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Introduction : Dear Friends, Do not rush through or neglect this article. Go through this very patiently & practice simple Pranayama like Kapalabhati & Anuloma Viloma for 10 to 15 min each. Lakhs of People get cure for many diseases by just practising these Pranayama. If you want to verify the fact please see Aastha channel between morning 5 to 7 and in the night between 8:30 to 9:30. The Aastha channel telecast the Yog Science Program conducted by Swami Ramdevji at various places of our country.

Introduction :

Most of the people living in urban may say there is no time for doing pranayama or other health related exercises but it is for an individual to manage time for these activities out of 24 hrs. Going early to bed & get early with sleeping time of 6 to 7 hrs. is the mantra for allotting very valuable hr. time in the morning.

Introduction : Two Sanskrit words are combined in the word 'Pranayama' Prana and Ayama. Prana' means life force i.e Breath. 'Ayama' means development or control. Therefore Pranayama is the control of breath Breath is the life force that sustains life. Nobody can survive more than a few minutes without air. When the breath stops, life ends

Introduction :

In simple terms pranayama may be called the control of the breath. Its essence lies in the modification of our normal process of breathing. Breathing is an act in which we take air from the atmosphere into our lungs, absorb the oxygen from it into our blood, and expel the air again into the atmosphere together with carbon-di-oxide and carbon-diwater vapour.

Introduction :

This act of inhalation and exhalation is repeated every four to five seconds. Thus normally we breathe about fifteen times every minute, Each time taking about 500 ml. of air into the lungs. So we inhale and exhale approximately seven liters of air per minute.

Sitting Posture for Pranayama Spine must be kept straight Sit in any Yogic posture such as Siddhasana Padmasana If one cannot sit on the ground, sit on a chair keeping your back & neck straight Doing Pranayama while walking is wrong

Some basic rules for Pranayama Sit on a sheet or cloth (cotton or wool etc) Should be performed 4 or 5 hours after taking food. Best time is in the morning after finishing daily routine acts like brushing the teeth, evacuation of bowels.

Importance of Pranayama In human body, lungs, heart & brain hold very important positions & they depend on each other heavily for their health. Physically, Pranayama appears to be a systematic exercise of respirations, which makes the lungs stronger, improves blood circulation, makes the man healthier & live long life Physiology teaches us that the air (Prana) we breath in fills our lungs, spreads in the entire body, providing it with essential food & oxygen.

Importance of Pranayama The veins collect the blood which contains dirty elements from the body, take them to heart & then to the lungs, which throws the useless material like carbondioxide out of the body through the act of exhalation. If this action of respiratory system is done regularly & efficiently, lungs become stronger & blood becomes pure.

Importance of Pranayama Most of the people do not have the habit of breathing deeply Only part of the lungs is brought into action with our normal breathing part of our lungs remains idle.

Importance of Pranayama Permeates the entire body and all its cell. The sense organs of the body, take rest, as if in sleep or slumber. But Prana always remains active. No rest is known to it.

Benefits of Pranayama We see people remaining alive without food or water for several days. But it is impossible to maintain life without Prana even for a few moments Prana provides us with vital energy which is the basis of our life Provides us immunity from various kinds of diseases.

Benefits of Pranayama It is the Pranic energy which makes Our eyes to see Ears to hear Nose to smell Tongue to speak Lustre to our faces Makes our mind think Enables our alimentary system to digest Assimilate the food that we take

Respiration speed versus Life A man who regularly performs Pranayama is required to take less number of breaths and therefore lives longer. The table given below is meant to illustrate this point. It shows that animal who take lesser number of breaths live longer. Example : Tortoise whose rate of respiration per minute is 5 breaths lives for about 400 years.

Living Pigeon Sparrow Dog Cat Elephant Human Tortoise No of respiration Life / min 34 Less Life 30 28 24 22 15 Avg 70~80 5 400 Yrs.

There are many types of Pranayama Important Seven methods are Bhastrika Pranayama Kapalbhati Pranayama Bahya Pranayama Anuloma Viloma Pranayama Nadi Shodhan Pranayama Bhramari Pranayama OMKAR or AUM Japa Pranayama

The very important Pranayama are Kapalbhati Pranayama Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

The above Pranayama are most effective and can be practiced by persons who can allot atleast 15 min. time in a day.

Kapalbhati : Kapala means forehead & Bhati means light. Hence Kapalbhati refers to that exercise which makes the forehead luminous, lustrous. The act of inspiration or breathing in is to be done with normal, usual force but the act of exhalation has to be done with as much force as is at your command

Kapalbhati Shortly stated breathe in normally & breathe out forcefully so as to influence the organs of the abdominal area While doing this Prayanama think that while exhaling you are throwing out of your body all the negative & injurious elements with mental aberration like anger, greed, ego etc., along with the air exhaled.

Kapalbhati Likewise, while breathing in, think that you are taking into your body positive thoughts like compassion, love, detachment etc. and filling your body & mind with them. In the beginning you may feel little pain in the back or abdomen. But this will disappear after some practice.

Benefits of Kapalbathi : Face becomes lustrous and attractive. Diseases like Respiratory troubles, allergies, Sinus etc. are cured. Functioning of Heart & lungs improves.

Benefits of Kapalbathi : Blood sugar becomes normal & weight is reduced. Blockages in the arteries are also cleared. Peace & stability of mind is secured. No negative thoughts occur.

Benefits of Kapalbathi : Organs in the Abdominal Cavity function more efficiently. Strengthens the intestines Improves digestion. Troubles like depression are cured.

Benefits of Kapalbathi : Obesity, Diabetes are cured Constipation, Acidity are cured Diseases pertaining to kidneys & prostate gland etc. are cured.

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama The steps to be taken are : Close the right side nostril with right thumb. Inhale slowly through the left nostril till the lungs are filled. Then close the left nostril with the middle & 3rd finger. Open the right nostril and exhale through it.

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

Repeat this exercise slowly in the beginning & with practice, increase the speed. If you feel tired rest for some time & resume.

Benefits of Anuloma Viloma Makes the body healthy, lustrous & strong Diseases like cold, cataract, sinus, etc. are cured. Blockages in the arteries of the heart are removed and the arteries become clean, making the circulation unimpeded.

Benefits Anuloma Viloma :

Negative thinking is replaced by positive approach to life. Increases enthusiasm & spirit In short, this Pranayama has effect of cleansing the body & mind.

Swami Ramdevji teaches very simple way of doing Pranayama which can be viewed in Aastha channel everyday morning between 5 to 7 am & in the night between 8:30 am to 9:30 am. I am a regular viewer of Aastha Channel & practising daily the simple Pranayama like Kapalabhati & Anuloma Viloma for 15 min. each. Pls. go ahead & practice Pranayama & enjoy the benefits of keeping fit & get cure for many illness.

Friends let us practice these simple Pranayama Let us make this exercise as a part of our life Let us allot atleast 15 minutes in the morning to get real benefits. Practice Pranayama & Have a healthy life.

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