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Softening point test (ASTM D36) introduction the softnening point is defined as the mean of the temperatures at which

the bitumen disks soften and say downwards a distance of 25mm under the weight of a steel ball.In general,with materials of these types,softening does not take place at a definite temperature.As the temperature rises,these materials gradually and imperceptibly change from battle or exceedingly slow flowing materials to softer and less viscous liquids.For this reason,the determination of the softening point must be made by a fixed,arbitrary,and closely defined method if the results are to be comparable.This method is useful in determining the consistency of bitumen in establishing the uniformity of shipments or sources of supply.

Objective To determine the temperature at which a phase change occurs in the asphalt cement.It is measured by ring and ball method in accordance with ASTM D36.

Apparatus: 1.steel ball,9.53mm in diameter,weighting between 3.55g. 2.ring 3Ball-centering guide 4ring holder 5bath 6thermometer

Calculation Softening point=(R1 +R2)/2 where: R Temperature reading upon the ball touches the bottom plate.

Example The softening point test was carried out using the ring and ball apparatus.The firstball elongated and touched the base plate at 54 c and the second reached the base plate at 54.5 c.Calculate the softening point of the particular asphalt sample. solution test 1 54.0 2 54.5 average 54.25

softening point ( c)

Ujian takat lembut (ASTM D36) pengenalan titik softnening didefinisikan sebagai makna suhu-suhu di mana cakera-cakera bitumen melembutkan dan berkata ke bawah satu jarak 25mm di bawah berat satu bola keluli.Secara umum, dengan bahanbahan jenis-jenis ini, pelembutan tidak mengambil tempat di satu suhu pasti.Sebagai suhu naik, bahanbahan ini beransur-ansur dan secara tidak disedari mengubah dari pertempuran atau bahan-bahan berjela-jela yang terlalu lambat untuk lebih lembut dan kurang cecair likat.Untuk sebab ini, keazaman takat lembut mesti dibuat oleh satu tetap, arbitrari, dan dengan teliti menyatakan kaedah jika keputusan akan setanding.Kaedah ini berguna dalam menentukan ketekalan bitumen dalam penubuhan keseragaman penghantaran-penghantaran atau sumber pembekalan. Objektif Untuk menentukan suhu di mana satu perubahan fasa berlaku dalam simen asfalt.Ia diukur oleh kaedah cincin dan bola sejajar dengan ASTM D36.

Bola keluli radas, 9.53mm dalam garis pusat, pemberatan antara 3.55g. ring Ball Pemusatan pemegang gelang panduan termometer mandi

di mana Bacaan R Temperature atas bola itu menyentuh plat dasar.

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