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June, 2011

Standing for life can be a challenging position, especially in the culture of death that has so deeply embedded itself. Just the mention of the word abortion strikes fear in the minds of many, and apathy and indifference in others. Those of us who recognize the unprecedented evil that has overtaken us must remain committed and occasionally remind ourselves that even though we might come from many backgrounds, we truly are united in our cause. This video clip of Fr. Frank Pavone really tells this well. It is short. Take a moment to watch by CLICKING HERE.

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Ongoing Vigils Local Pro-life efforts

Never in Human History Special Report on Overpopulation Fact or Myth?

Fed strong arms states PP war with God Abortion / Crime Link? Prayer is still legal

A small thing that every one of us can do.

Will you make a commitment to ask just one person to join you in lifting up prayer for the unborn this week? That is a very small inconvenience, but if we then ask those who we have commissioned to prayer to do the same, that small inconvenience can expand into many prayers. The Biblical response to this great evil, as many of us now know, is prayer, repentance and seeking the one who can truly change our hearts and minds. There are many actions that we will find ourselves called to participate in if we truly seek out Gods leading, but we MUST start with prayer.


TV movie about doing right

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as we the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 10:32 Cor 10:3-4

The Fall 40 Days for Life campaign will run from Sept. 28th through November 6th. Everyone can move the culture of life forward every day by continuing in prayer. In addition, there are a number of prayer vigils that will continue through till the next campaign starts. Please come out and join in. Contact information is listed. Click on names to e-mail and click on addresses for directions.


I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, Isaiah 62:6
10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Prayer vigil Planned Parenthood 813 MLK Jr. Way Barbara Patterson 253-857-5209



9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Sidewalk counsel

Cedar River Abortion Mill

1401 MLK Jr. Way

Bud Niebergall 253-564-5241


10:30 a.m.


Cedar River Abortion Mill

1401 MLK Jr. Way

Stan Schack 253-564-7822


11:15 a.m.12:00 noon

Sidewalk counsel

Planned Parenthood

813 MLK Jr. Way

Bud Niebergall 253-564-524


1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Prayer vigil

Planned Parenthood

813 MLK Jr. Way

Anne Jackson 253-298-1120

First Saturdays

9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Prayer vigil

Planned Parenthood

813 MLK Jr. Way

John Leslie 253-677-9509

First Saturdays

10:30 a.m.12:00 p.m.

Prayer vigil

Planned Parenthood Puyallup

702-30 Ave. SWPuyallup


Julie Covell 253-677-9509

Local ProLife Efforts

Prayer is our most formidable response to the evil of abortion, but much work is needed in many areas. Please consider supporting these ministries with your time and donations. (Next Page) (Back to top)

We are called to:

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1 John 5:14

Click on name for web site Join with 40 Days for Life Phone 253-536-LIFE E-mail CLICK to E-mail

Wide range of volunteer opportunities. CLICK HERE for a list

my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6

PC Human Life 253-535-5346 CLICK to E-mail Smart Program 877-668-2566 CLICK to E-mail Pierce County Human Life does educational booths at fairs and schools. Volunteers and funding are always in need as well as opportunities for new venues. Got Smarts provides much needed abstinence education. Get them both into your local school (public or private) or group event. CareNet 877-668-2566 CLICK to E-mail Gabriel Project 1-888-926-ANGEL CLICK to E-mail Pregnancy Aid (253) 383-4100 CLICK to E-mail Guadalupe 253-582-3384 CLICK to E-mail These Ministries provide direct support to pregnant mothers through counseling and providing prenatal and postnatal needs. They are all in need of volunteers, funding and material donations.

