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Faculdade Marista Curso: Web Desing Disciplina: Ingls Aluna: Diana Karine Analise as frases abaixo em que esto

grifados alguns dos marcadores do quadro anterior e estabelea a idia que eles anunciam. 1. Random access memories (RAMs) are used in primary memory because they are much faster. idia de causa 2. Until the 1970s, most large primary memories used ferrite cores (rings of magnetized material about a millimeter in diameter strung like beads on a wire grid). Ferrite-core memories were nonvolatile, that is, retained their information even after power has been removed. idia de tempo idia de reformulao 3. Modern small computers can be equipped with up to 4 billion addressable locations, although most are initially equipped with smaller memories typically 4 to 8 million addressable locations. ideia de concesso 4. Nowadays, digital computers are all conceptually similar, regardless of size. Nevertheless, they can be divided into several categories on the basis of cost and performance. ideia de tempo idia de freqncia 5. Popular software is usually distributed on magnetic disks. In fact, software and the disk that contains it are often thougt of as being the same thing. idia de casualidade freqncia idia de realce 6. Businesses now use computers extensively and on a worldwide basis. Idia de tempo

7. Some critics see computer education as merely the latest in a series of unsuccessful altempts to revolutionize education through the use of audio and visually oriented nonprint media. Supporters believe, however, that computers are a much more powerful learning medium than the innovative instructional devices that preceded them. Nos d a idea de concordncia idea de comparao

8. After programming an experimental computer at Harvard University, Grace Hopper, who was probably the first commercial programmer, worked on the UNIVAC I and li computers and developed a commercially usable high-level programming language called Flowmatic. Idia de tempo sequenciao Idia de dvida 9. When a disk is read by the disk-drive unit of a computer, the software is copied into the memory. Then the computers operating system passes control to the application in a process that activates the program. O primeiro d a idia de abordagem inicial. O segundo d a idia de concluso 10. The United States government helped to form an investigation team to deal with security threats in major computer networks across the country. The Software Publishers Association has also adopted certain measures to address the problem. O segundo d a idia de adio 11. To write into memory, the address of the location and the data to be written must be supplied to the memory along with a write command. Thus a memory component has (as subcomponents) storage locations, data paths for moving information into and out of storage, and the control logic necessary to interpret commands. Passa a idia de concluso 12. An automobile speedometer is a familiar example of a device that can employ either digital or analog forms. The needle of an analog speedometer often woobbles about listed values of the average speed as it responds to slight fluctuations in velocity. A digital speedometer, on the other hand, displays precise numeric values for time intervals and may even calculate an average over several time intervals in order to eliminate rapid small changes. D a idia de tempo D a idia de sentido, esquerda , direita etc. D a idia de continuidade.

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