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Private Sub Form_Load()

'REM Define Multiplying/Dividing Constant with 12 digits of decimal precision.

'REM This is the "Magic Number" needed to compute ranges of frequencies correctly
Dim FreqBase2Constant As Double
FreqBase2Constant = 1.059463094359

Dim Accumulator As Double

Dim MemoryList(13) As Double
Dim Semitonecount As Integer

'Do 1 Octave at a time (12) + 1 semitones).

'''Start with A-440 and calc. UP to A-880 (440*2):

''Accumulator = 440
''MemoryList(0) = Accumulator
''For Semitonecount = 1 To 12
'' Accumulator = Accumulator * FreqBase2Constant
'' MemoryList(Semitonecount) = Accumulator
''Next Semitonecount
'''TEST: DUMP the 13 values to RT Debug window
''For Semitonecount = 1 To 13
'' Debug.Print Str$(MemoryList(Semitonecount - 1))
''Next Semitonecount

'''Next do A-880 and calc. UP to A-1760 (880*2):

''Accumulator = 880
''MemoryList(0) = Accumulator
''For Semitonecount = 1 To 12

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