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Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle

"Your Trusted T Partner

Process Excellence
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
$P R/3 ERP
Account|ng Area
llnanclal accounLlna (ll)
ConLrolllna (CC)
AsseL AccounLlna (ll AA)
- numan kesources
- Log|st|cs
roducLlon lannlna ()
MaLerlals ManaaemenL (MM)
Sales and ulsLrlbuLlon (Su)
CuallLv ManaaemenL (CM)
Servlce ManaaemenL (SM)
lanL MalnLenance (M)
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
$P Organizational $tructure
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle 9, Cverv|ew
lanL MalnLenance lnLroducLlon
lanL MalnLenance CraanlzaLlon
1echnlcal Cb[ecLs
8reak uown MalnLenance
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
8efurblshmenL Cf Spare arLs
revenLlve MalnLenance
Work Clearance ManaaemenL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Maintenance ntroduction
SA lanL MalnLenance auLomaLes Lhe process of
performlna faclllLv repalr and malnLenance requesLs
lor example SA records a problem LhaL ls reporLed
labor and maLerlals are planned cosLs are recorded
and Lhen cosLs are seLLled
lanL MalnLenance operaLes Lhe overall malnLenance
buslness processes and funcLlons allows a
malnLenance oraanlzaLlon Lo
ldenLlfv documenL and correcL fallures and
dearadaLlons of anv asseLs for whlch Lhev have
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
lanL MalnLenance rocess llow
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
lanL MalnLenance rocess llow
M rocess llow
Maintenance Order
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
9ant ,a|ntenance 9rocess Cverv|ew
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Maintenance Organization
lanL MalnLenance CraanlzaLlon
1) Cvervlew of rocesses and Avallable SoluLlons
Llfecvcle of Lechnlcal AsseL
lnvesLmenL lannlna
ro[ecLs ueflnlLlon
SelecLlon of vendor
lanL MalnLenance
LxLernal rocuremenL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Maintenance Organization
lanL MalnLenance CraanlzaLlon
onaI Locations
Tasks List
BiII of MateriaI
Work Centers
Cost Center
Cost Records
Purchase Order
/ReIease Order
Master Data
Order Processing
Capacity Load
MateriaI Issue
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Maintenance Organization
2) user lnLerface
varlous meLhods LhaL user connecLs Lo SA
ower user
Sporadlc user
3) CraanlzaLlonal Levels ln lanL MalnLenance
uependlna on Lhe Companv SLrucLure
plannlna ls elLher of followlna Lvpe
lanL8ased (uecenLrallzed)
CrosslanL (CenLrallzed)
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Maintenance Organization
3) CraanlzaLlonal Levels ln lanL MalnLenance
Anae LxlsLlna Companv SLrucLure
Def|ne MalnLenance lanLs/lannlna lanLs
Ass|gn lannlna lanL/Work CenLer
MalnLenance planner aroups are asslaned Lo
plannlna planLs
MalnLenance work cenLers are asslaned Lo
malnLenance planL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Based Organization $tructure
9ant 8ased Crgan|at|ona 5tructure
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Maintenance Organization
MalnLenance lanL lannlna lanL
1he ant aL whlch Lhe operaLlonal svsLems of a
companv are lnsLalled ls called Lhe malnLenance
lf Lhe malnLenance work ls planned aL Lhls planL Lhe
malnLenance planL ls also Lhe malnLenance plannlna
A malnLenance ann|ng ant ls Lhe oraanlzaLlonal
unlL ln whlch malnLenance requlremenLs are
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Maintenance Organization
,a|ntenance 9ann|ng 9ant 5tructure
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Plant Maintenance Organization
lanner Croup
1he planners wlLhln a malnLenance plannlna planL
