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Cuando Androclo lleg al bosque, el corazn le lata con fuerza y las piernas le dolan. No conoca otro lugar seguro.

All podra sobrevivir; se alimentara de races y bayas y evitara las fieras. No tena muchas opciones. Si lo atrapaban, lo ejecutaran por ser un esclavo fugitivo. Se preguntaba lo que sera vivir con el terror de ser descubierto. Cada pia que caa suavemente a la alfombra musgosa bajo sus pies bastaba para hacerlo saltar, y mova rpidamente la cabeza buscando con ojos muy abiertos la presencia de los soldados. Necesitaba un refugio. Se perciba en el ambiente que iba a llover, y faltaba poco para que cayera la noche. Entre los rboles, observ una abertura en las rocas. Pensando que tal vez sera lo bastante grande para dormir solo una noche, se acerc.

Heart racing, legs aching, he reached the forest. Androclus knew no other safe place. He could survive therefind roots and berries, avoid wild animals. He had few choices. He would be executed as a runaway slave if caught. He wondered how it would be, living in terror of discovery. Every pine cone that fell softly to the mossy carpet beneath his feet was enough to make him jump, jerking his head around so wide eyes could search for soldiers. He needed shelter. Rain was in the air, and it would soon be dark. Through the trees, he saw an opening in the rocks. Thinking it might be big enough to sleep in just for one night, Androclus veered toward it.

De pronto, se detuvo. Acostado a la derecha de la abertura estaba un len. Por instinto, Androclo corri, orando por que la bestia ya hubiera comido. Ante la ausencia de ruidos que indicaran que lo persegua el len, aminor la marcha y luego se detuvo. Mir hacia atrs, y vio que el felino no lo haba seguido. Es ms, no hizo otro movimiento que girar la cabeza para mirarlo, y con bastante tristeza, a juicio de Androclo.

Suddenly he stopped. Lying to the right of the opening was a lion. Instinct kicked in and Androclus ran, praying that the creature had already eaten. Hearing no sound of pursuit, he slowed and then stopped. Looking back, he saw that the lion had not chased. In fact, its only movement had been to roll its head to look at himrather sorrowfully, Androclus thought. Slowly, he retraced his steps. The lion was in pain. Androclus spoke softly, stroking the lions mane and back gently as he searched for the injury. Finally, he found ita nasty gash on the lions hind leg that had been bleeding for some time and showed no sign of stopping. The man tore a piece of cloth from the hem of his tunic and cleaned the wound. The lion shuddered and groaned. Finally, it slept.

Lentamente, volvi sobre sus pasos. El len tena dolor. Androclo le habl suavemente acaricindole la melena y el lomo, mientras buscaba la herida. Por fin la encontr. El animal tena un corte profundo en la pata; la herida haba estado sangrando por un tiempo y no daba seales de parar. Androclo desgarr un trozo de su tnica y le limpi la herida. El len se estremeci y rugi. Finalmente, se qued dormido.

En ese momento, las nubes soltaron su carga de lluvia. Androclo se meti en la cueva y se durmi de inmediato. Haba corrido mucho desde la ciudad. Despert un rato despus, cuando el len se introdujo en la caverna arrastrando la pata y se qued junto a l; luego el animal se desplom dando un suspiro.
La cueva era amplia, y hombre y bestia convivieron durante varias semanas. Androclo encontr por all cerca un manantial, y los dos cazaron para comer conforme a su necesidad. Un da, mientras Androclo sacaba agua del arroyo, sinti algo puntiagudo que le presionaba el cuello. -No te muevas! -le orden una voz spera-. Ofrecen una buena recompensa por los esclavos fugitivos. Ponte de pie poco a poco.

Just then the clouds let go of their rain. Androclus crawled into the cave and fell asleep immediately. It had been a long run from the city. Minutes later, he awoke as the lion crawled into the cave ` next to him, dragging its leg, and collapsed with a wheezing sigh. The cave was large, and man and beast lived together for several weeks. Androclus found a fresh spring not too far away. The two hunted and gathered the food each needed. One day, while scooping water from the stream, Androclus felt something sharp press into his neck. Dont move! a gruff voice ordered. There is quite a reward for the life of a runaway slave, you know. Now, stand up slowly.

Obligado a volver a la ciudad, Androclo pens en su amigo el len, sabiendo que jams volveran a verse. Lo llevaron ante el emperador para que lo enjuiciara y se lo sentenci a muerte. Los soldados lo encerraron a una celda de piedra bajo el circo hasta que llegara el momento de la ejecucin. Lleg el da en que lo sacaron al circo. La multitud vomitaba palabras de odio, y se puso a ovacionar cuando soltaron al len. El animal no haba comido en varios das, y los soldados lo haban azuzado para enojarlo y volverlo ms feroz. Al ver al esclavo, rugi y se dirigi precipitadamente hacia su presa. Androclo saba que no tena ninguna posibilidad de sobrevivir. De todos modos, tens los msculos para la lucha, preparndose para sentir el dolor. Qu distinto de cuando haba trabado amistad con un len doliente, no uno al que haban azuzado y aguijoneado para enfurecerlo. Cerr los ojos, esperando sentir todo el peso del animal y hacindose fuerte para resistir los primeros zarpazos.

Forced back to the city, Androclus thought of his friend the lion, knowing they would never meet again. He was taken to stand before the Emperor in court, and was there sentenced to death. Soldiers took him to a stone cell in the halls under the arena until the time of execution.

Finally, they led him into the arena. The crowd spat its hatred. But they began a thunderous cheer when a lion was loosed a lion that had not been fed for several days, a lion poked and prodded into fierce anger by the soldiers. It roared when it saw the man, and bounded headlong toward its prey.
Androclus knew he didnt stand a chance. Still, his muscles tensed for the fight, readied for pain. How different things had turned out when he had befriended a lion in pain instead of one poked and prodded into anger. He closed his eyes, waiting for the full weight of the animal, steeling himself against the first slashing blows.

Pero en vez de un dolor lacerante, Androclo sinti la lengua del len le lamindole la cara mientras lo derribaba al suelo. Abri los ojos, y se vio cara a cara con su amigo del bosque. En vez de abalanzarse sobre l para matarlo, ni siquiera despus de das de hambre y tormentos, el felino al que haba dado tiernos cuidados le haca fiestas como si de un amistoso perro se tratara.

But then, instead of searing pain, Androclus felt the lions tongue wash his face as it knocked him to the ground. Androclus opened his eyesface to face with his friend from the forest. Instead of pouncing to kill, even after days of hunger and torment, the lion he had once so gently cared for fawned over him like a friendly dog. The crowd was instantly silent, the Emperor stunned. He called Androclus to him, and Androclus told his story. Both Androclus and his lion are hereby freed, the Emperor announced. Such amazing kindness and gratitude between fierce enemies should be greatly rewarded.

Se hizo sbitamente el silencio entre la multitud. El emperador estaba atnito. Pidi que se llamara a Androclo a su presencia, y este le cont su experiencia.
El emperador anunci: Androclo y su len quedan en libertad. Hay que recompensar generosamente este sorprendente gesto de amabilidad y gratitud entre enemigos acrrimos.

Retold by Casandra Lindell (based on a true story recorded in Noctes Atticae Vol. XV by Aulus Gellius)

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