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t h e K e y o f D av i d R e p r i n t S e r i e s

A rt ic l e n u m be r R502

Matthew 24
C h r i s t ’ s m o s t p i vo t a l p r o p h e c y
R e pr i n t e d f rom t h e P h i l a de l ph i a Ne ws , Ja n ua ry-Fe brua ry 19 9 9
By Gerald Flurry

hen Christ walked this Earth, He Christ mentions that those who are loyal to Him will
proclaimed His most important prophetic be protected from all these things (verses 15-20, 40), just as
message. It is written in the 24th chapter of in the first century when Pella was the place where God
Matthew (Mark and Luke also wrote their protected His people. And yet, in a.d. 70 when all of this
versions). Matthew, of all the disciples, seemed to be the terrible destruction was going on, there was human canni-
most detailed in what he wrote. How exciting that must balism. Although we don’t like to think about or talk about
have been, to be there with the Son of the living God. What that, it happened; and God says it’s only a type of what is
an honor beyond measure! coming upon us in this end time if we don’t heed His mes-
But we live in exciting times as well. If we are willing, sage. This is a message of love, and it’s the only hope in this
we get to introduce Jesus Christ to this world. When you terrible world.
look at the book of Matthew, on the surface—especially In verse 3 the disciples asked for a sign, and Christ gave
chapter 24—there is a lot of bad news there. That is all being one major sign that shows we’re almost to the time of His
fulfilled right now. But there is also inspiring good news return. Verse 4: “And Jesus answered and said unto them,
beyond description. Take heed that no man deceive you.” This is religious decep-
Matthew 24 contains more prophecy than any other tion. Be careful when you listen to someone like me talk to
single Bible chapter. It’s been called the apocalypse of the you about the Bible. Jesus Christ said the biggest problem in
Gospels. Christ is speaking this Himself, and Matthew is the end time is religious deception. We have a responsibility
doing everything he can to record it just as Christ spoke it. If to prove whether someone is speaking from this book the
you are a Christian, you are “one who follows Christ.” And it way they should. Most do not.
is rare to see a person who really does that. Many talk about Christ is speaking to His disciples, and He said they
Christ, but how many really obey Him? would be deceived too. People who have the Spirit of
Many people reject the prophecies of Matthew 24, even God—who knew Christ and who were given all these
though they talk a lot about Matthew. Why? What about prophecies—will be deceived. An amazing prophecy! We
Matthew 24 seems to bother people? Is it the talk of the end must be awfully careful and deeply learn the Bible. Don’t
of the world? People have talked about the end of the world trust me—trust Christ.
for a long time. But Jesus Christ talked about the end of this This sign is about the gospel. But what is that? So many
age, a time entering into a wonderful world so beautiful it’s different versions of the gospel exist today. Christ said to
difficult to describe. beware, because people will tell you they are following
Read Matthew 24:1-2. The second temple, which was Christ. Most of them are probably sincere; but so was Hitler!
destroyed in a.d. 70, didn’t fulfill this prophecy: There is a Sincerity, of itself, is not enough.
more complete destruction coming in this end time. A time A well-known religious leader said, “The Bible says
is coming very soon when there won’t be one stone on top of clearly that God has already revealed Himself fully and
another, and Christ is not talking just about Jerusalem—but completely to us.” That is terribly wrong. “If we accept who
all Israel—America and Britain. It is a terrible time to Jesus is, as He is presented to us in the New Testament, then
come, with unparalleled destruction. we will not look for any further revelation, nor has God
I’m not trying to frighten anybody, rather just tell people promised any. God’s revelation is complete.” He’s saying that
what Christ said. Every single word will come to pass, and you don’t need any revelation after the first century.
many scriptures prove that the a.d. 70 crisis was only a type But you need all kinds of revelation. Remember, the
of greater end-time events. If people understood the depth whole world is deceived (Revelation 12:9)—religiously as
of this destruction, it would drive them to their knees. well. One third of the Bible is prophecy and 90 percent of it

