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Ma y 17 t h , 20 11 T he Mon tre al G az et te Sele ct ed an d ada pt ed e xcerp ts

Quebecs pioneering pesticide law needs to be updated, according to two P R O H IB IT IO N T E R R O R IS T O R G A N IZ AT IO N S . David Suzuki Foundation and quiterre compared existing provincial pesticide laws across Canada, and, predictably, found that Ontario and Nova Scotia now have the strictest laws in the country. [ S o w h at ? ] Both Suzuki and quiterre have C O N SP IR E D to I MP O S E P R O H IB IT IO N of pest control products. quiterre is actually Suzukis ambassador in the Province of Quebec, so they basically function as O NE IN T H E SA M E T E R RO R IS T O R GA N IZ A T IO N . According to these U N S A T IA TE D lunatics, Quebecs law, adopted in 2003, hasnt been updated, and must now include MO R E products. Quebec was never really fully PesticideFree, and the lunatics want to E X P A N D their TE R R O R IS T C O NP IR A C Y against the Professional Lawn Care Industry. As well, they urge, the province should compile a list of socalled lowerrisk products that are, in many cases, S O L D FO R P R O F IT by other lunaticfriends.

In 1991, the Town of Hudson, Quebec, governed by a S UB VE R S IV E G R O U P O F L U N A T IC S , enacted a bylaw that P R O H IB IT E D the use of pest control products that were otherwise H EA L T H C A N A D A AP P RO V E D , FE D E R ALL Y L E GA L , S C IE N T IF IC A L L Y S A F E , and TOT A L L Y IR R E PL A C EA BL E . Hudson officials easily capitulated under the pressure of a mere handful of EnviroLunaticActivists. The Agriculture and Golf Industries were provided with an Exception Status. Mr. William H. Gathercole crafted the original Golf Industry Exception Status, which endures to this day for virtually all jurisdictions in North America. In 1992, two Professional Lawn Care companies, ChemLawn and Spraytech, were each fined three hundred dollars for accidentally spraying pest control products on lawns located in the Town of Hudson. The fine was L E G AL L Y C H AL LE N GE D by the Professional Lawn Care Industry on the basis that the bylaw was invalid, since it was P R O H IB IT O R Y and D IS C R I M IN A T O R Y , and L I M IT E D or N E U T R A L IZ E D P R OV IN C IA L A N D FE D E R A L LAW S . Once the A C TS O F S U BV E R S IO N of the Town of Hudson were VA L ID A T E D by EnviroLunaticJudges, the P R OV IN C E W ID E CO N SP IR A C Y B E G A N . In 2002, the Government of the Province of Quebec moved to P R O H IB IT pest control products used by the Professional Lawn Care Industry. The P R O H IB IT IO N would be implemented under the Pesticide Management Code, over a threeyear period, instituted in 2003 and ending in 2006. However, it is a littleknown fact that Quebec D ID N O T P R O H IB IT A LL PE S T C O N T R O L P R O D U C T S , and P E R MIT T E D products such as Acclaim Herbicide, Betasan Herbicide, Deltagard Insecticide, Dicamba Herbicide, Dimension Herbicide, Imidacloprid Insecticide, and Spinosad Insecticide Who says Quebec was ever Fully PesticideFree ?!?!

In the Province of Quebec and across Canada

L U N A T IC T E R R O R IS T P R O H IB IT IO N led to H O R R E N D O U S C A R NA GE L O SS O F R E VE N U ES , B US IN E S S FA ILU R E S , B A N K R U P T C Y , and U N E MP L O YME N T .

Because of the L U N A T IC TE R R O R IS T P R O H IB IT IO N , Professional Lawn Care businesses were forced to T E R MIN A T E many or most of their employees.
P R O H IB IT IO N inflicted T E R RO R , D E SPA IR , and D E S T IT U T IO N on T H O U S A N DS of hapless victims

throughout the Professional Lawn Care Industry. The DE V AS T A T IO N of the Professional Lawn Care Industry was EX T E N S IVE because there were NO valid economical alternatives to replace the prohibited products. Consequently, Professional Lawn Care Companies were U N A BL E to provide adequate weed and insect control, and were U NA BL E to keep their customers satisfied. In the Province of Quebec, OV E R 6 0 P ER C E N T of the Professional Lawn Care Industry was A N N IH ILATED.
P R O H IB IT IO N also spread to the Province of Ontario, where P R O F ES S IO N AL LAW N C A R E IN D U S T R Y L O S T O VE R 5 00 , 00 0, 00 0 DO LL A R S , with 8, 30 0 TO 1 2 ,5 00 U N E MP L O YE D .

All thanks to lunatics like D A V ID S U Z U KI .

Davi d Suzuki Foundati on

David Suzuki Foundation is a PROHIBITIONTERRORISTORGANIZATION that CONSPIRES TO IMPOSE the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS PROHIBITION of pest control products. Suzuki seeks to IMPOSE a NATIONAL PROHIBITION OF ALL PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS. David Suzuki Foundation promotes itself as a national, nonprofit, environmental organization. David Suzuki Foundation was cofounded in 1991 by NonExpert EnviroLunatic FundRaiser and Entertainer David Takayoshi Suzuki. David Suzuki Foundation operates across Canada and the United States, but its business headquarters, with over FIFTY EMPLOYEES, is located in Vancouver, British Columbia. It has branch offices in Ottawa and Montreal. Suzuki is a MILLIONAIREFORPROFITLOBBYING ORGANIZATION that operates with a budget of over SIX MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR. Suzuki is arguably the largest MULTIMILLION DOLLAR MONEYMAKING MACHINE. David Suzuki Foundation uses POLITICIZED SCIENCE to COERCE, INTIMIDATE, and ALARM the public with NONSENSICAL solutions to conserve nature and help achieve sustainability within a generation. David Suzuki Foundation has developed expertise in the distribution of ideas related to POLITICIZED SCIENCE and public policy concerning the environment.

