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C2 class only




2  Plan
‡ Important Dats
‡ Muscl Activity from Last w
‡ Enrgy Systms
‡ Homwor 2rm Rcap
‡ Muscl P ysiology
‡ Common Qustions Answr
‡ Exit Cars

Nxt w Larn muscl nams

an movmnts/xam rviw
Dats to Know
‡ Jun 10t  Exam
Rviw an Prsonal
Upats (Gracia an
Guillrmo Exam as
m for a rviw
pacag toay)
‡ Jun 3r Portfolio
Hlp (optional)
‡ Jun 17t  Portfolio
‡ Jun 17t  Exam
Activity Rcap
‡ Activity Rviw
‡ Ic Cub
‡ Han squs
‡ Wig t oling

W at os t is tll us about muscls?

Enrgy Systms
Anosin 2rip osp at
‡ 2 












2 r Enrgy Systms
‡ Immiat ³Explosiv
Enrgy Systm

‡ Nonoxiativ ³Anarobic
Enrgy Systm

‡ 2  Oxiativ ³Arobic
Enrgy Systm

Ex. Running in t 
Immiat ³Explosiv Enrgy Systm
‡ 10 scons or fwr
‡ Hig intnsity xrciss
‡ A2P prouction is immiat
vry fast
‡ No oxygn is us
‡ Ex. Wig t lifting picing up a
bag of grocris

‡ A2P an CP (Cratin

P osp atc mical t at clls
can us to ma A2P)
Nonoxiativ ³Anarobic Enrgy Systm
‡ 10 scons to 2 minuts
‡ Hig intnsity xrciss
‡ Rapi prouction of A2P
‡ No oxygn us
‡ Ex. Running up stairs 400
mtr run.

‡ Muscl stors of glycogn an

Oxiativ (Arobic) Enrgy Systm
‡ Mor t an 2 minuts
‡ Low to morat intnsity activity
‡ Slowr but prolong rat of A2P
‡ Uss Oxygn to gnrat A2P
‡ Ex. 1500 mtr run 30 minut
wal staning in a ling lin

‡ Boy stors of glucos fat

glycogn an protin
2  Ovrtraining Synrom
‡ 10% to 20% of at lts
xprinc t 
synrom of

‡ A rsult of complx
intractions among
biological an
psyc ological
Symptoms of Ovrtraining
‡ Unxplain an
prsistntly poor
prformanc an ig
fatigu ratings
‡ Prolong rcovry from
typical training sssions or
comptitiv vnts
‡ Disturb moo stats
c aractri by gnral
fatigu apat y prssion
irritability an loss of
comptitiv riv
Ovrtraining Continu«
‡ Prsistnt flings of muscl
sornss an stiffnss in muscls
an joints
‡ Elvat rsting puls an
incras suscptibility to uppr
rspiratory tract infctions (altr
immun function) an
gastrointstinal isturbancs
‡ Insomnia
‡ Loss of apptit wig t loss an
inability to maintain propr boy
wig t for comptition
‡ Ovrus injuris
2raining Principls Rviw

‡ Ac iving t  appropriat ovrloa rquirs manipulating
combinations of training frquncy intnsity an uration wit
focus on xrcis mo

‡ Rfrs to aaptations in mtabolic an p ysiologic systms t at
pn on t  typ of ovrloa impos
‡  !
‡ Variations in training rsponss among iniviuals
‡ !"
‡ Dtraining occurs rlativly rapily w n a prson quits t ir
xrcis training rgimn
In orr to improv«.
Muscl Function
Function of t s Structurs
‡ #
‡ #
‡ | !#
‡ $ !#
‡ %#
‡ %&#
‡ '! #
‡ |! !#
‡ !! #
Organiation of Muscls
‡ Boy as approximatly 434 muscls w ic is
approximatly 4045% of total boy wig t.
‡ 75 pairs of muscls rsponsibl for postur.
‡ Diffrnt typs of muscls
‡ Smoot
‡ Cariac
‡ Sltal
Muscl Movmnt
‡ W n a muscl contracts (s ortns) it movs a bon by
pulling on t  tnon t at attac s to t  muscl of t 

Bon A Bon B

If bon A is immobil?
If bon B is immobil?
If bot bons ar immobil?