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matt 25:40

A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more Matt 2:18

Healing Tide 253-770-8697 CLICK to E-mail Project Rachael 877 HOPE 4 ME CLICK to E-mail Healing Hearts 253-268-0348 CLICK to E-mail Critical ministry effort for post abortive women and men. If you have been set free from this bondage, you can be a light and a hope to others. Training provided.

let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18

4 US CLICK to E-mail 96% of women who see an ultrasound of their baby choose life. 4US raises much needed funds to supply ultrasound machines to local crisis pregnancy centers at their yearly run walk, ride event. Donate or volunteer. 40 Days for Life March for Life Life Chain 253-536-LIFE 253-230-9018 CLICK to E-mail CLICK to E-mail CLICK to E-mail

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence. Isaiah 62:6

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Abortion takes more lives than have ever been lost in the history of humanity. There has never been a war, disease, natural disaster or any other event that comes anywhere close to the loss of life that abortion represents. It is the number one cause of death in the United States. The CDC lists heart disease as the leading cause of death(1) having taken the lives of 617,527 Americans in 2008. The CDC does not recognize abortion as a cause of death, but the Guttmacher institute, a division of Planned Parenthood does. Their statistics for the same year(2) showed that 1,212,000 lives were lost to abortion. That is double the number of lives lost to heart disease!

These are truly historic times that we live in.

Abortion takes the lives of over 40 MILLION PER YEAR world wide. These losses are truly unprecedented. In some nations it is causing them to lose population at such a staggering level that while still allowing the killing of children, some governments are taking hard measures to regain their birth rates as they face the disastrous consequences of a declining population (see more on this in the following article). The attached video explains the magnitude of this tragic loss of life in terms that everyone can grasp. Take a moment and CLICK HERE to view it.

Sources (1) CDC, Table B, Volume 59 #2- (2) Guttmacher, Volume 43 #1, p 43 -

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The Overpopulation Myth

Sustainable growth, Responsible reproduction.
How many times have you been told that abortion is OK because we have too many people on the planet anyway? CLICK HERE for a very informative video
that summarizes this article. Also see Population Research Institute at
There is one thing we know as a fact: We were not only given authority to be fruitful and multiply by our creator, we were commanded to do so. This command has never been rescinded and only God Himself has the authority to decide these matters. But how do we respond to these claims? Groups like Planned Parenthood and many others are working overtime to reign in this mythical problem of overpopulation. As the claim of overpopulation is thrown around, there are many logical questions that arise, and it seems that most who accept the conclusion have never considered the prerequisite questions. How many are too many? I have yet to hear an answer to this. Sadly, many have accepted the conclusion that there are too many people as a fact without answering the question and are acting upon it. The overpopulation myth has been taught in our schools and is being legislated in our governments. Individuals and groups with money and power have been very busy indoctrinating new believers and implementing cures for the ailment of overpopulation. As these actions are taking place right now, shouldnt someone ask: Who would live and who would die? Who would decide who lives or who dies? For even those who do not accept the authority of our creator in this matter, these questions should all raise a big red flag.

Some History
Malthus This is not a new proposition. In the late 1700s Thomas Robert Malthus (1766- 1834) proposed that rising populations would outrun the food supply and that betterment of humankind is impossible without stern limits on reproduction(1). This thinking is commonly referred to as Malthusianism. A good overview of his philosophy is at: (Continues) (Back to top)

Margaret Sanger As many know, Margaret Sanger, who brought us Planned Parenthood, was a strong supporter of Eugenics. Similar to Malthus, she championed the need to reign in uncontrolled reproduction. And also similarly, she targeted the poor and the minorities for reductions or elimination.(2) Her eugenic philosophy took on great popularity in the early 1900s. America's Deep, Dark Secret The Fernald School, and others like it, was part of a popular American movement in the early 20th century called the Eugenics movement. The idea was to separate people considered to be genetically inferior from the rest of society, to prevent them from reproducing. Eugenics is usually associated with Nazi Germany, but in fact, it started in America. Not only that, it continued here long after Hitler's Germany was in ruins...... CLICK HERE for the full CBS article. In fact the State of Washington embarked on practicing eugenics and by rule of law forcefully sterilized hundreds of Washington citizens.(3), (4) Hitler Eugenics took on a new light as Hitler embarked on speeding up the process by outright elimination of those deemed unworthy. This changed the popular view that eugenics had enjoyed, but it was far from being dismissed. The overpopulation myth now embodies the same principles that the eugenics movement carried and has expanded it into internationally accepted philosophies. The Population Bomb Paul Ehrlichs 1968 book, The Population Bomb, poses that by the
1970s and 80s hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.

