 44 por cent of the entire city, Qik Goulet < May Garis 8, Lewar, Major Genoral, U.S. Oceanis SEERSTIONS Part T+ Muyigution Tek Ghuet € Part IT = loan Points of Impact Part IIT ~ Flight Engineering Charts Port IV ~ Radar ‘a Part V - Gunnery =e ara van Part VI ~ Ar-Soa Resous Port VII - Fighter Bscort Mission Report é b Miseten No, 186 29 May 1965, -3- SEGRE SANDAL ae ee gin =2905032| 2990837 || eadcuar|ascne2 || s99bee2|29aicez ; +28ed08e 2909b¢ || S9ave2 es0idbe | 2800s02 2sa.see i 3 |eaooaee | Se0aees zaolies | senso 1 26ces8 | soeoste || Saovese gooiee || 2900882 [2300382 anos ty — eS GREE CHART IRI BOWER COMMAND ros REPROOIEED SEMPLE "SECRET MISSION NO.186 MEAN POINTS OF IMPACT oe _SEGRET 35PTU_7- §8- 54 Cay bsoue l, Wrest x—x | ama gah HY GoEIE 2Miph we BL QW GIe anz29t Eouinnont Performance! ‘Thoro wore 492 operative AN/APQ-1S's on take off, 457 ‘operative ovor target (93%), and 487 operative on roturn (ext). “Asimuth stebiltzetion was used on bombing run by 278 airoraft, (ote). f og. The average noxiaum range of A3/APQ-19"s ws 614 nautics} tlog at 18,000 fect, 4, The average maximum range of radar beacon reception ms 127 nautical mils at 12,000 foot, ‘Tho average maximum rang® of A1/APQ-15 on landfall point was co nawtieat miler. Thore were 2 failures of A/APQ-13 reported by lead siroraft. &, There wore 8 failures of AI/IPIA4, } of SOR-S95, and 1 of soR-718, 24 oraph Tho average maxinun range of equipnent for ground wares yee B86 noutial niles with f4xed antenna and 629 nautical miles Wath trailing wire antenna; for sky waves it was 795 nautical Miieb with fixed antoma and 911 nautical nilos with trailing wire antenna, 3, Gonnontar ay There wore 11 radar Foleases and 9 visual sightings on ref Gronve or effect points reported, Ono hundred and twenty= fine aireratt dropped on thoso releases, by Tho Adontification of Landfall, {nitial pointy ant eam pointe of inpact by radar was reportad in oll oasee c8 good, «ls SEORED Ay Mo, of A/C firings S77 2, Avornge turrot load? z me 300 994 oie 1200 1300 Avorage no, of rounds fired in combat per turret: = a 2 ory a im 55 55 cy 4, Wo, of rounds fired in combat: 62,080, 5, Mo, of rounds used for test firing: 40,404, Average per gun? 30, ° 6, Guns Tondod: S8th Wing 25rd Wing Sisth Wing Sidth wing Hot Cora Hot ona 1. Wolfunetions: on. ou, 150. Range Wheel = 1 Broken driving spring - 5 Turret hunt - 1 Headspace = 2 Gun chargors ~ 4 8, Equipment operation (total percentage onerativs): rad ona. Sh, so Re E 98.9% oos BP '# Basod on Wing Gunnory Officers! roporte, aaa SEGREE Foxmawa @- svemsene O-suvrsce vesser A= Nv" ouNB0 A— surcr_oumso aKG CHART 3H BOMBER CORWANG Fee oun isnt Fat pani rue Le eee esate eee Peecing of Sine Bc Sain, rian a Norm ‘tect "Soa Condngs SOHC Me 102852 to poss of Sere Lo sor Se OR” ENTIRE, MeSON Fel via ot "fi CUAN for REPRODUCED TROT. ae ‘The following is the report of the Commanding Generals vir E e Fighter Connond, AMPPOA, This agency 4s not a unit of this Commands F . Dut ite report ie reproduced herein as an ieportant part of this pn Command's operations and in order that the complote picture of tho Riscion may be prosonted by the XT Bonber Connand Tactical ltseion Reports, ‘ am HEADQUARTERS Wasion Mambor 163 4 VET PIOHTER CounuiND Field Order No, 109 To on Dato of Meston | 29 May 1985 CONSOLIDATED UISSION REPORT de a, Our Foroos (Air): 101 P-Sis, 21 Enony Forces (sir): 140 to 150 oneny fighters, Zokoss Tojosy Jacks, Hamps, licks, Osears and Goorgos in that order, with Zekees cnd Tojos roprosanting over 60 per cent of tho total, 2, a, Our Lossos: 3 PaSls and 2 pilots missing, s b, Bnony Losses: (Air) 26 dostroyod, 9 probably destroyody 2 damaged, stn Ptr Gp: Destroyed (Air) 5 Zokoay 2 Tojosy 2 Jackay 2 Hanpe, 1 Gocego, 1 Wick: Total 14, Probably Destreyod (air)'4 2ekes. 2 Jacke, 1 Osea} Total 7, Doncged (air) 5 Oscars, 2 Tojesy 2 Zakery 1 Hasp, 1 Jacky 1.2/5 une sonuitieds Total 18. Alet Ptr Op: Destroyed (Air) 7 Tojosy 4 Zekos, 1 Oscar; | otal 12. ‘qanaiss¥1230. Probably Destroyed (air) 1 Tojo. 1 Zeke Total 2 ¢ Danaged (Air) © T0708) 4 Zekusy 1 9/8 un faontified; Total 11, MOTE: Above claims are subject to confirmation by the Claims Board, 5, Mission = Target: VIR fighter esoort of maximum effort XE Bonber Jonnana mission ageinat Yokohama, 29 Nay 1945, per VII FOFO No, 109y 20500K May 1945, 4, Times: Take OFe 0818-0639. Rond w/naw 0845-0700 Rend w/benbers 1080 Over Target 1000-2110 Rally Point 31050-1120 Lando Base 3549-2428 Morrntiver A total of 101 P-sis of the VIZ Pightor Cosnand were nae aA Gece to covert B-200 on an incandinny raid on Yokohadie imetvous with Navigator Be29a was made at 10,000 Feot over Kits Hock Ron sGb, Approximately 275 miles fron baae on course to the target the CONPIDSNILSL fighters 1et down te 1500 fect to get beneath an ‘egovorod to 20,000 foot by the tine At the DP 4 covering fighters cecorted tho Ba29s to the. Botnt white o7 Posts want to tho Znittal Point (Pugh Men.) and picked up the benber stream, The tonbors arrived st the IP in dloaente of fron 3 to 12 aircraft, and ae oach clonont turned toward the target grou flight of Fighters joined up with it, flying parallel, in trail and abcut 2000 fect cbove tho bonbors with some fightore nerth of the Yonber stream, and sono south of it, Tho fighters flew mitual support Into the target ares, and then nado 180°turns and returned to the TP to pick up more bonbers, In this way the borbcr strenm was patrolled fron 1000 to 1110, Tho first airborne onemy wore oncounterod in the vicinity of Atougt airfield on the way into tho target, although the majority of intor~ Geptions cane after "onbs away" with sone 2/3 follewing our forces os for se the BP, It ic ectinnted thet tho P-Slo oncountered 140 to 150 oneny fightors, the mojerity of which wore Zokos, and the renainder Tojos Jacke, Hompsy Oscars and Georges, any of the attacks against our fighters were from high ostora, It was noted thet the Japanese in poorly every attack had on altitude advantag or he did not cleso, Most of tho attexpted attacks on the bonbers appeared to be head on or belly Steatke: “fio dupuucow Fighters were mush sore aggrassfen townrd oor fighters during this mission