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TlMis,ll[iO~1eais,clBwl~ed t{), create ,aware.n~ amo:n~t Ule sMreholders of the oorplDi'Me ge~fif lin Ute oom;p:31l~,,M ~MeiFrign~, 'wlllh tilie! aim to enSllJi8! Imllem1lets'p;al1icipa~jon inl the company's iBffairS,,a~d ireS oomp-Sal'i»te with tne pro'iisioos The soorehold:ers ,are!en1ilrEdlto ~:iitrioosrigrut:$,,as,pioii¥ided unaet I.M li.arrous pro'tisiOO1S of 'tile OCII'iipi9Jiliet O,tlimi9ii1oo, 19$4. (till!::!~Qi.omano!::'1" The real eX_ef{jjSE:' of~se lights nM o:nly p:ro~ !heir interests but a1so, results, in 'the effettive ilililplerii~n~a~ion or g:ooo 9!Jve.rnance piindples in ,the {}offPDta~e efllterpiise~c Tihe booklet hi~hlrehts, IMe beslc of ~e, ~:iiJ\elWlde~ rigflt.s ,artD lheir Ir8~perji'i'e ~mp<!i1:iiJlloe~ sltareho.1ders! paFlicipsliOfl ilil the ,affairs o~,al 'The oompany is encculI'8gEd wi~h ~peti:iil emilpha~is on 1llie' ~8ile~ldBi$' lre~ponsibilimes,t~, mooi~fii III1e ,adivilies oUlte liililanagemil.enuoo t{)"BIilSU~ 'the 00 rpo r3 r.e"DlJrmpl iance .

When you Ibuy iii ~a:t!e' itJ a oomp,EIl:V, you become ~ pari, 'OiitfIBi of that oompany_ Under mFrip:iiFl1JIffi\\', this, (i-weooip enmles ~oo to tei1altl ~iglitcS. SiJiWle! Hhe.&e ngfJrrnIN:!I~~e, o lO'ffinandal ~ped.S, of'lInins soores iBM some lrela~e,ro Ul€ ooriili'ilLlnieaDJOm be~een lfIe ,oolimpan~ and '~he slOOrehold:er ~ncludU1gl~e, atoooo you ean ~ake tQ, m~~B' your ~W3 ~OOWll1 on 'the: rnmp.:iiny's, perffitilTIaJllDe"aJild ,adJons. TiMe~lllSl, iinle:J:.aJial,incltJoE 1iiiE:,~
j j

a), Ib) t} eI)

righl: ro ~he offer' of shares by 'ttJe 'Dilmp:iitl~ at the ~iFrieof fulrtheriss.ue of sheres: righi, 'to lfi!:!cei'lB'oniidends: nghl: 10 Iparnfiipate iB~ ,,,Ole ilil 9etJe;,r.a~ iI€E!Ilin'igs; m righl: ttl elect and E'emO'!iedfi'E:ctors:

t) ,gl) hi) i}


IrigN ito oonfesl:eleaoon ~JJthe pfil3ition ,o-fdiieC:Ullf: lrigh~IbJ appoirnt 2ludJttirs"ano 'rh ~h€ilf r-emu:neg,a_licm; righI, bJ reaeiire r'E!gidUalasse,l£ '~rriE!!G1 t , 'ir"inilli~ IUp of 'trJeDDIll:pa:tJ~; righl,ilO rna.V€: di~retJ~ peruildica~ repoits; and righl,to Iila,veaDDess to reitail'i linffilifnation Gf,oomnpan~_



As, ,Oiffllei$ of ~e, Dompan~~ ,sharetuJki61,S ~8r1ie ,a unique [Ielations_hip to 'tile ~oord ,ano Ihe li'hlnatle:fililent. Tlle.~' iiil!lSt (,ely on U\e 0081'0 cIf'di~cOOf&J iNIOOmtll iheyeleeUilf lililiilmuli_ging .afI)Jirs.of'the' company, using th€dr riglit 10 i.itihe at the stia:t,elOOlders" m~~ili.9s .. Til pti,~ their iolflg.;te:mi ec:cmamtic inteflesEcS; ~8i!eooldeH; OO!;'8; ,8, ~oosiDjli!y 10 monitor U1€ oondud: o~Ute Doom of

dilfectti~. ,aM exeioise, 1iIlef1' 'i'oUtlgl righl5 by C~~fig 1illoog~Lful and i~FlI'n€ol oores:ltJatsiilr~l!IBre their floonl and mii1elfiliitere8~. JIJ'IOOu;gn e:tr:erj.i'i'e,exercise 00 1iiie,\W~i~ r~giirts is U)e, ~~ rnechanlOO1lly the 'i-'fhicll1ihe :S'ha:r,eBilililtJers an plg~ a r'oi:e in '~hegtwem8Roo of1iile' oorptU'aoon. t c I~is ahti, ilflptlrlant that 'bhe sha~okIets aIJ,l,!~~ kleep a wahJhful eye on ,the: affairs, ,of 'Nie C:01iIiIpan)f ,and ,elilsUIie 1illa~ the rnanagernelilt i~ a_-~1ililg Mol pe-.rfuril\lng lls aUlies in iJompliiBlice 'llitlil ~he p.~11S ,M !.a'll. Sill8reoolrje~ $hoold promote miI.ore,effecti,,!::! oorpDfate go\refli:anre in the 'OOlfliip811rJ aJ10l e~re Ihat 'bhe aorlP!Jl,ale g~lTlaJilDe, rpratlIDes meiM Ihigh ~'t§nd.ams of acooon~_a1Jilityiij~n~arell-q aoo fiduciary responsiDilil~: Sherehaade:ts fFlIlIst e~re 'b'hat Utoe affairs fif Ihe Dom;pan~' ar'E!!iJei;n91oondu~ by 'tI1e Imll81!l8gelflii.ent. tne. best interests of the 3Hiareholo:ern. in


