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Toyota Motor Manufacturing. U.S.A. Inc.

Case Study
Operations Management
llM kozhlkode
uaLe 14Mar2011
Information in the case:
ln 1983 1ovoLa MoLor CorporaLlon (1MC) unvelled lLs plan Lo open an $800 mllllon Creenfleld planL ln kenLuckv
ln !ulv 1988 1ovoLa MoLor ManufacLurlna uSA (1MM) beaan volume producLlon wlLh annual planL capaclLv of
200000 1ovoLa Camrv sedans replaclna Lhe bulk of !apanese lmporLs of Lhe same model
ln 1992 1MM was expecLed Lo supplv 240000 of Lhe allnew Camrvs whose sales were up bv more Lhan 20 slnce Lhe
model chanae ln fall 1991
1oyota roduct|on 5ystem (15)
1ovoLa had alwavs sLrlven for beLLer cars for more people"
1S almed aL cosL reducLlon bv Lhorouahlv ellmlnaLlna wasLe bv provldlna Lwo auldlna prlnclples ldenLlfvlna whaL was
wasLe ln reallLv
llrsL prlnclple !usLln1lme (!l1) producLlon roduce onlv whaL was needed onlv how much was needed and onlv
when lL was needed Anv devlaLlon from Lrue producLlon needs was condemned as wasLe
Second prlnclple rlnclple of f make anv producLlon problems lnsLanLlv selfevldenL and sLop produclna
whenever problems were deLecLed ln oLher words jlJoko lnslsLed on bulldlna ln quallLv ln Lhe producLlon process and
condemned anv devlaLlon from valueaddlLlon as wasLe
1o lmplemenL Lhe 1S prlnclples 1ovoLa emploved a varleLv of Lools lor !l1 producLlon Lhese Lools were used Lo keep
lnformaLlon flow as close Lo Lhe phvslcal flow of parLs as posslble arLs were Lhus pulled from downsLream based on
acLual usaae
nformat|on |n the case (Cont)
1o lmplemenL Lhe 1S prlnclples 1ovoLa emploved a varleLv of Lools lor !l1 producLlon Lhese Lools were used Lo keep
lnformaLlon flow as close Lo Lhe phvslcal flow of parLs as posslble arLs were Lhus pulled from downsLream based on
acLual usaae
1he purposes of jlJoko Lools were Lo ald lmmedlaLe problem deLecLlon and faclllLaLe vlsual conLrol A Lvplcal dlscusslon
of a problem would sLarL wlLh leL's ao see lL" and Lhen converae on Lhe llve Whvs" exerclse 1hls exerclse conslsLed of
asklna a chaln of whv" quesLlons unLll Lhe rooL cause was ldenLlfled and counLermeasures deLermlned
MeLhodlcal Lhlnklna exLended bevond solvlna problems and enabled people Lo seek kolzeo chanae for Lhe beLLer
kolzeo was lndlspensable ln pursulna 1S aoals conLlnuouslv and lndeflnlLelv
Assemblv operaLlons were performed alona 333 sLaLlons on a convevor llne over flve mlles ln lenaLh and conslsLlna of
several connecLed llne seamenLs Lhe Lrlm llnes chassls llnes and flnal assemblv llnes
Lverv sLaLlon on Lhe assemblv llne embodled jlJoko and kolzeo Lools A sLandardlzed work charL was posLed ad[acenL Lo
each work sLaLlon on Lhe llne showlna Lhe cvcle Llme of LhaL sLaLlon Lhe sequence of work Lasks and Lhe Llmlna Lo
perform Lhem wlLhln one cvcle
lf Lhe Leam member was behlnd aL Lhls vellow llne or found anv oLher problem he or she pulled Lhe ooJoo cord a rope
runnlna alona Lhe assemblv llne over Lhe work area An ooJoo pull Lurned on a flashlna llahL Lrlaaered loud muslc and
llL up Lhe work sLaLlon's address number" on Lhe ooJoo board sLopplna producLlon 1hls ls Lo avold wasLe bv sLopplna
producLlon faulLv cars
1he plannlna process reflecLed !l1 prlnclples ln Lwo ma[or wavs neljooko also svnchronlzed Lhe assemblv llne wlLh Lhe
ulLlmaLe sales of Lhe cars 1he second !l1 prlnclple was reflecLed ln Lhe use of kooboo cards A kooboo card lncluded a
parL code number lLs baLch slze lLs dellverv address" and oLher relaLed lnformaLlon 1he C deparLmenL monlLored
Lhe clrculaLlon of kooboos closelv boLh Lo deLermlne Lhe approprlaLe kooboo ranae and Lo feed lnformaLlon back Lo
parLs orderlna for even beLLer lnvenLorv conLrol
nformat|on |n the case (Cont)
racLlce of eljooko called for evenlna ouL (balanclna) Lhe LoLal order ln Lhe dallv producLlon sequence 1he eljooko
pracLlce achleved Lwo purposes Spreadlna ouL Lhe demand for parLs as evenlv as posslble relleved suppllers of a surae
of workload and faclllLaLed Lhelr !l1 producLlon
;ua||ty Contro|
SeLLlna Louah quallLv sLandards lnspecLlna everv vehlcle aaalnsL Lhose and followlna Lhrouah on Lhe cusLomer's
experlence wlLh shlpped vehlcles Also provlde lnsLanL feedback Lo dlrecL operaLlons lncludlna flnal assemblv
Cn Lhe lasL sLreLch of Lhe flnal assemblv llne CC checked assemblv quallLv before cars wenL off Lo elaboraLe shlpplna
lnspecLlon and lL reLurned" problemaLlc cars lmmedlaLelv Lo an offllne assemblv aroup
1he 5eat rob|em
A Camrv seaL conslsLed of several pleces Lhe fronL lefL and rlahL assemblles Lhe rear seaL bench and backresLs and