than on any previous mission, making jumereus coordinated attacks with fron 3 to 7 planes, but it was found thet our mutual support tactice,..scissoring.,.worked very well én Giscouraging the onony fron closing range, Ono fighter group reports that in every cose where mutual suport was flom the enecy broke off fabinck, Jepanesa ovasive tactios and breakevavs consisted of split-esses Toliowed by dives to minimun altitudes, and slow tight turns usfng flaps, Pricndly fighter pilcte found that thoir speed advantage was usually fnough to evade the enony if they wore bard pressed, During the tine spont in the targot area P-S) pilots destroyed 26 proveply Gestroyed'® und danaged 23 eneny sirercft. Friendly losses Bron the target wore 2 P-Sle and pilots, and « third pilet purschited fusing the return to base, but was picked up by a surface rescue vessel Four Posie wore damaged, Pla wis hoary and largely of barrage or predicted consentration types, intense to noderate, varying necording to reports of pilots eee a dn the azoe with different sections of tho bomber etreas. Flak sere fren Yokohama, Tokyo and the Kisaragu areas, Large white bursts were reported, and snall black bursts, closely of ranged from 15,000 £0 20,000 feet, Pines endo’ ot base from 1548 to 1423, One P-S1 was abortive auring this alssion because of mechanics) aiiftcultios, P-Sle of the STG Tor Gousand gave navigstion«l assistance tc returning Mghtare within several hundred miles af baé Estes At take off and enroute visibility wes except while passing through a weok narrow frontal zone 78 miles north ex°D whore Light showers reduced visibility to 2 nile, Over targst cet with a few senttered low clouds. ‘ore eimilior to cutgsing Light showers. Chore wore overcar| cirius ot 244 Visibility was 15 miles, Return conditto: wEetht fer sone increase in eloud cover ai b. Gormuniantiona: DU functioned well except for tsolated = of poor reception and ef weak transmission, 6, Banago toonsoy eround inataliations: ons, ammunition Emented: 44,065 rounds fifty oalibre, ae SQuEIDSATIAL ‘a v ¥ & E a Es gE i Ea 8, Ronarks: Plok over tho target wae Intenso, and accurate ae to the altitude of tho bombers, Two | wore seun to go down over the targets and one was observed ‘Off fron the bonber stroam, ancking badly, but unter Large fires woro observed arioing fron Yokohana, ospects southern section of tha city, Billovs of black snoke rose to | : ake ulth Tienes steible éhrough the smoke, Boabing was reported og extrencly occaratoy with numerous fires being observa ely ho fires plonoe of the Dombor otrosm had passed the target area. Bhony fighters attacked usually in groups of thres to five, but on cone occasion the attacking group of Zekes nunbored seven, Vary fon of SES Geecake wore proceed ty e single plone, sttecke ware aado from 6 cletocky for high stern passes, in most instances, but in sono taolatod Instanose the eneny fighters attonpted headon and low side passes, In see tates positive obtion by our pilots, such as turning to meet = pursuing enory, or junping an ney who was pursuing another of our Planes, suffieed to cause hin to break-off and to adopt defensive PAGTIGE. These duruinive seusurosy sonatoted of aplituoceings Taxing Gititads rapidly, then levelling off in a slow tight turn to the lett, sing flepe; tho oneny thus utilized the hgh maneuverability of hie plane, turning inside of our P-Sls, causing then to overshoot, Several Tojoss when attacked, pulled upy snapped over on their backs, and eteompted to come down in position over the attocking Pl iene, but Wore tunable to oxscute thie aanouver successfully. In tlsee inetaness in Minich car fightors were forecd to run froa Tojosy they had no difficulty Yn leaving then, Tho considered judgrent of the pilots as to encny: Tighter activity mae that the enomy was aggressive, but did not prs fs advontoge, In overy attack, onenty planes had on altitude advantage of three to five thousand feet, end appeared reluctant to attack when on tho oe level, Mutual support wus used by our pilots quite effectively for purpose of driving enemy airorsft off of the toile of cur planes. Te every caso whore mutual support or scissoring was tried the eneny prekeo off 8/8, Moore 1/5, KOORS, Brigadier Goneraly USiy Commanding. BASES: ROUTE: Wission No. 186 Se 4/10 ow cloud, base 2000 ft, tops 6000 ft in morning and early after noon, Ancreasing to 6/10, base 1000 ft, top 212,000 ft with showers; 5/10 waddle clowd, vase 12,000 Tt, tops 14,000 ft an evening. oO Ap bases. To ZEUTy 5/20 tow cLouda, dase 2000 ft, top 6000 ft with scattered Zope to 10,000 ft. pz 6/10 Tow clouds, bage 10-1200 ft, tops 10,000 ft, 10/20 Layered middie cloud, base 12,000 Tt, tops 17,000 ft 7/10 high cloud fat 25-30,000 ft, all breaking slonly to north. To coast! “6/10 low cloud, base 1800 ft, top 5.7000 ft; 3/10 middle ‘cloud, base 14,000 ft, top 16,000 ft, disinisning to nil by coast ex cept west of 136°8 vhere weak frontal conditions exist to cosst. ‘TARGETS: Operations) Forecast Base at Teke Off: 3/10 low cloud, base 1200 ft, top 5000 #t; 2/10 mtcaLe” cloud, ase 14,000 ft, top 15,000 ft; 2/10 high cloud at 30,000 ft. Route Outs To 20% Sane aa bases. 20°Ml vo 24°tiy 3/10 ow cloudy bage 2000 FE, top 5-7000 ft; 3/10 high Cloud at 28,000 ft, Bibs to. 268% 4/19 tow cloud, base 1800 Fe, top Go00 tty 3/10 aidcle crond eb 25,000 #5 fog at Ino Tina. 262M to 280i: 8/10 lor cloud, base 1000 Fe cop 0215,000 Hs 1O/A0 widate exoud, 7) iver between 16,000 and 20,000 ft, Gao high cloud at 24,000 ty vostbtity o iiies lovoring to 2 wiles in Light to Scberate shovere; Light rixe Leing Been to 30% 5/10 lov cloud, base 2000, PLB re; Mo siaae clola, vase Berbp0 tt, ten 14,000 ts @/10 hteh cloud et 24,000 tn SoH Le Gi Hac 1 eto, base 200, CT TG fe; 3/10 rhddle cloud, base Sep Po et, Gop 15,000 fey 6/10 high cloud 4 26,000" rt 4/9 iow clowd, base 2000, top Pereers , 4/a0 bigh cloud at 26,000" ft; Aepinaty 10 niles. Tokyo and Hagoyar 3/10 Lom cloud, pase AWW Xt, top 7009 fey 6/10 nbs pleut at 52,000 Teather Bncountered 3/20 low cloud, base 1600 ft, top Gouo rt with etettered middie and high cloud; visibility 12 miles. 