If bot muscls contract simultanously w at will b t  ffct on t  joint in t 

2yps of Movmnt
‡ Passiv Movmnt
‡ Activ Assist Movmnt
‡ Activ Movmnt
2yps of Contractions
‡ Concntric Contraction
muscl s ortns

‡ Eccntric Contraction muscl

lngt ns

‡ Isomtric Contraction muscl

contracts but os not
c ang in lngt
Componnts of Sltal Muscl 2issu
‡ Muscls consist of & !
"!(singl muscl cll)
connct in bunls.
‡ A singl muscl is ma up
of many bunls of m.f.
an is covr by layrs of
connctiv tissu (call
!) t at ol t  fibrs
togt r.
‡ 2  fascia t at ncass
an ntir muscl is call
&! &. Fascia also
pntrats muscl
sparating muscl fibrs
into bunls call
! (
Muscl Fibrs
‡ Muscl fibrs ar ma up
of smallr units call
‡ W n your muscls ar
givn t  signal to
contract protin filamnts
(actin an myosin) wit in
t  myofibrils sli across
on anot r causing t 
muscl to s ortn.
Strngt 2raining
‡ Strngt training causs
t  si of iniviual
muscl fibrs to incras
by incrasing t  numbr of
‡ Largr muscl fibrs=
largr an strongr muscl.
‡ Dvlopmnt of larg
muscl fibrs is call
ëë. Inactivity
causs ë.
Fast 2witc an Slow 2witc Fibrs
‡ Strngt  Sp of
Contraction Enrgy Sourc
‡ ))ë"!#
fatigu rsistant on¶t
contract as rapily or
strongly as F2F. Primary
nrgy sourc is arobic
‡ !)ë"!#fatigu
mor quicly contract mor
rapily an strongly t an
S2F. Rly mor on
anarobic (nonoxiativ)
« Continu
‡ Most muscls contain a
mixtur of S2F an F2F.
‡ Varis amongst iniviuals
proportion is largly fix at
birt .
‡ 2yp of fibr t at acts
pns on activity
(Enuranc vs. Powr)
‡ Strngt training can incras
t  si an strngt of bot
fast an slow twitc fibrs
alt oug fasttwitc fibrs ar
prfrntially incras.
Motor Units
‡ Boy rcruits motor units to
contract muscls.
‡ | !*nrv(initiats
movmnt) connct to on or
mor muscl fibrs.
‡ Motor units can b connct to
btwn two an unrs of
muscl fibrs
‡ W n a motor nrv calls on its
fibrs to contract all fibrs
contract to full capacity.
‡ 2  numbr of motor units
rcruit pns on amount of
strngt rquir.
Muscl Larning/ Strngt 2raining
‡ Strngt training improvs
t  boy¶s ability to rcruit
motor units & !
%+ w ic incrass
strngt vn bfor muscl
si incrass.
‡ Strngt training incrass
muscl strngt bcaus it
incrass t  si of t 
muscl fibrs an improvs
t  boy¶s ability to call on
motor units to xrt forc.
P ysiological C angs an Bnfits from
Strngt 2raining
ë% $!
‡ Incras muscl mass ‡ Incras muscular strngt
‡ Improv boy composition
‡ Improv mtabolism
‡ 2on alt y muscls

‡ Incras utiliation of motor ‡ Incras muscular strngt

units uring contractions an powr

‡ Incras coorination of ‡ Incras muscular strngt

motor units. an powr

‡ Incras strngt of tnons ‡ Lowr ris of injury to t s

ligamnts an bons. tissus
ë% $!
‡ Incras storag of ful in Incras rsistanc to muscl fatigu

‡ Incras si of fasttwitc Incras muscular strngt an

muscls (strngt or nuranc?) powr

‡ Incras si of slow twitc

muscls (strngt or nuranc?) Incras muscular nuranc
‡ Incras bloo supply to muscls
( ig rp)

