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International AIDS 2012 Conference Based on Excellence

The next AIDS ISHEID 2012 conference announced to be held in Marseilles, France,
is a timely measure and is capable of bringing about a revolution.
Neuilly-sur-Seine, FR, May 30, 2011 -- The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) ha
s been ravaging the planet ever since it first infused itself into the body of t
he first human prey. Amongst the numerous efforts initiated towards fighting thi
s deadly virus, ISHEID (International Symposium HIV & Emerging Infectious Diseas
es) was one of the first. After about twenty years since its first conference, i
t has grown in its reach and reputation. Thanks to the discouraging economic sce
nario of the present world, there are newer challenges to be answered in fightin
g AIDS. The next AIDS 2012 conference announced to be held in Marseilles, France
, is a timely measure and is capable of bringing about a revolution.
While the conference aims to profit from the original ideas and vast experiences
of its reputed participants, budding medical enthusiasts too can gain much from
this conference. ISHEID is a CME (Continuing Medical Activity) for medical prof
essionals, accredited by the EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continui
ng Medical Activity. Along with the knowledge and experiences shared on this for
um, the participants are also eligible for European external CME credits. Moreov
er, though the AIDS 2012 conference announced specific focus on AIDS, it also in
volves discussions about other emergent infectious diseases like avian flu and v
iral hepatitis.
Recently, the HIV AIDS ISHEID 2012 conference announced Alain Lafeuillade as its
chairperson and a stellar assembly as its steering and scientific committee mem
bers. Participating biologists and clinicians can take part in the presentations
and the numerous workshops in order to broaden their perspective. Thanks to ISH
IED's reputation of providing a easy-to-communicate, warm and open atmosphere, p
athbreaking ideas and proposals are expected to flood the event.
Participants have to first register for the event by paying a small fee. Those i
nterested also can submit abstracts of their presentations between September 16,
2011 and January 20, 2012. The AIDS 2012 conference announced its intention to
discuss not only the medical aspects of the infection but also the human rights
aspect of it. Therefore, fresh views on improving access to health care services
for patients are welcome. Also, as Jose Gatell, one of the steering committee m
embers observed, there has been a remarkable progress in terms of reducing the a
mount of medication necessary and the possible side effects of these medicines.
However, with over 1.8 million people succumbing to the disease annually, there
is much more to be done. In short, the ISHIED conference is a slow yet sure step
towards progress, in the truest sense of the word.
Contact :
Alain Lafeuillade
3-5, Bd Paul-Emile Victor
Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

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