2-4/0 low cloud, base 2000 ft, top 000 ft with occasional tops to 12,000 ‘and scattered patches of aiddle cloud ‘to front at 260M, where low cloud in. creased to 10/10, teps 4000 ft, with fon patlding to base of layered middle clouds at 8000 ft. Vorth of front, vhich extended for 150 atles, cloud gradualiy decreased Lo 2/10 for cloud in scattered patches vith niddle cloud rising to layers of broken high cloud, ace 18,000 ft, tops 23,000 ft. Practically no low cloud with 9/10 high cloud which was based at 28,000 ft during first portion of attack, and hich descended quickly to 20,000’ re by the tise the last squadrons were Felessing. Yasxbuity 23 sizes. ‘Winds Aloft = Forecast 00H to 260m 250/20 -09 2te/20 +09 2hof15- 230/15 mano 190/10 170/05 Mantes Mott = Observed Base to 20°% 200 to 2601 260 to. 340th a 250/35 = 1230/4 230/20 100/18 — 120/17 230/24 — 7 eI DYNS Spa | oa 0000! Oe 00'S! 002 000'S2 00 Ey a =a eT OO OE NE Zp SRE! AbiV EZ “WANLVIM LSVI3N03 e, WO/SSILV RE CrAssiFiED ory SMD TUSOOS_ eying sedan, ‘bs To continue search in the 38-3000 ac region. : , Ta barnage on tno onaay gun-laying reders ‘210 me band and to spot jan the 160-190 me bands or fn the barrage an an offort to render the eneny useless. “ 2 Methods we on hus ent fivy gheervere rarticlpeted end uot the, ttoteg oes of equipment to secouplish the seerch end Jensine: APRA, APL6, APAL24, APTA, and APL2, ; o bb. an attenpt was nade to install an clectronte Jenner, either an APIL1 oF APG2, on each airplane but duo to equiprent siortegse cose groups were not aule to do eo. Aloat overy squadron individually Covered the complete jamming band (190-210) using « spreeé from 2 to ‘4 ne depending ‘pon the equiosent available, The jansers vere turned off 50 niles beyond land¥s ond. e Soot jaumers were enployed to jan any gumlaying racars ‘that enpeared in the 160-190 zc and 210-220 me bands. 3, Result a. The 190-210 uc band was thoroughly covered by jamming transmitters exceot in a fey cages in which gene eppeared cue to carly returns or malfunctions of equipment. Taepe gaps were filled by spot Jemnore whenever possible. bs A jan-and-look-through procedure used by the spot janser operators revealed that radara ceased operation sowing the janner 40 be tuned to snother radar. e Effective search in the 200 nc region was not poastbl over the mainland because of the interference caused by the jammore ‘and because the observers wore operating spot janners at this tine, The following intercepts vere mader Gharacteristics Location Date Zine a+ BY O* Use Tye 0007 0455 34 3240 198508 052045 0957 2 IA Ss EW CHE 00076 2000 07 3530N 139302 o52045 105 2 1m S GL OTAOs 00077 3000 07 35308 136408 052945 1100 22 lal S$ GL OTo5 00078 3000 07 3430 13e10B 052045 1042 21 1A 8 GL oran3 (00078 3000 10 3515N 140308 052945 1110 2 lal S GL orA03 00080 0470 4@ 2230N 142158 052945 O27 2 122 F ST 00000 00090. 0750 13 3300 138308 052945 1007 2 l2l S SH onlol0002 00090 1500 12 3310N 138302 052945 1008 21 1Q S =¥ oo1aL0002 00103 0950 13 330M 13950 052945 2324 2 ize P SY oonol0~z 00148 0430 08 3905 139508 052945 0200 21 122 P ZW colo; 016 0495 10 2700N 141358 052945 uiuO 2 122 F = Oo0d] 00156 0490 14 3130N 140208 052945 0700 21 122 F BY 00000 00156 0405 09 2705N 1dal2e 052045 0700 21 122 P B¥ COI03 Hh — Origin #3 — Method #0 ~ Reliab ity Charnctert stiice Date Tize st Be OF Use forse 0492 09 3405 199328 052945 1124 21 122 P BT Oois3 Ofr og SeuoM Lazees O3em> Glas a ieee ew Cully o1ss 0780 15 3552 130378 052945 2357 A 122 P BY oolde 00292 1009 og 3302i 139458 052945 2333 122 P BW co1oZ 00293 1000 10 344511 140408 052945 112 A 1218 oo 00000 00295 1000 04 3415N 138058 052945 1037 2 las oo 00000 00312 1000 09 3400N 138158 052945 1020 A Jal $ 00 00000 00990 2000 05 3500N 130/0B o52945 1100 21 el 6 00 00000 k= Origin #2 — Method ‘¥0 — Reliability A, Resarkss as Three carly-worning redaro were D/Flo to positions in the water, b. Unusual signals Antercepted rere: 390/2000/5, 312/1000/9, 295/2000/4, 293/1000/20. PART IZ. RADIO 1, Strike Reporte: ‘There were 59 strike reports received by ‘the ground etetiono. Twenty were traneaitted by the 73rd Ting, 24 by the 58th, 15 by the H4th, and 10 by the 3th. The Tard Wing reported that one aircraft rélayed a strike report for another air= craft unable to contact the ground station due to faulty equipnent. 2. Fox Transeissionst The 73rd Wing resorted thet 131 radio operators out of 135 received @ Foxtyoc "Bunny" moceags transmitted by the ground station prior to Bonbs Amys The 58th Ting sent one "Duns" message which was logged by 87 operators out of 124 eireratt over the target. Bighty-five ver cent of aircraft redio operators of the 313th Ting recelved and logzed a Foxtyne message transaitted fron the ground station. Reasons given for eireraft not receiving the messages Ancludet being on interphons over the target, prenaring strike reports, faulty equipsent, weak signals, end atzoscherics. 3. Brequoncies: Tho 73rd Wing resorted heavy interference, oth eneny and local, on ite 21 zegacycle frequency. Frequency ogo kes recetved antentional CW Jansing, interference fron NBA and Wig, and radio teletype signals, “Action'has boon taken to substit- ute @ new frequency for 11080 Kea which 1s used quite extensively by the 73rd Ting aircraft despite the heavy intorference. Other frequencies received only a fer instances of interference. Following ipa percentage breskdom of traffic per frequency; 16 per cent on 2} megncycles; 26 per cent on 7 megacycles; and 58 per cent on 11 meracycles. 4, Novigationel Aids Ton requests for HF/DP bearings vere received by the ground ctrtions. All 10 bearings were furnishe’ the airereft, Three requoste for VEF/DP bearings vere obtained. ‘The 313th Ming reported that almto-eir honing was used affectivaly, Rangers, homers, and bron@eact otetion facilities in the Mertensa tno Bonin Islente wore uses gaccoesnuay. nd station to 41 e Af there er failed to nonitor before starting ti Deft ene a sated weeks nancy amrker aightec. Corrective action bas been taken in esa instances to prevent veoursence. The Tord Wing roverte* onc incident of en aireraft interfering vith snother plane's transmission. The 313th tai SUtth ings reported *fair® net Giscioline, lo violations of security were reported. 