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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X): a, b, c, or d!

1. A: Bona, please ..the blackboard!

B: Yes, sir
a. Sweep
b. Erase

c. Clean
d. draw

2. Teacher: now, what is duster in Indoneasia?

Wayan: I know, it is
a. Penggaris

c. sapu

b. Kemoceng

d. tas

3. The students have ceremony in the

a. Class

c. canteen

b. School yard

d. park

4. A: Do you like Banana?

B: No, I
a. Dont

c. is

b. Do

d. are

5. The month after July is ..

a. August
b. June

c. March
d. May

6. The day before Friday was ..

a. Thursday

c. Sunday

b. Saturday

d. Monday

7. December consist of .. days

a. 29

c. 31

b. 30

d. 28

8. Teacher: Thank you, Ani

a. Youre welcome

c. good

b. Your welcome

d. fine

9. Tia: How do you do!

Lia: .
a. How do you do
b. Youre welcome

c. I am fine
d. I live in Surabaya

10.These .. seven glasses

a. Are

c. do

b. Am

d. does

11.Gultom: Ok, (duduk)please!

a. Sit down

c. turn of

b. Stand up

d. turn on

12.Europe has .. seasons

a. Two

c. four

b. Three

d. five

13.Today is Monday. Yesterday was

a. Sunday
b. Wednesday

c. friday
d. Thursday

14.Rabbit is a . Animal
a. Wild

c. funny

b. Tame

d. small

15.I have a long neck. I eat grass. I am

a. Girrafe
b. Elephant

c. lion
d. Bird

16.Arrange this scrable words into good sentence.

Speaking Tio Novel is a
a. Tio is speaking a novel

c. is Tio speaking a novel

b. Tio speaking a novel is

d. speaking Tio is a novel

17.A: How are you?

B: ..
a. I am fine, thank you

c. I live at Jl tambak

b. How do you do

d. I go to school

18.There are .. days in a week.

a. Twelve

c. Six

b. Seven

d. Thirteen

19.What is the second day? It is

a. Sunday
b. Monday

c. Tuesday
d. Wednesday

20.What is the last month? It is..

a. January

c. may

b. March

d. december

B. Fill in the blank with the correct answer!

1. A: how do you do!
B: ..
2. A: .

B: nice to meet you

3. There two seasons in indonesia, they are
4. Europe has four seasons, they are
5. Yesterday was june. Tomorrow is
6. This month is august. Yesterday was .
7. The students borrow book in the .
8. Do you like mushroom? Yes, .
9. Does she eat Soto Balap? No, ..
10.Tio, (sapu).the floor!
C. Answer the questions!

Who is the birthday card sender?

2. Mention six fruits and


3. Mention five vegetables and


Make a simple command according to the picture!

4. My name is nana. I have a sister. Her name is devita. She is student of

Mandala Elementary school. She is in fourth class now. She is a diligent
student. She studies hard everyday. She studies in the afternoon after watching
TV. Wea re proud of her because she is always the best in her class.
a. Who is Dita?

b. Where does Devita study?

c. Is Devita a diligent student?

d. When does Devita study?

e. Why are Devitas parents proud of her?


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