Holdilng 'YourShal~es;:

IBeing al :Sha1!elOOlde-r a {;.o.lfIiipaJif~ !ilf h,;]!j'in,g 8J :ghaJfernpnal mtl.ealilsthatt ytiUI ~eaJme holder of 3~re, scrip er atfJer-seQjrit~: A soore represetltcS :3J pan, i)"f 1iIIe, c:a:pilaJoft'he OOrii~n,y micn 9iv~ yoU a wting righi, in ~ com-p8n~' anol ~ul'name lisente.r,ea in the reg[@te:r(JhfifHliDe~.1I'lhe liabilil,~ of'a shareholder of ,aI romprany liriii~E!clby sillares is l[mjitedi ro the arm.oul1lt or h~ nominal share,

whi~ m~n_~ UlaUhe i1Jrdy risK,M runs IDUila~"oflosing hi8 inmal O:lJ~l8iYi 11181 at e'l'ent orlhe wJndin.g up mthe company.

The snare D~tes Dooslitute ODOUlTJ.ienttIJf)' ;evideIiiDB'of mle of'UllB' slt~res. Tihe loollilipany is required 1.0 issu:€ slt~re aertili:mtiBs ~Jl 1tilB: :warelwlrien"$ within ninety o~~,s of '~he all~menl: of' shares. If! case· of lfi8intai~in9 o-f acooont in cen~rall ~~ry~ :shareg are required '~IJ; Il.e ~isreredl ffI name of d 11118: sharehakle:rwi~'hil!l fI~r-edays. [SecliEm '74 of ~heOrdin~noo]

Tihe :tllila~h.(jldeF oos a ITghtt(].,ap~ 10 lite oomnpaDyfortQ,e h!iSJ1IB'ilf d!Jpliaa~f1:i oop-Y,of tllle: :share. Detlm{~te., if 'bhe.share c~te' is IoS~, mulilated or rom. The company 8Jftgi'oonduCli~ ,an €litjU"rt lin!!) lite mot; 'lIIDlild eilher issue 'ltie d!1,plimte ,oBrnncme wilh1:n'fOFlr~ if~ys lOrcomm!J1iicarl:e lref~1 'wi~l;jn thirty d~1J$Cifthe ~,pp1ita,tion. [Sedion 75 anhe OntiioolU~

Tihe :share 'Hililbsfer is req!llirOO iI.O b€ reg~rerOO and share De~tes durry tta~f'erred lin 'favour of Ihe ilrnnltlf'e1,eeiliJJ'8' to be issued wilhrtl bft)i".-fM:: d~~ from 1IiIe, dMe of 1iiIe,applireoon r(]~ 'N,ansrer or shares. fran.slet D:eeGS are aCDeptedl by IlI1e diretb:Jrs and ,entereo inlo 1Jiie:j,egister (If members of tile oompany .. In ca~e ,of aDOO!JiI~, ill 00 ooa I depcBi\iJ'J)', transfer is IrBgist.ereol within 'fi'o'e d~. l-OOwevf:f,. the d"['E:dJJf:s may refuiSB' the: 1ia~fer O'f sheres lnoof'yililgthe ilef'OOlS o~ il1NfiICdil,~.0 1IliIe, 'bj,ansreree 'ttJrough :5eooilll9 a oo~iDe 1 within a peood (if thirty ~aflf3'a-fil:erthe loogemetlt olthe in~"rume:ii~ (if rransf:eF with 'ttJec[;mpa:n~~
llil case" 'Ei'aTlsfiereela ilii cenlral iClepo.&lrory, the r'efUiial sh:e.llile made Mlliinl 1We daoys. tf sooFil.CiJlJtriiings are patii~f1:d ~!Jt. '~'helransfet 1fi8~' ,again IDe rem ~CQge-d ,aftef r,en1W!j',a~f Ine :~hortomtirtlg~\. [:SooOOn~.7~ to 7~ of 'tile o OroiooflCe~

The sha:r,eiilDl:ders have been plTINirloo 8J rir)hl, ro mak_e an :appeal ID 1he i5oflilimis&lon ag:ailfiStrefusal o'lIaoof'erot:sh8lr.~, by h Qom;pan~within :5idy d~ys,of Iffif~L The' Corn:missioo Iila_s,the p0Wet to Cil.der fue' oompanlij 10 [<.egisbe~ snare ~n_3fet after giving reasooaIJle oo~iDeand ,opporlluliiity of the he-,alingl, whim is required '00' he im;plernelilt€~ by ~he company \wilhtn iift~nl d~ys.[Se@lion, 78·,A,'fif'ti1eOm n8JIce]


Rights, ~sslilies ~"A rught in capi~3111 inc!~eases:

F!Ji!JIDIjme m 1ifIme',.a oootp8tly ms.y wish to mue -runner Cf<pi~alkl" a :sh8i!elOOlder ':roo Iilawe a pre·emp'(j\fe ri,aht ill ~r11Ilcipsle in 8J Ri~h~s Issue, Tihis, is where 'N'JeoormpaDy asks e:(isblnfj sharehaklets if Ihe~ 'IM8Jn~, mJuli ro new t<:ha:t'8{3, imthe OOni~n.,yj [j; onne, ~istin9 stJares hald Ib~;each liiJ1le~et; ii'r'e~p~ or IIIle 0IS_8:3, nf shares, SlIDh off€r is made by 8J oo~iDe rent IJl llilliermets spdyingl fue'numtef' ,M shares ill 'wieh ~h~ member h~ en1illed anrl p:N::~cnbing time ~iWIi~, willUn 'iihicillrF ,offer not 8DDepted will be deemed ,~, be d~noo. The COO'i,panf' :S€oos Iprreserii)ed dItUlar '~ ti1e members :alongwi~h me oo~ice m.aki~ lite said O'ff'e1:[Se.ttron B~(1 Ma) antle: OKiioore~ If they decl1iie 10 s!lbstribe (Of ~M 'rurll\~r issu:e 'olf make 00' re5'poose 1£iIe' d i'"OO\iJj,s ma~1",sol:tne SOOF€SiI.O ~ale:dettlt, 8$lhe~ de-em"fIL I[Sedion m3('1) ofllte Oroinafire~
ill 1iile: issue,