6, Snony Brensstasions:, The following, tnotdents of, Jensing ond cneny transniocione wore Antercepted daring this selon i 2, 2145 Kost Jap net operating from 17002 to 19002 res i partially effective. 1b. 6055 Kes: & (1) OW and voice between Ivo ené mainland end return ‘wore partially effective. (2) Tone eignel in target area was pertielly effective. (0) Jap tation at 23002 was affective. ce. 11080 Kes: (2) Unenom radio teletype signals spasnedically reo cives during this misoion were very effective. (Bearing from Seipan round station 255°), (2) Intentional OW from 23002 to 06002 was vertially uaissv1940 effective. (3) Voice transmissions at 01302 were ineffective. 6, 3020 Kes: Negligible. e. 6615 Kos: O07 fron 22002 to 02008 was partially effective. f. 10305 Keet OW from 20008 to 01302 wes Snoffective. gs 3990 Kost Negligible. bh. TAS Kes: Keyed GW at 19152 and 01028 was ineffective. 4, 10820 Kesr (2) taxed nunbers end Letters at 01003 were Aneffectire, (2) Stondy hussing £08 02108 to 02302 was partially ’ effective. J. QMO Kea! OF signals at 17202 were ineffective, XK. [MO Kes Severe Bagpipe Jenning et 13082 was effostive. =e SEORET _ 7. Distresst The 314th Wing _ an to the ground station ¢ i ‘the location and necessiry inforsstion needed for rev ection was teken in both instances. oa ho oncrgency of diotress trancnissions. Tha 58th Wing ¢ recorded the folloning nessagost : ‘a a oe = | 04235 «570752 -BL29 ditched and position. 05102 «230753 San merieer sighted and position. 02252 ©—«12753-Engine trouble and position; destinetion Imo Jina. 02232 ©» 2OW75L © Aircraft 26V751 ramned; no perachtes. : 02502 ©» AaW75L © Sighted life raft ané position. 0305 «140752 Mashnote 20 ditched and position. : ond 130753 Sighted aircraft on Asland. 09152 O39 Toeated auhnsrtne. io ® Ofgaz «© 140752 Duabo circling survivors. o4dra. 6V751 Soa narker and position. pales 60751 Received 10 position reports throughout return. @. Equipment tetfunctions: AN/ARIL7; 1 tnoperative; 1 Snopers ‘ive on lecp position, 7 senes antennas broken. SOR2690:| 2 inovers— ‘ves 1 ence antenna broken, BG-3481 2 inoperative 3 poor, shieaing Prekahe"cp sneine netsh SORES 4 Anoperative; 2 trenanttter io operative; 2 receivers inoperative; 1 dynanotor inoperative, ROA} {"noperetive; 1 indicator flashing contimously. R36: 4 snoperatives 3 nlerophone buttons inoperative; 3 slcrophone switches inoporetive. Bijiggeige 2 ne olde tone. BLAg; 15 inoperative or sticking. ‘| ana MAN ‘qanaiss¥1230. £13 oH Part I - Guay Air Opposition Part IT - Bneny Antieireraft Part IIT = Danoge hacesamont g SEQRET en ay Bataste Sete! 100) ond 00 ©) the PBL apcortad Boao Pornations on tale whee ‘encountered § ~ 60 fighters: the P-SI's, 0 BCD a Dov who yas roma y an on ed fe Sarit er cts Wy eed gene ‘haimoa sConoay girorale avctroyed, © provatly Gertraveq, an 2, Barly Warning: Becnuso of tho fightor recoption that om ‘the P.S1's and B-29's, it is believed that the Japanese had ample early warning, +3 3, Weather: Weather over all Japanese fighter fields wes such that the fielde wore operational, Visibility ves 10 - 15 miles with hhaze oxtending to 22,000 fost, 4, Japanese Fichter Deolomont enony!s fighters appecred between the: IP and tho targot, whore tho P-51"s oncountered approximately 140 interceptors, Tho 3-29's received 90 por cont of their interception fron landfall to IP, 25 per cent aftor IP to bonbs away, and 45 per cont after bonbs away to land's end, The fightor escort probably reduced enemy interception of B-20's by 60 ~ 70 per cont and refuced materially: ‘tho nunbor of Japanese attacks over the targot areay particularly en ‘tho bon run, a, The bulle of the b, fn analysie of the location of attacks and the type of airercft attacking indicates that probably asst of the eneny airerat in tho roa wost of Tokyo were Japonasn Army fighters, vheress the Interceptions ade on the withdrawing B-29"s wore by Japanssi fighters, 4n estimated 120 - 130 interceptors mot the PaSi"s and Beés's pricr to bombe away and another $0 = 60 between Tekye ond Yokoeuka over ths bay area, ‘aasissv1930 [Ersoy SMSHL WT a 5, Quusnase Fichter thotieas a, Thirty-four per cent of eneay attacks cane from above and 60 per cont of the interceptions were made at the front quarter of Be2o" ‘© Based on evaluated asta not available for the Consolidated Statistical Summary, IF, a AB & 40 agtaissV c, One B=29 reported two white explosions, resending phosphorus bursts, with a whito boll of fire coming out of tho smoke baused ty Unveo explosions, Tats followed the B29 for shout ano fimttoy closing to 300 yards, It appeared to have bean Launchod fron the ground, a, A piloted rocket planoy desoribed os very snall with a fuselage shoped 1iko a ballot, was reported, Tt hod vory short wings eet novhorizantol tail aurfones, Tt was painted white and was cbsorved Gout 260 Foot below the B-29 on a reciprocal courso and moving at high specd, No nko trail was cbserved and it made no attempt to follov. e,. Thoro wos ono report of a single-engine airorart ft on a formtion with rocket ing ‘The rockets wore theught to have been fired from under tho wings of the afroratt, { "are as fo fs r ‘enemy fighter, Nicky approximately ahead « ond sightly ‘above several formations which wore ie ) ‘tho initial point, Several crew nenbers elained ; bes! ‘wore ef the opinion that the fighter was preparing to attack thess formations in front, but ho did net do co ani bozsn hendine toward — Uwlr formation in & gentle dive, The action of the Tighter, wnich Wes 900 fect hove tho formction, 12 not oloar since sors crow nenbers: Believe that ho was firing as he cane dowa fron tho 11 ofelock Position, while others are convinced that ho dia not firo a shet, Sono crew nonbors claia that he stertod an attack on the Load af craft and wae hit in the right ongino by 8-29 fire, Upon boing Alte THs voreicn cays that Fans and sucke wore conine trom the Tight engine while the Mek was about 100 yarde oat and that his right Wing suddenly dropped aa ho voored off from tho load B-29 and crashed inte 4/C 894, Crow nonbore ara about oqually divided as to whether ‘tho crash occurred botwoon Musbers 1 and 2 engines or between Munbers Sond 4, An oxplosion occurred upon contact and either the left or Fight wing of the 8429 was sheored off and tho lick disintograted, , One enony atroraft was reported to be a "Tenrai & hh, One Tojo released a phosphorus bonb just after the IP, This exploded ineffectively 70 yards above and 1000 yards to the rear of the 8th Squadron, Tojo continued en {ts rociprccal heading approx inately 1000 fect abore without a followaup attack. 