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The statement by the Kachins of California

We are Kachins living in the United State. We are here to express our grave concerns for our family members and friends who are living in our homeland under the extreme oppression of the Burmese government. Kachin people are victims of current civil war between Kachin Army and Burmese Army. Union Solidarity Development Party (USDP) of Burma has not made any progress in implementing democratic principles or respecting human rights. At the same time, USDP government have made the country poorer than it had inherited and less educated than the previous generation. We are rich in natural resources yet millions go to bed in empty stomach. Recent fruitless press release stated by USDP government blamed Kachin Army for its aggressive military offenses. Such accusations are blatantly false and without any truth. On February 12th, 1947, Kachin signed a Panglong agreement to gain independence from Great Britain. 63 years later, we still are not free: we are not free to vote, we are not free to worship, and we are still not free to speak our minds. We did not support General Aung Sans leadership at Panglong simply to be replaced by another tyrant. We are protesting against the Burmese government which only rewards the handful and oppresses the rest of the population. We are tired of the government which only brings agony and suffering to its own people. We do not want a system of government which divides its own citizens and feeds one to harass another and remains in power. Burma builds power plants to export electricity to China, yet over 50% of its own citizens are lighting candles every night. The country exports rice to Africa, yet millions are living on a single meal a day. Burma is Human Suffering! Last week, the Burmese army launched its military campaign against Kachin people after 17 years of cease-fire. 45 Burmese soldiers and 10 Kachin soldiers have perished in this conflict. This week, over 20,000 Kachin people have abandoned their homes and fled for shelter in various parts of Sino-Burma Border. Because of Chinas refusal to receive refugees, thousands are displaced within the jungles inside Burma. We do not want cease-fire, we want PEACE. We do not need benevolence, we want JUSTICE. We do not choose forced referendum, we choose DEMOCRACY. We demand that the Burmese government: 1) stop crime against civilians 2) begin political dialogue with opposition groups through mediation of a third country 3) support 2nd Pang Long Initiative We request that the Chinese government: 1) Open its border and provide humanitarian assistance to fleeing refugees and to welcome international aid agencies 2) demand the USDP to begin dialogue with ethnic groups and other political stakeholders to find a peaceful resolution that will produce genuine peace 3) stop your support to the Burmese junta who are committing crime against humanity

We request that the US government: 1) extend and expand the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act (S.J.RES. 17) and begin a pragmatic engagement with a progressive timeline 2) begin dialogue with ethnic groups and other political stakeholders in the country to find a peaceful resolution that will produce genuine democratic changes 3) encourage China to demand the Burmese military regime to halt its attack against ethnic groups, to provide humanitarian assistance to fleeing refugees, and begin dialogue with the ethnic group through the United Nationalities Federal Council of Burma, and

4) inquire the regional implications that are resulting from the growing Chinese military presence in Burmas domain. We thank all the brothers and sisters here with us today to show support for the Kachin people. Please continue to help us in this fight to get peace, justice, and democracy in Kachin State and Burma.

Sincerely, Kachins of California

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