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AarlculLural revoluLlons ln lndla

8evoluLlon 8elaLed wlLh

Creen 8evoluLlon lood araln roducLlon
Colden 8evoluLlon lrulL roducLlon
Crev 8evoluLlon lerLlllzer roducLlon
8lue 8evoluLlon llsh roducLlon
8lack 8evoluLlon eLroleum roducLlon
lnk 8evoluLlon rawn roducLlon
8ound 8evoluLlon oLaLo roducLlon
8ed 8evoluLlon MeaL/1omaLo roducLlon
Sllver 8evoluLlon Laa/oulLrv roducLlon
WhlLe 8evoluLlon Mllk roducLlon
?ellow 8evoluLlon Cll seeds roducLlon

5||ver revo|ut|on
1he sllver revoluLlon refers Lo Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhe producLlon of eaas was
Lremendouslv lncreased lL was done bv Lhe help of medlcal sclence and more
proLeln rlch food for Lhe henslL was same as Lhe areen and Lhe whlLe revoluLlon
ln lndla
ou|try Deve|opment

oulLrv developmenL ln Lhe counLrv has shown sLeadv proaress over Lhe vears
prlmarllv due Lo research and developmenL schemes of CovernmenL as well as
effecLlve markeLlna manaaemenL bv oraanlzed prlvaLe secLor

lndla wlLh poulLrv populaLlon of 489 mllllon and esLlmaLed more Lhan 332 bllllon
eaas producLlon ranks amona Lhe Lop Lhree counLrles ln eaa producLlon ln Lhe
world uurlna 198081 eaa producLlon reached doubledlalL bllllon flaures (10
bllllon numbers) and has lncreased over 3 Llmes currenLlv er caplLa avallablllLv
has durlna Lhls perlod also lncreased nearlv 3 Llmes from a mere flfLeen numbers
per person per annum Lo forLvLwo per annum

1he broller producLlon ls arowlna aL Lhe raLe of nearlv 810 everv vear and
arowLh ln producLlon of poulLrv/chlcken meaL lncreased from mere 012 mllllon
meLrlc Lunes ln 1981 Lo 22 mllllon meLrlc Lons presenLlv 1he annual per caplLa
avallablllLv of eaas and chlcken meaL has also lncreased from a mere 10 eaas and
146 arams ln 1970s Lo around 42 eaas and 16 kas respecLlvelv presenLlv

lndlas share of Lhe world Lrade ln poulLrv and poulLrv producLs ls verv small
Powever Lhe counLrv has come a lona wav durlna Lhe lasL decade lncreaslna lLs
value of exporLs from nearlv 8s11 crores ln 199394 Lo around 8s441 crores
durlna 200708 oulLrv SecLor besldes provldlna dlrecL or lndlrecL emplovmenL
Lo nearlv 3 mllllon people ls a poLenL Lool for subsldlarv lncome aeneraLlon for
manv landless and maralnal farmers and also provldes nuLrlLlonal securlLv
especlallv Lo Lhe rural poor

1o provlde necessarv servlces Lo Lhe farmers of Lhe counLrv realonwlse four
realonal cenLres have been resLrucLured on Lhe prlnclple of onewlndow servlce
Lo Lhe farmers ln Lhese realonal CenLral oulLrv uevelopmenL CraanlzaLlons
(CuCs) locaLed aL Chandlaarh 8hubaneswar Mumbal and PessarahaLLa Lralnlna
ls also belna lmparLed Lo Lhe farmers Lo uparade Lhelr Lechnlcal skllls 1o monlLor
Lhe producLlon poLenLlal of varlous sLocks ln Lhe counLrv Lhe CenLral oulLrv
erformance 1esL unlL aL Curaaon ls conducLlna one laver and Lwo broller LesLs ln
a vear

8ecenLlv CablneL CommlLLee on Lconomlc Affalrs approved Lhe CenLrallv
Sponsored Scheme oulLrv uevelopmenL from Lhlrd vear of xl llve ?ear lan
le 200910 aL a LoLal ouLlav of 8s130 crore 1he CenLrallv Sponsored Scheme
comblnes Lhree componenLs vlz AsslsLance Lo SLaLe oulLrv larms (whlch ls a
conLlnulna componenL) and Lwo new componenLs 8ural 8ackward oulLrv
uevelopmenL and oulLrv LsLaLes 1he admlnlsLraLlve approval and scheme
auldellnes are belna lssued

1he Scheme Lhrouah lLs AsslsLance Lo SLaLe oulLrv larms componenL alms aL
sLrenaLhenlna exlsLlna SLaLe poulLrv farms so as Lo enable Lhem Lo provlde lnpuLs
malnlv ln Lerms of provldlna lmproved sLocks sulLable for rural backvard rearlna
1he 8ural 8ackvard oulLrv uevelopmenL componenL ls expecLed Lo cover Lhe
needv 8elow overLv Llne secLlon of socleLv Lo malnlv enable Lhem Lo aaln
supplemenLarv lncome and nuLrlLlonal supporL LnLrepreneurshlp skllls are
expecLed Lo be lmproved Lhrouah plloL componenL of oulLrv LsLaLes whlch ls
meanL prlmarllv for educaLed unemploved vouLh and small farmers wlLh some
maraln monev for maklna a proflLable venLure ouL of varlous poulLrv relaLed
acLlvlLles ln a sclenLlflc and blosecure clusLer approach

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