6, Goordingtod sttnoka: One coordinated attack was reported, ‘wo Tojos camo in Lino-netorn in a fly-through attcck with > wide Interval, near the IP, prassing to within 800 ana 1000 yards, Good coordination but exceptionally bad gunnery was exhibited, 1 ae Enon siroratt Mo, attacks Bor sont Tojo 2 av Zoke 6 a6 Tony a6 us Hick as as Unidentifioa as as Cesar 8 8 Jack 8 8 Irving 6 $ Baap 3 Pronk —e = Torah aioe Yeo * Siightay Jess then hel? of the attacke ware broken off at 200 yards oF less, 8, Claims: a red (S)1 1 Gack ond 1 Miok by Mot 2 Tony by Fafly ant 1 dake by Nese and ASO, 4 2 Tojo by Ry ‘aanatssv104 ©, Damaged (2): by Nowe; 1 U/l by RSG} and be I 2 Oaeer ty Ry a by Hose 11 Mick by Noses 1 Jack: tl and Tail, ond 1 Zoko by LB and Tad, 1 Hamp, 1 Nick, 2 Tojosy 1 Tony, and 2 O/T 1 Beka by RB ant ROO, sens ee 1. aon oats 4 a, Primary target was attecked by aircraft of 4 Wings of oS forlowa: $ 4 wo: 88 co as ae :| Total itroratt rea 136 6s as » Fee ee rerget 00272-01182 0022-01202 00222-01152 O0aSz ANNE, 4 Bune Over, Target 9.600219 00 18200-£1,000 174500-28,200 18,000-295009 Sverage Altitude 18,500, 184500, 13,500. 18,500-19,000 (| average Attitude Agnsos? . eieeiog®—xSane? | aSnoH2E | by, Gioud undersast in the target area waa reported to be 4 gonoratiy from GaY0 2 2/10, However, one Ting reported CAND te O08 wera result of sncke in targst area, fron 58-15 knots at ec. Twenty: primary, bonbed various targe pee? =250°,, 2, Flak Bn Route te Taree: Winds nt bonbing altitades ranged sone aireraft ineluding 1 2/6 which also Donel the tts of opportunity. ‘Tho following te = tabulation of tho flak encountered en route to target area oust t0H East of Pujiyane stsugh aren Bayonmeise Rooks 2 foot of Aogu Chima Haohsgo Jima SOCRDHIATES 35g0m - 159255 sisem - 199505 ‘SSG0N + 139808 spent = 139508 (approx) 306M - 199495 » Based on Wing Plak Ofttoore! a RBURES Moderate ond inaceuratey Hoey. Barrage fire with black bursts, Monger te noterate and ineceuratey Heawy, Predicted concontrationss Dosrage and continuously pointed. tooth Group Teported meager and accurate barrages Hoary. Moager and inaccuratey Hoavy. woager and inaseuratey Hoavy, Atroraft at 7000 foet reported fodiuny fairly accurate Pak, Heavy. (ile attacked this a2 target of spportuni tye Roports, | SEGRET 39351 - 13610 Senttered monger and inacourater Hoavy. LP. (Pujtyoma) Monger and inaccurate, Hoary. Grows roportod a battery 1oostod aoaowhore en Fujtyana, Ohicht Jima Menger and insccurstey Hoary, Continuously pointed fire-- white dure Shigucka-Shimtzu Area S500" = 15880E Monger to noferats and inacouratey Hoary. Kozu Shima ‘S412 - 199102 Menger and inaccurate, Heavy. Sogant River Area SS20N = 19920E 4-5 gun batterios visually cbeorvod, Many formations first ‘encountered flak on boab run in this vicinity. & lok ot Target: a, Tho following is 2 summary (chronologically by Groups) of the flak encountered in the target arca; tines indieated are all 2 tines, co22-0029 © S05th Groups S1Sth Wine: Aircraft of this Group ‘onecuntered Intense and accurate, hocvy flak, Continuously pointed and barrage typa fire lasted approximately § minuto, Ono aircraft was observed loot te flake 0025-0080 39th Grows Sith Wines Airoratt of this group Gnccuntered Tok reported as intense ond accurate, Twelve of 20 efrcraft returning to dase ware danagod by flak (8 londed at Ivo ond 2 éftched), c027=0085 4624 Group, s8th Wingt Airoraft of this Group reported Gntonso, inscourate to accurate, heavy Black flak, AA1 aireraft were aither hit or "rocked" and 13 suffered rajor domage, Prodictod concentrations wore reported simul taneously with continuously Pointed fire, Average duration of fire was reported fs 7 minutes, Altitude was 18,800 to 19,800 foot. 0020-0030 -SO0th Groun, 754 Wnct Atreraft beabed in 4 Squadrons fron 17,800 to 20,800 fect, Flak in target area norged with flak on the bomb run at itsugt area, Plak wae intense and accurate and heavy. All 3 types Of fire control were reported with barrages being predominant, Sight atroraft wre damaged, Al} Squsdrona dropped within 1 inate, ing: Firet Squadron of 8 aircratty ‘000 to 16,600 eet, encountared moderate jeavy fist, all 3 types of Wi, Pive insted 10 minutes, 038-0110 fying ot 1 ‘to intense and acoursts fire gontrol wore cbse SECRET econd Squairon of 9 aircraft at 18,000 fect pines Siac) Geert aioe tng altitude ‘was fn taser Weccst courier oenrar Asean before bomb releasi an + First Squadron (10 reported intongo and accurate heavy flok, 1 WC were damaged and one spun into the wotsr en routs homo, Second formation was close behind and escaped flak until alnest to the target, All formations reported flok as intonee an aecurate to inaccurato=.20 out of 36 afrerart over tho targst wore danagod, 0044-0113 Sth Grou, 313th Wine: First formation of this Group roported intense and accurate, heavy and continuously pointed fire for about 5 minutes, Second formation roported meager and inaccurate, continuously pointed heavy flak, 0018-0087 66th Group, S6th Wines Alreraft of this Group reported aoderate tc intense ani fairly accurate hoavy flck for approximately 3 minutes, Continuously pointed and barrage fire wore reported, 0051-0054 407th Group, 734 Wings Areraft of this Group ‘encountered flak about 2 minutes before bonte amy and reported moderate to intense and accurate heavy flak, mostly barrage, which lasted about 5 minut Wino aircraft euffored danago during the attack, 0056-0110 Ath Grown, S8th Wine: Aircraft of this Group Teperted moderate and inaccurate te accurate flak, Rarrogn amd predieted concentrations were reported. The target crea had a 10/10 snoke undercast by this ‘aanaissv194 t timo, EB 0103~0108 «29th Group, Sléth Wine: Airoraft of thie Group g - reported flak as moderate to intense and accurate, = @ Fifteen atrerafe suffered flak damon, c107-0110 496th Grow, 784 Wine: Atreraft of this Group were ‘ino vory tight @ squsdron formation (verbal report from D C/S Opa, 734 Ving), This tight formation apparently saturated tho dofonsos because the first Squadron eparted fira for 1} minutos, the 24. 