Suzuki Cl ai ms
DANGEROUS, HYPOCRITICAL, and INSATIABLE David Suzuki Foundation claims that ... The D av id Suzuki Fo undat io n wo r ks t hr o ugh scie nce and e ducat io n t o pr o t e ct t he div e r sity of nat ure and o ur qualit y o f life , no w and for t he fut ur e . [ ?!?! ] In fact, Suzukis MAIN OBJECTIVE is PROFIT, with MORE DONATIONS by SCAMMING THE PUBLIC with the CONCOCTION OF FRAUDULENT LIES and IMAGINARY DANGER about pest control products. MORE LIES means MORE PROFIT. Suzuki CONSPIRES to PROHIBIT pest control products that are otherwise HEALTHCANADAAPPROVED, FEDERALLYLEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLYSAFE, and TOTALLYIRREPLACEABLE. Here are TWO interesting statements from David Suzuki Foundation T he Ont ar io law [ pro hibit io n o f pest c o nt ro l pro duc t s ] is so m e t hing t he D av id Suzuki Fo undat io n, a lo ng wit h a r ange o f he alt h and e nv ir o nm e nt al o r ganizat io ns, has be e n pushing fo r . M arc h 17t h, 2009

The Suzuki Fo undat io n challe nge s o t he r pr o v ince s t o m ee t o r be at Ont ar io s ban o n co sm et ic pe st icide s to e nsure a high st andar d o f pr o te ct io n fo r hum an he alt h and t he e nv iro nm ent acro ss t he co unt ry . M arc h 4t h, 2009

Suzuki FALSE Legacy

DANGEROUS, HYPOCRITICAL, and INSATIABLE Suzuki has spread MORE ENVIRONMENTAL MISINFORMATION THAN MOST other EnvironmentalTerroristOrganizations. Together, Suzuki and ALLIES in other EnvironmentalTerroristOrganizations have EXPLOITED EMOTIONS and FEARS about a variety of issues, including pest control products they have demanded accountability from everyone else BUT THEMSELVES.

They have PROFITED FINANCIALLY or POLITICALLY from FALSE STORIES and PREDICTIONS, and IMAGINARY DANGER, and have NEVER been held accountable. Suzuki and ALLIES in other EnvironmentalTerroristOrganizations use FALSE IDEAS that are presented OUTOFCONTEXT, then left uncorrected by lack of followup. Suzukis REAL LEGACY is DESTROYED ECONOMIES, LOST JOBS AND HARDSHIP FOR PEOPLE, ANXIOUS CHILDREN, and WEAKENED COMMUNITIES. Now in his 70s, David Suzuki himself is busy REWRITING HISTORY by promoting his FALSE LEGACY through books and events.

Suzuki Fundi ng
David Suzuki Foundation operates as a socalled nonprofit INDEPENDENT charity that DOES NOT accept government grants. However, this policy DOES NOT preclude Suzuki from accepting money from organizations that DO accept government grants. Suzuki has claimed to be funded by more than fortythousand donors from around the world ( including eighteenthousand in Ontario ), as well as over fifty corporations and foundations.

Suzuki Donors and Cont ri butors

Bank of Montreal BMO Employee Charitable Foundation BC Buddhist Church Federation Bell Canada Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( another PROHIBITIONTERRORISTORGANIZATION )

Canon Canada Inc. Congregation of Notre Dame Domtar Inc. IBM Canada Ltd. McGrawHill Ryerson Patrick and Barbara Keenan Foundation Pfizer Canada Inc. Power Corporation of Canada Rockefeller Brothers Fund Scotia Capital Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception Stephen R. Bronfman Foundation The Bennett Family Foundation The David and Lucile Packard Foundation The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation The Lefebvre Family Foundation The McLean Foundation OVER 1,000,000 DOLLARS 837,100 DOLLARS ( 19992001 ) OVER 1,000,000 DOLLARS OVER 1,000,000 DOLLARS OVER 1,000,000 DOLLARS

1,085,000 DOLLARS ( 19982001 )

20,000 DOLLARS ( 2007 )

The Santa Barbara Family Foundation Toyota Warner Brothers Entertainment Canada Inc.

SuzukiLunatics want to DESTROY the Golf Industry just as they DESTROYED the Professional Lawn Care Industry

Suzuki and Gol f

Suzuki DESPISES the Golf Industry ! Suzuki has also stated that it DOES NOT WANT ANY PROHIBITION EXCEPTIONS FOR THE GOLF INDUSTRY. DANGEROUS, HYPOCRITICAL, and INSATIABLE Suzuki DEMANDS NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS PROHIBITION for the Golf Industry. David Suzuki himself made the following statement in 2008 [ The new pro hibit io n legislat io n in Ont ario ] allo ws GOLF COU RSE S t o co nt inue using pe st icide s and give s po we r t o t he Ont ar io m inist e r of t he e nv iro nme nt t o allo w o t he r e xce pt io ns, a po te nt ially D AN GE ROUS LOOP HOLE . On its web site, David Suzuki Foundation has also made the following statement about GOLF EXCEPTIONS on October 15th, 2008 I f pro v incial pr o hibit io ns e xe mpt GOLF COURSE S, as pr o po se d in t he discussio n pape r , MUN I CI PA LI TI E S nee d cle ar aut ho r ity t o RE STRI CT P E STI CI D E USE o n GOLF COURSE S wit hin t he ir bo undar ie s to be t te r pr o t e ct public he alt h and t he e nv iro nm e nt .

