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Generic Name Brand Name carboplatin Paraplatin

Lung Cancer Overview

Need the facts about lung cancer? Lung cancer starts when abnormal cells grow out of control in the lungs. Lung cancer and smoking often, but not always, go hand in hand. There usually are no signs or early symptoms of lung cancer. As lung cancer stages advance, lung cancer symptoms may include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and bloody mucus. Treatment for lung cancer can include surgery, chemotherapy, and /or radiation.
How It Works Carboplatin is an intravenous (IV) medicine usually given in a dose based on body surface area. The type and extent of a cancer determines the exact dose and schedule of administering this drug. Why It Is Used Carboplatin is an alkylating agent that slows or stops the growth of the cancer cells. Carboplatin is used to treat ovarian cancer. It may also be used to treat bladder,lung, esophageal, testicular, or endometrial cancer. How Well It Works Carboplatin is an effective antitumor medicine. But the type and extent of a cancer determines how effectively this medicine slows or stops the growth of cancer cells in the body. Side Effects Most side effects of chemotherapy, including hair loss, go away after you finish treatment. Side effects of carboplatin include: Decreased white blood counts. Red blood cell counts and platelet counts can also be reduced. Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Diarrhea or constipation. Numbness and tingling in the hands or feet (peripheral neuropathy). Hearing changes or hearing loss. Mild rash. Hair loss. Mouth sores (stomatitis). Changes in kidney and liver function tests.

See Drug Reference for a full list of side effects. (Drug Reference is not available in all systems.) What To Think About Carboplatin should be administered only under the supervision of a medical oncologist.

Your doctor can prescribe medicines to help you manage any nausea or vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Men and women may not be able to have children after taking carboplatin. Discussfertility with your doctor before starting treatment. Carboplatin can cause birth defects. Do not use this medicine if you are pregnant or wish to become pregnant or wish to father a child while you are taking it. Do not use this medicine if you have: Kidney or liver disease. Chickenpox or shingles. Hearing problems.

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