"The birth rate must be brought into balance with the death rate or mankind will breed itself into oblivion...."(5 )

Have any of these doomsday predictions materialized at all? Actually just the opposite, but that has not slowed down the race to combat the mythical evil of overpopulation. Just ask a friend, or even your own children, are we overpopulated and you will probably be shocked to find how entrenched this philosophy is. (Continues) (Back to top)

Who decides who lives or dies?

Even though no one can define how many people are too many and even more importantly, who is, or will be deciding who lives or not, the push to embrace the overpopulation myth is not confined to the United States. It currently enjoys international acceptance and support. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) This one is a HUGE consortium of population control proponents and places the power to promote and even enforce eugenic philosophies into the hands of organizations like Planned Parenthood International.(6) Their mission statement says this: UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.(7) Not only do they empower international eugenic organizations they also empower nations that have barbaric population programs like China. CLICK HERE to watch this report As we work deeper into the mind numbing mountain of literature and links, statements arise with the preconceived notion that rising populations produce poverty and worse, destruction of the planet: Women with access to reproductive health services, including family planning, have lower fertility rates that contribute to slower growth in greenhouse-gas emissions in the long run.(8) The concluding statement on UNFPA goals by the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon summarizes the purported dire consequences of overpopulation. We must strengthen global cooperation and solidarity, and redouble our efforts to reach the MDGs [Millennium Development Goals] and advance the broader development agenda. Nothing less than the viability of our planet and the future of humanity are at stake.(9) By projecting high population growth the UNFPA then calls for population control.... CLICK HERE to read more.

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Does rising population make things worse?

History shows that things have gotten better. In the peer reviewed Journal of Sustainable Development we find this conclusion:
global population is no longer growing exponentially. Second, from a historical perspective, food, energy and materials are more affordable today than they have been for much of human history. Third, despite unprecedented growth in population, affluence, consumption and technological change, human well-being has never been higher, and in the last century it advanced whether trends in environmental quality were up or down.(10 )

What about declining population?

Produced in 2007 the documentary Demographic Winter accurately outlined the situation we actually now face. Birth rates have actually declined for decades, even in countries with historically high rates. This is coupled with an ageing population bulge that is living much longer than ever. The US population is still increasing, in part due to immigration, but is shifting as predicted to an aging population. As we crested the peak of this demographic shift in 2008, the economic and social impacts have now been realized.
Watch the Trailer HERE

So why this concerted claim of overpopulation and all the efforts to decrease the worlds population? As we can surmise, there is a great evil afoot in acting upon the lie of overpopulation. Satan is on a relentless campaign to destroy humanity and this is just one more lie that he is leveraging to deceive the nations. The next time someone trys to tell you that we need to reign in overpopulation and that organizations like Planned Parenthood are in reality doing a good thing, ask them how many people are too many and more importantly, how did they acquire the authority to decide who lives and dies?
Sources (1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb (New York: Ballantine Books, 1968) (6) (7) (8);jsessionid=9FEB89C 706342E4BB4B8FE97CCB3D8AD.jahia01 (9) (10 )

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HHS Sec. Sebelius Strong-Arms States to Protect Billion-Dollar Abortion Provider
INDIANA SBA LIST - Secretary Sebelius is strong-arming states like Indiana to protect the Administrations powerful ally Planned Parenthood, said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. Since the fight to defund the abortion provider has moved from the national to the state level, the organization has been exposed as a billion dollar business centered on abortion and an unapologetic partner of those who wish to exploit young girls. Their pro-woman image has been shattered, and the Administration is struggling to protect their bruised ally. CLICK HERE to read more More at LifeNews CLICK HERE More at NewAmerican CLICK HERE This showdown will set a precedent for states rights to deny funding to Planned Parenthood. Keep an eye on this one.