Ho!lleV€r. ffI case of,alptlblic 00 mpran y; the ffi€ml:iErg, can app~ iissu8lnce of rnrllher shares withoul, right offer- through passing a :~pe.olsl r,e~o'lulion, 8ti0' 5tlbjet:1 iI.O Ute :appf'01ltillI',of'bhe ommission ..[SOO1Ion C ,8®('11} Oml€ Oroinlsooe~


Right: to be, inFOnTiled c:n: aJiI~1a;PiP:F'OlIe y,a~i:ation O'f' " ~shal~eMio!l~er's, I~ights,:

V-anabkln of rigNs moons .sbragati.on. Iie'l'ooatioo or enlla~me:n~, of 1he lrights ofi1i1e,shiireho1ders. sum vtilloo~ioois !effected b~:an ame.nd'melitt iFi'tile Md:es of ;!\sstit:iaooll reg~m:ing 1fiie: r%ll'rts, of Ihe :Eih81,e orders; ilii tile msminer proNitled !lIn(f.erS~:onl :28 ilJf Ih.€ Ord'init.lnc:e. ~J1(!f of 1fiie:dass of sh8i,eoolders a,-ggtie.ved by 'bhe Y81iation ,of lfi911~s an 'file: pebltion ~ebl~ 'tile c

High c,oUJt fur,alil orner canoe ifig the: resolutioml, mimin IhITtyda~ls{l1the dale oftne, re:ooh1iIDnli'atying Uileir riglfrts. [Setoon 108 of the OrainBfire]. '

k1. ,:!Ii 300reholdEr yO'u he~e, 8i rngM ID a s,'haN'!!:ill1i ciJ.mp8in~!seammg~. Thi~ tne: lis ,called dirWjendl and i.3.~e share iill net profits 'lnal is dislribu~ 10 ~8i,eOOlders. This soore varies aoooroi~ tQ'the reSiJl~ of the rom~riIY. I)i'i'id~nds are paid ·out to all re,gislaecl s1ilarelwldoers... 1~':rtlljJokl ~refefWIlje h ~ai,eft you 'wi~ usuall~' ,get a hd dPilidend, with wiII taf:ie, pt,iiliity lP~yment3.,ofdilrirloodl'rD,ilidina~ sh.careho1ers. d

The ooardl of d redilt.s reCCllililmetilds.he di'Jia:.eru1. nd ~lJmjts the same 10 t a 'lEe' sJiialfehold:ern, ffif ,appw't,al in its g,oel'L€ralmee~ilt9- Di'o'ioolltl is, d-eclaretl i}y me: liililemhets iii ,al'9ooeo.r,a~ mooting, being a pari: of 'the rneeblng"-s,agenda. HQ~r. 00 dh/icilelild :sh8l11exoeed 'tne :3:rnHJun~, ret_mended by tile direCttim. ,A,s peF!liiW, where. the di'Jio;entls ~'land'~ declared" ~he rompanry CBntlol wmh·lwld (in" defer its p,ayliienl, and is ~oosible 10 make 'the lP~yment iftithili rorlly ..fI'i'e daY3' of ~~rnliorllin of a li.3led oom:pa:n~atJd within ,thimL~f in case ([~,anyQ~herc01llilpan~:.In case" the ooliipany fails, ~"o oa~s liilila~ 'tne said pa:rrnent 1Ni~h~Ihe speoifled '~ime period, siJlljem to 'Den'tainl pm!jisioos. the threff ex€tuU\fe !Jof iltiIe OOri'i~Il:Y is liable, ro ~iial actiml. I[Sedions,:2..48tliJ 251 mthe Omin~ncell


Ath:!'llfi oliuIi9 tl~le Mooling~,

Ie(Im Ipa n y~ls ,/ul1I ilIll!il,a ~ G e ilIlle r,a I

E~efiJ company mJusl. held ani Annuall Ge.netall M\eetiiilgi once :8 ~e§r. ;SlilareholD:ers,nose names. are QIilthe r,egister liiave ,the ngN 'bO, atte.n~ :5:tJth llilllee:~n~ and they iiil!J5t be soo~ a oolioe ,of me' meeting at leas~ 21 d~ys before Ihe ~ate h"eti ror,the rmeelin:g_[Sedian 158.ot1file·Qrd!.natloe]