Suzuki , The PuppetMaster of the Envi ronmentalTerrori stMovement

Suzuki has definitely taken a LEADERSHIP role among those groups in the ENVIRONMENTALTERRORISTMOVEMENT. It appears that sometimes Suzuki even acts as THE PUPPET MASTER. Suzuki has many PUPPETS that actively support the LUNATICTERRORISTPROHIBITION of pest control products. Sometimes, Suzuki simply pulls THE STRINGS, and makes these guys PERFORM. Its actually FUN to watch.

Suzuki Puppets
All SUZUKI PUPPETS are themselves PROHIBITIONTERRORISTORGANIZATIONS. The PUPPETS play a part in the SuzukiEnviroTerrorALLIANCES, but are basically operated by a mere dozen or so EnviroLunaticActivists Here are THE PUPPETS ( allies ) of THE PUPPET MASTER Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment CanadianCancerSociety Canadian Environmental Law Association Canadian Union of Postal Workers Environmental Defence Equiterre ( Suzukis Quebec Ambassador and PUBLICPOLICYSHIELD ) Greenpeace Ontario College of Family Physicians Pesticide Free Ontario Pesticide Free BC Pollution Probe Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Sierra Club of Canada Toxic Free Canada World Wildlife Fund of Canada ... and others.

EnvironmentalTerrorALLIANCES are agreements between two or more Environmental TerroristOrganizations. Usually, the head of the alliance is itself a legitimate and independent group, such as David Suzuki Foundation. SuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances CONSPIRE to PRETENTIOUSLY PROHIBIT conventional pest control products that are otherwise HEALTHCANADAAPPROVED, FEDERALLY LEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLYSAFE, TOTALLYIRREPLACEABLE, and ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE. SuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances are set up for one or several of the following reasons For collecting MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in memberships and donations for the PROFIT of GREEDY RADICAL PROHIBITIONTERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS. For concealing the views of supposedly moderate professionals, such as EnviroLunaticHealthCareWorkers, in an attempt to mask their SUBVERSIVE LUNATIC views, hence DISCRETELY satisfying their cravings as a POWERHUNGRY, AVARICIOUS, UNSCRUPULOUS, DEPRAVED ENVIRO LUNATIC PSEUDO INTELLIGENTSIA. For ensuring that the nonprofit tax status of the PARENT ORGANIZATIONS is not jeopardized by their SUBVERSIVE LUNATIC ACTIVITIES. For ensuring that the nonprofit tax status of the participating lunatic organizations is not jeopardized by their activities For giving everyone the FALSE and FRAUDULENT impression that the EnvironmentalTerrorMovement has considerable size and power, when in fact, it DOES NOT many of the socalled independent Environmental TerrorOrganizations are often ONEINTHESAME GROUP. For giving the public the FALSE and FRAUDULENT impression that there is grassroots support for SUBVERSIVE LUNATIC public policies. For PROTECTING Suzuki and ALLIES from legal liability through the use of SHIELD ORGANIZATIONS.

Suzuki ALLIANCES i n Quebec

In 2009, the QUEBECSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances were formed with SEVEN PROHIBITIONTERRORISTORGANIZATIONS to CHALLENGE the threat against the Quebec PROHIBITION of pest control products. The QUEBECSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances were operated by LESS THAN A DOZEN EnviroLunaticActivists. Some of the EnviroLunaticActivists OPERATED MORE THAN ONE ORGANIZATION. The QUEBECSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances opposed the Dow AgroSciences lawful challenge of Quebecs LUNATICTERRORISTPROHIBITION under the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) Chapter 11. The alliances were calling upon the Government of Canada to vigorously defend Quebecs LUNATICTERRORISTPROHIBITION on pest control products. They also wanted federal government to acknowledge that it makes sense to eliminate unnecessary chemical exposure to allegedly PROTECT human health and the environment. Suzuki and its allies were extremely worried. In fact, they went berserk ! If this scenario plays out in its entirety, the Canadian federal government may ultimately be forced to dispense HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for every pest control product prohibited in every Province and municipality across Canada. Suzuki, along with all other EnvironmentalTerroristOrganizations that CONSPIRED to PROHIBIT pest control products, may also be liable for MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

The QUEBECSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances are composed of ... Canadian Environmental Law Association David Suzuki Foundation Ecojustice Canada Equiterre ( Suzukis ambassador in the Province of Quebec ) New Democratic Party of Canada ( the federal opposition party, and the POLITICALSHIELD for the EnvironmentalTerroristMovement ) Sierra Club of Canada University of OttawaEcojustice Environmental Law Clinic

Suzuki ALLIANCES i n Bri ti sh Col umbi a ( BC )

In the August 25th 2009 Speech from the Throne, the Government of British Columbia committed to CONSULT British Columbians on ... ne w st at uto r y pr ot e ct io ns t o fur t her safe guar d t he e nv ir o nme nt fr o m co sme t ic che mical pe st icide s The BCSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances were created to SUBVERT the CONSULTATION PROCESS with a MERE DOZEN OR SO EnviroLunaticActivists. Some of the EnviroLunaticActivists OPERATED MORE THAN ONE ORGANIZATION. The BCSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances are composed of ... Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment CanadianCancerSociety B.C. and Yukon Division Canadian Coalition for Health and Environment David Suzuki Foundation ( obviously ) New Democratic Party of British Columbia Pesticide Free Columbia Basin Coalition ( Formerly Pesticide Sierra Club of Canada Sunshine Coast Clean Air Society Toxic Free Canada West Coast Environmental Law Western Canada Wilderness Committee Wildsight

Free Columbia Valley Coalition. )