Copyright © 2005 Philadelphia church of God

M at t h e w 2 4 — C h r i s t ’s M o s t P i vo ta l P ro p h e c y
is for today—90 percent of prophecy in the Bible won’t even it will abound in the end time—so bad that it even affects
be understood till this end time (Daniel 12:4, 9). Christ spoke God’s people who should know about the law. Most of them
of a man in this end time, an end-time Elijah—a human also have contempt toward the law.
being—who would restore all things just before Christ The love of many will wax cold. This is translated from
comes—including the true gospel (Matthew 17:10-11). If he the Greek agape—the love of God, the love He has to give
had to restore all things, then, as far as truth was concerned, to His Spirit-begotten people. They will lose the love He
everything must have been nearly lost. These are scriptures gave them.
ministers in the world do not usually come to grips with. Herbert Armstrong said in 1981 that moral decay is
You have to voluntarily prove this. Jesus Christ won’t becoming a bigger problem than the nuclear bomb. A num-
force this on you. That’s why we have trials—we have to see ber of studies have shown that moral decay is the chief
what we have done to ourselves, and then say, God, let me cause of nations falling. We’re all sinners, and I’m not trying
follow somebody other than a man. Most have to learn that to cast stones, but it is time to stop sinning. Christ sends His
by suffering. But you don’t have to learn it that way, if you message of love trying to stop moral—or spiritual—decay.
choose to follow God now. It’s just a message now; He won’t send the Great Tribulation
Verse 9 of Matthew 24 says people would kill Christ’s until He’s sent His message, His final warning. Then He will
disciples. This is dual. All of the first-century disciples were let us bring our own problems upon ourselves.
killed (except John) and the two witnesses will be killed in Everybody’s getting into lawlessness today. The only way to
the end time—and we don’t know who else. People don’t fight that is to get on your knees and pray to God for the power
like the truth; so, rather than accept the message, they kill to fight against it, to develop the kind of character He says we
the messenger. must have to ever get beyond this life (Matthew 5:48).
Verses 10-11: “And then shall many be offended, and shall The Week magazine, January 16, 1999, talks about how
betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many depraved Britain has become: terrible things like the rap-
false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many [“most of ing of 80-year-old women. How can it get more disgusting?
you,” Revised Standard Version and Moffatt].” This is for Soon, in Britain, the family will become a minority and
the end time more than any other time and is directed at those just living together the majority. In the recent White
Jesus’s disciples. It is not easy to follow God. But what a joy- House scandal, many said, “It’s just about sex.” No, it’s about
ous, wonderful way of life it is. fornication, adultery and lying! If we listen to Christ, we
Jesus Christ—the Son of God—ended up with only 120 know what it’s about. Usually, when people talk about “inap-
disciples. People don’t exactly want the truth, do they? propriate behavior,” they’re talking about lawlessness. Isn’t it
Verse 12: “And because iniquity shall abound [moral time, when talking about the well-being and survival of our
decay], the love of many shall wax cold.” “Iniquity” really nation, to call it what it is? That kind of sin abounds—not
means lawlessness. And today, it abounds. The main theme of just in the leaders, but in everybody.
the whole Bible is the law of God—the Ten Commandments. Moral decay will tear the nations of Israel apart. When
Yet many say they have been done away. They haven’t! Christ the family is upside down, that’s when Israel falls (Isaiah 3:12).
said that you must keep the commandments if you want to We’re all inclined to sin, because the carnal mind is enmity
enter into the Kingdom (Matthew 19:16-19). I’m not sorry toward God (Romans 8:7). But it doesn’t happen overnight;
if that offends people, because they must hear that. Jesus we wax cold. It’s just like the frog in the water: Put him in
is speaking of what we hear on the news practically every the pot and turn the fire on low and just let it heat gradually,
night—adultery, lying. It abounds—it’s all over the place. and he’ll boil to death.
Think of how much we’ve waxed cold since our fore-
fathers established the Constitution. A founder of the
Constitution, James Madison, said, “We have staked the
Everybody’s getting into lawlessness today. whole future of American civilization … on the capacity of
each and every one of us to govern ourselves according to the
The only way to fight that is to get on Ten Commandments of God.” Can you imagine a president
your knees and pray to God for the power saying that today? We’re awfully close to collapse unless we
to fight against it, to develop the kind of wake up. Another founder, John Adams, said, “Children
learn the meaning of morality, religion and respect for law
character He says we must have to from the habitual fidelity of their parents to one another.”
ever get beyond this life. Those men understood that. Abraham Lincoln said if we
forsake God, we will not bring this nation back together.
“The Lewinsky scandal has sparked a political
Armageddon in which almost every rule is broken, almost
Romans 13:8-10 equate the law with love, because they every tradition mocked” (Newsweek, January 7, 1999). We
are one and the same. The law tells you how to love each should be patriotic toward our country, but it’s mocking
other. In other words, if you love a person, don’t commit traditions today. The National Review stated, “Years of peace
adultery with his wife; don’t steal from him; don’t covet what and prosperity have made it into a feminized country in which
he has; don’t murder him. If you love that person, keep the compromise is valued over action and tough choices are
Ten Commandments. Love is the fulfilling of the law. The deferred for as long as possible.” This is about lawlessness.
love of God is that we keep His commandments (1 John 5:3). To solve our problems we will have to see that—or it will get
What is sin? It is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). a lot worse, and fast! When a society like this unravels, you
Christ specifically used the word lawlessness and said will see problems like you’ve never seen; so says your Bible.