SOOF€hold~rn,should be intf()lliJiledof the: rules, ioouciing 'iffiting procedures, whicl1govem ~rternlllir:iE:etin9S. tlnaJ'E:holderrs sooukl be gi"en: .. S!jflh::ien~, 300 '~]mely m~[,:3DOUtI.M date. iDca'li:onl and ,:3genlda; rncllDrli~ the iS5Ue:5 In be decided i:3~,'the mee1in9J. l~~ice oS Ihe generral me. e1fn gl, ®jled:rying 1li1e, ay; d time and plare ,nf the fVIeemng ;800 ,8J slaTement or 'the bu~~ to be tlf,:3I!JSBdedwi~h ~IIrm~eool ~~ is,req;uirr€dl 1.0 be.seMto e';'ety meliibe~ of Ihe oornpany" ~t !€~t2:1' d~ys iDe.ior<e. Ihe meeting. 'II.IliIere ,:3I11Y bUElitll~'~' O1ll1elf Ihanl ominaF)l' Du.&iness Ui§l~ is any ,spe-oi:3~business is to be :ttan.~ered] ,:31, 'g~nera1liieelj~, iii :stat,elflfl,en~:3etlliillg oiJlt ;alii a m:3.~ef~:3J~:3G1Soonce:mOiQI su¢h business, inclooi~ inl p:miotilar Ule liI:3rute' alfid e.xtent of lhe [nhelfest ,of aiirY directclF; is also enclosed] wilh the oo~.iae. In case, of listed' ooliip,aroe3, OO~iDe~:3Fe 8.100'pulilis~d in Eftlg~ll and Urnul i newspapers D:3wing drcu1:3liCln iiil the PF01.riincewere the [,ete!jl,:3ot :srook ~:3nge ,eri~ts_ [Setlion 158(3), 1:59(7); ~fID('1~{al) tlb) ofthe QrdSn8lnce] O~pcmulliLy ~[);pl:3ce iiems on the agenda lo,f n;eeb]n~; ~iject to re8iOOn:abte liiililm:3lioos_ [SetlIDn 164 of the. OITCIioollte I

i:31iJJiJ'a1 ~FL€rnlliieelin,g getletal m~tings aJe :~impty iJom;p8.fl~'S ~e1iillgt3., ob'her Ihanl and ij}e s~al!J1.oJy fii~tin9 .. Dii'elJtOrn ,ofleill have, 10 Gtill ~hefii '~ tr,:3~t~, ~~I oosiness artd to oollSide.r i:3ny l"fifI~r that If,.equfi!es,the appi()'j,l&l in a general SMFeholders, rep:rei.tlenli~ net ~e8s,'IF1:3Jii one·~eliftn o~ Ute 001ing po.weF; Ita'le: the ~nt t~ force the Boord 10 mlli:3tl EdFaiirdinary,G.enern1 Me.~gl by makling ~ [,.equi~nl.

If ilhe direcbtJrn, do IW~ pm¢eed ''11days "frfilil1l Ihe dale: [on wich the: IrEqu~iiI is, deposjtedl; t(l' mlJiSe 3 iiIiIeeling; the SOOliEhoi!f.ers, may 1iile~I'i'~ ca11 mee:tirng'with is,required to be ~ekI will1m '~hree!riflonlhtS the: oHliIe,da'te oh'!eqliisition and claim badi.their,e'):pell$.'€s., o~,an1 E.oGM rii!1iMbe,sen!,'btJ, he meom'bers,at leas), 2:1d~~,s before 'tile ~ date Onll€ ifIee~ing. ~owe'lrer, '~heregii'Ul'iBriiiay ali~horize such lii~tin91Jj be ~ek1 ,at a ooOiter InOOoo~1i1 21 d~i !!Jill an ap;pllmtioll1 by Ih'€ OOrii~ii(y·. I[SedJon 199"ottI1e Om nance]

Aoopyof oiaft r!es~ulions 'blJ be plaoed Ui ,aoom;pan~\s r&letle;allriflee~j~ 'GUier 'IEaill lrooffine aoo procedural resorutioos 'is lr~u[j,ed to Ibe ~ni t{j, each liililenIDef aloogwith Uile noe o~ Ule IlTleetilng.The rtternbeiID It~",i~ not I~ 1Ean ~Q.% :5I1i81,eB, the 'i!rnmgl rigilts, can alsD Pf'DpOO@ a if,e'.tlolution and ,fit ~bmit it 10 Uile C~p8tl~_ I_nCa_8e (,a,r:iiieMi~ reqljJisi~iooed by-the liftlem.1Jers; o the' drnft resolution lis 'fCJf'liffinf.edl order to ream the OOriipany" ;iillong-wilh in 1he~ r,eQlii~l1i:onl im case' of',amry aoo ,o:1l\erlfiIiIee1ing,alleasl1:S. da,p3,prior 10 the lmilee:~n9.[Set.oon1M of]


,Spe c'uiilil R.ieso'lluticns art Mee,~jlng:


Com PiiIJny~s IG'e il11 e it~~'

Under ~he C'.:oriip:8lllies, JditJ:3JiIae~ 9.84; 8J sp.ecia1f'Bsillulian is ;iii O 1 whicl"i ~ passed by riliLajClii~of nnt less I.h_~nl thr-€e,.rounES of suUtllOOmben"$ en1illed 10 vote its,are. p~nt in pernoo or b~ prox~ riieeli~ and a 21 d:3r~,poor nDti,re of whim ItcasbEe.n senl, to alii SchareiiloMets; ~'pemyrlilgl 1iile:in;entioo ~o propCi&e, a special resOOJ~ioo_A ropy ;00 elf;ery Sipetia II Ir'-e30Iu~onis rn~uu,ed to DB''ffJl'1iiaroed 1"0an~ $hatenoldelf o.n hls re:qI!H:S~,on JPii(yment of'~ atOO!lIn~"as, PJ,esCfiibe;rl .y Ihe ,oompaJil~_[Se!tlion 1'72,(3) ohhe o OKiioofK:e~