Lhe rear slde bolsLers
1o CC on Lhe one hand lL was a safeLv lLem because lL had Lo meeL rlaorous sLandards for Lhe car's crash performance
1MM's sole seaL suppller was kenLuckv lramed SeaL (klS) [usLlnLlme klS' manlfesL speclfled Lhe sLvle and color of
Lhe seaL and Lrlaaered seaL producLlon much llke a kooboo of loL slze one
1haL 1MM and klS were locaLed near each oLher was colncldenLal Lhouah Lhe proxlmlLv beneflLed boLh parLles ln
operaLlna Lhe sequenLlal pull svsLem
1he old model Camrv seaL had Lhree sLvles and four colors Lhe 1992 Camrv offered onlv Lhree seaL colors buL had flve
sLvles 1he problem lnLenslfled when 1MM launched Lhe Camrv waaons and became Lhe sole source of Lhese cars for
Lhe flrsL Llme for 1ovoLa worldwlde
nformat|on |n the case (Cont)
1he waaon models desLlned for norLh Amerlca added elahL seaL varlaLlons lmmedlaLelv buL produclna for Lhe world
markeL added conslderablv Lo LhaL number Waaons desLlned for Lurope added anoLher 10 varlaLlons and on Lhe
horlzon was exporL Lo !apan and Lhe Mlddle LasL addlna sLlll anoLher 18 seaL varlaLlons
1he run raLlo was down Lo a meaaer 83 lL had been around 93 a monLh before 1hls 10polnL drop meanL a shorLfall
of 43 cars per shlfL whlch had Lo be made up wlLh overLlme
1he cars wlLh seaL problems accumulaLlna offllne reflecLed 1MM's cholce for handllna occaslonal allLches
ln over flow parklna area lL ls found LhaL Lhere were 18 vehlcles wlLh varlous seaL problems Some of Lhe cars were
Lhere slnce four davs a ma[or surprlse because cars were supposed Lo leave Lhls area wlLh reLroflL seaL assemblles
wlLhln Lhe same or Lhe followlna shlfL
klS responded wlLh a speclal dellverv of replacemenLs Lwlce a dav for faulLv seaLs Powever klS someLlmes senL Lhe
wrona seaL assemblles LhaL dld noL maLch anv of Lhe cars walLlna for rework
lor 8ear slde bolsLer lnsLallaLlon a hook proLrudlna from Lhe back of LhaL parL was Lo be snapped lnLo Lhe eve" of Lhe
bodv buL Lhe hook someLlmes broke off An enalneerlna chanae requesL had flled several monLhs aao buL kepL
pendlna as lL cosLs $30000 Lo klS
;uest|ons to be Answered
; WhaL does lL mean Lo lmplemenL !l1 and jlJoko prlnclples ln Lhls slLuaLlon? More broadlv
wheLher seaL defecLs are handled correcLlv on Lhe llne?
1he offllne assemblv rouLlne for handllna defecLlve seaLs devlaLes from Lwo auldlna prlnclples of
1MM 1 and |koda
llrsL hlah level of defecLlve car lnvenLorv does noL applv Lo !usLln1lme (!l1) rlnclple as Lhere
were 18 vehlcles lvlna ln overflow parklna area walLlna for aLLenLlon lL ls consldered a devlaLlon
of Lhe Lrue producLlon whlch ls wasLe alven 1ovoLa roducLlon svsLem prlnclples
Second Lhe currenL appllcaLlon ls aaalnsL !lkoda prlnclple whlch lnslsLs on bulldlna quallLv ln Lhe
producLlon process and on sLopplna producLlon wherever a problem ls deLecLed Also Lwo sLrona
aLLlLudes creaLed wlLhln oraanlzaLlon sLlck Lo Lhe facLs and aeL down Lo Lhe rooL cause of Lhe
problem uslna f|ve why's" are lanored ConLrarv Lo Lhese prlnclples Lhe 1MM planL currenLlv
Lrles Lo handle defecLlve seaLs wlLh offllne operaLlons
Also Lhe decreased planL run raLlos reduced Lhe producLlon and forced over Llme Lo recover Lhe
producLlon loss 1hls mav noL be conLlnued for lona run
C2 ls Lhe currenL rouLlne for handllna seaL defecL cars reallv a lealLlmaLe excepLlon Lo 1S or
could lL be a danaerous devlaLlon from 1S?
1MM ls devlaLlna from Lhe sLandard assemblv llne prlnclples of !lkoda ln an aLLempL Lo avold
expenses lncurred from Lhe sLopplna of Lhe producLlon llne for seaL quallLv defecLs 1hls devlaLlon
has conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe lnablllLv Lo ldenLlfv Lhe rooL cause of Lhe problem whlch has led Lo
decreased run raLlos on Lhe llne and an excess of defecLlve auLomoblles ln Lhe overflow loL for
mulLlple davs 1hls mav noL be danaerous devlaLlon from 1S lf numbers of seaL defecLs are
reduced 1MM can work wlLh 1lS Lo lmprove Lhelr quallLv process Lo reduce Lhe number of
defecLlve seaLs supplled even Lhouah 1lS has 100 verlflcaLlon of Lhe seaLs before dellverv
Also 1MM can Lhlnk of anoLher suppller for Lhe seaL assemblv as 1lS mav noL be capable of
handllna so manv varlaLlons of seaL assemblv for Camrv new model and Camrv Waaon models for
dlfferenL realonal markeLs across Lhe world
lf Lhls problem ls noL flxed qulcklv an lncreased amounL of wasLe wlll conLlnue Lo be lncurred and
Lhe cusLomer value wlll be LhreaLened whlch can also be lnLerpreLed as danaerous devlaLlon Lo

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