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Pupils Specifications : : : : : : : : : 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. 2.2.2 Ask questions to seek information and clarification. 2.5.1 Gives details about the people and animals of a story heard, read or viewed. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by completing info transfer diagrams. 3.8.1 Read and understand simple poem and simple stories 4.3.1 Match phrases to pictures 4.3.2 Complete missing words Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 21 December 2009 Year 3 Rafflesia 8.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 28 pupils English Language World of Stories My Animal Friends (Articles) Moderate proficiency

I. Make movements according to the song (psychomotor)

II. List the articles they can hear from the story (cognitive) III. Show their sympathy to the story heard (affective) IV. Draw picture based on the instructions (cognitive) V. Complete all the exercises given (cognitive) Previous knowledge : Intermingle Moral Value Teaching Aids : : : Pupils have learnt types of animals in previous lesson. English language, Mathematics, Art Education, Music Education, Physical Education and Science Co-operations, cleanliness, good manners, obedient PowerPoint slides presentation, video clip, worksheets

Time/Stage Set Induction (5 minutes)



Remarks material: Video

Lets sing and 1) Teacher displays the lyrics from a Teaching dance. Title : The lion sleeps tonight Power Point Presentations. 2) Pupils read the lyrics guided by teacher. Presentation,

Lyrics in Power Point

3) Pupils watch the video and follow the clip movements. 4) Pupils sing the song with the action. Moral operation Intermingle: English Language, Education, Education Music Physical value: Co-

LyricVideo ClipPoint in Power

Strategy/method: 1. Bodily-kinesthetic (multiple intelligence)

Step 1 Presentation 1 (10 minutes)

Watching Video 1) Teacher shows a video and asks the Teaching pupils Theres alligator my bed an under to watch it quietly and Video alligator bed, Moral

material: an my

Theres under

obediently. 2) Pupils pay attention to the story shown. 3) Pupils talk about the video clip and identify the objects they saw in the story. 4) Pupils count and identify the quantity of the objects they saw.



operation, obedient Intermingle: English Language, Mathematic Keywords: 2 carrots, grapes, a peanut sandwich, biscuits etc. 2 butter corns,

r e /me Ide ti i

Vi e Ste 2 Prese tati (15 mi tes 2 (Articles) Gr mm r Time 1) Teac er s s

li a Power Poi t Te c i Power Presentation articles. Mor l Obedient operation I ermi Language r e /me od: Classi ing (T inking skills) le Englis l e: Com eri l Point about

Prese tation a out articles. 2) Drills t e pupils a out articles a an and t e 3) Relate t e articles wit t e video s own be ore 4) Pupils sa t e words t at appear on t e Power Point slides E : an alligator,

an apple, a farmer, a pail, the sun, the beach

P er P i Prese i



Intelligence) Step 3 Practise (20 minutes) Practise Complete worksheets the 1) Teacher distributes worksheets to the Teaching pupils. Worksheet material: 1,

2) Pupils complete first worksheet in the Worksheet 2 class. 3) Pupils have to complete the second worksheet at home as their homework. Moral Obedient, operation Intermingle: English Language, Strategy/method: Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Classifying, categorizing (Thinking skills) Linguistic Intelligence) (Multiple value: Co-

Step 4


1) Teacher asks pupils to draw three Teaching objects they saw in the video/Power Power

material: Point

Climax (7 minutes)

Spot Draw


Point Presentation shown in this lesson.



2) Pupils have to draw in 4 minutes on the answers worksheet paper given before. 3) Pupils put the suitable articles in front of the pictures. 4) Teacher shows the Power Point slide with the correct answers. Moral

value: Co-

Obedient, operation

Intermingle: English Language, Education Strategy/method: Categorizing (Thinking skills) Visual spatial Art

(Multiple Intelligence) Closure (3 minutes) Moral operation value: CoSing Dance and 1 Pupils sing and dance the song The Teaching


lion sleeps tonight

Video clip

Intermingle: English Language, Education, Education Strategy/method: Bodily-kinesthetic (multiple intelligence) Music Physical

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