Suzuki NATIONAL Lunati c Alli ances

On November 19th, 2009, Suzuki organized NationalEnviroLunaticAlliances with twelve organizations representing all areas of the HEALTH SECTOR. The NationalSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances represent one of THE GREATEST THREATS to the future of the Modern Green Space Industry ! The OBJECTIVES of NationalSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances is to COERCE, INTIMIDATE, and INFLUENCE government at all levels with socalled LINKS between health and the environment and incorporate these links into policy decisions through legislative [ i.e. PROHIBITION ] and budgetary actions. If successful, the NationalSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances will become the INSTRUMENT OF NATIONAL ANNIHILATION of the Modern Canadian Green Space Industry by seeking to IMPOSE a NATIONAL PROHIBITION of conventional pest control products. The NationalSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances are composed of ... Association of Canadian Academic Healthcare Organizations Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Canadian College of Health Service Executives Canadian Dental Association Canadian Healthcare Association Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society Canadian Medical Association Canadian Nurses Association

Canadian Pharmacists Association Canadian Public Health Association David Suzuki Foundation National Specialty Society for Community Medicine

Besides, the LEGITIMACY of NationalSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances WAS IN DOUBT since OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS were NEVER produced indicating that this socalled alliance truly existed. Additionally, Suzuki has yet to provide documents indicating that the socalled alliances are with the groups themselves, and NOT JUST WITH ADMINISTRATORS. The testimonial statements attached to the Suzuki alliance press release were from a MERE HANDFUL of EnviroLunaticActivists with administrative titles such as chief executive officer, communications director, executive director, and association president. Not one of these administrators had ANY recognized expertise, training, or background, in matters concerning pest control products. Overall, their opinions were TOTALLY VALUELESS and UTTERLY WORTHLESS in matters concerning pest control products. Virtually NONE of the testimonial statements attached to the Suzuki press release SPECIFICALLY ENDORSED ANY ALLIANCE. Additionally, these groups have yet to RATIFY the conditions of the socalled Suzuki alliance with their membership. Suzuki has yet to ally itself with ANY recognized experts in matters concerning pest control products. In fact, the true recognized experts in matters concerning pest control products are opposed to most of the Suzuki IMAGINARY DANGER regarding pest control products. The NationalSuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances was composed almost exclusively of groups composed of dentists, executives, nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and public health officials, and NOT scientists and researchers in the field of pest control products. These dentists, executives, nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and public health officials have NO TRAINING and NO BACKGROUND and NO RECOGNIZED EXPERTISE in matters concerning pest control products again, their opinions are TOTALLY VALUELESS and UTTERLY WORTHLESS in matters concerning pest control products.

SuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances have set up SHIELD ORGANIZATIONS that perform acts of FRAUD, CONSPIRACY, and SUBVERSION without the actions being attributed to Suzuki or its PUPPETS. SHIELDS act for Suzuki without the actions being attributed to Suzuki directly. SHIELDS are expected to provide some limited protection from legal liability. SHIELDS ( also called UMBRELLAS or FRONT GROUPS or ALLIANCES or COALITIONS ) are often used by Suzuki and its PUPPETS.

Suzuki SHIELD i n Ontari o

The SuzukiEnviroLunaticAlliance in the Province of Ontario is COALITION FOR PESTICIDE REFORM ONTARIO. This coalition was created to ensure the passage of the Ontario Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act. COALITION FOR PESTICIDE REFORM ONTARIO was cocreated by Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, and David Suzuki Foundation. Here is a sample of the coalitions FRAUDULENT and SUBVERSIVE advertising on April 26th, 2008 Lawns and gar de ns ar e clo se r t o whe re mo st pe o ple liv e and whe r e childr e n play . Lawn and gar de n pe st icide s r e pr e se nt a po t e nt ially significant and o ft e n inv o lunt ar y pat hway o f e xpo sur e . [ W ro ng ! ]


Suzuki and its PUPPETS, ALLIANCES, and SHIELDS CONSPIRE to IMPOSE the PROHIBITION of conventional pest control products as a means of GUARANTEEING A FEW DOZEN WELLPAYING ENVIRONMENTALTERRORISTGREENJOBS. The systematic LUNATICTERRORISTPROHIBITION of conventional pest control products is a means of making Suzuki and its PUPPETS RICH ! Otherwise, the LUNATICTERRORISTPROHIBITION of pest control products provides NO advantages for health or the environment, and NO advantages for society. Federal, provincial, and municipal officials cannot EFFECTIVELY GOVERN THEIR JURISDICTIONS in a country that has PROHIBITIONTERRORISTORGANIZATIONS dictating public policy on matters such as the PROHIBITION of pest control products. Now that Canada has become a HAVEN FOR ENVIROTERRORIST ACTIVITY, companies and investors SHUN CANADA, and GO ELSEWHERE this has occurred in the pest control product manufacturing industry. It is obvious that the LUNATICPROHIBITIONTERRORISTS within the SuzukiLunatic Alliances must consider the hundreds of qualified scientists of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Health Canada to be incompetent and/or incapable of arriving at correct scientific findings concerning conventional pest control products. Perhaps the services of Health Canada should be terminated, and the SuzukiLunatic Alliances can run the show themselves. Unfortunately, there is NOT ONE SuzukiLunatic is competent to do this kind of work, especially in matters pertaining to pest control products. LUNATICTERRORISTPROHIBITION DESTROYED the Professional Lawn Care Industry the owners, employees, and families dependent on Professional Lawn Care businesses have faced TERROR, DESPAIR, DESTITUTION, HORRIFIC FINES, and BUSINESS FAILURES. Suzukis REAL LEGACY is DESTROYED ECONOMIES, LOST JOBS AND HARDSHIP FOR PEOPLE, and WEAKENED COMMUNITIES. Suzuki is DANGEROUS, HYPOCRITICAL, and INSATIABLE.

