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English 10 Final Exam Review Format Multiple choice 50% Essay 50% I.

I. Vocabulary Review Top 66 SAT words II. Literary Terms Be able to identify each of the following terms: External Conflict Climax Theme Chronological Order Flashback Suspense Direct Characterization Foreshadowing Monologue Plot Indirect Characterization Soliloquy Symbol Dramatic Irony First Person POV Ambiguity Verbal Irony Third Person Limited POV Situational Irony Omniscient POV Internal Conflict Antagonist Protagonist Subordinate Character Pun

III. Poetic Devices Be able to identify and define each of the following terms: Personification Diction Imagery Allusion Assonance Onomatopoeia Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Oxymoron Refrain End Rhyme Internal Rhyme Rhyme Scheme Alliteration Stanza IV. Grammar and MLA Rules Be able to identify and correct the following grammatical errors and rules: Run-on Fragment Comma splice Colon vs. Semi-colon Pronoun agreement Numbers Literary present Heading Typing titles of work: books, plays, articles Page headers In-text citations Works Cited page

V. Literature and Literary Concepts Look over your notes, study guide questions, quizzes and tests to review for the following texts covered during the second half of the year: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (there will be questions regarding persuasive devices) A Separate Peace Lord of the Flies Into the Wild The Glass Castle or Ellen Foster VI. Literary Analysis You will be given an essay assignment relating to either the memoir, The Glass Castle or the fiction novel, Ellen Foster. Your written response will be graded on the following criteria: Proper use of MLA heading T.A.G. (know the authors name) Tri-part thesis statement Detailed examples and references to the text(s) Use of literary present if applicable (a memoir is not a piece of fiction)

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