Planned Parenthoods Long-Standing War on God

CNS NEWS - The struggle to defund the abortion-marketing giant, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, continues. We find it increasingly absurd that the taxpayer in America is funding this so-called charity that preys on children in the classroom, singles in its clinics and allegedly religious people who are misguided into thinking that Planned Parenthood services are the antidote to satisfying sexual desire while avoiding pregnancy, marriage or the accusation of infidelity. A recent study from Planned Parenthoods research arm, the Guttmacher Institute, explains the fundamental result of Planned Parenthoods reproductive health gambit. According to a news report, contraceptive use by Catholics and Evangelicals including those who attend religious services most frequentlyis the norm, according to a new Guttmacher report. This finding confirms that policies making contraceptives more affordable and easier to use reflect the needs and desires of the vast majority of U.S. women and their partners, regardless of their religious beliefs. CLICK HERE to read more

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Abortion and Crime: the link debunked yet again

NRL - These prominent scholars argued that following the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, thousands of unwanted fetuses were aborted instead of being born into less-than-ideal environments, thereby producing two decades later a reduction in the pool of at-risk, violence-prone individuals. It wasnt true, as we made clear over and over (see and

We will always have people, some no doubt with the best of intentions, who will tell us that society will be safer if babies who would be born into lessthan-ideal environments are instead aborted. If we cant appeal to their hearts,
then we must be thoroughly equipped to talk to their heads. CLICK HERE to read more The real crime IS abortion Also click to see this excellent article linked here: Abortion and crime - A missing link

Prayer is still legal

FAITH AND FREEDOM - In the spirit of the moment federal judge Fred also said they could not use "specific religious words" like "prayer" and "Amen." Judge Fred also banned kids or faculty from saying phrases like, "join in prayer" or "bow your heads," "Amen" and the word "prayer." So what if the kids did it anyway? Federal Judge Fred said his ruling would be "enforced by incarceration or other sanctions for contempt of court if not obeyed by District official (sic) and their agents." Judicial activism........ CLICK HERE to read more

BUT THEN.........
THE CHRISTIAN POST -The graduation ceremony at Medina Valley High School in Castroville, Texas, on Saturday was filled with prayers and was likened to a revival meeting. The crowd applauded after speakers said Amen, a word that was prohibited until the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals late Friday granted an emergency appeal to allow prayer at the commencement ceremony. The judge of all judges commands us to pray, said Rep. John V. Garza (R-San Antonio), according to The San Antonio Express-News. I still cringe thinking some left group would complain or file a lawsuit I thank God that all is well this evening and none of us will be thrown in jail. CLICK HERE to read more. Read the 6th chapter of the Book of Daniel to see if we are expected be silent when the government says we are not to pray. (Back to top)

On the brighter side

Made-for-TV movie focuses on 'doing the right thing'
Field of Vision, latest title in the Family Movie Night series, airs June 11 on NBC at 8 p.m. Eastern (7 p.m. Central). The series launched its first film, Secrets of the Mountain, in April 2010. The movies are produced by Walmart and Procter & Gamble, and they continue to get high marks for familyfriendly television fare. This one features the McFarland family. Tyler is quarterback of his high school football team -- with hopes of a state championship. Everything is going smoothly with Tyler and teammates until Cory, a somber, introverted foster child, transfers to the school and tries out for the team. But Tyler's teammates bully him ruthlessly in various ways, trying to make him give up on football. Coach tells Tyler, team captain: "Put out the word: This stops!" When Tyler discovers that two of his best friends are Cory's worst assailants, he is faced with a tough decision: protect his friends, or identify the troublemakers. It could cost the team a championship. CLICK HERE for trailer and review

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called if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chron 7:14

For More Information

Phone - 253-536-LIFE E-mail Web -

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