Suzuki Hypocri sy
On March 27th, 2009, Suzuki wrote ( with LunaticGhostWriter Faisal Moola ) ...

N o ws t he t ime to t ake scie nce ser io usly . Ho w can any so cie t y m ake impor t ant de cisions abo ut t he se issue s wit ho ut be ing SCI E N TI FI CA LLY LI TE RA TE A N D I N FORME D ? To o o fte n, t he r o le o f scie nce in so lv ing o ur so cial, m e dica l, and e co no m ic pr o ble m s is po o r ly unde r st oo d be cause t he nat ur e of scie nt ific re se ar ch, disco v e r y , and applicat io n is no t unde r sto o d. [ . .. ] go o d SCI E N TI STS m ake impo r t ant disco v er ie s, and t o m aint ain a t o p gr o up o f scie nt ist s, we ne e d a cult ur e t hat suppo r t s and ho no ur s it s re se ar cher s. That cant hap pe n whe n scie nce funding be co m e s a po lit ical ho cke y puck sla ppe d ar o und by whiche v e r par t y co m e s into po wer . W e nee d ge ner o us lo ngt er m suppo r t fo r o ur t o p scie ntist s so t hat t he y can cre at e clust e r s o f e nt husiast ic, inspir e d re se ar che rs.

Evidently, Suzuki SUPPORTS SCIENTISTS WHEN IT SUITS HIM. He evidently DOES NOT SUPPORT those SCIENTISTS working for Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Health Canada. How can any society make important decisions about pest control products without the expertise of the SCIENTIFICALLY LITERATE AND INFORMED Health Canada ? In fact, Suzuki himself has NO expertise whatsoever in matters relating to pest control products.

Suzuki Lunati cs
David Suzuki Foundation and its EnviroLunatics present themselves as a SUPPOSED EXPERTS in matters concerning pest control products. [ Wrong ! ] SuzukiLunatics even present themselves as supposed experts in matters concerning TURFGRASS and ORNAMENTAL PLANT MANAGEMENT. [ Wrong ! ] SuzukiLunatics merely represent their own interests only, and often seek to IMPOSE their LIFESTYLE CHOICES on an unsuspecting public through the creation of LIES, FEARMONGERING, MISCONCEPTIONS, COERCION, THREATS, DECEPTIONS, TERROR, and PARANOID CONSPIRACIES. NOT A SINGLE SuzukiLunatics has ANY recognized expertise, training, or background, in matters concerning PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ! This includes even David Suzuki himself. In order to allow SOUND SCIENCE to be effectively practiced, it would be preferable leave the interpretation of scientific research to those people who are competent to do it Health Canada and NOT SuzukiLunatics. Overall, the opinions of SuzukiLunatics are TOTALLY VALUELESS and UTTERLY WORTHLESS in matters concerning pest control products.

Davi d Suzuki .
David Suzuki holds a mere B.A. Honours in Biology and a mere Ph.D. in Zoology. Suzuki has NO recognized expertise, training or background in matters concerning pest control products. Actually, he is an expert in FRUIT FLIES. In 1972, Suzuki COMPARED HUMANS TO FRUIT FLY MAGGOTS. B asically , we r e all fr uit flie s. Mo st pe ople i n t he wor ld ar e co nt e nt to st ay as fir st or se co ndle v e l MA GGOTS . The guy s t hat be co m e te nt hle v e l MA GGOTS ar e r e ally big whe e ls.

As a broadcaster for PUBLIC TELEVISION, Suzuki has perpetually been in an ENORMOUS CONFLICTOFINTEREST between being a supposedly neutral television personality working for a governmentowned public broadcasting corporation, and operating a partisan militant PROHIBITIONTERRORISTORGANIZATION.

Here are David Suzukis PERSONAL CREDENTIALS with PROHIBITIONTERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS that CONSPIRE to PROHIBIT pest control products Chairman and CoFounder David Suzuki Foundation Honorary Board Member Ecojustice Canada Honorary Board Member Environmental Defence

Li sa Gue
Lisa Gue is a SuzukiEnviroLunatic, operating under the title of Environmental Health Policy Analyst, Researcher, and Writer in the CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT pest control products for David Suzuki Foundation. Suzuki has NO recognized expertise, training or background in matters concerning pest control products. In June 2008, Gue said ... The use o f pe st icide s to impro ve t he appe ar ance o f lawns, gar de ns, par ks, and scho o ly ar ds po se s UN NE CE SSA RY RI SKS t o hum an he alt h and t he e nv iro nm e nt . [ W ro ng ! ]

GOLF CO URSE S ar e r e spo nsible for a significant v o lum e o f ur ban pe st icide use and t his use is cle ar ly co sme t ic as de fine d in t he bill i.e . N ON E SSE N TIA L.