are deflned bv malnLenance anner grous
1he unlLs of capaclLv ln lanL MalnLenance are
manaaed as malnLenance work cenLres ln Lhe M
1he malnLenance work centres are usuallv asslaned
Lo Lhe malnLenance plannlna planL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Work CenLers
Work cenLer ls an oraanlzaLlonal unlL where work ls
carrled ouL
Lx Machlne Croup of machlnes or aroup of persons
Work cenLres belona Lo Lhe masLer daLa ln M and
provlde Lhe capaclLv requlred Lo perform a Lask
1he baslc daLa conLalns aeneral daLa such as work
cenLre caLeaorv descrlpLlon responslblllLv and usaae
Work cenLers can be llnked Lo
CosL CenLers oslLlons eople
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Work CenLers
ost|ng 1o deLermlne Lhe cosLs of an lnLernal
acLlvlLv bv a producL unlL
5chedu|ng 1o deLermlne Lhe daLes when
operaLlons should be performed
aac|t 9ann|ng 1he capaclLv requlremenLs for
Lhe operaLlons ln Lhe orders are deLermlned
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Technical Objects
1echnlcal Cb[ecLs
1) luncLlonal LocaLlons
luncLlonal locaLlons are elemenLs of a Lechnlcal
sLrucLure We creaLe luncLlonal SLrucLures lf we wanL
Lo represenL svsLems or operaLlonal sLrucLures wlLhln
our companv accordlna Lo funcLlonallLv
CreaLe funcLlonal locaLlons hlerarchlcallv and can
also sLrucLure Lhem based on Lhe followlna crlLerla
5at|a Lx 8ulldlnas
@echn|ca Lx ress or ress Pvdraullcs
9rocessreated Lx olvmerlzaLlon
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
unctional Location reation
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
luncLlonal LocaLlons
luncLlonal LocaLlon SLrucLure
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
luncLlonal LocaLlons
1he maln Alm of creaLlna luncLlonal LocaLlons ls Lo
SLrucLure a Lechnlcal SvsLem or bulldlna lnLo unlLs LhaL
are relevanL Lo lanL malnLenance
luncLlonal LocaLlon SLrucLure
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
unctional Location
$tructure ndicator
The identification for functional locations is
created using the structure indicator. The structure
indicator consists of two input fields:
Edit mask : The edit mask is used to control which
characters may be used for identification (letters,
numbers, or both) and how these characters are
grouped together or split.
Hierarchy IeveIs: The hierarchy levels are used to
define which level ends at which character and how
many hierarchy levels the structure may contain.
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
luncLlonal LocaLlons
A funcLlonal locaLlon can be ldenLlfled uslna a maxlmum
of 40 characLers ( maxlmum lenaLh of Lhe edlL mask)
luncLlonal LocaLlon SLrucLure
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
2) LqulpmenL
A plece of equlpmenL could be parL of blaaer Lechnlcal
sLrucLures or lndependenL
lece of equlpmenL ls usuallv represenLed as slnale
ob[ecL(Lx umps moLors vehlcle) for whlch
malnLenance Lasks should be performed
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
CreaLe an equlpmenL masLer record for a Lechnlcal
ob[ecL lf ?ou need Lo manaae lndlvldual daLa for
Lhe ob[ecL
8reakdown prepared or prevenLlve malnLenance Lask
are requlred for an ob[ecL and musL be recorded
1echnlcal daLa for Lhls ob[ecL musL be collecLed and
evaluaLed over lona perlods of Llme
1he cosLs of malnLenance Lasks for Lhls ob[ecL are
Lo be monlLored
8ecord Lhe usaae Llme of Lhls ob[ecL aL funcLlonal
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
luncLlonal LocaLlons
1he Llmebased daLa can be used Lo monlLor a plece
of equlpmenL dvnamlcallv LhaL ls Lrack chanaes Lo Lhe
equlpmenL over a speclflc perlod of Llme
