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Freedom of fear and want + dignity

Protection and promotion of human survival (freedom from fear), daily life (freedom from want), and the avoidance of indignities (life of dignity). Not only protects but also empowers people and societies as a means of security.

Four basic characteristics: universal, people-centred, interdependent and early prevention and seven key components economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political security

No country can enjoy development without security, security without development, and neither without respect for human rights. National Security no longer lies in military power alone.

Both are people-centered, multidimensional and poverty/inequality as the root causes of vulnerability. Human security focuses on the need for people to be protected when faced with profound reversals in their lives that might undo years of development and give rise to instabilities and armed conflicts.

Procurement of positive peace: Absence of conflict and structural violence

Guarantee of Human Security The protection and empowerment of people form the basis and purpose of security.

As of August 2009, Japan has contributed approximately 39 billion JPY (approximately 346.58 million USD) to the fund and195 projects totaling 312 million USD were implemented in 118 countries and 1 area by the fund. Projects: poverty, environmental degradation, conflicts, landmines, refugee problems, illicit drugs and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS,

Economic Fabric Index:


GDP per capita, adjusted for pricing (the term is at purchasing power parity) Equality of income distribution Financial-Economic Governance (risk of hardship through unsustainable trade or debt, or from catastrophic health care governance disaster). Environmental Vulnerability Environmental protection (clean water, etc.), policies & deliveries Environmental sustainability Health Education and info empowerment Protection of, and benefits from, diversity Peacefulness Governance, including protection from official or illegal corrupt practices Food security

Environmental Fabric Index:


Social Fabric Index


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