Right, to ,seek eo~i1:declillrrii~joiifi~D' ilny,alii:~late ~he! proooedii'migs 'Qf~agellfiera,lllmee1Jn,gl:

powers in Uile,oompa!1:Y, 'flor ail;Y I'Mrenal deled: '!Jf omi$,~ion illl Nle oolite or ini!e9ul~rily' 'oosell\l"€d illl 'tile prc!Jeedililg~, 'D1f a ,general meelllilg, whim prevented memhers from u~ingl efteetively their righls, rm~ me, 8J pe~itioo ~nthe Court 'lAlliin ~hirty d8~s obtJchi liiI1Iee~n9' The (~OljJl1 may .oeel:3J',e, fue prGtDeooings of' :sudl ,:3J lifleebin9 ,~ linwHdl and dfJ',eCl,hold"ng o[ a Il"dJ 'general WtIl::e:~n9,Sectioo 16'0' A o~'the [ OKliooooe ~

The fiieiililbets liia,~JiJgl31:

re~t 10 % !JIf tiile vo~ili9

Sooreholders, 8:f.e~ 85_Kedlb~ the. company In \!tite ,00 ifiiporilan~, ma'IJets; 'iffiich ;afteet lite oorlilpany_ !j!lt8rehn1ders should rnrefull)f 'OOll1lsider deci.sIDnl 10 '~he lbenefitwmn eJrercismgl'~heir'lj\oJi~ righ~~t E~ery sltareho1der rna:s,, prqprmiDlIial:e. 'ttl Ute paid !liP' value of' :sha~ v carnyin9 \l\Dli"9 rigl'ru, held by hUn ,a.cromingl 'ttl the etrti~le~nt of"ttJe dass of StJch :&1ia:t,e3cHOWeN'tfH;8~ the !Jo'ling 1fbi"OOgnsoow of hands; ie\ie:ry iiflemheF; presenHo[ lite llme being" MS ilJlile 1J.{i~e. IMiJ,member holdSn9 shares ,esnvying v.o~.ii\9 righls ~ha11 :be delJaned rronml casting hi.s,'l!ote" IilDi!Si1a anyttiling rnrrtain.edl ttl the arlicies h:3ii.l'e'b'he. erf'ect of so de'ba:tring hrm. [Seeoon1IS0(5:) of";h.e Ontliooll!tii

Tihe ma1,elOOldelf$ ~fil cast Uileir Wires, pe~fiall~' at a ,oompaJII~'\g liiPlee:ting, f-t.o~F, arr~ snarehold:er eri,ll.Ued to a'l:iI.eno and \OCl!E~ai, a lliiieelin:g esn appoofil, 9tlH}llier pe~nl as h~ Pi'O$!J 1.\J ,9l1:eoo and '!i!lJ~e'ill place o~ him, I[Sedion 180(CI) 'ofttre Oflfnandej

S!lJIJh ,alPJrn:.y shalllta'l'e Ihe Irl9h~s.or a~n,ding ,allld Yillllilg' M a meetitJg, ~ a'l'ailati)le ttiJ Ihe sMreholder. ,A. snarehJt!ldEr ~s ii£rt entitled to, appoi:tJt riiOf'B 1nanlone pftlXlJ rOt 3iilY ooe. lifIeBlj~_,Iii; pfJtt(~ mus~, ~e. 8J soo~holdEF ulill~ 1iIle',atlitJes,offue' Dompm~ pravlides obflerwise. Tihe lW~iQe~ a Ifililee~n9 I'illust sp€oiffy Ihe sna.relwlders, In~Mro apjroint a ,of pm~ and tliJe ri£lltts ,of.suclil a pm.:-;~as ro attelltlin:g and 'i!OOtlgl ata me.etitlgl. A.

prexy rmn; fJIUSI:3c!Jompan~ ruch MtioB',ofthe

,E'i!ery s.h~retJaJde:f'h.a,",i~ 'lf01in9lIrl~h~s has al lfigN to ms.pett al~ IPf(j.:(ies ~!Jdged wilhi ~he rniiipBll;Y dunng U1€ blllSjnes.smoors of1tJe.cCim,p8m~:.rSd£iiiJ 161 oftiile"Qjdiiil9JiiDe]


RighUo ~;emtaJmlI,dl:a poll on



V{)!irtg ro he by soow m hands in 'mrs~inS~Booe_ However; the ctJairman (if'lhe ~mll::e:~n9hall order rOf pfilJ; ~fore 'IX on ~he (iedara~ioll1 ofJh' restlll: (if the. s '!IOting 0111 alily res!JIu~ii}fJ100:8 shOW'i[t1 hanas, either,oo Ihis,o-wn !iiO'oon Or iJ:fI ,81 d.aoo maiJe. ill1Uljs benalf b~{b1le. ~onowi1lgl~fEon(~):



o~publiccmiilpany, by at lea_sl1WeIfililentDetS; 0'1' pnliiate, OOiiip:8Il;Y; by one member; pres.ent inl per'S!J:n 'Of by 1P~, if oo~lIiiiIore'bh8tl :5'f:'i!OO :sueliJImembeiID ,aile pe~nally p~nl, aad Ibf' two memhets PIf€Setirt ln persiJ:fl iJjlf by proxy; if fiiiJIi'E' than seven su¢til membelfS are p€FSrnl:!rlly present; aoo by ,any niOOl1:ier'!JtJ' members P'I'E:se:Ii~, p.ersoos ,01" by proxy in ,and oo'i!in:g sh~re:hoklililg (1 Q% '"o~ill)g p<n.Yet'~'o1'~h~r!IJ-'Mil Of ,as9re.98tB" [Sedion 16j',ofttJe. Qrrl nalice.]

iF! e~


Right, bl req]iJtes:tor a canUiedl,coPY ~!fthe Iminutes, ,of r a.miy geneJa:lllmee~imlIigl:

getJet,B~ iiieeting

Soorehold:ers, hfi'i\B'~ rigillt ~ f!eQUe$t 'Of ~ oeFillfieti CDj1y~r1ile IfIfIrnu:Le$ offaliIY on payfililBlI1t,of Stlch ,amDunt; not ~Bdin9 IJte presuibedl amoum, as rii~yM 1i:redlDy'~heoom~liIy. [Setoon 1'j3(7) oflhe Or.illiM~:1


Right, to !aJpply to the ig:eril~;rrii~1 mee;1iliilgS:


ciaJlI nerolu~!