urpose of LqulpmenL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
2) LqulpmenL
1hls role conLalns all Lhe funcLlons LhaL vou requlre Lo
process equlpmenL
LqulpmenL AcLlvlLles ln lanL MalnLenance (M)
CreaLlna a plece of equlpmenL (aenerallv as
producLlon resource/Lool fleeL ob[ecL)
CollecLlve enLrv for equlpmenL
Chanalna a plece of equlpmenL
uaLa Lransfer from equlpmenL
1aklna up daLa Lransfer
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
luncLlonal LocaLlons
8llls of maLerlal are used for dlfferenL purposes 1he usaae
depends on Lhe enLerprlse area
8lll Cf MaLerlal
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8lll Cf MaLerlal
3) 8CM
1he 9roduct|on 8| of ,ater|as represenLs a
flnlshed producL (parenL )made up of dlfferenL
lnvenLorv componenLs (chlldren) uurlna Lhe
producLlon process vou Lurn Lhe componenLs lnLo Lhe
flnlshed producL
ComponenLs ln Lhe producLlon blll of maLerlals are
phvslcal lLems (for example a screw a wooden board
a measured quanLlLv of lubrlcanL or palnL) or vlrLual
ob[ecLs (one work hour)
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8lll Cf MaLerlal
3) 8CM
1he eng|neer|ng/des|gn b| of mater|a lncludes all
Lhe elemenLs of Lhe producL (from an enalneerlna
vlewpolnL) and conLalns Lhe Lechnlcal daLa lL ls
usuallv noL dependenL on Lhe order
1he cost|ng b| of mater|a reproduces Lhe producL
sLrucLure and forms Lhe basls for auLomaLlc
deLermlnaLlon of Lhe maLerlal usaae cosLs for a
producL lLems LhaL are noL relevanL for cosLlna are
noL lncluded ln Lhls blll of maLerlal
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8lll Cf MaLerlal
1he ma|ntenance b| of mater|a has Lhree lmporLanL
lL onlv conLalns lLems relevanL Lo lanL MalnLenance
5tructur|ng of the ob[ect 1he sLrucLure of an ob[ecL should
be dlsplaved as clearlv as posslble from a malnLenance
5are arts ann|ng |n the order lf a blll of maLerlal exlsLs
for a Lechnlcal ob[ecL lL can be used durlna Lhe plannlna
process of a malnLenance order for Lhe purpose of spare
parLs ldenLlflcaLlon and plannlna
5are arts ann|ng |n the task |st Spare parLs can be
planned ln Lhe Lask llsL based on a blll of maLerlal
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8lll Cf MaLerlal
lnsLead of a unlform blll of maLerlal Lhese areas use
Lhelr own blll of maLerlal wlLh areaspeclflc daLa
(for example producLlon)
1hev onlv evaluaLe bllls of maLerlal conLalnlna area
speclflc daLa 1hls resulLs ln a LaraeLed blll of maLerlal
exploslon wherebv onlv Lhe areaspeclflc daLa ls
made avallable
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8lll Cf MaLerlal
3) 8CM
CaLeaorles of 8CM's are
MaLerlal 8CM
LqulpmenL 8CM
luncLlonal LocaLlon 8CM
A maLerlal 8CM ls a blll of maLerlal LhaL ls flrsL
creaLed for a maLerlal lndependenLlv of a
Lechnlcal ob[ecL 1o do Lhls maLerlal creaLlon ls
CreaLe a maLerlal 8CM for Lhe maLerlal
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
luncLlonal LocaLlons
8lll Cf MaLerlal
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
8reak uown MalnLenance
uslna Lhls buslness process we can reporL perform
and documenL malnLenance Lasks LhaL arlse suddenlv
All Lhe resources used cosLs and Lechnlcal deLalls of
Lhe malnLenance Lask are recorded cenLrallv and can
Lhen be evaluaLed
usuallv Lhls process ls relevanL lf a Lechnlcal asseL
exhlblLs a defecL for example lf a pump ls leaklna or a
prlnLer ls noL prlnLlna properlv
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
ulverse emplovees can creaLe a malnLenance
noLlflcaLlon Lo reporL Lhe defecL
1he responslble malnLenance Lechnlclan recelves
Lhese noLlflcaLlons ln hls or her work llsL and makes
Lhe necessarv repalrs