1 inutey and the 34 and @th, ¢ minute each, Reports wore meager, moderate, meager, and meager for squadrons Sn order, Fire was feirly accurate for equadrons 2 fand 4, inaccurate fer the others, Flak was heavy and Consisted of barrogee and continuously pointed fir 0116-0118 40th Grouns Sith Wing: Alreraft of this Group reported eager to Poderate and ocurate hoary flok, continuously pointed, Wenther was reported aa OAVU to 1/10; dense Geeks over tho target mas being blown to the north, Flak started about 2 minutes prior to bonb relearo, outs-019 sikh Group, Siath Mines ALrovtt of tte Grow i: ‘reported moderate and accurate to inaccurate flak, Eigne alrerart (38 in Group) sustedned dango, SEQRET esa i 040-0088 0044-0113 (0045~0057 (0081-0054 (0056~0120 0103-0108 o1o7=0120 oé-0118 ou1s-0129 Gonso smoke over the targst, rising at places to borb= ing altitude, Flak vas intonss cn inaccurate, heavy cofetsting of o barrage of 2 minutos atarting just efore bend release, eth Groups SL4th Wine: First Squadron (10 4/0) 4 Feported Invonge and cecurato heavy flak, All A/C were. E damaged and one spun into the weter on routo hone Socond formation wos close Behind and oscaped fk j Until olnost to the target, All formations reported fine ae intense and accurate to inaccurate--20 out of 36 alrcratt cvor the targst wore danseod, Socond Squadron of 9 aircraft at 10,000 fact encountered | ‘alae naigs ee eee | eoormeenin yi pointed fire for about 5 minutes, Second formation q ce ig wt iasareesy eacieael ea heavy flak, | sos Grou Sith Tinet dlrerstt of this Group Set ts eee to ntente ana aishy aceurate Teer Pie tocimetely Pinter “Gontimoasty Ponaa ana tervege Fira mete reported so7th Group, 734 Wing: AMreraft of this Group ‘oncoustered flak about 2 minutes before boubs away and reported moderate to intense ond accurate heary Flak, mostly barrage, which lasted about 5 minutos, Hino atreraft euffored damage during the attack, sth Gr th Hine: Atreraft of this Group reported moderate ana inaccurate to accurate flak, Burrage and predicted concentrations were reported. Tae target aren had a 10/10 snoke undereast by this tino, goth Gros Wine Mroreft of this Group Feported fick as maderate to intense and accurato, Fifteen adroraft suffered flak asneeee 4opth Groups 254 Wing? Alroraft of thie Group wero ina vory tight 4 squcdron foraction (verbal report fron D G/S Ops, 73d Wing). This tight foraation apparontly saturated the defenses because the first Squadron fuporled fire for 1E minutos, the 2A. 7 Hinutoy and tho 3d and ath, ¢ minute each, Reports ora asager, moderate, meagers and meager for squadrons In order, Pire was feirly accurate for squadrons 2 ana 4y inaccurate for the others, Plek was heavy and consisted of barragee and continuously pointed fire, sith Wing! Areraft of this Group reported seoger 20 coderate and accurate heavy flak, continuously: Dointeds Weather wes reported os CAYU to 1/10; donso Peoke over tho target was Doing blown to the north, Flak started about 2 minutes prior to bomb raleaso, ‘20th Group, 514th Wine: Afroraft of this Group Toperted moderate and accurate to inaccurate flak, Bignt atreraft ($0 in Group) gustained danage, SEoR8I SEOREL xs3c0188 490%) Grouny 734 Wing! Hiroratt of tate Orosp , oan TED neterate ent Soascarete tee | ECU UY'S Ges of fire contol were observed, ; %, In general, the flak over the targot area was intent accurate, and heavy, Continuously pointed and predicted concen tration typos of fire control were the most frequently reporteds although @ siznble nurbor of barrages were observed, fe, 4 otudy of the Group shrenologtanl flak reports permits 8 breokdwon into 3 phases as follows: Phase I = The first 6 groups over the target received Antonge flaky Phaco II - The next 5 groups racaived moderate to intense: Flak; Phase III = Tho last 4 groups received monger to moderate fok, This giuduid Gecivuee of the auamtite: of fire ananmtarad by the first ond last groups over tho target may be reasonably attributed t> any oF ell of the following factors: (2) Gradual inerease of overcast dus to smokes (2) Gun orow ratigugy uF alfunction= (3) Overheating of gun tubes or possible ing of guns or fire-control equipment. a, Plex was not oncountered by ony aireraft until the last onesthird of tho donb run (Atsugi ares), yon ion of of flck encountered after The following is = tabul Leaving tarcet ret Browas (a DooRDTATES BURKS 3818 = 159508 Moderate and accurates Reavy, continuously pointed for 2 Puttsa 55241 - 159552 Monger to moderates inacourate and haawys Continuously pointed fire, Ono foraation reported intense and accurate Predicted concentration here, Kisaragu (City ond Havel Aix Station) Land's End (Okitsue S510" ~ 140155 eager and inacsurate, Eaiawsre a8 spin buy near SS16II = 339408 Mongar and inocourate barengo, Pikeme Aree Fotiow and groom burstas 2 Tonkors (Steaning Menger ond inaccurate, foros Tokye Bay) gEgear ——— avant Unidentified Tetande south of Kateuure alone Goast of Chiba Peninsula Vory meager (6 bursts) and Annccurate, + Summary of Aireratt Lent ond Damaged: 4 ‘Three airoratt wore lest directly to flak on this mission. Wut of 47S aircraft attacking, 169 or 99,80% sustained flak damage, uw A. ona: a, One enemy aireraft (Zeke) approached high and dropped ono very ineccurate tenb on formtion (loeation not given). >, Between IP and the targets 4 phosphorus bombs wore dropped though the eroreasty all were inaccurate, The reporting aircraft was at 16,800 foot, One eneny aircraft (Tony) flipped a phosphorus bond at an atreraf't at 20,200 feet, The burst was 200 fest high and 3000 foet behind, a, Two incecurate ground-te-air rockets were reported over the target area, fe, Alargo explosion was noted, The burst was firey red and then turned into a ball of ancke--approxinately 10 tines the Size of a normal heavy A/a burst, f, Over the target one fick burst was reported as being oop orange or a red ball which apparently hong monontarily ant evolved into pereistont white phosphorus sack, fg. Three to four rader antonnae wore reported on thy svuth side of Fujiyana near the crater, bh, Two barrage balloons were reported east and west of the Sagemi Rivor mouth at 5000 + 6000 feet, i, Over Miyako Toland two pear=sheped balloons were Feperted at 16,000 feot--the sano altitude as reporting aircraft, -s- SEQREL ‘TOROHAMA CITY 2. Suomary: a a, Damage to Yokohans city resulting fron XX Bomber Connand Ssion 186, 29 Mey 1945, totals 6.9 equare miles, which represents bout 34% of the entire city. Indus janage includes 20 munbered targets danaged oF eee istrial. danage Ancli sbered targets danag’ ©. The area destroyed by this raid is primarily in the zone Classified as "conscretel" (Ref. 4). 