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Works Cited: 1) Boyd, Nan A. Bodies in Motion: Lesbian and Transsexual Histories.

Transgender Studies Reader, #28, pp 421, 22, 29. Routelidge, New York. 2006 2) Burdge, Barb J. Bending Gender, Ending Gender: Theoretical Foundations for Social Work Practice with the Transgender Community. Social Work, 52,3: Research Library, p 243, July 2007 3) Grant, Jaime, M., Mottet, Lisa A., Tanis, Justin, Harrison, Jack, Herman, Jody L., and Keisling, Mara. Injustice at every turn: A report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Washington: National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 2011 4) Green, Jamison. Look! No, Don't!. Transgender Studies Reader, #34, p 505. Routelidge, NY 2006 5) Heck, N.C., Flentje, A, and Cochran, B.N. (2011, May 2). Offsetting Risks: High school GayStraight Alliances and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth. School Psychology Quarterly. Advance online publication, 2011 6) Kessler, Suzanne J., Mckenna, Wendy. Toward a Theory of Gender. Transgender Studies Reader, #13, p 176. Routelidge, NY 2006 7) Mizock, Lauren, Fleming, Michael Z. Transgender and Gender Variant Populations with Mental Illness: Implications for Clinical Care. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Vol 42, No. 2, 208-213. 2011 8) Wilchin, Riki A. What does it cost to tell the truth? Transgender Studies Reader, #38, p 549. Routelidge, New York, 2006 9) Born in the Wrong Body. May, 2007 10) June 28, 2009 11)'t-call-me-miss-and-other-gendermusings. July, 2010

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