I~tiIle OOliip8h:Y "f;am~ill' hoki ~ annual genet,a! meering. sta.lU1.o:ry1in,ee,~9g 101' t €:dr8i-:orclioory 9efl eta I meeUngl; wJttJin 'm;e IPr€8tri~ed peried lUndelf ,til~ OroiOOflOO, ~he lIiiI, i1Jf Ih.e company G§ilil ,appl(y'~ Ute Coliilflli~h 'oor dirtectioo ~ ;h.e roliip.8I1;Y lOf ooldi~ tilJe, ,00000rDJJe. g:en.eraJ mee1ingl. [Se.dIf.!)nl 170 i1Jf~Ei' OidiJ1iaJiioe]

JiiliJdi~m:s ,exletnail atoo!JlItart~ ,apPGin~erlb~ Ih.e oompany .~ mecl);' its an} nn81iciaJ :stat~liie:n~s. The, d'i~,rs a~PGlnl, 'fir-sm, .alKli~jJ(' lOr audim~ 'i.iilninl ~ty days M linco rpo raoo 11;subjed: to certain P'j'OviBlron~ ,«,hi)stands r'EiliffeDI a~..tile contiusioo ClHlie fltstAGM_ HiJIlre~elf,lrf'~ diroo'1.O:rn'faillo appoiJirt first auditOi or a.udJoors, ,th~lilltem~rn, in getJefalllflii.eerung may appOOi~ m,st audioof or ail'tlilats. Theteafil:eJ; membe~ .a~, each ,kGM ,appoin~ llie auditor lOr a il'tI i101':5. Tihe remullleta~ioo of' the audJ~F O~ ,auditors Elppoirntedlby 'the members [$ also flxed hy Ihe melTLtets in the geoeii'al m~tifi@_ Memoors, ,Calilll'ieil\i[i...~ 1IIIe' aooilflt's Of' aUDitOrS Ult,ooglii ~ssil\g of' :spooia~ re:ooli.iOOnl ln a getJetall llililee:~n9 ill1 aW)rD~noo wi~h the: proDBiJUre laiD dOWlL [-setoon :25:2 of'itJe OrttiioolU~

Right, ito, 'con~:est 'fOr ,ellediO(ri to ihe~ Board


Iii. mern'bet hes 'bhe lrig,'M 'to co:n~esl,lo~ electiDll as 8i direct.iJ[ or ,a, oomprBfily; SlJbjecl t.iJ, basic oonditioos 'kir tne, office ,[i.f dii'ectt.ii'Ship of 1iiIe' rom~liiY. I[Sedion 187 ,(}fttle Om'nance]

Soor€hold:ern, Mve a righi, tv elec~ 1tJe direttcrs_ The: ~areoolders..J i!W O!Mle~ !yHhe c01ililpafi~,;elect Ihe clilfeCOCIF3,"t!!, the~ filii baslness on their behalf; aoo Iwld 'trJem accoolitable '~r Ufle.i~acM. [First directorr£; are uS!J;8I~y 3p;pa.jn~ed0.)1' ~ir:lue ,of Mdes ofA'smciaoon or mneWiWS'e, ,allUile, suJJscn~eFS are deemed 10 be' diroo1.ors. of 'bheoomp€lliJj{ Thef :shall hold of-lfue unYlii'tile ~okIililg, 'm M:S1 J;"G'M., S1u~quent d'i~i'5 are elected in Ule ,A;GMI ad 'tile ooilipany fOf a periiod oflltr,ee yeaFS. [SeD1iQfi'178 i]!Hhe OF1l:llialice]1 Tihe :shanmfil.d€ii:s can a.1SD r,ell1l.O'ie' a direttcr b~ passil'L@a resolubitilii in ,81 gena,all meeli~_ (SerjiOfl 181 of tille,OJ,dmanoe'1


Right: "til ,apply Wi ~he. IComi: '~or d,eclamli:DilIl elect'ilOf:!J·of'di'rnaofS, as ilifiV,al~';gI:


The members; liIa~liIg IilOll~ 1Dantwenty pert:efit of Ihe ''io.1inlg power ilii 'tile oompany cafi make :aliia:pplica~ionto 'tfJe CouftlNi~hitJtiliFlf d~ of the date of the: ,ejeclioo. ~o:rdmaliing Ute iE:leooon of' all ,drt,eclnts Or ,any one !Drmore of them; ,a3,il11talid.,~Secbitin 179 ofllte Oroilfi.a~~


Ri!Qlhit to lrreceive", ,aCCQunts:::




copii'es of' annlili,all


E~ef!J cam.pan~' as ~uired

~OO eoples of

aooo!llfils ~.o'tile

liilileameis at least2 ~days befure Ute,~GM fit lNlilich the aDOO!JJI~Sare req;uiiied to be laidl before ~e, liiernibern_ISectioo 2a.3(,4}om.e (lttlinilsnoel Sooreholders, of a ooJfliipany are ,ariW ,enbitled to obtain oopies Gf alJditedl

ftnanci:!rl sJare:ments akHll.u~ ~udirore repart alid iliFelil)jrs re~fiI:, en lP~yment of ~ch aJ'iiiount as 'l1:red by the ,oompa1ir1- ~S€Gtioo 2~3 of 1ile O~iooooe~


Right, m, obtail~ the, ,copies '~Jf' M:emolr,andum A.i1Icles ,of'.bS 0 ciilat ion:::