key of david reprint series • page two

M at t h e w 2 4 — C h r i s t ’s M o s t P i vo ta l P ro p h e c y
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in God! This prophecy is obviously about nuclear warfare, yet
all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall people say, So what. Will they have to experience it before
the end come” (Matthew 24:14). This is the one specific they say more than “so what”? If we won’t listen to someone
sign Christ mentioned. Thayer’s Lexicon states, “What end like Churchill, we ought to listen to Christ. Not one word
is intended the reader must determine by the context.” So, of His will fail.
which “end” is this about? Obviously, when the gospel stops, “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ,
Matthew 24 will begin to be fulfilled at a rapid pace like or there; believe it not” (verse 23). Don’t listen to men who say
never before—no more delay (Revelation 10:6). God will not they know what Church you should be in; listen to Christ!
hold it back any more. “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and
There’s a two-fold sign here: 1) the gospel being preached
around the world, and then we’re in the end time; 2) when it
stops—and it has—we’re on a countdown to destruction, if As all these horrible signs come, we know
we don’t heed God’s Word. That’s where we are. Everything
really begins to accelerate after the man who preached the Christ is about to return. The gospel has
gospel is taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2). (For more already been preached worldwide, and now
information write for our free book, Malachi’s Message.) this final Matthew 24 warning is going out
Jesus said this gospel will be preached around the world,
and that will be a sign that the end of the age is here. If the gos- to the world. God says in Amos that He
pel had been preached around the world in a.d. 800 or 1,200, won’t pass this way anymore; He’s giving
that would have been the end of the age. So the gospel wasn’t one final warning. Christ will allow the
preached around the world from the first century to the last,
or it couldn’t be a sign. Christ is speaking of the true gospel. Tribulation and then He will return.
God gets specific: One man in this end time restored all
things—including the gospel (Matthew 17:10-11). “Behold,
I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it
great and dreadful Day of the lord” (Malachi 4:5). He has were possible, they shall deceive [lead astray] the very elect”
come and gone. (verse 24). But they can’t be led astray. They know what
After the gospel ceases, then an ominous sign: the Christ said and won’t let it go. They will have the highest
abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15). This is where reward in God’s Kingdom because of their loyalty when
all the trouble will be for America, Britain and Israel. most were turning away from Him.
Although we don’t know the day or the hour, we know Verses 29-30 actually contain good news: As all these
when this is at the door. God says watch the events. And He horrible signs come, we know Christ is about to return. The
says, let those who read this understand, or they are in trou- gospel has already been preached worldwide, and now this
ble—because here is what we will have to do: “Then let them final Matthew 24 warning is going out to the world. God
which be in Judaea flee into the mountains” (verse 16). Be says in Amos that He won’t pass this way any more; He’s
serious about your religion. God says you must have enough giving one final warning. Christ will allow the Tribulation
faith that when you see all this you run for your life. and then He will return.
Why isn’t religion more concerned about this today? “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is
These are Christ’s words. And He says if you don’t warn people, yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer
you’re guilty of murder (Ezekiel 33). I take that seriously. is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things,
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not know that it is near, even at the doors” (verses 32-33). Christ’s
since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever return is right at the door. He’s really coming back, and He
shall be” (verse 21). Suffering like never before because of will rule this world and show people, through a great turn-
nuclear, chemical and biological warfare. ing point in the history of man, how to be successful and
“And except those days should be shortened, there build a paradise on Earth.
should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days Christ rebuked the Pharisees because they couldn’t
shall be shortened” (verse 22). The good news is God will read the signs of the times (Luke 12:54-56). They couldn’t
shorten things and save us alive. But if He did not intervene, see that a.d. 70 was almost upon them. The Son of God,
there wouldn’t be anyone alive on this planet. He will let it Creator of the universe, was pleading with them, and they
go a long way, so people learn they can’t rule themselves. still wouldn’t listen. So that doesn’t make me feel inferior if
Men don’t know the way of peace. God knows—and if you some don’t listen today.
keep His law of love, it will bring great joy and happiness Robert Harris, in the Sunday Times, January 10, 199, said
in your life. that if you want to be a superpower, you need a strong leader,
Winston Churchill said after World War ii, “Mankind unity, and willingness to sacrifice your blood. America cer-
has never been in this position before. Without having tainly falls short in the latter two conditions. And what if
improved appreciably in virtue or enjoying wiser guidance, we have a crisis like the Great Depression? There will soon
it has got into its hands, for the first time, the tools by which be chaos as never before, Christ said.
it can unfailingly accomplish its own extermination.” We Either every word of this will be fulfilled, or God lied
can now exterminate human life. That’s the great, ultimate (Matthew 24:35). “Two women shall be grinding at the
achievement of man! mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left” (verse 41). A
If that is our ultimate accomplishment, isn’t there some- woman is a type of the Church. Two churches of God: one
thing terribly wrong with man? And he still won’t turn to that turned away, and one which God will protect.

