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Christopher Nicklin Specific Speaking Purpose: To pay Tribute to Sergei Prokofiev Introduction: Imagine that you are in a Russian

city. You are walking through the cold streets and all of a sudden you hear this incredible sound inside a building.You walk into the building of where the unworldly sound is coming from and you see a tall, thin man with glasses playing the piano. That man is Sergei Prokofiev. Today I will tell you how Sergei Prokofiev was a talented composer, a very private man, and how he was affected by the Soviet Union. Let me first tell you about why he is a talented composer. Body I. Sergei Prokofiev was a talented composer. A. One of the first composers to write for movies before they were shot. B. He was one of the eight most played composers in 2006-2007. (Arts and Media, 2009). C. He has influenced many other composers.

Transition 1: Now that I have told you how Prokofiev was a talented composer, and how he was one of the first composers to write for movies. I will tell you about he was a private man. II. Sergei Prokofiev was a private. A. His letters give little incite into his personal life. B. Traveled a considerable amount. C. It was no coincidence that Prokofiev remained outside the Soviet Union until 1939 and in relative obscurity during the course of World War II, (Forman, 1998, 3).

Transition 2: As you can see Prokofiev was very isolated. He was traveling all the time. Now I will tell you how the Soviet Union affected him. III. Soviet Union affected him greatly. A. He was held in Russia and not allowed to leave after 1939. B. Russian censorship was on of the biggest problems for him to get his music out. C. He cites Stalin as a problem in his letters.

Conclusion: Today, I have talked about how Prokofiev was a talented composer and how he was one of the first composers to write for film. Prokofiev was extremely isolated and a lot of that had to do with his travels. So, I like to leave you with this thought, Prokofievs canvass was music what is yours. References:

"Arts And Media: Symphony Orchestras: Most Performed Composers, 2006-07." The World Almanac and Book of Facts. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services 2009. Web. 12 June 2010. < /wart00450_08>. Behrens, J.. (2009, January). Sergey Prokofiev and his world. Choice, 46(5), 912. Retrieved June 9, 2010, from Research Library Core. (Document ID: 1626639581). Forman ,R ,J. (n.d.). Literary Reference Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Selected Letters of Sergei Prokofiev. EBSCOhost. Retrieved June 12, 2010, from %3d#db=lfh&AN=MOL0080522047 Press, S. (1999). Selected Letters of Sergei Prokofiev. Music & Letters, 80(2), 317-319. Retrieved June 9, 2010, from Arts Module. (Document ID: 41723336).

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