Sooreholders, also liIa,ve a r~gM 1.0 ,ootaill1 tne mpies of ~ ~en;Oi,anKIll.lm mol AJf1Iid:es of ~oDia,'jon of' 'bne oompany" On paynioot 'D~ 800'li S!JJilll, not {ixDeeofilQI1he p~ibeol amount 8S may be TOOEle! by _he cOfllilpan~:,wt1lilin roullteen da,ys,oftlile!app[it:3~iO:it[Sec~ioo35 o'fthe Orain~nre]


Rig hit to i Its p e't~ ,c0 m p,any dOiC I]lm,e nts a mild!


oompEny., However, Ule 00 oks, er papers can be inspected b~ 'the ~8i!eoolde", Uflo:er 11>:30000pi!IJ¥j:si:on.s.,m 1he!Oi£iil'laJllDe, a1JthonzBilIDnllly {Ii
1fiie' dJ~rs or 1BiIe' c~p8Jn~' in GeMral meeting., ~tifjJUS such ~igrnb$i,~ lPFO!jioed' uflO~F'bheOrrlini:'onceaJf'e 00 UfIdeF:~ ,a)1 b)

AE such, no membet has


right of ililS'pOO1ililg IxlQks. !If aroJuliltS rnf a

lrigh~ to inspect Ihe i"'Egist€r of O·r,EW.s or OffiDBrB of ,al oompany ~SetbiD1III205 Ute (lrohiiarlte~~ M [i@M, 10 inspecl, Uile contrac~s, an"rangenil€iil~S ano' appOOitmetirt'S I\a'o'i~ odirectoll'S'inte~t [S~,(in .2:191 ,Gf tile OFdili.~nttil: lrigh~, 't{!, inspect 1i1Ie, IOOpr:es of instruments, ere atlin gl mo.9Bs and thergea and oom;pany's re,gL~ter of mor1l.g:3g;esI[Sedion 136 !of-tiTJe Q,minance]; lrigh~, ~o itt~pect wnous r,egisters, lrE:garoing If1ilem'bets; cilebelilbureifloklei; erc l:sec~ioo 15ll !lJf~, Oiod iJil 8 IiiDe];




right ~o ihSped 1fiIe, registe~ crl 'tt,ali15fer or slilarres or deMIiifui"eS i3Iild [SecOOii re of1i1ie'OJ,df1'l8Jiloe]

~Ilt 'bI], in~ecl: 11113' ooCtks. Doobaining ij)e, minure,:::, ,rlf p~eCil\'&ls of' Ihe general mee:~ng; [SOO1ion 173(6) of~' Ordincance]
~iO ,ft pp Iy

261" Rligh~


to, Co ~Irt 'fOIl' I~et~mtartiiio,m,o~

Tihe member IN' deben~U1,e'holder m ij1e,company ma~' appl~ ,to,~, Court far reclificationfifthe. reg[G,l.e:rohnelii~eliS !Jf'debeliillilre nill:ders where

a) b)

tille,Iniiliifle oS i8h,Y perso:n is fl1liuillilen~l~ or wi~hoUI: !Wffic.i:ent

ca:use.mbered iiii oroIiiiLtl,~ oolii~he reg~terj

~e:faiult js ~de or IUlfi.neoe~sat'j del:a~ lakes in entering or omining lhe lilaDre ¢if' 8i member OF deoenlure' !wIder. l:&ectioo ~5<:2 onhe Ordiraartei


Right, 101 a;PlPil\y fion' ,an irrves.tiga:ti.o,raliln~D'th;e ,9ffairn',S oUhe compa_ny:

The memhers hilrGillJa at leas~ one-teli1b of the. t{l~a~''iilli[i;g tP!lW€F3c, iii ~ c.ase !l:f ,a, O!JiiiJJatJ~ ha,vItJgl share capila1, and! at leas~, one·ren-It! (If iUiIe oompali,y's.liiiiIenetsj lin C3se o.f ollTiel'DDiItp:3lli~j ma~r make ,araa;p~inaliiln 10 tIile~Commiscsion, l!!F orderililg an ilir!.lestig6DJlJIiIinl,!) U;,e ,a,ff~ill'Sof' iIlile oompali,Y. ~Se!Jtiolil2:83 onhe Ordioonre]


Right, to 11\~D\9)e taJ com:p~ailn~;w\i;~n Une Regis~r,ar f;or IpnMj;en~ion ~QPpl',i)QfiII and mismama;g;emerillt: o

My membet Of· members oo~inlg 111M than lW'enl,~~rre:M of ~ paOCl~ ress c.apital o~ Ihe rompany may looge a wmplairlt -wilh the R_egisJrar 1lllal. ij)e 3~iF3, of Ihe IOOfi'mpany re [be:ing oondiJ~ a 'af ~ike'Y m be. conducted ~n aJn

Ilil11a'lAldoJ frauaul,ent manner or in ;B manner litol: pFOliided ~nmelfiDrnndullifii Or iri a manner oppressi'o'e.lll r:iflernllers,,0; prejudicial tt.J public ili.1:er~t The lregistr:ar may make an applicmliJ to Ihe Court b~ pemioo fiJf 8i'I e f:d:e r, I[Sedion ,29n,of,tJ1e. Qrdinance]




to residua.!1assets 21t ~he ~irrte ohvinding up:

Wiooing up off a oompany reJe~III '~heprooess whereJJ~ all '~heaffairs,!Ilf 'tJ1e company are 'wouoo up; ~I its ~t'5 8Jte reallzedl; i~sllaDili~ies pai,a oft ,:3J1Iol 1he~oolano8;, if any, 'is disrFibu!w to [1.3, ~haJehoMet$ iJi propo,rtiOlil to Iheir IhDklingllin 'ltJe~ OlJmpany_A liQuid:il~JJ(s, 8jjpomted 'wOO mKes conlrdl O'f 'tile i company" ooll.eere; its defJ~ aoo ciistriilobeS an~ surplus ,amDi\9st 'tile menmeis proplt)i1io:n9Jte'bD ~heir mareoohiing. It ie ~ oosic: ~l1t of' 'tJ1e sha:jtj~lOOldernlh:li oompaFli;Y to reoeIve 1iiIeiimare ,Q.fthe resiClua1asse~s .al.'ltie G 1imIE:',fifwin.di~ up mlPropoitioo 1.0 Uleilfooldin9. in ,the cOOllilpfiln~,"



Right of joint :shareinc,1 d!ers:

a)1 P~ii1ticifl:niolil [ill ltiiii;elings,: .AHloo!J;gh Ui.€ nO~]Desof !}iBli€ral meetings are :S'er\l"eO 10 only senior or 'Nrst narsed joililt ~arelwlder bul the ~im SJaJ,elOOldel"$ ~ndilj'idua111enli~l~ to ~ake part!: in ,the. aile rnmpany's, g~nera.1l""1lBeting 'V01ingand Quorum: ~ sh:31,eliHildecpreS/em at 8 meeting is enbit!ed tcexerclse \W~ilt9 pCtH'eF and ""ill tlte OlJ!IJlted fIlf' quorum. eu~ onrryooe. of1t1ie' :se'o'Bfaljoint Iho.lders will be en~~ed ~ ,e:t:e:rcise. 1fl!~il\9 IP!J!'i'I'€r. For qUOflllil'l, joirtt :5h!irOOrn'ders will be roll:ectMelll re.gameo as ooe shareholder .

Tihejoillt holders, haee tfie Jolkiwltig righls:


.Apart!: wmn thess righls, Ute oompillly l'iiI:ay rMke ilS CWlll p~Jons iJi its Md'.es" pro~io:eoltIl\:iI~.sum ptO't'isions are not repugnant ro the p~'o'isions of lEe'Oid~8Jloe~.

Mirwr1\r' :5hafEilOOdets means :5:'Iiat,eooldets~~e1fleF ooldiriglei3s 'tflaTI :20'% or ~he equity share Ga pita I of' the oomp8Jl~_ MUiotil7y sh_arehoklers afe IPFCtect.ed ~y 'the same r%lhl3, as pKl'ilided under VilriOU;3, provisioos of ,the. O~inaoce ,800 r-erei,-,e etj!.Ji§ore 1rea1il1ent as, GlneF sharehoklers" lri ~h[s m8miner, alilhe sh:are'hokle"rs :3I,eable t{1, oblaln eH'ooti'il€! redreS5 'kir viola1iiDri or~ill"rig~" Tihe min,(iFll~sharBhDklers ,arso ha"t,i\ea il"igNro ,get 1iiIe,cO:lililperi~f'!"rouoo up Ily 1JilEl: Court if they feellha~ 1fils~ OOlililperi)f is, cooducb'ing its DusiIilEl,gs,in is miiinMf op;preS5~etotlletn. [SetOOn;JOS oflhe Ordinanre] Urider Ute Coos' of Corp.tirare G.o'lElflna.nce, applioab:le.10 IJSted olJtD,piIflies 1bEl~li~lerl ,oornijiaJilie:s are 'l!o.1unItan~ erioouraged ~D' etIsUre, ,e,ff:l:!cli'o'ElI If,.ep~ri~h of ioo~e.nd:ent iiOri-€)iElOOtWe direcr,ors iri.dudJng Uwse lrep~n~liIg mirionl,~ inte~ts, 00 their ~ard~ of' Directtlrn_ For the pwpo5e, ~e, mioority :s_hareiiloklei:s are al&D '~acililM'ed,8S,a ,cl~, '~ mi'rteSt eletOOh of dJ~,s b~ PFttW s~ici~a_liijin [Qlal1lSE(i) (a) iJl:f 1iile Code of {,',oqJDfale Go'ileJFI~F1ce.l
j j

If you Iila~e aili~':5Li9©~tiortZl' ror ati~ imprnwemerm in lhe ~e9all'rramewotk, or o~heFWi3ejplease te~,Lis,know ahoot y.DuI'opinooii/coomrmenrsen ~e rollowi'ngl address: ~e9i5'N;ar of COOiriIpanies, Soouilti:es ~iid Exr:h§iige' Cilmmissicm ofIPammn,. Nit DLiirlrli~, J"iiMnJlill'etilUe, BlueAij,ea 13famabatl, f!:3Mstalii_ T~I: (051) G20®30, 923~HOO.

'ilihe; GUBde has been p:ub~islired wilh 'lhe iiliitention 1D Iiire.800an ,a,w8reifl>e~s,of 1hei c.!lii\'~e,pt: oil! ~ne, r,elervaiit rmr:im'ers. IMI~e:r, ~h:e 'G,ujoe does ifr;rn: ~ell everyltning and toE: ,gpi'n'ioliis Or Ilegal i'nteflueita6onsJ ooii~ajne;tll in ~he'bookle1; ,are ciroiilliifrSlirJrnialafio liiiray vary under iliiffeiiiernt s;itillidorns. H1he reaofiF is,in dla1.jbtwhHe deamng wW~ :any s,~Giiflc condi1ioifill it is,f,ecOmtrtr:ieillded to r,ii,f:er1D ihe C'~mpirlFrJies Q ridir:r1Dill liieII 1'98A,and aUiedllaws rarld 1[;~1ii5il1lt an ,adyis;efMn~eekiing p~,Dfessnornifjll d}viliie" a

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