key of david reprint series • page three

M at t h e w 2 4 — C h r i s t ’s M o s t P i vo ta l P ro p h e c y
“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord For God’s loyal people, He wants to make them rulers
doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house “over all his goods” (verses 46-47). That’s a fantastic prom-
had known in what watch the thief would come, he would ise—the whole universe. Hebrews 2 states, in one translation,
have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be “I will give you control over the whole universe.” But we have
broken up” (verses 42-43). Noah warned for 120 years; people to build some character first, or we’d wreck it, as Satan did.
still didn’t listen, and the Flood came suddenly. And in the You have to build character through keeping God’s law.
end time crisis will also come suddenly. Be alert for it. That’s so wonderful. How do you contain yourself when you
Meanwhile, Christ is upset with His lukewarm, or really understand that?
Laodicean, Church, because they wouldn’t give meat in Most of God’s people, since Christ didn’t return when
due season (verses 44‑45); they wouldn’t speak God’s Word, they expected, have said, “My lord delayeth his coming”
and 95 percent of them turned away instead of delivering (verse 48) and have given up and decided to break the law
His message. like everyone else.
The International Herald Tribune of December 19, 1998, “And shall begin to smite his fellowservants [or get
reported: “Earlier than many observers expected, Japanese carnal and do what everybody else does], and to eat and
investors are shifting out of U.S. dollars and into the curren- drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come
cies of Europe ….” China has already put half of its reserves in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that
in the euro. “A major exodus from the dollar into the euro he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint
by Asians, and in particular by Japan, ‘is the one thing the him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping
Americans walk in great fear of at the moment,’ said Noriko and gnashing of teeth” (verses 49-51). Fifty percent of God’s
Hama, an economist at the Mitsubishi Research Institute people lose their eternal life, and 50 percent turn it around
in Tokyo” (ibid.). in the Great Tribulation (Matthew 25:1-11).
The U.S. is the greatest debtor nation ever (but still, Satan has been cast down, and he’s full of wrath (Revelation
a nation that has all the wealth and the blessings due to 12:12). He is like a roaring lion and hates anybody who would
Abraham’s obedience). But almost nobody talks about the dare obey God. He desperately tries to destroy them.
debt. What would happen if Japan didn’t support our debt Out of billions of people, we have the unparalleled honor
anymore? That is serious, considering that one Japanese and opportunity of hearing God’s warning and receiving
leader said a few years ago, We might sell our U.S. Treasury His love and understanding His message. That is uniquely
bonds, and the market dropped 200 points in a day, just wonderful, but it requires obedience. Jesus Christ told us to
from hearing these words! Is this truly a strong economy if take heed and be ready. If we do this, He will make us rulers
people have such fear? over all His goods. And God has a lot of goods! ■

key of david reprint series • page four

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