4, Tote damage to Yokohana 4s now 8.9 square eiles, which represents Ali of tho entire city. 2, Statistics! Sumary: a. Current Striker brea of City 20.2 Brea of City destroyed 6.9 3.0 Area of Incendiary Zone I R ‘Brea of Tneendisry Zone I destroyed :70 97.0 Area of Incendiary Zone II 7.32 dea of Incendiary Zone 11 destroyed Ash 62.0 ‘Tarest Area 90-17-3607 38 Terget Area destroyed "2 3.2 ‘Target Aron 90.17-3608 3.0 ‘Target Aron destroyed 14 40 be Total Danager Ares of Osty ‘grea of City destroyed sea of Incendiary Zone I feea of Incendiary Zone I destroyed Se ter a Fara tee ret 8, Fe eee as e recep hen rae 20 ae ve ocr BO, OTU D/A Report #60 troy eave 5 oe Kanagawa Stonn Pover Plant 3 65 80k guttea Fukeshiss Freight Yards at Btation, Sunetion, Overpass | TL 908 destroyed Uraga Dockyard 8 9 Oh Wippon Carbon Co., Plant # a 522 20% gutted Wisean Auto Go. 8 15385 Bestroyed Inflancrble Storage Docks 9 1346 oe Yokohaca Electric Oo. Pover Plant 20 1399 ae Hodogaya Soda (Cnonioals) “pee ee, aed Mippon Electric Wire & Cable 22 1432158 ntnor cannge Yokohena Harbor Passenger Wherves 13143890 destroyed Kyolteu Warenouce 4 koe Witeubishs Varshouse 5 lie oe Yokena Warehouse is Re ee 2 National Silx Conditioning House 7 We ag Est Asia Develosnent Co. Warehouse wo oun of Manica Tarchouse 19 1453 ae ‘Tosnin & snanico Tarenouse 2 mm 3054 Unidentified industry Referencest A. AOF 90.17 15 Septenber 1944 "| CTU Danage Assessment heport 47 Inclosurest 1, City Diagran (arbitrary city linits, incendiary a zones and target areas! Mosse showing danage a 4 DECLASSIFIED ‘pntority KUNOTWUSODS_ “Tin TWHANOS TWOILGILYAS CURE 434038 aro AY9 Jo sotT a = exTnaoy Buyqueg carpe cag 44 SuypUDY FOIONT exmmbe 69 10 mug tet * a get +2 + cParydyorater Teron Jo woo he es sgoyateneu9 JOA: 20 ung 0152 * daca, Kaarpx3 up paldoag eacog roroxty, Je quoosos wore * maroasFy 4yur0Xy Payacog Jo 3uODIE palung §FIOaFy Noy + + + zomg Axouysz Puyquog syoI0zT7 sorze * pexor Te JO OOM + ousodaty 50x04 gerr ¢ ++ + sotuoarry aoxorTy Jc aNo0g0E Maes asst: Seay agmtaxby MOISSUT AO SONICS Toren To IO pony saan wrNOyOR - SoMamE Rese et ve WHOS SNOILWY3dO LVEWOD JO AYVWWNS WOILSILWLS G3LVGITOSNOD QNVAWOD ¥3EWOE IXX 434938 Lsusse leat 62| reo | 2 OngT Loot | 2 ott | gtoet | 2 tole zt wom SOIT) “eo | ewes pit IY onaws ouzn3| ea anv ST Aa Ge iol nose 59 omivexo4 oo umnoRtT etal lst ol & sam tT satry uatrec| uate Burhuog 4zodoxre 2 wate fats Suratoq 17026 a sain o6t ( 2200 ux | ett pong osry ssoaaate 5 fou agurosry 2 sopmtany = T ajomzyo ¢ open | esy WOU CRROIOR GH Te TT a) attra [gq voge greees fe 6 000 1000 ho 4000 Szo0 S00 2200 onto 6400 9500 9662 6200 BEE ae aReeEE | aw | wrseie tesa menor | =a never | memo 9 tus FH vioTsste operas |e cose Wotan UNEHOR axe rasa ofor, ralgucige ae gies dood L021] ‘i < Soy 0S Rt ei - at 9°S0H 6 ste | etm 2 2 66] = yt 9709 zm] 9 Be] i - Tee] 16T deere oN] FIT ozyostsar oxtn Seize ohorduo® uayn seit wo ozva palfosp excoq 1p i RRRRSS aaa ago 20 size SHOT ey 62 SIO Fer NOrssrW SUSDUYL HO GaSVaTAY Trases soafo wrth our fo wazhe sore oct a aod tt porots fa arulore 1 fomaer} opnayate ator ofr taxrp auncH ovr susoufun uoefog, +4 “4001 eemeixrifer | me focijs |-)|- |-|- |- Jal - a |. || | cs Remmicoy | er fect |y |- |- je l- |- [a | - |e bee | - | - le le Bee z 5) Hoan) V) eye Fioan| 171 esznmarofanni o| att rary |-a;aats | MOA] yrgo| 00) a" aye] WH] 9/¥_ | avoa| OC auo| Nw [of] W274 axa eee een aviou [avuor_| “0 MAD) pay] aa Ram l | aa ‘SaILTVOSVO THMOSMAS L GOW LAVIOUTY “1s0T iment SaILIMSYO TaDOSH SSR aiva 9s ersm Gonna ay S71 LEMONY tsross e j é 605L4 Sst Tipot ose 090 spot | eeert Oy ISoT anaz | avEK ween | GO | To aa wm | Mmestinat) sexy | ue oe [PONG cao | sen | en aL AMIGOS WINERY WALI OS Gomve > TOWsET o/y Ke | MMITOUACE WINTNVAY GI ;ILTSOE Wo aera ate aT wrssnr © TansTe * FLIGHT Data & FU) CoRCUMPRLON fie won mow [aaiw Jastoane? cousrueReD 8 Bo «@ JAvERAGH FLYING TIKE ur4o | 13:54 | 1406 |aveRace: Distanow FLOM 2805 2219 267% | Wautieat air ites) ioe toa’ | pig eee Maximum 6630 6365 6493 Minimum 5350 5541 5568 Minium 300 | | 287 sv. USED PER SL 2as| 2.09 6223 con froma wax on atzoman ae [rama [abe 475842 RO. AIRCRAFT AIRPORN JAvG. BASIC WE. OF ATACR 75053 Jave. USEFUL LOAD 60369 Juve, KO. OF BouRs toapep | 29, 7-R46 2608 lavc. WT. OF FUEL LoabeD | goes ‘| gauze ANG. uise. weroHr Ds 664 E28 we, cao ets ac tam err | asia | | fielulee fighter escort sireratt neta § fietutos surer duo airereft. ae ian 3 Exe 360 ts: FIELD ORDER WMEER 60 YOKOHAMA URBAN THDUSTRIAT, aRZA Maps for Plotting: Japan Aviation Chart 1:218,420, Prinary Visual MPI Reference: X(T Bom Com Litho-Mosaic "Yokohana , Urban Area,’ '- Fightero will escort buibers roe departure point to target area ani thon fly in target. area and natrol route from initial point to target for approximately 30 minutes. One fighter group will precede bonbers into target area and strafe airfield and inctailations, Rally poirt for fighvers will be 3511N ~ 10228, A sibcarine will be on station at this point for rescw pumpoce: @ «2+ The MAT Bom Com attacks Tokohana Urban Industrial Area with maximum effort with incendiary bobs fron high altitude, . 3. 