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Cough: 1.

to expel air suddenly and noisily from the lungs through the glottis, either as the result of an involuntary muscular spasm in the throat or to clear the air passages. 2. A condition, as of the lungs or throat, causing frequent coughing Ointment: a fatty substance applied to the skin for healing or cosmetic purposes; salve; unguent.

Flu: any of various respiratory or intestinal infections caused by a virus.

Cold:1.of a temperature significantly or noticeably lower than average, normal, expected, or comfortable; very chilly; frigid a cold wind .a. without the proper heat or warmth this soup is cold .b. without the proper heat, warmth, or warm-up period: said of tires, engines, etc.2.dead.3. Feeling chilled.4. Without warmth of feeling; unfeeling; indifferent a cold personality.5. not cordial or kind; unfriendly a cold reception 6.sexually frigid 7.depressing or saddening; gloomy to realize the cold truth 8.not involving one's feelings; detached; objective cold logic 9.designating or having colors that suggest cold, as tones of blue, green, or gray .

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