9rocess Iow
1noLlflcaLlon Schedullna
2 LxecuLlon
3 CompleLlon
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
8reak uown MalnLenance llow
8reak uown MalnLenance
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
CreaLe / process noLlflcaLlon
CeneraLe work llsL for noLlflcaLlons
CreaLe / process order
Conflrm Llme
Modlfv Lechnlcal ob[ecL sLrucLure
rocess LxecuLlon
compleLe order
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8efurblshmenL Cf Spare arLs
kefurb|shment of sare arts
ln a companv uefecLlve or warnouL spare parLs ln
sLoraae should be refurblshed
8efurblshmenL rocess
re 8equlslLes for 8efurblshmenL ln MaLerlal MasLer
SeparaLe LvaluaLlon
8efurblshmenL Crder
Check Lhe effecLs of refurblshmenLs on sLock value
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
8efurblshmenL rocess
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8efurblshmenL Cf Spare arLs
kefurb|shment of sare arts
uurlna Lhe refurblshmenL process equlpmenL ls
malnLalned bv a Leam of malnLenance planners
malnLenance Lechnlclans and sLore persons
AfLer a malnLenance Lechnlclan has deLermlned and
replaced Lhe defecLlve equlpmenL Lhe malnLenance
planner posLs Lhe defecLlve lLem Lo sLock
AfLer plannlna has been posLed Lhe malnLenance
planner creaLes and releases a refurblshmenL order
for Lhe alven lLems
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8efurblshmenL Cf Spare arLs
kefurb|shment of sare arts
CalculaLed Lhe Llme and maLerlal resources are neede
for Lhe refurblshmenL
1he order ls conformed and CompleLed
1he sLock value chanaes dvnamlcallv accordlna Lo Lhe
condlLlon of Lhe lLems wlLh Lhe prlce of a refurblshed
lLem coverlna all lnLernal and exLernal maLerlal and
labour cosLs spenL on refurblshlna
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
revenLlve MalnLenance
9revent|ve ,a|ntenance
revenLlve malnLenance work ls performed Lo ensure
opLlmal operaLlon of equlpmenL avold cosLlv
unplanned equlpmenL fallure or shuLdown
1o keep down Llmes and malnLenance cosLs
mlnlmum Lhe Lechnlcal svsLems are lnspecLed and
malnLalned reaularlv
revenLlve MalnLenance Can be followed bv 3 lacLors
1lme 8ased
erformance 8ased
CondlLlon based
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
revenLlve MalnLenance
9revent|ve ,a|ntenance
1lme 8ased
ln t|mebased revent|ve ma|ntenance Lhe
malnLenance Lasks are planned and performed
dependlna on Lhe LlmedependenL lnLervals
deLermlned (Lx Lverv 6 monLhs)
erformance8ased (erformance)
1hls revent|ve ma|ntenance Lasks are Lrlaaered
afLer a speclflc performance level has been reached
(Lx Lverv 10000 kms)
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
revenLlve MalnLenance
9revent|ve ,a|ntenance
CondlLlon 8ased
lf Lhe servlce llfe ls exhausLed or lf Lhe asseL ls no
lonaer ln aood enouah condlLlon Lo perform lLs
servlce Lo Lhe requlred quallLv
1hen Lhe servlce llfe musL be resLored Lhrouah
malnLenance or repalr work 1hese malnLenance
Lasks are aeneraLed and performed based on a
cerLaln asseL condlLlon
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
revenLlve MalnLenance
revenLlve MalnLenance
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
revenLlve MalnLenance
@ask L|sts
ln Lhe companv all lnspecLlon and malnLenance Lasks
LhaL musL be performed aL reaular lnLervals are
deflned ln malnLenance Lask llsLs
1ask llsL header daLa
MalnLenance lannlna
Slnale Cvcle lan (Same acLlvlLv aL reaular
SLraLeav (MalnLenance work performed ln
dlfferenL cvcles)
MalnLenance sLraLeav
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
revenLlve MalnLenance
9revent|ve ,a|ntenance
9rocess |n Deta|
CreaLe / process noLlflcaLlon