Meg Sears
Meg Sears is a SuzukiEnviroLunatic who has worked on some Suzuki projects in the CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT pest control products. Sears has NO recognized expertise, training or background in matters concerning pest control products. Sears merely has a Doctorate in Biochemical Engineering. She is neither a medical doctor, nor a scientist, although she appears to allow people to believe that she is. So, why does Sears present herself as an EXPERT ? Sears has come close to holding the GOLF INDUSTRY accountable for the sad death of her son. Instead of lamenting and honouring his death, she appears to prefer using him instead as a DRAMATIC WEAPON OF ENVIRONMENTALTERROR against the GOLF INDUSTRY On April 30th, 2002, Sears made the following statement before a government committee. I 'm no t o nly a scie nt ist , I m also a mo t her . Scie nce will ne v er t e ll us what r e ally happe ne d, but t his is so m e bo dy who po ssibly fe ll o n t he wr o ng side o f y o ur r isk be ne fit analy sis. This is a pict ur e o f m y so n. He D I ED just ov er a y e ar ago , o f a m alignancy t hat was po ssib ly ca use d . .. W he n I wa s pr e gnant wit h him , t he y co nst r uct e d a GOLF COURSE j ust do wn t he r o ad fr o m me . The y use d a V A ST QUA N TI TY OF P E STI CI D E S whe n t he y we re do ing t hat . Here are Sears personal credentials with PROHIBITIONTERRORISTORGANIZATIONS Active member and representative Canadian Coalition For Health and the Environment Adjunct investigator or health researcher Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Research Institute, Ottawa Head of steering committee, and scientific or science advisor The Coalition For A Healthy Ottawa Representative Organic Landscape Alliance Researcher and writer DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION Spokesperson Health Dangers Of The Urban Use Of Pesticides

Suzuki Honorary Boa rd Members

DANGEROUS, HYPOCRITICAL, and INSATIABLE David Suzuki Foundation has had some famous ( or infamous ) Honorary Board Members, such as ... Margaret Atwood, Writer James Burke Paul R. Ehrlich, EnviroLunatic Gordon Lightfoot, Singer Sting, EnviroLunaticSinger

In 1969, EnviroLunatic Paul R. Ehrlich issued the following lighthearted and needlessly alarming warning The o ce ans will die o f D D T po iso ning by 1979 [ ] t he U .S. life e xpe ct ancy wil l dr o p t o 42 ye ar s by 1980 due to cance r e pide m ics.

Dealing wi th Suzuki
In January 2010, the Green Space Industry outlined the list of CHARGES against the Government of Ontario and the Ministry of the Environment. The legal proceedings were organized by Jeffrey P. Lowes and MREP Communications. Additionally, individual members of EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations also faced CHARGES under the Canadian Criminal Code. By August 2010, MREP Communications commenced CIVIL ACTION to recover the HORRENDOUS LOSSES caused by PROHIBITIONTERRORISTS.

Many EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations are now worried about litigation for their involvement in the CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT pest control products. David Suzuki Foundation has sanitized its web sites in order to try to squirm away from the spotlight. [ Too late ! We have downloaded and copied EVERYTHING ! ] Everybody must STOP MAKING DONATIONS to David Suzuki Foundation ! The GOLF INDUSTRY must TERMINATE ALL RELATIONSHIPS with organizations within the SuzukiEnviroTerrorAlliances, like Contemptible and Radical CanadianCancer Society, and suspend all related charitable tournaments that provide financial donations and support to these organizations. The LOATHSOME and RIDICULOUS Golf Canada ( formerly RCGA, Royal Canadian Golf Association ) must immediately TERMINATE ALL RELATIONSHIPS with Environmental TerroristOrganizations like the Contemptible and Radical CanadianCancerSociety, World Wildlife Fund, and others, and suspend all related charitable tournaments and programs that provide financial donations and support to these organizations.

Rat Out the SuzukiBasterds !

SHORT LIST of Complaint Channels

Rat Out the SuzukiBasterds !

A ssoci at i on of Fu n draisi n g Prof essi on al s


B et t er B u si n ess B u reau

Mi dW est ern an d Cen t ral Ont ari o


B et t er B u si n ess B u reau

E ast ern an d Nort h ern On tari o, an d Ou t aou ai s


Can ada Reven u e A gen cy Ch arit i es Direct orat e, Ch ari t abl e Organ i zati on s

Can ada Reven u e A gen cy

In f orman t Leads Program

Surrey, British Columbia Winnipeg, Manitoba 1.866.846.3535 1.866.453.0450

Brossard, Qubec 1.866.896.6317 Saint Catharines, Ontario 905.984.4830 Saint John, New Brunswick 506.636.4657

Can adi an A nt i Frau d Cent re

G overnmen t of Can ada


Ch ari t y I n t el li gen ce Can ada


G overn men t of On t ari o Mi ni st ry of th e A tt orn ey G en eral Of f ice of the Pu bl i c G u ardi an an d Tru st ee Ch ari t abl e Propert y Program

I magi n e Can ada Looki n g I nt o an d Ou t For Can adas Ch ari ti es an d Non Prof its

Calgary, Alberta 1.800.263.1178 Ottawa, Ontario 613.238.7555

Toronto, Ontario


Rat Out the SuzukiBasterds !

LONG LIST of Complaint Channels

Rat Out the SuzukiBasterds !

Associ ati on of Fundrai si ng Professional s

Suite 412 260 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5A 4L5 416.941.9144

EMail c d nm em b er s h i p @ af p n et . o r g Web Site h tt p :/ / www. a f p n et . o r g/ Ab o u t / c o nt en t . c fm ? It em Num b er = 3 1 2 2

Better Busi ness Bureau Mi dWestern and Central Ontari o

354 Charles Street East Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4L5 Web Site h tt p :/ / www. k it c h en er . b b b . o r g / 519.579.3080 519.570.0072


Better Busi ness Bureau EasternOntari o, Northern Ontari o, and Outaouai s

700 Industrial Avenue Unit 505 Ottawa, Ontario K1G 0Y9 613.237.4856 613.237.4878


To File a Complaint h tt p s :/ / o d r. b b b . or g / o d r web / p u b l i c/ g et s t a r t ed . a s p x? s i t eI D= 1 6 3 For General Inquiries i n f o@ o tt a wa . b b b . o r g Web Site h tt p :/ / o tt a wa . b b b . or g

Canadi an Anti Fraud Centre Government of Canada

Box 686 North Bay, Ontario P1B 8J8 1.888.495.8501 Overseas and Local 1.705.495.8501 Toll Free Fax 1.888.654.9426

EMail i n f o@ a n ti fr a u d c en t r e. c a Web Site h tt p :/ / www. p h o n eb u s t er s . c om / en g l is h / r ec o g n i z ei t _ c h a r it i es . h tm l

Rat Out the SuzukiBasterds !