Incras livry of oxygn an

‡ Improv bloo fat lvls nutrints
Incras limination of wasts

Ruc ris of art isas

Common Qustions Answr
Pr2 oug ts
‡ Ar mn strongr t an woman? Explain.
‡ How long o you av to train(strngt ) bfor you s
c angs in your boy? Explain.
‡ Will you gain wig t if you o rsistanc xrciss?
‡ If you stop training will your muscls turn to fat? Explain
‡ Will strngt training improv your circus sills? Explain.
‡ W at causs muscl sornss t  ay or two aftr
training? Explain.
‡ How o your muscls wor? Explain.
‡ Dos strngt training av an ffct on your
mtabolism? Explain
Ar mn strongr t an woman?
‡ Mn ar gnrally strongr
t an womn (largr bois
ovrall an a largr proportion
of t ir total boy mass is
ma up of muscl.)
‡ W n strngt is xprss
pr unit of cross sctional ara
of muscl tissu mn ar only
12% strongr t an womn in
t  uppr boy an qual in
t  lowr boy.
‡ Iniviual muscl fibrs ar
largr in mn mtabolism
about t  sam.
‡ ««
‡ W y? 2stostron (610 x
ig r in mn) promots
growt in muscl tissu.
‡ Womn gain muscl an
improv boy composition
t roug strngt training
(not as buly as mn)
‡ Ol ag bot mn an
womn los powr as t y
ag but mn start wit
mor powr.
‡ 2rat vryon as an
How long must I wig t train bfor I s
c angs in my boy?
‡ Vry rapily in t  arly stags
(muscl larning)

‡ Actual c angs in muscl si

usually bgin aftr 6 ws
of training.
Will I gain wig t if I o rsistanc
‡ Your wig t s oul not s
major c angs as a rsult of
a gnral fitnss program
12 rps of 10 xrciss.

‡ Incras muscl mass

cras boy fat. Wig t
s oul rmain rlativly
How os strngt training ffct my
‡ Mtabolism is t  sum of all t 
c mical procsss ncssary to
maintain t  boy.
‡ Mtabolism convrts ful(caloris)
to nrgy

‡ 2  rat at w ic your boy uss

nrgymtabolic rat pns on
your lvl of activity.
Rst=low mtabolic activity
Jog= ig r mtabolic activity

‡ Muscl training incrass your

mtabolism w ic mans you burn
mor caloris vry ay.
W at causs muscl sornss t  ay or
two following a wig t training worout?
‡ Injury to t  muscl fibrs an
surrouning connctiv tissu.
‡ Scintists bliv t at it causs
inflammation w ic triggrs t 
rlas of c micals t at bra
own part of t  muscl tissu
an caus pain.
‡ Aftrwars t  muscls prouc
protctiv protins t at prvnt
sornss uring futur worouts.
‡ If you on¶t wor out rgularly
you los t s protctiv protins.
Will strngt training improv my circus
‡ It os not automatically
incras your powr as it
rquirs coorination
btwn your nrvous
systm an t  muscls.
‡ Movmnts rflxstrngt
training can imp
‡ Practic sills
simultanously w il
strngt training.
If I stop training will my muscls turn to
‡ No. Fat an muscl ar
two iffrnt typs of

‡ Muscls t at ar not us

bcom smallr
(atrop y/ yprtrop y?)

‡ Boy fat may incras if

caloric inta xcs
caloris burn.
Larning t  muscls «
‡ Examin your currnt strngt training program.

‡ 2ry out on of t  xrciss an intify t  spcific muscls

an/or aras in w ic you fl t  strngt ning.
‡ Us a colour sc m to intify t  xrcis an ara t at you
fl t  strngt ning . Rcor it on your anout. B as
spcific as possibl.
‡ Rpat will all of your xrciss.

W ic muscls ar most prominnt in your training program?

Ar you nglcting crtain aras you fl you n mor
training? Ar you satisfi wit your currnt program? W at
c angs can you ma? (Writ own t  answrs to t s
qustions on t  bac of your anout.)
‡ Ensur t at t is activity is complt in your portfolio.
Portfolio to at
‡ W at I Know
‡ W at I want to now
‡ Mical 2rminology Qustionnair
‡ (Optional)Altrnativ 2ratmnt Hanout
‡ 2aping Activity/ Articl about 2aping
‡ Bon Rcorr
‡ Copy of Classroom activity Muscl fatigu
‡ Muscl Dfinitions
‡ Musculation Program Colour Coing
‡ Aitional Rsarc Articls!
‡ Ias«
‡ *If you miss a class it is your rsponsibility to fin out w at was
miss/ if you n any anouts.
Exit Cars

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