CeneraLe work llsL for noLlflcaLlons
CreaLe / process order
lan and schedule order
erform work clearance manaaemenL
Conflrm Llme
erform evaluaLlons ln planL malnLenance lnformaLlon
svsLem (MlS)
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
orrect|ve ,a|ntenance
MalnLenance acLlons carrled ouL Lo resLore a defecLlve
lLem Lo a speclfled condlLlon
3 hases of correcLlve MalnLenance
LnLerlna 8equlremenL(noLlflcaLlon)
lannlna Crders wlLh CperaLlons and MaLerlals (lannlna)
MonlLorlna Lhe cosL (ConLrol)
erformlna Lhe Lasks(LxecuLlon)
CompleLlna Lhe Crder and noLlflcaLlons(CompleLlon)
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
AC1lvl1lLS are work performed for noLlflcaLlonslmporLenL for lnspecLlon
Lhev prove LhaL cerLaln Lasks have been performed
1ASkS uescrlbes Lhe AcLlvlLles LhaL sLlll have Lo be performed(Also used for
plannlna purpose)
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
orrect|ve ,a|ntenance
3 hases of correcLlve MalnLenance
LnLerlna 8equlremenL(noLlflcaLlon)
lannlna Crders wlLh CperaLlons and MaLerlals
MonlLorlna Lhe cosL (ConLrol)
erformlna Lhe Lasks(LxecuLlon)
CompleLlna Lhe Crder and
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
orrect|ve ,a|ntenance
-ot|f|cat|on ls Lhe Lechnlcal ob[ecL conLalns Lhe
descrlpLlon abouL Lhe malfuncLlon or requlremenL
MalfuncLlons and oLher requlremenLs are recorded ln
noLlflcaLlon noLlflcaLlons can be accessed and
processed vla a llsL
9ann|ng ln Lhls phase orders are creaLed and
planned on Lhe basls of Lhe reporLed requlremenLs
lannlna compasses Lhe Work Lo be performed and
Lhe maLerlal requlred
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
CorrecLlve MalnLenance
orrect|ve ,a|ntenance
ontro ln Lhls phase order runs Lhrouah Lhe dlfferenL
phases such as maLerlal avallablllLv check capaclLv
ecut|on Crder ls execuLed ln Lhls phase 8equlred
maLerlal for Lhe order ls wlLhdrawn
omet|on 1echnlcal ConformaLlon and 1echnlcal
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Work Clearance ManaaemenL
Jork earance ,anagement
1hls buslness process Lo enforce all safeLv measures
LhaL musL be enforced before lnspecLlons repalrs or
prevenLlve malnLenance work are performed
MalnLenance Workers operaLe ln a danaerous
LnvlronmenL(Lx Plah volLaae 8adlo AcLlvlLv)
1he WCM componenL helps companv Lo conLrol and
monlLor safeLv measures
Pelps Lo ensure and secure worklna condlLlons for
planL malnLenance emplovees
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
Jork earance ,anagement
Work Clearance ManaaemenL
Work Clearance Management is integrated into the Plant
Maintenance (PM) component
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
J, 9rocess Iow (1)
ork learance Management
Work CIearance
Work CIearance
Work CIearance
CreaLe Crder
lan Crder/ 8equesL 1aa
Speclfv Cb[ecL conLalnlna
1aa ouL/LockouL
Approve and erform
1aa ouL/LockouL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
Work Clearance ManaaemenL
Jork earance ,anagement
Lockout@ag out (LC@C) or ock and tag ls a safeLv
procedure whlch ls used Lo ensure LhaL danaerous
machlnes are properlv shuL off and noL sLarLed up
aaaln prlor Lo Lhe compleLlon of malnLenance or
servlclna work
Jork earance Document 1hls documenL conLalns a
deLalled descrlpLlon of lockouL / Laa ouL
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
8reak uown MalnLenance
J, 9rocess Iow (2)
ork learance Management
ReIease Order
Work CIearance
Work CIearance
8elease Crder
CompleLlna 1aaalna
erform unLaaalna
1echnlcallv CompleLlna
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle
"&ERE$ ?
Cllck Lo edlL MasLer LlLle sLvle

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