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Moraine Elementary PTA

Alisha McCullick Caroline Moran ChiSheng Li Heather Norris Kshitiz Singh

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Project Description and Scope

e th Moraine Elementary PTA is a parent-coordinated a He organization , an or Its primary purpose is to support and enhance eM n the education of students through parents oli r Ca events involvement and enrichment , ick ull cC It is responsible for communicating events aM through weekly emails, the Penguin Express and ish lthe schools Monday envelope A putting flyers iin L, g en Sh 9 00 2

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Project Description and Scope

e thof an Primary Motive : communicating the details a He event to volunteers and parents , an or INITIAL CHALLENGES eM n oli r Gain volunteers for a planned event and Ca , ick Moraines parents communicate the event to ull cC Internal coordination for sending out the aM h information to Alis remove any inconsistencies Li, g Streamlining the processes en Sh 9 00 2

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Our Process

e th 10 Interviews : Parents, PTA Members and School a He Administrators , an or Created models in order to better e M analyze the flow n of information oli r Ca , Consolidated models to give an overall perspective ick ulla systems perspective and allow analyzing from cC aM Created Affinity lWall to group findings and assign ish A priorities Li, g en Analyzed our findings to generate Sh 9 recommendations 00 2

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e th Over-reliance on/over-involvement of too amany He people , an or Information overload (both in terms of content eM n and the amount of times sent)oli r Ca , ick Information inconsistencies ull cC aM h lis A Li, g en Sh 9 00 2

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Clarification of roles Parent and teacher involvement Paper issue

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e th Compile information before sending it to ea the school communication coordinator n, H a or Motivation eM Predefined format n oli r Proofreading and feedback Ca , ick Encourage parents toCOpt-In for paper format as ull c a last resort M a sh Make parents aware of the costs Ali Assign cost to Li, paper-based communications g Identify those who dont rely on paper en Sh 9 00 2

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Implement a website for communicating schoolath related information He ,

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Links to more detailed descriptions from ora email the Archive of the Listserv eM n oli List-format calendar of events r a Cinformation Rules for submitting an events , ickfor clarification of roles within Maintain an internal website ull cC staff and also to let parents know who to contact if they have any problems aM h lis be easy to update and easy to The website should A Li, navigate g

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e th just The PTA processes are already effective, they a He need to be more clearly defined , an or M People involved with the PTA areeresponsive and n enthusiastic about getting involved oli r Ca , ick They have a culture of openness and ull C coordination amongcParents, PTA and School aM staff. h lis A Li, on involving teachers more Need to focus g en Sh 9 00 2

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e th The project proved very productive in forming a He strategies to learn the process within the , an the organization and evaluate them within or M constraints of the organization ine l ro Ca , ick ull cC aM h lis A Li, g en Sh 9 00 2

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eM in ran o ath He , e

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