Canada Revenue Agency Chari ti es Di rectorate, Chari tabl e Organi zati ons
Canada Revenue Agency Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L5 Telephone Service MondayFriday 8 am8 pm Office Hours MondayFriday 8:15 am4:30 pm EMail Ch a ri ti es Bi en f a i s a n c e@ c r a a r c . g c. ca Web Site www. c r a a r c. g c . c a/ c h rt s g v n g /m en u en g . h t m l 613.954.0410 1.800.267.2384

Government of Ontari o, Mi ni stry of the Attorney General , Offi ce of the Publi c Guardi an and Trustee, Chari tabl e Property Program
595 Bay Street Suite 800 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M6 Web Site 416.326.1963 1.800.366.0335

www. a t t or n ey g en er a l . j u s . g o v . o n. c a/ en g l i s h / f am il y / p gt

Chari ty Intelli gence Canada

Charity Intelligence Canada will hold our charities accountable. We will monitor these charities and assess how they have spent your money and evaluate the results they achieve. 30 Church Street Suite 405 Toronto, Ontario M5E 1S7 EMail i n f o@ c h a ri t yi n t el li g en c e. c a Web Site www. c h a ri t yi n t el l i g en c e. c a 416.363.1555

Greg Thomson

Director of Research

Charity Intelligence Canada

gt h om s o n@ c h ar i ty i n t el li g en c e. c a

Karen Greve Young


Cancer Research Analyst

Charity Intelligence Canada

ky o u n g @ c h ar it y i nt el l i g en c e. c a

Rat Out the SuzukiBasterds !

Imagi ne Canada Looki ng Into and Out For Canadas Chari ti es and NonProfi ts
Our cause is Canadas charities and nonprofits. You can submit a complaint in writing to Imagine Canada. The complaint will be reviewed by an independent committee of experts. EMail c o d e@im a gi n ec a n a d a . c a Web Site h tt p :/ / www. im a g i n ec a n a d a . c a / n o d e/ 1 7 6

Imagi ne Canada Toront o

2 Carlton Street Suite 600 Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3 Email i n f o@ im a g i n ec a n a d a . c a 416.597.2293 1.800.263.1178 416.597.2294


Imagi ne Canada Ottawa

130 Albert Street Suite 1705 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4 613.238.7555 1.800.263.1178 613.238.9300


Imagi ne Canada Cal gary

855 2nd Street SW Suite 1800 East Tower Bankers Hall Calgary, Alberta T2P 2S5 1.800.263.1178 403.645.4646


Rat Out the SuzukiBasterds !

Canada Revenue Agency Informant Leads Program

The Canada Revenue Agency ( CRA ) takes abuse of Canadas tax laws very seriously. When an individual or business does not fully comply with tax legislation, an unfair burden is placed on lawabiding taxpayers and businesses and the integrity of Canada's tax base is jeopardized. The mandate of the Informant Leads Program is to coordinate all leads that the CRA receives from informants, to determine if there is an element of non compliance with tax legislation, and to ensure that appropriate enforcement action is taken. The program is regionalized into five offices across the country. To report suspected tax evasion, contact the office in your region. An informant's identity will not be disclosed or you may provide information anonymously.

Canada Revenue Agency Atl anti c Regi on Informant Leads Centre

Saint John Tax Services Office 126 Prince William Street Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4H9 Hours of Service 8:15 am to 4:30 pm ( local time ) 506.636.4657 1.888.674.1699 506.636.5316


Canada Revenue Agency Quebec Regi on Informant Leads Centre

MontrgieRiveSud Tax Services Office 3250 Lapinire Boulevard Brossard, Qubec J4Z 3T8 Hours of Service 8:15 am to 4:30 pm ( local time ) 1.866.896.6317 450.926.7006


Rat Out the SuzukiBasterds !

Canada Revenue Agency Ontari o Regi on Informant Leads Centre

Saint Catharines Tax Services Office 32 Church Street Post Office Box 3038 Saint Catharines, Ontario L2R 3B9 Hours of Service 8:15 am to 4:30 pm ( local time ) 905.984.4830 1.866.809.6841 905.984.4829


Canada Revenue Agency Prai ri e Regi on Informant Leads Centre

Winnipeg Tax Services Office 325 Broadway 5th Floor Post Office Box 1022 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2W2 Hours of Service 8:15 am to 5:00 pm ( local time ) 1.866.453.0450 204.984.6721


Canada Revenue Agency Paci fi c Regi on Informant Leads Centre

Surrey Tax Centre 9755 King George Boulevard Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5E1 Hours of Service 8:15 am to 4:30 pm ( local time ) 1.866.846.3535 250.470.5060