58th Wing: wer Bacio of Attack Etrert, onsor2 ®% Degrees Te Mexinan Tine Control: Jet group crosses depertirs control point at D Hour plus 8 mine 2nd group crosses dejarture eontrol point at D Hour plus 2! mite 43rd group crosees departure control point at D Hour plus 40 mins 4th group eronses departure control point at D Hour plus 56 ain. 6 Albitwle enroute 4,000 £t = 4,800 ft er 500 feet on top of Bonb load an! fusing: 2449 clusters fused to open 5,000 ft above target with intervalouster setting of 30 fecty b. 73rd “ines MT Axis of Attack Effort 123060 84930" True 3 vaximun offert 075053 84230" True 3 tincimn effort ‘Time Control: st. group crosses departure control point at D Hour plus 12 ain, 2nd group crosses departure cortrel point at D Hour plus 23 min, 3nd group crosses ‘oparture contral point at D Hour plus 44 min, uth group crosses departure contre! point at D Hour plus 60 min. AuLitute enroute: 6,000 ~ 6,800 £¢ ar 500 ft on top af ovoreacte Bor load and fusing: On MPT 123060 = one group = M\7A2 and one group clusters of B69 banks, Oh MPI 079053 = Clustere of Mp fracbe, IGU7A2 fed inctantaneous nose, with intervalenetar sot Bing, of 75 fe. Clusters fusod to opan’5,000 Fe above target with Intsrvalsnctar setting af 30 fe SECREE SIEID oRpEn wmmsR #0 cammmp ee 13th Ning: Mr Jade of Attack ifort o7mi0 81°30" true Maximum ‘Time Control: Jet group leaves departure point et D Hour. nt group leaves departure point at D Hour plus 16 min. 3rd group leaves doparture point at D Hour plus 32 mins ith group leaves departure point at D Har plus 4é ming Altitude enroute = 5,000 = 5,800 ft or 500 feut on top of overcast. Boob lond and fusing: Half farce will carry ML7A2 and half force ‘All carry clusters of 4-69 babs with intervalancter setting of 75 fect for U47A2's ani 30 ft for clusters, Clusters all fused to open §,000 fect above target and U-L7A2 fused with in= stantansais nose, a, 3ikth "ing: e wr Juco of Attack Effort 969082 3° re Yaxishn ‘Nim Control: Jst group crosses departure point at D Maur plus & min, 2nd group crosses doparture point at D How plus 20 ine 3rd group crosses departure point at D Hour plus 36 min, ith grow crosses departue point at D Hour plus 52 ain, AlliLule enroute = 3,000 = 3,800 fect or 500 Fock on top of over cast. Borb load and fusing: Half force will carry Y-U7A2 fused with instantancous nose and with intcrva’aneter acttine of 75 foct 6 md half force will carry clustore of 1-69 borbs fused to open 5,000 feot above target wud wilh Intervilaweer setting of 30 rest. Method of Attack: Column of squadrons with aireraft flying slot positions in an clonent staded up, sth 500 fect botw Altitude of Attaekt 18,000 fot boo squadrons. Rontet Baso m Jin bly Zor IE A 3436300 ~ 138203 (Departure Posse) 3500 ~ 136108 3520" — 13844 (IP) ; Tara: “ 351N ~ 140225 Two Jina Base D Day ma D Hour ~ 291000K I as Mo change. be Thie 49 Tactical Mission Now 186 SEORGE ) Observations of the oxtent and reliability of the barrage will be nade while over the targets (4) Spot janseing wi11 be contucted over the fremeney Fangs. 380-190 and. 210-220 megaeyeles, as desired by tho wing ROK Geficer ari an governad by the’ capability of cach wing. (5) Jamers will be kept in operation at all times whom closer Yan 50 niles to Honshu, and will be turned off at all Gthor times, except fer proflight and postflight frequency Chocks which exe to be made cn the ground while tho jamers Gre teshatted in the airplanos. ris ‘hi ar sr Box cou tao ok fe , Ngee deharbna. ‘ ‘D/OPNS DISTRIBUTION: 2 Za Wing qanaissv19a0 Se Borate aa dar, Third Fleet Commander, Fifth Flest 4 Commander, First Carricr Task Foro ‘commander, Narianas: Cormanding General, U.S. army Fore¢ da Fed Goumnding Generel, Allied Air Forces, Southwest Pacific “rece commnding cenécal, Far Zist Air Forces Geamonding General, U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Burope fewmonding General, Mediterranean 4]ied Air Forces Gomnniing Generel, Tifteenth sir Force Comnming General, Seventh Air Force Comending Generel, VIY Bomber Comond Commanding Generel, VII Fighter Command Gemonding General, Eleverth Air Foree Cernreding Generel, J0lst Fighter Wing Sonler Intelligence Officer, Rekha? Commins qldied Air Forces, Southmost Pacific sens Commander in Chief, U.S. ancy Foros, Pacific ‘ATTN: G-2 (For Section 22, ROM) Joint Intelligence Center, Facifie Grean Arena cexm™adine Generals army Ade Forces ‘ATIN: 40/45, Intelligence commnding General, army Air Forces MI; AC/AS, Intel gence, Collection Diviaien Jap Brolustion Board, /o Cementing General ‘Dose Amy Strategie air Forces (Admin) cromivding Generul, UeS. Arry Strategic Air Ferecs ‘PTH: Divecter of Conmunievtions YER: Counter Moaures Air hoalysis Center camnding Gfficer, Twenticth Air Force Lod Grew Schoo} Brigndier General fe S. Mansell, JP. Ghict of gtoff, Twenticth Air Fores Deputy C/3, Opns, Twenticth Air Force Deputy C/S, Sup & Maint, Twentactn Aix Foree io of Sy 4o2, Twonticth bir Fores Ghonieal vorfare Officer Twentieth Air Foree Granonee Officer, Montieth Air Forse Director of Tactics, £=3, Twentieth Air Fores Bisterien) Officer, Trenticth Aix Feree Caemunding Guiesel 58th Denbondent ng Conmanding Goneral, 73rd Boaherasent 36 Commanding Generel, 13¢h Bonbaraent WSN Cemonding Gonoral 314th Bontarament W305 Comonding General, 335th Bemterdnent ving Cormnding Offiger, 3ra Photo Recenmaissonee $2 Commanding Officer, slat Pheto Reconnaisenee St Commnding offiser, 55th sq Zang Range weather ( Comnning officer, Trentieth har Force Combat Staging Guiter (Erevaeiens)) qataissv1930 oe 3 Comonding Officer Commanding Céficcr. igend Comonding Officer, Commanding officer, 97th Bomb Group (VE) Connanding Officer, 498th Bonb Group (VE) Commanding Officer, 499th Bont Group (Ys) Commanding Officer, 500¢% Boab Group (Vi) Remmarding Officer. S0Lst Boab Group (Vi) "Commanding Officer, 50nd Bob Group (VE) Comuniing Officer, 50kth Bomb Group (Vi) Gomaanding Officer, 505th Bomb Group (Vs) Commonding Officer, 509th Composite Group Gormonting Cfficer, 15th Fighter Group (TR) Comnmling Office, Sint Righter Group (ER| Commanding Officer, 506th Fighter Group (WR) Reporting Unit, A-2, Twentieth Air Force (File Copy) 1h - 125 Reporting Unit, i-2, Twentieth Air Force RESTRICTED

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