Force Of Nature presents THE WHOLE TRUTH FROM AN INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE from National Organization Responding Against HUJE that seek to harm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG). It is a series of Reports destined for the Green Space Industry, the Environmental Terror Movement, Governments, and the Media, nationwide across Canada, the United States, and overseas. The information presented in Force Of Nature has been developed for the education and entertainment of the reader by providing a sequence of historical events WITH COMMENTARY. The neutrality of these Reports might be disputed. This is what we do. Dont thank us. Its a public service. And we are glad to do it. HUJE are identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts. Even though each Enviro Lunatic Culprit is a misguided adversary, each still deserves our respect. The use of the terms Lunatic, Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or Basterd are not accusations of any legal wrong doing. Force Of Nature is simply holding Enviro Lunatic Activists accountable for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE, HARM, and THREATEN the Green Space Industry. HUJE is a term used to describe Enviro Lunatic Activists that routinely concoct FEAR MONGERING, FRAUDULENT LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, COERCION, THREATS, DECEPTIONS, TERROR, and PARANOID CONSPIRACIES that are DESIGNED to SCAM and DECEIVE the public into believing there is some IMAGINARY DANGER with conventional pest control products. HUJE also SCAM and DECEIVE Government Officials into the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT conventional pest control products that are HEALTH CANADA APPROVED, FEDERALLY LEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE, TOTALLY IRREPLACEABLE, and ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE. HUJE have created LOSS OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAILURES, BANKRUPTCY, and UNEMPLOYMENT, inflicting DESPAIR and DESTITUTION for THOUSANDS of hapless victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of Lunatic Culprit Terrorist Basterd HUJE is viewed as a form of TERROR, HARM, and THREAT against the Green Space Industry. This Report provides NO guarantee regarding accuracy or completeness. In no event shall Force Of Nature be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of any trade association or business operating within the Green Space Industry. The events, characters, companies, and organizations, depicted in this Report are not always fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, may not be coincidental. All information, excerpts, and pictures contained in this Report were found somewhere on the Internet, and may be considered in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes archive, education, promotion, publicity, or press release. Force Of Nature, and its various incarnations, is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his colleagues. Mr. Gathercole is a principal FOUNDER of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario and Quebec. He holds a degree in Horticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, and another pure and applied science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY. He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space Industry, including GOLF, PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE, and CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, and has served in environmental compliance, government negotiations, public affairs, and workplace safety. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, programmed, and/or overseen the successful and safe execution of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest control applications in the urban landscape. He has trained, instructed, and consulted with THOUSANDS of turf managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercole has also been an agricultural agronomist. For many years, Mr. Gathercole was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation Magazine, Canadas Turf and Grounds Maintenance Authority. Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues have followed the evolution of LUNATIC ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM for over a quarter century. For FIFTEEN YEARS, the strategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed the control of the VERMIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL TERROR for the entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Their involvement in Environmental Issues reached a fevered pitch in the 1990s, when he orchestrated, with his colleagues, legal action against the Forces of Environmental Evil in the Town of Hudson, Quebec. Today, Mr. Gathercole is the ONLY TRUE RELIABLE WITNESS of the Hudson Affair. Mr. Gathercole is personally credited for crafting the Golf Industry Exception Status that endures to this day. He is also the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application. He and his colleagues are recognized as THE MAJOR INFLUENCE for the decision by Canadian Cancer Society to STOP selling for profit PESTICIDETREATED DAFFODILS. Mr. Gathercoles vast knowledge of our long journey with Environmental Issues is UNDENIABLE hopefully ! Mr. Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as FOUNDER of Force Of Nature. THE LIBRARY OF REPORTS 2,4D A LOOK AT Career Management A LOOK AT Pests & Disorders of Trees & Shrubs A LOOK AT Pests & Disorders of Turfgrasses Agriculture ALBERTA Enviro Terror Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Benefits of the Turfgrass Industry Books That Screwed Up the World BRITISH COLUMBIA Enviro Terror Conspiracy CALGARY (Alberta) Enviro Terror STOPPED Cancer Maniac Stuff CARNAGE Caused by Prohibition Terrorism CONSEQUENCES of Prohibition Terrorism Controversial Prohibitions Culprits, Lunatics and Maniacs Who Conspired to Prohibit Daffodils Toxic Pesticide Treated Daffodils Soaked Formaldehyde Dating Services for Enviro Maniacs DDT and Our World of Politicized Science Death and Illness (Alleged) Departure Letters Environmental Terror That NEVER Ends Environmental TERROR Talk and Weasel Words Environmental Terrorists UNMASKED Environmental Terror Organizations Enviro Profit Accumulated by Greedy & Avaricious Enviro Maniacs Famous Quotations About Enviro Maniacs Fertilizer Enviro Terror That NEVER Ends Food and Farming Global Warming The Scam of Our Lifetime Golf Industry Halloween Terror Happy Holidays Health Canada Health Concerns with Pest Control Products Heroes Speaking Out Against Environmental Terror History of Environmental Terror in Canada Lying Sacs of (Enviro Maniac) Cwap Mock Advertisements Mock Speeches Myth Busting NATIONAL Enviro Terror Conspiracy NEW BRUNSWICK Enviro Terror NO Prohibition Exception for AGRICULTURE Industry NO Prohibition Exception for GOLF Industry North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ONTARIO Haven For Environmental Terror Pesticide Q & A (Questions and Answers) Positive Waves (Interesting and Innovative Thinking) PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (PEI) Enviro Terror QUEBEC Prohibition Terror Rachel Carson SASKATCHEWAN Enviro Terror Infestation Satire, Laughs & Insanity THE AVENGERS The Successes of Trade Associations The Failure of BOGUS Green Alternatives The Failure of BOGUS Organic Golf Courses The Failure of BROWN Golf Courses The Failure of Integrated Pest Management The Failure of Pesticide Free Parks The Failures of Pesticide Manufacturers The Failures of Trade Associations The Industry Strikes Back in Ontario The Wilhelm Scream The Wisdom of REAL Experts TWISTED Precautionary Principle United States Enviro Terror Victories Against the Vermin of Enviro Terrorism Video, Audio, and Slide Shows Violating Federal Law Warnings and Updates Weapons of Ultimate Environmental Terror Wind Power (Bogus)Audio Violating Federal Law Warnings and Updates Weapons of Ultimate Environmental Terror Wind Power (Bogus)

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